Download - Friday, December 2nd, 2011 10:00 a.m. 12:00 p.m. Room AB134




Friday, December 2nd

, 2011

10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Room AB134

Present: Carina Anttila-Suarez, Joyce Arimura, Jack Baker, Celso Batalha, Robert Blumenkrantz, Bonnie Brown,

Cynthia Burnham, Bruce Carroll, Guillermo Castilla, May Chen, Laimi Cong-Huyen, Van Duong, Henry

Estrada, Lisa Hays, Chui Hwang, Iris Kachuck, Rob Knight, Teck Ky, Joaquin Li, Bob Lombard, Kevin

McCandless, Vera Nazarov, Tony Perez, Bryan Pham, S. Srinivasan, Elisabeth Stauble, José Valentín, D.P.



1. Welcome/Call to Order: The December 2nd

Math, Science & Engineering Division Meeting was

called to order at 10:05 a.m. by Carina Anttila-Suarez, Dean (Interim)

2. Accept Minutes: José Valentín motioned that the minutes from the November 4th, 2011 Division

meeting be accepted. Chui Hwang seconded the motion. The minutes were accepted unanimously.

3. Standardized Green Sheet Cover Pages: A sample green sheet cover page was distributed to the

Division. This sample green sheet cover page included all information that needs to be included on the

front page. Carina requested that faculty members include all this information so that it can be found

more easily, thus simplifying/streamlining the work that happens in the Division Office. The

college/district academic honesty policy needs to be included on the front page. Kevin McCandless

indicated that there exists another template. Carina asked him to e-mail it to Vera. These two

templates will be distributed to faculty in the division.

4. Substitution Policy: There is no money to pay for one-day substitutes. Substitutes will be hired only

for 2+ days. Faculty were requested not to arrange their own substitutes.

5. Math and Biology Position Justification: Need to submit by Tuesday, December 6th

to Carina

6. Holiday Message — grades, DSP, books, equipment lists:

“Happy Holidays”

Grades deadline is very tight. Transferring students need to get their transcripts in. Carina will

send grade due dates and information about hardcopy requirements to faculty.

DSP: faculty need to get course information to DSP ASAP because they’re short on personnel

currently. Fred Delvey from DSP will attend an MSE Division Meeting in Spring 2012 in order to

address concerns regarding testing, etc.

Book Requests: please submit them as soon as possible. The earlier book requests are submitted,

the more buying power the bookstore has and the lower is the textbook cost for students. Please

also turn in textbook printing requests ASAP.

DSP Distance Learning expectations/guidelines were distributed. Online/hybrid courses need to

accommodate disabled students.

7. Equipment: please turn in equipment request lists to Carina by next Friday

8. Student Learning Outcomes (SLO’s):

SLO's requirements are here and they're not going away.

will require a complete cultural change.

ideally should have about 6 SLO's (as there is a 6 semester cycle for assessment).

SLO's and their assessment are part of FT faculty professional responsibility.

In Spring 2012, FT faculty are requested to assess one SLO.

SLO training will not be taking place until the April PDD

One method is to have a mini-quiz at beginning and end of course to assess the SLO

SLO assessment needs to start in Spring 2012 (FT faculty); by Fall 2012, everyone in the Division

needs to be doing this (including adjunct faculty)

Guillermo Castilla will act as a resource.

Further information on SLO's (Guillermo Castilla)

The Department of Education wants colleges to address learning objectives.

There are three kinds of learning objectives:

o Institutional Learning Objectives (ILO's)

o Program Learning Objectives (PLO's)

o Course Learning Objectives (CLO's)

These three are collectively Student Learning Objectives

It is a requirement for accreditation that SLO's be assessed. For more information regarding

accreditation & SLO's download the document from the California Academic Senate webpage.

Question: “Do SLO's need to be specific and measurable?”

o SLO's can be broad, questions to asses can be more specific. Measurable is best.

Need to have as few SLO's as possible because they will all need to be measured every three


Question: “Do SLO's need to be assessed both pre- and post-course, or can it be just post?”

o Can be just post. There are different types of assessment.

Question: “Do we pick SLO's to put on the syllabus?”

o No, you pick the SLO's to assess.

Question: “Do all sections of the same course need to assess the same CLO?”

o Ideally, all sections will assess the same CLO. But the data should be anonymised as this is

not a means of assessing who is a better teacher.

Question: “Can we choose how to assess SLO's?”

o The best/easiest way right now is to do an embedded question on the final. Faculty teaching a

course should get together to select the CLO to assess. Multiple choice is the easiest

assessment tool for now.

Question: “What about differences in faculty policies regarding cheat sheets, calculators, etc.?”

o Faculty need to meet and develop a testing rubric. Full time faculty need to be involved/lead

the adjunct faculty.

Question: “What about academic freedom? Is this a first step toward a departmental final?”

o SLO assessment will only require a few questions, not an entire exam.

The accrediting commission believes that CLO assessment is a good measure of instructional


We want to make our lives as easy as possible.

Equipment requests will be based on program reviews and student outcomes.

Observation: “CLO's need to be specific in order to maintain course standards.”

Question: “In the past faculty were encouraged to write down as many CLO's as possible. Will

we need to re-write all course outlines?”

o Yes, all course outlines will need to be rewritten.

Question: “Are the CSU's and UC's also doing the same?”

o No, their accrediting commission is different. Pressure on them is less because our

accrediting commission has set a shorter deadline. However, the requirements are more or

less the same for senior colleges. These requirements are coming from the Department of

Education. From now on, all colleges must assess SLO's. The same thing is coming for K-12


Question: “Are the CLO's on curriculum solid or flexible? Can faculty add their own


o Yes, faculty can add, but they need to teach to the official (curriculum) CLO's first (the


Question: “Does the degree need to be updated as well if CLO's are updated?”

o Yes, for Biology.

Program Learning Outcomes (program assessment)

Curriculum Map – which courses train students in a particular learning outcome.

o Why do we want a map? When finished assessing PLO's the other two assessments are also

done. The college is coming up with ILO's, departments work on PLO's

May not get full buy-in from adjunct faculty immediately, but at least all FT faculty should


FT faculty should offer their assessment questions for adjunct faculty teaching the same course.

Don't look for the perfect assessment to begin with – just get it started – this will be an ongoing

process and will improve as it goes on.

A yearly report is sent to the accrediting commission, and a midterm report is sent every three


Equipment and other requests will be based on program reviews and SLO assessment.

SLO's: keep it simple – tighten things up & we are learning how to do this best as we try

Ideally, because of the three-year, six-semester cycle, there should be 6 PLO's and 6 CLO's.

Meeting adjourned at 11:30 a.m.

Minutes submitted by Vera Nazarov



Friday, February 3rd

, 2012

10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Room AB134

Meeting called to order at 10:00 am Present: Carina Anttila-Suarez, Yvonne Aronowitz, Jack Baker, Celso Batalha, Robert

Blumenkrantz, Bonnie Brown, Cynthia Burnham, Guillermo Castilla, May Chen, Laimi Cong-Huyen, Van Duong, Henry Estrada, Gwen Gee, Liza Hays, Chui Hwang, Lisa Jackson, Iris Kachuck, Rob Knight, Teck Ky, Joaquin Li, Yao-Tang Liao, Bob Lombard, Kevin McCandless, Vera Nazarov, Chi-yin Pang, Tony Perez, Bryan Pham, Georgiana Rudge, Mohammad Saleem, Preeti Srinivasan, S. Srinivasan, Elisabeth Stauble, Abdie Tabrizi, Janice Toyoshima, José Valentín, D.P. Vu,

2. Welcome & General Information 3. Accept Minutes

Chui Hwang motioned that the minutes the from December meeting be accepted, José Valentín seconded the motion. Minutes were accepted.

4. Update Contact Cards

Contact cards—please redo, include cell phone and emergency contact information.

5. Green Sheets/Census Rosters/Late Adds

Green Sheets—please submit electronically. Teck Ky suggested that Vera generate a “received” response. Census—due 2/13, please get census reports turned in on time—according to the accreditation report, this is one of the things they will be looking at. When submitting census electronically, go back and make sure the report was submitted. If there is a problem, contact Carina right away. NO LATE ADDS! (tell students it’s their responsibility to get themselves added to your class in a timely manner)

Many students have academic holds (probation or dismissal). If the students’ add codes aren’t working, tell them to go talk to someone in A&R No auditing of classes by unregistered students in any class Drop no-shows from the roster before census day. Please actively manage your roster. Students can now only take a course three times. W’s count towards the three times. The state will only pay 3 times for any student to take any particular course. Grade hardcopies must be turned in, even if grades are submitted online. Students are being charged for unpaid registration fees going back 10 years and the college needs the backup information when students challenge the fees.

6. Full-time & Adjunct Faculty Reviews

Full-time faculty who were reviewed in Fall 2011, please schedule an appointment with the Dean after March to go over your review. Carina will email FT faculty who are next on the review schedule for Spring semester. Congratulations to Lisa Jackson, who has just achieved SRP. Congratulations to Preeti Srinivasan, who made it through the tenure process and was granted tenure. A list was circulated with adjunct faculty needing to be reviewed this semester and full time faculty were asked to sign up.

Adjunct Faculty Evaluator

Brojerdi, Gholamreza Bob Lombard

Bronson, Robert Rob Knight

Chan, Chris Iris Kachuck

Du, Jianbo TBA

Entekhabi, Parviz Abdie Tabrizi

Fong, Michael May Chen

Hallinan, Nathaniel Elisabeth Stauble

Kim, Dong Henry Estrada

Luu, An TBA

McBride, James Celso Batalha

Nguyen, Nha Huyen Cynthia Burnham

Pang, Xucheng Laimi Cong-Huyen

Pham, To Tam TBA

Quigg, Thomas Elisabeth Stauble

Sendi, Chokri TBA

Sinkevych, Mykhaylo Abdie Tabrizi

Srinivasan, Subbarathnam Celso Batalha

Zhao, Jianmin D.P. Vu

7. Updating Course Outlines

Course updates: need to be done every 6 years or the courses need to be deactivated. Accreditation will look at course updates and all courses must have SLO’s. SLO’s – each course should have 5-6 SLO’s. There will be an SLO assessment training session at the March 23rd PDD

8. Fire Marshall Inspection

Fire Marshall Inspection—this affects not only the Chemistry areas as the Fire Marshall can go anywhere. Carina asked that everyone be aware of problems and potential problems in their areas. Report issue to the office or your technical staff for correction. Lab instructors: check hoods, make sure they’re clean, waste is labeled, etc. Secondary containment: let Carina know if containers are needed in your area and they will be ordered. Fire extinguishers are checked every month by Maintenance.

9. Visit from Dean of Counseling & DSP (Tammeil Gilkerson & Leslie Williams)

During the last term, there was a complaint with the Office of Civil Rights regarding test proctoring. There was also a write-up regarding note-taking. The budget crisis has hit Student Affairs hard with staffing cuts and there have been further issues due to staff injuries. Leslie Williams: Thank you to faculty who work with DSP The deadline for submitting exams to DSP is by noon on the day previous to the exam. Please work hard to get exams in on time. Not all students with disabilities will ask for help. The DSP accommodation form does not expire unless it specifically states “temporary” The standards to get DSP accommodation are rigorous and require documentation. Question: “How does DSP determine the need for extra time on an exam?” Students without disabilities do not tend to do better with extra time. We are obligated by law to accommodate students. There are standards for accommodation. Question: “How do ‘note takers’ work?” Usually another student who is enrolled in the same class is asked to share their notes with the disabled student. Note-takers are not paid, but may be offered other incentives. DSP cannot provide note takers. If there is a problem with a student, contact the Dean or DSP. Question: “How many DSP students are served at EVC?” Last semester DSP served about 1000 The DSP accommodation form defaults to “yes” if an accommodation is not specifically addressed. Tammeil Gilkerson:

Prerequisite Overrides: The process has been standardized. Counseling is working very hard to tighten up/clean up the override process.

10. Books for Adjuncts Textbooks: new policy—adjunct faculty will need to return textbooks borrowed from the Division unless they’re scheduled to teach the same class again the following semester. The reason for this is that book reps/textbook publishing companies are not giving out deskcopies as readily. Publishing companies do check up on textbook requests (do we have the class? Are you actually teaching it?).

11. Email

All faculty need to have campus e-mail, and use it. The college sends out emergency information using campus email and instructor e-mail is now posted on the front of the college website. ITSS will no longer set up accounts to forward e-mail (there are some who still have this functionality, but they were set up prior to the policy change) Teaching assignments offers and other important information will be made via email contact in the future. Adjunct faculty need to check their school email accounts.

12. Faculty & Dean 2012 Hires

The external announcements for the Math and Biology positions need to be crafted today. There is no word yet on whether the positions will go forward (depends on the budget). We will proceed as if things are going forward. The permanent Dean position closes 2/14/12—if you want to apply, get your paperwork submitted early on our district web site.

13. Equipment Purchases

Equipment money is coming from the bond for new buildings. There is no news yet as to when funds will be released.

14. MSRC Hours (for faculty load): (a) process and (b) office hours

1st priority: FT faculty requests 2nd priority: SRP faculty requests 3rd priority: non-SRP faculty requests

15. Kinder Caminata

Kinder Caminata will be on April 16th, 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. There is a need for volunteers. Carina will send out more information.

Meeting adjourned at 12:00 pm. Minutes submitted by Vera Nazarov



Friday, March 2nd

, 2012

10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Room AB134

Meeting called to order at 10:00 am Present: Carina Anttila-Suarez, Yvonne Aronowitz, Jack Baker, Celso Batalha, Robert Blumenkrantz,

Robert Bronson, Bonnie Brown, Cynthia Burnham, Guillermo Castilla, May Chen, Laimi Cong-Huyen, Van Duong, Henry Estrada, Lisa Hays, Chui Hwang, Iris Kachuck, Rob Knight, Teck Ky, Joaquin Li, Bob Lombard, Kevin McCandless, Denise Medina, Vera Nazarov, Tony Perez, Bryan Pham, Preeti Srinivasan, S. Srinivasan, Elisabeth Stauble, Abdie Tabrizi, Janice Toyoshima, José Valentín, D.P. Vu

1. Welcome 2. Housekeeping Reminders: Update courses, curriculum, inspection

Congratulations to Preeti Srinivasan, who received tenure. Joyce Arimura, our chemistry technician is out on leave. The Division sent her a card and a fruit bouquet. Georgiana Rudge will be coming back. Van Duong has been holding the Chemistry department together by herself. Please thank her for the hard work. The chemistry cleanup is still going on. The inspection has been pushed back to March by the Fire Marshall due to a scheduling conflict. Thank you to Division classified staff for all their extra work. There will be a laser printer going into the faculty prep room—the question of how toner will be supplied for it still remains open. Course updates/deactivation: curriculum is moving through (new Biology series, Stat-path Math course) When you turn in curriculum please follow these steps to facilitate the process: 1. Finish all required parts of the curriculum including the front page. 2. Print out the new version of the course outline and sign the front page next to your name. 3. Print out the old version of the course outline. 4. Submit the outlines to the Division office for our Division curriculum committee review. 5. Any changes will be forwarded back to you. After making the changes please re-submit the updated

outline. 6. Please remember to watch for notices about Tech and Campus Committee meetings that concern

your outline. Please plan to attend these meetings.

3. Kinder Caminata April 19th, 2012 It would be great if all disciplines could participate. 4/19 between 9:00 a.m. and 12:00 P.M. Tables in gymnasium.

4. Biology Hire Committee

Anyone who wants to participate, please submit your requests to be on the committee soon—the committee will be done before the semester ends.

5. SLO information (Dr. Abdie Tabrizi)- 20 minutes

Lynette Apen is the SLO Coordinator (a 30% position) The PDD on 3/23 will be focused on SLOs MSE Division is ok on SLOs (course and program)—some other divisions are not Institutional SLOs are leaning toward GE SLOs Assessment of SLOs—failed consistently, which is why we have accreditation problems On PDD there will be a presentation on the evaluation, assessment, and analysis of SLOs For each course, identify 1-3 SLOs and come up with assessment questions (these could be administered on an exam, quiz, lab assignment, project, homework, etc.) Every semester do 1-3 SLOs—within each cycle of 6 years, all SLO assessment should be completed Some curriculum will need to be revised in order to reduce the number of SLOs—3-5 SLOs per course would be ideal Faculty need to come up with questions and instruments—the committee will be distributing templates for the rest of the process. There is an open source handbook for SLOs. If there are any questions, please email Abdie or Janice

6. New Building Design Panel

Architect proposals for the new Math & Science building were looked at – 6 firms are to be interviewed on March 9th.

A. Nominations from Departments & Staff Break-out groups were formed to select design team panel representatives; the panel will select one voting representative: Panel Math: Laimi Cong-Huyen Chemistry: José Valentín (liaison) Astronomy/Physics: Celso Batalha Engineering: Abdie Tabrizi Classified Staff: Vera Nazarov

B. Nominate Design Panel Leader The panel chose José Valentín after the meeting as their voting representative.

7. New Building Info – Henry Gee

Anything said to the architects must be said in committee and recorded. Everything needs to be on the record (through the committee) Acacia is in the earthquake no-build zone. A structural engineer will be coming in to assess the building. Acacia may be demolished.

EVC buildings were originally designed on a “cluster” system. As we develop the master plan, we are looking toward more concentration.

8. Open Floor for Questions & Comments

Carina will be out of the country 3/28/12 through 4/10/12

Meeting adjourned at 12:00 pm. Minutes submitted by Vera Nazarov



Friday, May 4th

, 2012

10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Room AB134

The meeting was called to order at 10:03 a.m. Present: Carina Anttila-Suarez, Yvonne Aronowitz, Jack Baker, Celso Batalha, Robert Blumenkrantz, Reza

Brojerdi, Bonnie Brown, Cynthia Burnham, Guillermo Castilla, May Chen, Laimi Cong-Huyen, Van Duong, Henry Estrada, Al Gonzalez, Lisa Hays, Chui Hwang, Rob Knight, Teck Ky, Joaquin Li, Bob Lombard, Kevin McCandless, Vera Nazarov, Tony Perez, Bryan Pham, Georgiana Rudge, Preeti Srinivasan, Abdie Tabrizi, Janice Toyoshima, José Valentín, D.P. Vu

Guests: Henry Yong

1. President Yong

President Yong spoke on five different areas: Accreditation SLOs Strategic Planning Budget MSE Dean Position Accreditation

Thank you for participating

Need information from all areas

Narrative needs to be supported by documentation

2 years (warning status from 2010) is up this November Warning = 1st level of deficiency Probation = 2nd level of deficiency (SJCC is on probation) Show Cause = 3rd level of deficiency timeline: 1. Work on deficiency and correct 2. Prepare plan to shut down whole institution Two community colleges statewide have “show cause” accreditation status: College of the Redwoods Cuesta College (San Luis Obispo)

We have done a lot of work for accreditation; results could be: we could receive affirmation (we want this) we could continue on warning we could drop one level (or two if the visiting team wants to be mean – this probably won’t happen)


EVC has hired an SLO Coordinator who has worked very hard

Much has been accomplished in a very short time

Could not have done it without faculty stepping up

SLOs are not just a faculty issue; Student Services and Administrative Services also need to do SLOs. SLOs are a college-wide issue.

Thanks to everyone involved, especially the SLO Steering Committee Strategic Planning

The college has done a lot of work on major pieces of the Strategic Plan

These have yet not been woven together into one plan

Technology Plan did not exist, but has just been done; Facilities Plan was updated; Safety Plan is missing (all three of these are under one umbrella)

There are not enough people to do all the work

Maybe we need to look at not finishing the Strategic Plan this semester. It was supposed to be done by the end of Spring 2012.

The Educational Master Plan is not updated – suggest putting it off and finishing it next semester or next year.

Formerly, there was a 2-year cycle for renewal of the Strategic Plan; most institutions set a 5-6 year cycle. 5-6 years is reasonable and it’s an “industry standard.”


On December 11th the district received word of a property tax shortfall due to falling property values. At this point, we did not know the impact of the shortfall. On January 12th, we found out that there would be a 2 million shortfall for EVC. Next year’s budget is short 5.3 million (this is an initial forecast).

EVC has a unique way of doing business – each funded position does not show benefits as part of pay.

In the past, vacancies due to retirement, etc. were not filled. The campus relied on the District Office to provide support while the Vice President of Academic Affairs was vacant. We have relied on vacant positions to backfill budget shortfalls. This year, this results in a 676K defund. Summer will be defunded 440K. 75K will be cut from categoricals (which have already been cut 4 years in a row). These cuts do not equal the 2.2 million we need to cut.

Unfortunately, in hard times we fight amongst ourselves. This is driven by a sense of frustration because there is a lack of funds.

Some faculty have approached the President regarding the issue of broken equipment and the fact that we can’t charge students lab fees. Some faculty wanted to donate money to the Foundation to support their program. The Foundation says that we can’t do this as such support needs to come from the general fund.

The President has approached corporations to try to get money (Microsoft, Facebook, Applied Materials, etc.). So far these attempts have not resulted in any funds. The plan is to go after PG&E and Kaiser next. We will keep at it. The reason there are no funds to be had is that all colleges are in the same boat. When funds are plentiful, we don’t try for these external funds. Private institutions do better; they also track alumni who are successful.

The Foundation used to have lots of contributions – lots from classified staff via payroll deductions. Following the recent scandal, these contributions dropped by 80%. They’ve now climbed back up to 50% of their prior level.

The Foundation is sponsoring a fundraising luncheon “Bridge to the Future.” The Foundation is also asking for ideas for funding sources.

“?” Is it possible some of our needs could be met by hiring a grant writer (full time or contract)?

“Answer from floor” The District had a grant writer but that went nowhere. It may be better to know what you want and go after outside help yourself.

Caution: Some grants require putting money down (matching grants). Right now we’re not wasting our time looking at matching grants (money or people) because we don’t currently have the resources.

“?” Could we look into piggybacking with a principal investigator as a co-investigator?

Victor Valley College got a grant using a grant consulting company. The company does not get paid unless the college receives the grant, BUT payment of the consultant cannot come out of grant funds – has to come from general fund (fund 10).

MSE Dean Position

The first round of interviews has been completed. There are 4 finalists; Carina is one of them. The President will carefully consider all finalists. Second level interviews will be conducted in about two weeks. His obligation is to find the best person to do the job. Thank you to those who served on the committee.

“?” Do you foresee any layoffs due to budget cuts?

Layoffs are the last thing we want to look at. The President has been in this business for 30+ years. When Jimmy Carter was President, the interest rate was 20%+, the economy was bad. With Reagan there were lots of cuts and lots of layoffs. We see the employees, but not everyone who is depending on the employee. EVC is a young college compared to SJCC. Many people at SJCC have seniority over people at EVC. Layoffs result in bumping. When a person is gone, the work remains and must be divided among remaining workers (increased work load).

Layoffs are last on the list for budget issues. Layoffs have lots of negative effects (person bumping into a position may not know the job, bumping employee may experience hostility from others in the new department).

“?” Does the SJ/ECC District have more administration than any other District/College?

There was a study done a few months ago on employment history – the results did not strike him as off balance. This institution is not excessive on administrators. If the President finds himself tripping over managers, he will get rid of them. You need to lead or step aside – if you step aside you’re not doing your job and need to leave.

2. Welcome

3. Accept Minutes

José Valentín motioned to accept previous minutes; Bonnie Brown seconded the motion; motion passed unanimously.

4. Housekeeping & End-of-Semester Reminders

Grades are due – get them in on time! Accreditation looks at whether we get reports in on time.

Math 11A → 111 is going to CR/NC course. We are out of compliance. Have to make a mid-semester correction to CR/NC. Has an effect on students’ financial aid.

5. Fall PDD Dates

6. Seniority Rehire Preference (SRP) Process

3 consecutive semesters with 33% or 40% load

Also goes by hire date

SRP lists are by college, not district

Also need to have good evaluations (good evaluations = satisfactory)

7. Bonnie Brown (Faculty Representatives for Standing Committees—voting)

All College Curriculum Committee (ACCC): Janice Toyoshima Campus Technology Committee: Preeti Srinivasan (maybe, need to check schedule) Budget Committee: Jack Baker Safety/Facilities Committee: Teck Ky (maybe), D.P. Vu Staff Development Committee: Abdie Tabrizi Matriculation/Student Success Committee: ??? Institutional Effectiveness Committee: Guillermo Castilla Archives Committee: Chui Hwang Academic Senate: Bonnie Brown

Anne Casteneda (Reprographics) is retiring – can the Division please contribute toward her retirement party/present? Donations can be dropped off with Vera.

8. Rob Knight (Volunteers to Beta Test New Photo Roster Tool, 5 min)

9. Abdie Tabrizi (Sabbatical Project, 10 min)

Lab experiments for Properties of Materials

Videos of all experiments

Book – electronic copy online for students free of charge

Videos are available online for students to download

Thank you to Tony Perez, who was instrumental in designing/modifying experiments, designing and building from scratch.

“?” Why not make some money for the district? Abdie: The point was so students don’t have to pay.

10. Fall/Spring Schedule

11. Departmental Breakout Sessions (Meetings & SLO Coordination)

SLO Updates

Sign up for courses you will shepherd

Part of faculty responsibilities

Decide which adjuncts/courses each FT faculty is responsible for

Helpful if you map out your SLOs now (which ones will be evaluated in which semester) – Carina shared her map of Ecology as an example.

Having a plan allows you to communicate better with colleagues and adjuncts.

“?” Do we already have templates? Abdie: Yes – he will email everybody. “?” Are instruments to be attached?

Abdie: They’d like it, but there is no requirement to do so. “?” Do questions have to be the same (Isomorphic)? Abdie: It’s better (more valid) if the questions are the same. Results should be anonymized. For

multiple section courses, all get together to come up with questions (together, not individually) – easier to figure out conclusion of data. Once done, copies to Dean and SLO committee.

Does not have to be your regular exam

Does not even have to be part of student’s grade.

If you don’t want to do the same questions, do what you want rather than derailing the process.

Next PDD again about SLOs

Probably some mapping will be included (mapping facilitates the process)

The process is in its infancy – we have training wheels on.

12. Additional

Day On The Green

10-12 tables – please come out

Low-enrolled classes, advertising to get students enrolled.

New Building Update

May require work over summer for committee

Carina will have information out hopefully by 5/20

Nasreen Rahim

Introduced herself

Hybrid/online course student evaluations for accreditation – have to start doing student evaluations.

Lime Survey – maintains anonymity of students

“?” Do faculty communicate with students regarding online evaluations? No, that will be handled by the Division Admin. All admins have completed training on Lime Survey.

Distance Education – there’s a “tsunami” coming – that’s where the world is going and we have to open up to the possibilities.

“?” We need a testing center on campus.

Meeting adjourned at 12:00 p.m. Minutes submitted by Vera Nazarov

Language Arts Division Meeting April 11, 2012 Notes by Mentor New members of Language Arts: Crystal and Christine.

A. SLO workshop presented by Rich Longacre.

Rich attended an SLO workshop with Lynette. Main points: 1. You must enter all SLOs into the matrix (sounds very sci fi)

2. Enter all dates for assessments for two years

3. It is possible to assess more than one SLO with one instrument

4. Assessment tools should be identical for all sections

5. For some courses like ESL loaded at 30 you need to do 2 or more sections

6. This is time consuming but not difficult

First we assess; then we get results; then we analyze the results to see if any changes are needed to how we teach. Is there a success rate we are aiming at? How do we address students who do not succeed? Bill recommends that the coordinator for a particular course keep the raw data (and documents such as exams etc) and send this data to Bill. Also he mentioned that our course outlines are being revised and so we’ll need to change the SLO’s to fit new course outlines. We talked about what level of passing is ok. 75%? 80%

B. Nasreen Rahim came to talk about online and hybrid course evaluations. The form is Appendix 225 and I

believe it is in the back of the current Faculty Handbook. We looked at the proposed evaluation form

and she asked for feedback and improvement. It must then go to the FA. Hybrid courses have the option

of administering the new evaluation online or face to face.

C. Bill Silver talked about cloud computing and gave a PowerPoint presentation. He focused on three that

he felt were most useful for Language Arts faculty: Google, Windows Live, and Dropbox. Bill will send a

copy of the handout he gave comparing the three of these for functionality. We’ll be using cloud

computing for collaboration, and for sharing documents around things like Accreditation. Also it helps

faculty and staff synchronize various versions of documents across different devices (smart phones,

iPads, laptops, school computers). Finally, faculty can email students one link, and they can go to that

link as the semester proceeds to get handouts and materials.

D. Abdie Tabrizi came to answer questions about SLOs. He emphasized that percentages of success for any

SLO are discipline dependent; many use 75% as a baseline. He explained that it is possible to measure

multiple SLOs with a single instrument under certain conditions. We asked the question, “When do we

make efforts to address fail rates?” Abdie suggested that we show good faith efforts to address

whatever fail rates we have; these efforts may or may not work for various reasons but it is important to

document our efforts to address them. Also it is VERY IMPORTANT that all of us hand in at least 1 SLO

result for each class before summer starts.

Meeting adjourned at 4:30; Abdie stayed after to answer more questions.

Business & Workforce Development Meeting Minutes March 6, 2012 C101C 2-3 PM JK had every one check in. Thanked faculty for doing good job on Early Alert students. Question came up about late start class students. Late Add Petitions – doing very good job there. Kara Potter – SLO committee member came in to talk about project. Any courses not updated with SLO’s will be deactivated by end of Spring 2012. Is there a cut-off date in April that faculty should aim for? None given. Program SLO’s are the most urgent, but all courses need updating with SLO’s. Accreditation issue & we’re down to the wire. Any courses that we know are not to be taught, please deactivate at this time. PDD there will be breakout sessions to assist those that need it. Spring Advisory meeting in April – update your advisory member lists. Kindercaminata is set for April 19th. Any volunteers are welcome to assist with kids. Adjourned at 240 pm.

BW&D Division Meeting Minutes April 18, 2012 C101C 2 – 3 pm ATTENDEES: Jonathan King, Marj Rico, Soledad Santos, RJ Ruppenthal, Tina Shaner, VG Morgan, Michael Breuleux, Harry Lichtbach, art College, Michael Hernandez, Bob Brown Nasreen Rahim came in to talk about new Online Course Evaluation to be done for the Spring classes. Informed faculty that they will need to forward their students’ email addresses to Marj in order to have online class evaluations process begin. SLO update: they are coming along, still have classes that need updating. Course Revision: if course has not been revised since before 2005 it needs to be revised now or course may not be offered in the Fall. Summer schedule: was cut by 40% and no online courses to be offered. The attrition rate for online courses isn’t as large as face to face classes. Fall schedule out, please let Marj know if there are any errors. Budget Update – not great. We do not know who will replace Dean King when he leaves, if he will be replaced. April 24th Advisory meeting – Auto & BIM/CADD programs are the ones participating. Kindercaminata & Day On The Green – please participate Video Shoot of BIM Program will be held on May 21st. it will be shown on Today in America.

Academic Senate – Santos will serve again Next meeting in May will be attended by President Yong Meeting adjourned

BW&D Division Meeting Minutes May 8, 2012 C101C 2 – 3 pm ATTENDEES: Michael Hernandez, Marj Rico, Michael Breuleux, Art College, Hansa Shah, Mark Carey, Harry Lichtbach, Mo Lahai, Soledad Santos, RJ Ruppenthal, Melody Barta, Tina Shaner, Bob Brown, David Eisenberg; Henry Yong President Yong updated us on SLO, Accreditation, Budget & status of division. SLO’s need to be completed. Still lots of work to be done on them. They are part of the Accreditation process. We don’t want to be dinged on them again. Budget Update – Grants are being investigated. Some require that we have matching funds which we do not have. So other grants are being looked at. Two ideas for promoting CTE are NSF grant for cyber security & a Laser grant for laser applications in medical/science fields. Replacing BWD dean. Ideas as follows:

1. On a temporary basis, spread out programs amongst other deans. BUT this requires giving each

dean salary increase. Not a viable solution.

2. Report to the VP of Administrative Services, Henry Gee. Since he was one of the full time faculty

that might work.

3. Report to VP of Academic Affairs – whoever that will be.

4. Report to the Dean of Math, Science & Engineering was suggested by some faculty.

Q&A Session after he explained above. We need to keep communications open with high schools & community. VTEA funding may need to be adjusted so we can cast out a net to bring in the money to our campus. Soledad had a list of issues she is concerned about – Pres Yong recommended she share it with division; “you need to work together as a team.” Michael Hernandez took over after Pres Yong left. Talking about SLO’s, lots of discussion within attendees. Meeting adjourned

LLRC Division Meeting Minutes

February 16, 2012

In attendance: Keith Aytch

Stacy Alvarez

Frances Lau

Di Liu

Wendy Brashares

Thu Nguyen

Maria Holguin

Nasreen Rahim

Sambo Mathew

William Nguyen

Vivian Yabumoto



Maria Sambo, Vivian - thank you - Whitehouse summit participation

Kindercarminata - April 19, 2012, your participation would be appreciated

Day of the Green - May 5th, 2012

Still LLRC Dean, Will continue to do best to continue to support division

General Announcements

Online teaching conference 13, 14, 15th June – contact Nasreen for more information

Tutoring - study skills workshops to begin, tutor in class for math sections, working with fast track, in class tutors, community volunteers greatly helping.

Nasreen – Women’s History day, panel discussions, Wendy Brashares, Corrine Math & Science. Women in Science Math and Technology

Vivian 5/10 Asian heritage month, working on Asian pacific islanders grant


EVC continues to remain on warning

SLO and SLO assessment need addressing

PDD -main focus will be on SLO

SLO Coordinator

3 positions Lynette Apen- Former Dean of Nursing, SLO Coordinator -Janet Folks, Accreditation Consultant


Possible 5 mil deficit next year. Various changes to come. 2/28 important board meeting regarding budget

Possible addition of Nursing faculty due to state law. One biology instructor approved

student enrollment equivalent to last year

Campus Safety

Facilities looking at cameras for campus safety, lighting, discussion will be taking place. Theft on campus, bus passes, projector, cell phones, be aware. safety concerns in areas with money,

Department Updates

CII late start section - doing good

Open Lab - equipment needs updating

Library - 3 new librarians


LLRC Division Meeting Minutes

LLRC Division Meeting Minutes

March 29, 2012

In attendance: Keith Aytch

Stacy Alvarez

Shelley Blackman

Debbie Chan

Frances Lau

Di Liu

Wendy Brashares

Thu Nguyen

Flora Payne

Cindy Snider

Nasreen Rahim

Sambo Mathew

William Nguyen

Vivian Yabumoto


Town Hall:

March 22, 1:45-2:45

Topics: o Budget o Accreditation o Solar Farm


Friday March 23. 2012

Thank you to Nasreen for all her hard work

Bulk of work SLO assessment which is critical to accreditation

Summer Session

40% of COST cut

Will be completed by Thursday, 3/22/12

Will need to examine library cost, non-instructional

more to come...


4.3 mil deficit

Reduction of summer

Possibly hold on vacant position

Creating revenue with facilities rental

Important for November tax measure to pass


April 19

Library involved, all volunteers welcomed

Day at the Green

May 5th

Volunteers welcomed

Program Review Open Lab/CII- Wendy

Comments regarding SLO for CII, Concern SLO not included in program review

Nasreen Rahim

Lime Survey, starting this semester, training of all online/hybrid courses survey.

Office administrators will have access to receive surveys.


LLRC Division Meeting Minutes

Upgrading cataloging software/online- Shelley

Will work with schedule for time when least impact on students and staff.


Keith - June online teaching conference, EVC host.

Security issues still being worked on, be mindful of open space.

Department Updates

Library o Shelly-Conference- a lot of CC going with OCLC, o Book Money? no state money or replacement money.

Open Lab - Server issues, going down at 12:30pm on a consistent basis

Tutoring - Study skills workshops going well

ASSPIRE- working on Asian heritage month, April, working with AKI

AFFIRM- Black History Month well, coming up workshops, special programs awards May 22.

LLRC Division Meeting Minutes

May 9, 2012

In attendance: Keith Aytch

Stacy Alvarez

Frances Lau

Di Liu

Wendy Brashares

Thu Nguyen

Cindy Snider

Nasreen Rahim

William Nguyen

Lorena Mata


Summer hours/Schedule

June 18-July 26

Librarians 10-3pm Lorena and Shelley M-TH

Open lab 8am-4pm, M-TH


Lynette working hard, keep on top of SLO, LIb 15 on curriculum agenda

Lib 21 some questions

Program SLO start looking at. (certificates and degrees); thank you to Nasreen for all her hard work

Equipment Request

Will be completed by Thursday, 3/22/12

Will need to examine library cost, non-instructional

more to come...


Thu on budget committee 150 thousand approved for campus, additional 150 to distribute in Fall

Review Day at the Green

thank you for those working,

approximately 200 students attended

Department Updates

Library o Asian American Exhibit o Library student services this week (May 7)


Presentation by President Yong


LLRC Division Meeting Minutes


May 9, 2012


1. President Yong to give presentation

2. Division Update: Division Priorities: SLO’S/Curriculum

3. Curriculum Report (Eric) –

a. Curriculum currently not in progress, high possibility won’t make i.

4. Graduation:

a. 5/25/12, encourage all to attend

5. Committee Reports

6. Spring 13 preference forms

a. Spring 2013 will be based on Spring 12, submit your forms by 5/25/12

7. Grades

a. Please be sure to turn in both your final grade roster and our supporting

documentation on time (very important for students transferring/graduating)

8. Department Meetings

a. Please review the Spring 13 schedule and the list of courses that still need to be


b. Outdated courses will not be scheduled in Spring 13