Download - For all information regarding the Erasmus+ course LET’S TEACH … · 2018. 8. 6. · This is a week long course in Ely, England, and it will train you how to teach English or other

Page 1: For all information regarding the Erasmus+ course LET’S TEACH … · 2018. 8. 6. · This is a week long course in Ely, England, and it will train you how to teach English or other

c/SierraToledananº5,8ºB,28038Madrid(Spain)[email protected]

For all information regarding the Erasmus+ course LET’S TEACH BY PLAYING, please contact:

[email protected]



The course is called: Let’s teach by playing in Ely, England. This is a week long course in Ely, England, and it will train you how to teach English or other subjects using drama and theatre techniques.

The course is aimed at all types of teachers, not just English teachers.

Objectives This course is for pre-primary, primary and secondary teachers. This is a structured training course which aims to build confidence and skills and bring a different dynamic approach to the classroom. It deals with practical teaching skills, techniques and methodology. Ideal for teachers who want to build a practical resource of games and songs and also learn how these tools can be adapted to the teaching learning process. It is an essential course for all those teachers who are looking to be motivated and to motivate their students to be creative and participate in their classes. The course introduces drama and games into the classroom routine as a practical instrument in the communicative aspects of language. Methodology This course will create a comfortable environment where the participants can express themselves and have fun. Using established theatre activities, drama, games, songs, poetry and storytelling techniques and based on practical situations and motivating activities teachers are given new creative tools. These new tools are them used to facilitate an interactive "hands on" approach to teaching. Course members will spend time reflecting on all the activities and specifically adapting them to their needs. Skills are acquired or improved so that the students of the course will feel confident using, working and teaching in English. COURSE PROGRAMME (one week) A typical day lasts from 9.00 to 17.00. DAILY PROGRAMME: Day one: Arrival. Check-in. Introductory meeting. Administration. Getting to know each other.

Page 2: For all information regarding the Erasmus+ course LET’S TEACH … · 2018. 8. 6. · This is a week long course in Ely, England, and it will train you how to teach English or other

c/SierraToledananº5,8ºB,28038Madrid(Spain)[email protected]

Day two: Creating a warm relaxing environment. Getting rid of inhibitions. Group work. Freedom of expression. Mime activities. Learning through mistakes. Basic drama activities and games. Songs Day three: Body language. Comprehension. More advance drama and theatre activities. Intermediate evaluation. How to use the activities in your own classroom. Day four: Improvisation. Outside activities for groups. Bringing text to life. Day five: Storytelling techniques and performance. Taking control of the class. Day six: Drama theatre workshops. Review and brain storming. Final evaluation. Certificates. Farewell party. Day seven: departures. PRICES: COURSE FEE IN € (TUITION AND MATERIALS): 500.00€ PROVISION FOR SPECIAL NEEDS: Yes. Please, contact CLAP for more details. DATES: SESSION 1: arrival 2nd July, departure 8th July 2017 SESSION 2: arrival 9th July, departure 15th July 2017 SESSION 3: arrival 16th July, departure 22nd July 2017