Download - Fourth Sunday of Advent December 24th, 2017 - … following is from Pope St. John Paul II’s Christmas homily at Midnight Mass Homily in the year 2000. “On this night, the ancient


18 N Woodlawn Joliet, Il 60435

Parish Office: 815-725-1527 Parish Fax 815-730-9907 School: 815-725-3390 Religious Education 815-725-6927 Youth Ministry: 815-730-8599 RCIA (Roberta Lemke) 815-725-1403 Parish Email: [email protected]

Rev. John Klein, Pastor, Ext. 243, [email protected] Rev. John Belmonte, S.J., Resident, Ext. 230 Rev. James Lennon, Weekend Celebrant Deacon John Freund, [email protected] Michele Kmety, Parish Secretary, Ext. 200 [email protected] Joe Stengele, Business Manager, Ext. 203 [email protected] Al Kramerich, Facilities Manager, Ext. 407 [email protected] Corie Alimento, Principal, Ext. 401 [email protected] Jennifer Jones D.R.E., Ext. 301 [email protected] Jeremy Hylka, Dir. Of Liturgy & Youth Min. Ext. 320 [email protected] Lydia Saldanha Director of Music, Ext. 202 [email protected]

MASS SCHEDULE Saturday: 4:30 PM Sunday: 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM, 10:30 AM Weekday mass: 7:30 AM Monday through Fr iday except Wednesdays 8:15 AM when school is in session Holy Days: Varies by Holy Day of Obligation The Catechism of the Catholic Church clearly states that “On Sundays and other holy days of obligation the faithful are bound to participate in the Mass” (#2180) and goes on to state that “Those who deliberately fail in this obligation commit a grave [mortal] sin.” (#2181)


Saturday: 8:30 am or by appointment

BAPTISMS Baptisms are scheduled on the Second Sunday of the month at 11:30 AM based on parental requests. Participation in a Parent Preparation Program is mandatory before the baptism of the child. Our preparation Program is held on the first Tuesday of each month at 7:00 PM. Attendance at Sunday Mass on the day of the Baptism is Mandatory. Please call the Parish office to schedule a baptism.


All weddings are scheduled by the Pastor of the Parish. Office staff cannot schedule a wedding and a wedding is not considered to be officially scheduled until the couple receives written confirmation from the Pastor of the Parish. Couples desiring to be married need to speak directly with the Pastor BEFORE reserving a hall. Only the Bride or Groom may request a date for their wedding. Diocesan policy requires that a 6 month (minimum) preparation process be completed prior to the celebration of all weddings. Weddings are not scheduled on Sundays.



R.C.I.A. The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is an ongoing formation process for adults who are interested in becoming a Catholic and adult Catholics who would like to receive the sacraments of Confirmation and/or First Eucharist. Please call the Parish Office for additional information.

ANOINTING OF THE SICK Parishioners who are seriously or critically ill, or have surgery scheduled should receive the Sacrament of Anointing and Healing. Please call the parish office to request this sacrament. Regular visits are also made by our Pastoral Staff and Ministers of Care to bring Holy Communion to hospitalized or homebound parishioners. Anyone desiring such a visit should call the Parish Office.

PARISH REGISTRATION New parishioners are always welcome! You may register in person or by calling the Parish Office.

Fourth Sunday of Advent

December 24th, 2017



FROM FATHER JOHN: “Nowtherewereshepherdsinthatregionlivinginthe ieldsandkeepingthenightwatchovertheirlock.TheangeloftheLordappearedtothemandthegloryoftheLordshonearoundthem,andtheywerestruckwithgreatfear.Theangelsaidtothem,“Donotbeafraid;forbehold,Iproclaimtoyougoodnewsofgreatjoythatwillbeforallthepeople.FortodayinthecityofDavidasaviorhasbeenbornforyouwhoisChristandLord.Andthiswillbeasignforyou:youwill indaninfantwrappedinswaddlingclothesandlyinginamanger.”Andsuddenlytherewasamultitudeoftheheavenlyhostwiththeangel,praisingGodandsaying:“GlorytoGodinthehighestandonearthpeacetothoseonwhomhisfavorrests.”(Luke2:8-14) MerryChristmas!!!Theworldis illedwithexcitement,joyandaweaswecelebrateChristmasEveandChristmasDay.IcannotbegintotellyouhowmuchIlovecelebratingChristmaswithallofyouaswegathertogethertocelebratetheSacredLiturgy,givingthankstoGodforallthegracesthatHehasbestoweduponusthisyear.Christmasseasonisalwaysatimeofsuchgreatjoy,wonderment,festivity,goodcheerandexcitement. TheShepherds’heartsandsoulswere illedwiththisjoy,wondermentandexcitementwhentheangelappearedbeforethemannouncingthataSaviorwasborn.Somuchso,thattheyimmediatelyleftwheretheywereattoJourneytoBethlehem(KingDavid’scity)toseetheinfant.“Whentheangelswentawayfromthemtoheaven,theshepherdssaidtooneanother,‘Letusgo,then,toBethlehemtoseethisthingthathastakenplace,whichtheLordhasmadeknowntous.’SotheywentinhasteandfoundMaryandJoseph,andtheinfantlyinginthemanger.Whentheysawthis,theymadeknownthemessagethathadbeentoldthemaboutthischild.Allwhohearditwereamazedbywhathadbeentoldthembytheshepherds.AndMarykeptallthesethings,re lectingontheminherheart.Thentheshepherdsreturned,glorifyingandpraisingGodforalltheyhadheardandseen,justasithadbeentoldtothem.”(Luke2:15-20) C.S.LewiswroteinMereChristianitythatifwe“LookforChristandyouwill indHim.AndwithHim,everythingelse.”TheshepherdslookedforChristandfoundHimandtheyknewthattheyhadfoundeverything.Weneedtodo,duringthisChristmasseason,thesamethingthattheshepherdsdidsolongago.WeneedtolookforChristastheydid! GodHimselfcametodwellamongusasourbrother,ourwondercounselor,ourredeemerandoursavior.Christmasisacelebrationofthemystery,wonderandbeautyoftheIncarnationofourLordJesus.Itisagreatmysterythatpuzzlesus;itpuzzlesuswiththeparadoxoftheGodofGods,theLordofLords,theKingofKingsenteringintoourhumancondition,becominglikeusineverywayexceptsin. ThefollowingisfromPopeSt.JohnPaulII’sChristmashomilyatMidnightMassHomilyintheyear2000. “Onthisnight,theancientyetevernewproclamationoftheLord’sbirthringsout.Itringsoutforthosekeepingwatch,liketheshepherdsinBethlehemtwothousandyearsago;itringsoutforthosewhohaverespondedtoAdvent’scallandwho,waitingwatchfully,arereadytowelcomethejoyfultidingswhichintheliturgybecomeoursong:‘TodayisbornourSavior’. TheChristianpeoplekeepwatch;theentireworldkeepswatchonthisChristmasnight…thisproclamation,withitsinexhaustiblepowertorenewus,echoesoncemoreonthisholynightwithspecialforce:thisistheChristmasoftheGreatJubilee,alivingremembranceofChrist’stwothousandyears,ofhiswondrousbirth,whichmarkedthenewbeginningofhistory.Today‘theWordwasmade leshanddweltamongus’(John1:14). ‘Today’.Onthisnight,timeopenstoeternity,becauseyou,OChrist,arebornamongus,comingfromonhigh.YoucametobirthfromthewombofaWomanblessedamongallwomen,you‘theSonoftheMostHigh’.Onceandforallyourholinessmadealltimeholy:thedays,thecenturies,themillennia.Byyourbirth,youhaveturnedtimeintothe‘today’ofsalvation.”WecelebrateChristmasbecausewehavereceivedthegreatestgiftinthehistoryofthehumanrace,inthehistoryoftheentireuniverse.IntheIncarnationofourLordJesus,inthebirthofthebabyJesus,wereceivethegiftofsharingintheDivinityofChristwhohumbledhimselftoshareinourHumanity.WereceivethegiftofeternallifeinChristJesus.Andthisgift,myfriends,iswhatmakesChristmassovery,veryspecial.MyhopeforyouandyourfamilyisthatChristmasbringsyouanever-deeperrelationshipwiththeLordourGod;arelationshipthatbringsgreatjoy,peace,wonder,andexcitementintoyourlife.

LITURGICAL SCHEDULE week of December 24th

MONDAY 12/25 The Nativity of the Lord 8:30 AM Intention of the Celebrant 10:30 AM Intention of the Celebrant TUESDAY 12/26 Saint Stephen No Mass WEDNESDAY 12/27 Saint John 7:30 AM Thomas Devine THURSDAY 12/28 The Holy Innocents 7:30 AM Helen Klein FRIDAY 12/29 Fifth Day within the Octave of the Nativity of The Lord 7:30 AM James Allegretti SATURDAY 12/30 Vigil of The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph 4:30 PM Louise Cordano SUNDAY 12/31 The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph 7:30 AM The People of St. Paul the Apostle 9:00 AM Lorenzo J. Filetti 10:30 AM Dr. Mark Robbin

Sunday Offering

Thank you for your generous support of our parish. God bless you and your family!

In Pew Offering-Sunday, December 17, 2017……$ 9,347.00 On Line Giving-Sunday, December 17 2017……..$ 6,527.50 In Pew Offering Weekly Budget…………….…… $ 12,760.00 Weekly Overage December 17, 2017……………..$ 3,114.50 Monthly Total Budget……………………………..$ 72,083.33

Fourth Sunday of Advent

Sunday, December 24th Fourth Sunday of Advent 8:30 am Mass Church 10:30 am Mass Church Vigil of The Nativity of The Lord 3:00 pm Christmas Eve Mass Church 5:00 pm Christmas Eve Mass Church 9:30 pm A Festival of 9 Lessons & Carols Church 10:30 pm Christmas Eve Mass Church Monday, December 25th The Nativity of The Lord 8:30 am Mass Church 10:30 am Mass Church Tuesday, December 26th No Mass Wednesday, December 27th 7:30 am Mass Church Thursday, December 28th 7:30 am Mass Church Friday, December 29th 7:30 am Mass Church Saturday, December 30th 4:30 pm Vigil Mass Church Sunday, December 31st The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary & Joseph 7:30 am Mass Church 9:00 am Mass Church 10:30 am Mass Church Monday, January 1st The Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God 9:00 am Mass Church

For more information please visit the website @

Christmas Eve - Sunday, December 24th 3:00 PM 5:00 PM 10:30 PM 9:30 PM A Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols

Christmas Day—Monday, December 25

8:30 AM 10:30 AM

The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph

Sunday, December 31st 7:30 AM 9:00 AM 10:30 AM

The Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God

Monday, January 1st 9:00 AM

The Parish Office will be closed December 22nd through December 26th and December 28th through January 1st. There will not be Eucharistic Adoration during this time.


The Staff and Faculty of St. Paul the Apostle School Wish you and your families a very Blessed Christmas and a very Happy New Year!

Invest in Kids Act

The General Assembly has passed the Invest in Kids Act (Senate Bill 1947) which helps fund non-public education in the State of

Illinois. This new school choice legislation has the potential to cover up to 100 percent of tuition and fees at Catholic schools beginning next school year. This is a great opportunity for families who are interested in Catholic

education but never thought it would be financially possible. The tuition and fee payments will not be made through state funds, rather through corporate donations totaling $100 million. The Empower Illinois

Scholarship Granting Organization has been chosen to oversee and manage this process. Empower Illinois has information available on their

website at St. Paul the Apostle Catholic School will be hosting a parent presentation to explain this comprehensive legislation to anyone interested in transferring to a Catholic school as a result of this new legislation.

Please join us on Tuesday, January 9th at 6:30pm in the Activity Center for this special presentation.

Please call St. Paul the Apostle Catholic School with any questions in

advance of the meeting at 815-725-3390.

Fourth Sunday of Advent – 24 December 2017 Secret no more. What may have seemed a big secret, is made known over time by spending time with God (prayer and quiet) and faithful activity (mercy works). As with Blessed Mary long ago, the Holy Spirit is doing something in me, calling me to something important. Can I name it? Will I say “yes” to it after prayer as Mary did? What does God want me to say or do? How will the Holy Spirit help? Will I do it?

The Religious Education staff and catechists wish you a very blessed Christmas. May the wondrous Christmas gift of God’s love fill your hearts.

There are no REP classes on December 25th and January 1st, Classes will resume on January 8th

Confirmation 2018 news....

Confirmation 2018 has been set for Tuesday, May 8 at 6:30 pm with Fr. John presiding. Confirmation practice will be held on Tuesday, May 1 at 6 pm in the Church.

Upcoming Important Dates:


Address: FOLLOW Youth Ministry Center 120 Woodlawn, Joliet, St. Paul Convent Phone: 815-730-8599 Email: [email protected] Web: Facebook: Twi er: followyouthmin Instagram: followym Snapchat: followyouth

The Entire FOLLOW Youth Ministry wishes you and your families a very

Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year

Because we are human, we get sick. Sometimes, it’s just sniffles or the flu. Many times it’s an

illness that causes us or one of our loved

ones to find that getting to Church is difficult or is not possible.

Our Ministers of Pastoral Care are a special group of Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion who

visit our homebound parishioners with Holy Communion.

If you or someone you know is unable to attend

church to receive The Eucharist please contact Anne Prock at 815-741-1855 or

contact Michele in the parish office at 815-725-1527

Marjorie Aschenbrenner Erin Bartel Patrick Bernard Mason Briese Doug Brusatte Vonna Cantu Eka Cox Laura Criel Judy Damyen Arlene Donohue Harn Family Dorothy Fonza Susan Gentile Matt Gross Judy Hadala Sami Henderson James Hickey Jr. Ann Juhlmann

Mary Kaplan Ed Kasheimer Tanja Kempes Rosalee Kinman Mary Lou Kozar Christine Krause Carol Lamirand Brunch Lehman Helen Locher John Matejcak Mike McGowan Sheila Mellor Terry Meyer Maria Moroz John Mowbray Jeanie Nunuue Kurt Palmer Norman Pieper

Amy Remallard Lorraine Rutkoski Bruce Rutkoski Sr. Lisa Savero Richard Schreiner Kaden Siegel Lorenzo Siletti Tony Simone Paityn Sims Jennifer Stephen JoAnn Sulaica The Sullivan Family Louis Toka Salvatore Ventura Norma Weibel William Wheeler

Please remember the following people in your prayers who are seriously ill or who are suffering from long-term illnesses:

December 30th and 31st

TIME LECTORS EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS ALTAR SERVERS 4:30 pm Roberta Lemke Nancy Suligoy, Janet Militello, Julia Pultorak Abbie Ardaugh, Kyle Simon, Joseph Anzalone, Karen Anzalone Andrew Ardaugh 7:30 am Alice Henderson NOT FILLED, Linda Deiss, Carol Lukowski, Josh Ballantine, Josh Clark Anne Prock, Pat Stroud 8:30 am David Bailey Thomas Bailey, Frank Theobald, Lori Nichols, Emily Bolek, Jenna Bolek, Anne Theobald, Dave Lagger Maura Gregurich 10:30 am Carol Nowak Sunny Hobbs, Annette DeLaurenti, Bill Bayci, Elizabeth Kistinger, Lillie Scherf Sandra Graham, Patsy Boadach Daniel Schalk


Thank you to all parishioners who have completed and submitted their Commitment Card to the church. For those parishioners who have not yet

had the opportunity to submit their card, a letter will be mailed to you with a personalized Commitment Card. It is im-

portant that all parishioners complete a Commitment Card as we will be mailing out a Summary Report of the program and need all commitments accounted for in this report. If you have any questions, please contact the parish business office. We also encourage all parishioners to consider our electronic giving

method and to setup your reoccurring offertory gifts electronically.

St. Paul the Apostle Rosary Group invites you to join them every Friday morning after the 7:30 am Mass in the cry room. Everyone is welcome!

“The Rosary is the weapon against the evils of today.” St. Padre Pio

Visit our parish and click on the online giving link.

CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS St. Paul the Apostle Church #846 18 Woodlawn Avenue Joliet, IL 60435 TELEPHONE 815 725-1527 # 203 CONTACT PERSON Michele Kmety SOFTWARE MSPublisher 2010 Adobe Acrobat X Windows 7 PRINTER Brother MFC 8480 TRANSMISSION TIME Tuesday, April 25 SUNDAY DATE OF PUBLICATION April 30, 2017 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT 1 through 8 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS