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UbD Stage 1 Laurie Bennett

Title of Lesson

Technology in daily life Grade Level


Curriculum Area

Technology Time Frame

1 day

Stage 1 – Identify Desired ResultsContent Standards:

National Literacy Standards 4: Learners use skills, resources, and tools to pursue personal and aesthetic growth

Standard 4.3: Responsibilities

AASL Learning Standards: 1.1.3 Develop and refine a range of questions to frame the search for new understanding

1.1.7 Make sense of information gathered from diverse sources by identifying misconceptions, main and supporting ideas, conflicting information, and point of view or bias.

1.1.9 Collaborate with others to broaden and deepen understanding.

1.3.2 Seek divergent perspectives during information gathering and assessment.

1.4.2 Use interaction with and feedback from teachers and peers to guide own inquiry process.

2.1.4 Use technology and other information tools to analyze and organize information.

3.1.4 Use technology and other information tools to organize and display knowledge and understanding in ways that others can view, use, and assess.

3.3.1 Solicit and respect diverse perspectives while searching for information, collaborating with others, and participating as a member of the community.

3.3.2 Respect the differing interests and experiences of others, and seek a variety of viewpoints.

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Students will understand that: Technology can help or hinder our personal growth Effective use of technology enables us to live, learn, and work Technology is a tool that can be used for collecting, organizing, creating, and

presenting info Using technology comes with certain rights and responsibilities

Related Misconceptions: Technology makes everything easier Technology is for gaming and social networking The older you get, the less you know about technology

Essential Questions

Overarching Questions: What is technological literacy? How can technology help or hinder

our personal growth? How can I use technology to be

productive and solve problems? What are the benefits and limitations

of using new technology? Is new technology always better than

that which it will replace? How do new technologies result in

Topical Questions: What is the impact of technology

on research and communication? What potential application does

this technology have for me?

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broader social change?

Knowledge and Skills

KnowledgeStudents will know:

How technologically literate they are now

How technology has changed the lives of people born before and after 1980

Skills Students will be able to:

Increase their individual level of technological literacy

Talk to a person from a different technological life phase

Compare and contrast lifestyles of people born before and after 1980

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UbDStage 2 – Determine Acceptable Evidence

Title of Unit

Technology in Daily Life Grade Level


Stage 2 - Evidence

Performance Task(s)Performance Task #1: Interviewing Digital Dinosaurs (Learning Facet:


Goal: To see how technology has changed the lives of digital dinosaurs (those born before 1980)

Role: You are a newspaper reporter writing a story about how technology has changed our daily lives in just one lifetime

Audience: The readers of the newspaper (in print AND online)

Situation: You have been assigned to write a story about how technology has changed the life of a digital dinosaur (one born before 1980). You can choose any person born before 1980 to interview (parent, other family member, teacher, pastor, etc)

Product Performance and Purpose: Write out your interview questions before the interview Interview your subject Write the article

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Standards and Criteria for Success: Include a written or recorded transcript of the interview Article must be well-written Include answers to the analysis and reflection questions give to you by your


Performance Task #2: Tracking My Technology (Learning Facet: Interpreting)

Goal: Track your technology use for 7 days and analyze the results

Role: You are performing a self-analysis to reflect on your use of technology

Audience: Your classmates

Situation: You will track your technology use for 7 days and analyze the results, and also predict how technology may change in your lifetime

Product Performance and Purpose: Use provided template to fill out times, types, and purpose of technology use for 1 week. Include use of: school computers, teacher presentations that you listened to or watched using technology, computer use outside of school, smart phones, video games, television, ipads or other e-readers, GPS trackers, or any other technology not listed. Create a visual (graphic) of the results and answer the provided questions about your usage.

Standards and Criteria for Success: Include completed templates for all 7 days All questions answered, including reflection on improvement and predictions for

the future Create the graphic visual of your results

Performance Task(s) Rubric(s)

Performance Task #1 Rubric


0 1 2 3Interview No interview A few Many N/A /2

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Questions (2 pts)

questions interview questions, does not cover many digital topics. Questions do not require much explanation

interview questions, covering several digital topics requiring in-depth answers

Transcripts (2 pts)

No transcripts included

Transcripts are incomplete

Complete transcripts (written or recorded)

N/A /2

Written Article (3 pts)

No article Article is incomplete or poorly written

Article is complete with adequate writing skills and a few spelling and/or grammatical errors

Article is complete with satisfactory or above writing skills and 1-2 or fewer spelling and/or grammatical errors


Analysis (3 pts)

No analysis Analysis and reflection is incomplete and shows little understanding of changes in technology over time and their effects

Analysis and reflection shows some thought and some understanding of changes in technology over time and their effects

Analysis and reflection shows much thought and much understanding of changed in technology over time and their effects


TOTAL: /10

Performance Task #2 Rubric


0 1 2 3

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Time Templates (2


No templates Incomplete templates

Complete templates

N/A /2

Reflection Questions (3


No questions answered

Incomplete or answers did not reflect

much understanding or thought of the effects of

the assignment

Complete answers with some thought

and understanding

about the effects of the assignment

Complete answers with

in-depth reflection and understanding

about the effects of the assignment



Ubd Stage 3

Other Evidence(e.g. tests, quizzes, work samples, observations)

Pre-test on technological literacy (Self-knowledge) Verbal Q&A about deciphering text-based acronyms

(Explain) Speed test for texting (Explain) Class discussion: How does technology help or hinder us

in everyday life? (Interpretation) Reflection assessment- short answer about what they

learned, how technologically literate they are, and how the world views them by their online actions. (Self-knowledge)

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Appendix A

Pre-test taken and scored online at:

What is your "Technology IQ"?

To be successful in an online education course, students are required not only to master the course content and materials, but to understand technology, troubleshoot technical problems, and interact with faculty and students in a completely online environment.

The check list below will help you determine if you have the "technology savvy" required for academic success in online courses.

Top of Form

Yes No Skill

1. Save and receive e-mail

2. Send and receive/locate e-mail attachments

3. Use spell check to correct spelling errors

4. Save/delete files on an external storage device (CD, thumb drive, etc.)

5. Scan for viruses using virus scanning software

6. Create a folder/sub-directory

7. Use WinZip (or similar software) to compress/decompress files

8. Search for information on the Internet using search engines

9. Create a bookmark or favorite to locate a specific Web site

10. Save an image from the Web

11. Format a Word document using columns or tables

12. Copy/cut and paste information between programs

13. Manipulate multiple windows/programs simultaneously

14. Sort data in a spreadsheet

15. Create a chart in a spreadsheet

16. Insert a table and/or chart from Excel to a Word document

17. Download applications/plug-ins from the Internet

18. Install software and/or plug-ins on a computer

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19. Create a PowerPoint presentation with graphics

20. Create a Web page using HTML or a page generator

21. Add sound and/or video to a presentation

Appendix B:

Referenced from:

TEXT SPEAK QUIZHow many can you decode?


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Appendix C

Performance Task: Interviewing Digital Dinosaurs (Learning Facet: Perspective)

Goal: To see how technology has changed the lives of digital dinosaurs (those born before 1980)

Role: You are a newspaper reporter writing a story about how technology has changed our daily lives in just one lifetime

Audience: The readers of the newspaper (in print AND online)

Situation: You have been assigned to write a story about how technology has changed the life of a digital dinosaur (one born before 1980). You can choose any person born before 1980 to interview (parent, other family member, teacher, pastor, etc)

Product Performance and Purpose: Write out your interview questions before the interview Interview your subject Write the article

Standards and Criteria for Success: Include a written or recorded transcript of the interview Article must be well-written Include answers to the analysis and reflection questions give to you by your teacher