Download - Forth Sector Prospectus 2012

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ProspectusForth Sector 2012

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Executive Summary 2

Financial Summary 3

Introduction by the Chief Executive 4

Social Return 7

Activities 8

Ambitions 10

Strategy 12

Organisational Strengths 15

Management Team 16

Board Experience 19

Contact 22



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Forth Sector is a company limited by guarantee and a charity based in Edinburgh. Formed in 1991, it supports people who are disadvantaged and unable to secure meaningful employment; most have mental health conditions.

The organisation operates businesses where clients gain work experience and receive training and support from a professional team. The businesses are St Jude’s Laundry, which holds a Royal Warrant, The Scottish Soapworks, manufacturing quality, hand-made soaps and cosmetics and EES Logos, a specialist embroidery, workwear and gift business.

The purpose of investment is to transform the organisation in order to support many more people and ensure sustainability in future.

Capital investment will enable the development of an ‘employability hub’ to house all of Forth Sector’s growing businesses and client support facilities.

A development site in a deprived area of Edinburgh has been identified with an option to purchase from the City of Edinburgh Council at £300,000. Planning permission, all necessary surveys and preliminaries are complete.

An employer’s agent has been appointed and the contract is out to tender.

The cost of development will be £2.3 million and subject to funding, should be complete in the spring of 2013.

Investment of £1.5 million in the form of capital grants has been secured from the Big Lottery and Social Investment Scotland. A further £0.5million in loans has been secured. The balance of funding is being sought.

Investment in production space, facilities, product development, sales, marketing and organisational capacity will double income by 2017.

Projections show that by 20171:

- Group annual sales will be £2.9 million.

- Group annual profits will be £274,000.

- The balance sheet will show £2.3 million of net assets

- Cash balances will be £565,000.

The organisation will lose dependency on revenue grants completely by 2013.

The model of employability will be developed further to exploit new market opportunities. It will support a wider range of disadvantaged people, providing work-placement, vocational training and personal development. This will lead more than 500 beneficiaries being supported by 2013, and double this by 2017.

Projected Social Return on Investment (SROI) will be £7.34 for every £1 invested

(independent assessment).

1 - Appendix A


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Financial�Summary Yearto31March 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

£ £ £ £ £


Sales 1,835,893 1,940,390 2,280,098 2,631,501 2,872,845

Gross Profit 1,659,315 1,766,030 2,071,803 2,388,456 2,596,415

Operational Costs (1,571,776) (1,675,145) (1,920,961) (2,093,405) (2,275,787)

Non-recurring Items 0

Interest (15,868) (64,163) (56,462) (51,536) (46,216)

Profit/(Loss) 71,671 26,722 94,380 243,515 274,412


Fixed Assets 1,339,064 2,192,169 2,210,222 2,209,247 2,209,247

Current Assets 574,026 533,427 565,367 807,546 1,074,804

Current Liabilities (204,064) (315,478) (317,188) (364,579) (411,016)

Net Current Assets 369,962 217,949 248,178 442,966 663,788

Long-term Liabilities 286,888 743,686 697,590 647,888 594,297

NetAssets 1,422,138 1,666,431 1,760,811 2,004,326 2,278,738

TotalReserves 1,422,138 1,666,431 1,760,811 2,004,326 2,278,738


OpeningCashBalances 63,268 81,910 84,485 104,720 323,021

Cash Inflow/(Outflow):

Trading (152,419) 131,021 101,211 264,397 292,605

Capital Expenditure (1,341,368) (860,125) (20,554) 0 0

Grants 1,222,429 217,571 0 0 0

Loans 290,000 514,109 (60,422) (46,097) (49,702)

ClosingCashBalances 81,910 84,485 104,720 323,021 565,924


Return on Capital Employed 5.0% 1.6% 5.4% 12.1% 12.0%

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Stability is a myth. Change is unrelenting; it creeps up imperceptibly or arrives with a bang. There is sense of something profound happening in the economy and in society. At local level there is the same sense. The economic outlook is grimmer than could have been imagined. For charities the surety of grant funding has evaporated with swingeing cuts in public funding. The move to competitive tendering is inexorable. This has already had a profound impact on Forth Sector and indeed, the whole of the third sector.

In 2008 the collapse of Lehman Brothers set off a chain reaction which continues. Like the rest of the economy at that time, Forth Sector was not in great shape to face the storm, with 60% of its income coming from public funding in the form of grants and a portfolio of seven loss-making businesses. The Board acted decisively, a new chief executive was appointed, and the organisation set itself the goal of becoming self-sufficient without the need of revenue-funding within five years; a target it is on course to achieve. It also set about transforming the services offered to those it exists to support, disadvantaged people who are a long way from the jobs market; this too is well in hand.

In order to affect the change, we knew that significant investment would be required. We also knew that investment depended on a viable and robust business-model. We set about producing a strategy fit for the new world we find ourselves in and a business plan which we knew could deliver sustainability. The ensuing years have been very challenging but the tough decisions were made and the organisation is in good shape to embrace the future.


Cold economic reality means that the amount of money available for social care will decline over coming years. This will have most impact on those who are not considered to be in need of a high level of care, yet are not able to move into mainstream employment without considerable help. These people, the majority of whom have mental health conditions, will be even more marginalised by welfare reform. They are our natural constituency and we are well placed to support them, provided we have the capacity to do so.

The UK Government’s ongoing strategy of moving people off of benefits into employment has been confounded by the economic crisis which has made it even more difficult to bring


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“�The�future�has�a�way�of�arriving�unannounced.”�George Will

people excluded from mainstream employment into work. In a time of little or no economic growth, ironically the growth market is in ‘employability’. With more than 40,000 claimants of Incapacity Benefits in Edinburgh alone, this is the market opportunity for Forth Sector. Our USP is that we can offer real work placements for real people in real businesses. The gap in the market lies here, because whilst a plethora of organisations offer training and ‘work preparation’ all the evidence is that what really makes the difference to a person’s employability is ‘Individual Placement and Support’ (IPS). IPS relies on providing a real work environment; Forth Sector almost uniquely offers this through its businesses – real, competitive businesses.

Investment will ensure our businesses can not only be sustained, but continue to grow and in the process offer many more work-placement opportunities.

Securing investment demands a credible business plan. Our plan took the equivalent of five- person-years to produce. The aim was to ensure it was something we and prospective investors could believe in. The plan is hard-headed and commercial, but driven by our need to exist to support others, because we know we can make a difference.

MikeFinlaysonChief ExecutiveMay 2012

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When the new service is in full operation, Forth

Sector creates more than £3,000,000 additional

social value per year. For every pound of investment

in the service £7.34 is returned in social value.

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There is a tendency for charities to simply state that they ‘do good things’ and so deserve to be funded. Outcomes-based contracting invariably fails to capture the real value of charitable activity to beneficiaries or the wider social impact. Surprisingly, many charities have no means of establishing objectively their true impact, value or efficiency.

When we reviewed our strategy and started to develop our plans we asked ourselves the hard question “are we adding value?” We even asked the question “should we exist at all?”

We couldn’t answer these questions without objective, dispassionate assessment, so we commissioned qualified external agencies to consider the extent of need for our services and to establish the difference we made to the lives of those we exist to benefit and the wider social value we might be creating.

Research conducted by the Scottish Development Centre for Mental Health confirmed the nature and extent of need and the lack of provision.

Establishing the difference we could make to the lives of our beneficiaries and the impact we could expect from our planned investment was carried out in the form of a predictive SROI (social return on investment) audit by consultants EKOS.

The assessment concluded that as a result of engagement with Forth Sector, beneficiaries were improving their physical and mental health and were better able to cope with their conditions and life in general. It also concluded that they were much more likely to secure meaningful employment. These were tangible benefits to the individuals, their families, their communities and society in general.

In terms of wider social value the assessment found that for every £1 invested in the planned development, a monetary return of between £5 and £7 could be anticipated; most of this saving was in reduced costs to the public purse.

These are extracts from a very thorough analysis. The full report is available on our website

We are confident that we help to transform people’s lives and in the process, create measurable social value.


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Forth Sector is a company limited by

guarantee and a charity based in Edinburgh.

Formed in 1991 it supports people who for a

variety of reasons are disadvantaged and

unable to secure meaningful employment;

many clients have mental health conditions.

The charity operates businesses where

beneficiaries are offered work placements to

gain work experience and receive training and

support from a professional support team.

The businesses operate in competitive

markets; they provide genuine and challenging

work placements.

The organisation has a highly competent and

experienced Board and Senior Management

Team, a strong brand and solid history. It has

three operational divisions, Employability

Services, Businesses and Forth Sector

Development Ltd, a consultancy business.


The Division provides professional case-

management, training and therapeutic support to

clients who face disadvantage and as a

consequence are excluded from meaningful

work. The team consists of case managers,

Occupational Therapists and a training team,

headed by an experienced manager. The team

work closely with the businesses to ensure

supportive working environments. They work

with clients to help them meet their personal

goals and wherever possible, to move on into

meaningful employment.


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Under the leadership of a highly experienced

manager, the Division operates three

commercial businesses where benificiaries

take up work placements under the

supervision of managers and core staff.

Businesses include a commercial Laundry

with a 45 year history which holds the Royal

Warrant, EES Logos (formerly Edinburgh

Embroidery Services) which provides

bespoke embroidery work wear and gifts and

the Scottish Soap Works, which

manufactures gift products and cosmetics.


FSD Ltd is a highly successful consultancy

business, which Gift-Aids a proportion of

profit back to the charity. The business

operates on a wholly commercial basis with

its own strategy and Board.

“Our primary focus as a charity is to provide employability support to aid the recovery of people with mental health problems. We achieve this, uniquely, by offering placements within our businesses complemented by professional support provided by our Employability Services team. Forth Sector Development is our consultancy arm offering high level business development services.”


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Our ambition is to support many more people by creating more and better work placement opportunities in sustainable businesses.

Larger premises will provide purpose-built accommodation for businesses and support facilities. They will allow increased production capacity and the ability to support many more benificiaries in a suitable environment. This will create considerable economies of scale and energy efficiencies.

Sales across Social Firms will double by 2017 through investment in premises, plant and machinery, product development sales and marketing.

The Employability Services Division will develop further its model of employability to exploit new market opportunities by tendering for contracts and subcontracts. It will support more clients claiming Incapacity Benefit, Employment Support Allowance and Job-Seekers Allowance and a wider range of disadvantaged people and carry out training for work. This will lead to more than 500 clients being supported by 2013.

Space for the commercial laundry business will double. Significant investment will be made in new, high-capacity, energy-efficient plant and machinery, allowing it to win larger contracts, while gaining economies of scale and lowering running costs.

EES Logos will benefit from additional equipment purchased to allow it to widen significantly its product offering. In the process it will adopt an ethical stance, sourcing fair-traded and organic products and raw materials. Sales will more than double by 2017.



This pennant, above, embroidered by Edinburgh Embroidery Services, commissioned by Edinburgh University, travelled with Nasa astronaut Piers Sellers on the Space Shuttle Atlantis in May 2010.

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The Scottish Soap Works will exploit newly identified channels of distribution and develop a new offering to double its turnover. Increased production space will be made available, new production equipment installed and a fulfilment facility built into the new premises. It will trade ethically.


Forth Sector Development Ltd will develop with a new Board and strategy. It will exploit Forth Sector’s substantial intellectual capital

and new market opportunities which arise from the need for the third sector to trade.


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Our business strategy is to invest in capacity, growth, and people.

There is a huge demand for what we do. Need is increasing and ‘employability’ is the market opportunity. The aim is to support many more people and to support them better. Everything else is secondary to this. Just two objectives guide us:

• To create real work environments in which our service users and our staff can flourish.

• To create a sustainable business model.

Creating real work environments requires careful consideration of the type of business we operate and the work conditions in that business. It is important for our clients that they experience challenging but supportive work environments in credible, competitive businesses. This creates the essential challenge and tension, which aids recovery, increases self-esteem and prepares people for real work. Our aim is to develop these environments.

If we are to support more people we need to create more work placement opportunities; this means bigger businesses offering a wider choice of opportunities. It also means creating sustainable businesses, which are not dependent on grant-funding. Our strategy therefore is to grow the existing portfolio of businesses through investment in more space, efficient plant and equipment, product development, sales and marketing, and especially people. Detailed plans reflect this. We expect to at least double turnover in existing businesses by 2017 and possibly acquire new or existing businesses as well.


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Until recently, Forth Sector had largely been dependent on grant-funding. While funds were readily available and authorities had the will and means to fund activities, this model was viable. This is no longer the case. Funds are drying up and what funding there is will be packaged and put out to competitive tender. ESF funding, which Forth Sector has benefitted from for some years, will disappear from 2013. By growing businesses, and making the Employability Services Division a profit-centre able to tender for contracts, we will lose dependency on any form of grant-funding.

Transforming Forth Sector will require larger premises and all of the paraphernalia of business development, but the transformation depends largely on the ability to transform thinking and competency. For this reason we are investing in building organisational capacity and competency through recruitment

and the training and development of

existing staff.


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St Jude’sLaundryPart of the Forth Sector Group

By Appointment to Her Majesty the Queen

St Jude’s Laundry Launderers, Edinburgh


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Our strengths lay in our purpose, our approach

and our people

Our purpose is to support people excluded

from mainstream employment. We do this by

providing real work placements in real,

competitive businesses, backed up with

training and personal support. We have been

doing this for nearly two decades and we are

good at it, but are always seeking out new

ways to become even better.

There is an explosion of need for what we do

from increasing numbers of people who face

exclusion from meaningful employment, and

growing demand from government, local

authorities and others to provide these

services, efficiently and effectively.

We are clear that work is good for wellbeing,

but not just any work, it must be challenging

and meaningful; it must support wellbeing not

undermine it. This is what we provide.

Our approach is very different from other

organisations; Forth Sector is no ordinary

charity and no ordinary business. We

unashamedly use the tools of business to

deliver a social aim. The individual benefits,

society benefits. What we do creates social

capital, has demonstrable social value and is


Forth Sector has a strong brand in the social

enterprise and the employability markets.

Forth Sector Development Ltd, our

consultancy business, exploits our knowledge,

skills and experience commercially and for the

benefit of others, adding social value.

Forth Sector is a well-managed, efficient and

effective organisation. Our people are

experienced professionals in business,

employment and care, who have chosen to

use their skills and experience for a social




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Mike’s early career was in retailing as Store

Director for one of the country’s leading chains

and then Operations Director of a department

store group. Mike has worked in business

development in the UK with SME’s and

corporates. He has managed two venture

capital funds. In latter years he has worked

mainly in the third sector but with the occasional

sojourn back to the business world.

Mike has held a number of voluntary and paid

positions in the third sector, including Retail

Advisor to Oxfam, Director of Community

Business Scotland, Employee Ownership

Scotland and the UK Cooperative Council. He

was Director of Development for RNIB and a

Director and co-founder of ‘Out of This World’,

the UK’s first chain of ethical supermarkets. He

has advised a number of ‘blue-chip’ companies

on corporate social responsibility

In 2001 Mike established the charity Teacher

Support Scotland, and helped to establish

similar organisations in the UK and USA. He

led major research projects into workplace

wellbeing and mental health and employability

with the Universities of Glasgow and Cardiff.

Mike has a post-graduate qualification in

counselling and management supervision. He is

a Fellow of the RSA. He joined Forth Sector as

Chief Executive in 2008.



Susan started work as a charge nurse in

elderly assessment; then for the Social Work

Department, to set up one of the early

community based support services for people

who had severe and enduring mental health

illnesses. Susan developed a similar service for

Edinburgh Association for Mental Health.

Susan also managed a care home for people

with dementia and a housing support service

for people with mental health illnesses and

learning disabilities. Susan then worked for a

housing association, managing their care

homes and developing systems and policies for

the housing support services.

Susan is a qualified SEN, RMN, has a Diploma

in Nursing Studies, and an MBA.



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Steve has undertaken a number of business

development roles, including sales and

marketing management, export and distributor

sales management, and the establishment of

new business.

He has most experience in the health and

social care sector, negotiating the supply of

equipment and services to third sector care

providers, the NHS and local authority social

services and education departments. Prior to

working in Forth Sector he provided

consultancy and training services for a

number of third sector care providers and

local authorities in Scotland and the north

of England.

He joined Forth Sector in 2009.



Jeremy Devlin-Thorp is a CA and was

appointed by the Board of Forth Sector in

August 2009 to work with the Chief Executive

on the financial transformation of the


Jeremy has 33 years experience as a finance

director and business advisor, and has worked

for a number of major commercial companies

as well as running his own business in the

field of business and personal growth. Jeremy

brings a key blend of commercial control

together with an understanding of the third

sector to guide Forth Sector to its next level of


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Susan Duncan is Head of Finance and

Administration for Forth Sector. Prior to that she

worked for Orkney Health Board as Accounts

Manager. She has recently completed her

Association of Accounting Technician

qualification and is a member of

the association.



Andrew’s early career was in retailing with

Currys and then Asda, which provided him with

solid experience of sales and marketing.

From retail management, Andrew moved into

business to business selling in the tough and

highly competitive security industry. As a

Business Development Manager, he gained

direct experience of contract negotiation and

building and developing customer relationships.

Andrew has worked for a number of blue chip

businesses, including G4S, The Mitie Group

and Initial Group. He has also worked with

smaller businesses advising on sales

development and marketing.

Andrew is a Fellow of the Institute of Sales and

Marketing Management and a Member of the

Chartered Institute of Insurance.




Iain trained as an engineer and has a BSc in

mechanical engineering. His early career was

with UNISYS as a consultant and senior design

quality engineer and then took up posts at

Napier and Heriot Watt Universities. His career

developed into commerce where he has held a

number of senior posts, including Deputy

Managing Director of Napier University

Ventures Ltd and Director of Development for

Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce.

Iain has extensive experience of European

funding and is a former Chair of the Eastern

Scotland European Partnership. He was a

member of Finance and Commercialisation sub-

committee of Napier University Court and

member of the Industrial Advisory Board of the

Institute of Informatics and Digital Innovation,

Edinburgh Napier University.

Iain is a former Director of Napier University

Ventures Limited and Microemissive Displays

Limited. In recent years he has run his own

consultancy business, advising and supporting

a number of business clients, including Forth


Iain will be joining Forth Sector Development

Ltd as Managing Director.



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John Duncan has been the Chair of Forth

Sector since 2007 and a board member since

2001. John is a qualified chartered accountant

and has worked in accountancy firms in

Scotland, London and Hong Kong. John has

experience within the voluntary sector as

Financial Controller of Maggie’s Centre and

then as Director of the English Speaking

Union Scotland.


Craig was former Deputy Director for

Efficiency and Transformational Government

Division at the Scottish Government, which

includes responsibility for shared services,

benchmarking, Public Sector ICT Policy,

Identity and Privacy Policy e-Care and GIS.

Previous posts have included responsibilities

for the Year 2000 Compliance programme,

and the Management of Change, Efficiency

Planning and Performance Management


Craig joined Forth Sector’s board in 2009.

He is the Vice-Chair.


Bill is the Chair of Forth Sector Development

Ltd and a Director of Forth Sector.

Bill has been an academic, civil servant and

Chief Executive of a Scottish local authority.

He has in-depth knowledge of the theories

and practice of public finance; considerable

experience of European matters; and has

been closely involved in the development of

Best Value in Scotland.

Since retiring, his experience and skills have

been in great demand, advising on the 2007

Government Spending Review, acting as an

independent adviser on Reform of Local

Government in NI and leading a team of

independent experts that reviewed the budget

performance of the Scottish Executive -

‘Choices for a Purpose’ (The Howat Review).

Bill is a member and former Chair of SOLACE

(Society of Local Authority Chief Executives)

and President of Volunteer Development

Scotland. He has an MSc in Economics and a

BA (Hons) in Economics and Econometrics.




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RoyDurieRoy Durie has had a long career specialising in the sale and valuation of public and industrial property. A Fellow of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors and a member of the British Institute for Management, Roy has worked for the Ministry of Defence and many health boards among other clients in the public property sector. Roy has been a board member of Forth Sector since 2006.

IanStevensonWith a degree in Computer Science and Engineering, Ian has worked in a range of businesses, most recently working on applications to telecommunications providers based on a proprietary platform technology.During 2009 Ian participated in the prestigious Saltire Fellowship, which included a placement with Sun Microsystems in Silicon Valley. Ian is currently in a marketing role with a Scottish technology company.Ian has been on the board since 2009.

KateStorrowKate Storrow is Employment and Learning Services Manager for RNIB, a post she has held since 2000. Kate manages teams in Aberdeen, Edinburgh and Glasgow who help over 60 blind and partially sighted people a year into jobs and help to retain over 100 jobs. Kate is also involved in the design and delivery of the £2.5 million Employment and Learning Centre at Jewel and Esk College through RNIB. Kate joined Forth Sector in 2009.

MikeHarlandMike Harland is an independent consultant with over 36 years of experience in social work, housing and social policy development with local and central government, NGOs and Civil Society - both in the UK and Eastern Europe. Currently, Mike is working in China developing a sustainable enterprise programme. He joined the board in 1991.



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AlisonMeiklejohnAlison Meiklejohn is Occupational Manager for Royal Edinburgh Associated Services and Edinburgh Community Partnership. She has worked in the field of mental health since 1985. In 1990 Alison became Head Occupational Therapist for In-Patient Rehabilitation Services, a role that expanded to include specialist services, acute psychiatry, older people, children and adolescent mental health, physical disablities and, in particular vocational rehabilitation. It is through vocational rehabilitation that Forth Sector first came to Alison’s attention. She joined the board in 2006

AndyHunterAndy Hunter founded Edinburgh Community Trust (later to become Forth Sector) in 1981 with a group of like-minded trustees. For many years Andy worked for Garvald Edinburgh, a charity providing day, accommodation and support services for adults with disabilities.

Professor JulietCheethamOBEJuliet has worked in probation and after care and mental health services in England and Scotland. Juliet has also taught social work and medical students at Oxford University and spent some years as a researcher. She returned to Scotland to set up the Social Work Research Centre at Stirling University to undertake evaluation of the effectiveness of social work services. Juliet was the Social Work Commissioner with the Mental Welfare Commission for Scotland and now works for the Social Work Inspection Agency, as well as being a General Member for Mental Health Tribunals.

She became a board member in 2006.

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Too true I’m angry. How would you feel if you were

thrown on the scrap (heap) at 38; treated like a no-

one just because you cracked up?

Five years ago. (I) haven’t worked since. (My)

marriage broke up, lost my house, my car, my

holidays, my kids, my friends, my self-respect. (I)

have a pretty shitty life; Angry? yeah I’m angry, sad,

depressed, pissed off, tired, bitter and scared if you

want to know the truth. I wonder why I get up,

sometimes I don’t; sometimes I don’t want to wake

up, ever again. Ever.

The guys at the Social (the ‘social’ listen to me!), tell

me I’m fit to work, I have to make the effort, and if I

don’t (my) benefits go down the Swanee. Half of

nothing is nothing. You know, Catch 22.

If you could work you would but because you haven’t

worked for five years and they think you’re mental you

don’t get a job; check-mate; stuffed, screwed, finito,


Why did I crack up? Mind your own business.”


Yes, but with myself mostly, and sad but in a different

way from when you asked me before. Anyway, the

time in <deleted> has been good, very good.

I know I was pretty grim when I started,

can’t think why <deleted> put up with me. Don’t get

me wrong, I’m grateful and all that (but) the work is a

bit low-level for me to be truthful. Anyway, the reason

I wanted to speak to you is I’m off back to college, so

I’ll be leaving you. They need plumbers, well heating

engineers really, and I want to work for Scottish Gas.

The training’s good and the money would be


So it’s a fond farewell and well, thanks, for everything,

really. You guys have been good. I might be back, but

I hope not (nothing personal like).”

We offer a sound investment, but figures cannot fully convey the true value to Callum, and the thousands we have supported in the past like him, and the thousands

we will support in future with your help.


For information on Forth Sector, to view the full business plan,

or for any enquiries on investing, please contact Mike Finlayson:-

T: 01316594737 e-mail [email protected]

Alternatively write to: Mike Finlayson,

Forth Sector, SPACE, 11 Harewood Road, Edinburgh EH16 4NT.

Design by Forth Sector Design.