Download - Forces Shaping the Modern Middle East. What is the Middle East? Where did the term come from? (Is it in the “middle” of anywhere?) Is it a defined.

Page 1: Forces Shaping the Modern Middle East.  What is the Middle East? Where did the term come from? (Is it in the “middle” of anywhere?)  Is it a defined.

THE MIDDLE EASTForces Shaping the Modern Middle East

Page 2: Forces Shaping the Modern Middle East.  What is the Middle East? Where did the term come from? (Is it in the “middle” of anywhere?)  Is it a defined.


What is the Middle East? Where did the term come from? (Is it in the “middle” of anywhere?)

Is it a defined land mass, or can it have different definitions?

If we don’t mean a defined set of countries, what do we mean by Middle East?

Page 3: Forces Shaping the Modern Middle East.  What is the Middle East? Where did the term come from? (Is it in the “middle” of anywhere?)  Is it a defined.

DIVERSITY AND THE COLONIAL LEGACYDIVERSITY NATIONALISM Most people in the Middle East today are Muslims, but Jews and Christians still live there.Middle Eastern people speak more than 30 different languages.Every country is home to minority groups. Muslims share the same faith but belong to different national groups. Often, such differences have created divisions.

After World War I, Arab nationalists opposed the mandate system that placed Arab territories under European control. The Pan-Arab dream of a united Arab state foundered, but the Arab League continued to promote Arab solidarity

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Most Middle Eastern nations developed authoritarian governments. Egypt and Iraq- military overthrows Jordan and Saudi Arabia- modern

monarchies Iraq and Syria- single party

dictatorships Israel and Turkey- only countries to

develop democratic systems but minorities faced issues

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ECONOMICS OF THE MIDDLE EASTSome nations turned to socialism to end foreign economic control and modernize rapidly. To get capital, governments took foreign

loans. Heavy borrowing left many nations

deeply in debt.

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Oil: An Important Resource The US is particularly concerned with

events and conflicts in the Middle East because our economy is dependent on middle eastern oil.

Answer questions 1 and 2 Who’s got the oil?

Answer questions 1-3

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• Oil-rich nations built roads, hospitals, and schools.

• Poorer countries lacked the capital

needed for development.

• The 1973 OPEC oil embargo showed that oil could be a powerful diplomatic and economic weapon


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EXAMPLES IN MODERN HISTORYEnergy Crisis of the 1970s American oil consumption–in the form of gasoline and other

products–was rising even as domestic oil production was declining, leading to an increasing dependence on oil imported from abroad.

Despite this, Americans worried little about a dwindling supply or a spike in prices, and were encouraged in this attitude by policymakers in Washington, who believed that Arab oil exporters couldn't afford to lose the revenue from the U.S. market.

These assumptions were demolished in 1973, when an oil embargo imposed by members of the Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries (OAPEC) led to fuel shortages and sky-high prices throughout much of the decade.

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WATER ISSUES Most of the region has

limited rainfall. Oil-rich countries have

built desalinization plants.

Individual nations have built dams to supply water.

Nations must seek ways to use water cooperatively.

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INTRODUCTION TO ISLAM-Q AND AIt has often been noted that Islam is a misunderstood religion. Many people think, for example, that Islam has little in common with the two world religions with which it is most closely associated: Judaism and Christianity Who was the first prophet of Islam?

Muslims believe that Adam, the 1st human being, was the first prophet

Muhammad is the greatest prophet Why is Abraham important to Muslims?

Muslims believe Abraham was called by Gov. to be an example to all believers. His child Ishmael is Muhammad’s ancestor.

Do Muslims believe in Jesus? They believe in his ‘miracles’, his eventual return, but not that he is

a son of God-instead he is a high prophet Do Muslims believe in Jewish and Christian Scriptures?

Muslims believe that God sent the scriptures to Moses and Jesus Do Muslims have to follow the Ten Commandments?

Yes, except for the ‘sabbath’, in addition they follow the ‘5 pillars’

Page 11: Forces Shaping the Modern Middle East.  What is the Middle East? Where did the term come from? (Is it in the “middle” of anywhere?)  Is it a defined.

ISLAM MEANS “PEACE THROUGH SUBMISSION TO GOD” Holy Book= Qur’an or Koran Place of Worship= Mosque Important Teachings= The Five Pillars

belief worship charitable giving fasting during the month of Ramadan (sawm) the pilgrimage to Mecca (hajj) at least once in a lifetime.

Sunni, Shi’i and Sufi Muslims Different branches of Islam Political difference over who should be the successor to

Muhammad Islam is a family-oriented religion, not all parts of the

Islamic world adhere to a conservative Qur’anic law (Turkey for ex.)

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ISLAMIC REVIVAL IN THE 1970S TO TODAY A rejection of westernizations Renewed commitment to Islam Varied Impact

Some extremists justified terrorist attacks against authoritarian, secular governments

Other Muslim groups worked within the system for political reforms and social programs

Less of a separation between church and state

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WOMEN IN THE MUSLIM WORLD Of the current misperceptions about

Islam, perhaps the most widespread is that women in Islamic law and Muslim Society are oppressed or lack rights.

To the contrary, the Qur’an specifically grants women a highly significant set of rights.

Selections on Women from the Qur’an Read and discus your section with your


Page 14: Forces Shaping the Modern Middle East.  What is the Middle East? Where did the term come from? (Is it in the “middle” of anywhere?)  Is it a defined.

The type most commonly worn in

the West

The al-amira is a two-piece veil. The shayla is a long scarf popular in the Gulf region.

The khimar is a cape-like veil. The chador, worn by many

Iranian women when outside the house

The burka is the most concealing of Islamic veils, covering entire face+body,

leaving just a mesh screen to see through.

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CONTINUING ISSUES Women’s dress in Islam should not be viewed as

oppressive or compulsory- many do it by choice However, there have been cultural barriers to the

exercise of women’s rights Laws and traditions in some countries are responsible for

this Read the article: "Cry of Muslim Women for

Equal Rights Is Rising," What stereotypes about the Islamic world are reinforced

when we only hear about the bad things that happen in Islamic societies? How might this reinforce a false sense of superiority in Westernized nations?

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What issues has Turkey faced?

Why was Egypt a leader in the Arab world?

What were the causes and results of the revolution in Iran?

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At the beginning of the Cold War, the Soviets tried to expand southward into Turkey.

Turkey struggled to build a stable government.

Modernization and urbanization brought social turmoil.

Kurdish nationalists fought for autonomy. Turkey was divided politically, with secular

politicians on one side and Islamic reformers on the other.


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EGYPT: A LEADER IN THE ARAB WORLDIn the 1950s, Gamal Abdel Nasser set out to modernize Egypt and end western domination.

Anwar Sadat came to power in the 1970s. He: opened Egypt to foreign investment and private business became the first Arab leader to make peace with Israel

Sadat’s successor, Hosni Mubarak: reaffirmed the peace with Israel mended fences with his Arab neighbors faced serious domestic problems

Egypt today- see link

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REVOLUTIONS AROUND THE WORLD How Revolutions Happen: patterns from Iran to Egypt

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ARAB UPRISINGS Arab uprising: Country by country

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IRAN’S ONGOING REVOLUTION In 1945, western powers backed Shah Muhammad Reza Pahlavi,

despite opposition from Iranian nationalists. In the 1970s, the shah’s enemies rallied behind Ayatollah Ruhollah

Khomeini, who condemned western influences and accused the shah of violating Islamic law.

The shah was forced into exile and Khomeini’s supporters proclaimed an Islamic Republic.

Revolutionaries bitterly denounced the West. They attacked corruption, replaced secular courts with religious ones, dismantled women’s rights, and banned everything western. While, at first, they allowed some open discussion, before long they were suppressing opponents.

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"Argo" is based on Master of Disguise by Antonio J. Mendez (the CIA operative played by Ben Affleck in the film) and The Great Escape by Joshuah Bearman.  The film shows six Americans escaping from the U.S. embassy in Tehran as it is overrun by young revolutionaries.  The six take refuge in the Canadian embassy (in reality, three of the Americans hid out with another Canadian national).  Mendez works with Oscar-winning makeup artist John Chambers (played by John Goodman) to create a fictional film production company; the cover story for the Americans' escape will be that they are Canadians scouting filming locations in Iran for "Argo" (originally titled "Lord of Light").  Amazingly, this tale of a fake movie is true. 

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IRAN TODAY “Yesterday’s Hostages, Today’s
