Download - 'fliree 'Rivers · the Nas~au River and e~t of Boggy Creek in Nassau Cc,mnty, Florida, advising that I .. a. mee~ing of landowners will beheld fo'r.the purpose.of electing five (5)

Page 1: 'fliree 'Rivers · the Nas~au River and e~t of Boggy Creek in Nassau Cc,mnty, Florida, advising that I .. a. mee~ing of landowners will beheld fo'r.the purpose.of electing five (5)

'fliree 'Rivers Community 'Devefoyment 'District

:M.arcfi 28, 2019

Page 2: 'fliree 'Rivers · the Nas~au River and e~t of Boggy Creek in Nassau Cc,mnty, Florida, advising that I .. a. mee~ing of landowners will beheld fo'r.the purpose.of electing five (5)

Three Rivers Community Development District

475 West Town Place, Suite 114 Phone: 904-940-5850 - Fax: 904-940-5899

March 21, 2019 Board of Supervisors Three Rivers Community Development District Dear Board Members: The Board of Supervisors Meeting of the Three Rivers Community Development District will be held Thursday, March 28, 2019 at 1:00 p.m. at the Amelia Walk Amenity Center, 85287 Majestic Walk Circle, Fernandina Beach, Florida 32034. Following is the advance agenda for this meeting: Audit Committee Meeting I. Roll Call II. Review and Selection of Audit RFP Criteria III. Other Business IV. Adjournment Regular Business Meeting I. Roll Call II. Public Comment III. Affidavits of Publication IV. Organizational Matters A. Oath of Office for Newly Elected Supervisors B. Consideration of Resolution 2019-27, Canvassing and Certifying the Results of

the Landowners Election C. Consideration of Resolution 2019-28, Electing and Designating the Officers of

the District V. Approval of Minutes: A. February 1, 2019 Organizational Meeting B. February 8, 2019 Continued Organizational Meeting VI. Public Hearing on the Imposition of Special Assessments A. Consideration of Resolution 2019-29, Imposing and Levying Special Assessments VII. Acceptance of the Audit Committee’s Recommendation and Authorizing Staff to Issue

an RFP VIII. Staff Reports A. District Counsel B. Interim Engineer

Page 3: 'fliree 'Rivers · the Nas~au River and e~t of Boggy Creek in Nassau Cc,mnty, Florida, advising that I .. a. mee~ing of landowners will beheld fo'r.the purpose.of electing five (5)


C. District Manager IX. Financial Statements as of February 28, 2019 X. Approval of Funding Request No. 2 XI. Supervisors’ Requests and Audience Comments XII. Next Scheduled Meeting – April 25, 2019 at 1:00 p.m. at the Amelia Walk Amenity

Center XIII. Adjournment Just prior to the Board of Supervisors meeting the Audit Committee will convene to select auditor evaluation criteria to be used in an RFP for audit services. Enclosed under the third order of business are the affidavits of publication. Enclosed under the fourth order of business are resolution 2019-27, canvassing and certifying the results of the landowners’ election and 2019-28, designating officers of the District. Enclosed for your review and approval are copies of the minutes from the February 1, 2019 and February 8, 2019 meetings. The sixth order of business is the public hearing on the imposition of special assessments. Enclosed for your review is a copy of Resolution 2019-29. Enclosed under the seventh order of business is a copy of the audit evaluation criteria. Enclosed are the financials and Funding Request No. 2. The balance of the agenda is routine in nature and staff will give their reports at the meeting. In the meantime, if you have any questions, please contact me. Sincerely, James Perry James Perry Manager cc: Katie Buchanan Katie Ibarra Gabriel McKee

Page 4: 'fliree 'Rivers · the Nas~au River and e~t of Boggy Creek in Nassau Cc,mnty, Florida, advising that I .. a. mee~ing of landowners will beheld fo'r.the purpose.of electing five (5)


Page 5: 'fliree 'Rivers · the Nas~au River and e~t of Boggy Creek in Nassau Cc,mnty, Florida, advising that I .. a. mee~ing of landowners will beheld fo'r.the purpose.of electing five (5)

Three Rivers Community Development District


Thursday Amelia Walk Amenity Center March 28, 2019 85287 Majestic Walk Circle 1:00 p.m. Fernandina Beach, Florida 32034 Call In # 1-888-450-5996 Code 224888

I. Roll Call II. Public Comment III. Affidavits of Publication IV. Organizational Matters A. Oath of Office for Newly Elected Supervisors B. Consideration of Resolution 2019-27, Canvassing and Certifying the Results of

the Landowners Election C. Consideration of Resolution 2019-28, Electing and Designating the Officers of

the District V. Approval of Minutes: A. February 1, 2019 Organizational Meeting B. February 8, 2019 Continued Organizational Meeting VI. Public Hearing on the Imposition of Special Assessments A. Consideration of Resolution 2019-29, Imposing and Levying Special Assessments VII. Acceptance of the Audit Committee’s Recommendation and Authorizing Staff to Issue

an RFP VIII. Staff Reports A. District Counsel B. Interim Engineer

Page 6: 'fliree 'Rivers · the Nas~au River and e~t of Boggy Creek in Nassau Cc,mnty, Florida, advising that I .. a. mee~ing of landowners will beheld fo'r.the purpose.of electing five (5)

C. District Manager IX. Financial Statements as of February 28, 2019 X. Approval of Funding Request No. 2 XI. Supervisors’ Requests and Audience Comments XII. Next Scheduled Meeting – April 25, 2019 at 1:00 p.m. at the Amelia Walk Amenity

Center XIII. Adjournment

Page 7: 'fliree 'Rivers · the Nas~au River and e~t of Boggy Creek in Nassau Cc,mnty, Florida, advising that I .. a. mee~ing of landowners will beheld fo'r.the purpose.of electing five (5)


Page 8: 'fliree 'Rivers · the Nas~au River and e~t of Boggy Creek in Nassau Cc,mnty, Florida, advising that I .. a. mee~ing of landowners will beheld fo'r.the purpose.of electing five (5)

NEWS-LEADER Published Weekly

511 Ash Street/P.O. Box 16766 (904) 261-3696 Fernandina Beach, Nassau County, Florida 32034


Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Foy R. Maloy, Jr

Who ou oath says that (s)he is the Publisher of the Fernandina Beach News-Leader, a weekly newspaper published at Fernandina Beach in Nassau County, Florida; that the attached copy the advertisement, being a DISPLAY LEGAL NOTICE in the matter of


Was published in said newspaper in the issue( s) of

02/22/2019 03/01/2019 LEGAL DISPLAY

Affiant further says that the said News-Leader is a newspaper published at Fernandina Beach, in said Nassau County, Florida and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Nassau County, Florida, each week and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office in Fernandina Beach in said Nassau County, Florida, for a period of one year preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and Affiant further says that (s)he has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount, rebate commission or refund for the purpose of securing this

' advertisement for publication in the said newspaper.

Sworn to and subscribed to before me \s This 1st day of March, A.D. 2019

Robert . Fiege, Notary Publi

~Personally Known

.~fl1.i1frtr_ ROB.ERT 0 FIEGE f•f'" Q ·~~ MY COMMISSION# GG000705

'-~~' EXPIRES June 09. 2020 ('40;) 398~153

NO~~!~:N~A~~~:i;~~1'.:~~~~T:~:E~~~~;~c;;:~~~ND THREE RIVERS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT . .

N9tice is her~by given to the public and all land~ners within Three Rivers Com­munity Developri:i.ent District (the "District"), the locatiori_Qf_ whiCh is: genitally

· described as comprising;i. parcel or parceb_ofJii.ndcontaining approximately 1,54~ a~r_es, g~nerally located south of State 200, west of Edwar<l_s Road, north of the Nas~au River and e~t of Boggy Creek in Nassau Cc,mnty, Florida, advising that

I .. a. mee~ing of landowners will beheld fo'r.the purpose.of electing five (5) persons to .

the District Board of Supervisors. Immediately following the landowners' meet­ing-there will be convened a meeting of th_e B9ard of Supervisors for .the·_ purpose of conS1dCring certain matters of ~he Board to ind Ude e.leCi:ion of certain Distikt. Officers, ·an_d Other silch business which may properly come before the Board. DATE: .c .. March28,2019 . . .


Amelia Walk Amenity Center

85287 Majestic Walk Circle Fernandina Beach, Fl~rida 3~034

Each i_an4owner may vote iii .persqn or. by. ~ritten proxy. Pro~ forms may be obtained Upon requ"est at the office of the District Manager, 475 _West Town Place,

·Suite 114~ St. Augi.istine, Florida 32092. _At s~id meeting each 1andownef or his or_ her p~oxy s_h_all be entitled tO nominate perSons for Ute·posjtion of Supervisor al)d cast one vote per acre Of land, or fractional portion thereof, owned: by him or_

·her a°-d locate_d within the_D!striC.~ for.ea_ch person to be __ elfcted to the position ()f Supervis_or. A fraction of all acre shall be treated as one al.:re, entitUng the land­own_e~ to _one yo_t_e with ~espe~t thereto: Platte_d loh_ shall be_ counted indiv_idu~lly and rounded up to the nea.rest_whole acre. 'Ihe acreage of platted lots shall not be aggregated for determining the nµrnber of voting units held by- a landoWner or a . landowner's _proxy. At_the landowners'.inee'ting the landow~ers shall select a per­soi;i t~ serve as the meeting chair and who shall·conduct the ni~eting.

The laiido_wners' nieeting and".the .Board of_S~pervisor_s .meeting are open 'to the I .· pu. b.lic. and wil. • l. be ... --~o~du. c.teO..: i·.n, ~.c~orda~c~ .with .. th .. e. p. rovi._'sio!ls -?f· a. la"./.,

One or. l;ioth of the meetings may be continlled to a date, time, to be spe_cified · 0;n __ the_ r~cord ~t __ su_ch JD~eting. A c?!>}' o{the a_gend.a _for. thfse m~et­ings ~.ay be o_bt_~ined from' 47,.5 WC~t.Town Place, Suite 114,-St ,AuS?stine, Florida· 32092.1-her_e piay-b~ aii O~l.:asioi,i ,W~er~ orie ?r pion~ S~J!~~s<!rs YiiU pa.J:Ucipa~ by speaker~ teICPhorie: ' ' ' · ·

Any person requiring special.accoiiimodationS_ t(! Participate in these meeting's is ,1

askedJo contact th.e'Distrid:.Office at (904) 94_0~5850; atlfastforty-eight'(4~) h9urs. i . befoie the hearirii;. If you arehea~ing or Speechinipaired, please contact the FlorJ~ i da Reiaf SeiViCe at 1~·1~1 or (800) 9?5-8770 for ·ai~ U;i contacting the District Office.:-~ A person who 'to appe~l i~y· d~cisi~_n ma_de by the_ BO~_~d_:with resp~~t to-;

' 'any matter_ consid~r~d ai the 3.dvis~~ tl_iiit .such per~on will ne.e_d ~ r~­.cord of the proce' and.that ~ccorditli:ty; the person mli.yneed to e11sure'thata verbatim record _of the proceedirig_s is made, including-the tfstin:lorif and evideIJ.ce' upo11: which the app~al .is to be ba_s·ed.

Jain es Perry' . DiSirJ.c!.Managi;"r j

Page 9: 'fliree 'Rivers · the Nas~au River and e~t of Boggy Creek in Nassau Cc,mnty, Florida, advising that I .. a. mee~ing of landowners will beheld fo'r.the purpose.of electing five (5)

NEWS-LEADER Published Weekly

511 Ash Street/P.O. Box 16766 (904) 261-3696 Fernandina Beach, Nassau County, Florida 32034


Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Foy R. Maloy, Jr

Who on oath says that (s)he is the Publisher of the Fernandina Beach News-Leader, a weekly newspaper published at Fernandina Beach in Nassau County, Florida; that the attached copy the advertisement, being a DISPLAY LEGAL NOTICE in the matter of


Was published in said newspaper in the issue(s) of

03/06/2019 LEGAL DISPLAY

Affiant further says that the said News-Leader is a newspaper published at Fernandina Beach, in said Nassau County, Florida and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Nassau County, Florida, each week and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office in Fernandina Beach in said Nassau County, Florida, for a period of one year preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and Affiant further says that (s)he has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpos~ of securing this advertisement for publication in the said newspaper.

Sworn to and subscribed to before me This 6th day of March, A.D. 2019

:Gh: Personally Known

,.-;i\i.1'.~ ROBERT 0 FIEGE {·C ifi ·~~ MY COMMISSION # GGOOQ705 l~ EXPIRES June 09. 2020

"1;,,,1 !407) 398.0153 FlorldilNataryServlce.oom

Notice ofMeetil.ig .. Three ruVerS,. .. ;

Conmiulli.tji l>e~e!ol'lllint Pistrict ,· ' - ' ' .-- , ,' ·-··' ,, "•

..• . . · The Audit Committee Meeting of tbe Board of Su" . p·e~Sors· of the Three 1livers_ C_Omm~~fy-Developri:ient))is_~ tdci will be held 011 Thursday, .Ma~cl1}8, ,2019 at 1:0~ p.m. at the AnieliaW"~Amellilf Center; 85~8? Maj~stic F~, Circle,J'ernandilla •Beach; Florida.3.203.4 •. The meetirig is open to the "public and will be conducted in accordance. with the proVisions of Florida Law for Community Devek opment Pistrict~. A copy of the agenda f~~'iliis Jl1eeting may be obtained from the Disttkt Manager, at 475 West Town . ·. Place, Suite 114, St. Augustin~, FI'.°32092 (and phone {904) . : 940-SSSO); •Thismeeting inay be contipueJi,to ada(e;time, and be specified on the record at the meetinp: ..

------ " ' A,nY pe~~!)~_re'qtJliirig SP~-~~;~~~Oriimod~~~~~:s a~ this meeting be~a0se of a illsability or physicaUmpairment should contact the District Office at (904) 940'.ssso ~tleast

-:_' - -_ ' ' - _-.•• - "' ', -,,_" ---_ - ·'-- -_. •,' - 'l_

two calendar day~ pfio<tO the meeting: If yoµ are heating or speech itnpair~d; please:contact the Florida Relay ser\.-ice at 1-800,955-B770, for aid in contacti.Ilg'the DlStrict Oi!ice. · ..

- '-· . "' - ., ' , '" - . - ·" ,

Each per~on who decides to appealanyaction tllk" · en·aith~se_ #i~etiilgs11~ a~Vised_th_af~er~_tjn-:Vfill·~eed·.~::record­

. of the proceedings and thatac~9rdh1giy, the l'erson n:iay ·.. · need, tO ensure th~t.a V:':!rl>atiill_recprd of the;pro.9C~~iligs_~s

.. -.. , . - - .· --- --- , • . - . - ,, . _-,.I - - - ,., made, including the testimony and evidence upon whieh such appealis to be based. · · · · · ·

Page 10: 'fliree 'Rivers · the Nas~au River and e~t of Boggy Creek in Nassau Cc,mnty, Florida, advising that I .. a. mee~ing of landowners will beheld fo'r.the purpose.of electing five (5)

6A Friday, February 22, 2019 NEWS News-Leader

The Three Rivers Community Development District Board of Supervisors (“Board”) will hold public hearings on Thursday, March 28, 2019 at 1:00 p.m. located at the Amelia Walk Amenity Center, 85287 Majestic Walk Circle, Fernandina Beach, Florida 32034 to consider the adoption of an assessment roll, the imposition of special assessments to secure proposed bonds on benefited lands within the Three Rivers Community Development District (“District”), a depiction of which lands is shown below, and to provide for the levy, collection and enforcement of the special assessments. The streets and areas to be improved are depicted below and in the District’s Engineer’s Report (the “Improvement Plan”). The public hearing is being conducted pursuant to Chapters 170, 190 and 197, Florida Statutes. A description of the property to be assessed and the amount to be assessed to each piece or parcel of property may be ascertained at the office of the District’s Records Office located at 475 West Town Place, Suite 114, St. Augustine, Florida 32092, (904) 940-5850. The District is a unit of special-purpose local government responsible for providing infrastructure im-provements for lands within the District. The infrastructure improvements (“Improvements”) are currently expected to include, but are not limited to, stormwater management system, roadway improvements, porta-ble water, sewer and reuse systems, landscaping and hardscaping improvements, parks and amenities, fire station improvements, and other improvements, all as more specifically described in the Improvement Plan, on file and available during normal business hours at the address provided above. The Improvements are divided into two categories – Master Infrastructure and Neighborhood Infrastructure. The District intends to impose assessments on benefited lands within the District in the manner set forth in the District’s Master and Neighborhood Special Assessment Methodology Report (the “Assessment Report”), which is on file and available during normal business hours at the address provided above. The Assessment Report identifies each tax parcel identification number within the District and assessments per parcel for each land use category that is currently expected to be assessed. The method of allocating assess-ments for the Improvements to be funded by the District will initially be determined on an equal assessment per acre basis. The methodology is explained in more detail in the Assessment Report. Also, as described in more detail in the Assessment Report, the District’s assessments will be levied against all assessable lands within the District. The Assessment Report contemplates separate assessment liens for the Master Infrastruc-ture and the Neighborhood Infrastructure. Please consult the Assessment Report for more details. The annual principal assessment levied against each parcel will be based on repayment over thirty (30) years of the total debt allocated to each parcel. The District expects to collect sufficient revenues to retire no more than $118,565,000 in debt to be assessed by the District to fund the Master Infrastructure and $60,950,000 in debt to be assessed by the District to fund the Neighborhood Infrastructure, exclusive of fees and costs of collection or enforcement, discounts for early payment and interest. The proposed schedule of assessments for the Neighborhood Infrastructure is as follows:

The proposed schedule of assessments for the Master Infrastructure is as follows:

The assessments may be prepaid in whole at any time, or in some instances in part, or may be paid in not more than thirty (30) annual installments subsequent to the issuance of debt to finance the improvements. These annual assessments will be collected on the Nassau County tax roll by the Tax Collector. Alternatively, the District may choose to directly collect and enforce these assessments. All affected property owners have the right to appear at the public hearings and the right to file written objections with the District within twenty (20) days of the publication of this notice. Also on March 28, 2019 at 1:00 p.m. at the Amelia Walk Amenity Center, 85287 Majestic Walk Circle, Fernandina Beach, Florida, 32034, the Board will hold a regular public meeting to consider matters related to the construction of improvements; to consider matters related to a bond issue and special assessments to finance improvements; to consider the services and facilities to be provided by the District and the financing plan for same; and to consider any other business that may lawfully be considered by the District. The Board meeting and hearings are open to the public and will be conducted in accordance with the provisions of Florida law. The Board meeting and/or the public hearings may be continued in progress to a date and time certain announced at the meeting and/or hearings. If anyone chooses to appeal any decision of the Board with respect to any matter considered at the meeting or hearings, such person will need a record of the proceedings and should accordingly ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which includes the testimony and evidence upon which such appeal is to be based. Any person requiring special accommodations at the meeting or hearings because of a disability or physical impairment should contact the District Office at (904) 940-5850 at least 48 hours prior to the meet-ing. If you are hearing or speech impaired, please contact the Florida Relay Service at 1-800-955-8770 for aid in contacting the District office.THREE RIVERS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT


WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors (the “Board”) of the Three Rivers Community Development District (the “District”) hereby determines to undertake, install, plan, establish, construct or reconstruct, enlarge or extend, equip, acquire, operate, and/or maintain the infrastructure improvements (the “Improvements”) described in the District’s Engineer’s Report, dated February 5, 2019, attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by reference; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the District to pay the cost of the Improvements by special assessments pursuant to Chapter 190, Florida Statutes, (the “Assessments”); and WHEREAS, the District is empowered by Chapter 190, the Uniform Community Development District Act, Chapter 170, Supplemental and Alternative Method of Making Local Municipal Improvements, and

Chapter 197, the Uniform Method for the Levy, Collection and Enforcement of Non-Ad Valorem Assessments, Florida Statutes, to finance, fund, plan, establish, acquire, construct or reconstruct, enlarge or extend, equip, operate, and maintain the Improvements and to impose, levy and collect the Assessments; and WHEREAS, the District hereby determines that benefits will accrue to the property improved, the amount of those benefits, and that special assessments will be made in proportion to the benefits received as set forth in the Preliminary Special Assessment Methodology Report, dated February, 7, 2019 attached hereto as Exhibit B and incorporated herein by reference and on file at 475 West Town Place, Suite 114, St. Augustine, Florida 32092 (the “District Records Office”); and WHEREAS, the District hereby determines that the Assessments to be levied will not exceed the benefit to the property improved.


1. Assessments shall be levied to defray the cost of the Improvements. 2. The nature and general location of, and plans and specifications for, the Improvements are described in Exhibit A, which is on file at the District Records Office. Exhibit B is also on file and available for public inspection at the same location. 3. The total estimated cost of the Improvements is $88,606,25 for the Master Infrastructure and $45,329,749 for the neighborhood infrastructure (the “Estimated Cost”). 4. The Assessments will defray approximately $118,565,000 to fund the Master Infrastructure and $60,950,000 to fund the Neighborhood Infrastructure, which amounts include the Estimated Costs, plus financing-related costs, capitalized interest and a debt service reserve. 5. The manner in which the Assessments shall be apportioned and paid is set forth in Exhibit B, including provisions for supplemental assessment resolutions. 6. The Assessments shall be levied, within the District, on all lots and lands adjoining and contiguous or bounding and abutting upon the Improvements or specially benefitted thereby and further designated by the assessment plat hereinafter provided for. There will be two separate assessment liens, one for the Master Infrastructure and one for the Neighborhood Infrastructure. 7. There is on file, at the District Records Office, an assessment plat showing the area to be assessed, with certain plans and specifications describing the Improvements and the estimated cost of the Improvements, all of which shall be open to inspection by the public. 8. Commencing with the year in which the Assessments are levied and confirmed, the Assessments shall be paid in not more than (30) thirty annual installments. The Assessments may be payable at the same time and in the same manner as are ad-valorem taxes and collected pursuant to Chapter 197, Florida Statutes; provided, however, that in the event the uniform non ad-valorem assessment method of collecting the Assessments is not available to the District in any year, or if determined by the District to be in its best interest, the Assessments may be collected as is otherwise permitted by law. 9. The District Manager has caused to be made a preliminary assessment roll, in accordance with the method of assessment described in Exhibit B hereto, which shows the lots and lands assessed, the amount of benefit to and the assessment against each lot or parcel of land and the number of annual installments into which the assessment may be divided, which assessment roll is hereby adopted and approved as the District’s preliminary assessment roll. 10. The Board shall adopt a subsequent resolution to fix a time and place at which the owners of property to be assessed or any other persons interested therein may appear before the Board and be heard as to the propriety and advisability of the assessments or the making of the Improvements, the cost thereof, the manner of payment therefore, or the amount thereof to be assessed against each property as improved. 11. The District Manager is hereby directed to cause this Resolution to be published twice (once a week for two (2) consecutive weeks) in a newspaper of general circulation within Nassau County and to provide such other notice as may be required by law or desired in the best interests of the District. 12. This Resolution shall become effective upon its passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 8th day of February, 2019.





The spotlight was on the Road and Bridge Department at Wednesday morning’s Nassau County Board of County Commissioners meeting. Cameron Hansen, who recently replaced Becky Bray as director of the department, gave a routine update to the board.

Hansen’s department also presented alterna-tive approaches for prioritizing pavement repairs on county-maintained roads at a special workshop session following the regular board meeting.

Hansen reported 62 of 70 positions in his depart-ment are filled, noting that 22 of those positions are allocated to respond to work orders at any given time, with the rest assigned to other tasks. In January alone, his four-person trash crew picked up 2.1 tons of debris, mostly paper, from county roadsides. Likewise, a crew of three is responsible for creating and maintaining 80,000 road signs. His department also has responsibility for grading and maintaining 100 miles of dirt roads in the county. He announced that a new approach called “one-way mowing” has significantly reduced time spent on trimming roadsides.

At the workshop following the regular board meeting, Robert Companion, a transportation engineer with the Road and Bridge Department, gave a presentation on alternative strategies for prioritizing road repairs. His presentation pertained only to those roads already paved and requiring no

engineering expertise to repair. The proposal does not pertain to the repair of main thoroughfares or special projects that qualify for state or federal fund-ing assistance.

Companion recommended a low-tech solution of having staff systematically perform an “eyeball assessment” of all such roads in the county over the next three months. Those would be done according to criteria established by the Florida Department of Transportation’s 2017 Flexible Pavement Condition

Survey Manual. Basically, the criteria rank condi-tions by traffic, ride-ability, cracking percentages, previous patching, rutting, and in-service life (how long it has been since road was last repaired). The ranking system would provide scores from 0 to 50 with the highest scores going to the worst roads, which would receive priority.

Several commissioners expressed concern that including traffic in the criteria could work against some less-traveled roads. Companion responded that, even without the traffic component, a score of 40 could be achieved on other factors alone.

Part of the proposal is to create a database from the initial assessment of road conditions that would be updated every three years. Some commissioners questioned if a three-year update would be often enough. A case in point is the rapid deterioration of secondary roads now being used to avoid construc-tion on State Road 200.

After joking about which county commissioner could claim the title of chief of “pothole police,” the group concluded that the plan is a step in the right direction as applied to secondary roads but that much more is needed to address the larger issue of major road repair and expansion in the county.

Commissioner Pat Edwards said that a lot of the problem is lack of funding in past years, “and now we’re trying to play catch up.”

Commissioner Aaron Bell noted the board is expecting a “mobility plan” report in the near future to address related issues.

Bell said prioritizing road repairs by need makes

sense.“We are at least trying to make intelligent deci-

sions based on very scare resources,” Bell said. “We put them on the worst roads to benefit the most people when we can. From that standpoint, it makes sense, but I would urge my fellow commis-sioners, as we look at an expansion of roads, we only have so many ways to fund it.”

The department will be putting up signs on road-ways that have long been in the pipeline advising the community of the status of those projects and expected timeline for repairs.

No citizens attended or participated in the work-shop.

In other business, the BOCC approved rec-ommendations to table for a year the proposal to change language in House Bill 1075 that created the East Nassau Stewardship District. The decision was made in view of recent developments in the Raydient Places + Properties lawsuit against the county’s Municipal Services Tax Unit ordinance.

After considerable discussion about a proposed resolution to increase fees for classification of waste materials accepted at the Nassau County Convenience Recycling Center, the board contin-ued the matter until March 20 due to incorrect data about the fee schedule being in the commissioners’ agenda packets.

A workshop session to discuss regulations related to the use of county boat ramps was also moved to March 20.

[email protected]

County’s road repair methodology is reviewed


Cameron Hansen, the county’s new Road and Bridge Department director, left, spoke during a meeting recess with Commissioner Aaron Bell about his department’s update to the board on Wednesday.

NL Friday 02.22.indd 6 2/21/19 4:10 PM

Page 11: 'fliree 'Rivers · the Nas~au River and e~t of Boggy Creek in Nassau Cc,mnty, Florida, advising that I .. a. mee~ing of landowners will beheld fo'r.the purpose.of electing five (5)

8A FRIDAY, MARCH 1, 2019 NEWS News-Leader

The Three Rivers Community Development District Board of Supervisors (“Board”) will hold public hearings on Thursday, March 28, 2019 at 1:00 p.m. located at the Amelia Walk Amenity Center, 85287 Majestic Walk Circle, Fernandina Beach, Florida 32034 to consider the adoption of an assessment roll, the imposition of special assessments to secure proposed bonds on benefited lands within the Three Rivers Community Development District (“District”), a depiction of which lands is shown below, and to provide for the levy, collection and enforcement of the special assessments. The streets and areas to be improved are depicted below and in the District’s Engineer’s Report (the “Improvement Plan”). The public hearing is being conducted pursuant to Chapters 170, 190 and 197, Florida Statutes. A description of the property to be assessed and the amount to be assessed to each piece or parcel of property may be ascertained at the office of the District’s Records Office located at 475 West Town Place, Suite 114, St. Augustine, Florida 32092, (904) 940-5850. The District is a unit of special-purpose local government responsible for providing infrastructure im-provements for lands within the District. The infrastructure improvements (“Improvements”) are currently expected to include, but are not limited to, stormwater management system, roadway improvements, porta-ble water, sewer and reuse systems, landscaping and hardscaping improvements, parks and amenities, fire station improvements, and other improvements, all as more specifically described in the Improvement Plan, on file and available during normal business hours at the address provided above. The Improvements are divided into two categories – Master Infrastructure and Neighborhood Infrastructure. The District intends to impose assessments on benefited lands within the District in the manner set forth in the District’s Master and Neighborhood Special Assessment Methodology Report (the “Assessment Report”), which is on file and available during normal business hours at the address provided above. The Assessment Report identifies each tax parcel identification number within the District and assessments per parcel for each land use category that is currently expected to be assessed. The method of allocating assess-ments for the Improvements to be funded by the District will initially be determined on an equal assessment per acre basis. The methodology is explained in more detail in the Assessment Report. Also, as described in more detail in the Assessment Report, the District’s assessments will be levied against all assessable lands within the District. The Assessment Report contemplates separate assessment liens for the Master Infrastruc-ture and the Neighborhood Infrastructure. Please consult the Assessment Report for more details. The annual principal assessment levied against each parcel will be based on repayment over thirty (30) years of the total debt allocated to each parcel. The District expects to collect sufficient revenues to retire no more than $118,565,000 in debt to be assessed by the District to fund the Master Infrastructure and $60,950,000 in debt to be assessed by the District to fund the Neighborhood Infrastructure, exclusive of fees and costs of collection or enforcement, discounts for early payment and interest. The proposed schedule of assessments for the Neighborhood Infrastructure is as follows:

The proposed schedule of assessments for the Master Infrastructure is as follows:

The assessments may be prepaid in whole at any time, or in some instances in part, or may be paid in not more than thirty (30) annual installments subsequent to the issuance of debt to finance the improvements. These annual assessments will be collected on the Nassau County tax roll by the Tax Collector. Alternatively, the District may choose to directly collect and enforce these assessments. All affected property owners have the right to appear at the public hearings and the right to file written objections with the District within twenty (20) days of the publication of this notice. Also on March 28, 2019 at 1:00 p.m. at the Amelia Walk Amenity Center, 85287 Majestic Walk Circle, Fernandina Beach, Florida, 32034, the Board will hold a regular public meeting to consider matters related to the construction of improvements; to consider matters related to a bond issue and special assessments to finance improvements; to consider the services and facilities to be provided by the District and the financing plan for same; and to consider any other business that may lawfully be considered by the District. The Board meeting and hearings are open to the public and will be conducted in accordance with the provisions of Florida law. The Board meeting and/or the public hearings may be continued in progress to a date and time certain announced at the meeting and/or hearings. If anyone chooses to appeal any decision of the Board with respect to any matter considered at the meeting or hearings, such person will need a record of the proceedings and should accordingly ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which includes the testimony and evidence upon which such appeal is to be based. Any person requiring special accommodations at the meeting or hearings because of a disability or physical impairment should contact the District Office at (904) 940-5850 at least 48 hours prior to the meet-ing. If you are hearing or speech impaired, please contact the Florida Relay Service at 1-800-955-8770 for aid in contacting the District office.THREE RIVERS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT


WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors (the “Board”) of the Three Rivers Community Development District (the “District”) hereby determines to undertake, install, plan, establish, construct or reconstruct, enlarge or extend, equip, acquire, operate, and/or maintain the infrastructure improvements (the “Improvements”) described in the District’s Engineer’s Report, dated February 5, 2019, attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by reference; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the District to pay the cost of the Improvements by special assessments pursuant to Chapter 190, Florida Statutes, (the “Assessments”); and WHEREAS, the District is empowered by Chapter 190, the Uniform Community Development District Act, Chapter 170, Supplemental and Alternative Method of Making Local Municipal Improvements, and

Chapter 197, the Uniform Method for the Levy, Collection and Enforcement of Non-Ad Valorem Assessments, Florida Statutes, to finance, fund, plan, establish, acquire, construct or reconstruct, enlarge or extend, equip, operate, and maintain the Improvements and to impose, levy and collect the Assessments; and WHEREAS, the District hereby determines that benefits will accrue to the property improved, the amount of those benefits, and that special assessments will be made in proportion to the benefits received as set forth in the Preliminary Special Assessment Methodology Report, dated February, 7, 2019 attached hereto as Exhibit B and incorporated herein by reference and on file at 475 West Town Place, Suite 114, St. Augustine, Florida 32092 (the “District Records Office”); and WHEREAS, the District hereby determines that the Assessments to be levied will not exceed the benefit to the property improved.


1. Assessments shall be levied to defray the cost of the Improvements. 2. The nature and general location of, and plans and specifications for, the Improvements are described in Exhibit A, which is on file at the District Records Office. Exhibit B is also on file and available for public inspection at the same location. 3. The total estimated cost of the Improvements is $88,606,25 for the Master Infrastructure and $45,329,749 for the neighborhood infrastructure (the “Estimated Cost”). 4. The Assessments will defray approximately $118,565,000 to fund the Master Infrastructure and $60,950,000 to fund the Neighborhood Infrastructure, which amounts include the Estimated Costs, plus financing-related costs, capitalized interest and a debt service reserve. 5. The manner in which the Assessments shall be apportioned and paid is set forth in Exhibit B, including provisions for supplemental assessment resolutions. 6. The Assessments shall be levied, within the District, on all lots and lands adjoining and contiguous or bounding and abutting upon the Improvements or specially benefitted thereby and further designated by the assessment plat hereinafter provided for. There will be two separate assessment liens, one for the Master Infrastructure and one for the Neighborhood Infrastructure. 7. There is on file, at the District Records Office, an assessment plat showing the area to be assessed, with certain plans and specifications describing the Improvements and the estimated cost of the Improvements, all of which shall be open to inspection by the public. 8. Commencing with the year in which the Assessments are levied and confirmed, the Assessments shall be paid in not more than (30) thirty annual installments. The Assessments may be payable at the same time and in the same manner as are ad-valorem taxes and collected pursuant to Chapter 197, Florida Statutes; provided, however, that in the event the uniform non ad-valorem assessment method of collecting the Assessments is not available to the District in any year, or if determined by the District to be in its best interest, the Assessments may be collected as is otherwise permitted by law. 9. The District Manager has caused to be made a preliminary assessment roll, in accordance with the method of assessment described in Exhibit B hereto, which shows the lots and lands assessed, the amount of benefit to and the assessment against each lot or parcel of land and the number of annual installments into which the assessment may be divided, which assessment roll is hereby adopted and approved as the District’s preliminary assessment roll. 10. The Board shall adopt a subsequent resolution to fix a time and place at which the owners of property to be assessed or any other persons interested therein may appear before the Board and be heard as to the propriety and advisability of the assessments or the making of the Improvements, the cost thereof, the manner of payment therefore, or the amount thereof to be assessed against each property as improved. 11. The District Manager is hereby directed to cause this Resolution to be published twice (once a week for two (2) consecutive weeks) in a newspaper of general circulation within Nassau County and to provide such other notice as may be required by law or desired in the best interests of the District. 12. This Resolution shall become effective upon its passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 8th day of February, 2019.




The most remarkable thing about the young woman I listened to the other day is that she doesn’t think she’s

anyone special. Her opening line got my attention: “I don’t know why you invited me to speak to you today. I am nothing special, and I have done noth-ing out of the ordinary.”

She went on to explain that her service in the Middle East as an Army nurse was not anything out of the ordi-nary, and she doesn’t think her human-itarian efforts in several of the world’s scariest spots is anything remarkable.

Her premise is that she did what millions of other people do every day. She got up, got herself to work on time, and did whatever she could to get the job done. Just like the rest of us. Except she was bringing people back from the brink of death, treating their severe, life-changing wounds, and help-ing scoop them up and out of war zones to safely return to their loved ones.

Back in America, she worked a full day, and then went home to take care of her family, just like every other working woman in the world. Except her family included a husband with grand mal seizures caused by an IED blast in Afghanistan. Her approach is to shrug, adjust, and keep on. She’s

nobody special, she said. Millions of other women take care of family mem-bers with disabilities.

I looked around the room as this “unremarkable” woman spoke. Her audience was totally involved. No one was doodling or texting or checking emails. There was no irritat-ing low murmur of private conversa-

tions while she spoke.I didn’t know the speaker, but I

did know the women who were hang-ing on to her every word. I have often remarked upon the amount of talent and success represented by the women in the audience that day. Some of these plain, garden variety, every-day women have done remarkable things themselves, but like our speaker that day, they don’t think they have done anything noteworthy.

Many of us had successful careers, but none of us thought we were spe-cial. We, too, got up every morning, got ourselves to work on time, and put in a hard day getting the job done. I think

you’re special because there’s no way I could sell $1million worth of real estate in a year. I can’t throw a stethoscope around my neck to help people feel better. I certainly cannot don a clerical collar and minister to the sick, baptize a baby, or wed a happy couple.

And let’s not leave retail clerks and wait staff out of this equation. They have special talents that I do not pos-sess, especially patience with my fel-low man. Besides, I am more likely to wear the coffee you have ordered than I am to safely deliver it to your table. My hairdresser performs magic every time I sit in her chair, and my mani-curist rescues my hands on a regular basis.

While some of us excelled in the workplace, others worked at home. “Housewife” has a bad rap. I have been in awe of many housewives I have met over the years. Unlike them, I never developed the knack of hosting dinner for the boss and the board. The logis-tics involved in deciding, buying, and preparing the menu are in themselves staggering. The same goes for back-yard barbeques, small family reunions, and children’s birthday parties. How many years did your grandmother host Christmas dinner for 20 or so people?

Some women are expert seam-

stresses who make their living room curtains and all of the bedspreads, thereby saving the family treasury from a major hit. Other housewives excel at making a loving refuge for husband and children when they come home. Thirty or 40 years of home-cooked meals, clean laundry, and fresh sheets is a remarkable achievement in my book, not to mention taxi service for untold numbers of children who play sports, take lessons, or belong to after-school clubs.

Harking back to our speaker, some of the people we know do all of this, as well as care for aging parents and/or children with disabilities or debilitating

illnesses. That makes them even more special in my book. I have never heard anyone claim special status because s/he meets these challenges, and even more demands I haven’t thought to include.

I came away from this woman’s speech with a new appreciation of what I do every day, as well as the every day accomplishments of the people around me. We can’t all be concert pianists or opera singers, but we can and do contribute our unique talents to yet another day in Paradise. Thank you for your contributions to my day, and I hope my efforts have made your day a little bit better.

The everyday accomplishments of ‘nobody special’


Cara Curtin

NL Friday 03.01.indd 8 2/28/19 3:44 PM

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WHEREAS, the Three Rivers Community Development District ("District") is a local unit of special-purpose government created and existing pursuant to Chapter 190, Florida Statutes, being situated entirely within Nassau County, Florida; and

WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 190.006(2), Florida Statutes, a landowners meeting is required to be held within 90 days of the District's creation and every two years following the creation of the District forthe purpose of electing supervisors of the District; and

WHEREAS, such landowners meeting was held on March 28, 2019, and at which the below recited persons were duly elected by virtue of the votes cast in his/her favor; and

WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of the District, by means of this Resolution, desire to canvas the votes and declare and certify the results of said election.


1. ELECTION RESULTS. The following persons are found, certified, and declared to have been duly elected as Supervisors of and for the District, having been elected by the votes cast in their favor as shown:

Votes Votes Votes Votes Votes

2. TERMS. In accordance with Section 190.006(2), Florida Statutes, and by virtue of the number of votes cast for the Supervisors, the above-named persons are declared to have been elected for the following terms of office:

four(4)YearTerm four ( 4) Year Term two (2) Year Term two (2) Year Term two (2) Year Term

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3. EFFECTIVE DATE. This resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption.



Secretary/Assistant Secretary Chairman/Vice Chair


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WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of the Three Rivers Community Development

District at a regular business meeting held on March 28, 2019 desires to elect the below recited

persons to the offices specified.


1. The following persons were elected to the offices shown, to wit:

James Perry

James Perry

Ariel Lovera

James Oliver

James Oliver

Ernesto Torres

Daniel Laughlin





Assistant Treasurer

Assistant Treasurer

Assistant Secretary

Assistant Secretary

Assistant Secretary

Assistant Secretary

Assistant Secretary

Assistant Secretary


Chairman I Vice Chairman

Secretary I Assistant Secretary

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COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT The Organizational Meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Three Rivers Community

Development District was held on Friday, February 1, 2019 at 10:00 a.m. at the Amelia Walk

Amenity Center 85287 Majestic Walk Circle Fernandina Beach, Florida 32034.

Present and constituting a quorum were: Bill Lanius Chairman Doug Maier Vice Chairman John Moore Assistant Secretary Also, present were: Daniel Laughlin GMS, LLC Jim Oliver GMS, LLC (via Phone) Wes Haber District Counsel (via Phone)


Mr. Laughlin called the meeting to order.


Mr. Laughlin: There are no members of the public present.

THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS Organizational Matters

A. Oath of Office

Mr. Laughlin: Do you solemnly swear or affirm that you will support, protect, and defend

the Constitution and government of the United States and of the State of Florida, that you are

duly qualified to hold office under the Constitution of the state, and that you will well and

faithfully perform the duties of Three Rivers CDD Supervisor on which you are now about to

enter, so help me God.

Mr. Lanius: I affirm.

Mr. Maier: I affirm.

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February 1, 2019 Three Rivers CDD


Mr. Moore: I affirm.

B. Review of Chapter 190, Florida Statutes

Mr. Laughlin: You all have served on boards before and are aware of the Florida Statues.

Mr. Lanius: Yes.

C. Review of Guide to Sunshine Amendment and Code of Ethics for Public


Mr. Laughlin: Wes, do you have any comments.

Mr. Haber: I don’t have anything to add. The purpose of the meeting was to open and

continue. Once everyone is present it will all be done at one time.

Mr. Lanius: I don’t believe we have any questions, we are all experienced CDD board


D. Resolution 2019-01, Election of Officers

Mr. Laughlin: For document signing purposes we have James Perry from GMS as

Secretary and Treasurer. Assistant Treasure is Ariel Lovera. Assistant Secretary and Assistant

Treasurer is James Oliver and Ernesto Torres and myself are Assistant Secretaries.

Mr. Maier: I’d like to nominate Bill Lanius as the Chairman.

On MOTION by Mr. Maier, seconded by Mr. Moore, with all in favor, the Appointment of Bill Lanius as Chairman, was approved.

Mr. Lanius: I’d like to nominate Doug Maier as the Vice Chairman.

On MOTION by Mr. Lanius, seconded by Mr. Moore, with all in favor, the Appointment of Doug Maier as Vice Chairman, was approved.

Mr. Maier: I’d like to make John Moore Assistant Secretary.

On MOTION by Mr. Maier, seconded by Mr. Lanius, with all in favor, the Appointment of John Moore as Assistant Secretary, was approved.

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February 1, 2019 Three Rivers CDD


Mr. Haber: Even though they are not there, the board can appoint the other two board

members as Assistant Secretaries.

Mr. Maier: Yes, let’s go ahead and do that even though they are not here. I’ll make a

motion to appoint Mike Taylor and Grady Miars as Assistant Secretaries

On MOTION by Mr. Maier, seconded by Mr. Lanius, with all in favor, the Appointment of Mike Taylor and Grady Miars as Assistant Secretaries, was approved.

Mr. Laughlin: I want to clarify again from my office we have James Perry as Secretary

and Treasurer. Ariel Lovera as Assistant Treasurer. James Oliver as Assistant Secretary and

Assistant Treasurer and Ernesto Torres and myself are Assistant Secretaries.

On MOTION by Mr. Maier, seconded by Mr. Moore, with all in favor, Resolution 2019-01 as specified, was approved.

Mr. Laughlin: The rest of the items on the agenda will be covered at the continued



Items 4-12 are deferred until continued meeting on Friday, February 8th at 1:00 p.m. at

the Amelia Walk Amenity Center.

FOURTEENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Continuation of the Meeting

The meeting was adjourned at 10:15 a.m.

On MOTION by Mr. Lanius, seconded by and Mr. Maier, with all in favor, the meeting was continued to February 8th at 1:00 p.m.

________________________________ ________________________________ Secretary / Assistant Secretary Chairman / Vice Chairman

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COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT The Continued Meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Three Rivers Community

Development District was held on Friday, February 8, 2019 at 1:00 p.m. at the Amelia Walk

Amenity Center 85287 Majestic Walk Circle Fernandina Beach, Florida 32034.

Present and constituting a quorum were: William ‘Bill’ Lanius Chairman Doug Maier Vice Chairman John Moore Supervisor Mike Taylor Supervisor Grady Miars via phone Supervisor Also, present were: Jim Perry District Manager Wes Haber District Counsel (via phone) Sete Zare MBS Capital Markets Bill Schaeffer Dominion Engineering


Mr. Perry called the meeting to order.


Mr. Perry: There are no members of the public present.

THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS Organizational Matters

A. Oath of Office

Mr. Perry: We have one oath, to swear in Mr. Taylor. Do you solemnly swear or affirm

that you will support, protect, and defend the Constitution and government of the United States

and of the State of Florida, that you are duly qualified to hold office under the Constitution of the

state, and that you will well and faithfully perform the duties of Three Rivers CDD Supervisor

on which you are now about to enter, so help me God?

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February 8, 2019 Three Rivers CDD


Mr. Taylor: I affirm.

B. Review of Chapter 190, Florida Statutes

Mr. Perry: You have served on boards before and are familiar with the Florida Statutes.

FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Administrative


A. Appoint District Manager, Resolution 2019-02

1. District Management Agreement

Mr. Perry: If there are any questions in regards to Resolution 2019-02 I can answer those

at this time.

On MOTION by Mr. Maier, seconded by Mr. Lanius, with all in favor, Resolution 2019-02 District Manager Agreement with GMS, was approved.

B. Appoint District Counsel, Resolution 2019-03

2. District Counsel Agreement

Mr. Perry: If there are any questions in regards to Resolution 2019-03 I can answer those

at this time. This resolution appoints District Counsel.

Mr. Lanius: Is District Counsel Wes?

Mr. Perry: Yes.

Mr. Lanius: Thank you, I was confusing that with bond counsel.

Mr. Perry: That is Hopping Green and Sams.

On MOTION by Mr. Lanius, seconded by Mr. Taylor, with all in favor, Resolution 2019-03 Hiring HGS as District Counsel, was approved.

C. Designate Registered Agent and Registered Office, Resolution 2019-04

Mr. Perry: If there are any questions in regards to Resolution 2019-04 I can answer those

at this time. HGS will be the registered office for the district.

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February 8, 2019 Three Rivers CDD


On MOTION by Mr. Lanius, seconded by Mr. Taylor, with all in favor, Resolution 2019-04 Designating HGS as the Registered Agent and Registered Office, was approved.

D. Designate Primary and Local District Records Office, Resolution 2019-05

Mr. Perry: If there are any questions in regards to Resolution 2019-05 I can answer those

at this time. It does have to be within the county, and right now we have that as Dan McCranie’s

office as the repository for records of proceedings.

On MOTION by Mr. Taylor, seconded by Mr. Lanius, with all in favor, Resolution 2019-04 Designating HGS as the Registered Agent and Registered Office, was approved.

E. Designate Public Comment Period, Resolution 2019-06

Mr. Perry: If there are any questions in regards to Resolution 2019-06 I can answer those

at this time. This resolution is in regards to the public comment period and the parameters of


Mr. Haber: In reality, it will be a while before you have to deal with this resolution. In the

future, it is likely you will have meetings where many residents show up. In order to give those

meetings order, you place limitations on how long each resident can speak and those types of

things. This resolution sets forth that procedure and policy.

On MOTION by Mr. Maier, seconded by Mr. Taylor, with all in favor, Resolution 2019-06 Designating the Public Comment Period, was approved.

FIFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Organization


A. Consideration of Travel Reimbursement Policy, Resolution 2019-07

Mr. Perry: If there are any questions in regards to Resolution 2019-07 I can answer those

at this time. This provides for reimbursement for district travel if any of you travel. It’s a

standard form.

On MOTION by Mr. Maier, seconded by Mr. Taylor, with all in favor, Resolution 2019-07 Travel Reimbursement Policy, was approved.

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February 8, 2019 Three Rivers CDD


B. Consideration of Prompt Payment Policy, Resolution 2019-08

Mr. Perry: If there are any questions in regards to Resolution 2019-08 I can answer those

at this time. This provides for payment in accordance with the state statute guidelines.

On MOTION by Mr. Maier, seconded by Mr. Moore, with all in favor, Resolution 2019-08 Prompt Payment Policy, was approved.

C. Consideration of Resolution 2019-09, Setting Forth District Policy for Legal

Defense of Board Members and Officers

Mr. Perry: If there are any questions in regards to Resolution 2019-09 I can answer those

at this time. This is an important resolution, you will want to make sure you approve this. The

district insurance that covers the board members, but this spells out defense if there are issues

related to your position as a board member. It does not cover you if you are acting outside of

your position of a board member.

Mr. Haber: As long as you are acting within your scope of authority on behalf of the

district. My office is not typically the office that would defend you, but in the unlikely

circumstance that this type of case is ever brought a separate counsel would represent you.

On MOTION by Mr. Lanius, seconded by Mr. Moore, with all in favor, Resolution 2019-09 Setting Forth District Policy for Legal Defense of Board Members and Officers, was approved.

D. Ratification of the Filing of Notice of Establishment, Resolution 2019-10

Mr. Perry: If there are any questions in regards to Resolution 2019-10 I can answer those

at this time.

Mr. Haber: My office prepares, signs, and records the Notice of Establishment. It has to

be done within 30 days of the establishment of the district.

On MOTION by Mr. Maier, seconded by Mr. Lanius, with all in favor, Resolution 2019-10 Filing of Notice of Establishment, was ratified.

E. Adopt Records Retention Schedule, Resolution 2019-11

Mr. Perry: If there are any questions in regards to Resolution 2019-11 I can answer those

at this time. This lays out the parameters for records retention. From experience, I can tell you

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February 8, 2019 Three Rivers CDD


we basically don’t destroy any records at all especially during the first 5 to 10 years of the


On MOTION by Mr. Taylor, seconded by Mr. Moore, with all in favor, Resolution 2019-11 Adopting Records Retention Schedule, was approved.

F. Consideration of Agreement for Retention of Interim Engineer

1. Interim Engineer Proposal

Mr. Perry: Under that tab, you have the Interim Engineer Proposal along with the

Improvement Plan and Engineer’s Report.

Mr. Schaeffer: Thank you for the opportunity to submit the Proposal to be the Interim

Engineer. Hopefully I will be available for the board for any questions they have until they

complete their RFQ for district engineer and hire a permanent engineer.

2. Proposals for Improvement Plan and Engineer’s Report

On MOTION by Mr. Lanius, seconded by Mr. Maier, with all in favor, Dominion Engineering as the Interim Engineer, and the Improvement Plan and Engineer’s Report, was approved.

G. Authorize RFQ for District Engineer

Mr. Perry: This is spelled out in the state statutes. It has the weighting of the selection

criteria on the back of that page. All of these are required by statute.

Mr. Haber: Yes, all the requirements are set for in statute. This is a little different than

what you see with an RFP for construction. When you do an RFP for construction you get

qualifications and prices. Florida Law specifically provides that when you are bidding

professional services, or an RFQ, you are getting only qualifications not prices. You then review

the qualifications and rank them based on this criteria and then you reach out to the highest

ranked proposer and try and negotiate contract. If you are unable to negotiate a contract, you then

go to the second then third. You will not be getting proposals with prices, you will be getting

proposals with qualifications and ranking them.

On MOTION by Mr. Maier, seconded by Mr. Taylor, with all in favor, the RFQ Process and Advertising, was approved.

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H. Authorize Chairman and Vice Chairman to Execute Plats, Permits, and

Conveyances, Resolution 2019-12

Mr. Perry: This gives you the authority to do certain functions in between meetings.

On MOTION by Mr. Taylor, seconded by Mr. Moore, with all in favor, Resolution 2019-12 Authorizing Chairman and Vice Chairman to Execute Plats, Permits, and Conveyances, was approved.

I. Consideration of Resolution 2019-13, Authorizing Change Orders

Mr. Perry: This allows the Chairman or Vice Chairman to make changes in the interim, in

regards to change orders to contracts.

On MOTION by Mr. Maier, seconded by Mr. Lanius, with all in favor, Resolution 2019-13 Authorizing Change Orders, was approved.

SIXTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Designation of Meeting and Hearing

Dates Resolution

A. Consideration of the Establishment of Audit Committee

Mr. Perry: You have to designate an audit committee, and we typically ask that the board

appoints itself. You will have an audit committee meeting typically before your regular meeting.

On MOTION by Mr. Maier, seconded by Mr. Moore, with all in favor, the Board of Supervisors as the Audit Committee, was approved.

B. Consideration of Resolution 2019-14, Designating a Date, Time, and Location

for a Landowners’ Meeting

Mr. Perry: We typically want to do that prior to your next scheduled meeting. The

supervisors you have right now, in essence, are temporary. You have to have a landowners’

meeting, and they vote 1 vote per acre. The landowners will cast votes for five supervisors, and

the two with the highest votes get a four year term and the three other get a two year term.

Mr. Taylor: What is your recommendation for the next meeting?

Mr. Perry: Wes do you have any preference?

Mr. Haber: How does the week of March 25th look for everyone?

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Mr. Perry: How about March 28th? I have a meeting I do by phone at 11:00 a.m. But we

could do it at 1:00 p.m. again at this location. If we have a conflict we will contact everyone.

On MOTION by Mr. Maier, seconded by Mr. Taylor, with all in favor, Resolution 2019-14 Setting the Landowners’ Meeting for March 28th at 1:00 p.m., was approved.

C. Designate Regular Meeting Dates, Time, and Location, Resolution 2019-15

Mr. Perry: Since we scheduled March’s meeting on the last Thursday of the month. We

could make your regular meetings the last Thursday of the month at 1:00 p.m. We can change

that going forward depending on actions meeting.

Mr. Lanius: Will they be quarterly?

Mr. Perry: We will set them up monthly. It’s easier to cancel than to schedule the


On MOTION by Mr. Taylor, seconded by Mr. Moore, with all in favor, Resolution 2019-15 Setting the Last Thursday of the Month at 1:00 p.m. as the Monthly Meeting Date, was approved.

D. Consideration of Resolution 2019-16, Approving the Proposed Budget for FY

2019 for Submission to the County and Set Date, Time, Place for Public


1. Consideration of Funding Agreement for FY 2019

Mr. Perry: You have a pro forma budget in front of you. This is a developer

contribution’s budget, and this is the anticipated expenditures for the year. This is a pay as you

go budget, and we might incur some additional expenses or some of these might be too high.

This is a standard budget. The legal advertising number could go up depending on how many

notices we need to run. We are going to set the public hearing for the budget for April 25th.

Mr. Lanius: Will that be this budget?

Mr. Perry: Yes, it will.

Mr. Haber: You will have the opportunity to refine it between now and then.

Mr. Perry: Right now you are just approving it, at that public hearing you will be

adopting the budget.

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Mr. Haber: One thing I will also note, the law requires us to provide a copy of the budget

to the county 60 days in advance of adopting it. We are in touch with the county and working

through stuff, just so you know they will be seeing it. I’ve never received a comment from a

county before.

On MOTION by Mr. Lanius, seconded by Mr. Taylor, with all in favor, Resolution 2019-16 the Proposed Budget for FY 2018 and Submission to the County and the Public Hearing Date of April 25th, was approved.

E. Set Date, Time, and Place and Authorize Publication of Notice of Public

Hearing on Rules of Procedure, Resolution 2019-17

1. Discussion Regarding Draft Rules and Notices

Mr. Perry: The rules are attached to resolution 2019-17, and these cover a number of

things the most extensive being the competitive purchase process. It goes through general rules

about the board of supervisors, public records, and the hearing and workshops. We typically set

the public hearing for the same meeting as the budget, which is April 25th. Between now and

then, if there is anything that you have questions on just ask us. You would be adopting those at

that meeting, you are just approving them at this time.

On MOTION by Mr. Maier, seconded by Mr. Moore, with all in favor, Resolution 2019-17 Setting April 25th at 1:00 p.m. as the Public Hearing on Rules of Procedure and Authorizing Publication of Notice, was approved.

F. Set Date, Time, and Location and Authorize Publication of Notice of Public

Hearing on Uniform Method of Collecting, Resolution 2019-18

Mr. Perry: This is for the collection of assessments going forward. You will eventually

move to the uniform method, but this is just an adoption of that. The bonds will require you to

utilize the uniform method, but prior to the issuance of bonds or doing we might be direct billing

some landowners in order to save some costs with the county. There is a 3.5% load here on any

assessments. We would set the public hearing for the April 25th meeting at 1:00 p.m.

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On MOTION by Mr. Maier, seconded by Mr. Taylor, with all in favor, Resolution 2019-18 Setting April 25th at 1:00 p.m. as the Public Hearing on Uniform Method of Collecting and Authorizing Publication of Notice, was approved.

SEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Resolution Relating to Banking

A. Select District Depository, Resolution 2019-19

Mr. Perry: I’m not sure if you have a specific preference, but we typically use Wells

Fargo. They are very knowledgeable with CDD’s. They do probably 90% of them in the state.

This is different from the trustee, this is just operating funds.

Mr. Lanius: Who has access to those funds, do you?

Mr. Perry: Yes, under the next item we will talk about authorizing bank signatories. What

we typically do is, there will be two to three people from GMS that will be on that signatory.

Then we also typically have the Chairman and Vice Chairman on as well.

Mr. Lanius: Wells Fargo is fine with me.

On MOTION by Mr. Lanius, seconded by Mr. Taylor, with all in favor, Resolution 2019-19 Selecting Wells Fargo as the District Depository, was approved.

B. Authorize Bank Account Signatories, Resolution 2019-20

Mr. Perry: In this resolution we did include the assistant secretaries as potential

signatories. Let’s leave it that way.

On MOTION by Mr. Maier, seconded by Mr. Taylor, with all in favor, Resolution 2019-20 Selecting Bank Account Signatories, was approved.

C. Approve Disbursement for Expenses, Resolution 2019-21

Mr. Perry: This resolution, in regards to expenditures, provides authorized signatories to

process ongoing expenses throughout the course of the month without having prior approval of

the board. These are the customary expenses in the budget. If we have anything unusual that

comes up we typically bring that to the board before we sign for it and process the disbursement.

We will always get with the Chairman if there is some issue that needs to be paid prior to the

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next board meeting. The board always ratifies the expenses that have been paid whenever you


On MOTION by Mr. Maier, seconded by Mr. Lanius, with all in favor, Resolution 2019-21 Disbursement for Expenses, was approved.

EIGHTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Funding and Expense


A. Funding Request No. 1

Mr. Perry: Typically these are for $15,000 but we prorated the insurance for the year, so

the initial funding request is for $14,125. It is comprised of the insurance for this fiscal year and

anticipated legal advertising, and a working capital of $5,000.

On MOTION by Mr. Lanius, seconded by Mr. Maier, with all in favor, Funding Request No. 1, was approved.

NINTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Bond Issuance Matters

A. Appointment of Financing Team

1. Consideration of Financing Team Funding Agreement

Mr. Perry: This is a standard form agreement.

Mr. Haber: This answers what the expenses are related to. When we go to validation,

there are notices that need to be published in the newspaper and often times we will have to pay

for that. Whoever makes arrangements for that, either my office or Jim’s, will want to be

reimbursed for that. This agreement would contemplate that the developer or whoever signs the

agreement would be responsible for the payment of those publication fees. When the bonds get

issued, you could get reimbursed from the proceeds of the bonds for those payments.

On MOTION by Mr. Maier, seconded by Mr. Moore, with all in favor, the Financing Team Funding Agreement in Substantial Form, was approved.

2. Consideration of Appointing Bond Counsel, Resolution 2019-22

a. Agreement with Akerman Senterfit- Peter Dame

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Mr. Haber: Included in your agenda package is the resolution, and behind the resolution

is a proposal from Greenberg Traurig. You have counsel from Greenberg Traurig on the phone

because they prepared another document in your agenda package. It is a bond resolution that

would authorize issuance of the bonds and moving forward with the validation proceedings.

Since receiving the proposal with Greenberg, there has been a switch in the roles that firms are

going to play with respect to the transaction. The firm Akerman Senterfit has submitted a

proposal, and that is the firm that is more likely to want to serve in that capacity. I would note

that we have spoken with Peter Dame at Akerman’s office and he has reviewed the bond

resolution that Greenberg’s office prepared and he is comfortable with the board adopting that

and relying on that for purposes of starting the process. Greenberg’s office has been nice enough

to allow us to use the resolution that they prepared for that purpose. To the extent you are

comfortable in the absence of a proposal, I would be comfortable with you making a motion to

approve Akerman Senterfit’s proposal for Bond Counsel services and authorizing your Chairman

to execute it on the board’s behalf.

Mr. Perry: We’ve worked with Peter Dame on a number of districts, even here in Nassau


MOTION by Mr. Lanius, seconded by Mr. Maier, with all in favor, Appointing Akerman Senterfit as Bond Counsel, was approved.

3. Consideration of Appointing Investment Banker, Resolution 2019-23

a. Agreement with MBS Capital Markets, LLC

Mr. Perry: You have a copy of this agreement in your agenda package. Sete is here to

answer any questions you have.

Mr. Moore: I don’t have any questions.

Mr. Lanius: No questions from me.

MOTION by Mr. Maier, seconded by Mr. Lanius, with all in favor, Resolution 2019-23 and the Agreement with MBS Capital Markets as Investment Banker, was approved.

4. Consideration of Assessment Methodology Consultant

Mr. Perry: That proposal is included with our term under the cost for other services. This

is just a formality to designate GMS as the Assessment Methodology Consultant for the district.

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MOTION by Mr. Maier, seconded by Mr. Taylor, with all in favor, Selection of GMS as the Assessment Methodology Consultant, was approved.

5.Consideration of Selection of Trustee

Mr. Perry: I believe we were looking at US Bank as the trustee. Most of you are aware of

them, and they do probably 98% of the districts in the state.

MOTION by Mr. Lanius, seconded by Mr. Maier, with all in favor, Selection of US Bank as the Trustee for the District, was approved.

B. Consideration of Engineer’s Report

Mr. Perry: We would be looking for the board to approve this in substantial form, just in

case under further review there are some changes that need to be made. They can be approved by

the Chairman. This is for the Master Engineer’s Report dated February 5th.

MOTION by Mr. Maier, seconded by Mr. Taylor, with all in favor, the Engineer’s Report in Substantial Form, was approved.

C. Consideration of Assessment Methodology

Mr. Perry: I just handed out the latest version. There were a couple changes made, mostly

additional language that MBS suggested to give you more flexibility. We added that but we

haven’t made any other changes. This was emailed to everyone last night. We would look for the

board to approve in substantial form. The report is slightly different than what you see for a lot

of districts because you have so many different product types. It delineates the certain cost

components and allocation of cost based upon the development units. It also has a component for

the neighborhood infrastructure. In regards to the Master, the most important thing to put out is

in recreations, you are excluding the commercial aspects of the district and the multi-family

apartments. That’s not unusual for a lot of districts to exclude that benefit from them. With that

said, they could utilize that if they joined as members in the future. As a landowner in the

district, they are not going to be allocated any benefit or charged any cost associated with the

bonds for that recreational component nor any operational or maintenance for the recreational


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MOTION by Mr. Maier, seconded by Mr. Taylor, with all in favor, the Assessment Methodology, was approved.

D. Consideration of Resolution 2019-24, Declaring Special Assessments

Mr. Haber: The assessment process contemplates that the district will adopt the resolution

you have before you along with another resolution setting the date for a public hearing. The

purpose of this resolution is to declare that you intend on adopting Bill’s report as your

improvement plant, and that you plan on financing those improvements through the issuance of

bonds. Those bonds will be secured with assessments levied in accordance with the methodology

that Jim prepared. This resolution kicks off the process of levying those assessments. So, after

the adoption of this resolution, a public hearing needs to be held where a formal resolution

levying and imposing the master assessment lien and neighborhood assessment lien will be

approved. On the adoption of that resolution, you have a lien against the property. That means

the district can issue bonds and allocate the debt from those bonds to the master and

neighborhood assessment lien and start collecting those assessments. On page 2 paragraph 3, it

talks about the total estimated cost of the improvements. I would like to divide it in light of the

concept that we are using for both master and neighborhood improvements. Are there any

questions regarding this resolution? If not, we would be looking for a motion to approve with the

understanding that the amounts in paragraphs 3 and 4 will change in accordance with the final

approval of the methodology and engineer’s report.

Mr. Maier: The recording of the lien will come later?

Mr. Haber: Once we get this finalized and published, we will also need to send a letter to

all the landowners saying the district is holding a public hearing to levy and impose a master lien

for both master improvements and neighborhood improvements. At that time, we often record a

notice of imposition of assessments. That gets put on the record so anyone who purchases

property in the district knows the district imposed assessments against this property. As an owner

of the property, there are no obligations to make any payments unless and until the district

actually issues bonds and allocates the debt of those bonds to that lien. It’s the issuance of bonds

that sets in motion an obligation to make a payment.

Mr. Maier: Can that be done as part of the validation or can it be done after?

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Mr. Haber: My recommendation is to do it as part of the validation. You’re not obligated

to, but the district is in a better position if you do.

MOTION by Mr. Maier, seconded by Mr. Lanius, with all in favor, Resolution 2019-24 Declaring Special Assessments and Authorization of Chairman to Finalize Amounts, was approved.

E. Consideration of Resolution 2019-25, Setting Public Hearing Date

Mr. Perry: This public hearing needs to have a 30 day mailed notice and all the

publications I mentioned. We discussed March 28th so we can include the documents in the

validation process.

Mr. Lanius: If we can’t hit that date, what happens?

Mr. Perry: We would call a special meeting in order to get this filed as soon as we can.

Mr. Moore: Is that five day’s notice?

Mr. Perry: It’s seven day’s notice.

MOTION by Mr. Lanius, seconded by Mr. Moore, with all in favor, Resolution 2019-25 Setting the Public Hearing Date on Special Assessments for March 28th at 1:00 p.m., was approved.

F. Consideration of Resolution 2019-26, Authorizing the Issuance of Bonds,

Approving the Form of an Indenture, and Authorizing the Commencement of

Validation Proceedings

Ms. Zare: Resolution 2019-256 is for authorizing issuance of not to exceed amount of

$179,515,000 principal amount of Three Rivers Community Development District Special

Assessment Bonds in one or more series to pay all or a portion of costs of a project. The project

is described in schedule 1 attached to the resolution. This is also the same schedule that is

presented in the engineer’s report that you have previously approved. Section 3 describes certain

details of the bonds. Like I said, the bonds will be issued in different series. Those series will

correlate to a certain phase or project. At no time can more than $179,515,000 in aggregate

principal amount of bonds be issued, that is the cap. In addition, we are asking for the

authorization for the application and delivery of the master trust indenture. The master trust

indenture is an agreement in a bond contract between a bond issuer, which is the CDD, and a

trustee, which is US Bank, that represents the bond holders interest by highlighting the rules and

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responsibilities that each party must adhere to. Once the bonds are issued in series, you will have

supplemental indentures that will correlate directly to that series. Are there any questions for me?

Mr. Haber: I would just note on record, schedule 1 to the resolution, if we can approve

that in substantial form with authority of the Chairman to update to reflect any changes that make

take place to the master engineer’s report.

MOTION by Mr. Maier, seconded by Mr. Lanius, with all in favor, Resolution 2019-26 Authorizing the Issuance of Bonds NTE $179,515,000 and the Commencement of Validation of Proceedings, and the Form of an Indenture, was approved.

TENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Agreement with

VGlobalTech for Website Compliance

Mr. Perry: This is for the ADA website compliance. Are there any questions on this? It is

built into the budget.

MOTION by Mr. Taylor, seconded by Mr. Maier, with all in favor, the Agreement with VGlobalTech for Website Compliance, was approved.


A. District Counsel

Mr. Haber: I have nothing to report. I can answer any questions the board has.

B. Interim Engineer

Mr. Schaeffer: I have nothing to report unless the board has any questions.

C. District Manager

Mr. Perry: I have nothing additional.

TWELTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Supervisor’s Requests and Audience


Mr. Perry: Are there any requests or comments?


Mr. Perry: Our next meeting is going to be March 28th at 1:00 p.m. at this location.

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The meeting was adjourned at 2:23 p.m.

On MOTION by Mr. Maier, seconded by and Mr. Taylor, with all in favor, the meeting was adjourned.

________________________________ ________________________________ Secretary / Assistant Secretary Chairman / Vice Chairman

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WHEREAS, Three Rivers Community Development District (the "District") previously indicated its intention to construct certain types of infrastructure improvements and to finance such infrastructure improvements through the issuance of bonds, which bonds would be repaid by the imposition of special assessments on benefited property within the District; and

WHEREAS, the District Board of Supervisors (the "Board") noticed and conducted a public hearing pursuant to Chapters 170, 190 and 197, Florida Statutes, relating to the imposition, levy, collection and enforcement of such assessments.


SECTION 1. AUTHORITY FOR THIS RESOLUTION. This Resolution is adopted pursuant to Chapters 170, 190 and 197, Florida Statutes, including without limitation, Section 170.08, Florida Statutes.

SECTION 2. FINDINGS. The Board hereby finds and determines as follows:

(a) The District is a local unit of special-purpose government organized and existing under and pursuant to Chapter 190, Florida Statutes, as amended.


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(b) The District is authorized by Chapter 190, Florida Statutes, to finance, fund, plan, establish, acquire, install, equip, operate, extend, construct, or reconstruct certain stormwater management, roadway, potable water, sewer and reuse, landscaping and hardscaping, parks and amenities, and fire station improvements, and other infrastructure projects and services necessitated by the development of, and serving lands within, the District.

( c) The District is authorized by Chapter 190, Florida Statutes, to levy and impose special assessments to pay all, or any part of, the cost of such infrastructure projects and services and to issue capital improvement revenue bonds payable from such special assessments as provided in Chapters 170, 190 and 197, Florida Statutes.

( d) It is necessary to the public health, safety and welfare and in the best interests of the District that: (i) the District provide the Project (the "Project"), the nature and location of which was initially described in Resolution 2019-24 and is shown in the Master Engineer's Report dated February 5, 2109 (the "Engineer's Report"), and which Project's plans and specifications are on file in the District's records office at 475 West Town Place, Suite 114, St. Augustine, Florida 32092; (ii) the cost of such Project be assessed against the lands specially benefited by such Project; and (iii) the District issue bonds to provide funds for such purposes pending the receipt of such special assessments.

( e) The provision of said Project, the levying of such Special Assessments (hereinafter defined) and the sale and issuance of such bonds serves a proper, essential, and valid public purpose and is in the best interests of the District, its landowners and residents.

(f) In order to provide funds with which to pay all or a portion of the costs of the Project which are to be assessed against the benefitted properties, pending the collection of such Special Assessments, it is necessary for the District from time to time to sell and issue its Special Assessment Bonds, in one or more series (the "Bonds").

(g) By Resolution 2019-24, the Board determined to provide the Project and to defray the costs thereof by making Special Assessments on benefited property and expressed an intention to issue Bonds, notes or other specific financing mechanisms to provide all or a portion of the funds needed for the Project prior to the collection of such Special Assessments. Resolution 2019-24 was adopted in compliance with the requirements of Section 170.03, Florida Statutes, and prior to the time it was adopted, the requirements of Section 170.04, Florida Statutes, had been met.

(h) As directed by Resolution 2019-24 said Resolution 2019-24 was published as required by Section 170.05, Florida Statutes, and a copy of the publisher's affidavit of publication is on file with the Secretary of the Board.

(i) As directed by Resolution 2019-24, a preliminary assessment roll was adopted and filed with the Board as required by Section 170.06, Florida Statutes.

(j) As required by Section 170.07, Florida Statutes, upon completion of the preliminary assessment roll, the Board adopted Resolution 2019-25 fixing the time and place of a public hearing at which owners of the property to be assessed and other persons interested therein may appear


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before the Board and be heard as to: (i) the propriety and advisability of making the infrastructure improvements constituting the Project, (ii) the cost thereof, (iii) the manner of payment therefore, and (iv) the amount thereof to be assessed against each specially benefited property or parcel and provided for publication of notice of such public hearing and individual mailed notice in accordance with Chapters 170, 190 and 197, Florida Statutes.

(k) Notice of such public hearing was given by publication and also by mail as required by Section 170.07, Florida Statutes. Affidavits as to such publications and mailings are on file in the office of the Secretary of the Board.

(1) On March 25, 2019, at the time and place specified in Resolution 2019-25, and notice referred to in paragraph (k) above, the Board met as an Equalization Board and heard and considered all complaints and testimony as to the matters described in paragraph G) above. The Board has made such modifications in the preliminary assessment roll as it deems necessary, just and right in the making of the final assessment roll.

(m) Having considered the estimated costs of the Project, estimates of financing costs and all complaints and evidence presented at such public hearing, the Board of Supervisors of the District further finds and determines:

(i) that the estimated costs of the Project are as specified in the Engineer's Report (attached as Exhibit A hereto and incorporated herein by this reference), which Engineer's Report is hereby adopted and approved, and that the amount of such costs is reasonable and proper; and

(ii) it is reasonable, proper, just and right to assess the cost of such Project against the properties within the District specially benefited thereby using the method determined by the Board set forth in the Master and Neighborhood Special Assessment Methodology Report, dated February 7, 2019 (the "Assessment Report") attached hereto as Exhibit B and incorporated herein by this reference, which results in allocation of assessments in the manner set forth in the final assessment roll included therein (the "Special Assessments"); and

(iii) it is hereby declared that the Project will constitute a special benefit to all parcels of real property listed on said final assessment roll and that the benefit, in the case of each such parcel, will be equal to or in excess of the Special Assessments thereon when allocated as set forth in Exhibit B; and

(iv) it is in the best interests of the District that the Special Assessments be paid and collected as herein provided.

SECTION 3. AUTHORIZATION OF DISTRICT PROJECT. That certain Project for construction of infrastructure improvements initially described in Resolution 2019-24, and more specifically identified and described in Exhibit A attached hereto, is hereby authorized and approved and the proper officers, employees and/or agents of the District are hereby.authorized and directed to take such further action as may be necessary or desirable to cause the same to be made.


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SECTION 4. ESTIMATED COST OF IMPROVEMENTS. The total estimated costs of the Project and the costs to be paid by Special Assessments on all specially benefited property are set forth in Exhibits A and B, respectively, hereto.

SECTION 5. EQUALIZATION, APPROVAL, CONFIRMATION AND LEVY OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS. The Special Assessments on parcels specially benefited by the Project, all as specified in the final assessment roll set forth in Exhibit B, attached hereto, are hereby equalized, approved, confirmed and levied. Immediately following the adoption of this Resolution these Special Assessments, as reflected in Exhibit B, attached hereto, shall be recorded by the Secretary of the Board of the District in a special book, to be known as the "Improvement Lien Book." This resolution equalizes, approves, confirms and levies two separate assessment liens - one for the Master Infrastructure and one for the Neighborhood Infrastructure, as such terms are defined in Exhibit B. The Special Assessment or assessments against each respective parcel shown on such final assessment roll and interest, costs and penalties thereon, as hereafter provided, shall be and shall remain a legal, valid and binding first liens on such parcel until paid and such liens shall be coequal with the liens of all state, county, district, municipal or other governmental taxes and superior in dignity to all other liens, titles, and claims. Prior to the issuance of any bonds, including refunding bonds, the District may, by subsequent resolution, adjust the acreage assigned to particular parcel identification numbers listed on the final assessment roll to reflect accurate apportionment of acreage within the District amongst individual parcel identification numbers. The District may make any other such acreage and boundary adjustments to parcels listed on the final assessment roll as may be necessary in the best interests of the District as determined by the Board by subsequent resolution. Any such adjustment in the assessment roll shall be consistent with the requirements of law. In the event the issuance of bonds, including refunding bonds, by the District would result in a decrease of the Special Assessments, then the District shall by subsequent resolution, adopted within sixty (60) days of the sale of such bonds at a publicly noticed meeting and without the need for further public hearing, evidence such a decrease and amend the final assessment roll as shown in the Improvement Lien Book to reflect such a decrease.

SECTION 6. FINALIZATION OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS. When the entire Project has both been constructed or otherwise provided to the satisfaction of the Board, the Board shall adopt a resolution accepting the same and determining the actual costs (including financing costs) thereof, as required by Sections 170.08 and 170.09, Florida Statutes. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 170.08, Florida Statutes, regarding completion of a project funded by a particular series of bonds, the District shall credit to each Special Assessment the difference, if any, between the Special Assessment as hereby made, approved and confirmed and the actual costs incurred in completing the Project. In making such credits, no credit shall be given for bond financing costs, capitalized interest, funded reserves or bond discounts. Such credits, if any, shall be entered in the Improvement Lien Book. Once the final amount of Special Assessments for the entire Project has been determined, the term "Special Assessment" shall, with respect to each parcel, mean the sum of the costs of the Project.



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(a) The Special Assessments may be paid in not more than thirty (30) substantially equal consecutive annual installments of principal and interest. The Special Assessments may be paid in full without interest at any time within thirty (30) days after the completion of the Project and the adoption by the Board of a resolution accepting the Project; provided, however, that the Board shall at any time make such adjustments by resolution, at a noticed meeting of the Board, to that payment schedule as may be necessary and in the best interests of the District to account for changes in long and short term debt as actually issued by the District. At any time subsequent to thirty (30) days after the Project has been completed and a resolution accepting the Project has been adopted by the Board, the Special Assessments may be prepaid in full including interest amounts to the next succeeding interest payment date or to the second succeeding interest payment date if such a prepayment is made within forty-five ( 45) calendar days before an interest payment date. The owner of property subject to Special Assessments may prepay the entire remaining balance of the Special Assessments or, one time, a portion of the remaining balance of the Special Assessment at any time if there is also paid, in addition to the prepaid principal balance of the Special Assessment, an amount equal to the interest that would otherwise be due on such prepaid amount on the next succeeding interest payment date, or, if prepaid during the forty-five ( 45) day period preceding such interest payment date, to the interest payment date following such next succeeding interest payment date. Prepayment of Special Assessments does not entitle the property owner to any discounts for

I early payment.

(b) The District may elect to use the method of collecting Special Assessments authorized by Sections 197.3632 and 197.3635, Florida Statutes (the "Uniform Method"). The District has heretofore taken or will use its best efforts to take as timely required, any necessary actions to comply with the provisions of said Sections 197.3632 and 197.3635, Florida Statutes. Such Special Assessments may be subject to all of the collection provisions of Chapter 197, Florida Statutes. Notwithstanding the above, in the event the Uniform Method of collecting its special or non-ad valorem assessments is not available to the District in any year, or if determined by the District to be in its best interest, the Special Assessments may be collected as is otherwise permitted by law. The District may, in its sole discretion, collect Special Assessments by directly assessing landowner(s) and enforcing said collection in any marmer authorized by law. Such special assessments shall at all times be collected in a manner consistent with applicable trust indenture.

( c) For each year the District uses the Uniform Method, the District shall enter into an agreement with the Tax Collector of Nassau County who may notify each owner of a lot or parcel within the District of the amount of the special assessment, including interest thereon, in the marmer provided in Section 197.3635, Florida Statutes.


(a) There may be required from time to time certain true-up payments as specified in the Assessment Report and in supplemental assessment methodology reports. As parcels ofland or lots are platted or subject to site plan approval, the Special Assessments securing the Bonds shall be allocated as set forth in such reports. In furtherance thereof, at such time as parcels or land or lots are platted or subject to site plan approval, it shall be an express condition of the liens established by this Resolution that any and all initial plats or site plans of any portion of the lands within the District, as the District's boundaries may be amended from time to time, shall be presented to the


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District Manager for review, approval and calculation of the percentage of acres, amounts of debt allocated to each acre, and numbers of units which will be, after the plat, considered to be developed. No further action by the Board of Supervisors shall be required. The District's review shall be limited solely to this function and the enforcement of the liens established by this Resolution, including the collection of a true-up payment contemplated by the Assessment Report. The District Manager shall cause the Special Assessments to be reallocated to the units being platted and the remaining property in accordance with such the Assessment Report and supplemental assessment methodology reports, cause such reallocation to be recorded in the District's Improvement Lien Book, and shall perform the true-up calculations described in supplemental assessment methodology report which process is incorporated herein as if fully set forth. Any resulting true-up payment shall become due and payable that tax year by the landowner( s) of record of the remaining property, in addition to the regular assessment installment payable with respect to the remaining developable acres.

(b) The District will take all necessary steps to ensure that true-up payments are made in a timely fashion to ensure its debt service obligations are met. The District shall record all true-up payments in its Improvement Lien Book.

( c) The foregoing is based on the District's understanding with the landowner that it intends to develop the unit numbers and types shown in Exhibit B, on the net developable acres and is intended to provide a formula to ensure that the appropriate ratio of the Special Assessments to developable acres is maintained if fewer units are developed. However, no action by the District prohibits more than the maximum units shown in Exhibit B from being developed. In no event shall the District collect Special Assessments pursuant to this Resolution in excess of the total debt service related to the Project, including all costs of financing and interest. The District recognizes that such events as regulatory requirements and market conditions may affect the timing and scope of the development in the District. If the strict application of the True-Up Methodology to any assessment reallocation pursuant to this paragraph would result in Special Assessments collected in excess of the District's total debt service obligation for the Project, the Board shall by resolution take appropriate action to equitably reallocate the Special Assessments. Further, upon the District's review of the final plat for the developable acres, any unallocated Special Assessments shall become due and payable and must be paid prior to the District's approval of that plat.

( d) The application of the monies received from true-up payments or assessments to the actual debt service obligations of the District, whether long term or short term, shall be set forth in the supplemental assessment resolution adopted for each series of Bonds actually issued. Such subsequent resolution shall be adopted at a noticed meeting of the District, and shall set forth the actual amounts financed, costs of issuance, expected costs of collection, and the total amount of the assessments pledged to that issue, which amount shall be consistent with the liens imposed by this Resolution.

SECTION 9. PROPERTY OWNED BY HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATIONS, PROPERTY OWNERS ASSOCIATIONS OR GOVERNMENTAL ENTITIES. Property owned by units of local, state, and federal govermnent shall not be subject to the Special Assessments without specific consent thereto. In addition, property owned by a property owners association or homeowners association that is exempt from special assessments under Florida law


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shall not be subject to the Special Assessments. If at any time, any real property on which Special Assessments are imposed by this Resolution is sold or otherwise transferred to a unit oflocal, state, or federal government (without consent of such governmental unit to the imposition of Special Assessments thereon), all future unpaid Special Assessments for such tax parcel shall become due and payable immediately prior to such transfer without any further action of the District.

SECTION 10. ASSESSMENT NOTICE. The District's Secretary is hereby directed to record a general Notice of Assessments in the Official Records of Nassau County, Florida, which shall be updated from time to time in a manner consistent with changes in the boundaries of the District.

SECTION 11. SEVERABILITY. If any section or part of a section of this Resolution be declared invalid or unconstitutional, the validity, force and effect of any other section or part of a section of this Resolution shall not thereby be affected or impaired unless it clearly appears that such other section or part of a section of this Resolution is wholly or necessarily dependent upon the section or part of a section so held to be invalid or unconstitutional.

SECTION 12. CONFLICTS. All resolutions or parts thereof in conflict herewith are, to the extent of such conflict, superseded and repealed.

SECTION 13. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Resolution shall become effective upon its adoption.



Secretary Chairman, Board of Supervisors

Exhibit A: Master Engineer's Report, dated February 5, 2019 Exhibit B: Master and Neighborhood Special Assessment Methodology Report, dated February



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Exhibit A

Engineer's Report

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Exhibit B

Assessment Methodology

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1. Ability of Personnel. (20 Points) (E.g., geographic location of the firm’s headquarters or permanent office in relation to the project; capabilities and experience of key personnel; present ability to manage this project; evaluation of existing work load; proposed staffing levels, etc.) 2. Proposer’s Experience. (20 Points) (E.g. past record and experience of the Proposer in similar projects; volume of work previously performed by the firm; past performance for other or current Community Development District(s) in other contracts; character, integrity, reputation of Proposer, etc.) 3. Understanding of Scope of Work. (20 Points) Extent to which the proposal demonstrates an understanding of the District’s needs for the services requested. 4. Ability to Furnish the Required Services. (20 Points) Extent to which the proposal demonstrates the adequacy of Proposer’s financial resources and stability as a business entity necessary to complete the services required. 5. Price. (20 Points)*** Points will be awarded based upon the lowest total proposal for rendering the services and the reasonableness of the proposal. Total (100 Points)

***Alternatively, the Board may choose to evaluate firms without considering price, in which case the remaining categories would be assigned 25 points each.

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Three RiversCommunity Development District

Unaudited Financial Reporting

February 28, 2018

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BALANCE SHEETFebruary 28, 2018


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GENERAL FUNDStatement of Revenues & Expenditures

For The Period Ending February 28, 2018



DEVELOPER CONTRIBUTIONS $77,344 $25,781 $15,000 ($10,781)

TOTAL REVENUES $77,344 $25,781 $15,000 ($10,781)



SUPERVISORS FEES $0 $0 $0 $0FICA EXPENSE $0 $0 $0 $0ENGINEERING $9,000 $3,000 $0 $3,000ATTORNEY $18,750 $6,250 $2,755 $3,495MANAGEMENT FEES $33,750 $11,250 $3,750 $7,500WEBSITE CREATION $2,500 $833 $0 $833WEBSITE MAINTENANCE $1,125 $375 $0 $375TELEPHONE $225 $75 $0 $75POSTAGE $750 $250 $0 $250INSURANCE $4,125 $4,125 $3,520 $605PRINTING & BINDING $750 $250 $0 $250LEGAL ADVERTISING $5,000 $1,667 $0 $1,667OTHER CURRENT CHARGES $750 $250 $0 $250OFFICE SUPPLIES $469 $156 $0 $156DUES, LICENSES & SUBSCRIPTIONS $150 $150 $0 $150

TOTAL EXPENDITURES $77,344 $28,631 $10,025 $18,606


FUND BALANCE - Beginning $0 $0

FUND BALANCE - Ending $0 $4,975


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DEVELOPER CONTRIBUTIONS $0 $0 $0 $15,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $15,000

TOTAL REVENUES $0 $0 $0 $15,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $15,000


ADMINISTRATIVESUPERVISOR FEES $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0FICA EXPENSE $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0ENGINEERING $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0ATTORNEY $0 $0 $0 $2,755 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $2,755MANAGEMENT FEES $0 $0 $0 $0 $3,750 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $3,750WEBSITE CREATION $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0WEBSITE MAINTENANCE $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0TELEPHONE $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0POSTAGE $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0INSURANCE $0 $0 $0 $3,520 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $3,520PRINTING & BINDING $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0LEGAL ADVERTISING $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0OTHER CURRENT CHARGES $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0OFFICE SUPPLIES $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0DUES, LICENSES & SUBSCRIPTIONS $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

TOTAL EXPENDITURES $0 $0 $0 $6,275 $3,750 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $10,025

Excess Revenues (Expenditures) $0 $0 $0 $8,725 ($3,750) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $4,975



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1 1/28/19 3/1/19 15,000.00$ 15,000.00$ 15,000.00$ -$ 2 3/21/19 10,255.00$ 10,255.00$ 10,255.00$

DUE FROM DEVELOPER 15,000.00$ 25,255.00$ 25,255.00$ 10,255.00$




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Community Development District FY19 Funding Request #2March 21, 2019

Payee General Fund

1 Governmental Management ServicesInv# 2 - Management Fees - February 2019 3,750.00$ Inv# 3 - Management Fees - March 2019 3,750.00$

2 Hopping Green & SamsInv# 106133 - General Counsel Services - January 2019 2,755.00$

Total: 10,255.00$

Please make check payable to:

Three Rivers Community Development District

9145 Narcoossee RoadSuite A206Orlando, FL 32827

Three Rivers

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Governmental Management Services, LLC 1001 Bradford Way Kingston, TN 37763

Bill To:

Three Rivers CDD 475 West Town Place Suite 114 St. Augustine, FL 32092


Management Fees - February 2019




Invoice#: 2 Invoice Date: 3/5/19

Due Date: 3/5/19 Case:

P.O. Number:

Rate Amount

3,750.00 3,750.00


Payments/Credits $0.00

Balance Due $3,750.00

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Governmental Management Services, LLC 1001 Bradford Way Kingston, TN 37763

Bill To:

Three Rivers COD 475 West Town Place Suite 114 St. Augustine, FL 32092


Management Fees - March 2019




Invoice#: 3 Invoice Date: 3/5/19

Due Date: 3/5/19 Case:

P.O. Number:

Rate Amount

3,750.00 3,750.00


Payments/Credits $0.00

Balance Due $3,750.00

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Hopping Green & Sams Attorneys and Counselors

119 S. Monroe Street, Sie. 300 P.O. Box 6526

Tallahassee, FL 32314 850.222.7500

================================= STATEMENT =================================

February 28, 2019 Three Rivers CDD Bill Number Governmenta l Management Services, LLC 475 West Town Place, Su ite 114 St. Augustine, FL 32092

DECEIVEn smed through

n MAR 2 0 2019 u General Counsel BY.·._ ____ _ 3RCDD 00001 WSH

FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED 01/14/ 19 WSH Prepare for, travel to and back and participate in board meeting.

01/ 16/19 KFJ Confer with Haber; correspond with district manager regarding organizational meeting; correspond with state agency regarding ordinance.

01/17/19 WSH Review notice and agenda for organizational meeting.

01/17 /19 KFJ Confer with Haber and correspond with district manager regarding organizational meeting.

01/18/19 WSH Confer with Perry regarding agenda for organization meeting; prepare documents for same; review and record notice of establishment.

01/18/19 KFJ Confer with Haber; prepare organizational meeting documents; correspond with state agency and district manager regarding ordinance; record notice of establishment.

01/22/19 KFJ Confer with Haber regard ing establishment notice.

01/25/19 KFJ Confer with Haber; amend organizational meeting documents and correspond with district manager.

01/28/19 WSH Finalize documents for agenda for organizational meeting; confer with Sweeting .

01/28/19 KFJ Confer with Haber and correspond with district manager regarding organizational meeting documents.

01/29/19 WSH Confer with Oliver regard ing notice and continued meeting.

Total fees for this matter


Jusevitch, Karen F.- Paralegal

Haber, Wesley S.

7.40 hrs

6.10 hrs

125 / hr

300 /hr

106133 01/31/2019

3.40 hrs

0.70 hrs

0.60 hrs

0.40 hrs

0.90 hrs

4.60 hrs

1.00 hrs

0.40 hrs

0.80 hrs

0.30 hrs

0.40 hrs


$925.00 $1,830.00

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General Counsel Bill No. 106133 Page 2





Jusevitch, Karen F.- Paralegal Haber, Wesley S.



7.40 hrs 6.10 hrs

125 /hr 300 /hr

Please include the bill number on vour check.



$925.00 $1,830.00

