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Exclusive Unedited Interview :


“How To Be The Jerk W om en Love”

by Ross Jeffries

F.J.Shark is one ofthose rare guys- a direct,to the point,on the ballstraight

shooterin a w orld fullofclow ns.He’s the creatorofthe outrageous e-Book,“How To

Be The Jerk W om en Love” and a guy afterm y ow n sleazy heart.Iinterview ed Shark

in his palatial“Shark Tank” headquarters in Chicago.

RossJeffries (RJ):Shark,W hatis itthatjerks do thatseem s to create this

overwhelm ing desire in wom en to be w ith them ?

F.J.Shark (FJS):They create such an interestby notbeing interested atall.

By neverreally accepting the wom en as theirgirlfriend,ittake the w om an using all

ofhersales techniques,m eaning herbody,to sellhim on the idea thathe should be

w ith her.

RJ:Butw hatis itthatjerks do initially to create thatdesire thatw om en w ant

to be around them ?

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FJS:They create a fun,intense high.And thatis,they offera sam ple of

them selves,justthe w ay drugs are sold in this country.The reason why drugs are a

hundred billion dollarindustry here is notbecause they have such greatsalesm en,

it’s because they have a productthatm akes people feelgood.So with a jerk,the

firstsam ples he gives a w om an are free,justlike drugs,and they can be alm ostlike

a free sam ple joint,ifyou will,and then the wom an gets addicted to them .And then

they cutthe supply ofthem selves.

RJ:How do they do that?

FJS:By notshow ing up,by notcalling.And Econom ics 101 teaches us that

when you cutthe supply,you increase the dem and.W ell,ifyou increase the dem and

you’ve gotcontroloverthe price and you can charge any price you want.And,sadly

enough,jerks can charge the price ofphysicalabuse,which is som ething IDON’T

support,butsadly,that’s how outofcontrolit’s gotten.

RJ:So give the free sam ple,and then drive up the dem and by cutting offthe


FJS:So then w hathappens is you have a m onopoly on herfun and you

charge the price you w ant.

RJ:So how does a guy go aboutpositioning him selfthis way in a w om an’s

m ind?

FJS:You have to train herby youractions thatyourtim e is valuable,and she

should drop w hatevershe’s doing ifyou decide to call.Also,hertim e can really m ean

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nothing to you because you understand thata pretty face is a dim e a dozen like a

Hollywood casting agentwho sees pretty faces and hotbodies allday long.

RJ:Shark,how does a guy create thatkind ofpriority? Iknow thatItrain

guys to create itby linking so m uch pleasure to herbeing with them ,thatshe feels

com pelled to be around them .Butwhatkind ofstuffw illa jerk do to drive up his

price and herinterestin him ?

FJS:W ellcanceling dates ornotshowing up are typicalexam ples,butthey

follow the Golden Rule:



Nice guys,you see,are always hungry.And the reason they are always

hungry is they don’thave any girlfriends.And the reason they don’thave any

girlfriends is,they’re alw ays hungry.So it’s a self-fulfilling prophecy.

RJ:Nasty place to be in.

FJS:Right,so the num berone thing aboutjerks is,they do notacthungry,

which is w hy they getgirls,so you’re on the upward spiralnow .So you have to

m ake itseem ,and Idon’tcare ifyou haven’thad sex in six m onths,you have to

m ake itseem thatyou’re notphysically attracted to herin any way,and notshow

any sexualinterestin heratall,so thatshe has the chance to sellherselfto you.

RJ:Now ,here Ihave to disagree a bitShark,cause Ithink thatyou could

lead to herjustw anting you to be herbuddy orfriend.Ithink you can use language

tricks thatIteach to im plantthe ideas ofsex in herm ind,so she finds herself

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thinking ofyou in thatw ay.And then,you can pullback to m ake herwantm ore.But

Iagree,you m ustneverappearhungry.And Ialso think thatyou have to m ake sure

thatyou only give outa free sam ple;the problem w ith nice-guys is they give away

the w hole store.

FJS:Exactly.To use an exam ple,ifyou’re going to join a bow ling league,and

they gave away allthe trophies the firstw eek,why would you com e back? So,if

you’re going to give away any trophies,m ake sure you do itatthe end ofthe year,

in orderto give people an incentive.It’s like the stripper… ifa strippercom es out

com pletely naked it’s no big dealanym ore.The reason why strippers are effective is

they have thatappealofpeeling away theirclothes.

RJ:So would you say you can’tgo wrong by giving too little?

FJS:Yes.Think ofitlike buying a stock.W om en w ould ratherbuy a stock

that’s been dropping in value,w ith hopes thatitw illgo up ifthey juststick w ith it.

So,ifyou’re thatpoorofa boyfriend,she’llhang on cause she’s gottoo m uch

invested in you.

RJ:How would a jerk handle itifa w om an tried to sw itch the tables here and

tried to treatthe jerk like he was unim portant? Forexam ple,ifa wom an cancels a

date w ith a nice-guy he’s allunderstanding,and m ay even ask ifshe wants to go

anothertim e? How would a jerk handle it?

FJS:Firstofall,a jerk w ould m aybe rem ain dead silenton the phone.Tw o,

they are probably already thinking,“she probably think’s she’s gota betterdeal

som ew here else.” So probably,they’d slam the phone down.And thatsudden

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response shows he’s “m addable”.And that’s the key;the difference betw een nice-

guys and jerks is a jerk willshow a wom an he can getm ad.And he’lleitherdo that

by yelling orignoring herorjust,having a fit.The nice-guy nevergets m ad.

RJ:M an,this is sad,buttrue!!

FJS:Now the nice-guy m ay in factgetm ad,buthe doesn’tshow itto the

wom an.He m ay getm ad to him selforhis friends,like he’s going to explode on the

inside.So you have to cutyourfuse,so you aren’tw aiting to explode.Explode up

frontso they know w hatthey are dealing w ith. See,the sm artestinvestors on W all

Streetneed to know one thing:W hat’s the downside… whatcould possibly go w rong.

Once they know how bad itcan get,they’re w illing to investm ore.Therefore,ifyou

spaz outorflip out,even ifyou slam dow n the phone,they know ,“Hey,that’s as

bad as it’s going to get… Ican live w ith that,” so they’re going to com e chasing you


RJ:Versus a nice-guy,w here the girldoesn’tknow whatm ighthappen.

FJS:Right.That’s w hy atthe end ofa relationship w ith a nice-guy he hears

from her,“Idon’tknow how to tellyou this,because Idon’tknow how you’re going

to respond to it.” She doesn’tknow thatthis guy can getm ad.

RJ:Talk a bitaboutduck hunting versus duck chasing.

FJS:W hen m ostm en ask w om en out,they actlike the hard-core salesm an

who keeps asking forthe ordera m illion tim es before he gets the sale.Isay,ifyou

have to chase the duck you aren’tgoing to catch him .Butyou sitin one spot,and

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watch w hatthe ducks do,like w here they fly and w hattheirhabits are,you can sit

still,and even ifyou have to use a duck call,you can waitforthe ducks to fly

overhead and then you can shootthem dow n,and there’s really no efforton your

part.You’re sitting still.

RJ:You know Shark,as Ithink aboutit,Ithink itw ould be an unbeatable

com bination fora guy to use whatIteach to create incredible states ofpleasure in a

wom an,and then use w hatyou teach to m ake thatso scarce thatshe’s willing to do

anything. It’s the perfectone-tw o punch.

FJS:Rem em ber,the w ord addiction derives from the m eaning,“nothaving”.

The addiction is from nothaving;ifyou keep feeding people chocolate cake allday,

they’re going to getsick ofitand you’llhave the reverse effect.So you justletthem

sam ple the chocolate cake,and then you putitaway.W ell,you have to be the drug.

You create fun,intense highs,and then you pullitaway.It’s thatsim ple.

RJ:Sim ple,yes,you’ve certainly took som e com plex ideas and reduced them

to theirsim plestform so anybody and m asterthem . W ell,thanks foryourtim e

Shark,and good luck w ith the book,Iknow itwillbe a huge success.

FJS:Thanks forthe interview Ross,Ihope youraudience puts itto good use

and has som e fun with it. W e’lldo this again som etim e.

RJ:You gotitShark!