Download - Fr. Rubén Arceo Makes His “Final Vows” on… · †Richard & Julie Powell ... Rita Bonnell Norm Boyer Herminia

Page 1: Fr. Rubén Arceo Makes His “Final Vows” on… · †Richard & Julie Powell ... Rita Bonnell Norm Boyer Herminia

Page 2 Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe November 24, 2013

As we celebrate the feast of Christ the King today and look forward to the beginning of Advent next weekend, it seems like a good time to pause and reflect on all the gifts we

receive each day through the goodness of Christ our King. We dedicate this bulletin to the many ways our parishioners have voiced their gratitude in our parish’s Book of Gratitude.

I give thanks to God for

the angels He sent to

help this week.

I give thanks to God

for my two beautiful daughters. Help me

to be a better father, O Lord.

I give thanks to God for this day; for having people in my life who bring me joy; for your sacrifice; for my hus-band, children and family.

Thank you Lord for giving me this day. My mind is more peaceful because of you. Never leave me!

Thank you

Lord for

Fr. Tony’s


Dear God, thank you for everything

you give me. Blessed is your name.

Thank you for always walking with

me and being my friend. I love and

will always praise Your name.

I give thanks to God for giving me the strength to

take care of my daughter during our hardship.

Fr. Rubén Arceo Makes His “Final Vows” on Sunday St. Didacus Parish is blessed to have Fr. Rubén as a regular celebrant of our Spanish Mass here on Sundays. Fr. Rubén Arceo, S.J. is the rector/president of the Universidad Iberoamericana in Tijuana. He grew up in Los Angeles but is part of the Jesuit Provence of Mexico. He completed his Doctorate in Education at the University of San Francisco. Fr. Rubén will be making his “final vows” as a Jesuit at our Spanish Mass this weekend. It might be helpful to pass on an explanation of what that means— written by another Jesuit, Fr. James Martin:

“Even lifelong Catholics have a hard time understanding what all this means. "Didn't you take vows after two years of novitiate?" "Aren't you ordained already?" "Don't you live according to poverty, chastity and

obedience anyway?" The answers to those questions are: yes, yes and yes. So final vows deserve a little explanation.

Essentially, Jesuits take "simple vows" or "first vows" after they have completed their two-year novitiate. And indeed we vow to be poor, chaste and obedient, in imitation of Christ. But in those first vows we promise that we "will enter" the Society of Jesus. In a sense, it's an offering to God, which we hope will be confirmed. "[A]s you have freely given me the desire to make

this offering,” we say in first vows, “so may you also give me the abundant grace to fulfill it."

After completing the many years of Jesuit training and, for some, after ordination, a Jesuit is invited into the final stage of his training, called "tertianship," which includes making the full Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius Loyola, a.k.a. the Long Re-treat. After this, many Jesuits fill out evaluations of your suitability for final vows (called informatios), answering several broad questions. ("Does his life as a Jesuit give witness as a man consecrated to God?") The evaluations are sent to your home province, and from there to Rome, where the superior general of the Society of Jesus approves (you pray) "full incorporation" into the Jesuits. A better way to say it is this: the Society of Jesus is accepting that offer you made all those years ago as a novice. As another Jesuit said, at First Vows, you accept the Society; at Final Vows, the Society accepts you, "for better or


For me, this means that all those years of discerning and thinking and wondering and talking and writing and struggling and rejoicing about being a Jesuit have been confirmed. And not just confirmed by my own prayer and experience--but by the

Society of Jesus.”

Page 2: Fr. Rubén Arceo Makes His “Final Vows” on… · †Richard & Julie Powell ... Rita Bonnell Norm Boyer Herminia

Page 3 Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe November 24, 2013




THE WEEK OF November 17, 2013

Collection for November 17, 2013 $4,830.00 Restricted Funds for November 17, 2013 $ 203.00 Total Income: $5,033.00

Saturday…………........November 23 5:00PM………………....†Carolyn Curiel Hastings Sunday………….....…..November 24 8:30AM…………...…….People of St. Didacus 10:00AM………….…….†Honorato Palestina 11:30AM………………..Alexandre Galvan, Spec. Int. Monday………………...November 25 7:30AM………………....†Henry & Flavia Ferreira Tuesday………..…..….November 26 6:00PM……………........†Fred Dueber Wednesday……......….November 27 8:30AM………………….†Richard & Julie Powell Thursday………...…….November 28 9:00AM…………………..†Alberto Platas

Friday…………...……...November 29 7:30AM………………….Mary Grace Davis, Spec. Int. Saturday…………........November 30 5:00PM………………....Watson Family, Spec. Int.

Mass Intentions

Please Pray For

Weekly Events at St. Didacus

Sunday, November 24, 2013 Location Knights of Colubus Tootsie Roll Drive after Masses this weekend Fr. Ruben’s Party after Spanish Mass Hall Monday, November 25, 2013 Location Tiger Scouts 3:45-5:15pm Hall Cub Scouts 6:30-8:00pm Hall Small Faith V 7:00pm Winona Tuesday, November 26, 2013 Location Wednesday, November 27, 2013 Location Eucharistic Adoration 7:30-8:30am Church Thursday, November 28, 2013 Location Parish Office Closed Friday, November 29, 2013 Location Parish Office Closed Saturday, November 30, 2013 Location Blessing of Advent Wreath 5:00pm Church

Welcome to St. Didacus Parish! Masses Saturday 5:00pm Sunday 8:30am & 10:00am English 11:30am in Spanish Daily Mass Mon., Thurs., Fri. 7:30am Wednesday 8:30am & Tues. 6:00pm Eucharistic Adoration Wednesdays 7:30am—8:30am First Fridays 8:00am—9:00am Confessions—Saturdays 3:30pm or by appt.

Pastor, Fr. Michael J. Sinor Parish Office 619-284-3472

And the special intentions in our Book of Needs

Maria Luz Arrellano Katherine Artale Jim Barnes Diann Bauer Dan Bauer Herbert Baxter Martha Becerra Rita Bonnell Norm Boyer Herminia Brignoni Ibeth Brignoni Lee Burnett Ruben Campos Marie Cavanaugh Terry Davidson Irene Davis MaryLou De Luca Juanita Diaz Cecelia Dueber

Maria Fielding Susan Guenzel Rosie Kinninger Marcella Halweg Bernie Kober Marilyn Kober Virginia Lantry Juanita Lopez Maria Lopez Dolores Mediano Esteban Mediano Segunda Ordona Sylvia Paiz Dominick Palestini Diane Porter Dolores Robertson Atina Rodriguez Aaron Rodriguez Alette Rodriguez

Gladys Palestini Jeff Salazar Patricia Seay Christine Segura Alice Sergi Michael Smith Raymond Sparks Mary Sutton Angel Tapia Pedro Tapia Therese Tucker Carol Verdon Catarina Zizzo Rose Zaragoza Adalina Zarate


Readings for the Week of November 24, 2013 Sunday: 2 Sm 5:1-3/Col 1:12-20/Lk 23:35-43 Monday: Dn 1:1-6, 8-20/Lk 21:1-4 Tuesday: Dn 2:31-45/Lk 21:5-11 Wednesday: Dn 5:1-6, 13-14, 16-17, 23-28/Lk 21:12-19 Thursday: Dn 6:12-28/Lk 21:20-28 Friday: Dn 7:2-14/Lk 21:29-33 Saturday: Rom 10:9-18/Mt 4:18-22 Next Sunday: Is 2:1-5/Rom 13:11-14/Mt 24:37-44

The Parish Office will be closed on Thursday and Friday, November 28th & 29th in observance of the Thanksgiving holiday.

“And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” —Colossians 3:17

There will be no coffee & donuts on Sunday after Mass so that we

can prepare for an event after the Spanish Mass.

Page 3: Fr. Rubén Arceo Makes His “Final Vows” on… · †Richard & Julie Powell ... Rita Bonnell Norm Boyer Herminia

Page 4 Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe November 24, 2013

4630 34th Street, San Diego CA 92116 284-8730

Thank you! Through your generosity the Parish Food Pantry was able to put together 46 bags for those in need for Thanksgiving. We are grateful for your generosity!

Blessing of the Parish Advent Wreath

Advent begins next weekend with the Blessing of our Parish Advent Wreath at the 5:00pm Mass on Saturday, November 30th. You are invited to bring your Advent candles to this Mass and have them blessed also.

Collection for

National Needs

This Weekend

This weekend has been desig-

nated for the 2013 Collection

for National Needs. Special

envelopes are available in the pews for this collection

which supports the Black and Indian Missions, the

Catholic Home Missions, the Catholic Communication

Campaign, the Catholic Campaign for Human Develop-

ment, and the Catholic University of America.

There are special envelopes for this collection in the

pews. Please take one and return it in the collection

basket or to the Parish Office.

Thanksgiving Day Mass

9:00am Start your day off with a heart

of gratitude by attending our

Thanksgiving Day Mass.

There will be no 7:30am

Mass that day.





LAST CALL: Order your

Mama’s Pies by midnight,

Sunday, November 24th at Kari

Lorraine’s pie seller page: http://


Mama’s Pie Pick-up

If you ordered Mama’s Pies and

chose St. Didacus as your pick-up

spot, come by the Parish Hall on

Wednesday, November 27th from

8:30am-6pm to pick them up!

If you chose Mama’s location they are open 10am

-6pm and all other locations are open 10am-4pm.

Thank you for your support!

Knights of Columbus

Intellectual Disabilities

(Tootsie Roll) Drive


after each Mass. 100% of funds raised go to help local persons

with intellectual disabilities. Thanks for your


Boy Scout Troop 15 will be selling

Christmas wreaths

next Sunday after the Masses.

Thanksgiving break for the school begins at noon on Wednesday, November 27th

and school resumes on Monday, December 2nd.

We give thanks to God for the many

blessings we receive through the parish community of St. Didacus!

Page 4: Fr. Rubén Arceo Makes His “Final Vows” on… · †Richard & Julie Powell ... Rita Bonnell Norm Boyer Herminia

Page 5 Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe November 24, 2013

I give thanks to God for helping me settle my obligations and to take care of my responsibilities.

Thank you God for

bringing my kids to

adulthood and for

helping me survive

another week!

I give thanks to God for the altar servers, trained to serve our church.

I give thanks

to God for the

opportunity to

be a stay-at-

home wife and

mother. For

the opportu-

nity to have

my children

attend St. Didacus

School and Church and

for the chance and de-

sire to be involved in


I give thanks to God for the sun, air and the love He gives me.

I give thanks to God for helping me recognize

my lack of faith.

I give thanks to God for


I am thankful for my freedom and the men and women who honestly defend it every day.

Thank you,

God, for

giving me

hope. I am


because I

finally fell





Thank you, God, for

doctors, therapists,

parents and priests who

you use to heal.

Thank you, Lord, for loving me no matter what—everything good in my life is from you. I am so grateful.

Dear God, thank you

for easing my pain.

I give thanks to God for happily

married couples!

I give thanks to God for my beau-tiful, blessed life. Thank you God for my health, my loving family and for my education! I am ex-tremely blessed. Thank you, God!

I give thanks to God for Vacation Bible School and everyone involved!

I give thanks to God for the chal-lenges we face that make us stronger.

I give thanks to God for

providing opportunities to serve

Him and His people.

I Give thanks to God for al-

lowing me and my husband

to visit this beautiful church

that my grandparents were

married in on July 7, 1945.

I give

thanks to

God for

Jesus’ gift

of Himself

in the Holy Eucharist.

I give

thanks to

God for



Thank you for my

troubles, Lord!!!

Page 5: Fr. Rubén Arceo Makes His “Final Vows” on… · †Richard & Julie Powell ... Rita Bonnell Norm Boyer Herminia

Pagina 6 Solemnidad de Jesucristo Rey del Universo 24 de noviembre 2013



Fue en la ciudad e los Ángeles, Ca

en donde el P. Rubén conoció a los

jesuitas. El trabajo con los migrantes y

la defensa de los derechos humanos lo

animaron a entregar su vida a Dios en

la Compañía de Jesús.

Los esperamos a celebrar los

últimos votos del P. Rubén después de misa.

Colecta Para



Este fin de sema-

na se ha designa-

do para la

“Colecta de Ne-

cesidades Nacionales 2013.” Hay sobres espe-

ciales para esta colecta que ayudara a sostener a

las Misiones Católicas Domesticas, la Campaña

Católica para el Desarrollo Humano y la Cam-

paña para la Comunicación Católica y la Uni-

versidad Católica de América.

Día de Gracias

La oficina parroquial estará cerrada

el jueves 28 de noviembre y el vier-

nes 29 de noviembre por el día de

Acción de Gracias.

!Que el Señor los bendiga y bendiga a sus

familias en este día de Acción de Gracias!


9AM Comience su día con un corazón

agradecido, la misa de Acción de

Gracias será a las 9 AM. No habrá

misa de 7:30 AM este día.



Al celebrar la fiesta de Cristo Rey el día de

hoy, y esperando con ansias el inicio del Ad-

viento el próximo fin de semana, esta sema-

na es un buen momento para hacer una pau-

sa y reflexionar sobre todos los dones que

hemos recibido a través de la bondad de

Nuestro Señor Jesucristo, nuestro Rey. Dedi-

camos este espacio para demostrar las mu-

chas maneras que nuestros feligreses han

expresado su agradecimiento a Dios en el

libro de nuestra parroquia.

!Gracias Dios mío por esta be-

lla comunidad guiada con

amor y dedicación por el Padre

Mike y toda(os) los servidores

de esta parroquia por su entre-

ga al servicio de Dios para que

las personas, familias, etc, des-

cubramos el amor y la miseri-

cordia de Dios nuestro Señor!

Algunas acciones de gracias de nuestra comunidad Gracias, gracias, gracias...

Gracias por siempre, por estar

siempre aquí Jesús Sacramen-

tado tu eres la luz y la Fortale-

za de mi existencia. Bendito y

alabado sea el Santísimo Sa-

cramento. Amén.

Dios mío te doy las más gran-

des gracias por el milagro de

vida que me das Señor. Ten

misericordia de todos nosotros.

¡Gracias infinitas!

Gracias Señor por cui-

dar de mí y de mis hijos

y por tanta fortaleza que

me das para seguir ade-
