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JULY 28, 2020



Zoom Videoconference:

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Meeting ID: 820 5334 5845 Password: 551293

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Fleming Island Plantation Community Development District Inframark, Infrastructure Management Services

210 North University Drive, Suite 702 • Coral Springs, Florida 33071 Telephone: 954-603-0033 • Fax: 954-345-1292

July 21, 2020

Board of Supervisors

Fleming Island Plantation

Community Development District

Dear Board Members:

The regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Fleming Island Plantation Community

Development District will be held Tuesday, July 28, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. via Zoom Video

conference:, or by dialing (312) 626-6799 or (646) 558-8656,

Meeting ID 820 5334 5845, with Password: 551293. Following is the advance agenda for the


1. Roll Call

2. Audience Comments (Limited to 3 Minutes Per Speaker)

The Audience Comment portion of the agenda is where individuals who are present may

make remarks on matters that concern the District. Each individual is limited to three (3)

minutes for such remarks. The Board of Supervisors or Staff are not obligated to provide an

immediate response as some issues require research, discussion and deliberation. If the

comment concerns a maintenance related item, it will need to be addressed with the Project

Manager outside of the context of the meeting.

3. Approval of the Minutes of the June 23, 2020 Meeting

4. Attorney’s Report

A. Gazebo Lease Agreement with Christ Church

B. Update on Discussions on Margaret’s Walk Park, Deck and Walking Path 5. Engineer’s Report

A. Acceptance of Consulting Engineer’s Report 2020

6. Landscaping Update – Tree Amigos Outdoor Services

A. Consideration of Proposals for Landscaping Amenity Center Frontage

7. Pond Maintenance Update – Solitude Lake Management

8. Lifeguard Services Report – Elite Amenities

9. Old Business

A. Coronavirus Update Regarding District Facilities

B. Landscape Expenses Due to Vehicle Accident Near YMCA

C. Discussion of District Name Change

10. Project Manager’s Report A. Maintenance Update – Action Items

B. Recreation Update

11. Manager’s Report

12. Acceptance of June 2020 Financial Statements and Approval of June 2020 Check

Register and Invoices

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July 21, 2020

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13. Supervisors’ Requests A. Discussion of Developing a Process to Track Homeowners and Tenants

(Supervisor Szafranski)

B. Clarification on Supervisors’ Authority in Our Interactions with Residents

(Supervisor Holsey)

14. Adjournment

Enclosed for your consideration are the Minutes of the June 23, 2020 Meeting, the Engineer’s

Report, Landscaping Report, Pond Maintenance Report, Lifeguard Services Report, Project

Manager’s Report, and Financial Statements.

Also, please be aware that the Governor’s Executive Order 20-150 extended through July 31,

2020, the provisions of Executive Order 20-69 regarding Local Government Public Meetings,

suspending the requirement to have a quorum physically present in a public place and

authorizing the use of telephone & videoconferencing as long as access is also provided to the

public to participate.

We look forward to seeing you at the meeting and if you have any questions in the meantime,

please contact me at (904) 940-6044, extension 40592.


Janice Eggleton Davis Janice Eggleton Davis

District Manager

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Third Order of Business

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The regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Fleming Island Plantation

Community Development District was held Tuesday, June 23, 2020 and called to order at 6:03

p.m., via teleconference at 800-747-5150 with passcode 3098533#, and video conference via

WebEx Meeting Number 129-884-3476, as permitted pursuant to Executive Orders 20-52, 20-69,

20-112 and 20-139 issued by Governor DeSantis.

Present and constituting a quorum were:

Rick Nelson Chairman

Michelle Szafranski Vice Chairperson

Kristy Hamilton Assistant Secretary

Chanda Nicole Holsey Assistant Secretary

Also present were:

Janice Eggleton Davis District Manager

Jason Walters District Counsel

Ryan Stilwell, P.E. District Engineer

Marcia Weeks Project Manager

James Jeffers Maintenance Lead

Eric Meyer Elite Amenities

Jim Proctor Tree Amigos Outdoor Services

Members of the Public

The following is a summary of the discussions and actions taken at the June 23, 2020

Fleming Island Plantation Community Development District’s Board of Supervisors Meeting.


Ms. Davis called the meeting to order. The roll was called, and four Board members were

present. Therefore, a quorum was established. Ms. Davis also noted staff in attendance.

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Agenda Page #6June 23, 2020 Fleming Island Plantation CDD

SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS Audience Comments (Limited to 3

Minutes per Speaker)

Ms. René Vann indicated Pond #40 in Margaret’s Walk is in an unacceptable state.

The pond should be aerated. The ponds should be maintained regularly. Ms. Vann

sent Ms. Weeks an email with photos, which was forwarded to the Board.

Mr. Richardson Doyle reiterated the need to aerate Pond #40 and addressed his

concerns that the pond contains pesticide and fertilizer runoff from all the


Ms. Valerie Treptow also discussed her concerns with Pond #40. A long-term

solution is needed.

A total of four homes surround this pond.

THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of the Minutes of the May 26,

2020 Meeting

Ms. Davis stated each Board member received a copy of the Minutes of the May 26, 2020

Meeting, and requested any additions, corrections or deletions.

Dr. Holsey noted that on Page 3 under the Fourth Order of Business, it should be

noted that she had asked and confirmed that Mr. Bussey indicated Christ Church

has been a part of the Fleming Island community for quite some time.

On Page 3 under the Tenth Order of Business, item C, there should be a period after

The State is in Phase 1 of re-opening. the next sentence should be “As there was

no specific guidance on re-opening of pools, the Board implemented several


On the bottom of Page 5 in the second bullet on the last line, have should replace


There being no further additions, corrections or deletions,

On MOTION by Mr. Nelson, seconded by Ms. Szafranski, with all

in favor, the Minutes of the May 26, 2020 Meeting were approved

as amended.

FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Attorney’s Report Mr. Walters discussed changing the District’s name. This can be done, but the

process by which the District was established makes it difficult. The District was

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established by the Florida Land and Water Adjudicatory Commission (FLWAC).

The District likely would need to have a Public Hearing with FLWAC for this to

happen, and it can be a six- to eight-month rulemaking process, but it may take

longer due to current circumstances. Mr. Walters is waiting to hear from officials

with FLWAC in this regard. Many documents would have to be amended to do


There may be ways for the District to operate under a fictitious name.

However, the legal name of the District would have to be noted on official

documents. Rights for change in the development name could be an issue


This amendment would have to be approved by the Board.

Mr. Nelson indicated Reserve funds are available for signage that can be

used to change the name on the signage, if the Board decided to proceed.

Mr. Walters needs to determine certain legal ramifications before


Dr. Holsey noted she had brought this concern up previously and this matter

should be considered, as there are many diverse residents in the District.

Ms. Hamilton is in favor of exploring the issue, but the homeowners should

have a say in this regard.

Mr. Walters will get back to the Board once he hears from FLWAC.

Ms. Szafranski would like to know the financial ramifications involved with

changing the name. She also believes owners should be able to express their

opinions on the issue.

Dr. Holsey would like this item to be on next month’s agenda.

FIFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Engineer’s Report Mr. Stilwell presented his report, a copy of which was included in the agenda package.

Mr. Stilwell discussed the Splash Park bid package. Staff is in the process of

gathering information to refurbish the Splash Park pool.

Pond #40 was discussed. Mr. Stilwell would have to examine the maps. These are

stormwater treatment ponds which are there to catch fertilizer and other runoff

substances. Therefore, he does not anticipate any fines. The ponds are there to

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prevent any of these substances from getting into the St. Johns River. A map of the

ponds is in the agenda package. Mr. Stilwell can check on the outfall structures.

Ms. Weeks will ask for a recommendation and quote for a solution.

Clippings have been put into the ponds, which may cause problems.

Ms. Weeks requested an updated proposal from Solitude Lake Management

to do the Vertex aeration for the pond. Their estimate was $2,404 to install

a permanent aeration system.

Mr. Nelson noted that River Hills Reserve HOA used their own funds to

install the aeration system, and suggested Margaret’s Walk may want to do

the same.

Additionally, there may be electrical costs for this work to run power to the


SIXTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Landscaping Update – Tree Amigos

Outdoor Services

Mr. Proctor presented his report, a copy of which was included in the agenda package.

Property maintenance is ongoing. More rain is needed. The annuals beds were

replenished, and the beds in the roundabout were taken care of.

Mr. Nelson received calls from residents indicating how nice the property looks.

The rest of the Board is pleased with their work.

Mr. Nelson inquired about the condition of the vines in front of the Amenity Center,

between the golf course and River Hills Reserve. A proposal will be presented at

the next meeting.

A stump had to be dug out and two Crepe Myrtle Trees were replaced from the

vehicle accident near the YMCA. Ms. Weeks will find out the cost. Staff is trying

to determine which party was at fault in the accident, as the CCSO has no record of

the accident yet. Ms. Hamilton has photos and will bring them to the Sheriff’s

Office. Mr. Nelson will contact Commissioner Mike Cella.

SEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Pond Maintenance Update – Solitude Lake


Ms. Weeks presented the Pond Maintenance Report, a copy of which was included in the

agenda package.

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EIGHTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Lifeguard Services Report – Elite


Mr. Meyer presented the Lifeguard Services Report, a copy of which was included in the

agenda package.

Swim tests are going well, and swim lessons started two weeks ago.

Everyone is abiding by the rules, and Mr. Meyer does not believe any complaints

were received from residents regarding the rules.

Mr. Meyer indicated the lifeguard would address any issues with adults becoming

unruly in the pool. Every situation is different. Management or the police would

be contacted in a dire situation. Ms. Hamilton inquired if the lifeguards were

trained on escalation and Mr. Meyer confirmed that they are.


C. Coronavirus Update Regarding District Facilities

Pool activity decisions were discussed. Ms. Hamilton, the designated liaison,

indicated capacity is currently set at 50%. The numbers have not gotten to that

percentage so far, and no one has been turned away. The State is still in Phase 2.

Mr. Nelson is in favor of increasing the capacity since the Independence Day

weekend is coming up.

Staff is having their temperatures taken.

Mr. Walters confirmed that Ms. Weeks cannot communicate to or poll the Board

as a conduit for Ms. Hamilton. Ms. Hamilton can communicate with Ms. Davis,

Ms. Weeks and Mr. Walters outside of the public meeting without violating the

Sunshine Law.

A. Gazebo Lease Agreement with Christ Church

Ms. Weeks contacted Christ Church, and they are interested in proceeding. Mr.

Walters drafted a document was sent to them for consideration. The agreement will

cover maintenance and sole use by Christ Church and they would be required to

follow Master HOA guidelines with regards to signage.

Ms. Schneider who was previously using the gazebo for weddings and other events

may no longer do so under these guidelines. As a courtesy, she should be told.

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Mr. Nelson addressed parking. Parking was allowed when the District held events


The draft agreement does not provide for compensation, as they would be taking

over the maintenance.

Ms. Weeks will provide a breakdown of landscape costs at the next meeting.

Electrical and irrigation costs also need to be considered.

Christ Church has the draft agreement and staff is waiting for their comments.

B. Margaret’s Walk, Dock and Walking Path – Margaret’s Walk HOA Mr. Walters had a discussion with the Margaret’s Walk HOA Manager, Ms. Linda

Parrish. The arrangement and boundaries of the District were addressed. The CDD

would like the HOA to take ownership of the parcel(s). Ms. Parrish is going to

bring this up to the HOA Board. Mr. Walters hopes to hear from the HOA before

the next CDD meeting. He suggested having an HOA Board member attend the

next CDD meeting and address the issue.

TENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Project Manager’s Report Ms. Weeks presented the Project Manager’s Report for discussion, a copy of which was

included in the agenda package.

A. Maintenance Update – Action Items

Ms. Weeks discussed the proposals listed under her report.

Painting of the light poles was addressed. Semi-gloss paint will be used.

On MOTION by Ms. Hamilton, seconded by Dr. Holsey, with all in

favor, the proposal from Tropical Pressure & Painting in the amount

of $3,100 to paint the light poles in the Splash Park, was approved.

Splash Park field video surveillance proposed was addressed. The Board

previously requested Ms. Weeks determine the cost for the Clay County Sheriff’s

Office to work five random nights per week. The cost is $41,200 per year. The

Board needs to decide whether to continue with them or have cameras installed.

The Amenity Center has an officer on patrol seven nights per week. There

is an officer on patrol at the Splash Park five nights per week. Amenity

Center officers check the Splash Park area when necessary.

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The Splash Park officer patrols the area behind the building down to the

pond, and they check the pavilions, facility doors and Gazebo.

There are cameras at the Gazebo and restrooms.

The District may replace the officers with the cameras.

The amount of $9,600 is for purchase and installation of the equipment.

Footage may be viewed. There is a one-year warranty for the equipment

included in the purchase.

The police officers generally log information regarding guests, or whether

people were asked to leave the tennis courts if they did not have

identification, as examples. Ms. Weeks is contacted if something needs to

be addressed immediately.

Ms. Hamilton, Dr. Holsey and Mr. Nelson are in favor of installing the

cameras, and decreasing the hours for the officers.

Ms. Hamilton suggested a security company as opposed to the police


Ms. Szafranski noted the vandalism happens when the officers are not there.

There has been a lot of vandalism in the back of the Splash Park, and no one

is able to be identified due to lack of cameras.

Ms. Hamilton MOVED to approve installation of the surveillance

system, maintaining the current police officers and conducting an

investigation whether or not to increase the police officers. There

being no second, the motion failed.

Mr. Nelson MOVED to approve purchase of surveillance cameras

in the amount of $9,600, reduce the police security by $9,600, and

determine when there should be police presence; and Dr. Holsey

seconded the motion.

There being no further discussion,

On VOICE vote with Mr. Nelson, Ms. Hamilton and Dr. Holsey

voting aye, and Ms. Szafranski voting nay, the prior motion was


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The pickleball courts options were addressed.

One quote is for installation of a pickleball court at the Amenity Center,

which would replace the volleyball court and include the fence.

The second quote is to install two new pickleball courts behind the Splash

Park, with a fence.

LED lighting would be an additional cost.

Engineering permitting and design are required, which is also at an

additional cost estimated at $30,000.

There was a drainage issue in the back, but the irrigation was turned off, so

there are no longer any issues.

The splash pad and wading pool canopy options were addressed.

The proposals included in the agenda package were discussed.

The landscapers readjusted all of the fountains, which allows the splash pad

to be wet and cool at all times.

Ms. Hamilton commented that the splash pad is unattractive.

This project would need to be budgeted as a capital outlay item.

The replacement of community speed limit signs was addressed.

Clay County Public Works indicated the CDD is unable to install 15 MPH

signs, as they are not enforceable. They recommend installing the 25 MPH

signs the County would provide, which would be enforceable.

Another option is no signs, which means vehicles may travel up to 30 MPH.

Ms. Hamilton suggested the 15 MPH signs which are already there should


Ms. Weeks read an email from Public Works into the record.

Mr. Nelson will contact Mr. Commissioner Mike Cella in this regard. The

current signs will remain for now.

The Margaret’s Walk fountain pump replacement was addressed.

This item shall be tabled until such time as there is feedback from the

Margaret’s Walk HOA.

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i. Ratification of License Agreement with Twisting Roots, LLC

Hiring Twisting Roots was approved at the last meeting. Mr. Walters drafted the

agreement and the Chairman executed it, which requires Board ratification.

On MOTION by Dr. Holsey, seconded by Ms. Hamilton, with all in

favor, the License Agreement with Twisting Roots, LLC, was


B. Recreation Update

Ms. Weeks presented the Recreation Update, a copy of which was included in the agenda


ELEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Manager’s Report The Governor’s Executive Order which allowed virtual meetings was set to expire

on June 30, 2020. However, a new Order was issued today extending virtual

meetings to August 1, 2020. Some Boards prefer to meet in person. Inframark

recommends virtual meetings.

Another safe option is holding a meeting of the Board members in person,

with the public participating virtually.

Mr. Nelson recommends continuation of virtual meetings for the Board and

the public.

The Board concurred to hold the next meeting virtually.

TWELFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Acceptance of May 2020 Financial

Statements and Approval of May 2020

Check Register and Invoices

The Board reviewed the May 2020 Financial Statements, Check Register and Invoices.

Subscriptions and Memberships appears to be over budget. The District must pay

for subscription licensing agreements to play music over the speakers at the pools.

There is also an Adobe Account membership and Microsoft Office subscriptions

included here which are required for different reports.

Reserves-CDD Amenity was discussed. This expenditure is for anything spent out

of Reserves for anything except at the Splash Park. Reserves-Splash Park is for

anything spent out of Reserves at the Splash Park. The Budget for each of these

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line items is for what is being assessed and added to Reserves for the current Fiscal


On MOTION by Ms. Szafranski, seconded by Dr. Holsey, with all

in favor, the May 2020 Financial Statements were accepted, and the

May 2020 Check Register and Invoices were approved.

THIRTEENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Supervisors’ Requests A. Pickleball Court Location (Supervisor Holsey)

Dr. Holsey would like the pickleball court installed at the Splash Park as opposed

to replacing the volleyball court.

Supervisors addressed the following items:

Dr. Holsey appreciates the work done by staff for all of the events on the Recreation


Mr. Nelson discussed Pond #40. This pond was not meant to be aesthetically-

pleasing, and he is concerned that only a few people are displeased with the

condition of the pond.

Mr. Nelson discussed the pickleball court. He believes it should be near the tennis

courts. Then they could use the Splash Park field for something for younger people.

Ms. Hamilton believes someone should speak to the aquatics company regarding

Pond #40.

Ms. Hamilton discussed her opinion regarding the pickleball court noting she did

not know much about volleyball court usage. The back area of the Splash Park has

many issues.

Ms. Hamilton discussed the pavers at the Amenity Center pool and is concerned

that they are hot to the touch. Ms. Weeks is going to speak to someone at the paver

company to determine whether or not there is a coating which can be laid over the

pavers to keep them cooler. Residents have not complained to Ms. Weeks.

Ms. Hamilton discussed the car which hit the trees and flipped over.

Ms. Szafranski discussed fans at the tennis pavilion. Ms. Weeks received one quote

for approximately $3,000, and is currently seeking additional quotes. There

currently is no power source in this pavilion.

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________________________________ ________________________________

June 23, 2020 Fleming Island Plantation CDD

Ms. Szafranski discussed having a workshop regarding a 10-year plan for all of the

items the Board wants to add to the community. At the next meeting, the Board

will address having a Capital Projects Planning Workshop in September.

SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS Audience Comments (Limited to 3

Minutes Per Speaker) (Continued)

Ms. Jerrine Hamm discussed her concerns with changing the name of the District.

Something should be announced to residents, along with the cost.

There will be a mailing to residents regarding the assessment increase, and

the resident would like this mentioned in the letter. Mr. Walters commented

the mailed notice is a statutory notice and it should not be mentioned in that

notice. Mr. Walters suggested a separate insert with the assessment increase

letter. Mr. Walters indicated the Board needs to make a decision whether

to proceed with this before announcing to residents. This item is not

required to be polled to residents. This is a Board decision.

Dr. Holsey suggested preparing a notice to residents announcing that this

may be discussed at a future meeting.

Mr. Rodney Ashford suggested capital projects be considered that were value-

added, and revenue generating.


There being no further business,

On MOTION by Dr. Holsey, seconded by Ms. Szafranski, with all

in favor, the meeting was adjourned at approximately 9:08 p.m.

Janice Eggleton Davis Rick Nelson

Secretary Chairman

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Fifth Order of Business

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PROSSER'" Agenda Page #17


TO: Fleming Island Plantation CDD Board Members

FROM: Prosser, Inc. - Ryan Stilwell, PE

DATE: July 17, 2020

RE: July 2020 Engineer’s Update

Proposed Splash Park Renovation: Prosser has been directed to prepare a bid package for the Splash Pool Renovations. The anticipated schedule for this is proposed as follows:

- June 28th - Complete draft of bid package – Draft provided for staff review - July – Issue bid package to contractors - August – Bid review and recommendations to the Board - Sept. – Board approval and contract execution - October - Contractor begins work

Community Speed Limit Signs: During last month’s meeting there was discussion where the County has informed the CDD that any 15 MPH speed limit signs would have to be replaced by 25 MPH speed limit signs in accordance with State statute. The County informed the CDD that if the CDD wanted to lower the speed limit to 20 mph a traffic study would have to be provided to the County by a professional engineer documenting the reasons for the lower speeds. Below is an outline of that process along with estimated pricing for the Board’s review and consideration:

• In order to change the speed limit sign to something lower than the 25 mph, the study has to prove that the 85th percentile of existing cars on the road are going slower than the proposed posted speed.

• The first step is a spot speed study that will be required at every sign location. • This would require the placement of pneumatic road tubes to track speeds at every location for a day or

2 to obtain the speed data. (Approx. $1,500/location) • Upon completion of the data collection, a field review to understand the surrounding area and site

visibility would be required at each location. (Depending on # of locations approx. $5-10k) • Compilation and analysis of all data collected would then occur to formulate a report of each location.

(Depending on # of locations ($15-20k) • After doing all this work, the 85th percentile speed must be lower than 20 mph in a given location for that

locations speed to be posted lower than the 25 mph. That means that if 300 cars go through the speed study at a certain location, 255 of them have to be going slower than 20 mph for our study to recommend the lower posted speed limit sign. This does not even factor in site visibility, curved roads, etc.

Based on the above process, if there are 20 locations that the CDD wants to lower the posted speed limit from 25 mph to 20 mph the traffic study would cost in excess of $50,000. Even with the study, the result may be that the engineer cannot recommend any location being lower than the 25 mph the County is agreeable to posting. Amenity Center & Pool House Roof Replacement: Based upon wide variation of pricing received from 4 contractors for the replacement of the roof on the Amenity Center and Pool House, we are currently working a scope of work to be provided to the contractors for revised pricing. The scope of work will include specifications with the hope that all contractors provide equivalent materials and warranties, while also meeting the insurance requirements of the CDD. We anticipate having revised pricing for Board consideration at the August meeting.


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Margaret’s Walk – Pond 40: Based upon discussion during the June CDD Board meeting, Prosser reviewed the drainage plans for Margaret’s Walk and visited to the site on July 17 to review Pond 40 within Margaret’s Walk. The outfall structure appears to be functioning properly as shown in the below photos. The water quality was not good and there was visible evidence of significant organics (grass clippings) on the surface of the pond. It is our recommendation that the CDD inform all adjacent residents (and lawn maintenance companies) that grass clippings shall be directed away from the pond (not into the pond) when mowing to reduce the organic load on the pond. There was a question raised about the FIPCDD being fined for the pond water quality. Ultimately, the SJRWMD has authority over compliance of the permitted stormwater system, however, the first action would typically be a compliance letter from the SJRWMD if the pond is not performing its function to remove pollutants and not a fine. That does not appear to be the case with Pond 40 as it appears to be functioning per SJRWMD standards.

End of Report


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13901 Sutton Park Drive South, Suite 200 Jacksonville, Florida 32224-0119

p 904.739.3655 f 904.730.3413

July 2, 2020

John C. Shiroda, CCTS Vice President, Corporate Trust 445 North Boulevard, Suite 201 Baton Rouge, LA 70802

PROJECT: Fleming Island Plantation Community Development DistrictPH Project No. 109064.04

SUBJECT: Consulting Engineer’s Report 2020

Dear Mr. Shiroda:

In accordance with Section 9.21 of the Master Trust Indenture for the Fleming Island Plantation Community Development District (“District”), Prosser, Inc., the District Engineer, has reviewed the portion of the Project (as defined in the Indenture) owned by the District, and such portion appears to have been maintained in good repair, working order and condition.

The fiscal year 2020 budget along with current reserves are sufficient, in our opinion, to provide for operation and maintenance of the portion of the Project owned by the District.

In accordance with Section 9.14 of the Master Trust Indenture, Prosser has reviewed the property schedule stating the current limits of insurance coverage and the policy appears to adequately cover the value of the District owned improvements per the 2017-18 Reserve Study.

Should you have any questions or comments related to the information provided in this report, please do not hesitate to contact our office.



Ryan P. Stilwell, P.E.

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Sixth Order of Business

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• Tree Amigos Outdoor Services

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Fleming Island Plantation CDD: Monthly Report-July 2020

Irrigation Maintenance: Continuous review and maintenance on irrigation system.

Fungus/pest/fertilizer applications: This time of year, we are investigating treating

turf areas for Chinch Bugs, Worms, and Mole Crickets. Continuous weed control in

turf and bed areas.

Maintenance: Summertime mowing and pruning services. Lots of growth and it is

extremely hot.

Tree Removals: A tree review will be performed in all common grounds and new

pricing submitted for dead tree removal completed.

Annuals: Fertilizer, Fungicide, and Deadheading continuous maintenance of flower


Tree Amigos Outdoor Services

5000-18 Highway 17 #235 Fleming Island, FL 32003 Office: (904) 778-1030 Fax: (904) 778-1045

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• Tree Amigos Outdoor Services

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Quotation Quote #: 13423

Date: 07/02/2020

Billed To: Fleming Island Plantation Project: 30040

2300 Town Center Blvd. Fleming Island Plantation O/S

Fleming Island FL 32003 2300 Town Center Blvd.

Fleming Island FL 32003

This quote is valid until: 08/01/2020

Description Common Name Quantity Price Ext Price

South Entry to end of tennis courts

Includes removing all dead plant material, cut back vines

and clean up natural vegetation, spray and dump fee. 1.00 2,750.00 2,750.00

South Entry to North Entry

Remove all dead plant material, cut back vines, clen up

vegetation, spray and dump fee. 1.00 3,000.00 3,000.00

North Entry to Golf Property line

Remove all dead plant material, cut back vines, clean up

vegetation, spray and dump fee 1.00 1,900.00 1,900.00


Total: $7,650.00

Approved: _________________________________________ Date: _________________

5000-18 Highway 17 No. 235 Fleming Island, FL 32003 Office: (904) 778-1030 Fax: (904) 778-1045

Email: [email protected] Page

website: 1 of 1

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Seventh Order of Business

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Fleming Island Plantation Waterway Inspection Report

Routine ScheduledReason for Inspection:

Inspection Date: 07/16/2020

Prepared for: Marcia Weeks

Inframark 2300 Town Center Blvd

Fleming Island, FL 32003

Prepared by: William Hinton, Account Representative/Biologist

Jacksonville Field Office


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Agenda Page #27Fleming Island PlantationWaterway Inspection Report 07/16/2020

Management Summary

June 19 - July 14

Ponds were inspected and treated for algae, shoreline grasses, and aquatic vegetation. Algae has been treated on ponds 2,6-8,15,19,21,23,38,39,40-44, and 47 so far this month. Dye was added to sites 2,7,15, and 40. During the second half of June, sites 2,6-8,19,21-23,31,34,38,39,40,44,45, and 53 were treated for algae.

Aquatic vegetation is treated using a combination of direct contact and systemic herbicides. Treated plants include Slender spikerush, Needlerush, Vallisneria (Eelgrass), Bacopa, Slender pondweed, Naiad, Hydrilla, and other noxious species. This month, sites 7,8,19,21,23,39,40-43,45-47,50, and 51 have been treated for aquatic vegetation. The second half of June, sites 19,39, and 45-47 were treated for aquatic vegetation.

Shoreline grasses have been sprayed at sites 6,8,15, and 40-43 so far this month. Our main attention is given to invasive grasses such as Torpedograss and Alligatorweed, which grow quickly and are therefore more difficult to control. Other controlled grasses/brush include Primrose willow, Pennywort (a.k.a Dollarweed), and other nuisance vegetation. Grasses are sprayed if they enter the water, however, the banks are not sprayed, in order to mitigate erosion, and are trimmed/cut at the Association's/Homeowners' discretion. During the second half of June, sites 4,19,21,23,39,45, and 53 were treated for grasses.

Some additional notes: Dye limits the attenuation of light through water, which limits the depth at which vegetation can grow & minimizes algae formation on the bottom of ponds, and can lower pond temperatures.

Outflow barriers were cleaned of trash and debris during site visits to ensure proper drainage from the ponds, however, trash is not regularly removed from the ponds by the technician unless time allows, or debris is present that cannot be reached by maintenance staff. Our first priority is to treat the ponds for vegetation and algae. These rebar barriers are present on the concrete weir boxes and/or spillways on the ponds and act as containment barriers for Triploid (sterile) Grass Carp.

Recommendations/Action Items

In addition to our regular services, our team is capable of performing nutrient abatement treatments, water clarification, a wide range of water quality testing, shoreline erosion restoration, dredging, and bathymetric mapping.

We will continue to monitor and treat the ponds at Fleming Island Plantation as a part of our monthly scheduled maintenance and as needed.

Kindest regards,

Will Hinton Account Representative/Biologist


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Elite Amenities / Aquatic Director’s Report

Date of Report: 7/17/20

Submitted by: Linda Bolger and Eric Meyer

Covid 19 Precautions:

Temperature checks for all staff upon entry Masks worn in Amenity Center office, at the top of the slide at Splash Park, and during interaction less than 6 feet apart.

2 sanitation stations at both pools.

Sanitation of the restrooms, door handles, entrance gates, every two hours and as needed.

Elite has requested that all staff obtain a Covid 19 test to be proactive in limited the spread. Elite is following the CDC guidelines.

If positive with symptoms, employee must quarantine for 14 days with 3 days of no fever. If positive with no symptoms, employee must quarantine for 10 days or two negative tests. If family member or close contact tests positive, must quarantine for 14 days or two negative tests.

Extra Staff: Due to the additional services provided during this time, Elite requests an extra staff member on site at the Splash Park from 10am-8pm daily. This will allow the four scheduled guards to maintain their complete focus on the safety of the residents and guests. The additional guard will take care of the cleaning, sanitizing, and the allowing of necessary staff breaks.

Elite requests that an additional staff member is on site at the Amenity Center 10am-6pm daily to take charge of cleaning, sanitizing, and allowing necessary staff breaks.

Given these additions, the lifeguard contract will still fall well below the agreed upon budget numbers.

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Swim Tests to Date: Splash Park: 439 Amenity Center: 195

Total: 634

Lifeguard Assists to Date: Amenity Center - 1 Splash Park – 1

Brown Outs in the Pool – 2 to date at Splash Park Due to the Brown outs, Elite has implemented the adult swim on the hour at the Splash

Park to allow for young children to exit pool and use restroom, change swim diaper, apply sunscreen, etc.

In Service Training:

Management and Head Guards connect daily to continue with in-season training and address

any daily issues or concerns.

Team meetings are held 2x per month on average.

Management is in regular communication will all staff multiple times per week

Head Guards meet with staff before shifts to discuss any issues, adjustments, and expectations.

On site supervisors meet with all new employees personally to train them before being put on

the schedule.

Should you have any questions or comments, please reach out to Linda Bolger at (609) 680-

9700 or Eric Meyer at (904) 710-0172

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Ninth Order of Business

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Tenth Order of Business

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Fleming Island Plantation CDD

JULY 2020 – Project Manager’s Report

Presented by: Marcia L. Weeks

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The following proposals have been obtained to install electrical outlets and an on/off switch

under the Tennis Court Pavilion for fan installation. The cost includes parts and labor to install

electricity only. Maintenance staff will install the fans upon completion. The total fan expense

for two (2) 24” industrial strength fans is $385.89. This expense will be charged to Parks &

Recreation – Repairs & Maintenance – Tennis Courts.


Bolt Electric $4,000

Heck Electric, LLC $3,390

Pickett Electric, Inc. $2,945


A proposal has been obtained from Tree Amigos Outdoor Service to replace the two (2)

fountain pumps on the Margaret’s Walk Park fountains. The cost to replace the pumps and

clean the system is not to exceed $1,200. We are seeking the Board’s direction on moving

forward with this repair or holding off until a decision is made on who will own and maintain

the park, dock and walking path at Margaret’s Walk.


The following proposal options have been obtained for the Board’s consideration to either

perform an asphalt overlay or a complete re-pave of the Amenity Center parking lot. Cost

includes re-striping of the parking lot. No permit is required for this project.

The Reserve Study projected performing an Asphalt Overlay at 1” for the Amenity Center Parking Lot FY2017-18 at $44,866.


All Pro Asphalt $66,671.41

Atlantic Coast Asphalt Company $87,476.00

Pro Sealed Asphalt, Inc. $88,780.00

Inframark Monthly Project Manager’s Report 1

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All Pro Asphalt $50,623.51

Atlantic Coast Asphalt $54,981.00

Pro Sealed Asphalt Inc. $64,767.20


Per the Board’s request to subsidize the Splash Park Field video surveillance expense, the Clay

County Sheriff’s Office off-duty officer schedule has been reduced to a four (4) day random

rotation schedule at the Splash Park facility and grounds.


*Amenity Center Office Building and Pool Building Roof Proposals – August 2020

*Tennis Court Fence Repair and Replacement – August 2020

Inframark Monthly Project Manager’s Report 2

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In July, a Food Truck Friday Grab & Go was held on Friday, July 3, 2020 from 5:30 p.m. – 8:00

p.m. at the Amenity Center parking lot. To encourage social distancing and resident safety,

residents were able to order delicious food options and then take them home to enjoy.

Participating food trucks included: Mother Truckin’ Pizza, Chubby Burrito and Honey Drippers



It’s time for a Floating Flick at the Splash Park pool. Residents were invited to enjoy a feature

presentation of “Toy Story 4” on Friday, July 10, 2020 at 8:30 p.m. but unfortunately, we were

rained out. The movie was re-scheduled for Friday, July 17, 2020 at 8:30 p.m. and the facility

was at full capacity for the event. The feature presentation of “TROLLS World Tour” is

scheduled to be presented on Friday, July 24, 2020 at 8:30 p.m. Family-friendly movies and

fresh-popped popcorn, what a great combination!


FIP tweens can enjoy a night of fun with friends as they “get their glow on” on Friday, July 31,

2020 from 8:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. on the Amenity Center grounds. Activities include glow

accessories, a glow t-shirt splatter zone, glow games, music and a light snack. Residents are

asked to RSVP for this event. This event is designed for ages ten (10) – thirteen (13).


In accordance with the Governor DeSantis‘ Executive Orders and the Board’s direction, we will

be determining if the following scheduled August events will be held.


The August Food Truck Friday Grab & Go is scheduled on Friday, August 7, 2020 from 5:30 p.m.

– 8:00 p.m. at the Amenity Center parking lot. We encourage social distancing and resident

safety as residents enjoy delicious food options, whether they choose to dine under a park

pavilion or take them home to enjoy. Participating food trucks to include: Taylor’s Tacos,

Twisting Roots and Frozen Sweets.

Inframark Monthly Project Manager’s Report 3

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It’s time to get wet! FIP residents are in for a “Splash-tacular” experience at this exciting water-

themed drive-thru event on Saturday, August 15, 2020 from 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. at the

Amenity Center parking lot. This contact-less event offers residents a fun water experience and

an array of water-themed treats as they journey through the Amenity Center parking lot in the

safety of their vehicle. The “Splash Zone” is sure to cool them off. Residents are asked to RSVP to the Amenity Center office if planning to attend.


FIP families are invited to join us in a game of BINGO pool side on Friday, August 21, 2020 from

6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. at the Amenity Center pool. Residents will enjoy music and a yummy

treat. BINGO participation cost is $10 for six games. Residents are asked to RSVP to the

Amenity Center office by Monday, August 17, 2020 if planning to attend.


*Food Truck Friday - Grab & Go – Friday, September 4, 2020

*Sunday Funday – Every Sunday in the month of September (Splash Park Pool)

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Twelfth Order of Business

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Community Development District

Financial Report

June 30, 2020

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Agenda Page #63FLEMING ISLAND PLANTATION Community Development District

Table of Contents


Balance Sheet - All Funds …………………………………………… 1

Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance

General Fund …………………………………………… 2 - 4

Notes to the Financial Statements …………………………………………… 6 - 7

Debt Service Funds …………………………………………… 5


Non-Ad Valorem Special Assessments Schedule …………………………………………… 8

Bank Reconciliation …………………………………………… 10 - 14

Check Register …………………………………………… 15 - 20

Cash and Investment Report …………………………………………… 9

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Financial Statements


June 30, 2020

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Community Development District Governmental Funds

Balance Sheet June 30, 2020




Cash - Checking Account $ 404,359 $ - $ 404,359

Acct Receivable-Returned Items 35 - 35

Due From Other Funds - 26,896 26,896


Certificates of Deposit - 12 Months 474,808 - 474,808

Certificates of Deposit - 6 Months 370,169 - 370,169

Money Market Account 1,091,280 - 1,091,280

Interest Account - 1 1

Reserve Fund - 501,235 501,235

Revenue Fund - 659,583 659,583

Sinking fund - 5 5

Prepaid Items 460 - 460

Deposits 11,415 - 11,415

TOTAL ASSETS $ 2,352,526 $ 1,187,720 $ 3,540,246


Accounts Payable $ 91,599 $ - $ 91,599

Accrued Expenses 4,000 - 4,000

Due To Other Funds 26,896 - 26,896

TOTAL LIABILITIES 122,495 - 122,495



Prepaid Items 460 - 460

Deposits 11,415 - 11,415

Restricted for:

Debt Service - 1,187,720 1,187,720

Assigned to:

Operating Reserves 591,814 - 591,814

Reserves - Entry Features 91,344 - 91,344

Reserves - Park 75,909 - 75,909

Reserves - Recreation Facilities 208,749 - 208,749

Reserves-Misc.Site Improvement 110,296 - 110,296

Reserves - Signage 112,542 - 112,542

Unassigned: 1,027,502 - 1,027,502

TOTAL FUND BALANCES $ 2,230,031 $ 1,187,720 $ 3,417,751

TOTAL LIABILITIES & FUND BALANCES $ 2,352,526 $ 1,187,720 $ 3,540,246

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General Fund Community Development District

Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances

For the Period Ending June 30, 2020





Interest - Investments $ 10,000 $ 7,497 $ 17,406 $ 9,909

Room Rentals 6,000 4,500 3,043 (1,457)

Tennis Membership 1,500 1,125 600 (525)

Tennis Program Fees 200 150 - (150)

Special Events 5,000 3,750 2,681 (1,069)

Special Assmnts- Tax Collector 2,776,620 2,776,620 2,776,611 (9)

Special Assmnts- Delinquent - - 814 814

Special Assmnts- Discounts (111,065) (111,065) (102,926) 8,139

Other Miscellaneous Revenues 4,500 3,375 774 (2,601)

Access Cards 6,000 4,500 2,325 (2,175)

Insurance Reimbursements - - 4,408 4,408

TOTAL REVENUES 2,698,755 2,690,452 2,705,736 15,284



P/R-Board of Supervisors 16,000 12,000 7,400 4,600

FICA Taxes 1,224 922 566 356

ProfServ-Arbitrage Rebate 600 600 - 600

ProfServ-Dissemination Agent 1,000 1,000 - 1,000

ProfServ-Engineering 20,000 15,003 22,786 (7,783)

ProfServ-Legal Services 40,000 30,000 25,600 4,400

ProfServ-Mgmt Consulting Serv 56,500 42,375 42,375 -

ProfServ-Property Appraiser 1,000 - - -

ProfServ-Special Assessment 9,000 9,000 9,000 -

ProfServ-Trustee Fees 4,000 4,000 4,000 -

Auditing Services 4,200 4,200 4,000 200

Postage and Freight 2,000 1,503 1,224 279

Insurance - General Liability 34,586 34,586 31,957 2,629

Printing and Binding 3,000 2,250 871 1,379

Legal Advertising 3,000 2,250 1,251 999

Misc-Assessmnt Collection Cost 55,531 55,531 53,186 2,345

Misc-Credit Card Fees 500 375 212 163

Misc-Contingency 2,500 1,875 72 1,803

Admin-Scholarships 600 450 - 450

Office Supplies 500 375 59 316

Annual District Filing Fee 175 175 175 -

Total Administration 255,916 218,470 204,734 13,736

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General Fund Community Development District

Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances

For the Period Ending June 30, 2020





ProfServ-Web Site Development 2,000 1,503 750 753

Contracts-Landscape 623,789 466,007 437,302 28,705

Electricity - General 78,000 58,500 48,851 9,649

Utility - Water 71,000 53,250 58,478 (5,228)

R&M-Aquascaping 56,000 42,000 41,850 150

R&M-Common Area 30,000 22,500 21,474 1,026

R&M-Electrical 13,500 10,125 13,505 (3,380)

R&M-Other Landscape 90,000 67,500 57,628 9,872

R&M-Irrigation 40,000 30,000 39,484 (9,484)

Misc-Holiday Decor 4,000 2,400 5,342 (2,942)

Op Supplies - General 8,000 6,000 8,969 (2,969)

Total Field 1,016,289 759,785 733,633 26,152

Parks and Recreation - General

ProfServ-Field Management 345,565 259,174 259,174 -

Contracts-Lifeguard Services 95,275 59,545 45,693 13,852

Contracts-Janitorial Services 8,000 6,000 5,684 316

Contracts-Security Services 59,225 44,419 39,264 5,155

Communication - Teleph - Field 6,600 4,950 5,781 (831)

Postage and Freight 200 153 27 126

Electricity - General 30,000 22,500 16,938 5,562

Utility - Gas 1,000 747 - 747

Utility - Refuse Removal 5,000 3,750 3,906 (156)

Utility - Water & Sewer 34,000 25,500 20,238 5,262

R&M-Air Conditioning 1,000 1,000 1,063 (63)

R&M-Equipment 5,000 3,750 5,170 (1,420)

R&M-Fire Supression System 500 250 275 (25)

R&M-Grounds 6,000 4,500 8,081 (3,581)

R&M-Pest Control 600 450 414 36

R&M-Tennis Courts 6,000 4,500 3,001 1,499

R&M-Gazebo 1,308 981 953 28

Misc-Event Expense 33,000 27,150 21,824 5,326

Misc-Termite Bond 700 525 829 (304)

Misc-Licenses & Permits 700 700 625 75

Misc-Amenity Center Equipment 3,000 2,250 1,930 320

Misc-Contingency 10,000 7,500 9,192 (1,692)

Office Supplies 3,000 2,250 3,503 (1,253)

Cleaning Supplies 2,000 1,500 521 979

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FLEMING ISLAND PLANTATION General Fund Community Development District

Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances

For the Period Ending June 30, 2020




Op Supplies - General 3,500 2,625 5,918 (3,293)

Op Supplies-Pool and Fountain 2,400 1,800 2,308 (508)

Op Supplies - Pool Chemicals 16,766 12,575 12,450 125

Subscriptions and Memberships 950 835 1,048 (213)

Total Parks and Recreation - General 681,289 501,879 475,810 26,069

Community Center

ProfServ-Field Management 198,100 148,575 148,575 -

Contracts-Lifeguard Services 86,250 53,796 44,577 9,219

Contracts-Janitorial Services 7,730 5,797 5,684 113

Contracts-Security Services 41,200 30,900 32,286 (1,386)

Communication - Teleph - Field 4,500 3,375 3,161 214

Electricity - General 20,000 15,003 13,719 1,284

Utility - Refuse Removal 4,500 3,375 1,566 1,809

Utility - Water & Sewer 10,000 7,501 15,351 (7,850)

R&M-Air Conditioning 750 563 522 41

R&M-Fire Supression System 600 400 509 (109)

R&M-Grounds 3,500 2,625 4,706 (2,081)

R&M-Pest Control 375 282 273 9

Misc-Rec Center Equipment 3,000 2,250 1,940 310

Misc-Termite Bond 340 340 - 340

Misc-Licenses & Permits 500 500 375 125

Misc-Contingency 8,500 6,372 7,763 (1,391)

Office Supplies 500 375 356 19

Cleaning Supplies 2,000 1,500 468 1,032

Op Supplies - General 2,650 1,988 744 1,244

Op Supplies - Pool Chemicals 16,766 12,575 12,536 39

Op Supplies-Pool and Wading Pool 2,000 1,500 2,033 (533)

Total Community Center 413,761 299,592 297,144 2,448


Reserve - CDD Amenity 286,500 214,875 658,755 (443,880)

Reserves-Splash Park 45,000 33,750 23,477 10,273

Total Reserves 331,500 248,625 682,232 (433,607)

TOTAL EXPENDITURES & RESERVES 2,698,755 2,028,351 2,393,553 (365,202)

Net change in fund balance $ - $ 662,101 $ 312,183 $ (349,918)

FUND BALANCE, BEGINNING (OCT 1, 2019) 1,917,848 1,917,848 1,917,848

FUND BALANCE, ENDING $ 1,917,848 $ 2,579,949 $ 2,230,031

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2017 Debt Service Fund Community Development District

Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances

For the Period Ending June 30, 2020





Interest - Investments $ 5,000 $ 3,750 $ 12,387 $ 8,637

Special Assmnts- Tax Collector 1,814,282 1,814,282 1,814,280 (2)

Special Assmnts- Delinquent - - 647 647

Special Assmnts- Discounts (72,571) (72,571) (67,251) 5,320

TOTAL REVENUES 1,746,711 1,745,461 1,760,063 14,602



Misc-Assessmnt Collection Cost 36,286 36,286 34,752 1,534

Total Administration 36,286 36,286 34,752 1,534

Debt Service

Principal Debt Retirement 1,145,000 1,145,000 1,145,000 -

Interest Expense 538,363 538,363 538,363 -

Total Debt Service 1,683,363 1,683,363 1,683,363 -

TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,719,649 1,719,649 1,718,115 1,534

Excess (deficiency) of revenues

Over (under) expenditures 27,062 25,812 41,948 16,136


Contribution to (Use of) Fund Balance 27,062 - - -


Net change in fund balance $


27,062 $


25,812 $


41,948 $






1,172,834 $


1,171,584 $



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Agenda Page #70FLEMING ISLAND PLANTATION Community Development District Balance Sheet - All Funds

Notes to the Financial Statements

June 30, 2020

General Fund

► Assets

■ Cash and Investments - See Cash and Investment Report for further details.

■ Acct Receivable-Returned Items

March Deposit-NSF ck $ 35.00

■ Prepaid Items - Expenditures paid in advance.

August - Chalk (Amazon) $ 219.89

August - Tote Bags (Amazon) 119.98

Dec - Trackless Train Deposit 120.00

$ 459.87

■ Deposits $11,415 - Deposits with Clay Electric.

► Liabilities

■ Accounts Payable - Invoices that were processed but not paid until July 2020.

■ Accrued Expenses - Expenses not yet billed or pending approval.

HGS - Legal Fees - June 2020 $ 3,000

Engineer Fees - June 2020 1,000

$ 4,000

■ Due To Other Funds - Assessments distributed by the tax collector which will be transferred to the debt service revenue account.

► Fund Balance

■ Assigned To:

Operating Reserves $ 591,814 - Assigned to cover one quarter of annual O&M expenditures.

Entry Features 91,344

Parks 75,909

Recreation Facilities 208,749

Misc. Site Improvement




TOTAL $ 1,190,654

Debt Service Fund

► Assets

■ Investments - See Cash and Investment Report for further details.

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Agenda Page #71FLEMING ISLAND PLANTATION Community Development District SOR - General Fund

Notes to the Financial Statements

June 30, 2020

Financial Overview / Highlights

► The distribution of non-ad valorem assessments are 100% collected as of 6/30/20.

► Room Rentals - YTD room rental revenue is $3,043 compared to $5,370 at 6/30/2019. That is a decrease of $2,327 (43.33%).

► Other Miscellaneous Revenue -Vandalism & vendor reimbursements.

The General Fund expenditures are at approximately 118% of the YTD (prorated) budget. Significant variances are explained below, however ►

the majority of the variance can be attributed to the Amenity Center pool renovation.

Variance Analysis

YTD % of

Account Name Budget YTD Actual Budget



Engineering Services $ 15,003 $ 22,786 152%


R&M-Electrical $ 10,125 $ 13,505 133%

R&M-Irrigation $ 30,000 $ 39,484 132%

Misc-Holiday Décor $ 2,400 $ 5,342 223%

Op Supplies-General $ 6,000 $ 8,969 149%

Parks and Recreation - General (Amenity Center)

Contracts - Lifeguard Services $ 59,545 $ 45,693 77%

R&M-Equipment $ 3,750 $ 5,170 138%

R&M-Grounds $ 4,500 $ 8,081 180%

Misc - Contingency $ 7,500 $ 9,192 123%

Office Supplies $ 2,250 $ 3,503 156%

Op Supplies - General $ 2,625 $ 5,918 225%

Op Supplies-Pool & Fountain $ 1,800 $ 2,308 128%

Subscriptions & Memberships $ 835 $ 1,048 126%

Community Center (Splash Park)

Contracts - Lifeguard Services $ 53,796 $ 44,577 83%

Utility - Water & Sewer $ 7,501 $ 15,351 205%

R&M-Grounds $ 2,625 $ 4,706 179%

Misc-Contingency $ 6,372 $ 7,763 122%

Op Supplies - Pool and Wading Pool $ 1,500 $ 2,033 136%


Reserve - CDD Amenity $ 214,875 $ 658,755 307%


Prosser - Billed through May 2020; accrued $1,000 for June.

Heck Electric - Install underground lighting pipe $2,440.

Tree Amigos - Isolation valve installed at all 9 meters $13,230.

Tree Amigos - Holiday decorating services $3,735.

Pressure washer supplies, ladders, field operating supplies. Toro cart - replace engine $1,411.

Lifeguard services for March & April not required due to


Xerox rental and Netco services.

AC pool knee wall stucco $1,200; Fence magnet replaced

$543; Paint swing set & bike racks $1,100; water fountain

repairs $1,093.

Lifeguard chair $2,018.

Copier supplies and various office supplies purchased from

Office Depot and using the BB&T card.

1000 Access card $4,410.

Install plastic safety rope anchors $500.

Annual Fees: ASCAP $348; BMI $349; Microsoft/Google


Lifeguard services for March & April not required due to


Water/Sewer - Plumbing issue with the restroom. Seeking

credit from county.

Home Depot purchases.

SP Pavilion - Drip edge roof repair $2,600.

Install plastic safety rope anchors $500.

Epic Pools - Amenity Center pool renovation expenditures as of March 2020 are $480,752. Jason Barnes - Amenity Center

Restroom renovation costs are $72,014; Island Air - 5 ton air conditioner $4,850.

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Supporting Schedules

June 30, 2020

Page 73: FLEMING ISLAND PLANTATION COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT … · 7/28/2020  · agenda package. Swim tests are going well, and swim lessons started two weeks ago. Everyone is abiding by the

Agenda Page #73FLEMING ISLAND PLANTATION Community Development District

Non-Ad Valorem Special Assessments - Clay County Tax Collector Monthly Collection Report

For the Fiscal Year Ending September 30, 2020


Date Net Amount

Received Received

Discount /










Series 2017

Debt Service


Assessments Levied FY20

Allocation %

11/13/19 $ 141,809

11/21/19 731,540

12/12/19 2,581,275

12/18/19 442,627

01/21/20 74,435

02/21/20 134,678

03/18/20 99,996

04/17/20 59,998

05/15/20 33,118

06/11/20 11,006

06/26/20** 21,985

$ 6,493











$ 2,863











$ 4,590,891


$ 151,165











$ 2,776,611


$ 91,426











$ 1,814,280


$ 59,739











TOTAL $ 4,332,469 $ 170,484 $ 87,938 $ 4,590,891 $ 2,776,611 $ 1,814,280

% COLLECTED 100% 100% 100%

TOTAL OUTSTANDING $ (0) $ (0) $ (0)

*Parcel 050526-014266-026-49 (FY18 Delinquent rcvd 6/26/20) $ 813.52 $ 647.07

** Tax Certificate Sales

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Agenda Page #74

FLEMING ISLAND PLANTATION Community Development District All Funds

Cash and Investment Report

June 30, 2020


Account Name Bank Name Investment Type Maturity Yield Balance

Checking Account - Operating Hancock Bank Checking Account n/a 0.00%






Certificate of Deposit - 12 Months

Certificate of Deposit - 12 Months

Certificate of Deposit - 12 Months




CD 4566

CD 1506

CD 1509














Certificate of Deposit - 6 Months

Certificate of Deposit - 6 Months



CD 3796

CD 3797













BankUnited BankUnited Money Market n/a 0.25%


Total GF








Account Name

Series 2017 Interest Account

Series 2017 Reserve Account

Series 2017 Revenue Account

Series 2017 Sinking Fund

Bank Name

Hancock Bank

Hancock Bank

Hancock Bank

Hancock Bank

Investment Type

Federated Govt Oblig

Federated Govt Oblig

Federated Govt Oblig

Federated Govt Oblig











Total DS $







Total All Funds $ 3,501,440

*In July, CDs were reinvested for 6 months earning 0.50%.

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Agenda Page #75Fleming Island Plantation CDD Bank Reconciliation

Bank Account No.

Statement No.

Statement Date




Hancock Bank

G/L Balance (LCY)

G/L Balance

Positive Adjustments


Negative Adjustments






Statement Balance

Outstanding Deposits


Outstanding Checks







Ending G/L Balance 404,358.94 Ending Balance 404,358.94

Difference 0.00

Posting Document Document Cleared Date Type No. Description Amount Amount Difference

Outstanding Checks

5/19/2020 Payment 72534 TIMOTHY J BELL 300.00 0.00 300.00

5/21/2020 Payment 72541 INSTANT PHOTOCUBE 300.00 0.00 300.00

6/4/2020 Payment 72559 FIRST COAST SIGNS, INC 217.14 0.00 217.14

6/25/2020 Payment 72597 TREE AMIGOS OUTDOOR SVCS, INC 12,333.00 0.00 12,333.00

6/25/2020 Payment 72598 ACCURATE UTILITY SUPPLY, LLC 768.23 0.00 768.23

6/25/2020 Payment 72599 AT SERVICES OF JAX, INC 1,090.99 0.00 1,090.99

6/25/2020 Payment 72600 COMCAST 353.50 0.00 353.50

6/25/2020 Payment 72602 DOLPHIN BACKFLOW INC. 510.10 0.00 510.10

6/25/2020 Payment 72604 FEDEX 39.18 0.00 39.18

6/25/2020 Payment 72605 IN THE SWIM 454.85 0.00 454.85

6/25/2020 Payment 72606 ISLAND AIR & REGRIGERATION LLC 650.00 0.00 650.00

6/25/2020 Payment 72607 OFFICE DEPOT BUSINESS CREDIT 31.97 0.00 31.97

6/25/2020 Payment 72608 PROSSER INC 746.06 0.00 746.06

6/25/2020 Payment 72609 UNIQUE SPECIAL SVCS 885.00 0.00 885.00

6/25/2020 Payment 72610 CLAY COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE 515.00 0.00 515.00

6/25/2020 Payment 72611 DAKOTA WYATT BELL 420.00 0.00 420.00

6/25/2020 Payment 72612 DANIEL D. TENBUSCH 600.00 0.00 600.00

6/25/2020 Payment 72613 JAMES B WILSON 420.00 0.00 420.00

6/25/2020 Payment 72614 JEFFREY ALAN DEESE 450.00 0.00 450.00

6/25/2020 Payment 72615 KALEB FIELDS 150.00 0.00 150.00

6/25/2020 Payment 72616 MICHAEL JOHN CONNORS 450.00 0.00 450.00

6/25/2020 Payment 72617 PATRICK JAMES O'ROURKE 300.00 0.00 300.00

6/25/2020 Payment 72618 STEPHEN M COYNE 300.00 0.00 300.00

Total Outstanding Checks...................................................................................................................... 22,285.02 22,285.02

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Payment Register by Fund

For the Period from 6/1/20 to 6/30/20

(Sorted by Check / ACH No.)



Check /

ACH No. Date Payee Invoice No. Payment Description Invoice / GL Description G/L Account #




001 149 06/25/20 FLEMING ISLAND PLANTATION CDD 062320-2939 REPLENISH HANCOCK BANK ACCOUNT Cash with Fiscal Agent 103000 $300,000.00

001 72549 06/03/20 ELITE AMENITIES NE FLORIDA LLC 1067 5/2020 Lifeguard Service Contracts-Lifeguard Services 534022-57204 $2,524.00

001 72549 06/03/20 ELITE AMENITIES NE FLORIDA LLC 1067 5/2020 Lifeguard Service Contracts-Lifeguard Services 534022-57201 $5,280.00

001 72549 06/03/20 ELITE AMENITIES NE FLORIDA LLC 1083 LIFEGUARD SERVICE 5/17 - 5/31/20 Contracts-Lifeguard Services 534022-57201 $10,344.00

001 72549 06/03/20 ELITE AMENITIES NE FLORIDA LLC 1083 LIFEGUARD SERVICE 5/17 - 5/31/20 Contracts-Lifeguard Services 534022-57204 $7,824.00

001 72550 06/04/20 10- S TENNIS SUPPLY 145688 10-S ELITE Drag Broom-(4 qty) Rep Handle R&M-Tennis Courts 546097-57201 $145.10

001 72551 06/04/20 TREE AMIGOS OUTDOOR SVCS 13251 5/2020 MONTHLY MAINT AGREEMENT Contracts-Landscape 534050-53901 $47,542.48

001 72552 06/04/20 CLAY ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE 55526-052120 ELEC ACCT# 9055526 4/18-5/17/2020 Electricity - General 543006-53901 $30.00

001 72553 06/04/20 CLAY TODAY 311840 Notice of Qualifying Period 5/21/2020 Legal Advertising 548002-51301 $68.85

001 72554 06/04/20 COMCAST 93753-051820 ACCT# 8495 74 144 1793753 5/22-6/21/2020 Communication - Teleph - Field 541005-57201 $139.64

001 72555 06/04/20 WARJON 7130195188 CLEANING SUPPLIES Cleaning Supplies 551003-57201 $93.78

001 72555 06/04/20 WARJON 7130195188 CLEANING SUPPLIES Cleaning Supplies 551003-57204 $93.77

001 72556 06/04/20 DE LAGE LANDEN FINANCIAL SVC 68167117 COPIER RENTAL 5/15-6/14/2020 Office Supplies 551002-57201 $111.63

001 72556 06/04/20 DE LAGE LANDEN FINANCIAL SVC 68167117 COPIER RENTAL 5/15-6/14/2020 R&M-Equipment 546022-57201 $514.67

001 72557 06/04/20 FEDEX 7-015-27940 FEDEX 5/7-5/11/2020 Postage and Freight 541006-51301 $31.31

001 72558 06/04/20 FEDEX 7-021-25330 SERVICE FOR 5/19/2020 Postage and Freight 541006-51301 $17.30

001 72559 06/04/20 FIRST COAST SIGNS, INC 13887 Replace Marquee Plexi Glass Marquee plexyglass 546016-53901 $217.14

001 72560 06/04/20 HOPPING GREEN & SAMS 115060 GENERAL COUNSEL 4/2020 ProfServ-Legal Services 531023-51401 $1,642.00

001 72561 06/04/20 PICKETT ELECTRIC INC 3783 REPLACED LIGHT A.C. & TENNIS COURTS R&M-Electrical 546020-53901 $1,439.00

001 72562 06/04/20 POOLSURE 131295592772 6/2020 WATER MANAGEMENT Op Supplies - Pool Chemicals 552009-57201 $1,710.74

001 72562 06/04/20 POOLSURE 131295592772 6/2020 WATER MANAGEMENT Op Supplies - Pool Chemicals 552009-57204 $1,710.74

001 72563 06/04/20 READYREFRESH BY NESTLE 10E0008422883 4/19-5/18/20 H2o svc Op Supplies - General 552001-57201 $75.86

001 72564 06/04/20 WASTE MANAGEMENT INC. 9436506-2224-5 ACCT# 21-69336-93007 6/1-6/30/2020 Utility - Refuse Removal 543020-57204 $183.61

001 72565 06/11/20 ISLAND AIR & REGRIGERATION LLC 1398 Air Conditioning Maintenance R&M-Air Conditioning 546004-57204 $427.50

001 72565 06/11/20 ISLAND AIR & REGRIGERATION LLC 1398 Air Conditioning Maintenance R&M-Air Conditioning 546004-57201 $412.50

001 72566 06/10/20 10- S TENNIS SUPPLY 145649 SMALLER GREEN BAGS R&M-Tennis Courts 546097-57201 $700.00

001 72567 06/10/20 TREE AMIGOS OUTDOOR SVCS 13273 French Drain at AC office R&M-Irrigation 546041-53901 $415.00

001 72568 06/10/20 AIRGAS USA, LLC 9971238700 HELIUM RENTAL 5/31/2020 Misc-Rec Center Equipment 549049-57204 $44.68

001 72569 06/10/20 ALTRA MEDICAL CORPORATION 24297 Annual AED Maintenance Inspection Misc-Rec Center Equipment 549049-57204 $100.00

001 72569 06/10/20 ALTRA MEDICAL CORPORATION 24297 Annual AED Maintenance Inspection Misc-Amenity Center Equipment 549077-57201 $100.00

001 72570 06/10/20 AT SERVICES OF JAX, INC 30130 Access Control Svc Call 5/7/2020 Misc-Amenity Center Equipment 549077-57201 $180.00

001 72570 06/10/20 AT SERVICES OF JAX, INC 30130 Access Control Svc Call 5/7/2020 Misc-Rec Center Equipment 549049-57204 $180.00

001 72571 06/10/20 COMCAST 99952-060220 ACCT# 8495 74 144 0199952 6/12-7/11/2020 Communication - Teleph - Field 541005-57201 $384.87

001 72572 06/10/20 WARJON 7130195305 CLEANING 6/1-6/30/2020 Contracts-Janitorial Services 534026-57201 $631.50

001 72572 06/10/20 WARJON 7130195305 CLEANING 6/1-6/30/2020 Contracts-Janitorial Services 534026-57204 $631.50

001 72572 06/10/20 WARJON 7130195196 CLEANING SUPPLIES Cleaning Supplies 551003-57204 $94.67

001 72572 06/10/20 WARJON 7130195196 CLEANING SUPPLIES Cleaning Supplies 551003-57201 $94.66

001 72573 06/10/20 DAVID GRAY PLUMBING CO., INC I620828 Tennis Court water fountain maintenance. R&M-Grounds 546037-57201 $476.00

001 72574 06/10/20 DOLPHIN BACKFLOW INC. 29987 River Park Garden Area/Backflow Preventer Inspect R&M-Common Area 546016-53901 $40.00

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Payment Register by Fund

For the Period from 6/1/20 to 6/30/20

(Sorted by Check / ACH No.)



Check /

ACH No. Date Payee Invoice No. Payment Description Invoice / GL Description G/L Account #



001 72575 06/10/20 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 19504-052620 HD: 4/24-5/24/2020 Purchases 7 Paracord Poly Pro Black 546037-57201 $34.86

001 72575 06/10/20 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 19504-052620 HD: 4/24-5/24/2020 Purchases VACUUM BATTERY/AC POOL 552008-57201 $116.04

001 72575 06/10/20 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 19504-052620 HD: 4/24-5/24/2020 Purchases Refrigerator; couplings; etc 546037-57201 $155.74

001 72575 06/10/20 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 19504-052620 HD: 4/24-5/24/2020 Purchases SP Cleaning Supplies for Opening 552001-57204 $30.89

001 72575 06/10/20 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 19504-052620 HD: 4/24-5/24/2020 Purchases SP Pool Filter Area/Leaf Rake 546037-57204 $46.83

001 72575 06/10/20 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 19504-052620 HD: 4/24-5/24/2020 Purchases ZIP TIES 552001-53901 $26.83

001 72575 06/10/20 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 19504-052620 HD: 4/24-5/24/2020 Purchases Sprayers/Bleach/Gbg Bags 552001-53901 $93.74

001 72575 06/10/20 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 19504-052620 HD: 4/24-5/24/2020 Purchases SP MISC POOL AREA SUPPLIES 546037-57204 $39.99

001 72575 06/10/20 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 19504-052620 HD: 4/24-5/24/2020 Purchases NEW LIGHTS BULBS/AC POOL 546037-57201 $54.58

001 72575 06/10/20 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 19504-052620 HD: 4/24-5/24/2020 Purchases 2 Combo Wall Mount Lock Box 549900-57204 $61.94

001 72575 06/10/20 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 19504-052620 HD: 4/24-5/24/2020 Purchases SP Pool Area Cleaning Supplies 546037-57204 $66.34

001 72575 06/10/20 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 19504-052620 HD: 4/24-5/24/2020 Purchases RETURN-Battery 552001-53901 ($102.50)

001 72575 06/10/20 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 19504-052620 HD: 4/24-5/24/2020 Purchases Battery (Returned) 552001-53901 $102.50

001 72575 06/10/20 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 19504-052620 HD: 4/24-5/24/2020 Purchases Painters Touch Gloss/Apple Red 546037-57204 $7.96

001 72575 06/10/20 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 19504-052620 HD: 4/24-5/24/2020 Purchases Bleach and 2 Bleach Sprayers 552001-53901 $46.66

001 72575 06/10/20 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 19504-052620 HD: 4/24-5/24/2020 Purchases RETURN-Battery for Pool Vacuum 552008-57201 ($90.50)

001 72575 06/10/20 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 19504-052620 HD: 4/24-5/24/2020 Purchases Deep Cycle Battery/Pool Vacuum 552060-57204 $122.50

001 72575 06/10/20 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 19504-052620 HD: 4/24-5/24/2020 Purchases Deep Cycle Battery/Pool Vacuum 552008-57201 $122.50

001 72575 06/10/20 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 19504-052620 HD: 4/24-5/24/2020 Purchases RETURN-Battery Core Charge 552060-57204 ($12.00)

001 72575 06/10/20 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 19504-052620 HD: 4/24-5/24/2020 Purchases 2 Poly Leaf Rakes 546097-57201 $19.96

001 72575 06/10/20 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 19504-052620 HD: 4/24-5/24/2020 Purchases Grsd Lightng; Towels; Rpr Tool 552001-57201 $38.92

001 72575 06/10/20 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 19504-052620 HD: 4/24-5/24/2020 Purchases HD Late Fee 549900-51301 $35.00

001 72575 06/10/20 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 19504-052620 HD: 4/24-5/24/2020 Purchases HD Finance Charge 549900-51301 $29.84

001 72576 06/10/20 LINDA BOLGER 06082020 Reimburse for Walkie Talkies Op Supplies-Pool and Fountain 552008-57201 $72.49

001 72576 06/10/20 LINDA BOLGER 06082020 Reimburse for Walkie Talkies Op Supplies-Pool and Wading Pool 552060-57204 $72.50

001 72577 06/10/20 MARK A BURDETSKY SLAND-052920 paint bike racks & Thunder bucket poles R&M-Grounds 546037-57204 $625.00

001 72578 06/10/20 Robert G Nagle 2517 6/2020 MONTHLY MAINT ProfServ-Web Site Development 531047-53901 $150.00

001 72579 06/10/20 SOLITUDE LAKE MANAGEMENT SMOR-346341 Pond 7 Fish stock/50% Deposit Pond 7 Fish stock 546016-53901 $1,697.50

001 72579 06/10/20 SOLITUDE LAKE MANAGEMENT PI-A00420697 6/2020 LAKE & POND MANAGEMENT R&M-Aquascaping 546006-53901 $4,650.00

001 72580 06/10/20 WASTE MANAGEMENT INC. 9435247-2224-7 ACCT# 9-31692-42001 6/1-6/30/2020 Utility - Refuse Removal 543020-57201 $401.42

001 72581 06/10/20 WEBWATCHDOGS 6008 Camera warranty- AC grounds (exp 3/28/21) Misc-Contingency 549900-57201 $499.00

001 72581 06/10/20 WEBWATCHDOGS 6211 Svc Call/DVR was Disconnected from Network Misc-Contingency 549900-57204 $125.00

001 72582 06/10/20 CLAY COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE 05312020-SCHEDULE SCHEDULING FEE FOR 5/16-5/31/2020 Contracts-Security Services 534037-57201 $125.00

001 72582 06/10/20 CLAY COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE 05312020-SCHEDULE SCHEDULING FEE FOR 5/16-5/31/2020 Contracts-Security Services 534037-57204 $125.00

001 72582 06/10/20 CLAY COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE 05312020-AGENCY AGENCY FEE FOR 5/16-5/31/2020 Contracts-Security Services 534037-57201 $325.00

001 72582 06/10/20 CLAY COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE 05312020-AGENCY AGENCY FEE FOR 5/16-5/31/2020 Contracts-Security Services 534037-57204 $165.00

001 72583 06/10/20 DAKOTA WYATT BELL 05312020 SECURITY FOR 5/26/2020 Contracts-Security Services 534037-57201 $150.00

001 72584 06/10/20 DANIEL D. TENBUSCH 05312020 SECURITY FOR 5/23, 5/26, 5/31/2020 SECURITY FOR 5/23/2020 534037-57201 $150.00

001 72584 06/10/20 DANIEL D. TENBUSCH 05312020 SECURITY FOR 5/23, 5/26, 5/31/2020 SECURITY FOR 5/26/2020 534037-57204 $150.00

001 72584 06/10/20 DANIEL D. TENBUSCH 05312020 SECURITY FOR 5/23, 5/26, 5/31/2020 SECURITY FOR 5/31/2020 534037-57204 $90.00

Page 16

Page 82: FLEMING ISLAND PLANTATION COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT … · 7/28/2020  · agenda package. Swim tests are going well, and swim lessons started two weeks ago. Everyone is abiding by the


Payment Register by Fund

For the Period from 6/1/20 to 6/30/20

(Sorted by Check / ACH No.)



Check /

ACH No. Date Payee Invoice No. Payment Description Invoice / GL Description G/L Account #



001 72585 06/10/20 JAMES B WILSON 05312020 SECURITY FOR 5/17, 5/22, 5/23, AND 5/28/2020 SECURITY FOR 5/17/2020 534037-57204 $150.00

001 72585 06/10/20 JAMES B WILSON 05312020 SECURITY FOR 5/17, 5/22, 5/23, AND 5/28/2020 SECURITY FOR 5/22/2020 534037-57204 $150.00

001 72585 06/10/20 JAMES B WILSON 05312020 SECURITY FOR 5/17, 5/22, 5/23, AND 5/28/2020 SECURITY FOR 5/23/2020 534037-57204 $150.00

001 72585 06/10/20 JAMES B WILSON 05312020 SECURITY FOR 5/17, 5/22, 5/23, AND 5/28/2020 SECURITY FOR 5/28/2020 534037-57204 $150.00

001 72586 06/10/20 JEFFREY ALAN DEESE 05312020 SECURITY FOR 5/24, 5/25, 5/27/2020 SECURITY FOR 5/24/2020 534037-57204 $150.00

001 72586 06/10/20 JEFFREY ALAN DEESE 05312020 SECURITY FOR 5/24, 5/25, 5/27/2020 SECURITY FOR 5/25/2020 534037-57201 $150.00

001 72586 06/10/20 JEFFREY ALAN DEESE 05312020 SECURITY FOR 5/24, 5/25, 5/27/2020 SECURITY FOR 5/27/2020 534037-57201 $150.00

001 72587 06/10/20 KALEB FIELDS 05312020 SECURITY FOR 5/20 AND 5/28/2020 SECURITY FOR 5/20/2020 534037-57201 $150.00

001 72587 06/10/20 KALEB FIELDS 05312020 SECURITY FOR 5/20 AND 5/28/2020 SECURITY FOR 5/28/2020 534037-57201 $150.00

001 72588 06/10/20 MICHAEL JOHN CONNORS 05312020 SECURITY FOR 5/17 AND 5/21/2020 SECURITY FOR 5/17/2020 534037-57201 $150.00

001 72588 06/10/20 MICHAEL JOHN CONNORS 05312020 SECURITY FOR 5/17 AND 5/21/2020 SECURITY FOR 5/21/2020 534037-57201 $150.00

001 72589 06/10/20 PATRICK JAMES O'ROURKE 05312020 SECURITY FOR 5/18 AND 5/19/2020 SECURITY FOR 5/18/2020 534037-57201 $150.00

001 72589 06/10/20 PATRICK JAMES O'ROURKE 05312020 SECURITY FOR 5/18 AND 5/19/2020 SECURITY FOR 5/19/2020 534037-57201 $150.00

001 72590 06/10/20 STEPHEN M COYNE 05312020 SECURITY FOR 5/16, 5/30 AND 5/22/2020 SECURITY FOR 5/16/2020 534037-57201 $150.00

001 72590 06/10/20 STEPHEN M COYNE 05312020 SECURITY FOR 5/16, 5/30 AND 5/22/2020 SECURITY FOR 5/30/2020 534037-57201 $150.00

001 72590 06/10/20 STEPHEN M COYNE 05312020 SECURITY FOR 5/16, 5/30 AND 5/22/2020 SECURITY FOR 5/22/2020 534037-57201 $150.00

001 72591 06/18/20 AT & T 10567-060520 ACCT# 904 269-5449 001 0567 5/1-5/31/20 Communication - Teleph - Field 541005-57201 $118.45

001 72592 06/18/20 CLAY TODAY 312688 Notice of Telephonic Reg Mtg - 6/23/20 Legal Advertising 548002-51301 $149.85

001 72593 06/18/20 OFFICE DEPOT BUSINESS CREDIT 505048575-001 SP - Misc Office Supplies Office Supplies 551002-57204 $170.12

001 72594 06/18/20 WESCOTURF INC. 48852038 Repair field equipment R&M-Grounds 546037-53901 $343.65

001 72595 06/18/20 COMCAST 96618-060820 ACCT# 8495 74 144 1696618 6/12-7/11/2020 R&M-Gazebo 546112-57201 $88.40

001 72596 06/18/20 INFRAMARK, LLC 52293 06/2020 MANAGEMENT FEES ProfServ-Mgmt Consulting Serv 531027-51201 $4,708.33

001 72596 06/18/20 INFRAMARK, LLC 52293 06/2020 MANAGEMENT FEES ProfServ-Field Management 531016-57201 $28,797.08

001 72596 06/18/20 INFRAMARK, LLC 52293 06/2020 MANAGEMENT FEES Postage and Freight 541006-51301 $20.00

001 72596 06/18/20 INFRAMARK, LLC 52293 06/2020 MANAGEMENT FEES Printing and Binding 547001-51301 $116.10

001 72596 06/18/20 INFRAMARK, LLC 52293 06/2020 MANAGEMENT FEES ReimbExp-Jeffers Mileage 552001-53901 $15.87

001 72596 06/18/20 INFRAMARK, LLC 52293 06/2020 MANAGEMENT FEES ProfServ-Field Management 531016-57204 $16,508.34

001 72596 06/18/20 INFRAMARK, LLC 52293 06/2020 MANAGEMENT FEES ReimbExp-April Events 549022-57201 $212.46

001 72597 06/25/20 TREE AMIGOS OUTDOOR SVCS 13097 5/21/20: Tree/Plants-YMCA Accident Rplcmnt R&M-Other Landscape 546036-53901 $2,633.00

001 72597 06/25/20 TREE AMIGOS OUTDOOR SVCS 13309 Add soil to beds thru-out R&M-Other Landscape 546036-53901 $2,210.00

001 72597 06/25/20 TREE AMIGOS OUTDOOR SVCS 13293 Village Square soil replacement R&M-Other Landscape 546036-53901 $2,890.00

001 72597 06/25/20 TREE AMIGOS OUTDOOR SVCS 13324 Main Line rprs & valves replaced R&M-Irrigation 546041-53901 $2,850.00

001 72597 06/25/20 TREE AMIGOS OUTDOOR SVCS 13323 Irrigation Rprs/Amberwood Center Island R&M-Irrigation 546041-53901 $1,750.00

001 72598 06/25/20 ACCURATE UTILITY SUPPLY, LLC 159900 HAND SANITIZER + FREIGHT hand sanitizer 549900-57201 $384.12

001 72598 06/25/20 ACCURATE UTILITY SUPPLY, LLC 159900 HAND SANITIZER + FREIGHT hand sanitizer 549900-57204 $384.11

001 72599 06/25/20 AT SERVICES OF JAX, INC 30228 5/27/20 Svc Call @ SP-Trace Wiring & Tone Out Misc-Rec Center Equipment 549049-57204 $240.00

001 72599 06/25/20 AT SERVICES OF JAX, INC 30232 6/2-3/2020 Svc Call - PC Blue Screen @ AC Misc-Amenity Center Equipment 549077-57201 $120.00

001 72599 06/25/20 AT SERVICES OF JAX, INC 30233 500GN SanDisk Plus SSD SecuraKey PC Misc-Amenity Center Equipment 549077-57201 $71.99

001 72599 06/25/20 AT SERVICES OF JAX, INC 30281 SP - SecuraKey Svc Call/5 Port GB Switch Misc-Rec Center Equipment 549049-57204 $659.00

001 72600 06/25/20 COMCAST 45886-061320 ACCT# 8495 74 144 0345886 6/21-7/20/2020 Communication - Teleph - Field 541005-57204 $353.50

001 72601 06/25/20 DAVID GRAY PLUMBING CO., INC I622494 MENS OFFICE BATHROOM TOILET R&M-Grounds 546037-57201 $158.00

001 72602 06/25/20 DOLPHIN BACKFLOW INC. 30039 MW back flow repair R&M-Common Area 546016-53901 $510.10

Page 17

Page 83: FLEMING ISLAND PLANTATION COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT … · 7/28/2020  · agenda package. Swim tests are going well, and swim lessons started two weeks ago. Everyone is abiding by the


Payment Register by Fund

For the Period from 6/1/20 to 6/30/20

(Sorted by Check / ACH No.)



Check /

ACH No. Date Payee Invoice No. Payment Description Invoice / GL Description G/L Account #



001 72603 06/25/20 ELITE AMENITIES NE FLORIDA LLC 1086 LIFEGUARD SERVICE 6/1-6/15/2020 Contracts-Lifeguard Services 534022-57204 $12,300.00

001 72603 06/25/20 ELITE AMENITIES NE FLORIDA LLC 1086 LIFEGUARD SERVICE 6/1-6/15/2020 Contracts-Lifeguard Services 534022-57201 $9,480.00

001 72604 06/25/20 FEDEX 7-032-89687 FedEx Svc for 5/29-6/3/2020 Postage and Freight 541006-51301 $39.18

001 72605 06/25/20 IN THE SWIM 9282133 TLR DPD RGT Op Supplies - Pool Chemicals 552009-57201 $47.42

001 72605 06/25/20 IN THE SWIM 9282133 TLR DPD RGT Op Supplies - Pool Chemicals 552009-57204 $47.43

001 72605 06/25/20 IN THE SWIM 9273923 SUPER POOL SHOCK Op Supplies - Pool Chemicals 552009-57201 $180.00

001 72605 06/25/20 IN THE SWIM 9273923 SUPER POOL SHOCK Op Supplies - Pool Chemicals 552009-57204 $180.00

001 72606 06/25/20 ISLAND AIR & REGRIGERATION LLC 1403 Office A/C repair R&M-Air Conditioning 546004-57201 $400.00

001 72606 06/25/20 ISLAND AIR & REGRIGERATION LLC 1403-1 AC/air handler repair for air conditioner R&M-Air Conditioning 546004-57201 $250.00

001 72607 06/25/20 OFFICE DEPOT BUSINESS CREDIT 31768-060420 PURCHASES FOR 5/19 & 6/3/2020 Keyboard 549077-57201 $12.99

001 72607 06/25/20 OFFICE DEPOT BUSINESS CREDIT 31768-060420 PURCHASES FOR 5/19 & 6/3/2020 Tape & Letter Opener 551002-57201 $18.98

001 72608 06/25/20 PROSSER INC 44132 May 2020 Gen Engineering Services ProfServ-Engineering 531013-51501 $746.06

001 72609 06/25/20 UNIQUE SPECIAL SVCS 1255 RESTRAP CHAISE (May 2020) Reserve - Splash Park 568175-58100 $885.00

001 72610 06/25/20 CLAY COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE 06152020-ADMIN ADMIN FEE 6/1-6/15/2020 Contracts-Security Services 534037-57201 $270.00

001 72610 06/25/20 CLAY COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE 06152020-ADMIN ADMIN FEE 6/1-6/15/2020 Contracts-Security Services 534037-57204 $245.00

001 72611 06/25/20 DAKOTA WYATT BELL 06152020 SECURITY FOR 6/9, 6/14, 6/4/2020 SECURITY FOR 6/9/2020 534037-57201 $150.00

001 72611 06/25/20 DAKOTA WYATT BELL 06152020 SECURITY FOR 6/9, 6/14, 6/4/2020 SECURITY FOR 6/14/2020 534037-57204 $135.00

001 72611 06/25/20 DAKOTA WYATT BELL 06152020 SECURITY FOR 6/9, 6/14, 6/4/2020 SECURITY FOR 6/4/2020 534037-57204 $135.00

001 72612 06/25/20 DANIEL D. TENBUSCH 06152020 SECURITY FOR 6/3, 6/6, 6/7, 6/14/2020 SECURITY FOR 6/3/2020 534037-57201 $150.00

001 72612 06/25/20 DANIEL D. TENBUSCH 06152020 SECURITY FOR 6/3, 6/6, 6/7, 6/14/2020 SECURITY FOR 6/6/2020 534037-57204 $150.00

001 72612 06/25/20 DANIEL D. TENBUSCH 06152020 SECURITY FOR 6/3, 6/6, 6/7, 6/14/2020 SECURITY FOR 6/7/2020 534037-57204 $150.00

001 72612 06/25/20 DANIEL D. TENBUSCH 06152020 SECURITY FOR 6/3, 6/6, 6/7, 6/14/2020 SECURITY FOR 6/14/2020 534037-57201 $150.00

001 72613 06/25/20 JAMES B WILSON 06152020 SECURITY FOR 6/5, 6/8, 6/11/2020 SECURITY FOR 6/5/2020 534037-57204 $150.00

001 72613 06/25/20 JAMES B WILSON 06152020 SECURITY FOR 6/5, 6/8, 6/11/2020 SECURITY FOR 6/8/2020 534037-57201 $120.00

001 72613 06/25/20 JAMES B WILSON 06152020 SECURITY FOR 6/5, 6/8, 6/11/2020 SECURITY FOR 6/11/2020 534037-57201 $150.00

001 72614 06/25/20 JEFFREY ALAN DEESE 06152020 SECURITY FOR 6/6, 6/7, 6/10/2020 SECURITY FOR 6/6/2020 534037-57201 $150.00

001 72614 06/25/20 JEFFREY ALAN DEESE 06152020 SECURITY FOR 6/6, 6/7, 6/10/2020 SECURITY FOR 6/7/2020 534037-57201 $150.00

001 72614 06/25/20 JEFFREY ALAN DEESE 06152020 SECURITY FOR 6/6, 6/7, 6/10/2020 SECURITY FOR 9/10/2020 534037-57201 $150.00

001 72615 06/25/20 KALEB FIELDS 06152020 SECURITY FOR 6/12/2020 SECURITY 6/12/2020 534037-57204 $150.00

001 72616 06/25/20 MICHAEL JOHN CONNORS 06152020 SECURITY FOR 6/4, 6/9, 6/13/2020 SECURITY 6/4/2020 534037-57201 $150.00

001 72616 06/25/20 MICHAEL JOHN CONNORS 06152020 SECURITY FOR 6/4, 6/9, 6/13/2020 SECURITY 6/9/2020 534037-57204 $150.00

001 72616 06/25/20 MICHAEL JOHN CONNORS 06152020 SECURITY FOR 6/4, 6/9, 6/13/2020 SECURITY 6/13/2020 534037-57204 $150.00

001 72617 06/25/20 PATRICK JAMES O'ROURKE 06152020 SECURITY FOR 6/2 AND 6/11/2020 SECURITY FOR 6/2/2020 534037-57204 $150.00

001 72617 06/25/20 PATRICK JAMES O'ROURKE 06152020 SECURITY FOR 6/2 AND 6/11/2020 SECURITY FOR 6/11/2020 534037-57204 $150.00

001 72618 06/25/20 STEPHEN M COYNE 06152020 SECURITY FOR 6/12 AND 6/13/2020 SECURITY 6/12/2020 534037-57201 $150.00

001 72618 06/25/20 STEPHEN M COYNE 06152020 SECURITY FOR 6/12 AND 6/13/2020 SECURITY FOR 6/13/2020 534037-57201 $150.00

001 72619 06/25/20 BB&T - ACH 060520-4046 BB&T Purchases 5/6-6/4/2020 DOLLAR TREE 5/2020 Misc Events 549022-57201 $33.00

001 72619 06/25/20 BB&T - ACH 060520-4046 BB&T Purchases 5/6-6/4/2020 DOLLAR TREE 5/2020 Misc Events 549022-57201 $21.40

001 72619 06/25/20 BB&T - ACH 060520-4046 BB&T Purchases 5/6-6/4/2020 NOTHING BUNDT CAKES May event 549022-57201 $240.00

001 72619 06/25/20 BB&T - ACH 060520-4046 BB&T Purchases 5/6-6/4/2020 NOTHING BUNDT CAKES May event 549022-57201 $40.00

001 72619 06/25/20 BB&T - ACH 060520-4046 BB&T Purchases 5/6-6/4/2020 AMAZON LAMINATING POUCHES 552001-57201 $37.75

001 72619 06/25/20 BB&T - ACH 060520-4046 BB&T Purchases 5/6-6/4/2020 AMAZON Misc Operating Supplies 552001-57201 $22.69

Page 18

Page 84: FLEMING ISLAND PLANTATION COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT … · 7/28/2020  · agenda package. Swim tests are going well, and swim lessons started two weeks ago. Everyone is abiding by the


Payment Register by Fund

For the Period from 6/1/20 to 6/30/20

(Sorted by Check / ACH No.)



Check /

ACH No. Date Payee Invoice No. Payment Description Invoice / GL Description G/L Account #



001 72619 06/25/20 BB&T - ACH 060520-4046 BB&T Purchases 5/6-6/4/2020 GAS 552001-53901 $43.00

001 72619 06/25/20 BB&T - ACH 060520-4046 BB&T Purchases 5/6-6/4/2020 SP/AMAZON Badge & Card Rack 549900-57204 $20.52

001 72619 06/25/20 BB&T - ACH 060520-4046 BB&T Purchases 5/6-6/4/2020 AMAZON 6/2020 Sweet Summer Event 549022-57201 $15.99

001 72619 06/25/20 BB&T - ACH 060520-4046 BB&T Purchases 5/6-6/4/2020 SP/WALMART Tally Counter 552060-57204 $8.49

001 72619 06/25/20 BB&T - ACH 060520-4046 BB&T Purchases 5/6-6/4/2020 AC/WALMART Tally Counter 552008-57201 $8.49

001 72619 06/25/20 BB&T - ACH 060520-4046 BB&T Purchases 5/6-6/4/2020 AMAZON 6/2020 MISC EVENTS 549022-57201 $26.13

001 72619 06/25/20 BB&T - ACH 060520-4046 BB&T Purchases 5/6-6/4/2020 AMAZON BALLOON INFLATOR 549022-57201 $19.99

001 72619 06/25/20 BB&T - ACH 060520-4046 BB&T Purchases 5/6-6/4/2020 SP/AMAZON-Wall Clock 549900-57204 $8.50

001 72619 06/25/20 BB&T - ACH 060520-4046 BB&T Purchases 5/6-6/4/2020 WALMART STEEL TALLY COUNTER 552001-57201 $9.69

001 72619 06/25/20 BB&T - ACH 060520-4046 BB&T Purchases 5/6-6/4/2020 WALMART STEEL TALLY COUNTER 552001-57204 $9.69

001 72619 06/25/20 BB&T - ACH 060520-4046 BB&T Purchases 5/6-6/4/2020 WALMART Mr. Clark Family Dinner 549900-51301 $79.97

001 72619 06/25/20 BB&T - ACH 060520-4046 BB&T Purchases 5/6-6/4/2020 NORTHERN TOOL/2 Zee Line Lift Pumps 552008-57201 $147.47

001 72619 06/25/20 BB&T - ACH 060520-4046 BB&T Purchases 5/6-6/4/2020 DOLLAR TREE 6/2020 MISC EVENTS 549022-57201 $99.00

001 72619 06/25/20 BB&T - ACH 060520-4046 BB&T Purchases 5/6-6/4/2020 AMAZON OFFICE SUPPLIES 549900-57201 $25.15

001 72619 06/25/20 BB&T - ACH 060520-4046 BB&T Purchases 5/6-6/4/2020 DOLLAR TREE/SUMMER EVENTS 549022-57201 $73.00

001 72619 06/25/20 BB&T - ACH 060520-4046 BB&T Purchases 5/6-6/4/2020 AMAZON Men's BR Thermostat Cover 546037-57201 $17.54

001 72619 06/25/20 BB&T - ACH 060520-4046 BB&T Purchases 5/6-6/4/2020 AMAZON Summer Event Supplies 549022-57201 $83.11

001 72619 06/25/20 BB&T - ACH 060520-4046 BB&T Purchases 5/6-6/4/2020 GAS 552001-53901 $47.01

001 72619 06/25/20 BB&T - ACH 060520-4046 BB&T Purchases 5/6-6/4/2020 DOLLAR TREE 6/2020 MISC EVENTS 549022-57201 $12.00

001 72619 06/25/20 BB&T - ACH 060520-4046 BB&T Purchases 5/6-6/4/2020 AMAZON 6/2020 MISC EVENTS 549022-57201 $37.97

001 72619 06/25/20 BB&T - ACH 060520-4046 BB&T Purchases 5/6-6/4/2020 AMAZON OPERATING SUPPLIES 552001-57201 $16.99

001 72619 06/25/20 BB&T - ACH 060520-4046 BB&T Purchases 5/6-6/4/2020 AMAZON 6/2020 MISC EVENTS 549022-57201 $64.28

001 72619 06/25/20 BB&T - ACH 060520-4046 BB&T Purchases 5/6-6/4/2020 FIVE BELOW 6/2020 MISC EVENTS 549022-57201 $53.00

001 72619 06/25/20 BB&T - ACH 060520-4046 BB&T Purchases 5/6-6/4/2020 PUBLIX 6/2020 MISC EVENTS 549022-57201 $46.32

001 72619 06/25/20 BB&T - ACH 060520-4046 BB&T Purchases 5/6-6/4/2020 Teacher's Gift Tag 549022-57201 $2.80

001 72619 06/25/20 BB&T - ACH 060520-4046 BB&T Purchases 5/6-6/4/2020 MSFT 554001-57201 $16.50

001 72619 06/25/20 BB&T - ACH 060520-4046 BB&T Purchases 5/6-6/4/2020 EDIBLE ARRANGEMENTS/MAY 549022-57201 $320.97

001 72619 06/25/20 BB&T - ACH 060520-4046 BB&T Purchases 5/6-6/4/2020 NEWSPAPER SUBSCRIPTION 554001-57201 $28.00

001 72619 06/25/20 BB&T - ACH 060520-4046 BB&T Purchases 5/6-6/4/2020 Pandora 552001-57201 $26.95

001 72619 06/25/20 BB&T - ACH 060520-4046 BB&T Purchases 5/6-6/4/2020 WalMart Credit Voucher 549022-57201 ($8.49)

001 72619 06/25/20 BB&T - ACH 060520-4046 BB&T Purchases 5/6-6/4/2020 WalMart Credit Voucher 549022-57201 ($9.70)

001 DD705 06/11/20 CLAY ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE 052120 ACH Elec Svc Com Area 4/18-5/17/2020 Electricity - General 543006-53901 $3,465.00

001 DD706 06/09/20 CLAY ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE 051920 ACH Elec Svc Common Area 4/15-5/13/20 Electricity - General 543006-53901 $885.00

001 DD707 06/10/20 CLAY ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE 05202020 ACH Elec Svc for 4/15-5/17/2020 Electricity - General 543006-57204 $1,585.00

001 DD707 06/10/20 CLAY ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE 05202020 ACH Elec Svc for 4/15-5/17/2020 Electricity - General 543006-53901 $587.00

001 DD707 06/10/20 CLAY ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE 05202020 ACH Elec Svc for 4/15-5/17/2020 Electricity - General 543006-57201 $2,234.00

001 DD708 06/12/20 CLAY ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE 54053-052220 ACH ACCT# 7354053 4/24-5/22/2020 ACH Electricity - General 543006-53901 $579.00

001 DD709 06/25/20 CLAY COUNTY UTILITY AUTHORITY 060420 ACH Water Utility for 6/4-7/8/2020 Utility - Water 543018-53901 $8,298.83

001 DD709 06/25/20 CLAY COUNTY UTILITY AUTHORITY 060420 ACH Water Utility for 6/4-7/8/2020 Utility - Water & Sewer 543021-57201 $3,265.80

001 DD709 06/25/20 CLAY COUNTY UTILITY AUTHORITY 060420 ACH Water Utility for 6/4-7/8/2020 Utility - Water & Sewer 543021-57204 $2,546.35

001 DD710 06/25/20 CLAY COUNTY UTILITY AUTHORITY 060420 ACH B CA Reclaimed Water for 6/4-7/8/2020 Utility - Water 543018-53901 $296.94

001 DD719 06/25/20 CLAY COUNTY UTILITY AUTHORITY 060420-5501 ACH CUST# 00175501 6/4-7/8/2020 Utility - Water 543018-53901 $134.24

001 DD720 06/25/20 CLAY COUNTY UTILITY AUTHORITY 060420-5502 ACH CUST# 00175502 6/4-7/8/2020 Utility - Water 543018-53901 $126.34

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Page 85: FLEMING ISLAND PLANTATION COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT … · 7/28/2020  · agenda package. Swim tests are going well, and swim lessons started two weeks ago. Everyone is abiding by the


Payment Register by Fund

For the Period from 6/1/20 to 6/30/20

(Sorted by Check / ACH No.)



Check /

ACH No. Date Payee Invoice No. Payment Description Invoice / GL Description G/L Account #



001 DD700 06/01/20 BETTY A. MURPHY PAYROLL June 01, 2020 Payroll Posting $361.07

001 DD701 06/01/20 ERICK R. NELSON PAYROLL June 01, 2020 Payroll Posting $369.40

001 DD702 06/01/20 MICHELLE A SZAFRANSKI PAYROLL June 01, 2020 Payroll Posting $369.40

001 DD703 06/01/20 KRISTY L. HAMILTON PAYROLL June 01, 2020 Payroll Posting $361.07

001 DD704 06/01/20 CHANDA N. HOLSEY PAYROLL June 01, 2020 Payroll Posting $369.40

001 DD711 06/29/20 ERICK R. NELSON PAYROLL June 29, 2020 Payroll Posting $184.70

001 DD712 06/29/20 MICHELLE A SZAFRANSKI PAYROLL June 29, 2020 Payroll Posting $184.70

001 DD713 06/29/20 KRISTY L. HAMILTON PAYROLL June 29, 2020 Payroll Posting $184.70

001 DD714 06/29/20 CHANDA N. HOLSEY PAYROLL June 29, 2020 Payroll Posting $184.70

Fund Total $522,646.37

Total Cks Paid $522,646.37

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