Download - Fortune & Chaucer

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Fortune in Chaucer

Eimear O’Driscoll

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Fortune and her Wheel

f.70r of MS S.30, Somme le Roi

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Roman de la Rose, Princeton Garrett 126. fol. 36r

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Boethius teaching his students

1385 Italian manuscript of the Consolation of Philosophy

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Boethius Imprisoned

from 1385 manuscript of The Consolation of Philosophy

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The Consolation of Philosophy, Book II.

• “Inconstancy is my very essence; it is the game I never cease to play as I turn my wheel in its ever changing circle, filled with joy as I bring the top to the bottom and the bottom to the top. Yes, rise up on my wheel if you like, but don't count it an injury when by the same token you begin to fall, as the rules of the game will require."

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Example of a Medieval English lyric on Fortune

“A! mercy, Fortune, have pitye on me, And thynke that thu hast done gretely

amysse To parte asondre them whiche ought to be

Alwey in on. Why hast thu doo this? Have I offended the?” (4)

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Chaucer’s lyric “Fortune”

•French format

•Triple ballade

•Legal Disputation

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Representation of the figure of Fortune

Chaucer’s “Fortune”


“ballades de visage sanz peinture”

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Representation of the figure of Fortune (2)

The Consolation of Philosophy - Chaucer’s Translation Boece

“thou hast now knowen the double visage of thilke blynde goddess Fortune.”

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Fortune’s Voice

Boece, Book II, prosa 2.

“Certes I wolde pleten with the a fewe thyngs, usynge the wordes of Fortune.” (2)

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Fortune’s positive effects (1)

“The amyable Fortune desceyveth folk; thecontrarie Fortune techeth.” (19)

Boece, Book 1, prosa 8.

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Fortune’s positive effects (2)

“I have thee taught divisioun bitwene

Frend of effect and frend of countenaunce.” (34)


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Plaintiff’s final lines

“Thy lore I dampne; it is adversitee.My frend maystow nat reven, blind goddesse;That I thy frendes knowe, I thanke it thee.Tak hem agayn, lat hem go lye on presse.The negardye in keping hir richessePrenostik is thou wolt hir tour assayle;Wikke appetyt comth ay before syknesse.In general, this reule may nat fayle.” (56)

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Fortune as a natural part of life

“Thou pinchest at my mutabilitee For I thee lente a drope of my richesse,

And now me lyketh to withdrawe me. Why sholdestow my realtee oppresse?

The see may ebbe and flowen more or lesse” (61)

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An Aspect of Providence

“Lo, th'execucion of the majesteeThat al purveyeth of his rightwysnesse,That same thing ‘Fortune’ clepen ye,Ye blinde bestes ful of lewdednesse.” (68)

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Boethius & Providence

“…the whiche manere whan that men looken it in thilke pure clennesse of the devyne intelligence”(53).

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Memorabilia. fol. 103v

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Le roman de la rose. fol. 040v

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Le Roman de la Rose. fol. 058r