Download - FOIA of DHS Inspector General survey results from NON-MANAGEMENT TSA Federal Air Marshal Service respondents

  • 8/2/2019 FOIA of DHS Inspector General survey results from NON-MANAGEMENT TSA Federal Air Marshal Service respondents


    l!-S. 1)o""rt...., of n .........d S... n. "W,shington. OC 21lS2t:B: H o m ~ l a n d". , SeeuntyFEB 2 7 201l

    Mr. RobenMaclean

    Subject: Freedom oflnfonnation Act Request No. 2012-056 - Final ResponseDear Mr. MacLean:This responds to y,-,ur Fnxdom oflnfollllalion Act (FOtA) request to the Depanment ofHomeland Security (DHS) Office oflnspcclOr Gcncral (OIG), dated February 13,2012, andseeking survey results from employees of grades 1Band or lower for OIG report titled,"Allegations ofMisconduct and Illegal Discrimination and Retaliation in tbe Federal AirMarshal Service," (0IG-12-28) (copy attacbed for reference). Your request was received in thisoffice on February 13,2012.The OIG c o n d u e l ~ independell1 itwestigations. audits. inspections. and special reviews ofDHSpersonnel, programs, and operations to detect and dClcr waste, fraud, and abuse, and to promoteinkgrity. economy. and efficiency within DHS.ln response to your request. a scarch wasconducted within the OIG Office of Inspections. That search generated the anached twodocumell1s responsive to your n:ques1. Please note that the document named "Frcqucw:y ReportD-I'" matches the parameters specified in your FOIA request. However. these are not the resultsOIG used for category "D-I"' in survey charts mentioned in the report. Instead. OIG used thedocument named "Frequency Report Non-Mamgcrs:' which includes results for a small numberof respondents outside of the "D-l" range. Therefore, as a mattCT ofdiscretion, OIG is releasingto you both of these survey charts. Additionally. please note that. while the order of the questionsin the attached survey results is idell1icalto the way the survey was administered and presell1edin '-'UT report at Appendix F, the numbers are not sequential.After carefully reviewing the attached documents, totaling 56 pages, I detennined they arcappropriate for public release. These documents arc enclosed in their entirety; no deletions Orexemptions have been claimed. If you have any questions about this responsc, plea'iC contactAneet Thind, FOIAfPA Disclosure Specialist. at 202-254-4373.

    Sincerely," atherine R. GalloAssistant Counsel to the Inspector General

  • 8/2/2019 FOIA of DHS Inspector General survey results from NON-MANAGEMENT TSA Federal Air Marshal Service respondents


    Copy of theFOIA Request

  • 8/2/2019 FOIA of DHS Inspector General survey results from NON-MANAGEMENT TSA Federal Air Marshal Service respondents


    .!!rp...." W_'IltMIG'''!I lI.!!J'l\Qffi.... . , . . . . '>t fC'p" , . ! 9 ' k r ' ~Jlr: ~ T'W'f_- _101 ) : ~ _ -.

  • 8/2/2019 FOIA of DHS Inspector General survey results from NON-MANAGEMENT TSA Federal Air Marshal Service respondents


    FrequencyReport D-I

  • 8/2/2019 FOIA of DHS Inspector General survey results from NON-MANAGEMENT TSA Federal Air Marshal Service respondents


    DHS DIG Survey of FAMS WorkforceType: Results for P ~ Bands D-lFllt@rUsing: COMPLETED

  • 8/2/2019 FOIA of DHS Inspector General survey results from NON-MANAGEMENT TSA Federal Air Marshal Service respondents


    4. My c.urrent performance appraisal is an accurate reflection of my performance.(RespoI'l(Ieots could ooly choose a single re;ponse)Response Chart FrequencyStrongly AgreeA . Neither Agree nor DisagreeDlSilgreeStrongly Di5

  • 8/2/2019 FOIA of DHS Inspector General survey results from NON-MANAGEMENT TSA Federal Air Marshal Service respondents


    8. Personal favoritism is not a factor when awarding in-position increases.(Respoodents could only choose a single resp::>nse)Response Cl\art frequencyStrongly Agree 4.9%" ' , ~ 14.0%Neither Agree nor Disagree 16.4%Disagree 22.4%Strongly Disagree 3 7 .1 %Do No t Know 5.2%

    9. I understand what I have to do to receive a cash or time-off award.(RespoOOents could ooly choose a single response)Response OIart FrequencyStrongly Agree" ' Neither Agree ro:x DisagreeDisagreestrongly msagree

    5.2%23.4%17.1%3 1 .7 %22.6%

    10 . Cash and time-off awards are based on merit.(ResporxIents cooId only choose a single response)Response Chart Frequency

    Neither Agree fIOr DisagreeDisagreestrongly DisagreeDo Not Know

    4.1%17.4%20.7%19.6%3 1 .0 %7.3%

    11. Personal favoritism is not a factor when awarding cash or time-off.(RcspooOents coukl only choose a single n:sp:on,.,)

    stroogly AgreeAgreeNeither Agree nor DisagreeDisagreeStrongly Disagree

    ~ . r t Frequency4.8%15.8%20.9%20.5%30.5"10

  • 8/2/2019 FOIA of DHS Inspector General survey results from NON-MANAGEMENT TSA Federal Air Marshal Service respondents


    Do Not Know 75%12. I understand the promotion process.(Respondent< couIcI only choose single resp1se)Response eMI't FrequenqStrongly AgreeA , Neither Agree nor DisagreeDiSa

  • 8/2/2019 FOIA of DHS Inspector General survey results from NON-MANAGEMENT TSA Federal Air Marshal Service respondents


    DisagreeStrongly DisagreeDo Not Know


    16. Those employees selected for g r o u n d ~ b a s e d assignments meet the stated criteria.(Respondents could only choose a single resp::>nse)Response Chart Freque>"1CYStror>gOi Agree 3.5%, , 24.3%Neither Agree no r 27.00/0DisagreeDisagree 13.5%Strongly D'sagree 13.4%Do Not Know 18.3%

    17. Personal favoritism is not considered when ground-based assignments are selected.(Respondents could only dloose a single rcspoll3C)Respoon"" Chart FrequencyStrongly Agree '.9%Agree 13.3%Neither Agree nor Dis

  • 8/2/2019 FOIA of DHS Inspector General survey results from NON-MANAGEMENT TSA Federal Air Marshal Service respondents


    19. Personal favoritism is not a factor when international missions are assigned.( ~ C O Y l d Of'l'/ 5 i n g l e ~ )Response Olart freq"ert

  • 8/2/2019 FOIA of DHS Inspector General survey results from NON-MANAGEMENT TSA Federal Air Marshal Service respondents


    strongly Disagree 13$%24. I trust my immediate supervisor to respond t imely to reported misconducl,complaints, or disputes.( R ~ c o u l d only choose. single response)Response Cl,nt F ~ u " n c yStrongly AgreeAgreeNeither Agree nor DisagreeDi5"'lreeStrongly Dis3gree


    25. I f I suspected that my co-workers or managers were engaged in misconduct orillegal activity, I would report it to the appropriate OlE/FAMS offidals.(Responoose a $ingl" .espon5")R6pon""StrorJgly AgreeA , Neither Agree nor DisagreeDisagreestrongly Disagree


    26. If I suspected that my co-workers or managers were engaged in misconduct orillegal activity, I would report it to the appropriate TSA officials.( R muId only d1oose. single respon5e)ResponSl'l Clart F ....ncystrongly Agree. , Neither Agree nor Dis3greeDisagree


    Strongly Disagree 6.7%27. I f a senior manager in DLEjFAMS engages in misconduct or illegal activity, theyare held accountable.( R coold only d"""" , . single response)ResponSl'l c ....r t F ~ u e r > c ystrongly AgreeA g


  • 8/2/2019 FOIA of DHS Inspector General survey results from NON-MANAGEMENT TSA Federal Air Marshal Service respondents


    Strongly DisagmeDo Not Know


    28. If a law enforcement supervisor engages in misconduct or illegal activfty, theyare held accountable.(Respondents could only choose a single response)Respanse Cha FrequencyStrongly AgreeAgreeNeither Agree nor Disagre.eDisagreeStrongly P i s ~ g r e . eDo Not Know


    29. I f a Federal A"r Marshal engages in misconduct or megal activity, they are heldaccountable ..{Respondents could onl,y choose a single response)Response Chart FrequencyStronglV AgreeAgreeNeitller Agree nor DisagreeDisagreeStrongly D i 5 ~ g r e eDo Not Know


    119. illf a professional, technical, or administrative staffmember engages inmisconduct or illegal activity, they are held accountable.(Respondents cou,ld only choose a single response)R.esponse C art FrequencyStrongly AgreeAgreeNeither Agree norDisagreeDisagreeStrongly DisagreeDo Not Know



  • 8/2/2019 FOIA of DHS Inspector General survey results from NON-MANAGEMENT TSA Federal Air Marshal Service respondents


    30. The disciplin

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    Do Not Know5.4%9.9%

    32. My supervisor SUpports diversity in the workplace.(Respondents could only choose a single response)Response Chart Frequency

    Agree 44.00/0Neither Agree nor Disagree 22.0%Disagree 4.9%Strongly Disagree 5.9%Do Not Know 7.2%

    Strongly Agree 15.9%

    33. Policies and programs promote diversity in the workplace (for example, recruitingminorities and women, diversity training, mentoring).(Respocoellts could only du>se. single response)Response Chart FrequencyStrongly Agree 14,2%.. 39.3%Nefther Agree nor Disagree 24.4%- 7,1%Strongly Dtsse" singl.. respon",,)Response Olart FrequencyStrongly Agree 12.5%Agree 40.5%Neither Agree nor Disagree 24.7%Disagree 9.3%Strongly Disagree 90%Do Not Know 4.0%133. Personal favoritism is not tolerated in my workplace.(Re5POfl(Ients cooid only choose single response)Response Chart Freq""ncyStrongly Agree' 9


  • 8/2/2019 FOIA of DHS Inspector General survey results from NON-MANAGEMENT TSA Federal Air Marshal Service respondents


    Nerther Agree nor DisagreeOis

  • 8/2/2019 FOIA of DHS Inspector General survey results from NON-MANAGEMENT TSA Federal Air Marshal Service respondents


    100. I feel encouraged to come up with new and better ways of doing things.( "=" " " , , " , , t .=u ld onto, ct.oo-..., a sing'" , ~ ~ )

    Neither Agree nor DisagreeDisagreeStrongly Di5gree

    "' .r t frequency7.5%23.7%23.5%26.6%18.7%

    101. My work gives me a feeling of personal accomplishment.(RespYlCIerrl$ could only d>:>ose a singl" response)Response Freq""ncyStrDngly AgreeAg ....eNeither Agree FlOr DisagreeDisagreeStrongly Disagree


    102. My talents are used well in the workplace.(Rc:;pondcnts wukl only d>:>ose a single respoosc)Response Chart FrequencyStrongly Agree..Neither Agree nor DisagreeDisagreeStrongly Disagree


    103. The people I work with cooperate to get the job done.(Respondeotl; wukl only a single response)ResponseStrongly AgreeAgreeNeither Agree nor DiS

  • 8/2/2019 FOIA of DHS Inspector General survey results from NON-MANAGEMENT TSA Federal Air Marshal Service respondents


    104. Creativity and innovation are rewarded.( " ~ t > c.oo.J'"

  • 8/2/2019 FOIA of DHS Inspector General survey results from NON-MANAGEMENT TSA Federal Air Marshal Service respondents


    35. Do you know who to contact if you feel you are or have been discriminated again5\:or harassed on th e job)(R,espoodents cook! only choose a sinvle response)Response Ckart FreqlH!ncy


    36. Do you believe that you have been treated unfavorably because o f any of th efollowing? [More than one can be selected](Re$l>O"de

  • 8/2/2019 FOIA of DHS Inspector General survey results from NON-MANAGEMENT TSA Federal Air Marshal Service respondents


    39. Where did the incident(s) take place- [More than one can be selected]( ~ ~ I multiple ,,,,-""""'=)Response a"rt FrequencyAtlantic Oty I 6.3%Herndon 5.3%Ashbum 0.2%

    '"""" 2.8%Arlington 1.6%Atlant.! 9.5%Baltimore 104%

    """"" 2.5%OJariotte 2.8%Ch_ 5.5%Cincinnati 1.4%C l e v e ~ r . d ,.'>%Dallas B.'>%"'"- 104%Detroit 3.6%Houston 5.8%Las Vegas 2.0%Los A n g e ~ ,.%Miami 4.4%Minneapolis '.9%Newark 3.9%New Vorl

  • 8/2/2019 FOIA of DHS Inspector General survey results from NON-MANAGEMENT TSA Federal Air Marshal Service respondents


    8.0%46. What actions did you take regarding your treatment? [More than one can beselected](Respondents were allowed to choose multipl" responses)"'esponse Chart FrequencyNotffied your immediate 32.6%supervisorNotified someone in youroffice other than your 28.0%immediate supervisorNotified the Director ofOlE/FAMS by seoding an ,.'>%arlOflymous emailConrncted the Ombudsman 15.1%ConliK:ted an eqwlempk:>yment opporwnrty 14.8%,-Filed an equal employmentopportunity complaint 12.8%(informal or fomJ

  • 8/2/2019 FOIA of DHS Inspector General survey results from NON-MANAGEMENT TSA Federal Air Marshal Service respondents







    Fear of retaliationI am considering taking~ " OFrequoency







  • 8/2/2019 FOIA of DHS Inspector General survey results from NON-MANAGEMENT TSA Federal Air Marshal Service respondents


    I have no t been retaliateda - _ ~


    75. Did this retaliation or un/CIvorable treatment take place within the last 24 months?(Respondents could only d>oose a single response)Response OI ...rt Frequency'6An incident or incidentsoccurred within the last 24month5. but other incidentsoccurred eaT1ier than that.'"



    22.1%76. Where did the inddent(s) of retaliation or un/CIvorable treatment take place? (Morethan one can be selected](Res(:c>ndent5were allowed to d>oose mUltiple responses)Response OIart FrequencyAtlantic City I 5.5%Herndon 4.3%Ashburn 0.0%' 6 2.5%

  • 8/2/2019 FOIA of DHS Inspector General survey results from NON-MANAGEMENT TSA Federal Air Marshal Service respondents


    "'- ."""".. ,.""lldilloe ""..... ' - '"""""" """-

    ,...""""" ' - ' "Oe, e'i d '-""- .....0.-.... ""

    - """...- .......- ,.....- ""M- O. . . .-- ,........,... LO-'"""""'" , ' - ' "pt. . . . . . ' - ' "- ' - '"""- "'"SIn Fr.otiIw .......... ,...T_ ,,",W......... ..,3...- ,- '"

  • 8/2/2019 FOIA of DHS Inspector General survey results from NON-MANAGEMENT TSA Federal Air Marshal Service respondents


    7 W ,e.tlons 010 you take: \1'\ response 0, the re.ta,natJon or unfa'Jorab\e reo., ~ n t 1[More than one ca be se ected](Respondents IIII"ere arrowed to . oose linurti' Il!:Sponses)

    formcl )a I ' i l t l lheS y $ ~ s Protection Boardled a I WS1.( against thencvContacted th TSA Office ofnsp fenContacted the DHS Offrce ofInspeel:or G "eralConta edi the Offtre ofSpedal CounselCOncted a rnembe ofCongon








    retaliatic:m 0

    ng e retaJiatilm

    F 't' of further retaliation



  • 8/2/2019 FOIA of DHS Inspector General survey results from NON-MANAGEMENT TSA Federal Air Marshal Service respondents


    1am considering taking-"'""" ' -

    I 3.6'1106.3'1(,127. Do you believe that TSA or FAMS has retaliated against you or treated youunfavorably because you did any of the following? [More than one can be selected](Respool(\elb aa.-od Il;l ch:osie muJti,p6e 'cswoses)II..., _ t ff'eq1lellCJQuestiotIed pckies or 21.7'1'0..........ProposI o;;h;rqes lD policy or 10.0'Ilt......QI.IestioI e::I tIe(i

  • 8/2/2019 FOIA of DHS Inspector General survey results from NON-MANAGEMENT TSA Federal Air Marshal Service respondents








    129. Who do you believe retaliated against you or treated you unfavorably7th",n one can be selectee!)(Respondents were allowed to choose multIple respo

  • 8/2/2019 FOIA of DHS Inspector General survey results from NON-MANAGEMENT TSA Federal Air Marshal Service respondents



    "" """ L """- 4.6%M'"'' 3.1%Mil'Iioea;0i5 0- '"Ne...k 3.4%.... ,... L ~ ' """""'"

    ,-'"- ,...I't1oel dll 0.4'"- 2. . . .s . ,_ 0'>'"sanFranci5co 0."",."". 2.""Tampa 1.5%Washington 11.9%

    """" 5.5%130. What actions did you take in response to th e ret3liation or unfavorable treabnent?[More than one can be selected](RespoiiOo!lots were '*-' to chooSe multiple lespoi se)'0 4 . . . CUrt fn,q...,.,q-Nctilied n.neololte--Mlfied SOln,leOi_". """oIl'ice other U - 'fOOl'hv'rle(flolteI>tifJed thI! Director dOlf/fAHS by' sending an" ' 1 O l 1 ~ m o u s email"""""" ..--ontacted an equall"l'lJIbI'me. opportunity otI'ireFilf!d an equal employmentoppclItI.-oltv ~ i n t(infornlal Of formlll)fl Ie(l an appeal with the MeritSystems J>rote(OOn 8o. , ."Coot.xted the TSA Office of","""'"ontacted the DHS OffICe ofInspector Generill


    "'."'"4.t'"1 0 . ~

    6.6%1.1%2 ."2.7%3.6%

  • 8/2/2019 FOIA of DHS Inspector General survey results from NON-MANAGEMENT TSA Federal Air Marshal Service respondents


    contacted the OffICe of5",,""'1 c,,""..1Contacted a member ofCongressNone


    114. Were the actions you took effective in resolving the problem of retaliation7(Respondents rouId ooly choose single response)o,.r t

    ,. 10.2%89.8%




    131. Why did you take no action regarding the retaliation or unfavorable treatment:>(Respondents could only choose s i n g l e ~ )Response ~ r Freq....ncyI did not feel that the incidentwas severe enough towa""nt actionThe ;ssue was resolvedwitho

  • 8/2/2019 FOIA of DHS Inspector General survey results from NON-MANAGEMENT TSA Federal Air Marshal Service respondents


    80. What i:; your present job function?( _ """ '" 0""1 "'n,!!'" , ~ R"SpollSSO! Chart Frequency


    117. Have you served in a ground-based assignment in the past?(Respoodent:s could only choose singl" response)~ n s e Olart Freql>ency


    82. What is your current pay grade/pay band?(Respondent

  • 8/2/2019 FOIA of DHS Inspector General survey results from NON-MANAGEMENT TSA Federal Air Marshal Service respondents


    83. Where;$ yQV.r C\.lrrel'\t tlutv location?(Respondenls alUId only dlDose it single 'e:spClIl$()ll:espollMi CIlitrtAllllntic: CItylleondo"


    san Frllndsco""'...Tampa

    I 2.1%3."'"0.3%

    LO%,..." .........,...L"'"1.6'll>S.l'll>'.2%3.4"4.1"



  • 8/2/2019 FOIA of DHS Inspector General survey results from NON-MANAGEMENT TSA Federal Air Marshal Service respondents


    Washinoton 9 . 6 %3.4%

    84. How long have you been employed at your current duty location?(Resp::>ncIents cook! o n oosl!. single res;x>nse)Il.e$ponse e:m.rt Frequencyless than one year 14.3%1 - 3 years 20.5%4 - 6 years 13.4%7-9years 4 8 . 8 %10 or more years '.0%85. How many total years of Federal service do you have, to include military service?(Res!X>nse)Response e:m.rt FrequencyLess than 5 years

    10-19 ye;.trs20-30 yearsMore than 30 year5

    12.1%21.9%4 4 . 2 %19.9%L%

    86. What is your gender1( ~ n t s rou\d o n oosl! a single response)Male

    ~ . r t8 7 . 8 %12.2%

    87. Are you Hispanic or Latino?(Respondents could o n d>oose. single re;ponse)Respon"" Chart Frequency

    12.5%8 7 . 5 %

  • 8/2/2019 FOIA of DHS Inspector General survey results from NON-MANAGEMENT TSA Federal Air Marshal Service respondents


    88. Please select the racial category or categories with which you most closely identify.l Marl

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    FrequencyReport Non-Managers

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    DHS DIG Survey of FAMS WorkforceType: Results for Non-ManagersFilter Using: COMPLETED < 4/6/2011 AND 80 What is your present job function? Senior milnager AND

    80 What is your present job function? *' Law enforcement supervisor

    1: The performance standards, upon which my rating is based, are appropriate for the work that Ido. (Resp0ndent::5 rould o o choosoe. single response)Response ~ . r t Freq...,ncyStrongly Agree 1.1%A . 39.8%Neither Agree nor D&igree 15.1%Disagree 20.8%strongly Disagree 15.8%Do Not Know 1.4%2: My supervisor has enough information concerning the performance of my duties to accurately ram'.(ReSlXJll(lent5 rouKl ooly d>se a single response)R . " . ~ . . . Chart FrequencyStrongly Agree 11.1%Agree 36.7%Neither Agree nor Disagree 14.2%Drog'oc 21.2%Strongly Di5

  • 8/2/2019 FOIA of DHS Inspector General survey results from NON-MANAGEMENT TSA Federal Air Marshal Service respondents


    " , MV o.:.url"'.l\1.. posrrurmar-.:e appraiSal Is an atalrate TeI\ectioo of m'f pemxmaoce.(RespoldeillSalUld ....,. dol5e. single ~ Response 0M.n h 8 1 ~- ....I ' . h. . Agee ID 0 g eeC' gee


    5: My 5UpI!rVisor provides me with constn.dIYe Sl"!ljeJOlS to jo,iPioYe my JOb pe1onnance.(P $ """". . . alUld oWr"- ......espu;dlI)R , _ o.t freT'-....

    2,.""6: I undetstand what. I have to do to receive an in-posil:ion increase.("e>iO _ . . .alUld . . . . , ._ . . . . . . . , oK) ,.- """ " GS t J " 9 f ~ 5.""- 23.""Agrft . . . . l" l gee ...,.. ge t ,..,..~ D get 27. . . .

    r,eq ."""".16.9'1(,21.6%37.7%5.4%

    7: In-posItjon increases are based on ne i l(P I; odu .. .a lU l d< r i r _ u. . . . . ,... iW) , ,_ o.t

    Strongly Dlsegl'HDo Not Know


    " ' ; j ' ~ b a : : i " " : i i . _

  • 8/2/2019 FOIA of DHS Inspector General survey results from NON-MANAGEMENT TSA Federal Air Marshal Service respondents


    a, Personal favoritism is not

  • 8/2/2019 FOIA of DHS Inspector General survey results from NON-MANAGEMENT TSA Federal Air Marshal Service respondents


    Strongly DisagreeDo Not Know


    12: I understand the promotion process.( R coold o n choose single re;p:;>nse)Response frequencyStrongly AgreeAgreeNeither Agree nor DisagreeDisagreeStrongly Disagree


    ".""22.3%13: Promotions are based on merit.(Respondents coold only dIoose a single response)Response Chart frequency

    Neither Agree nor Disagree

    Strongly DisagreeDo Not Know


    14; Personal favoritism is not a factor in the promotion process.( R ~ o . 1 e 1 ' t s could o n choose a single response)Response Chart frequencyStrongly Agree 2.7%"'- 9.7%Neither Agree nor Disagree 18.1%-- 21.2%Strongly Disagree 42.5"10Do Not Know 5.8%

  • 8/2/2019 FOIA of DHS Inspector General survey results from NON-MANAGEMENT TSA Federal Air Marshal Service respondents


    15: The cJiteJia fo r being selected for ground-based assignments are clearly communicated.\ """"" """I s ing'" , . , . - ~ )Response ~ FrequencyStrongly Agree 5.s%Agree 33.2%Neither Agree no r Disaogree 16.9%Disagree 15.8%Strongly Disagree 17.5%Do Not Know 11.0'*'16: Those employees selected for ground-based assignments meet the stated criteJia.(Respondents could only d1oose. single response)Response Ch

  • 8/2/2019 FOIA of DHS Inspector General survey results from NON-MANAGEMENT TSA Federal Air Marshal Service respondents


    I 12.4%12.9'll.19: Personal favoritism is not a factor when international missions are assigned.(R ; """ .... a I I l I d < r i t < : h o < : l ! s c ~ s i n g 1 o e ~ )I t..., OM a-t fl-equeacy

    - ....." 7tl"" Agree nor Diu;oee--trongly Dis g eeDo ........


    21: Appropriate policies and procedures are In place to address workplace complaints and disputes(Rapoo"""1b art Frequency

    Neither Agree nor DIsagree

    Strongly Disa\I'eeDo ........

    5.B%32.1"1..19.8%lUI ' "20.""..'"

    22: I can cflSCk:lse a suspected violation of any law, rUe, or regulation wittlout fear ci retaliation.(RapooOOtiU- * ' on!'( d'Io>uoo .. YIgIe 'espoiiSC)......1 g 1M a-t Fl ! ~ ! ICY

    strongly Disag. ee


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    23 , 1tru5t my immediate. supeNisor to respond appropriately to re.ported misconduct, mm\llointsor disputes.(Responde!lts could ootv choose a single response)Response Qlart frequencyStrongly AgreeA g Neither Agree nor DisagreeDisagreestrongly Disagree


    24 : I trust my immediate supervisor to respond timely to reported miscollduct, complaints, ordisputes.(Respondents roold only r)gly AgreeAgreeNeither Agree no r DisagreeDisagreeStrongly Disagree


    26 : If I suspected that my co-workers or managers were engaged in misconduct or illegal activity,would report it to the appropriate TSA officials.(ResporI(lO!nts could only gle reponse)RMPO""" C/>art Fmq""ncyStrongly AgreeA g



  • 8/2/2019 FOIA of DHS Inspector General survey results from NON-MANAGEMENT TSA Federal Air Marshal Service respondents


    Strongly Disagree 6.7%27: Ifa senior ma10ager rn OlE/FAMS engages in misconduct or illegal acnvjty, they are heldaccountablie. (Respondents muld only choose a single response)R e s p o n s ~ Chart Fr,equencystrongly AgreeAgreeNeither o4g ree nor 0 isagreeDisagreeStrongly DisagreeDo Not Know

    5.3%12.7%15.5%17.3%3 6 . 2 %13.0%

    28: I f a law enforcement supervisor engages in misconduct or UI'egal activity, they are heldaccountable. (Responderrts could only moose a si1ngJe response)ResponseStrongly Ag reeAgreeNeither Agree nOr DisagreeDisagreeS tronglv DisagreeDo Not Know

    Chart frequency6.6%


    14.2%2g: If a Federal Air Marshal engages ]n misconduct or Hlegal activity, they are held accountable.(Respondents could only choose a single response)Response Chart FrequencyStrongh' AgreeAgreeNeither Ag ree nor DisagreeDisagreeStrongly DisagreeDo Not Know


    119: I f a professional, technical, or administrative staff member eng1ag;es in misconduct orillegal activity; they are held accountable. (Responder1ts QOuld only choose a stngle response)Response Chart f r ~ q u e n c yStrongly Ag feeAgree


  • 8/2/2019 FOIA of DHS Inspector General survey results from NON-MANAGEMENT TSA Federal Air Marshal Service respondents


    Neither Agree norD;. - . ......DisagreeStrongly DisagreeDo Not Know


    30: The disciplinary process is fair. (Respoodeotscoo1d only choose asingle response)Response Chart FrequencyStrongly Agree 2.9%' 9 ' ~ 10.8%Neither Agree rIO' Disagree 20.5%Disa9ree 20.8%Strongly Disagree 35.4%Do Not Know 9.5%31: Disciplinary actions are applied consistently for similar offenses. (Respondents coo1d ooIy moose. singresponse)R ~ n s e Chart FrequencyStrongly Agree 2.2%Agree 8.S%Neither Agree rIO'Dts

  • 8/2/2019 FOIA of DHS Inspector General survey results from NON-MANAGEMENT TSA Federal Air Marshal Service respondents


    121: Disciplinary actions are used as a tool to retaliate against employees.(. . . . could -. ~ s;n\lloo ~ " , , )" " " " ~ ,,,.. FrequencyStcongty Agree 22.6%, , 23.5%Neither Agree nor 26.4%DisagreeDisagree 11.5%Strongty Di5oosc a sirtgle ""llOOse)Response C1Nrt frequencvStrongty Agree 16.5%Agree 43.9%Ne

  • 8/2/2019 FOIA of DHS Inspector General survey results from NON-MANAGEMENT TSA Federal Air Marshal Service respondents


    34; SuperviSOrs worK well with employees of different backgrounds. ( R e s p o M e n ~ could only

  • 8/2/2019 FOIA of DHS Inspector General survey results from NON-MANAGEMENT TSA Federal Air Marshal Service respondents


    "" ........l O . 5 ~


    99: I am given an opportUnity to improve my skills in my organization.(ReiWdttcs ctr..*t gOy dJ::me 5lng1oe 'bPJIl5t')' " f l lM CNrt- ....Nelther Agree nor Di.';agree- Strongly Oi5uId only d'>oo

  • 8/2/2019 FOIA of DHS Inspector General survey results from NON-MANAGEMENT TSA Federal Air Marshal Service respondents


    DiSagreeStrongly Disagree I 23.3%20.2%103: The people I work with cooperate to get the job done.(Respondents coold only moose a single respo!l""jR e s ~ s e Ckart Frequencystrongly AgreeAgreeNeither Agree nor DisagreeDisagreeStrongly Disagree

    17.1%5 8 . 0 %14.8%5,3%3.8%

    104: Creativity and innovation are rewarded.(Rcsp::>ndents coukI onI)' moose a single feSPOOS"'}

    Strongly Agree" , Neither Agree norDisagreeDisagreeStrongly Disagree

    o..r t Frequency4.4%16.7%3 2 . 8 %27.3%18.7%

    IDS: How satisfied are you with the recognition you receive for doing a good job?(Responoose a single response)Response Ckart F......""nC'fVery SatisfoedSatisfiedNeither Satisfied fIOrDisS

  • 8/2/2019 FOIA of DHS Inspector General survey results from NON-MANAGEMENT TSA Federal Air Marshal Service respondents


    Very Dissatisfied -07: Considering everything, how satisfied are you with your job?(Respondents could only choose a single response)Response O1ilrt frequeI>CYVeJY 5atisflE!d 13.3%Sati'>fied ]8.4GoNeither satisfied nor 22.2%DissatisfiedDi55

  • 8/2/2019 FOIA of DHS Inspector General survey results from NON-MANAGEMENT TSA Federal Air Marshal Service respondents


    93: WhO was it that treated you unfavorably? [More than one can be selected.}(" _ .. . - . . - - " , ~ .....I U p I e . ~ )"-S@nioc- manilger i " my.....5eniDr manager "'!lilie at my....~ "'-'"-

    - ..."""4S.6'III20."13.2'Ib

    95: Did the inddent{s) of unfavorable treatment occur within th e last 24 months?(Respcw odell'S could only dloo5o! a lingle response)

    YuAn IllCiOent (0"" .!1ddent5oc;aned within !h e last 24months, 1M otheroconed eilriier than that.No



    39: Where d"1d the indcIent(s) take place? [More than one can be ~ (lIeifudeill'S ........ aIooooet to cto:I5e .....1tip6e lep:>i )..... _ a..rt"""",,,ty


    Helilciou ....A.""'m 0.1%""'" 3.6%Allington 1.6%"""'. 8."""..... ,-'""""'" ,-'"a . . - 2.6"" " - S.l"""""'"'" ,-'"CJeo1!'a od 0 ."..... 8.2""""" 1.3%"'''"' 3.]%

  • 8/2/2019 FOIA of DHS Inspector General survey results from NON-MANAGEMENT TSA Federal Air Marshal Service respondents


    HoustLmlas V

    p .

    ~ s b u r gsa Diegosan ranctsooseattleTampaWashingtono her




    0.9%3 ,



    'ons dOd you take reg:arding your treatmen I? [More than one can be selected Iallowed fD c h o o s e " p e )I r irnnAedia\e

    TSA Offlc.e of

    3. %

    13. '



  • 8/2/2019 FOIA of DHS Inspector General survey results from NON-MANAGEMENT TSA Federal Air Marshal Service respondents


    Contilcted the DHS 0fTIte ofI",,{>

    8.7%9 1 . 3 %



    122: Why did you take no action regarding your treatment?(Respondents could ooly dloose single response)Response a . " r t f1"equ"ncyI dOd not feel that the iodd.,ntwas severe enough towarrant action1h e issue was resolvedwtthout action on my partUnsure who to contact tolake actionf e a r of retaliationI am coosidering l a ~ i n g-U,,,123: Do you know who to contact if you feel you are or have been retaliated against?(Respondents could only dloose a single ""'IJOfl5")

    6 6 . 3 %33.7%

    126: Do you believe that TSA or FAMS has retaliated against you or treated you unfilvorilbly becauyou did any of the following? [More than one can be selected](Resp0ndent5 w e " , allowed to dIoose multl;>l., responses)Response Chilrt f ~ u " n c ydisclosed infonnation th

  • 8/2/2019 FOIA of DHS Inspector General survey results from NON-MANAGEMENT TSA Federal Air Marshal Service respondents


    exerdso!d any appeal,.... , c&'

  • 8/2/2019 FOIA of DHS Inspector General survey results from NON-MANAGEMENT TSA Federal Air Marshal Service respondents


    75: Did this retaliation or unfavorable treatment take place within the last 24 months?( " ~ " " ' = u \ d "" ' ' ' cho

  • 8/2/2019 FOIA of DHS Inspector General survey results from NON-MANAGEMENT TSA Federal Air Marshal Service respondents


    l'IewYOIX 10.1%Orlando 4.8%Philadelphia 5.3%Phoenilc 0.5%Pittsburgh 2.2%San Diego 0.2%San Fr"ndsco 1.0%"""" 2.9%T"mPil 2.4%W"shington 12.9%Other 5.3%

    77: What actions did you tnke in response to the retnliation or unfavorahle treatment? [More thanone can IJe selected](Respoodents ..... ., allowed W choose multiple responses)R"",pcyNotified your immediate 37.2%supervisorNotined someone inyour offICe other than your 35.0%immediate supervisorNotified the Director ofOlE/FAMS IJy sending an 6.7%anonymous emailContacted the Omboosman 19.4%Contlcted an equal 18.0%employment opportunity offICeFiled "n equal employmentopportunity complaint 15.1%(infOllTlilI or formal)Filed an appeal with the Merit 3.1%Systems Protection BoardFiled a lawsuit against the 5.5%""ocrCont3cted the T5A OffICe of 6.2%InspectionCont3cted the OHS OfrlCe of H''''nspector GeneralCont3cted the OffICe of 4.3%5pedal CounselCOntacted a member of B.9%-=- 28.1%- 23.5%

  • 8/2/2019 FOIA of DHS Inspector General survey results from NON-MANAGEMENT TSA Federal Air Marshal Service respondents


    0 7 Were the actions you took effective in resolving the problem of retaliation or unfoo

  • 8/2/2019 FOIA of DHS Inspector General survey results from NON-MANAGEMENT TSA Federal Air Marshal Service respondents


    128; What form did the retaliation or unfavorable treabnent take? [More than Olle can be selectedt_..........._ ""'"'- ._1 d>cose ...... r o p l e ~ )Re

  • 8/2/2019 FOIA of DHS Inspector General survey results from NON-MANAGEMENT TSA Federal Air Marshal Service respondents


    AlIa"" 6.8%....... i.",*,..... 1. ' "

    """"" 1.'"" " - ..'""""""" 1.'""""""" 12"Do'" S."""""'" 2.5%"""" 3.5%"""""" 5.5%""- 1.8%""- '3"...... ,'"- 0""rlehlllk ].S'II>HewYortl: >2.,""""""" .....- ... 4.6%""""" 0.4%Pittsbu'9h 2.4%san Diego 0.5%"""'- 0.""""'" ,..., ~ 1.4%Wil5hlnglD" 11-'"""'" .....

    26.3%f r e q ' oq-

    130: What actions did you take in response to the retaliation or unfavorable treatment? [More thanone can be scIecled](llespuidGU were _ to

  • 8/2/2019 FOIA of DHS Inspector General survey results from NON-MANAGEMENT TSA Federal Air Marshal Service respondents


    Notified someone In your",""""" oo.looeo- ll\oK> ~ o u