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Page 1: Floorball bilingüe

Bilingual Programme in Physical Education

Aída Giraldo /Alberto Piñera © 1


Name: ...................................................................... 1º ESO Group: ____

. Read the following information and answer the questions:

Floorball is an indoor team sport which originated in Sweden and is played with plastic sticks and a light plastic ball. The aim is to put the ball into the opponent´s goal.

1) Rink (playing court): Rectangle measuring 40 metres long and 20 metres wide; it is enclosed by a board 50 cm high rounded at the corners. We can play the ball against the board. It has a center line and two areas (5 m x 4 m) exclusively for the goalkeepers.The goals (1.60 m high x 1.15 m wide) are placed in each end of the rink according to the diagram below.

2) The teams: Similar to ice hockey. Each team has 5 court players and one goalie at a time (6 players). Unlimited substitutions. The goalkeeper is not permitted a stick. They can´t go out of their area but they can touch, hold, kick, throw and deflect the ball with any part of their body. They can´t hold the ball for more than three seconds; when they release the ball, it must touch the floor, the board or a team mate before passing the center line.

3) Game length: Three twenty-minute periods with two ten minute breaks and changing end. In case of a draw: a 15 minutes of extra-time; penalty throws (5 each team) or as a last resort alternative penalty throws.

4) Playing the game:

The first throw: - It´s also called STROKE IN. - It´s done at the beginning of the match between two players (one from each team) and in the middle of the court, the rest of the court players must be at least 3 m away. - The referee drops the ball on the floor, the 2 players hit the stick on the floor 3 times and play.

The stroke free: - It´s also called FREE TRHOW or FREE HIT. It´s taken where the foul took place. The opponents must be at least 3m away from the player taking the stroke free. -You can´t hit the ball directly to the goal. You can´t touch the ball again until another player has hit it.

Page 2: Floorball bilingüe

Bilingual Programme in Physical Education

Aída Giraldo /Alberto Piñera © 2

The penalty stroke: - It´s taken from a spot 7 m away from the goal. - The rest of the players must be out of the rink. The Goal: -A goal is when the ball completely crosses the goal line (below the bar). -You can´t score a goal from the stroke in (directly from the first throw of the match). - Nor can you score a goal directly from a goalkeeper throw or a stroke off (see below). Stroke off: - It´s done after scoring a goal. It´s taken in the middle of the playing court. You can play the ball in both directions.All the players must be in their respective ends. The opposing team at least 3 m away from the ball. Goal area: - Only the goalkeeper can be inside the goal area. - If an attacking player goes into the goal area a stroke free or foul is called. - If a defending player goes into the goal area a penalty stroke is called.

Violations punished with foul (free hit or stroke free):

. Raising the stick above the knee, to trap or try to play the ball.

. Hitting the ball with the head, arms or the hands; other body parts can be used.

. Playing the ball while lying on the floor.

. Pushing an opponent. Blocking the opponent´s stick. Hitting the opponent´s stick and lifting it.

. Passing the ball with the feet. It is permitted for players to use their feet to trap (stop) the ball (but not to score goals or pass to team mates). . If an attacking player goes into the goal area with any part of their body, a stroke free or foul is called.

More serious violations, punished with penalty:

. Hitting an opponent with the stick or attacking them violently. Dangerous play.

. Putting the sticks between an opponent´s legs or tripping them up.

. If a defending player goes into the goal area with any part of their body.

. Moving your own goal to avoid a goal.

. Throwing the stick during the game. Insulting the opponents or referees.


. The goalkeeper can go out of the goal area and take part in the game …................. True / False

. The goalkeeper can stop the ball with the stick ........................................................ True / False

. The goalkeeper can only keep the ball for three seconds after stopping it ………... True / False

. In floorball you can play the ball with the board ………………………................. True / False

. The stroke off can´t be hit directly to the goal .......................................................... True / False

. The free hit is also called stroke-free ........................................................................ True / False

. The first throw is also called free-hit ........................................................................ True / False

. Floorball is a competitive or an individual sport ..................................................... True / False

. If a defending player goes into their goal area a stroke free is called ..................... True / False

. A player can´t dribble the ball for more than 10 seconds ………………...……...... True / False

. In the stroke-in the two players must hit the floor 3 times ………………………... True / False

. You can score a goal from a stroke free ................................................................... True / False

. The goalkeeper can score a goal from their own goal ............................................ True / False

. You can stop and dribble the ball with both sides of the stick ……......................... True / False

. You can´t steal the ball from an opponent when they have it in their possesion ..... True / False

. You can´t touch the ball twice consecutively after a free-hit .................................. True / False

. You can only raise the stick as high as your waist ................................................... True / False

. Defending inside the goal area is punished with a penalty-stroke ........................... True / False

. There´s a stroke-free after each goal ........................................................................ True / False

. A field player can stop the ball with their stick, their feet or their chest .................. True / False