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Table Of Contents


DIY 1: How to Clean Your Skin Using Oil What You Need Making And Applying

DIY 2: A Fruit Salad … For Your Face What You Need Making And Applying

DIY 3: At Home Microdermabrasion DIY 4: Acne Mask

Here ' s What You ' ll Need Making And Applying

DIY 5: Morning Face Mist What You Need

DIY 6: Aloe Vera Cleanser What You Need Making And Applying

DIY 7: Stretch Mark Prevention Oil Here ’ s What You ’ ll Need Making And Applying

DIY 8: Anti Cellulite Scrub What You Need Making And Applying

DIY 9: Anti Wrinkle Mask What You Need Making And Applying Post Application

DIY 10: All Natural Sunscreen What You Need Making Your Sunscreen

That ’ s It ... For Now

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About two years ago, I had one of those ah ha moments. I was 29 years old and from the age of

16 I was something of a product whore. I was caught up in world of big brand marketing, rifled

at me constantly from the major cosmetic companies using whatever toner, cleanser,

moisturizer they told me to use.

Little did I know I was putting my skin under an extreme amount of duress all throughout my

late teens and twenties. I’d just stepped out of the shower and was now staring at myself in the

mirror, unhappy with skin I was in.

Something had to change!

It was then that I made a commitment to myself to move in a direction away from the harmful

chemicals and fragrances used in most skin care products and towards a more natural approach

where suitable.

To say I was shocked at the number of ingredients I was consistently absorbing into my skin is

an understatement to say the least.

What’s funny is that a lot of the cosmetic ingredients found in many products aren’t easily

absorbed, making them somewhat useless in terms of how effective they can be. At the same

time, not all natural remedies do offer relief! Only a select set of ingredients can have an impact

on your skin and that’s what I aim to show you guys here in this guide.

No matter what problem you’re facing right now, one of the recipes I’m about to show you

should help to relieve your symptoms cheaply and effectively. At the same time, all of these are

incredibly easy to make yourself from the comfort of your own home.

Let’s get started!

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DIY 1: How to Clean Your Skin Using Oil

While most people think excess oil is what causes our breakouts, that's actually not the case.

What causes our breakouts is really a combination of hormones, poor lifestyle choices, and dirt

and bacteria that gets caught in our pores.

And what's even more mind-blowing is that using an oil-free cleanser can actually be worse for

your skin, as it can end up stripping our skin of its natural oils, therefore causing it to produce

even more oil. Not exactly a good thing for those who are trying to control an oily complexion.

Still think I'm crazy talkin'? Here is a direct quote from

“Oil dissolves oil. One of the most basic principals of chemistry is that 'like dissolves like.' The

best way to dissolve a non-polar solvent like sebum/oil, is by using another non-polar solvent

similar in composition: other oils. By using the right oils, you can cleanse your pores of dirt

and bacteria naturally, gently and effectively, while replacing the dirty oil with beneficial ones

extracted from natural botanicals, vegetables and fruit that heal, protect and nourish your

skin. When done properly and consistently, the OCM can clear the skin from issues like oily

skin, dry skin, sensitive skin, blackheads, whiteheads and other problems caused by mild to

moderate acne–while leaving your skin healthy, balanced and properly moisturized.”

It turns out that using the right oils, like EVOO, almond oil, or even jojoba oil will cleanse your

skin more effectively than some of those chemical-laden store-bought products.

What You Need

And all you need is:

● pure castor oil

● extra-virgin olive oil (or almond or jojoba oil)

That's. It. Amazing, right?

Now, depending on your skin type and condition, you might have to play around with your

ratios a bit to get the combination that works best for your skin.

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Personally, I have pretty normal skin so I use equal parts of EVOO and pure castor oil, but for

those who have oily or acneic skin you might want to use three parts castor oil to one part EVOO

(or other oil of your choice). If you have dry skin, consider using three parts EVOO to one part

castor oil.

How To Apply

Once you have the right combination for your skin, start by pouring about a quarter sized

amount of oil onto your (clean) fingertips and rub it onto your dry face.

Massage the oil into your skin for a few minutes and then take a steaming hot (not burn-your-

face hot though) face cloth and place it over your face. Keep the face cloth on your face until it

cools down to room temperature.

This step is essential as the steam from your face cloth helps to draw the impurities, junk, gunk,

and dead skin cells out of your pores.

Then simply flip the cloth over and wipe the oil off your face. And boom! You will have clean,

soft, glowing skin that only costs a few cents each time you cleanse your face. Now that's my

kinda price point.

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DIY 2: A Fruit Salad…For Your Face

To kick things off I’m starting with my favorite homemade face mask that helps to moisturize

your skin, as well as remove dead skin cells and gradually fight fine wrinkles.

What You Need

A fair amount of ingredients are needed in this remedy, but most of them should be easy to find at any supermarket. If you don’t have a blender, maybe bribe a friend or neighbour with the promise of a free facial!

You’re going to need the following:

● a blender

● a small cup

● a strainer

● 1/4 cup of chopped cucumber

● 1/4 cup of filtered water

● 2 big strawberries

● 2 tablespoons of fresh papaya

● 1 tablespoon of natural honey

● 1 tablespoon of ground oatmeal

● 1 tablespoon of natural yogurt

● 1 teaspoon of sesame oil

● 1 teaspoon of coconut oil

To start, blend your cucumber and water together until you have a puree. Strain your cucumber

water, pour into your small cup, and refrigerate until needed.

Next combine your strawberries, papaya, honey, oatmeal, yogurt, and sesame oil in your blender

and pulse until completely smooth.

How To Apply

Apply your fruit mixture to your face and let it sit and soak in for up to 10 minutes before rinsing

off with warm water.

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Once your mixture is rinsed off, apply the cucumber puree onto your face to tone and further

freshen your skin. Then while you still have your cucumber liquid on your face, rub your

teaspoon of coconut oil into your skin which will help it to stay hydrated, as well as give it a

radiant glow.

This homemade face mask is great for helping your skin to look younger because fruit and

yogurt both contain acids from which alpha-hydroxy acid, or AHA, is derived.

This is important because AHA helps to refine the face, exfoliate and scrub away the top layers

of dead skin, while also nourishing it with vitamins, minerals, and free-radical fighting


In addition to that the honey in your mask is a natural humectant which will help to keep your

skin moisturized throughout your day, while the oatmeal helps to soothe sensitive skin.

So not only are you battling the signs of aging but you are also nurturing your skin with

wholesome ingredients it needs to stay healthy and youthful.

More face masks like this one can be found here

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DIY 3: At Home Microdermabrasion

Smoother Skin Straight Outta The Fridge

The recipe is simple. All you have to do is mix 3 parts baking soda to 1 part water so you create a

paste that can be spread onto your face. Once you have got your consistency right, just simply

start with a clean face, free of make up, and spread it onto your forehead, cheeks, chin, nose, and

even your jaw line.

Scrub your face in a circular motion for a few minutes, then rinse off with warm water, and pat


After your treatment you should notice your face feels softer and has a nice little glow to it. If

however you notice a little bit of redness at first, don’t worry, just give your skin a few minutes to

calm down after the scrubbing.

By using this super simple DIY microdermabrasion recipe, you are helping to scrub the top dead

layers of skin off your face, ultimately helping your moisturizer to be more effective, and causing

the newer, healthier skin to be exposed which is a crucial element in anti-aging.

In addition to that, our dead skin cells sometimes get trapped in our pores thanks to the layers

of skin covering them, which usually results in acne. However, if you use this cheap and easy

scrub, it should help to clean out your pores and rid your face of any blemish causing dirt.

Just make sure you use a new, unopened box of baking soda for this skin treatment, and not the

one that’s been sitting in your fridge for months as chances are it has absorbed a whole lotta

funky stuff and it might not be the best idea to then scrub your face with it.

Et voila! A microdermabrasion treatment that is cheap, easy, and you can do in the comfort of

your own home, which means you don’t even have to wear pants!

Now if you want a more thorough exfoliation and find that the baking soda just ain’t cuttin’ it,

check out our post on the best microdermabrasion treatments out there. And don’t worry, they

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DIY 4: Acne Mask

Did you know that strawberries contain salicylic acid, a chemical that is highly effective at

removing dead skin cells inside our pores that would normally be the major cause of the

blockages that lead to acne breakouts?

I'm going to show you guys how to make your own DIY home acne mask using strawberries and

a couple of other ingredients. Best of's so cheap!

Like most of the remedies I like to use, the ingredients in this one can be found at your local

supermarket. Contrary to popular belief, the process of reducing and preventing acne is very


In fact, keeping your skin acne-free requires only two things:

● That you clear away any blockages caused by dead skin, dirt and bacteria.

● That you reduce the amount of sebum (natural oil produced in your skin) production.

This acne mask should enable you to take care of the first step and I'll reveal a natural product at

the end of this article which should help to reduce the amount of oil produced after applying the


Here's What You'll Need

To make this DIY acne face mask, you need to get ahold of the following:

● 5 destemmed strawberries. As I mentioned earlier, we're strictly using strawberries due

to the salicylic acid they contain. This is going to be our primary ingredient and will be

doing the majority of the work by helping to exfoliate the dirt and grime from your pores.

● 1 tablespoon of honey. Honey plays two roles in this mask. First, it's a natural humectant,

meaning it has the ability to lock in moisture which is something we will require due to

the drying nature of salicylic acid. Second, it has antibacterial properties, which can help

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kill off any unwanted acne-causing bacteria. Honey is also going to help hold our mask

together a little, allowing it to stay on your face a little easier.

● Quarter of a lemon. Lemons contain a high degree of vitamin C and other antioxidants

which are going to play an important role in helping your skin replenish itself with new

healthy cells. Lemon juice also has the ability to tighten pores, reducing the amount of

room accessible to dirt and bacteria that lead to acne.

How To Apply

It should only take you about 5 minutes to make and it's almost impossible to mess it up! Just

follow these steps and you'll be on your way to acne-free skin in no time:

Step 1: Prepare your skin by washing your face with soap or a cleanser of some sort. Wash off

with lukewarm water, your pores should now be open and ready for your mask.

Step 2: Take your strawberries and mash them up in a bowl using a fork. Make sure the mix is

nice and even. It should take about a minute, depending on how ripened they are.

Step 3: Squeeze your lemon juice into the bowl, add the honey and start mixing for about 2

minutes. Grab yourself a whisk if you notice the mix is a little lumpy and uneven.

Step 4: It's now time to get messy! You can literally just use your fingers to apply the mask. You

don't need to worry about rubbing it in, but instead just make sure you apply it everywhere on

your face.

Step 5: Get yourself a cup of acne-fighting green tea or another drink from's

anti-acne recipe collection, and chill out for 10-15 minutes before washing the mask off again

with lukewarm water.

You are done! There are a few things I want to mention before you go away and start making

your mask.

A Few Points Worth Mentioning

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The first is that once you have finished applying and removing the mask, your skin is literally

going to start go into crazy oil production mode, which is something we definitely don't want!

So in order to prevent this from occurring you must apply an oil-free moisturizer. The reason

why your skin produces oil in the first place is to ensure there is enough moisture to create an

environment suitable to new cell growth.

The problem is for a lot of us, our skin tends to overproduce sebum which — when combined

with dirt, dead skin and bacteria — turns into a thick goo-like substance that clogs pores and

leads to infection (acne).

So what we want to do is apply a moisturizer that doesn't contain any oil at all...or use argan oil!

Argan oil acts as a sort of synthetic sebum, tricking your body into believing it doesn't have to

produce anywhere near as much as normal. It's a neat little trick I learnt from Dr Oz — love that


Want something with more power ? Check out our top rated acne products

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DIY 5: Morning Face Mist

Throughout certain times during any given month my skin can get a little oily, breakout, and

just generally bother me.

To combat this, I’ve started using a toning face mist to help calm down the oiliness and keep my

skin looking top-notch…or at least as top-notch as possible.

What You Need

Start by grabbing yourself a small, clean, spray bottle and fill it with these ingredients:

● 4 drops of organic Calendula oil

● 4 drops Argan oil

● 6 drops of Rose Hip oil, organic if you can find it

● Orange blossom water, enough to fill your spray bottle to the 3/4 mark

Make sure to give your mixture a good shake each time before you use it to ensure your

ingredients are properly mixed.

The benefits of this spray is really in the ingredients. The Calendula oil is great for sensitive or

inflamed skin, making it a good choice during breakouts.

Following that, Argan oil comes from the nut of the argan tree and is an excellent moisturizing

agent that helps to heal dry, cracked skin, and similar to almond oil, can be used to cleanse away

excess oil that may get caught in your pores, ultimately leading to breakouts.

Rose Hip oil is also a useful ingredient as it helps to heal any scarring that can find its way onto

your skin thanks to annoying acne breakouts.

And finally, the orange blossom water acts as a great toner, helps to combat oil levels, and

mostly just smells amazing.

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To get maximum benefits out of this spray I use it multiple times throughout the day, once

before applying my makeup, once throughout the day over my makeup, and once after I’ve

washed my face at night. I find that not only does my skin clear up but it feels fresh and clean as

I go about my day.

Click here to see some other face mists

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DIY 6: Aloe Vera Cleanser

A girlfriend of mine has seriously dry skin. She’s also big into DIY’s and so I asked, in her

opinion what is the most useful home remedy she’s ever made to help counteract the problems

associated with dry skin.

Her answer was of course this aloe vera dry skin cleanser I’m about to show you.

It’s so easy to make and she swears that it’ll really make a difference. Based on the ingredients

that make up this cleanser, I have to admit that I can’t see how it could not have a positive


What You Need

If you have your own aloe plant it’ll definitely help. These ingredients are really easy to buy and

they honestly last forever, so you don’t have to worry about buying them very often.

Organic Aloe Vera Gel - 2 Tbsp

If you have your own aloe plant, using one branch should be enough. Otherwise any brand of

organic aloe gel will definitely be fine. If you have dry skin and you’re not using aloe, you should

be! It’s one of the best sources of vitamin E, plus it’s fully organic and is unlikely to cause any

unwanted irritation.

Rosewater - 2 Tbsp

Rosewater is important in this type of cleanser as it acts as a natural anti inflammatory, helping

to bring down any irritation common with those who have dry and sensitive skin.

Extra Virgin Olive Oil - 3 Tbsp

Of course no cleanser would be complete without a source of moisture and one of the best

ingredients you can find in your kitchen is extra virgin olive oil. The fatty acids, combined with

the essential vitamins it contains are extremely important to help rejuvenate dry skin.

Organic Raw Honey - 1 teaspoon

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Honey is one of the best naturally occurring humectants we know of, which is basically a

product that helps attract and absorb moisture, ensuring it stays where it is needed most - in

your skin! It’s also a natural antibacterial as well, so if you are suffering from acne it should have

a small effect on acne-forming bacteria.

Making And Applying Your Aloe Vera Dry Skin Cleanser

All you’re going to need to make this remedy is a blender(or a whisk) and an empty easy! Follow the simple steps below and you’ll be on your way to thicker, firmer

skin in no time:

Step One: Pour all of the ingredients mentioned above into your blender. If you don’t have a

blender, it’s okay you can use a whisk instead - a little more elbow grease is all that’s needed. ;-)

Step Two: Blend or whisk your ingredients until the mixture looks nice and even.

Step Three: Take your empty container and slowly decant your mixture into it. That means

attempting to leave out any of the sediment left on the bottom.

Step Four: Rinse your face before applying the cleanser by massaging it in a circular motion

into your face.

Step Five: Wash off and apply a moisturizer of your choice.

There you have it, a really simple recipe for a DIY cleanser for those with dry or sensitive skin. If

you know you don’t react well to over the counter products, trying this cleanser out may be the

thing you need to keep your skin feeling smooth and looking great.

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DIY 7: Stretch Mark Prevention Oil

Sometimes stretch marks just can’t be avoided, but I’m going to tell you that for certain things

they definitely can!

For example having a baby is probably one of the most taxing things you could possibly force

your skin to go through. Of course none of us are going to choose our skin over our own baby,

but surely there must be some kind of solution to this problem right?

Yes there is!

Stretch marks although annoying can be prevented with the right amount of care and more

importantly the right kind of ingredients. I’m going to show you a recipe for a combination of

oils that when applied on the regular can help to reduce your chances of getting stretch marks by

over 50%!

If you already have stretch marks that you want removed, there are products out there like

TriLASTIN SR which certainly can help.

For now we’ll be focusing on a prevention remedy as opposed to removal.

Here’s What You’ll Need

Some of the oils we’ll be working with are easy to obtain, but others you may need to ask for at

your nearest health food store.

Wheat Germ Oil - 1/4 Cup

This is one of those all round oils that contains basically every essential vitamin our skin needs

to stay healthy including:

● Vitamin A

● Vitamin D

● Vitamin E(a lot of it as well)

● B1, B2, B3, B6

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It also contains some of the essential omega fatty acids, which are important building blocks for

new cellular production.

Aloe Vera Oil - 2 Tbsp

Aloe oil is one of the best sources for vitamin E, which is important in the case of stretch marks

as what’s essentially happening is the inner layer of your skin(the dermis) is constantly tearing

under pressure.

Vitamin E plays an important role in the healing process, allowing your skin to regenerate

normally. This then can help in the prevention of stretch marks.

Almond Oil - 1/2 Cup

Not only is almond oil a rich source of most essential vitamins, but it also contains linoleic acid.

Studies have been conducted where rats were fed a diet deprived of linoleic acid and the results

included - hair loss, scaley skin and most importantly for us, a poor ability to heal wounds!

By ensuring your skin contains a plentiful amount of this essential nutrient, it should be able to

cope with the extreme stretching and tearing that is going to occur during pregnancy.

Vitamin E Oil - 2 Tbsp

Last but not least, we’re also going to use a couple of tablespoons of vitamin E oil for the obvious

reason which was also mentioned earlier - vitamin E is extremely important in the healing

process of our skin.

Making And Applying Your Stretch Mark Oil

This remedy is so incredibly easy to make. All you need to do is find yourself an empty lotion

bottle of some sort and pour in all of the ingredients above.

Shake up the bottle so the heavier oils are able to blend together with the lighter ones. Once

you’ve given it a good old shake, apply it twice a day to your tummy, breasts, thighs and buns.

When you run out of the remedy, simply mix all the above oils together and you’re ready for

some more rub down action!

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Now it’s not guaranteed this will keep you from getting stretch marks, but it sure as heck will

reduce the chances of them appearing through this strenuous time on your skin.

Learn More About Stretch Marks Treatment Here

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DIY 8: Anti Cellulite Scrub

Am I the only one who hates cellulite??

No matter how well I stick to a diet and exercise routine, I just can’t seem to shake those darn

lumps! Whenever I feel like I’m getting anywhere, I go a day or two of eating badly and BAM, it’s

back again.

That was until I started trying out different types of anti cellulite scrubs that you can make

yourself very easily using a few simple ingredients you can find yourself.

Now I should point out, this is a quick fire way of smoothing out those lumps for the short term.

If you want a long term solution to the problem, a cellulite cream like Finulite(my favorite) is

something worth trying out.

But if you don’t want to spend any money, then I totally recommend giving this DIY a try.

Here’s What You Need

All but one of these ingredients you should be able to pick up from your local grocery store. The

other can definitely be found from any health food store.

Ground Coffee(primary ingredient) - 1/2 Cup

What most girls don’t know about cellulite is how it actually forms in the first place. Most people

think it’s a result of excess fat, which yes can play a small part in causing it to appear, but the

main reason is due to an overload of toxins in your body.

It’s these toxins that force the existing fat cells to take on water expanding up to 500 TIMES

their original size!

The antioxidants found in coffee, combined with the caffeine to help stimulate blood flow,

should help to remove any of the free radicals causing your fatty tissue to swell and expand.

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Plain Sugar - 1 Tbsp

I’m going to be honest, rubbing ground coffee into your skin doesn’t feel the best. That’s why

throwing a little sugar into the mix can help smooth out your skin, while the coffee does its


Extra Virgin Olive Oil

EVOO restores any lost moisture from the coffee and sugar. If you don’t reapply moisture to the

problem areas, the likelihood is the problem will return and in a much worse fashion next time


Vegetable Glycerin - 1tsp

Adding a little extra glycerin to any skin care remedy, helps retain a lot of what would normally

be lost moisture. Glycerin acts as a humectant, which is a product that has the ability to attract

and absorb moisture.

If you can’t find glycerin, then another option would be to substitute it with honey instead.

Vitamin E Oil - 2 tsps

Supplying your skin with some vitamin E, will help to repair any of the damage caused by the

same free radicals responsible for the expansion of the fatty tissue that led to cellulite.

It’s so important to get your skin cells back to their healthy selves again so as to prevent

problems in the future.

Making And Applying Your Anti Cellulite Scrub

I’m going to make it nice and simple for you. All you need to do is follow these quick and easy

steps to making and applying your scrub.

Step One: Have a hot shower to help open your pores a little wider.

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Step Two: Taking a medium size bowl, add in all of the ingredients above in order from top to


Step Three: Using a wooden spoon, stir the mixture until it’s nice and even.

Step Four: Using your hands, apply the scrub to the parts of your body most affected by

cellulite. Make sure you really rub it in nice and hard. This process should take you at least 5

minutes and once you’re done, make sure you don’t wash off the scrub yet!

Step Five: Take some saran wrap and wrap it around the parts of your body where you applied

the scrub. Leave it on for about 10 minutes before taking it off and washing it away with warm

water. DON’T USE SOAP!

Step Six: Apply some moisturizer and you’re all done!

Once the redness from the scrub goes down, you should start to notice the difference almost


As I already mentioned, this remedy is certainly not a long term solution to cellulite, but it

definitely is great if you want your legs looking nice and smooth before a hot date.

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DIY 9: Anti Wrinkle MaskTwo weeks ago I covered my Mother’s face with red wine.

It’s honestly not what you think! You see she just turned 65 and where I can I offer helpful

advice on keeping her skin healthy as she ages. I roped her into trying out a face mask that

contains ingredients designed to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

One of these ingredients was of course red wine, which mind you we almost ran out of prior to

actually making the mask!

Fortunately we did manage to save enough of the Merlot we were drinking to use for the remedy

I’m about to show you now.

Here’s What You Need

Most of these ingredients you may already have in your kitchen, but if you don’t you can get all

of them from your local grocery store.

Red Wine - 1 Tbsp

In most red wines you can find an extremely powerful antioxidant called resveratrol and its

purpose in this case is to help remove any free radicals in your skin that may be causing


Did you know that certain free radicals can start a process known as metalloproteinases, which

essentially breaks down collagen? A lack of collagen leads to most skin conditions related to

aging, so that’s certainly something we don’t want!

Green Tea - 1 Tea Bag

Green tea is also a great source of antioxidants. EGCG(epigallocatechin-3-gallate) is one of the

most potent antioxidants we know of, having similar abilities as resveratrol to help remove

harmful free radicals that can lead to collagen breakdown.

Plain Yogurt - 1 Tbsp

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Plain, unflavored yogurt contains a high degree of lactic acid, which is in the family of alpha

hydroxy acids(AHA). AHA’s when absorbed into the deepest layers of your skin can help in the

restoration and production of collagen and elastin.

Just make sure you don’t use a flavored product as they contain processed sugars and flavonoids

that can cause further problems.

Organic Honey - 2 Tbsp

Honey is probably the most widely used organic products in home remedies and there’s a reason

for that - it’s a natural humectant. These are products that have the ability to help retain

moisture and that’s something which will happen due to the inclusion of red wine and green tea.

Making And Applying Your Mask

Once you have all of the ingredients prepared, you just need to follow these short five steps for

making and applying it onto your face.

Word of warning, the honey is going to make things a little sticky!

Step One: Brew the green tea before doing anything. Grab yourself a mug, pour in 1 cup of

boiling water and place your tea bag inside. Leave to the side for now and allow it to brew.

Step Two: Take a small bowl, pour in your honey and throw it into the microwave for 15-20

seconds to allow it to melt slightly. Next throw in the remaining ingredients and stir until the

mixture looks nice and even.

Step Three: Pour in your cupful of brewed green tea(not the tea bag!) and again stir until it

starts to look like a nice, even red paste.

Step Four: Apply the mask to your face using a facial brush if you have one, otherwise fingers

are fine.

Step Five: The mask needs to stay on for 15-20 minutes before washing it off with warm water.

DO NOT use soap of any other product to wash off your mask as that will dry up any of the

ingredients you’re attempting to absorb into your skin.

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Post Application

The green tea and red wine are likely to cause some dehydration, so it is recommended you

apply a moisturizer immediately after washing off the mask. Try to use an oil free product if you

can as those tend to be less reactive to natural ingredients like the one’s we’ve used.

Better yet, an organic moisturizer like argan or jojoba oil will offer the most amount of moisture

without effecting any of the ingredients in the mask.

Drink plenty of water throughout the day as that will help eliminate any toxins that may be

removed from your skin by the red wine, green tea and yogurt.

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DIY 10: All Natural Sunscreen

As Summer comes to an end, many of us are starting to make plans for a winter getaway down

South. For most of you, that means revealing your ultra-white, overly-sensitive skin to the sun,

which usually results in a serious burn on the first day of the vacation!

I’ve let this happen before and it literally took me out of action for 2 days while I recovered.

Therefore it’s more important than ever to protect yourself from overexposure to the Sun by

slapping on some sunscreen, at least for the majority of the time spent exposed to the harmful

UV rays.

The problem however is that many of the sunscreens available for purchase today contain

ingredients that could have the potential to cause long term health issues. New studies are

starting to suggest that the two most often used ingredients in over-the-counter

sunscreens(Oxybenzone and Retinyl Palmitate) contain properties that may lead to Cancer

further on down the track.

That’s why today, I’m going to show you guys how you can make your own potent, all-natural,

chemical-free, DIY sunscreen lotion easily from the comfort of your own home!

Here’s What You’ll Need

Some of these you can find at your local supermarket, but for others you should be able to pick

up from any natural health food store.

● Unrefined jojoba oil - 1 tablespoon

● Aloe vera gel - 2 tablespoons

● Almond oil - 1 tablespoon

● Unrefined avocado oil - 1 tablespoon

● Rose water - 2 tablespoons

● Unrefined sesame oil - 3 tablespoons

● Cocoa butter - 2 tablespoon

● Shea butter - 1 tablespoon

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● Bee’s wax - 1 teaspoon

● Lecithin - 1 teaspoon

● Borax - 1/2 teaspoon

● Carrot seed essential oil - 15-20 drops

● Coconut fragrance oil - 3 to 5 drops

When you first go out to find these ingredients, you’re going to see that some of the are going to

seem a little expensive. Just remember that once you have them all, you can make A LOT of

sunscreen and in the end it’ll be much cheaper than if you were to pay for the same amount of

any over-the-counter brand.

Plus remember, this is a completely 100%, natural, safe alternative that is going to be better for

your overall long-term health!

Making Your Sunscreen

Believe it or not, but this recipe is extremely easy to make. There are literally only 10 simple

steps for you to follow that I’ve outlined below:

Step One: Fill up a small pot halfway with water and place a pyrex measure container inside

before putting it on your stove. We’re just going to have the heat on about a medium

temperature. We don’t want the water to boil completely, but instead just a nice simmer is good.

We’re going to be placing ingredients into the measuring container so make sure there’s no

water overflowing into it.

Step Two: Mix in the beeswax and the cocoa butter to start with until it all melts. Continue


Step Three: Time for the oils now. We’re going to throw in the sesame, avocado and jojoba

oils, mixing all the while!

Step Four: Now take the lecithin and mix it in before taking the container off the heat.

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Step Five: Throw in the Shea butter now and stir it until it fully melts in. Put the measuring

container full of mix off the side for now and we’ll come back to it later.

Step Six: Grab another pyrex container and place it into the pot on the stove. We’re going to

mix in the aloe vera, rose water and borax now. Keep stirring the mix until all the borax has

dissolved completely.

Take the container off the heat.

Step Seven: Take a large plastic salad bowl and fill it with a whole lot of ice. Place the first

pyrex container you left off the the side into the salad bowl with ice.

Step Eight: Ever so slowly, pour the contents of second container you made into the first,

stirring vigorously until the blend starts to appear nice and creamy.

If you have one, use an electric mixer to speed up the process a little.

Step Nine: Once it’s starting to look a little like regular sunscreen, throw in the coconut and

carrot fragrance oils and stir.

Step Ten: Find yourself a glass jar and pour the entire mix in before placing into the

refrigerator. It should only take around 15 minutes for it to harden up to a point where you can

start easily applying it to your skin.

And guess what? You’re done!!

Now this is a remedy which you can easily repeat time and time again. The ingredients you

bought should easily last you a whole Summer and probably more.

If you find the blend starts to go bad a little faster then you can use it, add in a few drops of

Vitamin E oil, which should help to increase its overall shelf-life.

Now you have your very own, natural, chemical-free sunscreen that should give you enough

protection from the Sun no matter where you are!

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If you have any questions whatsoever about the DIY recipe you have just read, please drop me a

comment below and I’ll respond as quickly as I can.

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That’s It...For Now

Those recipes should keep your skin feeling great for the time being, but if you want to get your

DIY fix come on over to and check out our DIY Section for more tips, tricks

and remedies.

Remember, it doesn’t have to be hard or cost you an arm and a leg to keep your skin looking and

feeling amazing. If you have any questions about the remedies in this guide or on anything else,

feel free to direct them to replytoprojectbeauty @ gmail . com .

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