Download - FRIDAY – APRIL 1ST 10:00AM - 7:30PM - AdeptiCon · legions cut a swath of destruction across the galaxy. ... If you wish, this choice may be a Knight Titan ... - They are already

Page 1: FRIDAY – APRIL 1ST 10:00AM - 7:30PM - AdeptiCon · legions cut a swath of destruction across the galaxy. ... If you wish, this choice may be a Knight Titan ... - They are already

FRIDAY – APRIL 1ST 10:00AM - 7:30PM

Do not lose this packet! It contains all necessary missions and results sheets required for you to Participate in today’s tournament. It is your responsibility to hold onto and not lose this packet

during the tournament. If you lose this packet, be prepared to be docked points!

Page 2: FRIDAY – APRIL 1ST 10:00AM - 7:30PM - AdeptiCon · legions cut a swath of destruction across the galaxy. ... If you wish, this choice may be a Knight Titan ... - They are already

The Heresy is picking up speed as the Warmaster and his allied legions cut a swath of destruction across the galaxy. The lines begin to blur as new forces in the form of the Solar Auxilla and Adeptus Mechanicus join the fray to test your generalship in the 31st Millennium. Where do your loyalties lie?

Players must declare themselves Loyalist or Traitor at sign up. We will do what we can to accommodate your choice.

Forces:Players will bring a single 2,000 point detachment chosen from the various Horus Heresy Books using the Force Organization Chart shown below. A single Lord of War worth up to 450 pts may be taken. If you wish, this choice may be a Knight Titan of any type. A single Fortification that does not exceed 100pts may also be taken. Please bring a few extra copies of your army list for your opponents. All Warlord Traits will be rolled from an appropriate Heresy Era chart, not from the 40k Rulebook.

Restrictions:Allied detachments and Primarchs are NOT allowed. Dark Age Relics, Knightly Heirlooms, the Questoris Knight Crusade Army List, Shattered Legions, and the “Primarchs Chosen” Rite of War will NOT be allowed in this event.

Only Horus Heresy material that released prior to February 28th, 2016 will be allowed in this event. However all rules designated as “Experimental” will not be in play, regardless of the release date.

Format:This swiss format tournament will feature 3 games over the course of the day. A well balanced force will help you achieve the scenario objectives and score VPs for your side. Heresy era Tactical Objective decks will be handed out for players to use during the games and then awarded to the winning side to keep at the end of the day.




Page 3: FRIDAY – APRIL 1ST 10:00AM - 7:30PM - AdeptiCon · legions cut a swath of destruction across the galaxy. ... If you wish, this choice may be a Knight Titan ... - They are already


Table Set-upScenery will be set up by the event organizers, but players may re-arrange the terrain in any mutually agreed upon fashion if they so desire.

Scoring UnitsAs per page 134 of the 40k Main Rulebook, any unit in the force can be a scoring unit, unless:

- They are already outlined as such in the 40k Rulebook on page 134.

- They possess a rule that specifically states they can not be a scoring unit, such as the Gal Vorbak’s “Damned” special rule.

- The unit is a Drop Pod, Dreadnaught Drop Pod, Deathstorm Drop Pod, Dreadclaw Drop Pod, Arvus Lighter or Cyclops Demolition Unit

- The unit is a Rhino which is not within 2” of the unit it originally deployed with. If that unit has been wiped out, then the Rhino can no longer score.

Command BenefitsYou may re-roll the result of your Heresy Era Warlord Trait if you so desire.

Troops choices and units with the Implacable Advance special rule count as having the Objective Secured rule. Please note that recent FW updates have given Legion Veteran and Seeker Squads as well as Alpha Legion Headhunter Kill Teams and Mor Deythan Strike Squads the Implacable Advance special rule.

Tactical ObjectivesUnique Heresy era Tactical Objectives are in use. Each player will use the deck of cards at their assigned table and leave them in place when their game is over. Many cards have a Discard mechanic that allows players to always have viable objectives in their hand. This is activated at the start of your turn or when the Tactical Objective is drawn, so read them all carefully. If you ever have a question about the wording or intent of a particular Tactical Objective, flag down an event organizer and they’ll help you out.

Objective MarkersAny eligible units that move within 3” of an Objective Marker, or are within 3” of one at the start/end of a turn will claim it. If scoring enemy units are also present within 3” of the Objective Marker it is considered contested until the enemy units are no longer within 3” or they are trumped by a unit with the Objective Secured special rule.

Mysterious ObjectivesObjective Markers will have a random effect that is assigned the first time they are claimed by a player. Simply pick up and roll one of the provided ModCubes, placing it within the Objective Marker afterwards. The symbol rolled will determine its effect for the game.

Knights Errant Failing Their Oath of MomentInstead of losing the game flat out, your opponent gains the Victory Points for the secret objective chosen.

Variable Game LengthAll missions will use the Variable Game Length rule.

Falling BackUnits that fall back move directly towards their own table edge by the shortest route possible as described in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook (pg. 30). As per the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook (pg 122-123), units that are falling back cannot control/deny objectives. Warlords that are falling back at the end of the game are NOT considered slain and do not fulfill the requirements of the Slay the Warlord Secondary Objective.

5 Minute WarningOnce this is announced, NO additional game turns shall be started - no exceptions! If the current game turn has not been completed when time has expired, the game will be afforded a grace period in order to finish out the current game turn and should be reconciled as quickly as possible. The judges reserve the right to end any game that is taking too long to resolve.

HAVE FUN!All players are expected to abide by the Adepticon Conduct Policy. Arguments or poor conduct by players will not be tolerated. We all enjoy pushing fictional armored sci-fi models around a table, blowing stuff up, and rolling lots of dice. Due to the nature of dice however, sometimes things don’t go so well! When that happens and the day takes a turn for the worse – take a step back and remember it’s just a game. This is a friendly, themed, tabletop event set in the fake world of fake spacemen whose outcome will be determined by random chance cubes. So have fun!


Battle Results: Based on number of Battle Points (see below) Max 60 points Sportsmanship: Scored by opponents (see below). Max 15 points. Appearance: Judge scored (see below). Max 30 points. Player’s Choice: Voted on by players. Doesn’t factor in overall score.

Battle ResultsAfter a game, if a player earns at least 5 more Victory Points than their opponent, they earn a Crushing Victory (20 Battle Points) and their opponent earns

Page 4: FRIDAY – APRIL 1ST 10:00AM - 7:30PM - AdeptiCon · legions cut a swath of destruction across the galaxy. ... If you wish, this choice may be a Knight Titan ... - They are already

Player’s Choice Voting: After the 1st game, players will have an opportunity to vote for the single army that they feel best represents the Warhammer 30K hobby. It is not compulsory to set up your army, nor is it compulsory to vote. The winner is the army receiving the most votes.


Best Overall: Awarded to the player with the highest overall score, which is calculated by adding total Battle Points, Sportsmanship and Appearance scores. Ties will be broken by the highest total Victory Points

Best Sportsman: Awarded to the player with the highest Sportsmanship score. Ties will be broken by the highest Battle Points.

Best Appearance: Awarded to the player with the highest Appearance score. Ties will be broken by the appearance judges’ discretion.

Player’s Choice: Awarded to the player who received the most votes for Player’s Choice. Ties will be broken by highest appearance and sportsmanship scores.

Players can only win one award in total. Awards are listed in hierarchical order. Example: A player that wins Best Overall would be excluded from winning Best Sportsman, Best Appearance or Player’s Choice Awards.

Tournament organizers reserve the right to hand out additional rewards for whatever they darn well please.


a Crushing Defeat (0 Battle Points). . If a player earns between 1 and 4 Victory Points more than his opponent, they earn a Minor Victory (15 Battle Points) and their opponent earns a Minor Defeat (5 Battle Points). If both players have the same number of Victory Points, they both earn a Draw (10 Battle Points).

Conceding and Wipeouts: If one player concedes the battle, or his entire army is wiped out, the game ends and a Crushing Victory (20 Battle Points) goes to his opponent.

Sportsmanship You will be required to rate each of your opponents’ sportsmanship. Positive ratings will earn five (5) points, Average ratings will earn three (3) points and Negative raitings will earn zero (0) points.

Disqualification: Players who receive 2 or more negative sportsmanship marks will be disqualified from the event and will no longer be eligible to receive any awards.

Page 5: FRIDAY – APRIL 1ST 10:00AM - 7:30PM - AdeptiCon · legions cut a swath of destruction across the galaxy. ... If you wish, this choice may be a Knight Titan ... - They are already

Initial Overall Impression (Circle the one that applies) PointsThe army contains unfinished or unpainted models. 0The army is fully painted, but only to the most basic of tournament requirements (3-color standard) and/or the army is not composed of Heresy-era appropriate models/conversions.


Army is painted beyond basic tournament requirements and is composed of Heresy-era appropriate models/conversions.


Display Base (Circle the one that applies) PointsNo display base. 0Basic display base (Gravel, static grass, etc.) 1Elaborate, diorama-like display. 2Model Bases PointsBare Plastic/Primer. 0Basic bases (Gravel, static grass, etc.). 1Elaborate, diorama-like bases. 2Contrast PointsLevel of highlighting and Shading achieved by brush layering, washes, drybrushing, airbrushing or other techniques. No contrast, just base colors. 0At least three layers of contrast (base, highlight, shadow). 2More than three layers of contrast with blended transitions. 3Many layers of contrast with very well blended transitions. 6Details PointsAttention paid to details, unit markings, weathering, decals, freehand painting.Details like lenses, gear and mechanical bits are painted different colors. 1Details painted, additional work like unit markings, weathering, decals, and freehand painting.


Extremely neat well executed details with highlighting and shading where appropriate.


Bonus Points1-5 points added at judges discretion for exceptional conversions, masterful painting and extraordinary display bases.


APPEARANCE: Judges will evaluate and score each army based on the following checklist

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Primary ObjectivesAchieve as many Tactical Objectives as possible.

Secondary ObjectivesSlay the Warlord, The Price Of Failure, Conquest, Recon Probe

Objective MarkersPlayers split up the numbered Objective Markers so each player has 3 that matches their faction - Loyalist or Traitor. These are now placed onto the table. Roll off to see who places the first Objective. No Objective Marker can be placed within 6” of any table edge or within 12” of another Objective Marker or on impassable terrain.

DeploymentThe players roll off. The winner of the roll off decides who will deploy first and who will deploy second. The side deploying first chooses a deployment zone and sets up all the units in their army. Then the other side sets up all the units in their army in the opposite deployment zone.

First TurnThe player that set up first can choose to take the first or second turn. If they take the first turn, their opponent can attempt to Seize the Initiative.

Tactical ObjectivesBoth players draw 4 Tactical Objectives at the start of the first turn. 3 of these are kept and 1 is reshuffled back into the deck to form your starting hand.

If, at the start of a player’s turn, they have fewer than 3 Active Tactical Objectives, they must draw a number of new Tactical Objectives until they have 3.

MISSION SPECIAL RULESNight Fighting, Reserves, Tactical Objectives, Mysterious Objectives, Random Game Length, Secret Orders, Slay the Warlord.

Secret OrdersTactical Objectives are kept secret during the game and revealed only when scored.

SECONDARY OBJECTIVESThe Price Of FailureIf you have a Lord Of War in your force and it is destroyed, your opponent scores 1 Victory Point.

ConquestAt the end of the game if you control 2 of the opponent’s 3 faction Objective Markers, score 1 Victory Point.

Recon ProbeIf, at the end of the game, you have at least one model from one or more scoring units completely within the enemy’s deployment zone, you score 1 Victory Point.

Slay The WarlordIf the enemy Warlord has been removed from play, score 1 Victory Point.



Deployment Zone A

Deployment Zone B




Page 7: FRIDAY – APRIL 1ST 10:00AM - 7:30PM - AdeptiCon · legions cut a swath of destruction across the galaxy. ... If you wish, this choice may be a Knight Titan ... - They are already




Deployment Zone A

Deployment Zone B



Primary ObjectivesAchieve as many Tactical Objectives as possible.

Secondary ObjectivesSlay the Warlord, The Price Of Failure, Conquest, Last Man Standing

Objective MarkersPlayers split up the numbered Objective Markers so each player has 3 that matches their faction. These are now placed onto the battlefield. Roll off to see who places the first Objective. No Objective Marker can be placed within 6” of any battlefield edge or within 12” of another Objective Marker or on impassable terrain.

DeploymentThe players roll off. The winner decides who will deploy first and who will deploy second. The side deploying first chooses a deployment zone and sets up all the units in their army. Then the other side sets up all the units in their army in the opposite deployment zone.

First TurnThe player that set up first can choose to take the first or second turn. If they decide to take the first turn, their opponent can attempt to Seize the Initiative.

Tactical ObjectivesBoth players draw 2 Tactical Objectives at the start of the first turn. 1 of these is kept and 1 is reshuffled back into the deck to form your starting hand.

If, at the start of a player’s turn, they have fewer Tactical Objectives than the current turn number, they must draw a number of new Tactical Objectives until they have that number. You may never possess more cards than the current turn number, choose and discard until you have the correct number.

MISSION SPECIAL RULESReserves, Tactical Objectives, Mysterious Objectives, Random Game Length, Dawn Raid.

Dawn RaidNightfighting is guaranteed on the first turn. On the second turn it continues on the roll of a 4+. Nightfighting ends on the third turn.

SECONDARY OBJECTIVESThe Price Of FailureIf you have a Lord Of War in your force and it is destroyed, your opponent scores 1 Victory Point.

ConquestAt the end of the game if you control 2 of the opponent’s 3 faction Objective Markers, score 1 Victory Point.

Last Man StandingThe side with the greatest number of surviving units at the end of the game scores 1 Victory Point.

Slay The WarlordIf the enemy Warlord has been removed from play, score 1 Victory Point.

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MISSION SPECIAL RULESNight Fighting, Reserves, Tactical Objectives, Mysterious Objectives, Random Game Length, Shared Tactical Objective Deck.

Shared Tactical Objective DeckPlayers will only need 1 Tactical Objective deck between them for the game. PLEASE DO NOT MIX THE DECKS. Set the second, unused deck aside for now.

Both players will draw from this single deck. If the deck runs out, note what Tactical Objectives each player has scored thus far, then reshuffle the scored and discarded Tactical Objectives to form a new deck and continue play.

MISSION III: SHARED DESTRUCTIONPrimary ObjectivesAchieve as many Tactical Objectives as possible.

Secondary ObjectivesSlay the Warlord, The Price Of Failure, Conquest, Attrition

Objective MarkersPlayers split up the numbered Objective Markers so each player has 3 that matches their faction - Loyalist or Traitor. These are now placed onto the battlefield. Roll off to see who places the first Objective. No Objective Marker can be placed within 6” of any battlefield edge or within 12” of another Objective Marker or on impassable terrain.

Staggered DeploymentThe players roll off. The winner of the roll off decides who will deploy first and who will deploy second. The side deploying first chooses a deployment zone and sets up all Heavy Support and Lord of War choices from their army. Then the other side sets up all their Heavy Support and Lord of War choices in the opposite deployment zone. The side deploying first now sets up the rest of their force. Then the other side does the same.

First TurnThe player that set up first can choose to take the first or second turn. If they decide to take the first turn, their opponent can attempt to Seize the Initiative.

Tactical ObjectivesBoth players draw 4 Tactical Objectives at the start of the first turn. 3 of these are kept and 1 is reshuffled back into the shared deck to form your starting hand.

If, at the start of a player’s turn, they have fewer than 3 Active Tactical Objectives, they must draw a number of new Tactical Objectives until they have 3.



Deployment Zone A

Deployment Zone B


SECONDARY OBJECTIVESThe Price Of FailureIf you have a Lord Of War in your force and it is destroyed, your opponent scores 1 Victory Point.

ConquestAt the end of the game if you control 2 of the opponent’s 3 faction Objective Markers, score 1 Victory Point.

AttritionThe player who has destroyed the highest number of enemy units at the end of the game scores 1 Victory Point.

Slay The WarlordIf the enemy Warlord has been removed from play, score 1 Victory Point.

Page 9: FRIDAY – APRIL 1ST 10:00AM - 7:30PM - AdeptiCon · legions cut a swath of destruction across the galaxy. ... If you wish, this choice may be a Knight Titan ... - They are already

Tactical Objective Card VP Tactical Objective Card VP

Secondary Objective VP Secondary Objective VP


I had at least 5 more Victory Points than my opponent. -OR- My oppo-nent’s entire army was wiped out. -OR- My opponent conceded.


I had between 1 and 4 more Victory Points than my opponent. MINOR VICTORY:15 Battle Points

I had the same number of Victory Points as my opponent. DRAW: 10 Battle Points

My opponent had between 1 and 4 more Victory Points than me. MINOR DEFEAT:5 Battle Points

My opponent had at least 5 more Victory Points than me. -OR- My entire army was wiped out. -OR- I conceded.


BATTLE POINTS EARNED - Please Circle ONE of the choices below.


Have your opponent sign below and acknowledge that the results circled above are accurate and correct.

Opponent’s Signature: _______________________________________________________

Now, in private, rate your Opponent’s Sportsmanship by checking the appropriate box below. Do NOT share these results with your opponent.Positive Fantastically Brilliant Game! Reserved for the truly special games of Warhammer. Your opponent went well

beyond the call of duty, was incredibly sporting and honestly made additional effort of provide a fantastic game. This is just the type of person you would want in your local gaming club and someone you would con-sider casting your Favorite Opponent vote for. Positive marks are worth five (5) Sportsmanship points.

Average Perfectly Decent Game of Warhammer. This should encompass a majority of your marks. This covers most normal games of Warhammer. Your opponent was relatively sporting, came prepared to play and put forth a good effort to amicably resolve rules disputes. Average marks are worth three (3) Sportsmanship points.

Negative Just A Terribly Awful Game! Reserved for the worst of the worst, you should only ‘award’ this mark in the direst of circumstances. This mark should be an evaluative negative on your opponent’s sportsmanship only and should NEVER be a reflection on the final results of the game. Negative marks are worth zero (0) Sports-manship points. Two negative marks WILL result in disqualification.



Page 10: FRIDAY – APRIL 1ST 10:00AM - 7:30PM - AdeptiCon · legions cut a swath of destruction across the galaxy. ... If you wish, this choice may be a Knight Titan ... - They are already

Tactical Objective Card VP Tactical Objective Card VP

Secondary Objective VP Secondary Objective VP


I had at least 5 more Victory Points than my opponent. -OR- My oppo-nent’s entire army was wiped out. -OR- My opponent conceded.


I had between 1 and 4 more Victory Points than my opponent. MINOR VICTORY:15 Battle Points

I had the same number of Victory Points as my opponent. DRAW: 10 Battle Points

My opponent had between 1 and 4 more Victory Points than me. MINOR DEFEAT:5 Battle Points

My opponent had at least 5 more Victory Points than me. -OR- My entire army was wiped out. -OR- I conceded.


BATTLE POINTS EARNED - Please Circle ONE of the choices below.


Have your opponent sign below and acknowledge that the results circled above are accurate and correct.

Opponent’s Signature: _______________________________________________________

Now, in private, rate your Opponent’s Sportsmanship by checking the appropriate box below. Do NOT share these results with your opponent.Positive Fantastically Brilliant Game! Reserved for the truly special games of Warhammer. Your opponent went well

beyond the call of duty, was incredibly sporting and honestly made additional effort of provide a fantastic game. This is just the type of person you would want in your local gaming club and someone you would con-sider casting your Favorite Opponent vote for. Positive marks are worth five (5) Sportsmanship points.

Average Perfectly Decent Game of Warhammer. This should encompass a majority of your marks. This covers most normal games of Warhammer. Your opponent was relatively sporting, came prepared to play and put forth a good effort to amicably resolve rules disputes. Average marks are worth three (3) Sportsmanship points.

Negative Just A Terribly Awful Game! Reserved for the worst of the worst, you should only ‘award’ this mark in the direst of circumstances. This mark should be an evaluative negative on your opponent’s sportsmanship only and should NEVER be a reflection on the final results of the game. Negative marks are worth zero (0) Sports-manship points. Two negative marks WILL result in disqualification.



Page 11: FRIDAY – APRIL 1ST 10:00AM - 7:30PM - AdeptiCon · legions cut a swath of destruction across the galaxy. ... If you wish, this choice may be a Knight Titan ... - They are already

PLAYER’S CHOICE!Player’s Choice Voting: After the 1st game, players will have an opportunity to vote for the

single army that they feel best represents the Warhammer 30K hobby. It is not compulsory to set up your army, nor is it compulsory to vote. The winner is the army receiving the most votes.

Please use this sheet to vote for your favorite army, taking into account: Painting

ModellingDisplay Board

OriginalityHorus Heresy Era Theme

Your Name:

Your Vote:

Page 12: FRIDAY – APRIL 1ST 10:00AM - 7:30PM - AdeptiCon · legions cut a swath of destruction across the galaxy. ... If you wish, this choice may be a Knight Titan ... - They are already


Tactical Objective Card VP Tactical Objective Card VP

Secondary Objective VP Secondary Objective VP


I had at least 5 more Victory Points than my opponent. -OR- My oppo-nent’s entire army was wiped out. -OR- My opponent conceded.


I had between 1 and 4 more Victory Points than my opponent. MINOR VICTORY:15 Battle Points

I had the same number of Victory Points as my opponent. DRAW: 10 Battle Points

My opponent had between 1 and 4 more Victory Points than me. MINOR DEFEAT:5 Battle Points

My opponent had at least 5 more Victory Points than me. -OR- My entire army was wiped out. -OR- I conceded.


BATTLE POINTS EARNED - Please Circle ONE of the choices below.



Have your opponent sign below and acknowledge that the results circled above are accurate and correct.

Opponent’s Signature: _______________________________________________________

Now, in private, rate your Opponent’s Sportsmanship by checking the appropriate box below. Do NOT share these results with your opponent.Positive Fantastically Brilliant Game! Reserved for the truly special games of Warhammer. Your opponent went well

beyond the call of duty, was incredibly sporting and honestly made additional effort of provide a fantastic game. This is just the type of person you would want in your local gaming club and someone you would con-sider casting your Favorite Opponent vote for. Positive marks are worth five (5) Sportsmanship points.

Average Perfectly Decent Game of Warhammer. This should encompass a majority of your marks. This covers most normal games of Warhammer. Your opponent was relatively sporting, came prepared to play and put forth a good effort to amicably resolve rules disputes. Average marks are worth three (3) Sportsmanship points.

Negative Just A Terribly Awful Game! Reserved for the worst of the worst, you should only ‘award’ this mark in the direst of circumstances. This mark should be an evaluative negative on your opponent’s sportsmanship only and should NEVER be a reflection on the final results of the game. Negative marks are worth zero (0) Sports-manship points. Two negative marks WILL result in disqualification.