Download - FOSTER Open Science: Open access to research publications, why and how


FOSTER Open Science: Open access to research publications, why and how

Dr Birgit Schmidt Goettingen State and University [email protected] October 2014, NACLIM Annual Meeting, Berlin

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• About FOSTER• Why and how to realize Open Access (OA)• Journal quality & open peer review• Where does NACLIM stand (in terms of OA)?• Supporting OA mandates – OpenAIRE



• FP7-funded project (2014-2016)• Bringing further the idea of Open Science • Targeting all relevant stakeholders, in

particular young• Co-funding of events• Building up an e-learning platform•


Why Open Access?

The old problem: No single library can afford to subscribe to all relevant journals.

Benefits you, the research community and the society...


Benefits of Open Access



Realising Open Access• OA Publishing („Golden Road“)

– Free access to the final publication (version of record)– license for further (re)use and dissemination (e.g. Creative Commons)– Published in peer-reviewed journal, but also monographs & proceedings– Financing concentrates on production and services

• Article Processing Charges (APCs)*• Other income streams, e.g. community-based publishing

• Self-archiving („Green Road“) – Free access for pre- and/or postprints (or publisher‘s version)– Via thematic or institutional repositories – In general initiated by authors or institutions– Repository infrastructure is financed by research institutions and/or funders

* Costs for Gold OA: for established pure open access journals c. 1,020 EUR and for hybrid journals c. 1,980 EUR on average


Researcher decides where to


Check SHERPA RoMEO to see what OA and self-archiving options are

Publish in a subscription-based


Publish in an open access journal

IF OPTION EXISTSe.g. a ‘hybrid’ journal

(a subscription-based journal that has a paid open access


Immediate open access (via publisher)

Immediate open access (via publisher)

Pay Article Processing Charge (APC)

Pay Article Processing Charge (APC) - if required

Self-archive in a repository, based on

publisher policy.

Immediate or delayed open access, depending on

publisher’s policy.

Search for a repository




Adapted from Sarah Jones, see also:


Finding OA journals & OA repositories


What makes a good OA publisher?

• High quality standards– Processes and production– Editorial checks and (open) peer review– Enabling of citation/linking – Research integrity (plagiarism check, open licenses, archiving of

publications, data deposit, etc.)– Recommendation of data repositories (e.g. PANGAEA)– Deposition services (e.g. PubMed, other repositories)

• Transparency of costs• White lists (OASPA members, DOAJ) vs. Black list (Beall‘s

list of predatory journals)


Wishlist: Transparency of costs



Open Peer Review• Invented by publishers, now offered by quite a few (e.g. Copernicus, F1000, PeerJ,

eLife) and several platforms (e.g. Publons, Peerage of Science, LIBRE, ScienceOpen)• Why? E.g. Authors can see who reviewed their work (and respond), more

constructive reviews, getting credit as a reviewer• Services

– Pre- and post-publication peer review– Reviewers decide on how much information they disclose– Collaboration with journals– Badges for reviewer engagement– Integration with author IDs (ORCID etc.) and networks


Where does NACLIM stand?

• FP7-funded, with Special Clause 39 in Grant Agreement, i.e. – Best effort to achieve open access to publications– Choice between the two routes: GREEN and GOLD

Open Access– Deposit in repository is obligatory (through author or

publisher)– Maximum embargo of 6 months (science, technology,

medicine) and 12 months (humanities and social sciences)


What does the EC see so far?

List of publications as discovered by OpenAIRE


More on the project website but…

Post-print sits in the website‘s CMS, ie non-permanent link, can‘t be cited nor

metadata be harvested

Check which version of the article can be deposited in repositories


Practical steps

• A list of targeted journals – OA options (costs, licenses)– deposit in repositories (article version, embargo,

type of repository, publisher deposit?)• A list of repositories for publications and data– Institutional, disciplinary, generic

• A wishlist (rule out criteria?) and author addendum

• Responsibilities: who checks, uploads, etc.


Targeted journals (tbc)• Ocean Science and Open Science Discussions, Copernicus – OA journal, CC licensed, moderate APC• PLoS ONE – OA journal, CC licensed• Física de la Tierra – Open Access but no clear license information >> need to check with publisher

• Geophysical Research Letters – postprint on author/department website, publisher’s PDF must be used in instutional repository 6m after publication

• Journal of Climate, American Meterological Society – hybrid OA $800, publisher’s PDF must be used in instutional repository 6m after publication

• Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, American Geophysical Union, Wiley – publisher’s PDF must be used in instutional repository 6m after publication

• Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres: deposit of postprint in repositories, publisher’s PDF must be used in institutional repository 6m after publication

• Global Change Biology, Blackwell – hybrid OA $3,000, deposit of postprint in institutional repository (12m embargo)• Climate Dynamics, Springer – hybrid OA 2,200 EUR, postprint can be deposited (12m embargo)• Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meterological Society, Wiley – hybrid OA $3,000, deposit of postprints in repositories,

use of publisher’s version after 36m embargo • Progress in Oceanography, Elsevier – hybrid OA $3,300, immediate “voluntary” deposit in repositories (deposit due to

funder mandates >> Elsevier requests a special agreement with the funder, in consequence long embargo periods apply, typically 12-48m, or the author pays the hybrid OA fee)

Via SHERPA/RoMEO (search for journal name or ISSN)

OA Journals

EC mandate compatible journals

Non-compatible journals – at least if you don‘t use the hybrid OA option


What else you can do

• Publishing data and making it open (where needed with embargo), data papers, code used to process and visualize the data >> reproducible research

• Reusing data and citing it >> data citation principles giving credit and attribution, unique identification and persistence, readable by machines, etc.

• Highlighting these outputs in your CV and towards research funders


Using Zenodo: A home for publications & data & links to software


Back to OA Mandates: OpenAIRE as a support infrastructure and network


8.6 m publications 8.4 m open access

460+ data providers86K publications linked

to projects (EC, Wellcome Trust)

700 datasets linked to publications

33K organizations

Added Value: Integrated Scientific Information System




Publications Data Providers


Monitoring OA policies



SC39 in FP7




SC39 OA Evaluation

RestrictedEmbargoOpen AccessClosed Access


What‘s next?

• OpenAIRE2020 in preparation (2015-2018)• Supporting the EC‘s OA mandate and the

Open Data Pilot • Towards sustainability• Enhanced services, LOD,

gold OA pilot, ...


H2020 areas participating in the pilot• Future and Emerging Technologies

• Research infrastructures – part e-Infrastructures

• Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies – Information and Communication Technologies

• Societal Challenge: 'Secure, Clean and Efficient Energy' – part Smart cities and communities

• Societal Challenge: 'Climate Action, Environment, Resource Efficiency and Raw materials' – except raw materials

• Societal Challenge: 'Europe in a changing world – inclusive, innovative and reflective Societies'

• Science with and for Society

Projects in other areas can participate on a voluntary basis


Open Data Pilot

Data Management Plan (DMP) is mandatory– but not part of the proposal evaluation – All proposals to submit general info on data management >>

evaluated under the criterion ‚impact’– To be generated within the first 6 months of the project, as a

living document– DMP questions: what data, what standards, what data will be

exploited, what data will be shared / made open, curation and preservation

Opting out (commercial exploitation, protection of personal data, security issues, etc.) or opting in

– So far (of 3000+ proposals): 24% opt out, 27% opt in


How to maximize OA?

• A combination of GREEN and GOLD• Some funders put a lot of money on top for GOLD OA

(RCUK,...) >> needs monitoring and cost control• Some publishers have extended their embargo periods >>

with the intention to channel demand towards GOLD OA• Several have introduced new OA options (often hybrid,

varying prices for CC licenses)• How about a radical step: Cancel subscriptions on a massive

scale to force publishers to reconsider their business model (ie a flip to full OA)?

• Your suggestions?


Your questions & comments?