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Libraries as learning spaces:

Exploring how students make use of the physical space in academic libraries

Francine May & Alice Swabey

Mount Royal University, Canada

9th Northumbria International Conference on Performance Measurement in Libraries and Information Services

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Outline• Introduction to the project • Why do this research?• Methods used• Preliminary results• Next steps

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The research project• Examines the use of space

in 5 small Canadian academic libraries

• Questions asked:– How are undergraduates

making use of library spaces?– What role do these spaces

play in the life of the academic community?

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Specific research objectives are to determine:• who the users of the

library are• what uses they make of

these physical spaces• whether the answers to

these questions differ depending on the context of each library

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Why do this research?

It is not clear what affect current trends are having on the use of libraries as physical spaces

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Trends affecting use of physical space in libraries…

1. Availability of digital information(Bennett, 2006; Sennyey, Ross, & Mills,


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2. Many libraries report a downward trend in circulation and reference statistics(Anderson, 2011; Martell, 2008)

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3. Conversely, it is also reported that some libraries are showing an increase in physical visits by patrons(Frade & Washburn, 2006; Opperman & Jamieson, 2008)

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Why do this research?Against this background, this

research seeks to explore the actual use of physical space in a variety of different academic libraries.

In an era of digital information is the library still the heart of campus community?

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Methods• Data gathered at 5 diverse

post-secondary institutions• 2 methods used

– Seating sweeps(9268 individuals observed)

– Student questionnaires (n = 588)

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Data collection• Seating sweeps

• Rounds of sweeps conducted twice at each library

• Each round of sweeps involved four separate sweeps of the library

• Questionnaires• Circulated in print to individuals

in the library on the day after the second seating sweep

• Response rate 87%

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Seating sweeps: Basic features• Clear definition of

behaviours observed• Systematic procedure to

follow during observation• Coding and counting system

(Given & Leckie, 2003)

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Seating sweeps data collection form

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Seating sweeps - Challenges

• Trade off between quantity of observations and detail

• Managing the large quantity of observations

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Seating sweeps - Strengths

• Associates type and frequency of behaviours with design features

• Can generate a large number of quantifiable observations

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Preliminary results

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Who are the users of the library?

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How are respondents making use of the library as a space?

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Activities done by respondents in the library in the past year

Total (n = 622)

Worked on schoolwork using the library computers 84%Worked on schoolwork using a laptop 82%Used the printers / photocopiers 82%Socialised in person (i.e. chatting with friends) 75%Drank 75%Ate 69%Socialised online (for example by using facebook or email) 68%Used a group study room 67%Got help from library staff 63%Read or studied print materials NOT FROM THE LIBRARY 60%Borrowed or returned library materials 54%Physically searched for information (i.e. in the bookshelves) 50%Read or studied print materials FROM THE LIBRARY 46%Attended a library instruction session or workshop or tour 36%Took a nap 30%

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Is grade point average related to use of the physical library?

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Does library use change with length of study at the institution?

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What do these results indicate about the role of the library in the academic community?

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Preliminary conclusionsRegardless of grades or sex

library users generally:– visit the library frequently– stay for long periods of time– study alone or independently

within a groupSenior students

– make more use of the print collection

– are more likely to stay in the library longer

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Preliminary conclusions – role of the library in the institution

As a space the library provides an important studying and learning space used by a range of students.

Libraries provide informal spaces where students can participate in and feel connected to the academic community.

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Next steps• Complete analysis of

seating sweep data and long answer questionnaire responses

• Prepare results for publication

• Consider follow up studies

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ReferencesAnderson, R. 2011, "Print on the Margins", Library Journal, vol. 136, no. 11, pp. 38-39.

Bennett, S. 2006, "The Choice for Learning", The Journal of Academic Librarianship, vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 3-13.

Frade, P.A. & Washburn, A. 2006, "The University Library: The Center of a University Education?", Portal : Libraries and the Academy, vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 327.

Given, L.M. & Leckie, G.J. 2003, "“Sweeping” the library: Mapping the social activity space of the public library.", Library and Information Science Research, vol. 25, no. 4, pp. 365-385.

Martell, C. 2008, "The Absent User: Physical Use of Academic Library Collections and Services Continues to Decline 1995-2006", Journal of Academic Librarianship, vol. 34, no. 5, pp. 400-407.

Opperman, B.V. & Jamison, M. 2008, "New roles for an academic library: current measurements", New Library World, vol. 109, no. 11, pp. 559-573.

Sennyey, P., Ross, L. & Mills, C. 2009, "Exploring the future of academic libraries: A definitional approach", The Journal of Academic Librarianship, vol. 35, no. 3, pp. 252-259.

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Thank-you!Questions are welcome

Francine [email protected]