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FLUIDMECHANICS AND HYDRAULIC1) The mass per unit volume of a liquid at a standard temperature

and pressure is called a.specific weight b.mass density c.specific gravity d.none of above 2) The volume per unit mass of a liquid is called specific volume a.yes b.no3) The weight per unit volume of a liquid at a standard temperature and pressure is called a.specific weight b.mass density c.specific gravity d.none of these4) The specific weight of water in S.I units is taken asa.9.81 kN/m^3 b.9.81*10^3 N/m^3 c.9.81*10^-6 N/mm^3 d.any one of the above 5)The ratio of specific weight of a liquid to the specific weight of pure water at a standard temperature is calleda.density of liquid b.specific gravity of liquidc.compressiblity of liquid d.surface tension of liquid 6) The spcecific gravity has no units a.Agree B .Disagree7) The specific gravity of water is taken asa.0.001 b.0.01 c.0.1 d.18) The specific weight of sea water is --------- that of pure watera.same as b.less than c.more than9) The density of liquid in Kg/m^3 is numerically equal to its specific gravity a.True b.False10) The specific weight is also known as weight density

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a.Correct b.Incorrect 11) The mass of 2.5 m^3 of a certain liquid is 2 tonnes.Its mass density is a.200 Kg/m^3 b.400 Kg/m^3 c.600 Kg/m^3 d.800 Kg/m^312) The specific gravity of an oil whose specific weight is 7.85 KN/m^3 ,is a.0.8 b.1 c.1.2 d.1.613) A vessel of 4 m^3 contains an oil which weighs 30 KN .The specific weight of the oil is a.4.5 KN/m^3 b.6KN/m^3 c.7.5 KN/m^3 d.10 KN/m^314) The property of a liquid which offers resistance to the movement of one layer of liquid over another adjacent layer of liquid,is called a.surface tension b.compressiblity c.capillarity d.viscosity 15) Kinematic viscosity is the product of dynamic viscosity and the density of the liquida.yes b.no16) The force per unit length is the unit of a.surface tension b.compressibility c.capillarity d.viscosity 17) The variation in the volume of a liquid with variation of pressure is called its a.surface tension b.compressiblity c.capillarity d.viscosity 18) The property of a liquid which enables it to resist tensile stress is called its surface tensiona.Agree b.Disagree19) When a tube of smaller diameter is dipped in water,the water rises in the tube due to viscosity of water

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a.true b.False 20) when a tube of smaller diameter is dipped in water,the water rises in the tube with an upward --------------surfacea.concave b.convex21) A glass tube of smaller diameter is used while performing an experiment for the capillary rise of water is easier to see through the glass tube is cheaper than a metallic tube is not possible to conduct this experiment with any other tube d.all of the above 22) The mercuty does not wet the glass.this is due to the property of the liquid known asa.cohesion b.adhesion c.viscosity d.surface tension 23) with an increase in size of tube,the rise or depression of liquid in the tube due to surface tension willa.decrease b.increase c.remain unchanged d.depends upon the characteristics of liquid 25) In the manufacturing of lead shots,the property of surface tension is utiliseda.Agree b.Disagree26) The surface tension of mercury at normal temperature is ----------- that of water a.same as b.lower than c.higher than27) The unit of surface tension is a.N/m b.N/m^2 c.N/m^3 d.N-m28) The viscosity of a liquid is due to cohesion of its paricles a.Correct b.Incorrect

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29) The viscosity of a liquid ------------ its rate of flow through hole in a vessel a.effects b.does not effect 30) The viscosity of water -------------than that of mercurya.higher b.lower 31)Falling drops of water become spheres due to the property of a.surface tension of water b.compressibility of water c.capillarity of water d.viscosity of water 32) The intensity of pressure at any point ,in a.directly proportional to the area of the vessel containing liquid b.directly proportional to the depth of liquid from the surface c.directly proportional to the length of the vessel containing liquid d.inversely proportional to the depth of liquid from the surface 33) The pressure intensity in KN /m^2 ( or Kpa) at any point in a liquid is a.w b.wh c.w/h d.h/wwhere w= specific weight of liquid and h= Depth of liquid from the surface34) The pressure at a point 4 m below the free surface of water is a. 19.24 Kpa b.29.24 Kpa c.39.24 Kpa d.49.24 Kpa35) The height of a water column equivalent to a pressure of 0.15 Mpa is a.15.3 m b.25.3m c.35.3 m d.45.3m

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36) The intensity of pressure at any point ,in a liquid is ------------ to the depth of liquid from the surface a.equal to b.directly proportional c.inversly proportional37) According to Pascal’s law the intensity of pressure at any point in a fluid at rest is the same in all directionsa.agree b.Disagree38) Water is ---------- liquida. a compressible incompressible 39) the pressure measured with the help of a pressure gauge is called a.atmospheric pressure b.gauge pressure c.absolute pressure d.mean pressure 40) The atmospheric pressure at sea level is a.103 KN/m^2 b.10.3 m of water c.760 mm of mercury d.all of these 41) the density of air is same at different heightsa.Correct b.Incorrect 42)when the pressure intensity at a point is more than the local atmospheric pressure ,then the difference of these two pressures is calleda.gauge pressure b.absolute pressure c.positive gauge pressure d.vaccum pressure43) when the pressure intensity at a point is less than the local atmospheric pressure,then the difference of these two pressures is called vaccum pressurea.Agree b.Disagree44) The vaccum pressure is always the negative gauge pressurea.yes

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45) the absolute pressure is equal toa.gauge pressure+atmospheric pressure b.gauge pressure – atmospheric pressure c.atmospheric pressure –gauge pressure d.gauge pressure –vaccum pressure46) The pressure less than atmospheric pressure is known asa.suction pressure b.vaccum pressure c.negative gauge pressure d.all of these 47) Gauge pressure at a point is equal to the absolute pressure --------- the atmospheric pressure b.minus48) The pressure of aliquid measured with the help of a piezometertube is a.vaccum pressure b.gauge pressure c.negative gauge pressure d.all of these 49) The vaccum pressure can be measured with the help of a piezometer tube a.True b.False 50) the pressure measured with the help of a piezometer tube is in a.N/mm^2 b.N/m^2 c.head of liquid d.all of these 51) A piezometer tube is used only for measuring a.low pressure b.high pressure c.moderate pressure d.vaccum pressure 52) the liquid used in manometers should havea.low density b.high density c.low surface tension d.high surface tension 53) A manometer is used to measure

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a.atmospheric pressure b.pressure in pipes and channels c.pressure in venturimeter d.difference of pressure between two points in a pipe 54) a manometer is used to measure a.low pressure b.moderate pressure c.high pressure d.atmospheric pressure 55)A manometer can be used to measure vaccum pressures a.Agree b.Disagree56) a differential manometer is used to measure a.atmospheric pressure b.pressure in pipes and channels c.pressure in venturimeter d.difference of pressures between two points in a pipe57) The intensity of pressure on an immeresed surface ------with the increase in deptha.does not change b.increases c.decreases58) The total pressure on ahorizontal immeresed surface is a.wA b.wx^- c.wAx^- d (wA)/x^- where w=specific weight of the liquid A= Area of the immeresed surfce and X^- = depth of the centre of gravity of the immeresed surface from the liquid surface60) The point at which the resultant pressure on an immeresed surface acts ,is known as a.centre of gravity b.centre of depth c.centre of pressure d.centre of immeresed surface 61) The centre of pressure acts ------- the centre of gravity of immeresed surface

Page 8: Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic b.above c.below66) A vertical wall is subjected to a pressure due to one kind of liquid ,on one of its sides ,The total pressure on the wall per unit length Is a.wH b.(wH)/2 c.(wH^2)/2 d.(wH^2)/367) a water tank contains 1.3 mdeep water.The pressure exerted by the water per metre length of the tank is a.2.89 KN b. 8.29 KN c.9.28 KN d.28.9 KN68) a vertical wall is subjected to a pressure due to one kind of liquid ,on one of its sides ,the total pressure on the wall acts at a distance ------------ from the liquid surfacea.H/3 b.H/2 c. 2H/3 d.3H/469) A vertical wall is subjected to a pressure due to one kind of liquid .on one of its sides.which of the following statement is correct? a.The pressure on the wall at the liquid level is minimum b.The pressure on the bottom of the wall is maximumc.The pressure on the wall at the liquid level is zero,and on the bottom of the wall is maximum d.the pressure on the bottom of the wall is zero70) When a vertical wall is subjected to pressures due to liquid on both sides,the resultant pressure is the ----------- of the two pressures a.sum b.difference c.arithmatic mean d.geometric mean72) The water pressure per metre length on a vertical masonry wall of dam is a.wH/2 b.wH c.wH^2/2 d.(wH^2)/4

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73) Match the correct answer from Group B for the statements given in Group A Group A Group Ba.The weight per unit volume of a liquid is A.N/M b.The unit of surface tension is B.whc.the unit of pressure is C.specific weight d.The pressure intensity at any point in aliquid is D.N/M^274) The stability of a dam is checked fora.tension at the base b.overturning of the wall or damc.sliding of the wall or dam d.all of these 75) when a body is placed over a liquid, it is subjected to gravitional force and upthrust of the liquida.True b.Flase76) When a body is placed over aliquid ,it will sink down if a.gravitional force is equal to the upthrust of the liquid b.gravitional force is less than the upthrust of the liquid c.gravitional force is more than the upthrust of the liquidd.none of the above77) Whan a body is placed over aliquid ,it will float if a.gravitional force is equal to the upthrust of the liquidb.gravitional force is less than the upthrust of the liquid c.gravitional force is more than the upthrust of the liquid d.none of the above78) When a body is immeresed wholly or partially in aliquid ,it is lifted up by a force equal to the weight of liquid displaced by the body .This statement is called

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a.pascal’s law b.Archimede’s principle c.principle of floation d.Bernoulli’s theorm79) The tendency of a liquid to uplift a submerged body,because of the upward thrust of the liquid ,is known as buyoancy a.Agree b.Disagree80) the force of byoyancy is always --------- the weight of the liquid displaced by the body a.equal to b.less than c.more than81) the body will float if the force of buoyancy is ------------ the weight of the liquid displaceda.equal to b.less than c.morethan 82) the body will sink down if the force of buoyancy Is -------- the weight of the liquid displaced a.equal to b.less than c.more than83) The centre of gravity of the volume of the liquid displaced is called a.centre of pressure b.centre of buoyancy c.metacentre d.none of these84) The centre of buoyancy is the centre of area of the immeresed body a.correct b.Incorrect 85) The buoyancy depends upon the a.weight of the liquid displaced b.pressure with which the liquid is displacedc.viscosity of the liquid d.compressibility of the liquid

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86)A uniform body 3m long ,2m wide and 1m deep floats in water .if the depth of immersion is 0.6 m , then the weight of the body is a.3.53 KN b.33.5KN c.35.3 KN d.none of these 87) When a body , floating in a liquid ,is given a small angular displacement ,it starts oscillating about a point known as a.centre of pressure b.centre of gravity c.centre of buoyancy d.metacentre88) The metacentric height is the distance between the a.centre of gravity of the floating body and the centre of buoyancy b.centre of gravity of the floating body and the metacentre c.metacentre and centre of buoyancyd.original centre of buoyancy and new centre of buoyancy89) The line of action of the force of buoyancy acts through the centre of gravity of the volume of the liquid displaceda.true b.False 90) The metacentric hights of two floating bodies A and B are 1m and 1.5 m respectively .Select the correct statement a.The bodies A and B have equal stability b.the body A is more stable than body Bc.The body B is more stable than body Ad.The bodies A and B are unstable91) If a body floating in a liquid returns back to its orginal position ,when given a small angular displacement ,the body is said to be in a.neutral equilbrium b.stable equilbriumc.unstable equilbrium d.none of these

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92) If a body floating in liquid does not return back to its orginal position and heels farther away when given a small angular displacement ,The body is said to be in -------- equilbriuma.Yes b.no93) If a body floating in a liquid occupies a new position and remains at rest in this new position ,when given a small angular displacement ,The body is said to be in ---------equilbriuma.neutral b.stable c.unstable 94) a body floating in a liquid is said to be in neutral equilbrium ,if its metacentre a.coincides with its centre of gravity b.lies above its centre of gravity c.lies below its centre of gravity d.lies between the centre of buoyancy and centre of gravity 95) A body floating in a liquid is said to be in a stable equilbrium ,if its metacentre coinciedes with its centre of gravitya.true b.false 96) A body floating in a liquid is said to be not in equilbrium if its metacentre lies below its centre of gravity a.Agree b.Disagree97) A submerged body is said to be in a stable equilbrium,it its centre of gravity ----------- the centre of gravity a.coincides with b.lies below c.lies above 99) The metacentre height of a ship is 0.6 m and the radius of gyration is 4m .The time of rolling of a ship is a.4.1 s b.5.2 s c.10.4s d.14.1s

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100) The quantity of a liquid flowing per second through a section of a pipe or a channel is called discharge and is measured in cumecs(m^3/s) a.True b.False 101) One cubic metre of water weighs a.100 litres b.250 litres c.500 litres d.1000 litres 102) One litre of water occupies a volume of a.100 cm^3 b.250 cm^3 c.500 cm^3 d.1000 cm^3103) When a liquid is flowing through a pipe ,the velocity of the liquid is a.maximum at the centre and minimum near the walls b.minimum at the centre and maximum near the walls at the centre and maximum near the walls d.maximum at the centre and zero near the walls 104) If an incompressible liquid is continuously flowing through a pipe,the quantity of liquid passing per second is different at different sections a.True b.False 105) The imaginary line drawn in the fluid in such a way that the tangent to any point gives the direction motion at that point ,is known as a.path line line c.steak line d.potential line 106) The flow in a pipe or channel is said to be uniform when a.the liquid particles at all sections have the same velocities b.the liquid particles at different sections have different velocities c.the quantity of liquid flowing per second is constantd.each liquid particle has definite path

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107) The flow in a pipe or channel is said to be non-uniform when a.the liquid particles at all sections have the same velocities b.the liquid particles at different sections have different velocities c.the quantity of liquid flowing per second is constant d.each liquid particles has a definite path 108) A flow in which each liquid particle has a definite path, and the paths of individual particles do not cross each other ,is called a.steady flow b.uniform flow c.streamline flow d.turbulent flow 109) A flow in which each liquid particles does not have adefinite path and the paths of individual particles also cross each other ,is called turbulent flow a.Agree b.disagree110) A flow in which the quantity of liquid flowing per second is constant ,is called a.steady flow b.streamline c .turbulent d.unsteady111) A flow in which the quantity of liquid flowing persecond is not constant ,is called a.streamline flow b.turbulent flow c.steady flow d.unsteady flow112) which of the following statement is correct ? a compressible flow ,the volume of the following liquid changes during the flowb.A flow in which the volume of the flowing liquid does not change, is called incompressible flow

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c.When the particles rotate about their own axes while flowing,the flow is said to be rotational flow d.all of the above113) According to equation ofcontinuity a.w1a1 =w2 a2 b.w1v1=w2v2 c.a1v1=a2v2 d.a1/v1=a2/v2114) A flow through a long pipe at constant rate is called a.steady uniformflow b.steady non-uniform flow c.unsteady uniform flow d.unsteady non-uniform flow115) A flow through a long pipe at decreasing rate is called ---------uniform flowa.steady b.unsteady116) A flow through an expanding tube at constant rate is called a.steady uniform flow b.steady non-uniform flowc.unsteady uniform flow d.unsteady non-uniform flow 117) a flow through an expanding tube at increasing rate is called unsteady non-uniform flowa.yes b.nO118) A flow whose streamline is represented by a curve ,is called dimensional flow b.twodimensional flow c.threedimension flow d.fourdimensional flow 119) A flow in which the volume of a fluid and its density does not change during the flow is called ------f low a.incompressible b.compressible 120) All the gase are considered to have compressible flow and all the liquids are considered to have incompressible flow

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a.Correct b.Incorrect121) A flow whose streamline is represented by a straight line ,is called --------- dimensional flow b.two c.three d.four 122) In one dimensional flow ,the flow steady and uniform b.takes place in straight line c.takes place in curve d.takes place in one direction 123)in two dimensional flow,the flow does not take place in a curve a.True b.False 124) The total energy of aliquid particle in motion is equal toa.pressure energy +kinetic energy +potential energyb.Pressure energy –(kinetic energy+potential energy)c.potential energy –(pressure energy +kinetic energy)d.kinetic energy –(pressure energy +potential energy)125) The total head of a liquid particle in motion is equal toa.pressure head+kinetic head +potential head b.pressure head-(kinetic head +potenitial head)c.potential head –(pressure head + kinetic head)d.kinetic head-(pressure head +potential head)126)For a perfect incompressible liquid ,flowing in a continuous stream,the total energy of a particle remains the same ,while the particle moves from one point to another .this statementa.continuity equation b.Bernoull’s equation

c.pascal’s equation d.Archimede’s principle 127) According to Bernoulli’s equation a.Z+(P/w) +V^2/2g =constant b.Z +(P/W)-V^2/2g = constant c.Z-(P/w) +V^2/2g =constant d.Z-(P/w)-V^2/2g =constant

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129) The Bernoulli’s equation is based on the assumption that a.There is no loss of energy of the liquid flowing b.the velocity of flow is uniform across any crossection of the pipe force expect gravity acts on the fluid d.all of the above 130) The Euler’s equation for the motion of liquids is based upon the assumption thata.the fluid is non-viscous ,homogeneous and incompressibel b.the viscosity of flow is uniform over the sectionc.the flow is continuous ,steady,and along the stream line d.all of the above 131) Bernoulli’s equation is applied toa.ventrimeter b.orifice meter c.pitot tube d.all of these 132) Barometer is used to measure a.velocity of liquid b.atmospheric pressure c.pressure in pipes and channels d.difference of pressure between two points in a pipe 133) Venturimeter is used to a.measure the velocity of a flowing liquid b.measure the pressure of a flowing liquid c.measrue the discharge of liquid flowing in a pipe d.measure the pressure difference of liquid flowing between two points in a pipe line 134) The length of the divergent cone in a venturimeter is ---------- that of the convergent a.equal to b.double c.three to four times d.five to six times 135) In a venturimeter ,the velocity of liquid at throat is ------ than that at inlet a.higher b.lower

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136) The pressure of liquid at throat in aventuremeter is ---------- than that at inlet a.higher b.lower 137) the velocity of the liquid flowing through the divergent portion of a venturimeter a.remains same b.increases c.decreases d.depends upon mass of liquid 138) In order to avoid tendency of separation at throat in a venturimeter ,the ratio of the diameter at throat to the diameter of pipe should be a.1/16 to 1/8 b. 1/8 to 1/4 c.1/4 to 1/3 d.1/3 to ½139) The pressur of the liquid flowing through the divergent portion of a venturimeter a.remains constant b.increases c.decreases d.depends upon mass of liquid 140) The divergent portion of a venturimeter is made longer than convergent portion in order to a.avoid the tendency of breaking away the stream of liquid minimise frictional losses c.both a and b d.none of these 141) The discharge through a venturimeter is given by a. Cd(a1^2 - a2^2)/a1 a2 *(2gh)^1/2 b.Cd a1 a2/(a1^2 –a2^2)^1/2 *(2gh)^1/2c.Cd(a1-a2) /(a1+a2) *(2gh)^1/2d. Cd(a1a2)/ (a1+a2) *(2gh)^1/2 Where Cd= coefficient of discharge a 1 =Area at inlet , a2= area at throat and h= venturi-head

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142) In order to measure the flow with a venturimeter ,it is installed in a.horizontal line b.inclined line with flow upwards c.inclined line with flow downwards d.any direction and in any location 143) A pitot tube is used to measure the a.velocity of flow at the required point in a pipe b.pressure difference between two points in a pipe pressure of liquid flowing in a pipe d.discharge through a pipe 144) When the venturimeter is inclined ,then for a given flow it will show ----------- reading a.same b.more c.less 145) If a pitot tube is placed with its nose upstream,down stream or side ways ,the reading will be the same in every case a.true b.False 146) Coefficient of contraction is the ratio of a.actual velocity of jet at vena contracta to the theoritical velocity b.loss of head in the orfice to the head water available at the exit of the orfice c.actual discharge through an orifice to the theoritical discharge d.area of jet at vena contracta to the area of orifice 147) Coefficient of contraction is the ratio of a.actual velocity of jet at vena contracta to the theoritical velocity b.loss of head in the orifice to the head of water available at the exit of the orfice c.actual discharge through an orifice to the theoritical discharge d.ared of jet at vena contracta to the area of orifice

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148) A jet of water discharging from a 40mm diameter orifice has a diameter of 32mm at its vena contracta .the coefficient of contraction is a.0.46 b.0.64 c.0.78 d.0.87149) The coefficient of discharge is the ratio of theoritical discharge to the actula dischage through an orifice a.True b.False 150) Coefficient of velocity is defined as the ratio of a.actual velocity of jet at vena contracta to the theoritical velocity b.area of jet at vena contracta to the area of orifice c.actual discharge through an orifice to the theoritical discharge d.none of the above 151) The theoretical velocity of jet at vena contracta is a.2gH b.H(2g)^1/2 c.2g(H)^1/2 d.(2gH)^1/2152. Coefficient of discharge Cd is equal to a.Cc* Cv b.Cc *Cr c. Cv* Cr d.Cc/Cr Where Cc= Coefficient of contraction Cv = Coefficient of velocity, and Cr= coefficient of resistance 153) An average value of coefficient of velocity is a.0.62 b.0.76 c.0.84 d.0.97154) The value of coefficient of velocity for a sharpedged orifice ----------- with the head of water a.decreases b.Increases 155) The value of coefficient of discharge Is ---------- the value of coefficient of velocity a.less than b.same as c.more than

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156)The coefficient of velocity is determined experimentally by using the relation a.Cv =(Y^2/4xH)^1/2 b.Cv =(x^2/4yH)^1/2 c.Cv =(4xH/y^2)^2 d.Cv =(4yH/X^2)^1/2157) Which of the following statement is wrong ? a.A flow whose streamline is represented by a curve ,is calle two dimensional flow b.The total energy of a liquid particle is the sum of potential energy ,kinetic energy and pressure energy c.The length of divergent portion in a venturimeter is equal to the convergent portion d.A pitot tube is used to measure the velocity of flow at the required point in a pipe 158) An orifice is said tobe large ,if a.the size of orifice is large b.the velocity of flow is large c.the available head of liquid is more than 5 times the height of orifice d.the available head of liquid is less than 5 times the height of orifice 159) The velocity of liquid flowing through an orifice varies with the available head of the liquid ,a.Agree b.Disagree160) The discharge through a small rectangular orifice is given by a.Q = Cd * a*(2gH)^1/2 b.Q = 2/3 * Cd*a *h c.Q=(Cd*a)/(2gh)^1/2 d. Q =3*Cd*a/(2h)^1/2where Cd =Coefficient of discharge for the orifice a =Cross-sectional area of the orifice h =Height of the liquid above the centre of the orfice

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161) The discharge through a large ractangular orifice is given by a.Q= 2/3 *Cd*b*(2g)^1/2 *(H2-H1)b. Q= 2/3* Cd* b* (2g)^1/2 *(H2^1/2 - H1^1/2)c.Q=2/3 *Cd*b*(2g)^1/2 * (H2^3/2 -H1^3/2)d. Q=2/3 *Cd*b*(2g)^1/2 *(H2^2 –H1^2)165) If the value of coefficient of discharge increases ,the discharge through the orifice decreases a.true b.false 168) A pipe of length more than double the diameter of orifice fitted externally or internally to the orifice is called a a.notch c.mouthpiece d.nozzle 169) In a short cylindercial external mouthpiece ,the vena contracta occurs at a distance ------- the diameter of the orifice from the outlet of orifice a.equal to –fourth half173) The loss of head due to an obstruction in a pipe is twice the loss of head at its entrance a.agree b.disagree174) The loss of head at exit of a pipe is a.v^2/2g b.0.5 V^2/2g c.0.375 v^2/2g d.0.75 v^2/2g175) The discharge through an external a.0.855 a(2gH)^1/2 b.1.855 aH(2g)^1/2 c.1.585 a (2gH)^1/2 d.5.85 aH (2g)^1/2176) The coefficient of discharge for an external mouthpiece depends upona.velocity ofliquid b.pressure of liquid c.area of mouthpiece d.length of mouthpiece

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177) Re-entrant or Borda’s mouthpiece is an------------- mouthpiecea.internal b.external178) In an internal mouthpiece ,if the jet after contraction does not touch the sides of the mouthpiece ,then the mouthpiece is said to be a.running full b.running free c.partially running fulld.partially running free179) in an internal mouthpiece ,if the jet after contraction expands and fills up the mouthpiece ,then the mouthpiece is said to be running freea.True b.false180) An internal mouthpiece is said to be running --------- if the length of the mouthpiece is more than three times the diameter of the orifice a.Free b.partially c.full181) The coefficient of discharge in case of internal mouthpiece is ------------- that of external mouthpiece a.less than b.more than182.The coefficient of discharge for an external mouthpiece is a.0.375 b.0.5 c.0.707 d.0.855183) An internal mouthpiece is said to be running free if the length of the mouthpiece is --------------the diameter of the orfice a.less than twice b.more than twice c.less than three times d.more than three times 184) When an internal mouthpiece is running free,the discharge through the mouthpiece is a.0.5a(2gH)^1/2 b.0.707 a (2gH)^1/2

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c.0.855a(2gH)^1/2 d.a(2gH)^1/2185. when an internal mouthpiece is running full, the the discharge through the mouthpiece is twice the discharge when it running freea.Right b.Wrong 186) The discharge through aconvergent mouthpiece is ------------- the discharge through an internal mothepiece of the same diameter and head of water a.equal to c.threefourth d.double 187) In an external mouthpiece ,the absolute pressure head at vean contracta is -------- the atmospheric pressure head by an amount equal to 0.89 times the height of the liquid ,above the venacontractaa.less than b.morethan188) In an internal mouthpiece ,the absolute pressure head at vena contracta is ------------ the atmospheric pressuere head by an amount equa lto height of the liquid above the vena contractaa.lessthan b.morethan189) In an external or internal mouthpiece ,the absolute pressure head at vena contracta is zero when atmosphericpressure head Is 10.3 mof watera.correct b.incorrect 190) In a convergent mouthpiece ,the absolute pressure head at vena contracta is the same asthat of the atmospheric a.True b.false 192) An opening in theside of a tank or vessel such that theliquid surface with the tank is below the top egde of the opening ,is called

Page 25: Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic b.notch c.orifice d.none of these 193) A notch ,is usually made of a metallic plate a.correct b.Incorrect 194) A notch is used to measure ---------- of liquids a.pressure b.discharge c.velocity d.volume195)