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  1. 1. ED KISHINEVSKY Case Study: Ford African American Market, UniWorld Group Senior Strategist Situation & Opportunity: An overarching goal for UniWorld Group in developing marketing programming and communications for Ford was to lift brand affinity Fords key metric in their 5-step purchase funnel. Fords strategy for building affinity is for consumers to believe Ford is a brand for a person like me. Situation & Opportunity II: Achieving Goals Ford is an innovation company and extends this core value into its marketing efforts with pioneering work in digital and social media. In 2013 Ford implemented a content publishing studio to co/produce, short-and long-form content across paid/partner, owned and earned media. This meant the opportunity for AA communications to impact the brand now expanded into the general market (very much aligning with todays movement of mainstreaming black culture). Producing AA-Oriented Content Content programs the agency developed rested on 5 messaging pillars Aspirational Alignment Expressive Style Lifestyle Defining Adventure Forward Thinking Community Ford AA Digital Strategy
  2. 2. ED KISHINEVSKY Case Study: Ford African American Market, UniWorld Group Senior Strategist Finding Your Roots Ford sponsored season 2 of PBS Finding Your Roots series produced by Americas Genealogist- in-Chief Dr. Henry Louis Gates. Gatess mission is to get into the DNA of American culture to discover who we are and where we come. AA Cultural Insight The shows immersion into American history and ancestry deeply connects with a drive many African Americans possess to know more of their family genealogy - a history for many thats simply unknown. Forming the Strategic Platform African Americans have a distinct path of arrival and history in the US; and family and community relationships are crucial elements for success. The program aligns on Community and Forward Thinking messaging pillars. The OTT Work: Extensions To accompany each of the 10 broadcast episodes, we published custom, influencer- produced content video interviews, infographics, artwork across Ford, PBS and Influencer owned and social channels all based on the platform Your History Matters. The Drive, powered by Ford Our approach here focused on reaching women. Our thought was to organize an idea around something central to the way women live today. Our idea was Title IX. Title IX was groundbreaking, foundational, and the perfect platform for demonstrating Fords commitment to the most underserved target in the automotive category - women. US Cultural Insight This historic law has given countless young women opportunities that werent available to prior generations. The idea aligns on the Aspirational Alignment and Forward Thinking pillars. Forming Relationships - The OTT work: In this five-part series, ESPNs Sage Steele goes back to campus with former college athletes to revisit the places and life-changing moments that inspired their drive to succeed. We chronicle the real-life impact Title IX has delivered and the inspiration and opportunity it presents. Skylar Diggins and Jessica Mendoza among others, take us on a drive through all the milestones, struggles as well as leaps made possible by Title IX. Producing AA-Powered Content
  3. 3. ED KISHINEVSKY Case Study: Ford African American Market, UniWorld Group Senior Strategist Source: BEAT Q4 African American Ford Data Results 1) We achieved Fords goal of 62% Favorable Opinion, a 4% increase YOY, with large gains in Q4. (FYR). The African American Ford Favorable Opinion number was 6% higher than the general market Ford number. 2) Finding Your Roots delivered Ford added value of 5MM social impressions and over 30K video views 3) The Drive launched in May has already delivered nearly 10K video shares on Facebook alone.