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J. Sci. Technol. Environ. Inform. 08(02): 606-617 | Junayed et al. (2020) EISSN: 2409-7632, Journal home: Crossref:

606 Published with open access at

Fresh leaf extract’s efficacy of twelve medicinal plants against Culex quinquefasciatus mosquito larvae

Md. Junayed1, Tahmina Akter2 and Saadia Ahmad2

1 Forest Protection Division, Bangladesh Forest Research Institute, Chattogram-4211. 2 Department of Zoology, Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka.

Article info. ABSTRACT Key Words: Larvicidal activity, leaf extract, Culex quinquefasciatus, Medicinal plants, Mosquito

For any information: [email protected]

The study was conducted to assess the effect of fresh leaf extracts of twelve native medicinal plants against the late 3rd instar larvae of Culex quinquefasciatus Say (Diptera: Culicidae), under laboratory condition with five different concentrations (5%, 2.5%, 1.25%, 0.625% and 0.3125%). Observational periods were 0 hours to 72 hours. The test plants were Lawsonia inermis, Passiflora foetida, Stephania japonica, Solanum nigrum, Clerodendrum inerme, Clerodendrum viscosum, Datura metel, Ipomoea fistulosa, Momordica charantia, Saraca indica, Tragia involucrata, and Tinospora cordifolia. After 0-24 hours of exposure, it was observed that 5% concentrated fresh leaf extract of Lawsonia inermis and Stephania japonica was most toxic, both of them killed 100% larvae. Passiflora foetida and Solanum nigrum was also toxic killing 95% and 90% larvae respectively after 0-24 hours of exposure. Fresh leaf extracts of Ipomoea fistulosa, Clerodendrum inerme and Clerodendrum viscosum killed 70%, 50% and 45% larvae. The mortality data were subjected to log probit regression analysis to determine the lethal concentrations (LC50, LC90 andLC95). Among all the test plants minimum LC50 value was observed in Solanum nigrum (0.350) followed by Lawsonia inermis (1.403), Stephania japonica (1.406) and Passiflora foetida (1.587) after 0-24 hours of exposure. Lowest LC90 and LC95 values were shown in Lawsonia inermis (2.484) and (3.47). The present study demonstrates that, the leaf extracts of Solanum nigrum, Lawsonia inermis, Stephania japonica, and Passiflora foetida have the potential to be used as larvicide against the larvae of Culex quinquefasciatus, is an ideal eco-friendly approach.

Citation: Junayed, M., Akter, T. and Ahmad, S. (2020). Fresh leaf extract’s efficacy of twelve medicinal plants against Culex quinquefasciatus mosquito larvae. Journal of Science, Technology and Environment Informatics, 08(02), 606-617. Crossref: © 2020, Junayed et al. This is an open access article distributed under terms of the Creative Common Attribution 4.0 International License.

I. Introduction Mosquitoes are invertebrate organisms under phylum Arthropoda, class Insecta and order Diptera which spread malaria, dengue, yellow fever, filariasis, chikungunya and other deadly diseases. There are about 3200 species of mosquitoes classified in 37 genera, all contained in the family Culicidae. Among them, only 14 are regarded as pests or vectors of human diseases (James. 2014). There are 113 species of mosquitoes that have been identified in Bangladesh of which 22 species are of medico-veterinary

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Fresh leaf extract’s efficacy of twelve medicinal plants


importance. Among the 37 genera of mosquito, Culex quinquefasciatusis one of the most important groups. There are 25 species under genus Culex that have been recorded (Ahmed, 1987). This genus contains efficient vectors of several arthropod-borne viral (arbovirus) types of encephalitis (e.g. Japanese encephalitis, Chikungunya virus, West Nile Virus, etc.). In the urban areas of Bangladesh Culex quinquefasciatus Say causes serious problems to the city dwellers. Culex quinquefasciatus serves as primary vector for a serious life threatening disease “Filariasis”, caused by a worm Wuchereria bancrofti. To prevent these mosquito borne diseases and to improve public health, it is necessary to control mosquitoes. The control measures may be the control of adult mosquitoes or their larvae. As larval breeding grounds are confined to limited stagnant water bodies, it is easy to control larvae rather than the adult. The reduction of the larval population from small water bodies like ditches, drains, swamps, small ponds and irrigated rice fields is a precondition for the successful control of mosquito. Various methods are used all over the world to prevent mosquitoes such as chemical methods, cultural methods, ecological methods, physical methods and biological methods. The major existing means of control of mosquito all over the world is the employment of synthetic insecticides (Burdick et al., 1964). Though chemical control requires short time and labor and it works quickly, it must have some adverse effect on man and the environment. Residual toxicity of chemical insecticide may be magnified biologically in the food chain. Most of the synthetic insecticides are highly toxic to fishes, birds, and mammals and require precautions in handling and technical skill in operations (Burdick et al., 1964). Repeated use of synthetic insecticides for mosquito control has disrupted natural biological control systems and led to resurgences in mosquito populations. It has also resulted in the development of resistance (Das et al., 2007). There are 50 Aedine and 20 Culicine species of mosquitoes that have already shown resistance against DDT, organophosphate, carbamates and pyrethroid pesticides (WHO, 1986). Botanicals, i.e., phytochemicals, derived from plants are promising alternatives to synthetic insecticides for the control of medically and agriculturally important insects because these products are biodegradable, they do not leave residue or byproducts to contaminate the environment, they are non-toxic to non-target organisms and are specific in their action (Marini-Bettello, 1977; Desmarchelier et al., 1979; Freedmen et al., 1979; Gerrits and Van Latum, 1988; Grainge and Ahmed, 1988). Leaf extract of Ervatamia coronaria and Caesalpinia pulcherrima are effective in ovicidal and repellent activities against Culex quinquefasciatus, Aedes aegypti and Anopheles stephensi (Diptera: Culicidae) (Govindarajan et al., 2011). As a part of the searching for the insecticidal potential of the indigenous plants, the present study was undertaken to test the toxicity of 12 medicinal plants (fresh leaf extract) of Jahangrinagar University campus and surrounding areas against late 3rd instar larvae of Culex quinquefasciatus Say (Diptera: Culicidae). Here the main plants examined were (1). Lawsonia inermis (Mehedi),(2) Passiflora foetida (Jhumka), (3) Stephania japonica (Nimukha), (4) Solanum nigrum (Tit begun),(5) Clerodendrum inerme (Ban jui), (6) Clerodendrum viscosum (Vat), (7) Datura metel (Dhutura), (8) Ipomoea fistulosa (Dolkalmi), (9) Momordica charantia (Karalla), (10) Saraka indica (Asoke),(11) Tragia involucrata (Bichuti), and (12) Tinospora cordifolia (Gulancha). The plants were selected for their bitter taste of leaves and medicinal value. The main purpose of this study was to evaluate the toxic potentiality of fresh leaf extract of twelve herbs, shrub and climber medicinal plants against late 3rd instar larvae of Culex quinquefasciatus Say and to compare their toxic potentiality. II. Materials and Methods The experiment was conducted to determine the larvicidal effect of fresh leaf extract of 12 native medicinal herb, shrub and climber plants on late 3rd instar larvae of mosquito (Culex quinquefasciatus Say) under laboratory condition (room temperature 25°-32°C, water temperature 25°-30°C, and relative humidity 65%-80%). The experiment was carried out in the laboratory of Medical Entomology, Department of Zoology, Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka from April 2010 to April 2011. The laboratory has all the necessary supplies, equipment’s and facilities for experimental setup. Collection of Culex quinquefasciatus larvae: The experimental 3rd instar larvae of Culex quinquefasciatus Say were wild population; collected from different areas of Savar region such as

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J. Sci. Technol. Environ. Inform. 08(02): 606-617 | Junayed et al. (2020) EISSN: 2409-7632, Journal home: Crossref:

608 Published with open access at

stagnant drains (Figure 02), ditches, derelict ponds, pits and lakes containing dirty water. The collections were usually made in the morning between 8.00 a.m. and 10.00 a.m. by means of long handled dipper (Figure 03) and the larvae along with the breeding place water were transferred into plastic jars covered with netting and then they were taken into the laboratory. In the laboratory, the larvae were cleaned with normal tap water and were kept in water in an earthen bowl. Then the 3rd instar larvae of Culex quinquefasciatus Say were separated by dropper. The identification of the larvae of Culex quinquefasciatus Say was confirmed following the keys of system of Bram (Bram, 1967). In the late 3rd instar larvae 8th metathoracic and 7th thoracic setae are long, strongly branched and are inserted on support plate but these characteristics are lacking in the second instar larvae (Figure 05). The 3rd instar larvae have two tufts on each side of metathorax, whereas the 2nd instar has only one tuft. Moreover the 3rd instar also has an additional seta on the metathorax which are absent in the 2nd instar. The 4th instar larvae were identified by chaetotaxy and by sclerotization of the tenth segment (Figure 04). In this study late 3rd instar larvae of Culex quinquefasciatys Say were used because the late 3rd instar larvae are more susceptible to insecticides than 4th instar. Third instar larvae are actively feed, but 4th instar is slow feeding stage.

a. Lawsonia inermis b. Passiflora foetida c. Stephania japonica

d. Solanum nigrum e. Clerodendrum inerme f. Clerodendrum viscosum

g. Datura metel h. Ipomoea fistulosa i. Momordica charantia

j. Saraka indica k. Tragia involucrata l. Tinospora cordifolia

Figure 01. List of Twelve medicinal plant used in the experiment

Preparation of extraction: For the preparation of fresh leaves extract of different concentrations (5%, 2.5%, 1.25%, 0.625% and 0.3125%) the leaves of the plants were collected and then they were washed and cleaned with tape water. Each plant leaves was finely cut with knife and they were weighted with the electric balance in the amount of 50 gm. Then the leaves were crushed with the help of blander

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Fresh leaf extract’s efficacy of twelve medicinal plants


machine for making a paste like substance. Then it was mixed with 950 ml water. So the total amount of solution we got 1000 ml. To saturate the water, the mixture was stirred with glass rod and left for 24 hours. Then the mixture was filtered first with a sieve and the solutions were further filtered with filter paper. This was the stock solution of our experiment and from this stock solution the required amount or concentrations (2.5%, 1.25, 0.62% and 0.312%) of solution were made by the process of serial dilution. For 2.5% of solution half of the solution from stock solution (500ml) was taken and it was mixed with 500ml of distilled water. In the same way rest of the concentrations were made (Figure 06).

Figure 02. Breeding ground of Culex mosquito Figure 03. larvae collecting equipment’s C. quinquefasciatus Say

Figure 04. Life Cycle of Culex quinquefasciatus Say

Figure 05. 3rd instar larvae of Culex quinquefasciatus Say

Figure 06. Preparation of fresh leaf extract Figure 07. Treating late 3rd instar larvae of Culex quinquefasciatus Say with different concentration of fresh leaf extract

Bioassay: The bioassay of twelve experimental plants were carried out in the laboratory against late 3rd instars larvae of mosquito Culex quinquefasciatus. For each test plant, fresh leaf extract with normal water were used in five different concentrations (5%, 2.5%, 1.25%, 0.625%, and 0.3125%) and five replications were maintained for each concentration. Five replications were also maintained for the control. For each replication, 100 ml solutions were taken in a plastic cup and 20 larvae were exposed in it. A small amount of Fish meal granules was also provided in the plastic cups as larval food. For

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J. Sci. Technol. Environ. Inform. 08(02): 606-617 | Junayed et al. (2020) EISSN: 2409-7632, Journal home: Crossref:

610 Published with open access at

prevention of contamination, the plastic cups were covered with fine mosquito net (Figure 07). Mortality of the larvae was recorded after 0-24, 24-48, 48-72 and 0-72 hours of exposure. The percentage of mortality was calculated by using the following formula.

Statistical analysis: The dose response data were analysed by using Probit Analysis Program Version 1.5 (Finney, 1971) developed by the ‘Ecological Monitoring Research Division, Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory, U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Cincinnati, Ohio 45268. The program was used to determine LC50, LC90 and LC95 values (LC50 =Lethal Concentration at which 50% mortality of test insect observed, LC90 =Lethal Concentration at which 90% mortality of test insect observed and LC95 =Lethal Concentration at which 95% mortality of test insect observed). The LC values were determined to compare the larvicidal effects of twelve plant’s leaf extract.

III. Results The study Fresh leaf extract of Lawsonia inermis (Figure 01. a) was very effective against the late 3rd instar larvae of Culex quinquefasciatus Say. The highest mortality occurred at 5% concentration followed by 2.5% and 1.25% concentration after 0-24 hours of exposure and killed 100%, 90% and 25% larvae respectively. But after 0-72 hours 100% larvae were killed at 5%, and 2.5% concentration. No mortality was observed in the control. Estimated LC50, LC90 and LC95 values with 95% confidence limits are summarized in Table 01. Table 01. Estimated LC values of Lawsonia inermis with 95% confidence limits at different time points

Time POINTS LC Values Exposure Concentration (%) 95% Confidence Limits Lower Upper

After 0- 24 hours LC50



1.403 2.843 3.473

1.133 2.208 2.60

1.739 4.308 5.838

After 24- 48 hours LC50 LC90 LC95

171103.438 4573671424 82263089152

- - -

- - -

After 48-72 hours LC50 LC90 LC95

0.00 0.00 0.00

- - -

-- - -

After 0-72 hours LC50 LC90 LC95

0.944 1.633 1.907

0.779 1.314 1.489

1.143 2.433 3.083

The fresh leaf extract of Passiflora foetida (Figure 01. b) was highly effective against the late 3rd instar larvae of Culex quinquefasciatus Say. Highest mortality occurred at 5% and 2.5% concentration after 0-24 of exposure. At 5% and 2.5% concentration 95% and 90% larvae were killed after 0-24 hours of exposure. After 0-72 hours 100% and 95% larvae were killed at 5% and 2.5% concentration. No mortality was observed in the control. Estimated LC50, LC90 and LC95 values with 95% confidence limits are summarized in Table 02.

Fresh leaf extract of Stephania japonica (Figure 01. c) was very effective against the late 3rd instar larvae of Culex quinquefasciatus. Highest mortality occurred at 5% and 2.5% concentration, after 0-24 and 0-72 hour’s exposure, killing 100% and 75% larvae. After 0-72 hours 100% and 95% larvae were killed at 5% and 2.5% concentration. No mortality was observed in the control. Estimated LC50, LC90 and LC95 values with 95% confidence limits are summarized in Table 03. The fresh leaf extract of Solanum nigrum (Figure 01. d) was mostly effective against the late 3rd instar larvae of Culex quinquefasciatus Say. Highest mortality occurred at 5%, 2.5%, 1.25% and 0.625%

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Fresh leaf extract’s efficacy of twelve medicinal plants


concentration, killing larvae after 0-24 hours and 0-72 hours of exposure. At 5%, 2.5%, 1.25% and 0.625% concentration 100%, 95%, 90%, and 70% larvae were killed after 0-72 hours. After 0-24 hours of exposure 90%, 90%, 85% and 60% larvae were killed at 5%, 2.5%, 1.25% and o.625% concentration respectively. No mortality was observed in the control. Estimated LC50, LC90 and LC95 values with 95% confidence limits are summarized in Table 04. Table 02. Estimated LC values of Passiflora foetida with 95% confidence limits at different time points

Time POINTS LC Values Exposure Concentration (%) 95% Confidence Limits Lower Upper

After 0-24 hours LC50 LC90 LC95

1.587 3.348 4.137

1.27 2.57 4.137

1.981 5.258 7.116

After 24-48 hours LC50 LC90 LC95

24028.43 29456430.00 221144432

- - -

- - -

After 48-72 hours LC50 LC90 LC95

0.025 0.001 0.00

- - -

- - -

After 0-72 hours LC50 LC90 LC95

0.988 2.165 3.431

0.762 1.911 2.393

1.268 4.390

Table 03. Estimated LC values of Stephania japonica with 95% confidence limits at different time points

Time POINTS LC Values Exposure Concentration (%) 95% Confidence Limits Lower Upper

After 0- 24 hours LC50 LC90 LC95

1.406 3.841 5.108

1.088 2.759 3.478

1,826 6.736 10.069

After 24- 48 hours LC50 LC90 LC95

- - -

- - -

- - -

After 48-72 hours LC50 LC90 LC95

6687796 238835810304 4663414.o8

- - -

- - -

After 0-72 hours LC50 LC90 LC95

1.068 2.399 3.018

0.848 1.823 2.201

1.341 3.800 5.253

Table 04. Estimated LC values of Solanum nigrum with 95% confidence limits at different time points

Time POINTS LC Values Exposure Concentration (%) 95% Confidence Limits Lower Upper

After 0- 24 hours LC50 LC90 LC95

0.350 3.099 5.749

0.095 1.733 2.732

0.599 14.102 49.879

After 24- 48 hours LC50 LC90 LC95

232.996 6559.856 16896.71

- - -

- - -

After 48-72 hours LC50 LC90 LC95

0.117 0.030 0.020

0,253 0.118 0.096

0.00 0.00 0.00

After 0-72 hours LC50 LC90 LC95

0.208 1.782 3.273

0.024 1.043 1.680

0,409 6.963 28.038

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J. Sci. Technol. Environ. Inform. 08(02): 606-617 | Junayed et al. (2020) EISSN: 2409-7632, Journal home: Crossref:

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The fresh leaf extract of Clerodendrum inerme (Figure 01. e) was highly effective against the late 3rd instar larvae of Culex quinquefasciatus Say. Highest mortality occurred at 5% and 2.5% concentration after 24-48 and 0-72 hours of exposure. At 5% and 2.5% concentration 50% and 50% larvae were killed after 24-48 hours respectively. After 0-72 hours 95% and 90% larvae were killed at 5% and 2.5% concentration. No mortality was observed in the control. Estimated LC50, LC90 and LC95 values with 95% confidence limits are summarized in Table 05. Table 05. Estimated LC values of Clerodendrum inerme with 95% confidence limits at different time points

Time POINTS LC Values Exposure Concentration (%) 95% Confidence Limits Lower Upper

After 0- 24 hours LC50 LC90 LC95

5.831 40.399 69.990

3.351 13.077 18.886

24.631 1448.69 4683.62

After 24- 48 hours LC50 LC90 LC95

4.029 27.248 46.845

2,528 10.370 15.097-

10.756 390.64 1108.39

After 48-72 hours LC50 LC90 LC95

0.00 0.00 0.00

- - -

- - -

After 0-72 hours LC50 LC90 LC95

1.138 3.856 5.450

0.843 2.625 3.466

1.522 7.584 12.500

The fresh leaf extract of Clerodendrum viscosum (Figure 01. f) was highly effective against the late 3rd instar larvae of Culex quinquefasciatus. Highest mortality occurred at 5% and 2.5% concentration killing larvae after 0-24 and 0-72 hours of exposure. At 5% and 2.5% concentration 50% and 30% larvae were killed after (0-24) hours respectively. But after 0-72 hours of exposure 95% and 80% larvae were killed at 5% and 2.5% concentration. No mortality was observed in the control. Estimated LC50, LC90 and LC95 values with 95% confidence limits are summarized in Table 06. Table 06. Estimated LC values of Clerodendrum viscosum with 95% confidence limits at different time points

Time POINTS LC Values Exposure Concentration (%) 95% Confidence Limits Lower Upper

After 0- 24 hours LC50 LC90 LC95

4.876 18.765 27.496

3.314 9.021 11.777

11.086 137.96 286.86

After 24- 48 hours LC50 LC90 LC95

14.735 599.703 1714.787

4.35 35.29 62.615

33401578 10000002 100000002

After 48-72 hours LC50 LC90 LC95

230.672 128667.87 722721.313

- - -

- - -

After 0-72 hours LC50 LC90 LC95

1.116 3.72 5.247

.828 2.11 3.361

1.48 7.23 11.843

The fresh leaf extract of Datura metel (Figure 01. g) showed moderate type of effectivity against the 3rd instar larvae of Culex quinquefasciatus Say. Highest mortality occurred at 5% and 2.5% concentration killing larvae after 0-72 hours of exposure. At 5% and 2.5% concentration 30% and 20% larvae were killed after 24-48 hours of exposure. No mortality was observed in the control. Estimated LC50, LC90 and LC95 values with 95% confidence limits are summarized in Table 07.

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Fresh leaf extract’s efficacy of twelve medicinal plants


Table 07. Estimated LC values of Datura metel with 95% confidence limits at different time points

Time POINTS LC Values Exposure Concentration (%) 95% Confidence Limits Lower Upper

After 0- 24 hours LC50 LC90 LC95

34.32 1685.72 5083.80

6.481 49.65 87.17

10000002 100000002 100000002

After 24- 48 hours LC50 LC90 LC95

16.451 264.55 581.409

5.487 28.487 44.827

29807.146 4795684786 14541041283

After 48-72 hours LC50 LC90 LC95

20.11 363.33 825.20

5.968 31.70 50.25

830237.90 427687787787 346095772

After 0-72 hours LC50 LC90 LC95

1.747 9.880 16.14

1.205 5.193 7.482

2.760 40.226 90.27

The fresh leaf extract of Ipomoea fistulosa (Figure 01. h) was moderately effective against the late 3rd instar larvae of Culex quinquefasciatus. Highest mortality occurred at 5% and 2.5% concentration killing larvae after 0-24 hours and 0-72 hours of exposure. At 5% and 2.5% concentration 70% and 30% larvae were killed after 0-24 hours. 85% and 60% larvae were killed after 0-72 hours of exposure at 5% and 2.5% concentration. No mortality observed in the control. Estimated LC50, LC90 and LC95 values with 95% confidence limits are summarized in Table 08. Table 08. Estimated LC values of Ipomoea fistulosa with 95% confidence limits at different time points

Time POINTS LC Values Exposure Concentration (%) 95% Confidence Limits Lower Upper

After 0- 24 hours LC50 LC90 LC95

3.421 17.68 28.175

2.315 8.249 11.532

6.833 111.991 253.77

After 24- 48 hours LC50 LC90 LC95

44.197 24.92.183 7816.22

- - -

- - -

After 48-72 hours LC50 LC90 LC95

0.004 0.000 0.000

- - -

- - -

After 0-72 hours LC50 LC90 LC95

1.420 8.289 13.667

0.962 4.461 6.481

2.168 31.727 72.188

The fresh leaf extract of Momordica charantia (Figure 01. i) was effective against the late 3rd instar larvae of Culex quinquefasciatus. Highest mortality occurred at 5% and 2.5% concentration after 0-72 hours of exposure. At 5% and 2.5% concentration 70% and 40% larvae were killed after 0-72 hours respectively. No mortality was observed in the control. Estimated LC50, LC90 and LC95 values with 95% confidence limits are summarized in Table 09. The fresh leaf extract of Saraca indica (Figure 01. j) showed moderate type of affectivity against the late 3rd instar larvae of Culex quinquefasciatus Say. Highest mortality occurred at 5% and 2.5% concentration, killing larvae after 0-72 hour’s exposure. At 5% and 2.5% concentration 60% and 45% larvae were killed after 0-72 hours respectively. No mortality was observed in the control. Estimated LC50, LC90 and LC95 values with 95% confidence limits are summarized in Table 10. The fresh leaf extract of Tragia involucrata (Figure 01. k) was less effective against the late 3rd instar larvae of Culex quinquefasciatus Say. Highest mortality occurred at 5% and 2.5% concentration, killing larvae after 0-72 hours of exposure. At 5% and 2.5% concentration 40% and 25% larvae were killed after 0-72 hours respectively. After 0-24 hours of exposure 15% and 10% larvae were killed at 5% and

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614 Published with open access at

2.5% concentration. No mortality was observed in the control. Estimated LC50, LC90 and LC95 values with 95% confidence limits are summarized in Table 11. Table 09. Estimated LC values of Momordica charantia with 95% confidence limits at different time points

Time POINTS LC Values Exposure Concentration (%) 95% Confidence Limits Lower Upper

After 0- 24 hours LC50 LC90 LC95

10.710 47.292 72.049

5.472 13.688 17.577

446.344 110178.43 530359.37

After 24- 48 hours LC50 LC90 LC95

13.614 131.071 249.06

5.439 21.954 32.213

1609.45 3776962.75 34500972

After 48-72 hours LC50 LC90 LC95

26.499 316.44 639.171

7.242 28.817 42.217

2419157504 177360936 10000000002

After 0-72 hours LC50 LC90 LC95

3.000 11.443 16.712

2.176 6.459 8.574

4.858 39.305 72.917

Table 10. Estimated LC values of Saraca indica with 95% confidence limits at different time points

Time POINTS LC Values Exposure Concentration (%) 95% Confidence Limits Lower Upper

After 0- 24 hours LC50 LC90 LC95

20.982 147.973 257.433

6.986 20.726 27.970

833012352 646595558 112447318

After 24- 48 hours LC50 LC90 LC95

15.200 114.196 202.265

6.015 20.233 28.243

5317.74 18292992 185896768

After 48-72 hours LC50 LC90 LC95

14.049 160.048 318.987

5.365 23.761 35.772

2625.85 14929723.00 175372816

After 0-72 hours LC50 LC90 LC95

3.125 13.256 19.967

2.216 7.029 9.507

5.393 54.824 108.504

Table 11. Estimated LC values of Tragia involucrata with 95% confidence limits at different time points

Time POINTS LC Values Exposure Concentration (%) 95% Confidence Limits Lower Upper

After 0- 24 hours LC50 LC90 LC95

20.982 147.973 257.433

6.986 20.726 27.970

833012352 646595452 112447318

After 24- 48 hours LC50 LC90 LC95

154.129 6646.109 19217.785

- - -

- - -

After 48-72 hours LC50 LC90 LC95

18.329 72.174 106.443

- - -

- - -

After 0-72 hours LC50 LC90 LC95

6.568 35.289 57.024

3.863 12.493 17.161

28.209 526.677 3022.04

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Fresh leaf extract’s efficacy of twelve medicinal plants


The fresh leaf extract of Tinospora cordifolia (Figure 01. l) was less effective against the late 3rd instar larvae of Culex quinquefasciatus Say. Highest mortality occurred at 5% and 2.5% concentration after 0-72 hours of exposure. At 5% and 2.5% concentration 35% and 20% larvae were killed after 0- 72 hours respectively. No mortality was observed in the control. Estimated LC50, LC90 and LC95 values with 95% confidence limits are summarized in Table 12. Table 12. Estimated LC values of Tinospora cordifolia with 95% confidence limits at different time points

Time POINTS LC Values Exposure Concentration (%) 95% Confidence Limits Lower Upper

After 0- 24 hours LC50 LC90 LC95

26.499 316.444 639.171

7.242 28.817 42.217

2419157504.00 177360736 100000002.004E+10

After 24- 48 hours LC50 LC90 LC95

44.798 291.900 406.566

- - -

- - -

After 48-72 hours LC50 LC90 LC95

18.329 72.174 106.443

- - -

- - -

After 0-72 hours LC50 LC90 LC95

8.269 45.739 74.277

4.495 14.098 19.241

63.797 4345.532 14567.57

IV. Discussion The study of (Rawani et al., 2010) supported our findings. They studied larvicidal activities of crude and solvent extracts of Solanum nigrum L. leaves against Culex quinquefasciatus Say as target species. The results indicated that the mortality rates at 0.5% concentration were highest amongst all concentrations of the crude extracts tested against all the larval instars at 24, 48 and 72 h of exposure. Result of log probit analysis (at 95% confidence level) revealed that lethal concentration LC50 and LC90 values gradually decreased with the exposure periods in bioassay experiment with the crude plant extract. Previous observation was supporting to our result. Gayar and Shazll (1968), studied that C. inerme inhibited the growth of larvae of Ades aegypti, Culex quinquefasciatus and Culex pipiens at 80 and 100 ppm concentration. Study of Kovendan and Murugan, (2011); support to our observations. They found that Clerodendron inerme and Acanthus ilicifolius good larvicidal and pupicidal activity against three species of mosquito vectors namely malarial vector, Anopheles stephensi, dengue vector Aedes aegypti and filarial vector, Culex quinquefasciatus at different Agro-climatic regions of Tamil Nadu, India. Another study support our result. Chakkaravarthy et al. (2011) tested the larvicidal activity of Azadirachta indica(A. Juss) and Datura metel (Linn.) leaf extract against the third instar larvae of C. quinquefasciatus (Say) (Diptera: Culicidae). A. indica and D. metel leaf extracted by hexane and chloroform extract method at various concentrations. The hexane extract of A. indica and D. metel at 62.5, 125, 250, 500 and 1000 ppm were showed 24, 36, 55, 64 and 72.50% mortality where second one shows 9, 17.50, 30, 42 and 57% mortality, respectively. The result of the present study was comparable to that of previous studies. In the study of Singh et al. (2006) M. charantiahas shown good larvicidal activity against three container breeding mosquitoes A. stephensi, C. quinquefasciatus and A. aegyptiin laboratory experiments. Toxicological studies have shown that M. charantiais safe for human health and there is no toxic effect M. charantiais used as a vegetable for human consumption The results observed in this study open the possibility for further studies to examine this activity against a wide range of mosquito species and determine the active ingredient(s) in the extract, which are responsible for its larvicidal activity against Culex quinquefasciatus. These ingredients should be identified, purified and if possible, utilized in a commercial product or formulation to be used as a larvicidal and adult mosquitocidal agent. It will help to reduce the use of synthetic insecticides, promoting the biological components which will keep our environment healthy and hazardless. It can create a new horizon for upcoming generations.

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J. Sci. Technol. Environ. Inform. 08(02): 606-617 | Junayed et al. (2020) EISSN: 2409-7632, Journal home: Crossref:

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V. Conclusion The experiment was conducted to determine the larvicidal effect of fresh leaf extracts of 12 native plants on late 3rd instar larvae of Culex quinquefasciatus under laboratory condition. The late 3rd instar larvae were exposed to different concentrations (5%, 2.5%, 1.25% 0.625% and 0.3125%) mortality were observed at different time periods (0-24, 24-48, 48-72 and 0-72 hours). After 0-24 hours of exposure it was observed that 5% concentrated fresh leaf extract of Lawsonia inermis and Stephania japonica were most toxic killing 100% larvae. Passiflora foetida and Solanum nigrum were more toxic killing 95% and 90% larvae. Ipomoea fistulosa, Clerodendrum inerme and Clerodendrum viscosum were also toxic killing 70%, 50% and 45% larvae respectively. The mortality data were subjected to log probit regression analysis to determine the lethal concentration (LC50, LC90 andLC95). Among all the test plants minimum LC50 value observed in Solanum nigrum (0.350) followed by Lawsonia inermis (1.403), Stephania japonica (1.406) and Passiflora foetida (1.587) after 0-24 hours of exposure. Minimum LC90 value was showed in Lawsonia inermis (2.484) followed by Solanum nigrum (3.09), Passiflora foetida (3.34) and Stephania japonica (3.84) after 0-24 hours. Lowest LC95 value was found in Lawsonia inermis (3.47) then in Passiflora foetida (4.13) and Stephania japonica (5.10) after 0-24 hours. The results observed in this study open the possibility for further studies to examine this activity against a wide range of mosquito species and determine the active ingredient(s) in the extract, which are responsible for its larvicidal activity against Culex quinquefasciatus. These ingredients should be identified, purified and if possible, utilized in a commercial product or formulation to be used as a larvicidal and adult mosquitocidal agent. It will help to reduce the use of synthetic insecticides, promoting the biological components which will keep our environment healthy and hazardless. It can create a new horizon for upcoming generations.

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Crossref: MLA Junayed, M. et al. “Fresh leaf extract’s efficacy of twelve medicinal plants against Culex quinquefasciatus mosquito larvae”. Journal of Science, Technology and Environment Informatics 08(02) (2020): 606-617. APA Junayed, M., Akter, T. and Ahmad, S. (2020). Fresh leaf extract’s efficacy of twelve medicinal plants against Culex quinquefasciatus mosquito larvae. Journal of Science, Technology and Environment Informatics, 08(02), 606-617. Chicago Junayed, M., Akter, T. and Ahmad, S. “Fresh leaf extract’s efficacy of twelve medicinal plants against Culex quinquefasciatus mosquito larvae”. Journal of Science, Technology and Environment Informatics 08(02) (2020), 606-617. Harvard Junayed, M., Akter, T. and Ahmad, S. 2020. Fresh leaf extract’s efficacy of twelve medicinal plants against Culex quinquefasciatus mosquito larvae. Journal of Science, Technology and Environment Informatics 08(02), pp. 606-617 Vancouver Junayed M, Akter T, Ahmad, S. Fresh leaf extract’s efficacy of twelve medicinal plants against Culex quinquefasciatus mosquito larvae. Journal of Science, Technology and Environment Informatics. 2020 March 08(02) (2020): 606-617.