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Page 1: Frankestein in five pictures

Frankenstein in Five PicturesBy Mary


First Picture:

Victor Frankenstein was found in the sea and in poor condition by a crew. Victor was pursuing his creation, Frankenstein, and

he decided to tell his story to Captain Robert Walton. Victor was born in Geneva, and he lived with his parents, brothers and a

nanny. There was always a lot of love between them. When he was fifteen, he saw like a thunder destroyed a tree near his

house. So since then, he wanted to study the secrets of the life and learn more about electricity. When his mother died, in spite of the pain, he went to university, but his friend Henry Clerval

didn’t go. He had very good teachers, and he had its own laboratory, with a large mast which was to create life. That was

a serious error.

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Second Picture:

Victor created his man in the laboratory, and he managed to create life with the help of the storm that occurred. His creator was terrified and he ran away. He came across Henry, who sent

best wishes of his family. Victor was very sick and his friend looked after him. When he was about to see his family, his

father sent him a letter informing him that someone had killed his brother William. He knew that was Frankenstein who had

killed him.. But how he could tell that story to the police?. The nanny was sentenced to prison for she was found guilty. The sorrow overcame the heart of Victor, who was alone in the

mountain, and there he found the monster that he wanted to tell him his story of why he had done so much harm. 

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Third Picture:

The monster had escaped from the laboratory. Frankenstein realized that when people saw him they started running away

from him. He took refuge in a hut, where two young people and and old man lived. He saw that there was love between them,

something that he didn’t have. Frankenstein helped them as he could although they didn’t know. One day, when both young

people left, Frankenstein decided to talk to the old blind man., and when the young people arrived, they hit him. He fled, and look for the necessary information to go to Geneva to see his creator. On his way, he helped another girl who fell into the

river, but people hit him, they were frightened. He didn’t understand that. So, on seeing Victor's brother, William, he was

so angry that he killed him.

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Fourth Picture:

When Frankenstein finished telling her story, he asked Victor to build him a woman.Victor doubted but at the end he decided to

travel with his friend Henry to Edinburgh and after Victor went to an island in the north, where he built a laboratory. When the

woman was finished, he was sorry for that, and he destroyed it and he threw it into the sea. Henry received a letter, he was

going to return but then he was accused of a murder. Henry was died, murdered by Frankenstein. Victor felt very guilty , but he was happy because he was going to marry Elizabeth, although

he was concerned for Frankenstein.

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Fifth Picture:

The wedding came, and after the celebration they stayed in a hotel near a lake. At night, he left when his wife was asleep,

then, he went out in search of the monster, but he heard a loud cry in his room. The monster had killed Elizabeth. This fact, together with his father’s death,drove Frankestein mad, and

when he recovered, he had an only objective: to kill Frankenstein. But he didn’t get what he wanted, because he died after finishing writing the last words of his story that he

was telling the captain. His happiness in the final moments of his life was when he was sleeping, the rest was all pain. The captain

put his body in a cabin and Frankenstein came there to ask forgiveness, but he could not. He showed his regret, and

decided to die and so be at peace.


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