Download - Flame : The Stuxnet gen continues!!!

Page 1: Flame : The Stuxnet gen continues!!!


1. Off late there has been the much talked FLAME Virus in the IT Sec community. Few clean shots about FLAME in a point wise crisp format :

- Flame, which was first detected back in 2010.

- Kaspersky Labs detected Flame completely by accident.

- Flame is terribly complex for a piece of malware. 20 times bigger than Stuxnet.

- Its about 20MB package and is still being analyzed.

- The Stuxnet attack that damaged Iranian nuclear facilities last year is barebones by comparison.

- Kaspersky assumes it was built by government scientists, but no one knows which government.

- Flame gathers a huge amount of data from infected systems, but it has been hard to sort out where it is all going.

- Dozens of control servers have been located, but the domains associated with them are registered with fake identities.

- Flame steals hard drive contents, screenshots, and keystrokes.

- Can also use the system microphone and Bluetooth radio to suck in more data.

- To save on bandwidth, Flame may delete itself from systems that have been fully exploited. This is part of what made the infection hard to detect.


- Has incredible abilities to monitor in-boxes, take screen grabs, even record audio of conversations happening near the computer.

- The entire virus had been pieced together like a LEGO creation, one part building on another. Things could actually be added onto the spyware after it was already on an infected computer, giving the developer enormous freedom to tinker at will.

Page 2: Flame : The Stuxnet gen continues!!!

- One specific example is with a Bluetooth module, which allowed the spyware to be spread to other devices.

- The two most popular ways are to send you an e-mail with an attachment, and a Web-based or drive by download that gets you to a malware website.

- Another favourite way to get you is through social media websites. Attackers are so savvy that they now troll your "friends" list and generate an e-mail that looks like it's coming from you, so what friend wouldn't click on it, right?

- Microsoft has revealed that the virus gained a foothold by spoofing one of its own security certificates.

- The computer virus is on the loose in Iran and other parts of the Middle East, infecting PCs and stealing sensitive data.

- Flame is basically a backdoor and a Trojan with worm-like features.

- Consider this: It took several months to analyze the 500K code of Stuxnet. It will probably take year to fully understand the 20MB of code of Flame.