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St John Fisher Catholic High School Oxford Road Dewsbury West Yorkshire WF13 4LL

e: [email protected] t: 01924 527000 f: 01924 527004 w:

e: [email protected] t: 01924 527000 f: 01924 527004 w:

St John Fisher Catholic High School Oxford Road Dewsbury West Yorkshire WF13 4LL

Dear Parents and Friends,

As we move into the last few days of term, I write with some important information for you by way of an introduction to our

latest school newsletter. I trust you will enjoy the articles provided by staff and students. Carol Service

As we prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, we are asked to step back

and reflect upon what is important in our lives. As always at St John Fisher, our

children are being encouraged to consider the real meaning of Christmas rather than

the materialism that will mark the season for so many this

year. With this in mind, Our Carol Service this year will take place

on Tuesday 17th December. The venue is St. Mary‟s church in Batley and the evening will commence at 7.30pm.

Live Crib

On the morning of Wednesday 18th December, our Sixth Formers will once again perform the “live crib” for the people

of Dewsbury. This traditional event will begin at approximately 11.00 am outside the United Reform Church.

Charitable Action and Advent Services

As in previous years, all of our

young people are taking part in Advent services and a number of

other liturgies. On the morning of the last day of term, Friday 20th

December, there will be special

religious services for each year group in the school. A non-uniform day was held on 29th November to support the

victims of the Philippines disaster and to boost funds for our partner

school in Ghana. Thanks to your

generosity, £2,200 was raised. Our students have recently

provided shoe boxes filled with gifts to send to Eastern Europe so that

those less fortunate than us may know that there are people who care about them as children

of God.

Christmas Lunch This will be served on Tuesday 17th December at a cost of

£2.05 (drinks extra). As is tradition, and for operational reasons, no other hot meal except for a vegetarian alternative

is available on that day. Sandwiches, etc, will not be sold.

If your child does not wish to have the traditional meal, please provide him/her with a packed lunch.

Changes to the Normal School Day

On Friday 20th, lunch will begin early. This will be from 12.05pm. On Friday 20th December school will

finish at 12.45 pm. The buses will come early but if your child needs to make other travel arrangements,

please arrange these.

School Reopening School will reopen at

8.50 a.m. on Monday, 6th January. A copy of the

finalised term dates for Year 14-15 will be circulated once

approved by Governors at

their meeting on 16th December. Uniform/School Dress

My thanks to parents for the efforts made to ensure the young people are smartly dressed. Generally, uniform

has been excellent. May I remind parents that girls are

permitted only to wear one pair of studs in their ears and other jewellery, piercings and make up is not

allowed. Hair styles must be appropriate for school and this will be judged by staff as noted in the prospectus.

Can I remind you that girls are not permitted to wear short skirts to school. School skirts should be no shorter

than knee-length. Additionally, canvas pumps are also

forbidden other than for PE. All students should be in plain, flat, black shoes. It is vital that all students have

a sturdy bag to protect books and equipment. School Attendance

Attendance of students has been better this year. May

I thank parents for their support with this and in particular for your help in reducing the number of term

time holidays taken. Please remember, it is the school‟s policy not to authorise absence for family

holidays and it may be that fixed penalty notices will be

issued. Traffic arrangements at the start and end of

School A reminder that parking on the yellow lines at the end

of school is not permitted and fixed penalty notices may be issued. Parents and other drivers must not

enter the school

driveways. We have invested a lot of money in

remodelling the entrance to school to keep students

safe. Please help us with


December 2013




’s C




Fisher Focus


May I wish you all a happy and holy Christmas. Kevin Higgins, Headteacher

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St John Fisher Catholic High School

Term Dates - Academic Year 2013-14


Autumn Term 2013

Spring Term 2014 Summer Term 2014

Nb. There is one Training Day to














Tuesday 3rd September

w/c 28th


Friday 20th December

Monday 6th


w/c 24th

February And

Monday 3 March

(Training Day)

Friday 11th April

Monday 28th April

w/c 26th May

Friday 18th July

House Shield Last year‟s winners, Campion, have got off to a very slow start in this year‟s House Shield. Attendance, which is a big point earner in the House Shield, has not been good for the reigning champions. Points scored in competitions are very close across the 4 Houses with Becket and Clitherow tied on 12 each. But it‟s More House that have set the overall challenge on the back of an excellent attendance record. Clitherow are hot on their heels after a disappointing show last year, whilst Becket are keen to get themselves in the mix after Christmas. The competition is hotting up – make sure you contribute to your House by signing up for competitions next term!

- M. Fallon Attendance Points

Competition Points

House Shield Total so far

Competitions next term: Music, Maths, Science, English and House Football

Becket Campion Clitherow More

September Attendance % 95.4 95.8 95.8 96

Points 1 2.5 2.5 4

October Attendance % 92.7 91.7 91.9 92.6

Points 4 1 2 3

November Attendance % 93.6 93.8 93.9 93.9

Points 1 2 3.5 3.5

Total Points for 6 5.5 8 10.5

Becket Campion Clitherow More

MFL 7 4 7 6

ICT 5 5 5 5

Becket Campion Clitherow More

18 14.5 20 21.5

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W a t c h i n g m y 8-year-old niece fill out her “Christmas list” was quite a revelation. She sat at the kitchen table, a “Toys-R-Us” catalogue open in front of her. At the turn of each page, she would write down a few items, their prices, and (where appropriate) how many of each s h e w a n t e d . O b v i o u s l y following in the family tradition for maths, she was using a calculator to keep a running total. By the time we left, she was onto her third page, her total had reached a modest £516.47, and her parents were doing their best to “manage her expectations”. I know that when Christmas morning comes, my niece and her sisters will open a good number of thoughtful and generous presents from her parents and family. All being well, they will have the joy of seeing the delight in her eyes at what she has received. The reason that we give gifts at Christmas is because this great feast is all about a great gift – the gift that God made to humanity when he sent his only Son to become one with us. Many of us – like my niece – can get caught up in the pressure from advertisers to make us spend (or expect!) more than can be afforded. But the Christmas gospel should remind us that the best thing that we can give is the gift of ourselves. Might there be someone whose Christmas would be complete if we could spend a bit more time with them? Among all the festivity, can we make time to talk to those we care for, to give them the gift of our attention? Thoughtful gifts can mean a lot, both to give and to receive – but the gift of

ourselves is priceless. - Fr. Hall

Shoebox Appeal

Year 7‟s of St. John Fisher High School have donated over 60 shoe boxes this half term filled with toys, sweets and toiletries for people less fortunate than ourselves this Christmas. The boxes we collected will be going to Liberia and then some to Albania. If you would like to know more about these countries, then there is more on the Samaritans Purse website. Pictured below are some of our students alongside the shoeboxes.

- A. Crowther

Football Representatives

A big congratulations to Charlotte Thompson,

Gabby Johnson, Dayle Brook, George Pickles and

Oliver McCormack. These young people, having

attended three rounds of trials, have been selected

to represent the under 16‟s boys/girls West

Yorkshire Schools representative football teams.

They will have the opportunity to play against

other county school associations in the North of

England. Well done!

- C. Egan

The Great Gift

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Numeracy Across the Curriculum

From November 2013 we have introduced Numeracy Across the Curriculum (NAC) at St John Fisher‟s. Much work has already gone into Literacy Across the Curriculum (LAC), such as, Paired Reading, Toe by Toe and D.E.A.R. and we need to get up to speed with numeracy. NAC and LAC is recognising that numeracy and literacy are in every subject that is taught and ensuring that all subject teachers promote skills in literacy and numeracy within their lessons whenever appropriate. Number bugs have become St John Fisher‟s numeracy brand and are displayed in classrooms where numeracy has taken place within a lesson. Teachers are awarded with a number bug when they have used/promoted numeracy within their lesson. I am hoping pupils will see the number bugs displayed around school and realise that numeracy is in every lesson that they study, not just maths. Another new initiative to promote good numeracy skills is the introduction of numeracy dates. Pupils no longer see the date displayed on the board as three numbe r s (e .g . 2/12/13). They now s e e t h r e e m a t h e m a t i c a l questions where the answers are the numerical date. The example date above could have been:

60 ÷ 30 / 0.25 x 48 / 52 – (3 x 4)

Form tutors and subject teachers are having discussions with the pupils about the maths involved in the numeracy dates, which will hopefully improve their basic maths skills. From calculating the answer to the numeracy date below, what is the special day shown?

-C Anchor


I‟m Alice Berlemont and I am the French language assistant. I was born in Saint Pol sur Ternoise, which is a little town in the north of France, near Azincourt where the Battle of Agincourt took place but, now I live in Dewsbury. Last year, I passed my English degree in Lille. If you have the occasion, I recommend you to go visit it. It‟s a big city where there are lots of things to do. I came to England to improve my speaking and have a first experience in teaching. When I go back to France, I will study a Master of French as I would like to be a French teacher. When I‟m not in school, I like to listen to music or watch movies or series. I also often meet my friends. We go to the cinema, go shopping and visit new places. If you have any questions about French or life in France, come see me! A bientôt! Alice

Year 11 Football

Year 11 have had successful cup runs in both the English schools Cup and the

County Cup. In a cruel twist of fate, the team went out of the English School‟s

cup to Boston Spa, when Boston Spa scored a last minute

winner against the run of play on a wet and windy day. At the time of going to press the Year 11‟s are at the quarter

final stage of the county cup after scoring a late winner in extra time in the previous round. They are due to play St

Bede‟s, Bradford.

-C. Egan

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Year 6 Preferences Evening

The Year 6 preference evening was a huge success this year, particularly in the Food Technology department!

Fr. Hall had a lot of fun

demonstrating kneading to the Year 6s!

Vocab Express European Day of Languages Championship

Recently, 27 SJF students took part in the Vocab E xp r e s s Eu r ope an Day o f L anguage s Championship 2013, which involved completing online vocabulary tasks over a period of seven days in order to accumulate individual and whole-school points scores. Hundreds of other UK and international schools took part, with some schools entering up to 150 students and achieving large whole-school points scores. The MFL d e p a r t m e n t a t S t . J o h n F i s h e r i s therefore extremely proud to announce that our students achieved 19th place in the overall Challenge Cup, coming 4th in the Urdu competition, 5th in the Arabic competition, 8th in the Italian competition, 14th in the Spanish competition and 16th in the French competition. In the Genius Cup, our students achieved 8th place in the Urdu competition and 19th place in the Arabic competition, while two of our individual students made it onto the Student Leader board against other pupils from around the world, finishing 29th and 37th respectively. As only a small number of our students took part and were compet ing aga ins t s tudents f rom Independent schools, I am extremely pleased with the results and can only imagine how well we could have done had we had 150 students taking part, as was permitted. Our students on the (inter)national leaderboard were Uzair Ul-Haq, 29th, and Eleanor Bowler, 37th. The school winners were Eleanor Bowler, 1st, Sam Kettlewell, 2nd, and Thomas Nowoslawski, 3rd. Please congratulate all students who took part: Year 7: Aneesa Ahmed, Joe Booth Year 8: Hamzah Ajaz, Hasnain Altaf, Uwais Aswat, Michael Chapman, Zahil Iqbal, Muhammed Kamran, Hamza Saleem, Uzair Ul-haq, Safwaan Zaman Year 10: Hannah Hussain, Sam Kettlewell, Lauren McManus, Thomas Nowoslawski, Megan Parker, Eboney Malicdem, Bailey Greaves, Beverlyn Calicdan Year 11: Aidan Maycock, Ryan Barnes, Eleanor Bowler, Jessica Smith, Rebecca Spencer, Michael Brundle Year 13: Shauna Gannon

Ms. Faulkes will be working out house points and prizes to be awarded over the coming weeks.

Girls Rugby

Girls Rugby training is increasing in popularity after its introduction last year. There are a number of com-petitions in the calendar with the p o t e n t i a l f o r f u r t h e r progression dependent on the outcome.

Year 10 Girls - Tuesday 10th


Year 9 Girls - Tuesday 7th January

Year 8 Girls- Thursday 9th January

Year 7 Girls- Tuesday 7th January

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Gifted and Talented

At SJF we are always interested in what our pupils' hobbies, interests and talents are outside of school. We have our top 20% of students identified as Gifted and Talented from their work in school, as well as tests, but we would like to hear from parents or friends of pupils who have a talent out of school time. Our pupils have a range of talents out of school such as : Playing rugby or football for well known

teams such as Leeds Rhinos or Brad-ford Bulls.

We have talented dancers and artists - we even have a national gun shooting champion!

Parents, if you would like to nominate your child for a particular skill or talent , or if you are a pupil and have a friend who has hidden talents then let us know! Please fill in the nomination form below and send into school for the attention of Mrs D G a v a g h a n , G a n d T , M o r e A b l e C o - O r d i n a t o r . A l t e r n a t i v e l y , e - m a i l m e a t [email protected] I look forward to hearing from you!


This year we have launched a new Buddies Scheme, where a group of 38 Year 11 students have volunteered to offer support and help to any pupil in lower school. These students are available around school as a point of contact to students who may find high school a challenge at first, whether it is in new friendships, vulnerability or just fitting in to a new and larger system. They are willing to listen and help direct others to a solution and are in constant touch with staff to report any problems, as well as getting involved in the spiritual side of the school through assemblies. The Buddies are recognisable by their BUDDY buttons on their blazers and are just some of our lovely, responsible young people at St John Fisher, who want to make a difference.

My personal thanks to them all.

- A. Alderson

National Knitting and Stitching Show in Harrogate

Year 12 and 13 Textiles students visited the

National knitting and Stitching Show in Harrogate at the Exhibition Centre. Many of our

students got to interview and work with professional Textile Artists and Craft Workers. The visit will allow them to use these artists as inspiration for their own work. -J. Riordan

Nomination Form

Nominated by:


Teacher /Parent/Pupil.

(Delete as appropriate)

Pupil Name




Reason for identification




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School Food Competition Pupils recently took part in an in-school food competition, in which they all did fantastically well. Entries came from: Year 8 Leah Brier Georgia Butterfield Robbie Dickens Year 9 Emma Willans

Year 11

Callum Wallace

The winners were Callum for his beautiful

cod creole and berry parfait, and Georgia

for showing a high level of skill and a good

choice of spices! Well done!

- T. South

The Battlefields Trip This October half term saw the 17th annual pilgrimage of the St. John Fisher‟s Pals Battalion to the First World War battlefields. 33 pupils and 4 members of staff went on the trip. Here are a couple of experiences shared by our students: “Overall the Battlefields trip was a great experience. Before I went I thought I understood the war but the trip changed everything; I now have a much greater understanding. It was a very emotional trip and it opened my eyes to what the soldiers went through. The part that affected me the most was Tyne Cot Cemetery, seeing so many graves of British soldiers. It made me feel thankful for what I have. On the final night we went to the Menin Gate, then held a private candlelight ceremony at the West Riding memorial.

This reflected the whole trip and was very emotional.” Megan Best “The Battlefields trip was a truly unique experience. The atmosphere was fantastic and Margaret (our guide) had a lot of knowledge so we were always learning. Ypres and the Somme were just two of the places we visited. They were so calm and peaceful that you would never think the Great War had been fought there. The trip was so memorable, I will never forget it!” Reece Bedford - V. McConnochie

“The last-minute dash!”

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The u14/16 basketball teams started their season at the end of November and are both currently sitting at the top of their respective leagues. Each team is undefeated having played three games, and won all three. Both teams had their 1st game of the season playing away at Batley Boys Business and Enterprise College with the Under 14s winning comfortably 33-6 with excellent performances from the whole team. Tomas Priedys, Darren Tharby and Noah Hawkins led the scoring for the team, while Charlie Deighton and James Sweeney defended excellently. The U16's had a tougher start to their season against BBEC, in a closely contested game which finished 10-8 to Fishers at the end of the first half. The U16s picked up their play in the second half, only allowing BBEC to score 2 points the entire half, allowing them to win 18-10. Game two of the season was against Thornhill. The U16's picked up a big win through the scoring of Carlo Natividad and Jamie Cawtheray. The defence and rebounding of Ashaan Newell and Moses Ola, along with the great all round play of Lewis Cooper, were key in allowing Jamie and Carlo to score on the fast break resulting in a 33-4 win. The U14s picked a 10-0 win due to a forfeit by Thornhill. Game three was versus Westborough. It saw two fantastic performances by both teams. The U14 team won 18-8, with Darren Tharby scoring all 18 points for Fisher‟s. Noah Hawkins was key in setting up the attack with his strong dribbling skills and again Charlie Deighton and James Sweeney defended excellently. Dane Arminitia provided a strong performance also. The U16 produced their best performance of the season so far with a 51-8 win over Westborough, Lewis Copper defended excellently and set up numerous fast break baskets by stealing and rebounding the ball almost every possession, Carlo Natividad proved to fast for the Westborough defence scoring numerous lay ups. Jamie Cawtheray scored well on contributing 21 points and John Reyes shot the ball well adding valuable points also. George Pickles played his first game of the season and provided excellent rebounding and scoring. Overall, a fantastic start to the season. Well done to all involved. - Mr Saunders

Competition time! Are You an Extreme Reader?

This is open to all staff and all students! All you have to do is take a photo of you or a friend reading in an exciting, unusual or precarious position and email it to Mrs. Giraud. Keep an eye on the school website for the entries popping up in the new term! - Mrs. Giraud

Readathon Returns Getting young people engaged in reading for pleasure is not always easy, especially with all the other distractions available to them in today‟s world. That‟s why we at

St. John Fisher run the Readathon! As well as rising to the challenge to read more books, pupils are currently raising hundreds of pounds for CLIC Sargent and the Roald Dahl Foundation who do so much to support seriously ill children and their families. The Readathon is creating a real „buzz‟ about books in the school and the money is really rolling in! Last year we raised over £400 and this year looks set to raise even more… A fantastic achievement! Well done! - Mrs. Giraud

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Capital Experience 2013 On Tuesday 26th November we ventured to London for the Career Academy Capital Experience. Thirteen students from both the Health and Social Care and Business Academies, accompanied by Mrs O‟Hare and Mrs Blanchfield ,travelled by train from Dewsbury to London. The Health and Social Care students visited the Enfield, Barnet and Haringey Mental Health Trust at St Ann‟s Hospital, whilst the Business students visited Sarasin and Partners on the steps of St Pauls‟ Cathedral. After the morning visits, which included lunch at each location, we met at The Dominion Theatre for a Student Conference in the afternoon which was emceed by Action Jackson a very inspirational motivator. We then had some time for sightseeing and with the iconic Oxford Street just around the corner. What better place to start! We travelled back to Kings Cross Station by tube, which for a lot of the students was the first

time on the Underground and at rush hour it is quite an experience. We just had time to admire

the fantastic new roof at Kings Cross Station before boarding the train for our journey home.

Everyone was exhausted but all agreed they had had a

“Capital” day out and just wished it could have last longer.

- A. O’Hare

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Visit to Huddersfield Town Hall

On Wednesday 4th December the School Council visited Huddersfield Town Hall for an audience with the Mayor of Kirklees, Councillor Martyn Bolt. It was a great opportunity for us

to find out more about the Mayor‟s job and what he represents. First of all the Mayor and his Assistant told us the history of Kirklees Council and how it had formed after the joining of lots of smaller bor-oughs together. They then showed us an original mace and explained the design of the maces that the Mayor uses today. There are different maces from each place in Kirklees and each Mayor chooses the one he wants to use each year. The current Mayor has chosen the Spenborough Mace. Then they showed us the Mayor‟s ceremonial clothing. He also has to wear a big necklace (Mayoral Chains) and he has the Key to the City to acknowledge that he is the leader of our Council. We then had the chance to see the different rooms that the Mayor works in within the Town Hall. We saw the Council meeting room where the Mace has to be on show for the meeting to be legal. We went into the Mayor‟s office and on display are many of the gifts received by the previous Mayors of Kirklees. We saw a ceremonial sword which had been presented to the Mayor by the Sikh community. As we walked around the Town Hall there were lots of names

on plaques of previous Mayors and Councillors and a huge

painting of Queen Victoria hung above the staircase. There

are a lot of valuable silver pieces on display in the Town Hall

too, most of which were gifts to councils from visitors to Kirk-

l e e s o r w e a l t h y l o c a l b u s i n e s s m e n .

The Mayor told us that he has to represent Kirklees on a lot

of official functions and

gets to meet a lot of

special people, some

famous some not, and

he even gets to go to

the Queen‟s Garden


- A. Crowther

PSHCE - Year 7 Tiny Giants Road Safety Play

On Friday 25th October, Year 7 pupils were lucky enough to have 3 actors perform a moving play about Road Safety. It showed us how to act when crossing the road and various other things to do with road safety. It was based on a true story about a tragic accident that unfortunately happened to a boy who didn‟t take care when crossing the road. He didn‟t stop, look and listen because he was distracted. It was very shocking and has made us all think carefully about how we behave when we are near roads. By: Millie Kershaw and Nicole Bowler Year 7 Personal Safety Talks

in PSHCE Lessons PC Whitehouse visited each of the Year 7 classes to talk about personal safety. He commenced this subject by showing us what and what not to do if someone in the street wanted to „relieve‟ us of a possession. He showed us how to react and he encouraged us to hand our possession over and what happened when people said no. We saw photos of facial injuries which were quite shocking. He also talked about road safety and problems on the road. He went on to say how we should walk on the side of the road opposite to traffic in case someone winds down the window and steals our items. He finally talked about safety at home and if we are home alone and a stranger comes to the door, pretend there‟s someone at home with you. It was really useful and we learned a lot. By: Alexandra Preece

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School Sports Partnership St John Fisher has played host to some major Primary School Game‟s Pathway Events this term. The area‟s Cross Country qualifier, comprising of 6 races (Yr4 Boys, Yr4 Girls, Yr5 Boys, Yr5 Girls, Yr6 Boys and Yr6 Girls), took place on October 2nd, with all five of our feeder schools well represented. On offer for the successful schools were places at the Kirklees Finals, which were to follow on October 16th. St Patrick‟s provided individual winners in 3 of the 6 races and St Joseph‟s claimed one winner. Team wise, St Patricks won 4 of the categories which was just enough to see them crowned as overall winners. In addition to St Patrick‟s qualifying for the Kirklees finals in five of the categories, St Paulinus qualified in two and St Joseph‟s in one. We have also a hosted year 3 & 4 six aside tournament for our feeder schools. A huge thank you needs to go to a number of our Year 11 and 6th form for their leadership in these events. Our pupils continue to impress in the guidance, maturity and enjoyment they offer to pupils attending these events. Leaders have been: Hannah Kemp, Gemma Hocks, Oliver McCormack, Adam Shire, Lewis Boddy, Max Senior, Will Copley, Will Collins, Lucy Cawtheray, Sophie Cardus, Lauren Micklethwaite, Connor Vickers, Megan Ryan, Rebecca Williams, Charlotte Thompson, Jamie Cawtheray, Joe Maguire, Dan Chatterton, Tom Bottomley, Georgia Copley, Brogan Coughlan, Megan Aston Barlow

Spen Valley Cup Football Update

The year 7 team celebrating their victory over Whitcliffe Mount after winning 9-1.

The school teams have made a promising start to the year. We are still in the Spen Valley Cup in years 8 – 11. Year 8 will play Spen Valley , Year 9 are scheduled to play Birkenshaw, Year 10 are scheduled to meet Spen Valley and Year 11 are due to meet Whitcliffe Mount; all at the quarter final stage. We have also been playing in the annual Spen Valley 7-a-side flood lit s occe r t ou rnamen ts e ve ry Wednesday night. To date we have come 2nd in Years 9-11 and won the tournament in Year 8. Our 6th form leaders attached to

teams are Will Collins and Jordan

Burland. They have shown fantastic

leadership working with the Year 8

and 7 teams respectively.

Rugby In Rugby, Years 7, 9, 10 and 11 have qualified for the National Schools Cup following

qualification in the much more competitive Kirklees Schools‟ Rugby Leagues. The year 7 team won the North Kirklees Champion Schools Qualification tournament and are

currently at the quarter final stage, due to meet Rastrick at home. Year 9 are in the se-cond round and are due to travel to Doncaster. Year 10 are at the quarter final stage

and play Ossett, away. They came up against Brooksbank and then St Mary‟s from Hull. A dominant performance saw the year 10‟s run away with the game 62-6. The Year 11 team met a strong Temple Moor team but dominated proceedings over the course of the game. The final score was 20-20. The rules of the competition meant that, as the

away team, Temple Moor qualify. Our 6th Form leaders have been involved with teams and are doing a great job. They have shown great commitment in their work with teams: Connor Vickers, Sam Pickles,

Dan Chatterton, Joe Maguire, Tom Bottomley, Ben Finlay.

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Applications are welcomed from students who wish to study in an environment based on Christian principles.

Please telephone 01924 527000 for a prospectus/invitation to the Open Evening Enquiries to Mrs M. Goodfellow or e-mail [email protected].

OFSTED 2012 “The Sixth Form is good. As a result of good teaching and a broad set of subjects they can study, students have positive attitudes and achieve well”

A level exam results in top 25% of schools/colleges in August 2013 - 99% pass rate at A-level


Are due Wednesday 15th January 2014

Guidance Sessions are on

Saturday 1st February

Wide range of AS/A-Levels and Level 2 courses

„High standards of teaching „

The course is stimulating and enjoyable‟

„First class results‟