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Page 2: Five tips for beating a gambling addiction

Beating Addiction

Gambling is often a source of excitement and enjoyment,

but for others this recreational activity becomes a big

distraction to their daily lives. A lot of people who come

into casinos become addicted to gambling. Most of the

time, they become gambling addicts because of their

belief in the possibility that they will take home a lot of


Page 3: Five tips for beating a gambling addiction

Beating Addiction

It is not easy to fight off a gambling addiction. If you

suspect you may have a problem, you should read these

five tips for beating a gambling addiction:

• Discipline

• Social adjustment

• Avoidance

• Affirmation

• Organization

Page 4: Five tips for beating a gambling addiction

Beating Addiction

The first tip is to be disciplined. Before even starting to

gamble, you should understand what you’re up against.

Gambling often ruins people’s lives if they do not have

control. You should take control of the urge every time you

place your bets in games. Know when to stop. Do not let

other people "bribe" you into play more if you know that

you have already played enough. Set reasonable limits and

stick to them no matter what.

Page 5: Five tips for beating a gambling addiction

Beating Addiction

Stay away from people who you know are addicted to

gambling as well. Beating a gambling addiction will be

more difficult if you are surrounded by gambling addicts.

Instead, surround yourself with disciplined people, people

with self-control. Learn from them. Learn how they occupy

their time. Do not give into peer-pressure. It is better that

you cut your communication first with friends who gamble

a lot.

Page 6: Five tips for beating a gambling addiction

Beating Addiction

Do not spend a lot of time in places where there are many

casinos or gambling houses. If you see these gambling

houses around you, you might be tempted to go inside and

continue your bad habit. When you want a vacation,

choose places where there are no casinos. Spend time

with your family or friends instead.

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Beating Addiction

Always remind yourself that you do not want to be a

gambling addict, that you really do want control of your

life, to feel like you’re in the driver’s seat. Think about the

negative effects of excess gambling on your life. Surround

yourself with positive thoughts about getting that

addiction out of your life. This way you will not tend to be

stressed; instead you will be happy thinking about positive


Page 8: Five tips for beating a gambling addiction

Beating Addiction

Organize your life. Have a planner and write the things

you should do until the end of the day. When you get your

salary, have an expense plan. If you have extra cash, treat

your family or friends to an all-you-can eat buffet, or shop

for things you need instead of bringing them into casinos.

Keep casinos out of your way by taking other routes on

your way home.

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No matter how much you think of getting that bad habit

gone, you will not succeed unless you put your thoughts

and words into actions. Always remember that you are

fighting off a bad habit. Reward yourself after a week or a

moth of no gambling. This way you will feel the results of

your hard work. Be consistent and do not give in to

temptations. It might take a while before you overcome

this addiction, but if you are firm in achieving this goal, you

will surely beat it off. Do not stop seeking help and always

keep the tips in mind.

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Beating Addiction