Download - Fourteenth Edition - · reunion last year Kyle asked me ... Sandal’s Ocho Rios Resort and had a great time! During their stay they did


Saturday, July 15, 2006 $X.XX

Fourteenth Edition


Hayman Family by Annie Jewell

Every year the Hayman Holler

sneaks up on me and Linda is asking, “Have you sent anything to Don Yet?”- my response is always the same –“No- not yet.” Nothing ever happens in our lives that would interest anybody, but on our way home from the reunion last year Kyle asked me “Don’t you ever feel weird or out of place at Dads reunion since its not your “family”- I told him that the Hayman’s were my family and had been from the very first time Bob brought me to a reunion 20 years ago. Everyone welcomed me and treated me like I was part of the Hayman’s.

I lost my

parents at an early age, never met my grandparents, and aunts and uncles were people I knew but were never close to. Since I met and Married Bob, I have had the best “Mom” anyone could have ever asked for. She treats me like I am her own. She is not only my mother but also my best friend. I have always had a very hard time meeting people and talking to them, but everyone has always made me feel very comfortable. I am very thankful to be a part of this very close knit family. I have never met a more close, loving family as what the Hayman’s are. Marrying Bob also gave me Grandparents, something I never had before, and even though they are all gone, I treasure the memories I have and the lessons they taught me while they were here.

Cod Liver Oil by Linda Jewell

Someone recently told me

about an old remedy for an ailment by using cod liver oil. You soak your foot and rub the ointment on it. I just couldn’t see what good that would do for sore feet. As I had a good laugh, it brought back old memories of a very bad experience between Mom and me and that nasty cod liver oil.

I was in the third grade, and we lived in Letart Falls. One morning I decided I was sick, and I didn’t want to go to school. Actually, the trouble was “I was sick and tired of school.” Mom always had a way of knowing if the sickness was for real, and had her own way of dealing with it. The cod liver oil appeared before my eyes in Mom’s hand, and in the other hand was a teaspoon. This was a fix for the entire problem. As she came at me, I dove over the sofa and went on the run. It was a temporary chase until she cornered me in the kitchen. I begged for a teaspoon of sugar to take with it because I had bad memories from the last time. As I crouched in the corner with a teaspoon of sugar, I held my nose as Mom quickly administered the teaspoon of cod liver oil. Guess what? I made sure I was sick before I ever missed school again. I really miss Mom, but not the cod liver oil.

Reunion & Campout

Hollow Blast The time for “Hollow Blast 06” is at

hand. Keith’s family makes their plans for this night for a long time before any one even thinks about the reunion and the campout. It is without question

their favorite night of the year. As for the show, they will light up the night sky over the top of Hayman Hollow as always with one improvement, a bigger and better sound system so the spectators on the bank between the building and the old home place can hear the music. Everyone thinks they did a great job with last year’s show, but know it is getting real tough for them to do a better show each year. Like the shows in the past, Keith is sure everyone’s faces will be smiling, and a small tear will roll down a cheek or two with the finale. Yes Linda, the song will be used again this year in loving memory of Mom!


New Additions

Terry Jr., Carrie and Lauren Huber had a new blessing added to their family. Ashley Nicole Huber was born on September 2nd 2005 at Doctors West. Ashley was 6lb. 5oz. and 20 inches long. It was a blessed day to have a new baby girl added to the family. Terry and Carrie had family come and see them -- Kim, RJ, Tara, Barbie, Curtis, Grandpa and Grandma Hayman, and much more of the family was there to see the new addition. Ashley is now ten months old, and she and Lauren are so close and getting in so much trouble together. Health

Linda takes Phyllis to Columbus every other Thursday for chemotherapy, and afterward, they usually meet Ted and Sallie for lunch. Phyllis has quit her job at Ohio University.

Allison had her tonsils removed and tubes reinserted in her ears, and her health has really improved.

On June 15th Sallie tripped over a small stepping stool at a bookstore, and severely sprained her ankle and broke a bone in it. She needed to stay off her feet for about two weeks while Ted took care of her and the house. He is very good at picking up carry out food. She is slowly mending.


On, August 5, 2005 Sam and Olivia were married in Ocho Rios, Jamaica. They stayed at the Sandal’s Ocho Rios Resort and had a great time! During their stay they did some shopping, went on a catamaran cruise, and climbed Dunn’s River Falls; but mostly, they just relaxed by the one of the seven pools or by the ocean! When they returned to the States, they had a pig roast at Sam’s parents. The Zucchini Pickers played some music and a good time was had by all!

Linda became engaged to

Joseph Kirby, Sr. on Valentines Day. She received a beautiful ring, and one dozen red roses. They met last year in October -- wedding plans are being made for 2007. Joe is retired from 39 years on the police force, is currently Chief of Police in Racine, and is employed full time as the Electronics Department manager at Wal Mart in Mason, WV. He resides in Racine on Yellowbush Road.

Joe and Linda are planning a two week trip in August to Norfolk, VA where they plan to stay at his aunt’s home on the

Chesapeake Bay. They will tour the Naval Base, go deep sea fishing, and visit Williamsburg, Busch Gardens and Virginia Beach.

Lorna wanted to surprise

Bruce, Jonathan, and Michael this past Thanksgiving, so she planned a very special weekend. She only told everyone what they would need to pack and what time to be ready, that they were driving, and that it would take around four hours to get there, but nothing else.

Lorna had prepared everything for a mini-Thanksgiving dinner, including turkey, rolls, and pumpkin pie. After everyone went to bed, she put everything in the oven that needed to be baked and went to bed. Next morning she put it in a thermal container to keep it warm (the cold stuff was in another container), loaded the Jeep, and they left. They didn’t know what was in the containers, but got a hint on the drive as the turkey aroma filled the Jeep.

Their only stop was to get some gourmet gas station sandwiches and candy to sustain Michael and Jonathan until lunch time (good thing it wasn’t easy to get to the coolers!) Bruce didn’t guess their destination until the final turn, and the boys were totally in the dark until the end, partially because they slept most of the way.

They arrived at their destination of Asheville, North Carolina, checked into their suite at lunch time, and had their Thanksgiving meal. They couldn’t believe Lorna had brought a complete dinner with everyone’s favorites! The rest of the day was spent watching football games, playing board games, and eating more of the Thanksgiving food!

The next day, after a leisurely breakfast (this means Bruce and Lorna had breakfast while the boys were still in bed), it was off to downtown Asheville. They spent the afternoon strolling through the delightful shops, and having a late lunch at one of the great local cafes. Then Lorna told them it was time to go back to the hotel to get ready for the rest of the surprise. They dressed for dinner, and she guided Bruce to the Deer Park Restaurant on the Biltmore Estate for a beautiful candlelight dinner around 7:30 p.m. The restaurant is housed in a historic barn original to the estate and specializes in a variety of elegant Southern style dishes, including desserts of course! After dinner, it was on to the next surprise, a 10:00 p.m. Candlelight Christmas Evening at the Biltmore Estate. The walking tour lasted over two hours, passing through every room uniquely decorated for Christmas with trees, poinsettias, and exquisite antique decorations, plus live orchestral music coming from the Entrance Hall. There was so much to see and enjoy on their tour. Jonathan loved the Library with its 23,000 books and Michael was very interested in the chess and gaming table that belonged to Napoleon, and some tapestries sent from Europe during World War II for safekeeping. Bruce and Lorna enjoyed the mistletoe kissing balls in the Winter Garden, much to the boys chagrin!

The next morning after breakfast they went back to the Biltmore, where they strolled the grounds, shopped in the wonderful shops, and of course had hot chocolate and treats at the bakery.

On their way home that evening, they stopped at their friend’s that live just south of

Asheville for a delicious dinner and delightful conversation.

Lorna’s dilemma now is what to plan for next year!!!

On June 12th this year Curtis

turned the big 21. Humor

Carrie, Lauren, Ashley, Tara, Ryan, and Katie were driving to Homestead Park in Hilliard in June, were taking the country roads, and had to take a detour that was out of their way. Well, they got lost, ended up in Plain City, and ran out of gas on a very hot day.

They saw a sheriff, and Tara flagged him down as Carrie tried calling Terry who was at work in Worthington. The sheriff stopped and helped them and the kids. So they wouldn’t have to wait in the hot car, the sheriff said he would take them all in his car to a nearby school. Yes, all got in the back seat of the police car and had fun riding in it, but Carrie told the kids that they better never be in one again unless it was for help. They felt it was a very funny and embarrassing day for all of them.


Bob and Annie added two beagle pups to their collection of farm animals. They named them Copper and Penny.

This past winter Bob and

Annie lost several animals to a mink. Before Bob and Kyle finally caught him he had killed seven chickens and two ducks.

Verde, Ashley’s and Ben's

dog, had been very sick. He had

surgery on July 3rd, and appears to be on the mend.

Mark’s and Laura’s Tibetan

Spaniel, Champ, had extensive back surgery in May. He gets around good now, but his rear steers like a ladder fire truck.


Amber has been enjoying her summer by swimming and riding her bike.

As a young girl, Leslie grew up

around cows, pigs, and other farm animals. So, when she told Keith that she wanted a mule he started to think that she had gone back to her childhood. Do they build a pen for it to stay in or do they run a fence line? How much feed does a mule eat in a weeks time? If they keep it in the building who will clean up the mess?

Leslie told him the mule would be real handy for riding to her Mom’s and Dad’s house, and she could load all kinds of stuff on it when she needed to make a run over to the home place and back. Keith started thinking just how handy a mule would be for making a run to the creek with the .22 rifle or taking a little ride over to the neighbor’s house for a visit. He could use the mule to drag out fire wood for his stove in the building and for the fire ring at the campground. After two or three years of kicking the idea around about getting a mule (no pun intended) they went ahead and got Leslie a mule. Keith is sure you will see them riding the mule this year at the reunion campout, making those runs over to the house for an extra bag of ice, a pack of buns, more paper plates, or whatever else is needed at the campground. If anyone needs something this year at the campout, just tell Leslie and she

will probably be glad to hop on “Ruth the Mule” and ride after whatever you need. “Ruth” you might ask? Well, they had to give the mule a name.

Think about it and you just

might come up with another mule named “Ruth” – one clue, Dodge City.


continues to stay busy with her singing, and sang the National Anthem for the Columbus Clippers. Mallory is a member of Madrigals, which is a singing group at school. She continues to take voice lessons.

Jordan has done some golfing

and bowling in his spare time. He has a new girlfriend named Sam.

Sarah earned her Silver Award

in Girl Scouts this year. This is the highest award you can receive as a cadette so she will be joining a senior troop in the fall. This year she went white water rafting, horseback riding, and took a scrapbooking class with her troop. She also went on an “Up All Night” sleepover at the Muvico 24 Theater in Arundel Mills Mall.

Sarah will be attending

horseback riding camp in August and is very excited.

Don & Donna have gone to

the Meyerhoff Theater in Baltimore on three occasions within the past year. The first time was for a Kenny Rogers concert. The second time was for “Riders in the Sky”, a western group backed up by music from the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra. The third time it was for “The

Golden Age of Black and White”, again singers with 1950’s music backed by the Orchestra.

Matthew earned his Bear rank

in Cub Scouts and is now a Webelos scout. His activities this year included a visit to the fire station and the police station, an overnight stay on the USCG Cutter Taney, a tour of the USS Torsk (submarine), and marching in the 4th of July parade. Carole was his den leader.

Bob and Kyle restored

Grandpa Jewell’s old 1941 SC Case tractor. It had its ups and downs, but they finally finished it and it shines and runs like it was new.

During deer season Kyle

bagged a very large eight point buck, one of the largest ever shot on the farm.

In his first year of Boy Scouts

Tim advanced from Scouter to Tenderfoot to Second Class and finally to First Class. Monthly activities range from Summer Camp, camping at the beach, placing luminaries at Antietam National Battlefield, going on bike hikes, hiking, and participating in parades to doing service projects such as cleaning up the neighborhood and collecting food for the needy. He’s always doing something.

Lucas auditioned and was

accepted as a member of the Columbus Senior Boys choir.

Max continues with piano

lessons. Annie won a decorating contest

in Country Woman Magazine, the there was a full page article about her and her decorating style in the

January/February issue. There was also an article about her winning the contest in the local newspaper.

Mallory has her driver’s license

and enjoys driving her car.

Michael is a violinist in the Lassiter Symphony Orchestra which is ranked in the top three nationally. They were invited to play as the featured performer at the Georgia Music Education Association in January in Savannah (a really big deal!). Their performance included Capricio Espagnol, (a composition the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra, one of the best in the nation, plays when it has nothing better to do). The audience was blown away by their performance and they were given a standing ovation (Michael says “Yea, we were fanfriggintastic!”) The next day, before returning home, they had some time to hang out on the beach, and have lunch in downtown Savannah.

Although John, Keri, and Nate

would call it an obsession, Shari has developed quite the passion for Su Do Ku puzzles. What is so great about them, we will never know, but she completes at least two a day.

Yes, Lorna went to ScrapBash

2006 this year. She didn’t get a lot done in the way of completed pages, but the shopping was great, with lots of new products to purchase and demo. According to her family, it was Christmas in

June when her newest addition to her scrapbooking paraphernalia arrived, THE CRICIT. For those of you not into scrapbooking, the Cricut is a personal electronic die cutting machine that was recently introduced. It allows you to cut letters, shapes, and phrases with the push of a button! In Lorna’s words, it is a most awesome, fantastic product that makes so much of scrapbooking faster and easier, and allows for more creativity. Yes, she is pretty passionate (obsessed) with it! She has “temporarily” moved her scrapbooking to the dining room. It’s easier for her to hang out with her family, and for her friends to come and scrap. It has also given her lots of space to work! There’s a lot of “stuff” that goes with scrap-booking, enough to fill a dining room!

Sarah has taken up scrap-booking as a hobby. She has her own special “work area” in the basement and has neatly organized all of her supplies (Carole and Brian wish her room was just as neat). She is constantly taking pictures and always wants to go to the craft store for more supplies.

Lorna is a member of the

Peach State Depression Glass Club and is this year’s Show Chairperson. The 30th Annual Peach State Collectible Glass Show and Sale July 22-23, 2006 will be held at the Cobb County Civic Center in Marietta, Georgia. Twenty-eight top domestic dealers will be bringing their inventory of Depression Glass, Elegant Glass, pottery, china, kitchenware, dinnerware, carnival glass, and

glass from the 40’s through the 70’s.

Bruce is still watching Reds

baseball (whenever he can find a game on television), playing his guitar, and doing lots of traveling for work!

Scott has earned his first class

rank in Boy Scouts. He will enjoy a week at summer camp where he will earn fly fishing, weather, space exploration, environment science and fish and wildlife management merit badges. Scott went on a fifteen mile hiking and backpacking trip at Red River Gorge in KY, and a ten mile hiking and backpacking trip at Zeleski State Park in Ohio.

Emma and

Scott continue to snowboard every winter, and they always look forward to a very snowy winter.

Back in October, Keith and

Leslie got Shane a 2000 Ford Ranger truck. He really likes it, and was really shocked when he got it.


In May a release party for the debut of Derreck's “Raised on Zenith” band album (Not Always So) and video (Black Hole) was held at The Double Door in Chicago. A few days later Tower Records held a release party with the band playing live as well. Gloria was invited and had the pleasure of attending.

Nicole works at Once Upon


After 28 years in the meat business, Ken finally hung up the knives. He started a new career in the Insurance business, working for The Western Southern Financial Group. Before taking the State Exam, he was required to complete 40 hours of schooling. He said when he came out of the examination room his hair was standing straight up, and he did not know whether or not he had passed. Thank the Lord though, he passed it on the first try.

Last year in March 2005, Terry

Jr. got a new job with Time Warner Cable. A few months later in October he was promoted and got a big raise. He likes his new job and what he is doing, and he and Carrie moved to a new apartment in Hilliard. They feel they have been so blessed this past year.

Jordan completed juggling a

year of being a full time student and managing Peter Piper Pizza in Scottsdale, Arizona.

Mallory works at Dairy Queen,

and Grandpa (Ted) is so happy!!!!!


At the end of May, Derreck and Vanya went to Serbia so that Derreck could meet Vanya's family. While there, they went to Croatia and Italy (Venice). Derreck said that the Adriatic and Mediterranean seashores were beautiful.

Keith’s family did a bit of traveling the last week of June. They spent three days at Myrtle Beach, SC. Leslie, Shane, and Amber had lots of fun shopping and spending time on the beach. Keith had more fun in all of the fireworks stores. Leslie says that taking Keith in a fireworks store is worse than taking kids to Toys R Us. They also took a detour past Lowe’s Motor Speedway to check out the gift shop, and to get a look at the race track.

Kim, Terri, Barb, Aunt

Marilyn, Terri's sister-in-law Kathy, and Kathy’s friend Bonnie went on a Royal Caribbean Cruise in November. They left Columbus, flew to Ft Lauderdale, and boarded the ship. They then sailed to Key West, and of course had to go see Jimmy Buffet’s Margaritaville as they were having their Parrot Head convention. The street was blocked off and they had live bands with a lot of Parrot Heads running around. Jimmy Buffett was there, but they didn't get to see him. They boarded the ship and were to go to Cozumel, Mexico. But, the hurricanes a couple weeks before hit Cozumel too hard so the ship went three hours south to Costa Maya, Mexico. Of course the beach was too rocky for swimming, but, no one seemed to care and just sat on the beach and looked out over the water and ship. It was great -- no kids, no spouses, and even better no phones or work for four days.

They treat you like royalty on the ship. The water was a beautiful blue like nothing you’ve seen before. It was so relaxing setting in the lounge chairs doing nothing but getting sun and being waited on. No one was ready to go home, but of course had to go back to

the real world. All are planning to go on another cruise in two years.

Terry, Melanie, Chris, Joyce

and the kids went to Venice Beach Florida. They rented two houses with pools. Terry and Chris went golfing everyday while Melanie and Joyce went shopping.

Ted and Sallie went to visit

Don and Donna in early May. This time they decided to fly rather than drive. It was a breeze as the flight was only 70 minutes. They were picked up at the Baltimore Airport by the Hayman Shuttle and driven wherever they wanted to go. Don and Donna were great hosts and everyone, even Donna’s Mother, had a great time eating out and visiting.

Nicole enjoyed her trip to

Middle Bass Island with her friends.

Brian, Carole, Sarah, Tim,

and Matt went with John, Shari, Keri, and Nate to Cedar Point after the reunion last year. Most of them got the Reunion Bug of 2005 and threw up for a couple of days. Besides throwing up muffins and joking about the Muffin Man coming through, they also went to an island on Lake Erie where they went in caves and played miniature golf. They went to Cedar Point

and they enjoyed rides like the Iron Dragon and the Magnum XL, and they went on a safari in which a buffalo snotted Brian, but Nate and Matt had their barf pans ready. If you haven’t been

on the Top Thrill Dragster ride, John and Brian recommend it.

Kim, Barb and Curtis went to

Kentucky Speedway on Fathers Day weekend to see the Busch race on Saturday night. They sat in great seats in Row 9 where they could see the whole track. A couple of wrecks happened right in front of them. They had a great time, and are going again next year for sure.

On Sunday they were not ready to go home yet, so they went to Fort Boonesborough in Richmond, KY to see Daniel Boone's Fort. It was really neat seeing the cabins and all the ways they lived plus the way they made everything they used like candles, leather, tools and blankets. Boy we just don't know how good we have it since all we have to do is go to the store and buy it. It was a real experience.

Brian, Carole, Sarah,

Timothy, and Matthew vacationed on the Outer Banks of North Carolina in June. They went with Carole’s family and stayed in Corolla (the town, not the car). They enjoyed the beach, crabbing, fishing, a visit to Kitty Hawk and to Jockey’s Ridge State Park to see the biggest sand dune on the eastern shore. They also got to ride on the beach in a four wheel drive van to see the wild horses.

This past December, Phyllis,

Carolyn, Linda, Joe, and Lil all went to Charleston to see their favorite singer, Daniel O’Donnel. All the women acted like a bunch of teenagers. The price of the ticket was ridiculous. Lil said if her kids paid that kind of money for a concert, she would have told them they had a hole in their head. But, it was very good. They had a great band, and sang all of the old

songs from way back when, including some they had forgotten about.

Phyllis and Lil went to

Nelsonville, which is about an hour away, and rode the Robbery Train. Ted and Sallie were going to go with them, but Sallie fell and broke her ankle the day before. The train went through the scenic hills of Southeastern Ohio – it was about a two hour ride. The police stopped them along the way, and put a gold chest aboard for them to take back

to Nelsonville. On their way back, they were held up by a holdup gang consisting of several men and women riding horses and shooting guns.

The gang came aboard and stole the gold box, and some of the outlaws robbed the passengers of their money. One of the women outlaws was riding by the window, and Phyllis hollered at her and said, “Yahoo, there goes Annie Oakley!” The outlaw came up and shot through the window at Phyllis. Lil says they barely escaped with their lives on that trip.

Michael flew to Baltimore last

Saturday to visit Kyle and Kelsey, and then is riding to Ohio with them, spending a week, and then flying from Columbus on Friday back to Atlanta.

Mike, Terri, Emma and Scott

are going to Ocean City, MD again this year right after the reunion. This year they hope their vacation doesn’t get delayed by two days because of the “Revenge

of the Reunion” illness that plagued them last year.

Gloria, Steve, and Phyllis went

to Chicago last Thanksgiving to visit with Derreck, Ashley and Ben, who were living in Chicago at the time. It was really great. Phyllis saw Derreck’s band perform, and she says they are really good. In the early spring, Ashley came down from Chicago, and Phyllis and Gloria met her in Nashville, Indiana. All the old country music stars perform there, and the whole town is mostly crafts – it’s a nice place to visit.

Phyllis went to see Jesse play

ball at Ohio Valley University. It was a double header, and he played at shortstop and pitcher. Ohio Valley won both games.

Sam and Olivia went to see

James Taylor’s One Man Band show at the Clay Center in Charleston. He performed all of his classic songs and told stories about the songs as well. Sam and Olivia now feel that James is their new best friend!!!

On June 24, Sam and Olivia

went to Kings Island with their friends Chuck and Michelle. They really enjoyed the trip and can’t wait to go back again.


Brian and Carole are in the process of installing new hardwood floors in their bedroom, living room, and dining room. After completing their bedroom Brian said he won’t be applying for a job with “Empire Today” (a local flooring company that does next day installations).

Ashley and Ben moved from

Portland, Oregon to Chicago for a

short time due to Ashley's promotion to Corporate for the Company she works for. They missed the mountains and waterfalls, and decided to move back to Portland on Memorial Day Weekend. Fortunately, they were offered their old jobs back and Ben got a promotion!

Donna hasn’t given up on

having her kitchen remodeled, and has gotten serious about putting an addition of the back of the house to expand kitchen and dining space as well as rearrange some other space, laundry, and storage areas. She has prodded Don to the point an architect has prepared plans for the addition.


Zac finished his first year of history graduate school at Ohio University in June. He completed all of his coursework and will spend the next year researching and writing a master’s thesis. His topic will probably focus on a non-governmental organization (NGO) called Project HOPE that – with U.S. government assistance as well as donations from private individuals and businesses – outfitted and sent an old Navy hospital ship to various Third World countries from 1960 until 1974. The ship treated patients and trained indigenous medical personnel. While not a government agency, Project HOPE played a role in U.S. foreign relations during the Cold War and was seen as a fairly effective propaganda tool by the government. By the reunion next year, Zac should have his degree and, hopefully, a job as well.

Amber had another excellent

year of school. In sixth grade, she had perfect attendance, got on the

Honor Roll for all nine week periods, and attended her first Academic Banquet. She got an Art Award for her excellence in Art Class, and a Citizenship Award. She will be in the 7th Grade this fall.

Tim completed his 1st year at

middle school and will begin the 7th grade in the fall

Matthew finished the 3rd grade

and is on to the 4th grade in the fall.

Sarah plays the flute in the

honors band at her school which came in first place in a regional competition at Hershey Park in May.

Sarah completed middle school

and will go on to high school in the fall. She will be attending Western School of Technology and Environmental Science which is a magnet school in Baltimore County. She will be enrolled in their Information Technology program.

Kyle will be starting the 10th

Grade at Wahama High School this fall. Bob and Annie are very proud of him.

Keri is going to be a Junior in

high school this year and is currently in the top 5% of her class. She looks forward to taking another year of piano class, for playing the piano has become one of her favorite things to do. Her favorite songs to play are “Clocks” and “The Scientist” by Coldplay.

Allison is going into

Kindergarten and can’t wait to ride

the bus with her big brother. Kyle, on the other hand, has already laid all the rules down for her.

Sandi graduated from college,

and Wendy is ready for her third year. Another three years and Russell will be in college. Mark says he will have to get a snow blower (the rest of the family thinks he lives in the North Country), as he will lose Russell as a snow shoveler.

Cobb County’s first French

Competition was held at Kennesaw State University in January. Michael received a Superior Award for his memorization and recitation of the French poem, “The Pelican”.

Arête is a collection of student writing, photography and artwork published twice a year at Lassiter High School. Michael was Arête’s Spring 2006 featured fiction writer with his short story, “Professionals”. In an interview, Michael stated some of his literary role models were Joe Haldeman and Robert Heinlein, and that he had always made up stories to go along with whatever he happened to be doing, so fiction writing was a natural extension. When asked what inspired him to write, he answered,” Those crazy writing groupies!” Michael will be part of the Arête Writers Workshop during the upcoming 2006-2007 school year.

Emma will be going to

Westerville North High School in

the fall and is looking forward to a new start.

Nate got straight A’s again this

school year, and will be moving on in to the 8th grade this fall. He was nominated to do a U.S Congress leadership thing again, but he refused once again saying he didn’t know who would want to do that.

Shane graduated from

Southern High School. He said it had been a long 13 years. He is undecided about college. He says he will miss all of his friends and will have memories that will keep forever. He made the Honor Roll all nine week periods. On May 19th, there was Awards Day Assembly and he got a Work Study Trophy and a Citizenship Key.

Nicole finished her first year of

college at Ohio Dominican University, and is still majoring in special education.

Sophia is going into the 2nd

grade this year. She is really looking forward to her 2nd grade year.

Sarah Beth is going into High

School this year. Last year as a freshman she was a member of the Cheerleading squad and also the Choir. She also worked in the office as an Office Assistant.

Jesse is going to be a Junior in

College this year. It won't be long until he will be in the work force for good.


Amber plans to play volleyball this year.

Jesse and Ohio Valley

University had a great season this

year. They won the conference championship for the first time in school history. As a sophomore he was selected to the 2nd team all conference team as a shortstop. He hit .347, and had 8 home runs 21 doubles, and 42 RBI's. He also had a 6-1 record on the mound.

Sarah, Timothy, and Matthew

all played soccer for the first time

and loved it. Tim’s team did especially well (only losing one game). They came in first place and won the championship.

Mallory lettered in varsity

volleyball her sophomore year. Lucas keeps busy with sports.

He plays baseball, football and basketball. Lucas learned to play the drums and preformed at a high school basketball game.

Max plays baseball, basketball

and football. Max made the all-star team for baseball. During the last football game of the season, Max intercepted a pass and ran for a 55 yard touchdown. The referee had to remind him that celebrating in the end zone is not allowed after he did “the worm.”

John spends his Friday and

Sunday evenings playing softball for a co-ed team, “Double Trouble” and an all men’s team,

“Fast Turtles.” He normally pitches and plays outfield.

Currently, “Double Trouble” is ranked first, and “Fast Turtles” second in their leagues.

Keri ran cross country, indoor

track, and outdoor track this year. She qualified for state championships in both cross country and indoor track, got the cross country MVP award, and was the indoor track Regional Champion for the 2 mile. Unfortunately, she developed a type of allergy-induced asthma during the outdoor track season and therefore struggled because she did not have any medication at the time. However, the season did have its excitement. For a while, there was this big deal about a girl wheelchair athlete who wanted to compete alongside able-bodied runners, and so her mom sued and

made it so that even though her daughter was in the race with runners, her score was still counted separately. So basically, there are two first places in every race the wheelchair girl competes in. The wheelchair girl’s first race after this rule had been established was the 1600 meter run (1 mile) at a small meet at Keri’s school. All the news people came to report it, and also in the race was Keri with her signature purple hair. Keri was the first place runner in the race, so along with wheelchair girl, she was “attacked” by the reporters. The next day, an article from the “Philadelphia Daily News” newspaper began, “Although it is rarely discussed in public, one of the cardinal rules of journalism is that, when in doubt, interview the kid with the purple

hair. And so it was done, a circle of reporters and cameras surrounding Keri Wilson, a 15-year-old sophomore from Long Reach High School.” Keri’s purple hair at track meets is no longer just her signature, it’s her trademark.

A Week in My Life By Lil Hart

The following schedule pretty much sums up my life in a week. It may vary from week to week, but this is the way it usually goes. Not anything real exciting, no big trips or excursions, definitely not boring, very busy, feeling good, enjoying what I do. Most of the time it starts out like this: Monday Usually nothing scheduled here, just catch up on my washing and housework after the weekend, and rest. Tuesday 9:00 a.m. Go to breakfast at the restaurant here in Racine with about fifteen ladies from the church. We all really enjoy getting together and doing this. Then I go to exercise at the Senior Citizens Building. Wednesday Go to Bible Study in the evening at church. Thursday Go to Missionary Study at 6:00 p.m. Friday Go to exercise class. I also take a lady who doesn’t drive to Pomeroy to get all her groceries. Also, as needed, I take her to her doctor appointments and to get her medicines.

Saturday There usually isn’t a lot on my schedule for Saturday. I do what needs to be done at home, and in the evening I enjoy all my favorite TV shows: Lawrence Welk, Wilburn Brothers, Gospel Classics, Hart to Hart, Rev. Charles Stanley, and Rev. Billy Graham. Sunday Sunday School and Morning Worship services. Beverly and Zac come home with me from church, and we enjoy lunch and most of the afternoon together. This is one of the highlights of the week for me. I return to worship service again in the evening. In between these days I do my house work, yard work, flowers, and talk on the phone a lot! I visit with Alan and Bev and Steve and Beth. I also go to Alum Creek near Charleston to visit with Sam and Olivia, and to Athens to visit with Zac. I go shopping and eat out. My best friend is Gertie Manuel, and we visit back and forth. We watch TV, just talk, and sit on my deck. Sometimes, we talk about our husbands, who have both gone on to be with The Lord, and how we miss them. We miss our kids being little and being home, and we talk about how we enjoy seeing our grandchildren. We also go to gospel sings in the area.

The Eagle By Linda Jewell

Last year in the “Hayman Holler” I mentioned that the eagle was my favorite bird, and that I would write about it this year. In the Bible, Isaiah 40:30 says “They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings as eagles, they shall run and not be weary, and they shall walk and not faint.” The eagle is mentioned in the Bible 34 times. Some of their nests are ten foot across, can weigh approximately one ton, and can be twenty foot in depth. An eagle stands three foot high, and has a wing span of 32 to 36 feet. It can weigh eight to thirteen pounds. Each wing has 1,252 feathers with a total of 7,182 in the entire body. There are 48 species of eagles, and their eyesight is awesome, being able to see up to four miles away. Each day an eagle will stare into the “sun” for as much as 45 minutes while tears pour from their eyes to cleanse them. In comparison, we should each day pray and gaze into the eyes of the “Son” of God to cleanse us within while our tears flow. Every day an eagle will clean each feather by pulling it through its beak. This is called preening to clean and oil itself and to prepare for the day as it stares into the “sun.” Wow! Another Biblical lesson for us all. The young are very ugly at birth with no feathers, but their “father” knows they will get

their feathers and will eventually grow up and bear upon wings to fly. So, he never gives up on them. Another example from our Heavenly Father when caring for His children. (I am sure glad He never gave up on me.) The eagle can dive straight down at a speed of 180 miles per hour to catch its prey or to bear up its young with wings when teaching them to fly. What a lesson when all hope is gone and we have fallen from His grace. Sometimes in life, eagles have been known to seem depressed, and live for a time in the low, dark areas of the

rocks below the mountains. They will not search for food or clean themselves. Their oil glands gum up and they cannot fly, and they eventually die. But, the strong eagles will fly down and drop meat for them until they clean themselves, are strong, and can fly

again. No one knows why this sometimes happens. What better lesson for us to learn by helping others when they are down. Thanks to prayer, I got to see an eagle out west last year in Wyoming. I saw a golden eagle just this past week at a bird show in Point Pleasant. I was only six foot away from it, the sun was going down, and the golden color of the sun over the Ohio River was shining on the glistening back of “Spirit.” What a perfect name for such a majestic bird. Is it any wonder God speaks of the eagle so many times in the Scripture. It is my favorite bird.

EMAIIL ADDRESSES [email protected] (Bruce) [email protected] (Lorna) [email protected] (Brice, work) [email protected] (Marcie) [email protected] (Alan & Beverly) [email protected] (Olivia, work) [email protected] (Zac) [email protected] (Gloria) [email protected] (Derreck) [email protected] [email protected] (Jordan) [email protected] (Sherman) [email protected] (Steve & Darlene) [email protected] (Kenny & Becky) [email protected] (Don & Donna) [email protected] (Mark & Laura) [email protected] (John & Shari) [email protected] (John, work) [email protected] (Brian) [email protected] (Carole) [email protected] (Sarah) [email protected] (Brian, work) [email protected] (Ted & Sallie) [email protected] (Ted, work) [email protected] (RJ & Kim) [email protected] (Terry & Carrie) [email protected] (Mike) [email protected] (Terri) [email protected] (Emma) [email protected] (Scott) [email protected] (Eddie & Kathy) [email protected] (Chris & Joyce) [email protected] (Terry & Melanie) [email protected] (Pete) [email protected] (Lisa) [email protected] (Pete, work) [email protected] (Lisa, work) [email protected] (Keith & Leslie) [email protected] (Barb) [email protected] (Bob & Annie) [email protected] (Annie, work) [email protected] (Dan & Faith)

Matthew Steven Hayman Jan 5, 1997 Trace Lewis Young Jan 9, 1995 John Martin Wilson III Jan 14, 1962 Terry Allen Huber Jan 14, 1962 Katie Jo Kersell Jan 20, 2004 Lucas Paul Edward Huber Jan 16, 1996 Nicole Kay Wise Jan 21, 1987 Melanie Jo Perry Huber Jan 24, 1964 Gerald Hiram Hayman Jan 26, 1906 Cory Joseph Seymour Jan 28, 1977 Zachary Alan Cunningham Jan 29, 1978 Michael Aaron Davis Feb 11, 1997 Lillie Mae Hayman Hart Feb 25, 1934 Focie Leona Stover Hayman Mar 2, 1917 Christopher Edwin Perry Mar 15, 1962 Carrie Renee Emrich Huber Mar 20, 1983 Sammy Franklin Gregorich Mar 23, 1976 Emily Beth Hayman Mar 29, 2000 Michael Anthony Shipkowski Apr 1, 1962 Leslie Carol Roberts Hayman Apr 3, 1963 Diana Marie Grimm Jewell Apr 4, 1969 Ralph James Lardin Apr 5, 1968 Ryan Lee Kersell Apr 6, 2002 Paul Frank (Pete) Perry Apr 9, 1968 Michael Robert Hart Apr 10, 1990 Brian Wesley Hayman Apr 13, 1965 Katie Monica Perry Apr 14, 1998 Mallory Roseanne Wise Apr 17, 1990 Kyle Michael Hart Apr 20, 1990 Russell Mark Hayman Apr 29, 1991 Sarah Beth Young May 6, 1991 Kenneth Lee Young May 9, 1960 Allyson Lee Davis May 12, 1995 Amy Michelle Perry May 16, 1995 Phyllis Leona Hayman Young May 22, 1935 Robert Gene Hart May 26, 1928 Edward Lee Hayman May 31, 1942 Laura June Nevins Hayman May 31, 1960 Kelsey Erin Hart Jun 9, 1991 Rebecca Jean Brown Young Jun 10, 1966 Benjamin Casey Fenley Jun 11, 1981 Lauren Madison Huber Jun 11, 2004 Curtis Lee Jewell Jun 12, 1985 Darlene Sue Combs Young Jun 15, 1959 Emma Kay Shipkowski Jun 19, 1992 Olivia Jo Cunningham Gregorich Jun 20, 1975 Sherman Dale White Jun 23, 1956 Desiree Layne Young Jun 24, 1991 Joyce Ann Deckard Perry Jul 5, 1963 Derreck Lewis Whitlatch Jul 7, 1970 Donna Jean Lewis Hayman Jul 10, 1939 Sallie Rose Taylor Hayman Jul 15, 1941

Nathaniel Kent Wilson Jul 22, 1993 Beth Ann Hart Casto Jul 23, 1966 Logan Peter Perry Jul 25, 1996 Bruce Edward Hart Jul 30, 1954 Scott Michael Shipkowski Jul 31, 1994 Mindy Susan Young White Aug 5, 1953 Jesse Nathaniel Young Aug 11, 1986 Beverly Carol Hart Cunningham Aug 15, 1956 Sophia Rose Young Aug 15, 1999 Wendy Christine Hayman Aug 20, 1986 Keri Anne Wilson Aug 25, 1990 Benjamin Combs Aug 26, 1981 Gloria Jean Young Whitlatch Sep 1, 1952 Ashley Nicole Huber Sep 2, 2005 David Alfred Hayman Sep 3, 1995 Alexandra Megan Perry Sep 5, 1991 Shari Lynn Hayman Wilson Sep 6, 1962 Barbara Jean Jewell Sep 6, 1963 Kimberly Jo Hayman Lardin Sep 11, 1962 Alan Ray Cunningham Sep 12, 1952 Nicholas Edward Hayman Sep 15, 1997 Ashley Brooke Whitlatch Fenley Sep 21, 1978 Teresa Lynn Hayman Shipkowski Sep 23, 1963 Tara Jo Huber Kersell Oct 1, 1981 Amber Dawn Hayman Oct 4, 1993 Linda Carol Hayman Jewell Oct 8, 1943 Mark Christopher Hayman Oct 12, 1960 Shawn Patrick Perry Oct 14, 1970 Justin Michael Seymour Oct 14, 1979 Marcie Jo Manclark Hart Oct 21, 1963 Sarah Elizabeth Hayman Oct 26, 1992 Aaron Joseph Davis Oct 29, 1971 Timothy Michael Hayman Oct 30, 1994 Carole Ann Sauerwald Hayman Oct 31, 1960 Allison Nicole Jewell Oct 31, 2000 Robert Lee Jewell Nov 1, 1966 Jonathan Edward Hart Nov 4, 1981 Brice Erwin Hart Nov 8, 1960 Edward Lee Hayman II Nov 15, 1968 Shane Michael Hayman Nov 17, 1987 Lisa Monica Newell Perry Nov 18, 1965 Donald Gerald Hayman Nov 20, 1938 Kyle Robert Jewell Nov 25, 1990 Kathleen Rebecca Dunn Hayman Nov 24, 1967 Lorna Dawn Bell Hart Nov 29, 1955 Maxwell Joseph Timothy Huber Dec 2, 1997 Terry Allen Huber, Jr. Dec 8, 1983 Sandra Michelle Hayman Dec 14, 1984 Keith Alan Hayman Dec 20, 1959 Steven Ray Young Dec 23, 1956 Jordan Lee Whitlatch Dec 30, 1980