Download - Follow us on Twitter and Facebook - Milbourne Lodge School · 2018-09-28 · Follow us on Twitter and Facebook ... all week long: from Flamenco workshops to French storytelling and

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Issue 1 | 28th September 2018

Dear Parents,

Welcome to the first Newsletter of the academic year.

The activities highlighted here epitomise our willingness to embrace any opportunity on offer to

enhance the curriculum for all our pupils.

Our Flamenco workshops were a new venture linked to European Languages Day and I was very

impressed by the strong sense of rhythm displayed by all our Seniors!

I look forward to sharing the range of exciting events to come during the rest of the term.

Best wishes

Judy Waite


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Congratulations to our new

team of Prefects

On September 18th, Mrs Waite announced

the first tranche of Prefects in Year 8. It

was really hard to choose from such a

great group of pupils. More

announcements will be made soon.

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Form 1 Butser Ancient Farm Trip

1S and 1D enjoyed a visit to the past when we visited Butser Ancient Farm. The children have

been learning about life in Ancient Britain and were enthralled to discover Celtic roundhouses in

the Hampshire countryside, complete with goats and sheep. Whilst sitting in a wattle and daub

roundhouse around an open fire, we learned about how the Celts lived and were able to

experience building a wall made from ‘clunch’, weaving a wattle wall, make Celtic jewellery and

be archaeologists armed with a trowel. The visit really has brought our topic on Celtic Britain to

life. The staff at Butser were very complimentary of the children, their impeccable behaviour and

impressive knowledge. Mrs Slocombe

Form 2 Santander MoneyWise Lecture

We welcomed colleagues from Santander into school this week to deliver workshops to the

pupils in Year 4 about how to manage their money effectively. They looked at the themes of

budgeting, making choices and the need to save up for bigger purchases. Mrs Dicker

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L6 trip to St Paul’s and the Bank of England

On Friday 14th September, Year 7 caught the train to

London to visit both St. Paul's Cathedral and the Bank

of England. The sunny weather was perfect for our

stroll along the South Bank where we had fantastic

views of some of London's greatest landmarks including the Houses of Parliament, Big Ben, the

London Eye, Millennium Bridge, the Monument, Firefighter's Memorial and even beyond St.

Paul's to Tower Bridge and the City's skyscrapers.

Our guided tour of the iconic St. Paul's Cathedral was educational, not only for RS, but also for

Art, History and even Maths and Science. Some of the highlights included staring up at the

magnificent dome, observing the tombs of Nelson, Wellington and Sir Christopher Wren,

witnessing impressive works of art by William Hunt and Henry Moore, as well as artefacts such

as the high altar. We even learnt about historical events such as the Great Fire of London and

both World Wars.

During our Bank of England visit, we learned the role that it plays in taking care of our

country. They explained how inflation and interest rates affect how people spend and save

money. We were also taught how bank notes are printed. However, we were most excited to

have the opportunity to lift a 13kg bar of real gold worth over a third of a million

pounds! Imagine: the Bank has over 400,000 of these in its vaults.

Overall, this school trip was very entertaining and fascinating. Thank you to Mrs Dicker, Mrs

Ashford, Miss Watson and Mr Dungey for taking Year 7. Milan Patel L6A

The Milbourne World War 1 Poppy Bike

At the end of the Summer Term pupils in Year 5 were

asked to design a World War 1 Poppy Bike, to be

displayed on an Elmbridge roundabout to mark the

centenary of the Armistice 2018 by Elmbridge

Borough Council. The bike is now in situ on the ‘Sciliy

Isles’ roundabout in Esher.

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Languages were very much at the centre of our focus this week with the European Day of

Languages celebrated on 26th September. It was a great opportunity for Milbourne Lodge to

recognise not only the languages taught at school or spoken around the world, but also at home.

Did you know that more than 25 different languages are spoken among our pupils?

To promote this huge variety of cultures and languages, pupils participated in a series of events

all week long: from Flamenco workshops to French storytelling and Pre-Prep children dressing

up in national costumes.

3B pupils also explained during assembly the importance of learning another language. Here are

some of their reasons:

1. Because it helps us to understand each other better;

2. Because during my holidays in France, I could order my breakfast in French “TROIS

CROISSANTS S’IL VOUS PLAIT” and I felt very proud;

3. Because it makes me enjoy other cultures even more;

4. Because it is fun;

5. Because there are about 7000 languages in the world, spoken by 7 billion people. It would be

very selfish to only recognise my own native language;

6. Because Brexit or no Brexit, if I want to have more job opportunities, even in the UK then

English alone is no longer enough;

7. Because you are never too old to learn a language;

8. Because Madame Claude said that learning all that French vocabulary would boost my


9. Because my grand-parents live in Sweden and speaking Swedish to them is the only way we

can communicate with each other;

10.Because in England we use lots of words from other countries: Bon Voyage! Oooh la la!;

11.Because in my family, we speak several languages: like Turkish and English and this Is normal;

12.Because when I grow up, I want to travel all over the world.

13.Because when I go on holiday abroad, even if I only know a few words of the language of the

country I visit, I can make some new friends. Madame Claude

Flamenco Workshop

Flamenco is a word in Spanish that means ‘flamingo’. However, no one knows why the dance is

called this. Flamenco originated in Andalucia in the South of Spain when the Arabs were in

charge of it. That’s why you may think that Arabic dancing is so similar to flamenco. In

Flamenco, it’s all about tempo, different beats and claps, and it’s interesting because it’s so

different to anything we are familiar with.

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Following a special ‘Flamenco Assembly for the Prep School, the L6 and Top Year were

introduced to Flamenco at a workshop where we learnt some simple moves of the dance and

how to play some rhythms on the ‘cajón’. We learnt that you have to keep a straight, proud and

arrogant face, so the cajón player is able to keep in time. Carmen was our professional dancer

and she also taught us Spanish words such as ‘baila’, ‘ole’ and ‘guitarra’ which is the main

instrument of the dance.

The workshop was thoroughly enjoyable because we learnt about a different culture and how

Spanish people entertain themselves. A big thank you to Madame Claude for organising this

workshop. Rosie Walker, L6A

Flamenco dancing: Flamenco dancing is full of varied claps, stamps and other movements like

clicks and beats. It is very elegant and much harder than it looks. It follows a set of specific

rhythms. As a beginner, basic flamenco is a really fun thing to do when you are learning Spanish

traditions or just want to dance in a different way for fun!

Using the cajon: Although the cajon is used in Flamenco, it is not actually a Spanish instrument. It

comes from South America but when the Spanish heard the sound of the cajon they really liked


Origins: In the workshop we learnt that Flamenco originated from the Arabs and Indian Gypsies

and was very different from what it is now. Flamenco gradually evolved over the years and

became faster and more energetic.

I really enjoyed Flamenco dancing, and using the cajon was brilliant! All of L6 got to do both and

had a fantastic time using this new instrument. I really hope that we can do a lot more

workshops like this that involve other traditions. Rentaro Clarke L6A

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French Storytelling Workshop

The children in Pre-Prep and Forms 1, 2 and 3 were fortunate to have a story telling session in

French today as part of European Languages Week. They enjoyed ‘Little Red Riding Hood’ and

‘Jack and the Beanstalk’ in French. They thoroughly enjoyed participating and interacting with the

storyteller. The children’s enthusiasm and French skills were highly commended.

Mrs Slocombe

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Congratulations to the following pupils:

David Bishop who achieved an A* in his Mandarin GCSE this summer and he also passed ABRSM

Piano grade 8 in July.

Boris Duke and Scarlett Sleeman who successfully completed the Summer Reading Challenge.

House Championship

Over the first weeks of the new school year (including some pluses entered after last term’s

closing deadline), Blue House have gone into an early lead.

Points Top contributors this term so far:

1st Blue 1512 Otto Scott Holland, Theo Scott Holland, Diya Abualsaud

2nd Green 1375 Curtis Cheung, Oscar Cencelli, Arjun Sahota

3rd Red 1195 Scarlett Sleeman, Hugo Hogstrand, Anna Wang

4th Amber 1063 Sayan Sohal, Ivaan Juneja Jilka, Kit Walder Mr Angus

Dear Pre-Prep Parents,

The children have made an excellent start to the new academic year. They have settled really

well into their new classes, in particular our new children in Reception and PP1, and already the

Pre-Prep has been a hive of activity with a variety of events.

The European Day of Languages was

celebrated this week with a Flamenco

dancing presentation and a French

storytelling workshop for all the children. It

was wonderful welcoming the children into

school on Wednesday wearing themed mufti.

There a huge number of countries

represented by thoughtful outfits and we

would like to thank parents for supporting

this event.

The children have also been preparing for our forthcoming Harvest Festival. A letter and

invitation will follow shortly.

It was good to see so many of you at our Curriculum Evening last week and we trust that you

found it useful, as we know you want to support your children at home in the best way.

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Please may I remind you that some children can find it easier to line up and settle into the day's

routine if they are encouraged to meet their teachers independently, with parents remaining

behind the red line. This is expected of PP1 and PP2 children in particular.

Thank you for your continued support and, as ever, I am always available to deal with any

queries you many have.

I hope you have the opportunity to enjoy the lovely weather with your families this weekend.

Best wishes,

Mrs Sophie Elmer

Head of Pre-Prep

Pre-Prep Celebrate European Day of Languages

This week, to celebrate European Languages Week,

Mrs Kjear came in to read a story in Spanish. Mrs

Kjaer comes from Venezuela and she only started

speaking English as an adult. She read the story

'Aladdin' first in her language and then in English. The

children listened carefully to both languages.

Mr Davies

In PP1, Theo and Luigi's parents – Mrs Poyiadis and Mr Fabiani - came in to read stories and

teach the children some Greek and Italian words. The children really enjoyed it. Mrs Meyer

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U11D's v Northcote Lodge – 19th September

This was the first game of the season for the boys and there was a degree of rustiness at the

start of the match. The first half was a very even affair ending 3 -3. However, after half time the

boys reached another gear and ran out winners 8 - 3. Everyone played their part with expert

saves from A Sull and some bulldozing runs from T Sturgeon (3 goals) and several mesmeric runs

from M White (3 goals). Added to that, K Mariani scored 2 breakaway goals. I can only hope that

they play with the same determination throughout the season. Well done! Mr Drummond

Netball Seniors vs Box Hill – 19th September

The Senior girls got the netball season off to a winning start with an impressive 13-1 victory over

Box Hill. Milbourne started strong with Esme finding her aim early on in the game, scoring 6

goals in total. Ellie and Zara also got their goal tally off the ground. Hattie Clare and Claudia both

made the debut for the Seniors and rose to the challenge. Claudia showed great composure

when shooting and Hattie worked tirelessly at centre, much to the enjoyment of the cheering

parents. Girl of the game was awarded to Ellie for her work rate and faultless footwork.

Miss Watson

Instrumental Lessons The new instrumental timetable is up and running and we hope that it is working for all pupils

having instrumental lessons. The timetable is displayed outside the Music room. If you would like

your child to take up music lessons in school, kindly complete an ‘Instrumental Request Form’

(available from the office) and return it to the Music Department. Please be aware that your child

may need to join a waiting list for some of the more popular instruments. There is already a

waiting list for Pre-Prep piano places. Please also note that we are not able to offer piano lessons

to pupils who are still taking lessons with another teacher outside school.

Junior and Senior Choirs There are places left in both choirs for any keen and committed singers who would like the

opportunity to perform at school events, such as the Dickensian Evening and the Carol Service.

There is no need to complete a request form for this. Any new pupils wishing to join are

welcome to speak to Mrs Bowen-Perkins and come along to a rehearsal.

Senior Choir, open to pupils in Form 3 upwards, rehearses on Tuesday lunch-

times from 1.10 – 1.50pm

Junior Choir, open to pupils in Forms 1 and 2, rehearses on Wednesday lunch-

times from 1.10-1.50pm

Music Notices

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Instrumental Ensembles Rehearsals for the Concert Band and String Ensemble have started up again this term. Any keen

instrumentalists of approximately Grade 1 standard or above are eligible to join. Many of our

younger pupils have been inspired to take up instruments after hearing the groups play at

previous concerts and events.

The Advanced Recorder Ensemble rehearses on a Friday lunchtime with Mrs Whitehouse. This

group is by invitation and is aimed at keen recorder players in Forms 2, 3 and 4. The Guitar Club

will restart soon. This group is by invitation and aimed at keen guitarists in the Prep School.

Please contact Mrs Bowen-Perkins if you would like to enquire about any of these ensembles.

Weekly Music Ensemble Rehearsals – from September 2018 Concert Band Monday lunchtime 1.20 – 1.50pm with Mr Fryer

Senior Choir Tuesday lunchtime 1.10 – 1.50pm with Mrs Bowen-Perkins

Junior Choir Wednesday lunchtime 1.20 – 1.50pm with Mrs Bowen-Perkins

String Ensemble Thursday lunchtime 1.20 – 1.50pm with Miss Evans

Advanced Recorder

Ensemble Friday lunchtime 1.05-1.50pm with Mrs Whitehouse

Guitar Group Friday lunchtime 1.20-1.50pm with Mr Davies

Instrumental Storage Please could all instrumentalists remember to keep their instruments stored in our bespoke

cabinets, which situated in The Cabin. This way, all musical instruments can be stored safely

away when they are not in use for lessons or rehearsals.

Music Exams Results

Congratulations to the following pupils who took music exams towards the end of last term

Ruben Simms Singing Grade 3 Merit

Rosie Walker Singing Grade 2 Distinction

Flynn Winterflood Singing Grade 1 Distinction

Esme Jordan Singing Grade 1 Merit

Esme Child Flute Grade 2 Merit

Rosie Walker Flute Grade 1 Distinction

Lucas Dean Clarinet Grade 1 Distinction

Hattie Sabben-Clare Violin Grade 3 Distinction

Lucas Dean Violin Grade 2 Distinction

Jeongyun lee Violin Grade 2 Pass

Marcus White Violin Grade 1 Merit

Charlie Lappin Violin Grade 1 Pass

Amrit Sull Alto Saxophone Grade 2 Pass

Harry Walker Alto Saxophone Grade 1 Distinction

David Bishop Piano Grade 8

Lucas Dean Piano Grade 4 Distinction

Jaya Mittal Piano Grade 1 Distinction

Robert Cunningham Piano Grade 1 Merit

Semyon McGroarty Piano Grade 1 Pass

Mrs Bowen-Perkins

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Over the last few years the school has developed a number of procedures to help with the

parking situation in the mornings and afternoons. This is vital for the school and is also crucial to

maintaining good relations with the local residents.

The various procedures are shown below and parents are asked to please read through these

and also to ensure that anyone else who comes to school to collect children eg nannies, au pairs,

grandparents etc are made aware of these details as well.

Parking Procedure

As is usual at this time of the year,

please find our drop-off and

parking arrangements explained

below. This is particularly relevant

for morning drop-off.

We particularly ask that parents do

not park in the ‘drop-off’ zone – see

diagram blue section - as this area

is specifically for parents of Prep

school children to pull- up, drop-off

their children and then

immediately drive away using the

loop as the exit route. Cars parking

in this area prevent such a drop-off

system working and cause


In order to ease congestion for

yourselves and our neighbours, if

you have children in the Prep

department of the school it is

advised that you consider using the ‘drop and go’ system at morning drop

off as detailed above.

Staff are on duty at Brendon Drive, the Church car park entrance and at the main school gate to

ensure that children who are walking up to school on their own get safely across the roads and

into school.

For those parents who drive past Brendon Drive, to use either the Church car park or to park

along the kerb by the church, can you please travel at a very slow speed as there are many

children walking along Arbrook Lane towards school and they are not always visible to drivers.


Reception permit holders

and other car park permit



PP1 & PP2 – exit via loop or

turn around in Brendon



Prep School drop off ONLY –

Exit via loop


PP1 & PP2 – exit by turning

round at the bottom of

Arbrook Lane

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Can we please remind parents who park in Brendon Drive to (i) only park on one side of the road

(ii) do not park across any part of residents' driveways (iii) do not park on the grass verge.

For our Reception parents who have a parking pass to use the Church car park in the

mornings - please can you ensure that you vacate the car park by 8.45am. This time has

been agreed with the church and we do not want to break the terms of our agreement.

Finally, if you need to drive past the school gates in the morning/afternoon to turn round,

can you please go to the end of Arbrook Lane and use the parking area there for turning. Please

do not go right into Milbrook and turn round by pulling into residents' driveways.

At Milbourne Lodge, we are always mindful that the health and safety of our pupils is paramount

and this includes the above times, when children are making their way to and from school.

Your co-operation is much appreciated. Thank you.

Parents entering the school site during the day

Apart from coming to watch home matches, if you have to come to school outside of the

morning drop off or afternoon collection times, please press the button by the gate to gain

admittance and then please report to the school office where staff will help you.

Using the Arbrook Lane loop

The Arbrook Lane loop system works very well in allowing school traffic to move more freely in

the mornings.

Can all parents/carers please use the same system for the various afternoon pick ups. If your

child is collected by grandparents/au pair/nanny etc can you please advise them of the system in


Polite Reminder re Air Pollution

It has been brought to our attention that some parents keep their engines running after they

have parked their car for morning drop off or afternoon pickup. We ask that you please turn off

your engines once you have parked.

There are a number of children with respiratory problems and exhaust fumes do not assist the

situation. In addition, we have a number of families with younger, pre-school age children who

are pushed up to school in buggies. These children are at greater risk due to their proximity to

vehicle exhaust pipes. Your cooperation is much appreciated.

Mrs Tilston

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The Big Bonfire Build and Bonfire Night at Milbourne – Please put the date

in your diaries – 10th and 11th November 2018

Second-hand Uniform Sale – Friday 19th October 3.30pm – 5pm

We will be holding a Second-hand Uniform Sale on Friday 19th October, If you have any uniform

that you would like to sell or donate then please send it in to the school before this date. We are

only able to accept items in clean and good condition. Blazers should have been dry-cleaned.

Please note:

- No socks or shoes (although we will accept clean football boots)

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- We are no longer accepting uniform with the old-style logo

- Unless specified, items not sold will be retained by the MLPA and sold at future sales

If you do not wish to donate items, please ensure that each item you are offering for sale is

clearly labelled, using a safety pin (no sticky labels), with the following details:

- Item and size

- Your name

- Child’s name and form

- Telephone number and email address if possible

The MLPA Uniform team will decide on the price of each item to be sold. 20% of the sale price

will be retained by the MLPA and the balance will be returned to you after the sale.

All second-hand uniform should be delivered to the School Office.

If you have any questions regarding second-hand uniform sales please contact Mrs Hackett at:

[email protected]

Thank you for all your support

MLPA Uniform Team - Izzy Hackett, Betina Twydell-Satterly and Kate Hawkins

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Autumn Term 2018

Week Commencing: Monday 1st October 2018

Monday 1st October

Form 3 Future Schools Update

Football: PP2 v Parkside

Netball: Seniors v Manor House


Away 4pm

Tuesday 2nd October

Pre-Prep & Form 1 – Perform Workshop

Football: U11 A/B/C/D v Rokeby

Home 2.30pm

Wednesday 3rd October

Football: 1st XI, U11A, U9A v Woodcote House

2nd XI, U10A v Woodcote House

Netball: Middles & Seniors v St Andrew’s



Away 2.30pm

Thursday 4th October

National Poetry Day

Football: U8 A/B/C/D v Parkside/Hawthorns

Netball: Juniors v St Andrew’s


Home 2.30pm

Friday 5th October

Screen Time Pupil sessions with Dr Aric Sigman

Screen Time Parents session with Dr Aric Sigman

All Day


Saturday 6th October

Football: 1stXI v Eton Away 2.30pm

U9 A/B Downsend Tournament Away 9.30am

Future dates for the diary this half term:

Form 1 Parents’ Evening 8th October, from 4pm

Nasal Flu Immunisations 11th October

3A Science Workshop at Epsom College 11th October

Form 4 ISEB Common Pre-Test Practice 13th October, 9am

Year 2 Milbourne Football Festival 13th October, 10am

Reception trip to Garsons Farm 16th October

Form 4A Parents’ Evening 16th October, 6.30pm

Class Rep’s Coffee Morning with Mrs Waite 17th October, 8.30am – 9.30am

Pre-Prep Harvest Festival 18th October, 2.15pm

Form 4B Parents’ Evening 18th October, 6.30pm

MLPA Second Hand Uniform Sale 19th October, 3.30pm – 5pm

NSPCC Assembly and Workshops 22nd October

Year 2 trip to Windsor Castle 24th October

Prep Prose Competition 25th October

HALF TERM 26th October – 4th November