Download - Forward In Faith - Clover · considering how we might better equip our households of faith. Last month, we purchased a number

Page 1: Forward In Faith - Clover · considering how we might better equip our households of faith. Last month, we purchased a number





Page 2: Forward In Faith - Clover · considering how we might better equip our households of faith. Last month, we purchased a number

We face an uncertain future. While that is always true, we usually don’t think much about it. Most morn-ings when we get up we are not fearful about what may happen that day. We just assume the day will go much as previous days have gone.

There are times, however, when we become more aware of the uncertainty of the future and we worry and become fearful. That happens when a spouse or best friend dies. That happens when we lose our job or when we change jobs. That happens when we move to a new community. That happens when we get very sick. Events around us can also trigger fear for the future. The events of 9/11 caused great fear. The uncertainty of the economy can make us fearful of the future. Drought or violent storms can do it.

I must confess that my approaching retirement has given me moments of fear for the future. I wonder how I will feel not being part of First Lutheran which has been so much a part of my life for the past 31 years. I wonder what I will be doing with my time. I wonder about our finances when I am not receiving a paycheck each month. Such thoughts have given me moments of fear.

Some of you may be wondering how a change of pastoral leadership will affect the congregation. After all, this is something First Lutheran has not experienced in a long time.

You and I, though, face the future with a most valuable asset - our faith! We may not know what the fu-ture holds, but we know who holds the future! “God has said, ‘I will never leave you or forsake you.’ So we can say with confidence, ‘the Lord is my helper, I will not be afraid.’ (Hebrews 13:5-6)

Read what Jesus said about the future in Matthew 6:25-34. “Do not worry,” he says. “Your heavenly Fa-ther knows what you need.” Again, in John 14, Jesus says, “Do not let your hearts be troubled. Believe in God, believe also in me.” Knowing that we are in God’s hands and that God has promised to take care of us, we can say with the Psalmist of old, “I lift up my eyes to the hills, for where will my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.” (Psalm 121)

We therefore face the future not with fear or with worry, but with confidence! We move into the future with faith, faith based on the promises of God! Each day, each month, each year, we go forward in faith!

Let’s take a moment to learn more about Pastor Keith before he retires!

What are some of your most fond memories of First Lutheran?

I will take countless fond memories with me! Some that come to me at the moment are taking a

group of youth backpacking in the Rocky Mountains, accompanying people on the way to faith, the

priceless expressions and reactions of people (from infants to older adults!) when they are bap-

tized, the Parish Hall expansion and renovation project, the service of Holy Communion on Christ-

mas Eve, listening to the choir sing the Hallelujah Chorus on Easter and many others!

What will you miss the most?

The people! Getting to know so many wonderful people, and especially, getting to share some of

the most significant, life-changing moments in their lives.

What is the funniest request you’ve ever had at First Lutheran?

To kiss a pig (a real live, eating, breathing pig)! And yes, I did. It was part of a youth fund raiser.

What is the oddest thing you have ever seen at First Lutheran?

A bride and groom both showing up 30 minutes late to their wedding.

What are you most looking forward to about retirement?

Having a more flexible schedule so that I can spend more time with family.

Forward in Faith

By Pastor Keith Wiens

Page 3: Forward In Faith - Clover · considering how we might better equip our households of faith. Last month, we purchased a number

After the Resurrection of Jesus, he remained with his followers for 40 days before as-

cending into heaven. After he was lifted up into the clouds, his disciples stood and

gazed after him, probably wondering what would happen next. After a period of time

spent in seclusion and dealing with their loss, the Holy Spirit came to them and they

spoke in different languages. This brought back Jesus’s words …. “you will be my wit-

nesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” After this,

they went forward and healed the sick, fed the poor and spread the teachings of Jesus

throughout many lands to all people.

Just as the Holy Spirit worked through the early Christians, he works through each of us

here in this place. Through the guidance of Pastor Keith we have grown and developed

as a congregation rooted in Christ, growing in faith, to bear fruit to the world. Although

he won’t be here, his inspiration and legacy will be with us as we go forth and spread

the teachings of Christ.

Like the disciples, we have wondered what will happen next. The only answer is to

keep moving forward in our mission.

In Evangelical Outreach, we have developed and will continue to develop new ways to

help people in our community that are hungry,

sick, in need of clothing and especially to know

God’s love for each of them. “Jesus calls us in,

sends us out bearing fruit in a world of doubt, gives

us love to tell, bread to share: God everywhere!”

The prophet Isaiah told us in Chapter 43:18-19 -

“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past.

See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up;

do you not perceive it?”

We will do many new things together…

Moving Forward In The Lord

By Kathryn G. Focke, Director of Evangelical Outreach

Page 4: Forward In Faith - Clover · considering how we might better equip our households of faith. Last month, we purchased a number

Some of you may be wondering, what are the plans for moving forward at First Lutheran Church as

Pastor Keith retires after 31 years of ministry at First Lutheran Church. Yes, we will soon be experi-

encing leadership change in the congregation. This may be concerning to some of you; however, this

does not change any of the ministries and wonderful things we are doing at First Lutheran! We will

continue moving forward in faith. Let’s us reflect on all the wonderful years and memories we have

shared with Pastor Keith and what we can learn from him as we move forward in our ministries.

Let’s talk about Congregational Life. Have you heard of all the good things happening with this min-

istry? In the past couple of months, two new ministries have launched; the Single’s group and the

Health ministry. The Single’s group is intended for fellowship and support for anyone who is unmar-

ried. Last month, the first event was held and included dinner and fellowship at the home of Riley and

Claudia Gordon.

Some of you may have noticed Health ministry or Parish Nurse Program meetings on the calendar

over the past year and wondered do we have a health program at First Lutheran? Over the past year,

this team has met for multiple brainstorming sessions to determine the scope, vision, and purpose of

this ministry. In recent months, the group has substantially grown and included nine volunteers of

varying medical professions and backgrounds.

The first weekend of every month, blood pres-

sure screenings are held after the Saturday and

Sunday worship services in the Parent’s room.

Additionally, the team will host a health-based

educational event each month. I am very excit-

ed about this ministry and the potential for

health and wellness promotion it offer! We

have a wonderful group of volunteers eager to

be involved and I encourage you to get en-

gaged if you are involved in a health-related

career and have a passion for education or pro-

motion. Please be watching for all the informa-

tional and fun ways you can participate in

health activities at First Lutheran!

2014 is certainly off to a great a great start at First Lutheran! As we move forward in faith, let us re-

flect on all the wonderful things Pastor Keith has supported the congregation with and rejoice in his

opportunity to begin the retirement journey! Significant change can be frightening; however, I am

very optimistic about our next steps in moving forward in faith!

Congregational Life Forward In Faith

By Sarah Diamond, Director of Congregational Life

Page 5: Forward In Faith - Clover · considering how we might better equip our households of faith. Last month, we purchased a number

The church has taken many and various approaches to faith for-mation throughout the centuries. Many of these methods are still in use today. It was not until recently, however, that researchers have taken a critical look at the various models and considered what models yield the greatest long term results – that is, which models inspire the highest rate of church participation into adult-hood. In 2003, Lifeway Research found that 70% of high schoolers will stop attending church right after high school and 35% of those stu-dents will not come back. This does not mean that they are nega-tive toward religion. In fact, Kenda Creasy Dean in her book Al-most Christian asserts, "American young people are, theoretically, fine with religious faith---but it does not concern them very much." So, how do we move youth from a passive positivity to active par-ticipation?

Research shows that Church-sponsored activities such as Sun-day school, Vacation Bible School, youth group, and para-church groups like Young Life

are only mildly successful in inspiring future participation in church. The number one indicator of a child’s future church par-ticipation relies on the faith life in the home. It is for that reason that many congregations are becoming increasingly intentional about the way in which they equip homes for ministry. The Spiritual Growth Advisory Board, various ministry teams, and myself have been analyzing these trends and have prayerfully been considering how we might better equip our households of faith. Last month, we purchased a number of resources from Faith Inku-bators, which was written by the Rev. Dr. Richard Melheim, a Lu-theran pastor. At the core of this program is the “Faith 5,” which gives families a framework by which to engage in faith discussions through 5 disciplines: share, read, talk, pray, bless. I will be fea-turing information about this model in Soul Food after Pentecost. In the meantime, I encourage you to consider signing up for one of our 5 week courses on faith in the home. It was specifically de-signed for families with children in the home, but can be modified for couples or singles to do with a friend or colleague. The dates and times of the classes are listed in Soul Food under, “Let’s Grow.” I guarantee it will have a profound impact on your and your family’s faith life.

A return to our roots: faith formation the way it once was

By Kyle Olson, AiM, Director of Spiritual Growth

Models of Faith Formation Reformation to Present

1529 – Martin Luther writes the Small Cat-

echism as a faith formation resource for

parents to use while instructing their chil-

dren. Other catechisms are developed for

use in other denominations.

1780’s – The Sunday School movement

begins in England as a help to parents and

children who are working long hours in the

new industrial sector, but still honor Sun-

day as a sacred day.

1870’s – Vacation Bible School begins at a

Methodist church in upstate New York as

an outreach to unchurched kids living with-

in close proximity of the church.

1880’s – Denominational youth organiza-

tions such as Luther League were formed

with local, regional, and national chapters

providing different functions.

1940’s – The parachurch youth movement

begins with organizations such as Young

Live and Youth for Christ.

1970’s – Congregations begin to employ

youth pastors and youth ministers. Numer-

ic growth becomes the goal.

1980’s – The MTV generation craves me-

dia-driven church. Congregations respond

by incorporating contemporary elements

such as live bands and slide projectors into


2000’s – The consumer-driven model of

church proves unsustainable as youth tran-

sition to adulthood and are no longer inter-

ested in one more media outlet.

2010+ - Researchers conclude that the best

model for faith formation remains in home-

based education with the church acting as a

resource for parents.

Page 6: Forward In Faith - Clover · considering how we might better equip our households of faith. Last month, we purchased a number

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“Rooted In Christ, we are growing in faith to bear fruit in the


Pastor Keith E. Wiens

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Kyle Olson, AiM

Director of Spiritual Growth

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Sarah Diamond

Church Admin./Dir. Of Congregational Life

[email protected]

Kathryn Focke

Director of Evangelical Outreach

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Becky Marsh

Communication Specialist

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Susan Schindler


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