Download - Flash CS6 - LearnKey · 5 | Session 1 Flash CS6 Project Workbook Session 1 Fill-in-the-Blanks Instructions: While watching Session 1, fill in the missing words according to the information

Page 1: Flash CS6 - LearnKey · 5 | Session 1 Flash CS6 Project Workbook Session 1 Fill-in-the-Blanks Instructions: While watching Session 1, fill in the missing words according to the information

Flash CS6

Page 2: Flash CS6 - LearnKey · 5 | Session 1 Flash CS6 Project Workbook Session 1 Fill-in-the-Blanks Instructions: While watching Session 1, fill in the missing words according to the information

Flash CS6

First Edition

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Page 3: Flash CS6 - LearnKey · 5 | Session 1 Flash CS6 Project Workbook Session 1 Fill-in-the-Blanks Instructions: While watching Session 1, fill in the missing words according to the information

Table of ContentsIntroduction

Using this Workbook _________________________________________________________________________ 5

Best Practices Using LearnKey’s Online Training ___________________________________________________6

Flash CS6 Introduction _______________________________________________________________________8

Flash CS6 for Mac Session 1 Course Map ________________________________________________________9

Flash CS6 for Mac Session 2 Course Map _______________________________________________________ 12

Flash CS6 for Mac Session 3 Course Map _______________________________________________________ 15

Flash CS6 Session 1 Course Map ______________________________________________________________ 17

Flash CS6 Session 2 Course Map ______________________________________________________________20

Flash CS6 Session 3 Course Map ______________________________________________________________ 24

Flash CS6 for Mac Session 1 Outline ___________________________________________________________ 27

Flash CS6 for Mac Session 2 Outline ___________________________________________________________28

Flash CS6 for Mac Session 3 Outline ___________________________________________________________ 29

Flash CS6 Session 1 Outline _________________________________________________________________ 30

Flash CS6 Session 2 Outline __________________________________________________________________ 31

Flash CS6 Session 3 Outline __________________________________________________________________ 32

Sample Lesson Plans ________________________________________________________________________ 33

Skills Assessment ___________________________________________________________________________ 36

Shortcut Keys for Mac _______________________________________________________________________38

Shortcut Keys for Windows ___________________________________________________________________ 39

Flash CS6 for Mac Time Tables ______________________________________________________________ 40

Flash CS6 Time Tables ______________________________________________________________________ 41

Session 1Session 1 Fill-in-the-Blanks __________________________________________________________________ 43

Identify Video Purposes and Goals _____________________________________________________________ 45

Identify Video Purposes and Goals Worksheet ____________________________________________________46

Accessible Rich Media Content ________________________________________________________________ 47

Accessible Rich Media Content Worksheet ______________________________________________________48

Identify Elements of a Project Plan _____________________________________________________________49

Identify Elements of a Project Plan Worksheet ____________________________________________________50

Identify Information for Rich Media ____________________________________________________________ 51

Identify Information for Rich Media Worksheet __________________________________________________ 52

Providing Feedback _________________________________________________________________________ 53

Providing Feedback Worksheet ________________________________________________________________ 54

Design Elements and Principles _______________________________________________________________ 55

Design Elements and Principles Worksheet ______________________________________________________ 56

Identify the Flash Interface ___________________________________________________________________ 57

Identify the Flash Interface Worksheet __________________________________________________________58

The Properties Inspector ______________________________________________________________________ 59

Rich Media Design ________________________________________________________________________ 60

Adjusting Document Properties ________________________________________________________________ 61

Page 4: Flash CS6 - LearnKey · 5 | Session 1 Flash CS6 Project Workbook Session 1 Fill-in-the-Blanks Instructions: While watching Session 1, fill in the missing words according to the information

Text Formatting Guidelines ___________________________________________________________________ 62

End-User and Tools ________________________________________________________________________ 63

Text Creation Basics _________________________________________________________________________64

Text Blocks and TLF ________________________________________________________________________ 65

Understanding Tools ________________________________________________________________________66

Understanding Tools Worksheet _______________________________________________________________ 67

The Tools Panel and the Modify Menu _________________________________________________________68

The Tools Panel and the Modify Menu Worksheet _________________________________________________69

Using Guides and Rulers _____________________________________________________________________70

Session 2Session 2 Fill-in-the-Blanks __________________________________________________________________ 72

Mask Layer and Tween ______________________________________________________________________ 74

Using the Timeline __________________________________________________________________________ 75

Working with Symbols _______________________________________________________________________ 76

Timeline Folders ___________________________________________________________________________ 77

Button States ______________________________________________________________________________ 78

The Library ________________________________________________________________________________ 79

The Library Worksheet _____________________________________________________________________ 80

Shape Tweening ____________________________________________________________________________ 81

Flash Animation ____________________________________________________________________________82

Object Masks ______________________________________________________________________________83

The Bone Tool _____________________________________________________________________________84

Session 3Session 3 Fill-in-the-Blanks __________________________________________________________________86

Storyboard Creation _________________________________________________________________________88

Storyboard Creation Worksheet _______________________________________________________________89

Citing Content from the Internet _____________________________________________________________ 90

Citing Content from the Internet Worksheet _____________________________________________________ 91

Importing Graphics _________________________________________________________________________ 93

Graphics __________________________________________________________________________________94

Managing File Size _________________________________________________________________________ 95

Managing File Size Worksheet ________________________________________________________________96

Importing Video ____________________________________________________________________________ 97

Importing Video Worksheet __________________________________________________________________98

Audio Properties ____________________________________________________________________________99

Audio Properties Worksheet _________________________________________________________________100

ActionScript 3.0 ___________________________________________________________________________ 101

ActionScript 3.0 Worksheet __________________________________________________________________ 102

Dynamic Image Loading ____________________________________________________________________ 103

Identifying Flash File Types __________________________________________________________________ 104

Identifying Flash File Types Worksheet ________________________________________________________ 105

Accessibility ______________________________________________________________________________ 106

Flash CS6 Master Project ___________________________________________________________________ 109

Page 5: Flash CS6 - LearnKey · 5 | Session 1 Flash CS6 Project Workbook Session 1 Fill-in-the-Blanks Instructions: While watching Session 1, fill in the missing words according to the information

5 | Session 1 Flash CS6 Project Workbook

Session 1 Fill-in-the-BlanksInstructions: While watching Session 1, fill in the missing words according to the information presented by the instructor. [References are found in the brackets.]


[MAC: Accessibility WIN: Accessibility]

graphics will ensure that content looks the same on small screens as it does on larger 1.

















The point of[MAC: Producing Accessible Content WIN: Producing Accessible Content]

is to make Flash content available to all users regardless of ability.

A project plan should consider scope, tasks,[MAC: Identify Considerations WIN: Identify Considerations]

, and resources.

The phases of a project include planning,[MAC: Identify Considerations WIN: Identify Considerations]

, building and testing, and implementing or launching.

End-user project requirements and the[MAC: Development Decisions WIN: Development Decisions]

process should go hand-in-hand.

Deliverables are items that are actually delivered to the client during the[MAC: Project Considerations WIN: Project Considerations]


The[MAC: Create a New Flash Document WIN: Flash Workspace]

is the area where all the magic of Flash happens.

In Flash, much like in other graphic software programs,[MAC: The Properties Panel WIN: Panels in Flash]

can stack on top of each other in different layers.

Important elements are repeated throughout in order to create[MAC: Design Principles WIN: Design Principles]

When a design is[MAC: Design Principles WIN: Design Principles]

, the elements of the design work well together.

The Pen tool is [MAC: Pen Tool WIN: Pen Tool]curves.

Paths and Text

Use the Pen tool to define your shape, use the[MAC: Pen Tool WIN: Pen Tool]

tool to edit parts of it.


One important thing to keep in mind when working with text in Flash is make sure and keep things[MAC: Pen Tool WIN: Pen Tool]

Use[MAC: Creating Readable Text WIN: Creating Readable Text]

whenever you can to make sure that your content can be easily read across all platforms.

[MAC: Creating Readable Text WIN: Creating Readable Text]

boxes are boxes of text that aren’t going to change.

.TLF text has support for [MAC: Advanced TLF Text Options WIN: Advanced TLF Text Options]


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6 | Session 1 Flash CS6 Project Workbook





The[MAC: Advanced TLF Text Options WIN: Advanced TLF Text Options]

box is used to set up options for different languages.

If you import XML text, you can style that using[MAC: Advanced TLF Text Options WIN: Advanced TLF Text Options]


Lines in Action Script are drawn with what is called the[MAC: Line Tool WIN: Line Tool]

of a drawing object.

Drawing Tools


The Pencil tool draws a [MAC: PolyStar, Pencil, and Brush Tools WIN: Polystar Tool, Pencil Tool]stroke.

The Brush tool is going to work a whole lot like the[MAC: PolyStar, Pencil, and Brush Tools; Spray Brush; Deco Tool WIN: Brush Tool, Spray Brush, Deco]

, except what the Brush draws is a solid


22. A group is a collection of[MAC: PolyStar, Pencil, and Brush Tools; Spray Brush; Deco Tool WIN: Brush Tool, Spray Brush, Deco]

together that can be moved as one.

23. A[MAC: PolyStar, Pencil, and Brush Tools; Spray Brush; Deco Tool WIN: Brush Tool, Spray Brush, Deco]

, remember, is an object on the Stage.

24. One more option with the Deco brush that lets us create patterns out of symbols is called the[MAC: PolyStar, Pencil, and Brush Tools; Spray Brush; Deco Tool WIN: Brush Tool, Spray Brush, Deco]brush.

More Creation Tools

25. An object in Flash is a[MAC: Object Drawing Mode, Paint Bucket WIN: Object Drawing Mode]


26. Just like the Paint Bucket is used to paint a fill, the Ink Bottle is used to paint a [MAC: Object Drawing Mode, Paint Bucket; Ink Bottle and Eyedropper Tool WIN: Paint Bucket, Ink Bottle]


27. The Lasso tool allows us to select multiple[MAC: Object Drawing Mode, Paint Bucket; Ink Bottle and Eyedropper Tool WIN: Paint Bucket, Ink Bottle]


28. [MAC: Magic Wand WIN: Magic Wand Tool]

Threshold means we’re going to select a wider band of colors.

29. The Magic Wand is a really good way to take a[MAC: Magic Wand WIN: Magic Wand Tool]

, break it up, and then select individual bits of color for use later on.

30. Alpha is the same thing as [MAC: Magic Wand WIN: Magic Wand Tool].Prope

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7 | Session 1 Flash CS6 Project Workbook

Identify Video Purposes and GoalsDescription:Videos are effective informational tools which can be used to convey a message and support a purpose or cause. Before creating a video in Flash, always identify the purpose, audience, and audience needs of the video. Being able to tailor the video to meet these items will help you to produce a more powerful and professional product.

For this project you will become familiar with the basic features and options found in Flash Professional CS6.

Steps for Completion:1. View the worksheet on the next page.2. Define the following items that are associated with designing the video:

a. Purposeb. Audiencec. Audience Needsd. Agee. Client goalsf. Raceg. Computer literacyh. Appropriate contenti. Relevance to purpose

Reference:LearnKey’s Flash CS6 for Mac, Session 1: Introduction: Collecting Initial Information

LearnKey’s Flash CS6, Session 1: Introduction: Collecting Initial Information

Project Files: N/A

Difficulty: Beginner

Required Materials: Flash CS6

Objectives:1.0 Setting Project Requirements 1.1 Identify the purpose, audience, and audience needs for rich media content. 1.1a Identify information that determines purpose, audience, and audience needs for rich media content.


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8 | Session 1 Flash CS6 Project Workbook

1. Purpose:

2. Audience:

3. Audience Needs:

4. Age:

5. Client goals:

6. Race:

7. Computer literacy:

8. Appropriate content:

9. Relevance to purpose:

Identify Video Purposes and Goals WorksheetInstructions: Define the terms that are associated with designing a video.


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9 | Session 1 Flash CS6 Project Workbook

Accessible Rich Media ContentDescription:Accessibility is used to make Flash content available to all users regardless of ability. There are many benefits to using accessibility, including a larger target audience and section 508 compliance. One type of accessibility is screen readers. These devices are a type of software which reads content on the screen and speaks it out loud for those with visual impairments.

For this project, you will need to define and explain how to make a project compliant to section 508 compliance and how to make sure that the project is accessible to a larger target audience. For help with this project you can use the LearnKey Flash CS6 training, Session 1, Introduction section. You can also go to the Section 508 website for more information. Remember, if you use outside sources you will need to cite them.

Steps for Completion:1. View the worksheet on the next page.2. Explain how to make a project compliant with Section 508.3. List and explain the elements regarding Microsoft Active Accessibility (MSAA) standards.4. Define what screen readers do regarding user accessibility.5. Explain some of the problems related to screen readers.

Reference:LearnKey’s Flash CS6 for Mac, Session 1: Introduction: Accessibility; Producing Accessible Content

LearnKey’s Flash CS6, Session 1: Introduction: Accessibility; Producing Accessible Content

Project Files: N/A

Required Materials:

Difficulty: Beginner

Objectives:1.0 Setting Project Requirements 1.3 Understand options for producing accessible rich media content. 1.3a Explain why including accessible content in rich media elements matters to clients and the target audience. 1.3b Identify elements of a SWF movie that can be read by screen readers. 1.3c List examples of project requirements that result in accessible rich media content.

Flash CS6


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10 | Session 1 Flash CS6 Project Workbook

1. Explain how to make a project compliant with Section 508.

2. List and explain the elements regarding Microsoft Active Accessibility (MSAA) standards.

3. Define what screen readers do regarding user accessibility.

4. Explain some of the problems related to screen readers.

Accessible Rich Media Content WorksheetInstructions: Complete the following short answer questions.


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11 | Session 1 Flash CS6 Project Workbook

1.0 Setting Project Requirements 1.5 Understand Project management tasks and responsibilities. 1.5a Identify items that might appear on appear on a project plan. 1.5b Identify phases that might appear on a project plan. 1.5c Identify deliverables that might be produced during the project. 1.5d Identify common problems and issues in project management.

Identify Elements of a Project PlanDescription:Project plans are essential for designing and carrying out a project. Identifying the factors and time constraints is essential to complet-ing a quality project on time. A project plan lays out the responsibilities of everybody involved as well as resource allocation.For this project, you will become familiar with the basic features and options found in Flash CS6. These options may include, but are not limited to: identify items that might appear on a project plan, identify phases that might appear on a project plan, identify deliver-ables that might be produced during the project, and identify common problems and issues in project management.

Steps for Completion:1. Read the project plan description above and define the following items that are associated with designing the project plan. 2. Use the worksheet on the follwing page.

a. Project scopeb. Due datesc. Tasksd. Resource allocatione. Project phasesf. Deliverablesg. Common problems that could arise with project management

Reference:LearnKey’s Flash CS6 for Mac, Session 1: Introduction: Identify Considerations

LearnKey’s Flash CS6, Session 1:

Project Files:

Required Materials:




Flash CS6



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12 | Session 1 Flash CS6 Project Workbook

Identify Elements of a Project Plan WorksheetInstructions: Define the following items that are associated with designing the project plan.

1. Project scope:

2. Due dates:

3. Tasks:

4. Resource allocation:

5. Project phases:

6. Deliverables:

7. Common problems that could arise with project management:Pro


of Lea


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13 | Session 1 Flash CS6 Project Workbook

Identify Information for Rich MediaDescription:Flash CS6 is a program designed to help create rich media content for websites and mobile devices. You will write a one page paper explaining the benefits of authoring FLV files for Adobe AIR and the benefits of including metadata in SWFs.

Steps for Completion:1. View the worksheet on the following page.2. Explain the benefits of authoring FLV files for Adobe AIR.3. Explain the benefits of including metadata in SWFs to be read on mobile phones.

Reference:LearnKey’s Flash CS6 for Mac, Session 1: Introduction: Consistency Across Platforms

LearnKey’s Flash CS6, Session 1: Introduction: Consistency Across Platforms

Project Files:

Required Materials:

Difficulty: Beginner


Flash CS6

2.0 Identifying Rich Media Design Elements 2.1 Identify attributes of a website, game, mobile app, or rich Internet application that demonstrate consistency. 2.1g Identify the benefits of authoring FLV files for Adobe AIR. 2.12h Identify the benefits of including metadata in SWFs.



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14 | Session 1 Flash CS6 Project Workbook

Identify Information for Rich Media WorksheetInstructions: In the space below explain the benefits of authoring FLV files for Adobe AIR, and explain the benefits of including metadata in SWFs to be read on mobile devices.


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15 | Session 1 Flash CS6 Project Workbook

Providing FeedbackDescription:Project management is a process which involves many groups of people. An essential part of any project includes gathering feedback from other sources regarding the design and techniques used in the project. Using the ideas and suggestions of many people ensures that the project is of the highest quality and free of flaws and mistakes.

For this project, you will become familiar with the basic features and options found in Photoshop CS6.

Steps for Completion:1. View the worksheet on the following page.2. Using the project plan you have designed, join with another person or group and exchange project plans. 3. Provide feedback about the project and discuss the items listed with the other group.4. Describe the project methods used.5. Explain approaches to avoid.

Reference:LearnKey’s Flash CS6 for Mac, Session 1: Introduction: Project Considerations

LearnKey’s Flash CS6, Session 1: Introduction: Project Considerations

Project Files: N/A

Difficulty: Beginner

Required Materials:

Objectives:1.0 Setting Project Requirements 1.6 Communicate with others (such as peers and clients) about design and content plans. 1.6a Demonstrate knowledge of techniques for gathering feedback on design and content plans from others (such as peers and clients).

Flash CS6


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16 | Session 1 Flash CS6 Project Workbook

Providing Feedback Worksheet

1. Provide feedback about the project and discuss the following items:

a. Describe the project methods used.

b. Explain approaches to avoid.

Instructions: Using the project plan you have designed, join with another person or group and exchange project plans.


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17 | Session 1 Flash CS6 Project Workbook

Design Elements and PrinciplesDescription:One of the important things to understand when working with Flash CS6 is the design elements and principles. You will write a paper to explain the importance of the various design elements and principles.

Steps for Completion:1. View the worksheet on the following page.2. Explain the importance of design elements and principles.

Reference:LearnKey’s Flash CS6 for Mac, Session 1: Introduction: Design Principles

LearnKey’s Flash CS6, Session 1: The Flash Interface: Design Principles

Project Files: N/A

Required Materials:

Difficulty: Beginner

Objectives:2.0 Identifying Rich Media Design Elements 2.2 Demonstrate knowledge of design elements and principles.

Flash CS6


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18 | Session 1 Flash CS6 Project Workbook

Design Elements and Principles WorksheetInstructions: Write a 700 word paper explaining the importance of design elements and principles.

1. Elements and principles to consider are: emphasis, movement, balance, unity, symmetry, horizontal symmetry, vertical symmetry, diagonal symmetry, radial symmetry, asymmetric layout, color, white space, alignment, line, contrast, rule of thirds, and proximity.


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19 | Session 1 Flash CS6 Project Workbook

Identify the Flash InterfaceDescription:Being able to recognize and label different elements of the Flash interface is the first step to being an effective designer. Knowing the locations and functions of the different tools enables designers to be time-efficient and thorough.

You will become familiar with the basic features and options found in the Flash CS6 interface by labeling elements and creating a custom workspace. Elements of the interface which you should be familiar with are: stage, scene, Project panel, Tools panel, timeline, Layers panel, Property Inspector, Library panel, Output panel, Edit bar, Motion Editor, and Accessibility panel.

Steps for Completion:1. View the worksheet on the following page.2. Write the names and uses of the different elements of the Flash interface.3. Create a custom workspace with your preferences in Flash.4. Create a screen shot of the finished custom workspace.

Reference:LearnKey’s Flash CS6 for Mac, Session 1: The Flash Interface: The Properties Panel

LearnKey’s Flash CS6, Session 1: The Flash Interface: Panels in Flash

Project Files: N/A


Required Materials:

Objectives:3.0 Understanding Adobe Flash CS6 Interface 3.1 Identify elements of the Flash interface. 3.1a Identify and label elements of the Flash interface. 3.1c Demonstrate knowledge of preset and custom workspaces.


Flash CS6


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20 | Session 1 Flash CS6 Project Workbook

Identify the Flash Interface WorksheetInstructions: Describe the uses of the various elements of the Flash interface.

1. Stage:

2. Scene:

3. Project panel:

4. Tools panel:

5. Timeline:

6. Layer:

7. Panel:

8. Property inspector:

9. Library pane:

10. Output panel:

11. Edit bar:

12. Motion Editor:

13. Accessibility panel:


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21 | Session 1 Flash CS6 Project Workbook

The Properties InspectorDescription:The Properties Inspector is one of the most used panels in Flash CS6. Many settings are accessed from the Properties Inspector, including settings for text, images, links, frames, shapes, actions, symbols, documents, tweens, and sounds. For this project, you will become familiar with the Flash CS6 Properties Inspector.

Steps for Completion:1. Write your name and two interesting facts about yourself in a new Flash project. 2. Adjust the text settings in the Properties Inspector. 3. Hide the Properties Inspector panel.4. Save the project and create a screen shot showing that you were able to hide the Properties Inspector panel.

Reference:LearnKey’s Flash CS6 for Mac, Session 1: The Flash Interface: The Properties Panel

LearnKey’s Flash CS6, Session 1: The Flash Interface: Panels in Flash

Project Files: N/A

Difficulty: Beginner

Required Materials:

Objectives:3.0 Understanding Adobe Flash CS6 Interface 3.1 Identify elements of the Flash interface. 3.2 Use the Property inspector. 3.1b Demonstrate knowledge of how to show and hide panels, including the Property inspector. 3.2a Demonstrate knowledge of the various functions of the Property inspector.

Flash CS6


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22 | Session 1 Flash CS6 Project Workbook

Rich Media DesignDescription:Flash CS6 is used to create rich media. When creating this rich media you should always be aware of the way it looks. This is important because users will be confused if navigation on a webpage is inconsistent. You will use Flash to create a project which demonstrates consistency throughout the project. Demonstrate consistency in areas such as, consistent navigation, location of buttons and menus, font, web-safe colors, and use of the Library panel to save symbols.

Steps for Completion:1. Use an already existing Flash project or create a new project.2. Create a symbol to be used as the buttons.3. Save the symbol in the library.4. Add four symbols to use as buttons to the Stage.5. Create separate layers for each button.6. Ensure that buttons are consistent.7. Add text to the project inside the buttons and outside of the buttons.

Reference:LearnKey’s Flash CS6 for Mac, Session 1: The Flash Interface: The Properties Panel, Keyboard Shortcuts for View Options

LearnKey’s Flash CS6, Session 1: The Flash Interface: Panels in Flash, Zoom, Keyboard Shortcuts

Project Files: N/A

Difficulty: Beginner

Required Materials:

Objectives:2.0 Identifying Rich Media Design Elements 2.1 Identify attributes of a website, game, mobile app, or rich Internet application that demonstrate consistency.

Flash CS6



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