Download - Forces & Particles (PHYSICS)

  • 7/30/2019 Forces & Particles (PHYSICS)


    Fu n dam en t a l For ces


    Elem en t ar y Par t i cles

  • 7/30/2019 Forces & Particles (PHYSICS)


    For ces o f N at u r e

    Four forces responsible for all phenomena Gr av i ta t i ona l f o r ce ( 10 - 4 5)

    interaction between masses (all particles)

    most familiar to us

    W eak f o r ce ( 1 0 - 8)

    responsible for some nuclear decays and reactionsin stellar interiors

    Elect rom agne t i c f o rce ( 10 - 2)

    restricted to electrically charged particles holds atoms/molecules together

    St r o n g ( n u cl ear ) f o r ce ( 1 )

    holds nuclei together

  • 7/30/2019 Forces & Particles (PHYSICS)


    How d oes a f or ce w or k ?

    I ssu e : How is a force transmitted between particles not in directphysical contact with each other?

    I n classi ca l phy si cs use concep t o f f i e ld

    ( r esu l t i ng i n act i on at a d ist ance ) :

    A particle, by virtue of its presence somewhere, modifiesthe space around it, i.e. it creates a field

    A second particle, a distance r away, is embedded in thisfield

    The field acts on this second particle

    Result: The second particle experiences the force acted

    on it by the first particle

    I n 2 0 t h cen t u r y p h y si cs ( q u an t u m m ech a n ics)use concep t o f exchange fo r ce :

    Two particles interact with each other by exchanging a(virtual) particle between them

  • 7/30/2019 Forces & Particles (PHYSICS)


    Vi r t u a l Ex ch an g e Par t i cle

    An exchange particle (field quantum) is:

    created (and emitted) by one of the interacting particles, isabsorbed by the other. This process produces the interaction

    specific to an interaction (different for different interactions)

    How can energy be conserved during this creation? QM: Energy measured in t is uncertain by E

    Heisenber g Uncer t a in t y Pr inc ip le E t h / 2 No extra energy needed to create it! May exist for

    short enough t between creation and absorption for

    its energy E to obey HUP and thus not violate

    energy conservation

    is called a v i r t u a l particle (we never see it)

    This exchange leads to a change in the momentum

    and energy of the interacting particles (force)

  • 7/30/2019 Forces & Particles (PHYSICS)


    Ex am p le: Yak aw a ( st r o n g ) Fo r ce

    Prediction of exchange particle for nuclear (strong) force

    Use range of nuclear force: 1.5 fm = 1.5 x 10-15 m

    The longest time t a particle could exist, if moving withspeed of light c, and the corresponding E, using theH.U. P., would be:

    Predicted (1935) new particle of 131 MeV rest energy

    Discovered pion (1947) and measured rest energyEo = 140 MeV! (Rest mass mo: 140 MeV/c



























  • 7/30/2019 Forces & Particles (PHYSICS)


    Ex ch an g e Par t icle Mass v s

    Ran ge o f I n t er act i on Field quantum may have zero or non zero mass

    The greater the mass the more energy needed for its

    creation the shorter time it can exist (to not violateE-conservation, and be within HUP limits)

    the shorter the range of the corresponding force

    For zero mass, the range is infinite

    CONCLUSI ON: The range of the force associated withthe exchange of an virtual particle is inverselyproportional to the mass of this particle





    e -e -

    e -e -

    Feynman Diagrams

  • 7/30/2019 Forces & Particles (PHYSICS)


    Th e Fie ld Qu an t a



    Grav i ta t i ona l 10-45 Graviton? Zero Infinite 1/r2

    Weak 10-8


    , Z0

    80, 91

  • 7/30/2019 Forces & Particles (PHYSICS)


    St r u ct u r e o f Mat t er

    ( Up t o t he la t e 60 s)

    Atoms consist of nuclei surrounded by

    electrons bound to the nucleus through theelectromagnetic force

    Nuclei consist of protons and neutrons bound

    together by the nuclear force

    The nuclear force is understood in terms of an

    exchange of mesons Basis of successful models of nuclear structure






  • 7/30/2019 Forces & Particles (PHYSICS)


    Cu r r en t Un derst an d ing

    o f St r u ct u r e o f Mat t er

    Protons, neutrons and mesons are not elementary particles They are composites of quarks

    The most fundamental constituents of matter are quarks, leptons

    Quarks interact through the exchange of gluons Individual quarks do not exist in isolation

    Always bound together to form nucleons and mesons

    Theory for nuclear force: Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD)

  • 7/30/2019 Forces & Particles (PHYSICS)


    Par t i cle Sp in

    Each nuclear particle has a property called spin Intrinsic angular momentum (rotation about their own axis)

    One specific, fixed (not arbitrary) value for each particle

    Comes in units of = h/2 (h = 6.626x10-34

    J.s) It can only be either an integer or half-integer multiple of

    h-bar (0, 1, 2 or 1/2, 3/2, 5/2)

    Spin may serve as a criterion for classifying

    particles Different statistics for each type of spin value

    Half-integer spin particles are called Fermions

    Obey Fermi-Dirac Statistics No two-particles in exactly the same state (Pauli Exclusion Principle)

    Examples: e, p, n, quarks

    Integer spin particles are called Bosons

    Obey Bose-Einstein Statistics Examples: photon, gluons


  • 7/30/2019 Forces & Particles (PHYSICS)


    Par t i cle Classi f i ca t i on - Par t i cle Zoo

    Many particles are known (100s) - most are not elementary

    Detecting patterns in data very useful - remember periodictable?

    May classify nuclear particles by t he ir i n t e ract i on :

    ( 1 ) Had r o n s: They may experience a l l f ou r forces.Are NOT e lem ent a ry particles, have structure and size. Two

    categories: Baryons - heavy particles (p, n, , , , antiparticles)

    All have half-integer spin (fermions)

    Some are stable (do not decay)

    Mesons - less heavy (, , , K, antiparticles)

    All have integer spin (bosons)

    All are unstable

  • 7/30/2019 Forces & Particles (PHYSICS)


    Par t i cle Classi f i ca t i on - Par t i cle Zoo

    ( 2 ) Lep t o n s: Do NOT experience the s t r o n gforce but experience all other three forces

    Are elem en t a ry particles, no internal structure, zerosize (

  • 7/30/2019 Forces & Particles (PHYSICS)


    Par t i cle Classi f i ca t i on - Par t i cle Zoo

    ( 3 ) Qu ar k s: Experience al l four forces Are e lem en ta ry pa r t i cl es, no internal structure, zero size

    Are the const i t uen t s of h ad rons ( ba ry ons and m esons)

    Come in 6 types (f l a v o rs): u (up), d (down), s (strange), c(charmed), t (top), b (bottom), plus a set of antiquarks

    Have f rac t i ona l electric charge (+ 2/3 e, -1/3 e)

    Have color charge (red, blue, green) Needed to satisfy Pauli Exclusion Principle ( -, sss, 3/2 )

    Same colors repel, opposites (color-anticolor) attract

    Different colors attract (less so)

    All have spin 1/2 (fermions) Are no t f ound i so l at ed in the laboratory

    Strong force increases with distance between quarks

    Baryons are made of 3 quarks, mesons of 2 (qq-bar pair)

    3 colors make up white = colorless


  • 7/30/2019 Forces & Particles (PHYSICS)


    Par t i cle Classi f i ca t i on - Par t i cle Zoo

    ( 4 ) Fiel d Quan t a ( o r Gauge Bosons) :

    Elect r om agne t i c i n t e ract ion

    W + , W - , Zo W eak I n t er a ct i o n

    Carry weak charge

    8 g lu on s St r on g ( co lo r ) I n t er act ion

    6 carry color 2 colorless

    g r av i t on ? Gr av i t at ion al I n t er act ion

    Not observed yet They are the force carriers

    All have spin 1 (graviton 2) - (bosons)

    All are elementary, no internal structure, no size

  • 7/30/2019 Forces & Particles (PHYSICS)


    Som e Par t i cle H ist o r y

    The plethora of hadrons led to the search for a more fundamentalset of particles out of which baryons and mesons would be built.

    1963 - Gell-Mann and Zweig proposed such a model, where

    baryons and mesons are composites of elementary constituents,labeled quarks. Baryons: 3 quarks. Mesons: one quark, one anti-quark.

    For each quark there is a corresponding antiparticle, all

    properties the same except for opposite electric charge. 1963 quarks proposed : u p , d o w n , s t range . Discovered early 70s

    1967 c ha rmed quark proposed - discovered in 1974

    cc-bar in J/psi SLAC/BNL).

    1975 - Tau lep t on (SLAC) discovered

    Led to proposal of 2 more quarks top, bottom.

    1977 - B o t t o m quark discovered (bb-bar in Y-, Fermi Lab)

    1995 - Top quark discovered (Fermi Lab)

  • 7/30/2019 Forces & Particles (PHYSICS)


    Som e Par t i cle Pr op er t ies


    Hadrons Proton (p) 938.3 Stable

    Neutron(n) 939.6 889

    Omega (-) 2285 3/2 0.82x10-10

    Pion (+,-) 139.6 0 2.6x10-8

    Kaon (K+,K-) 494 0 1.2x10-8

    Lep tons Electron (e-,e+) 0.511 Stable

    Muon (-,+) 105.7 2.2x10-6

    Tau (-,+) 1784 3.0x10-13

    Neutrino () small StableFie ld Quant a Photon () 0 1 Stable

    Z 91117 1 ~10-25


  • 7/30/2019 Forces & Particles (PHYSICS)


    ( e) (h/2) (MeV/c2)

    Up ( u ) +2/3 2-8

    Do w n ( d ) -1/3 5-15

    St r a n g e ( s ) -1/3 100-300Ch a r m e d ( c) +2/3 1000-1600

    To p ( t ) +2/3 1.8x105

    Bo t t o m ( b ) -1/3 4100-4500


    SPI N(h/2)


    Elect r on ( e -) -1 0.511

    Mu o n ( -) -1 106

    Tau (


    ) -1 1784Ele ct r o n Ne u t r i n o ( e) 0

  • 7/30/2019 Forces & Particles (PHYSICS)


    Mor e Had r o n Pr o p er t ies

    For Baryon properties:

    C:\Documents and Settings\Dimitri\Desktop\baryon.html

    For Meson properties:

    C:\Documents and Settings\Dimitri\Desktop\meson.html

  • 7/30/2019 Forces & Particles (PHYSICS)


    Elem en t a r y Par t i cle Gen er a t ion s

    1 2 Elem ent a ry Par t i cl esPlus 4 field quanta

    Plus antiparticles3 Genera t i onsMasses of (II) > (I)

    Masses of (III) > (II)(I) is for ordinary matterQ: Only three generations?

    Only three observed

    (1991, CERN)Therefore expect only three


  • 7/30/2019 Forces & Particles (PHYSICS)


    Un der st an d in g Elem en t ar y

    Par t i cles an d t he i r I n t er act i on s ( 1 ) The St anda rd Model - I t in clu des:

    Theory of the Elect row eak I n t eract i on

    combines Electromagnetic and Weak Interactions

    two aspects of a single unified electroweak interaction

    same strength at very high energies (10-10 s after Big Bang)

    symmetry breaking at low energies (mW,Z 0, m = 0) Spectacular successes (e.g. discovery of W, Z)

    Predicts the Higgs boson (undetected at present)

    Quantum Electrodynamics (QED)

    Theory ofSt r o n g ( co lo r ) I n t er a ct i o n Force between quarks and gluons

    Nuclear force is remnant of this force

    Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) - very complicated math

  • 7/30/2019 Forces & Particles (PHYSICS)


    Un der st an d in g Elem en t ar y

    Par t i cles an d t he i r I n t er act i on s ( 2 ) Einst e in s Th eo r y o f

    Gener a l Re lat i v i t y Theory ofGrav i t a t i ona l I n t eract i on

    Not a quantum theory, expected to fail at smalldistances

  • 7/30/2019 Forces & Particles (PHYSICS)


    St and ar d Mode l

    Man y Rem ain in g Qu est ion s... Are the current elementary particles really elementary?

    Why do quarks and leptons have the mass they do?

    Why are there only 3 generations of elementary particles?

    Why does the electron and the proton have exactly the samecharge? They are different in almost every other way.

    Why is the neutron heavier than the proton? The oppositewould be easier to understand - proton has electric charge

    Why does the photon have zero mass but W,Z have mass?They mediate one single force (electroweak force)

    Why does the W and Z have the mass they have?

    Does the Higgs boson exist? It would explain these massesand symmetry breaking. Has not been seen yet (need TeV)

  • 7/30/2019 Forces & Particles (PHYSICS)


    Fu r t h er Un i f i ca t ion o f For ces?

    Elect r ow eak un i f i ca t i on - First successful step

    Gr an d Un i f i ca t ion Th eor ies ( GUTs) - Next step

    Would merge the Electroweak and Color Force Current Predictions:

    Proton Decay (1031 years) - Not seen yet

    Neutrinos have mass - Observed 1998

    Hopeful signs for ultimate success

    Ul t im a te goal : Include Gravity in Unification

    Superstring Theory (theory of everything)

    Particles: string-like structures; ~10-35 m

    Needs 10-dimensional space-time

    Extremely complicated math

    The jury is still out...

  • 7/30/2019 Forces & Particles (PHYSICS)


    Ev o lu t ion o f For ces in Na t u r e

    Fr om t he Big Bang t o t he Pr esen t









    Temperature (K)