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First Pass Yield Analysis and Improvement at a Low

Volume, High Mix Semiconductor Equipment

Manufacturing Facility


Shaswat Anand

Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering

Delhi College of Engineering, University of Delhi, 2012

Submitted to the Department of Mechanical Engineering

in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of

Master of Engineering in Advanced Manufacturing and Design

at the


September 2016

c○ Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2016. All rights reserved.

Author . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Department of Mechanical Engineering

August 10, 2016

Certified by. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Dr. Stanley Gershwin

Senior Research Scientist

Thesis Supervisor

Accepted by . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Rohan Abeyaratne

Quentin Berg Professor of Mechanics

Chair, Committee of Graduate Students

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First Pass Yield Analysis and Improvement at a Low Volume,

High Mix Semiconductor Equipment Manufacturing Facility


Shaswat Anand

Submitted to the Department of Mechanical Engineeringon August 10, 2016, in partial fulfillment of the

requirements for the degree ofMaster of Engineering in Advanced Manufacturing and Design


"Improve quality, you automatically improve productivity" - W. Edwards Deming

Quality is the heart and soul of any manufacturing unit. Quality metric stagnationat a high mix semiconductor equipment manufacturing facility was the motivation forthis project.

An analysis was done to understand the working and importance of the qualitymetrics, First Pass Yield and Quality Notifications per Module, to understand thereasons for its stagnation over the past couple of years at the assembly plant. Alsomodule specific study was done to understand the trends in the quality improvementand the improvements achieved on different modules assembled at the facility.

As per scientific method, a hypotheses tree was laid out with a view to ascertainthe reasons behind the plateauing of the quality metrics. Further these metrics weretested using data from the ERP software (SAP), other tailor made software packagesand from discussions and interviews with assembly floor people and the manufacturingand quality engineers.

As a result of this work shortages of critical parts was found out to be a crucialcontributor to the quality issues arising on the shop floor because of the extra exposuretime of the assemblies and building the assemblies out of procedure in such a case.Various alternative strategies are suggested to improve service levels along with theeconomical impact these strategies shall have.

Finally, invaluable data collections suggestions are a part of this work which shallact as enablers in the continuous journey of quality improvement.

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. Stanley GershwinTitle: Senior Research Scientist


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First and foremost I would like to thank my parents for all that I am. None of this

would have been possible without them. A sincere thanks to all my family members

for their invaluable contributions.

I thank my adviser, Dr Stanley Gershwin for extending his valuable time and

guiding and motivating me throughout this work. It was in the discussions with him

that we always found new ways to approach the complex of problems. This project

would not have been a success without the numerous valuable insights and suggestions

of Dr. Gershwin.

I would like to sincerely thank Dan Martin at Applied Materials for he gave us the

freedom to explore different aspects of the project. I also sincerely thank the entire

FPY team and all Manufacturing and Quality Engineers at Applied Materials who

guided throughout the project and made the stay a memorable one.

Next, I extend my hearty thanks to Professor David Hardt and Jose Pacheco for

their support and guidance throughout the program.

Thanks to my friends and teammates Sean and Elyud, who I worked with at

Applied Materials. Thanks for the wonderful learning atmosphere.

Last but not the least I would like to thank my wonderful friends who made life

awesome. Thanks Meenakshi(Queen), Karthik(GK), Anshul(Single), Srinivas(Tsunami)

and Rohith. Thanks a lot for all the memories!


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1 Introduction 13

2 First Pass Yield Program 17

2.1 An Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

2.2 Quality Notification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

2.3 First Pass Yield (FPY) Metric . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

2.4 FPY Sample Calculation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

2.4.1 FPY Sample Data: December 2015 and January 2016 . . . . . 20

2.5 A Secondary Metric: QNs per Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

2.6 FPY and QNs/module: A Historical Look . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

2.7 Addressing QNs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

2.7.1 The Bucketing Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

2.8 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

3 FPY Stagnation: Analysis and Proposed Improvements 29

3.1 FPY and Expected Error Rate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

3.1.1 Setting QNs per module target . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

3.2 Hypotheses Tree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

3.2.1 Complexity of Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

3.2.2 Analysis of High FPY Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

3.3 Experience of Employees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

3.4 MIT Critical Path Project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

3.5 Shortage of Critical Parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42


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3.5.1 Critical Shorts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

3.5.2 Relating Critical Shorts to QNs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

3.5.3 Part Routes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

3.5.4 The 2-bin Kanban System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

3.5.5 Current Bin Sizing Method for KC Parts . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

3.5.6 Gold Squares . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

3.5.7 Inventory Levels Restructuring: Results and Potential Benefits 51

3.6 Re-Bucketing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

3.7 FPY Metric Benchmarking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56

3.8 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

4 Results 59

4.1 Data Collection: Improvements and Suggestions . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

4.1.1 Critical Shortages Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

4.1.2 SMKT Gold Square Shortages Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

4.1.3 Flagging Procedural Changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

4.1.4 ERP (SAP) QN Updates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

4.1.5 Capturing the MIT Rebucketing Approach . . . . . . . . . . . 64

4.2 QN Feedback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65

4.3 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66

5 Conclusions, Recommendations and Future Work 67

5.1 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67

5.2 Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68

5.3 Future Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70

A Discussion on Distributions of Demand 73

A.1 Demand Characterization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73

A.1.1 Curve Fits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74

A.1.2 Weekly Demand: Negative Binomial Distribution . . . . . . . 74


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List of Figures

2-1 Quality Notification - Categories and Buckets . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

2-2 FPY and QNs per module: 2011 - Jan 2016 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

3-1 Exponential Fits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

3-2 Relationship betwen QNs per module and FPY . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

3-3 Probability Distribution of QNs per module, UES - FY 2012 and FY

2015 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

3-4 Histograms for QNs per module, UES - FY 2012 and FY 2015: The

mean(red line) QNs/module value has been slowly shifting towards 1.0 35

3-5 Historial Trends for FPYs of the two most complex modules: UES and

90 Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

3-6 Relating Experience of Assemblers to # of QNs . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

3-7 Impact of MIT Critical Path Project on # of QNs . . . . . . . . . . . 42

3-8 Relating Short Counts to # of QNs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

3-9 Relating Shortage Occurrences to # of QNs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

3-10 2-Bin Kanban System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

3-11 Shorts of various procurement types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

A-1 Example daily demand distributions and curve fits - Three different

represntative TRIDENT KC parts. [3] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75

A-2 Probability mass function and Cumulative distribution function of a

geometric distribution. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76

A-3 Probability mass function and Cumulative distribution function of a

geometric distribution. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77


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A-4 Weekly demands for three representative parts showing negative bino-

mial distribution [2]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78


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List of Tables

2.1 FPY Sample Calculation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

2.2 FPY: Module wise for the month of December 2015. . . . . . . . . . . 22

2.3 FPY: Module wise for the month of January 2016. . . . . . . . . . . . 23

3.1 KC Parts bin sizing cost analysis at different service levels . . . . . . 51

3.2 KC Parts predicted shortage analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

3.3 Gold Square sizing cost analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

3.4 Gold Square sizing predicted shortage analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

3.5 Re-Bucketing of QNs for the period Jan.-June 2016: Current Method

vs. the MIT Method (continued on next page). . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

3.6 Re-Bucketing of QNs for the period Jan.-June 2016: Current Method

vs. the MIT Method (continued). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56


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Chapter 1


This thesis project has been carried out at the manufacturing facility of Applied

Materials, Inc. (Nasdaq: AMAT) located in Gloucester, MA. Applied Materials,

Inc. is the global leader in providing innovative equipment, services and software

to enable the manufacture of advanced semiconductor, flat panel display and solar

photovoltaic products. Applied Materials purchased Varian Semiconductor and their

ion implantation equipment manufacturing facility in Gloucester, MA in 2011. The

Varian division of Applied Materials, located in Gloucester, MA, produces a variety

of product lines all involved with ion implantation.

Ion implantation is the most common process of doping semiconductors in the

manufacturing of semiconductors in the present day. This process of doping a silicon

wafer involves presenting the wafer to a focused and filtered ion beam. The beam

begins as an ionized gas and is focused through a beamline of magnets that filters the

gas to only the desired ions by the time the beam hits the wafer. This beamline equip-

ment is complex, and as a result the equipment to refine this beam is manufactured

in a series of modules. These modules are manufactured and shipped as individual

units, and are tested only at the module level. They are not usually assembled and

tested as a complete build unit until deployed at the customer site. This makes it

imperative to test each and every module at the end of its build so that they work in

perfect harmony at the customer site.

In this direction, as a part of their continuous improvement program, the man-


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ufacturing facility at Gloucester implemented a "First Pass Yield (FPY)" quality

program in 2011. This program is mainly aimed at reducing the number of quality

defects per module and thereby minimizing the rework caused because of these qual-

ity defects. At the heart of all these is the reduction of cost to build a module by

putting less number of man hours on it and provide products of superior quality to

its customers. FPY is a measure of the percentage of modules manufactured without

manufacturing-related defects. The scope of the project deals with defects arising on

the shop floor which are attributable to workmanship errors. This does not include

errors arising out of a defective part from a supplier or because of any inherent design

or procedural issue.

This quality project carried out by Applied Materials resulted in significant reduc-

tion in number of defects per module across all the modules in the initial few years,

although the rate of reduction has not been the same for all of them. It increased

from around 55% across modules in the fiscal year 2011 to about 80% in 2013, but has

stagnated since then. One of the primary goals of this thesis project was to ascertain

reasons for this stagnation of FPY, critique the current FPY program and present

Applied Materials with a methodology that improves yield in the future. Another

area of concern for the FPY team has been goal setting. Goal setting for FPY is not

scientific currently and is mostly a management-selected benchmark that the team

believes they can reach for the year. In view of the stagnated FPY numbers for the

past two years, the team is facing difficulty in creating a new higher goal to push the

program further. So this thesis also aims to come up with a scientific method towards

finding an eventual improvement goal for FPY. It hopes to answer the question for a

theoretical limit for yield as well.

Looking into the FPY program as is, Chapter 1 explains the two most important

metrics, FPY and Quality Notifications per Module, and the way they are handled at

Applied Materials. Further the First Pass Yield Program and its current methodology

along with its advantages and disadvantages is detailed in Chapter 2. The ideas

behind bucketing of Quality Notifications is also discussed in this chapter. Chapter 3

develops a mathematical relation between the two metrics: FPY and QNs per module


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and how they should be viewed together to get a holistic picture. It also describes the

scientific methodology followed by the MIT team to analyze the FPY stagnation issue.

Here various hypotheses are made and then tested using data and improvements are

suggested in those specific directions. Suggestions on the lines of shortage reduction

is one of the main contributions of this thesis. In Chapter 4, various issues that

the team faced because of poor quality of data, which hindered their quest to make

sound conclusions on various hypotheses, are entailed. The suggestions in these areas

to improve the quality of data and how it shall help going forward in the quality

journey are also enumerated in the chapter. Chapter 5 summarizes all the gains

achieved and suggestions for further implementation and improvement of the quality

in general and the quality metrics in particular at Applied Materials. This chapter

also ties together the work done by the entire MIT team at Applied Materials in the

direction of Total Quality Management(TQM).


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Chapter 2

First Pass Yield Program

2.1 An Introduction

This program was brought into effect to improve quality on the shop floor at Ap-

plied Materials. The mission of this program is to improve the overall quality of the

products from the facility. Some of the enablers to this are reducing waste, reducing

rework, addressing vendor concerns, improving design, carrying out poka-yokes etc.

At the heart of it the program is intended to carry out organization-wide efforts to fos-

ter continuous improvements so that they deliver high-quality products and services

to customers.

2.2 Quality Notification

The manufacturing process at Applied Materials Gloucester unit is mainly a hand

assembly process. All the elementary parts for the assemblies/sub-assemblies are

procured from outsourced suppliers. Many sub-assemblies are built in the supermar-

ket/SMKT area. SMKT is a designated area where assemblies are assembled which

are then used in the module assembly process or sold directly to any customer who

wants it. Any quality issue found out during the process of build or testing of a

module, using the individual parts from the supplier or the sub-assemblies built in-

house or at a contracted location, is logged in as a Quality Notification/QN in the


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Figure 2-1: Quality Notification - Categories and Buckets

ERP/SAP system. Generally one of the persons working on the module enters the

QN in the online system. While entering the QN details like time to diagnose the

issue and time to rectify it are mentioned. Also, the person entering the QN assigns

it a category depending on the perceived reason of the QN. The QN also has first

hand issue description where text is entered and is of value in the long run.

Any QN can be classified into either of these three categories : Manufacturing

(Workmanship), Supplier or Design. Manufacturing QNs are logged for all quality

issues originating on the shop floor like a misplaced connection, over-tightening a

screw, breaking a graphite part during installation, faulty water connection, leakage

in the assembled chamber, swapped fiber optics cables etc. Typical Supplier QNs

have broken or out of specification parts received from the supplier. Design QNs

arise because of quality issues which are rooted in bad design of a part. These QNs

are logged when a design flaw crops up during the assembly or when a faulty part

from a supplier reaches the assembly floor. In all the discussions in this thesis our

metrics are related only to the Manufacturing QNs only. Consequently FPY refers

to Manufacturing FPY in all the mentions in the thesis. Further, the Manufacturing

FPY is classified in one of the four buckets namely Parts, Harnessing, Connections

and Vacuuum as shown in the Figure 2-1. This classification shall be detailed in this

chapter later on.

As mentioned above, each QN is looked up at by the manufacturing as well as


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quality engineers to ensure that it is in the proper bucket. Each of the four buckets

has a manufacturing engineer as its bucket leader. Each bucket leader is responsible

for analyzing the quality issue and take steps to ensure that a recurrence of the event

does not happen. The mitigation steps after the root cause analysis can be intro-

ducing poka-yoke,making procedural changes, making design changes, disseminating

knowledge among the workforce etc. or a combination of the above.

2.3 First Pass Yield (FPY) Metric

This is one of the most important metrics for the manufacturing division at Applied

Materials, MA. It is the percentage of the modules that pass the final testing without

any quality issue logged against it. In this work, only quality issues caused as a

result of workmanship issues, on the shop floor, are considered here. Any quality

defect arising out of a defective part from a supplier or because of an inherent design

issue will not be counted towards the calculation of the FPY. Also issues arising

out of critical errors in Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) are excluded from

calculations for this metric.

A quality defect arising on a module is logged as a QN as described in the previous

section. Any QN is counted against a module depending on the part number it is

logged against. Any module that has a QN logged against it affects the FPY for that


2.4 FPY Sample Calculation

The FPY for any particular module for a time period is defined as the ratio of the

number of modules built without any quality defect (or QN) to the total number of

modules built in that period. It is generally expressed as a percentage rather than

a ratio. However in Table 2.1 and Equations 2.1 and 2.2 it is expressed as a ratio

and can be multiplied by the number 100 to get the percentage values for FPY.

2.1 illustrates how the manufacturing FPY is calculated for a period from the total


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number of modules built and the number of modules built without any QN logged

against it.

Extending this definition, we calculate the FPY for the manufacturing unit as

the weighted average of the individual modules’ FPYs as shown by Equation 2.2 as

described in the following section.

2.4.1 FPY Sample Data: December 2015 and January 2016

Two tables showing all the modules manufactured in the months of Decemeber 2015

and January 2016 are shown below. They show how each module’s FPY is affected

by any QN. Another important metric worth noting is the tables below is QNs per

module and its interplay with the FPY metric which shall be further delved into in

the following sections.

Another way of representing FPY formula in (2.1) can be:

FPY =Σ(Module FPY× No. of modules)

Total number of all modules(2.2)

The above Equation 2.2 or the Equation 2.1 and the Tables 2.2 and 2.3 can be used

to calculate the FPY for any particular time period. As is very evident from the

table that some modules have defects in both months and some particular ones are

devoid of any quality issues in either of the months. There are various reasons for

this behavior which the thesis shall delve into in the upcoming sections. Further all

these QNs in each module and the number of modules in the tables are utilized to

find the FPY for a period.

2.5 A Secondary Metric: QNs per Module

At Applied Materials, it is the FPY metric that is paid the most attention and is

the metric of choice for reporting higher up in the organization. However, the FPY

numbers can be quite misleading at times because of the way it is calculated. Another


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𝑢𝑢 𝑥


𝑣𝑣 𝑦


𝑤𝑤 𝑧






(𝑢 𝑥×


+(𝑣 𝑦


+(𝑤 𝑧











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metric that always needs to accompany the FPY numbers, since it paints a better

picture of quality, is the QNs/Module metric. This is owing to the fact that a single

QN on a module affects its FPY metric as badly as multiple QNs on the same module.

Also FPY numbers can be inflated if the number of modules built is less. So looking

only at FPY numbers can be misleading. The alternative metric, QNs per module, is

therefore always presented along with FPY. The expression for QNs/module is shown

in Equation 2.3.

QNs/Module =Total number of QNs

Total number of modules(2.3)

It gives us an average number of quality errors made in any specific module type.

The lower the QNs per Module metric the better it is. Lower number of QNs per

module mean lower quality issues and so less rework and consequently lower costs


2.6 FPY and QNs/module: A Historical Look

The Figure 2-2 shows how the two metrics have done since the inception of the

program and the motivation for this thesis. The higher the FPY metric the better it

is. Conversely for the QNs/module metric, the lower the better.

As is evident in the Figure 2-2, the initial years show a great improvement in the

FPY as well as the QNs per module metric. It was primarily because of the new

focus on quality and led to the addressing of a lot of easier to solve issues. Once these

"low-hanging fruits" were over, the metrics pretty much plateaued. This flattening

of the curves is the prime motivation for this work.

2.7 Addressing QNs

A quality issue on the shop floor is to be entered in to the ERP system as a QN

which has all the details of the issue. A quality issue can be found out as soon as

it happens during the build, at any time further during the build or at the testing


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Figure 2-2: FPY and QNs per module: 2011 - Jan 2016

stage. The QN can be logged into the system by the person diagnosing the issue, the

person rectifying it or the team lead. The QN details include time to diagnose the

problem, time to rectify it, the afflicted part number and a text entry which details the

quality issue. Besides these each QN is assigned a group or bucket which is basically

a method to segregate different types of QNs. The current approach of bucketing the

QNs at Applied Materials, along with its advantages and disadvantages, is described

in the following subsections. Any QN entered in the ERP system is assigned to a

Quality/Manufacturing Engineer who takes care of rooting out the problem.

2.7.1 The Bucketing Approach

The way the quality notifications are handled at Applied right now is by segregating

them into buckets or groups. This has been the approach since the program started.

All the quality issues, once logged in the ERP as QNs, are segregated into the following

four buckets:


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1. Connections: Any QN logged against an issue that is a mechanical or a pneu-

matic connection shall be put into this category. A typical defect can be a water

leak at an elbow joint which was detected when the module was being tested.

2. Harnessing: QNs where there is a fault with the fiber optics (also referred to

as light links at Applied Materials) fall in this bucket. Fiber optics are used

for communications within a particular module as well as between modules.

A typical fault of this category can be a kinked fiber optic cable which might

render the cable useless or a faulty connection made within or between modules.

3. Vacuum: There are many sections of the modules built here that need to be

in vacuum to perform the function of doping of semiconductors effectively. All

these chambers are sealed by means of air-tight vacuum seals. Any leakage in

these seals leads to air ingress and this is reported as a QN. All such QNs will

fall under this category. These QNs are mostly found during the testing of the


4. Parts: This takes into account all such workmanship errors which result in

parts being broken or damaged. These parts can be salvaged at times and at

other times can only be discarded. Wrongly assembled parts also fall in this


Each of these buckets is led by a manufacturing engineer responsible for analyzing

the issues of the corresponding bucket. A root cause analysis of these issues is done

and steps are taken to minimize chances of recurrence of the defect. The analyses

may point towards some potential design changes, supplier issues, procedural issues,

workmanship mistakes etc. This analysis is then presented by each bucket leader at

the weekly FPY meeting to disseminate the learnings to all manufacturing engineers.

More importantly the findings are conveyed verbally to people working on the shop



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One of the main advantages of bucketing is the fact that it allocates responsibility

to a specific individual to root out issues in a particular bucket. It also helps in

goal setting and comparing how each bucket is doing. Moreover, monitoring their

contribution to the FPY or the QNs per module metric helps the management focus

on specific buckets.


This is the approach followed for the FPY program since the time of its commence-

ment. Gains were achieved in the initial years mainly because there were lots of

"low-hanging fruits" to be plucked. This led to numerous improvements in all the

buckets which had a collective positive impact on the FPY.

However, this method has not been successful to reduce the FPY numbers for

the past couple of years. This method binds the team to think in a particular way.

Right now, the current method at times ends up putting quality issues emanating out

of similar root causes into different buckets. Also since the current approach is not

helping, a completely new approach is needed which was taken by the team of Anand,

Daigle and Ismail and has been discussed in detail in Chapter 3 and in Ismail’s [3]


2.8 Summary

The FPY program has well served the quality effort at Applied Materials since it

began. The QN logging system in response to any quality issue and the the way it is

dealt with afterwards was detailed in this chapter. Also, the two important metrics

of FPY and QNs per module were explained since these terms will be frequently used

in this work. Also, the way QNs are segregated has been introduced which shall be

detailed in later chapters. This has built a foundation to explain the analyses of the

potential causes of quality failures in the next chapter. Also an understanding of


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the two metrics in this chapter shall help understand the interplay between the two

metrics and give equal, if not more, weightage to one of them.


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Chapter 3

FPY Stagnation: Analysis and

Proposed Improvements

In this chapter, we shall delve in to the various supposed reasons of FPY stagnation

over the past few years. The approach followed here is that of building a hypotheses

tree where a number of hypotheses are proposed and are then tested. All this testing is

done on data from ERP system at Applied Materials by employing various statistical

methods. These hypotheses are arrived at by looking at ERP data and on the basis

of the visits and discussions with various engineers and assemblers on the shop floor.

It is a matter of fact that there will be an element of subjectivity in how people

associate reasons to low FPY. This makes it imperative to test all hypotheses by

using statistical methods and make sound conclusions accordingly. The causality

attribution by this process shall help us work in particular areas which shall have a

positive impact on FPY. However, lack of sound data often hinders deriving concrete

conclusions, when efforts have been made to do the best possible analysis with the

available data and use personal experiences of people on the assembly floor. This

chapter shall also delve into how different modules have fared on their FPYs and

which ones need to be focused to gain improvements on the overall FPY metric. It

also discusses the interplay between the two metrics.

FPY stagnation can be attributed to many reasons such as inexperience of new

assemblers, lack of attention to detail among assemblers, improper procedures, not


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following procedures strictly, complexity of modules, unavailability of parts on time

(shortage of parts) etc. All these supposed factors contributing to FPY stagnation

shall be looked in detail in this chapter. Finally various methods of improvements

have been suggested along these different dimensions on the basis of the analyses

carried out.

3.1 FPY and Expected Error Rate

There are different types of modules being assembled at the Applied Materials manu-

facturing facility. They vary a lot from each other in terms of design, complexity, time

of build, assembler experience on it etc. This means that each of the modules has

different numbers of failure opportunities and consequently different expected failure

rates. Historical data reveal that modules like 90 Module and UES have a very low

FPY or correspondingly a high QNs per module count.

At Applied Materials, the metric that is given the most importance is the FPY.

However, it is not directly under control and it depends on the number of modules

passing the final test without any quality issues and the total number of modules

tested. Direct monitoring of number of quality issues and its impact on the QNs

per module metric is easy but QNs per module is somehow not given that high an

importance at Applied Materials. Therefore an effort has been made to relate the

two metrics: FPY and QNs per module. Consequently a mathematical model has

been developed to relate FPY and expected number of failures, which is a substitute

for the metric - QNs per module in this section.

Mathematical Model

Some of the assumptions considered in this model are:

1. Each module will have many opportunities for failure and it shall be assumed

that the probability of failure for each opportunity for a module is the same.

This will be not be true in reality since certain failure modes are repetitive

which implies that they have a higher probability of occurrence.


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2. It shall be assumed that the product of the number of opportunities for failure

and the number of modules built is a very large number, which is very close to


�̄� = E(𝑛) = 𝑄×𝑁


�̄� = Expected number of failures

n = Number of failures in a given time

Q = Probability of failure per opportunity

N = Opportunities per failure

So the Probability of having ZERO failures (which shall essentially be equivalent

to the FPY of the module) on a module can be written as:

𝑃 = (1 −𝑄)𝑁

which is equivalent to

𝐹𝑃𝑌𝑚𝑜𝑑 = (1 − �̄�

𝑁 ×𝑚)𝑁×𝑚 (3.2)

Also, the equation (3.2) can be simplified as (considering 𝑁 ×𝑚 is large):

𝐹𝑃𝑌𝑚𝑜𝑑 = lim𝑁×𝑚→∞

(1 − �̄�

𝑁 ×𝑚)𝑁×𝑚 = 𝑒−�̄� (3.3)

To verify our model we construct scatter plots of FPY for a particular module

versus QNs per module. Three of these scatter plots with a curve fit to the trend is

shown in Figure 3-1. All these curves point to the fact that the relation is exponential

in nature. It is not exactly exponential owing to the assumptions that were made in

the coming up with the mathematical model.


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(a) 70 Module Scatter (b) Facilities Module Scatter

(c) Beamline Module Scatter (d) UES Module Scatter

Figure 3-1: Exponential Fits


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3.1.1 Setting QNs per module target

FPY is a somewhat deceiving metric. Even if the quality efforts lead to lessening in

the number QNs/module it may not necessarily have any impact on the FPY of a

module or the total FPY. This is due to the fact that only one error on a module is

enough to affect its FPY whereas it is quite possible that the QNs/module metric has

improved over time. More than deceiving, it will be very difficult to obtain gains on

FPY of complex modules because they have very high number of opportunities for

failure. In a complex module it is quite possible that substantial progress in the field

of quality is made but even then it is far from eliminating all the errors each time.

Even one such quality issue will end up hampering any improvement in the FPY

metric. So using the mathematical model above a target is proposed for the QNs per

module so as to see any developments in the FPY metric. At the same time, FPY

metric must always be accompanied by QNs per module metric. Having proved that

the relation between the two metrics is exponential in nature, it is proposed that the

critical value of QN per module is 1, to have any noticeable improvements in the FPY

of the module. Figure 3-1 shows scatter for monthly FPY of four modules versus their

QNs/module count. Clearly the scatter for modules like the Beam Line and Facilities

show that their QNs per module metric is below 1.0 for most of the months. This

reflects on their high FPY numbers as well. On the contrary the QNs/module values

for 90 Module and UES are above 1.0 most of the time which also leads to poor FPY

numbers. Figure 3-2 illustrates symbolically this interplay between the two metrics

namely the QN/module and the FPY metric. In the Figure 3-2 it is shown that

as the QNs/module value keeps on going down, the increase in the FPY numbers

is very slow unless the QNs/module value reaches a critical point. In the symbolic

illustration this QNs/module number is shown as 1.0 where the value of FPY takes

a sudden jump.

The historical data of FPY reveals that 90 Module and UES have the poorest

FPY as well as the highest QNs per module. These are the modules which hurt the

overall FPY the most as well. So it is imperative to improve these modules more than


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Figure 3-2: Relationship betwen QNs per module and FPY

any other to see any further gains in the overall FPY numbers. Hence, this model

proposes the QNs per module number to be brought to below the value of 1.0 for the

the modules for which it is higher to move over the current plateau. This has been

the case with all the modules that have now achieved QNs per module count of less

than 1.0 and FPY numbers touching 100%. A model shows the journey of modules

making this transition from QNs per module metric from above 1 to below 1 in the

Figure 3-3. Figure 3-3 shows the probability distributions of a hypothetical module

such that the mean value of QNs per module metric makes a transition from higher

than 1.0 value in Figure 3-3 (a) to a lower than 1.0 value in Figure 3-3 (c). The

vertical dashed red line shows the 1.0 QNs/module mark. It is after this transition

of the QNs/module number from higher than 1.0 to a value lower than 1.0 that the

FPY values for the modules breaks through a barrier and these modules no longer

hurt the overall FPY as much.

Following on the above proposed hypothesis, the modules with high QNs per

module value are analyzed and a case for UES has been made. In Figure 3-4, the

histogram of the QNs/module has been shown. In this figure the red vertical line

shows the mean value of QNs/module for the duration. As is illustrated in the Figure

3-4, the mean QNs/module is shifting towards the "magic" number of 1.0 but is still

over it. The UES FPY as well as overall FPY metric will further improve only when

the mean QNs per module reaches below 1.0 values for the modules having QNs per

module value higher than 1.0.


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(a) FY 2012 Distribution (b) FY 2015 Distribution

(c) FY 2015 Distribution

Figure 3-3: Probability Distribution of QNs per module, UES - FY 2012 and FY2015

(a) FY 2012 Distribution (b) FY 2015 Distribution

Figure 3-4: Histograms for QNs per module, UES - FY 2012 and FY 2015: Themean(red line) QNs/module value has been slowly shifting towards 1.0


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3.2 Hypotheses Tree

The previous sections talked about understanding the interplay between FPY and

QNs per module metric and when a big jump in FPY can be envisaged. This however

does not tell us the reason of FPY stagnation or how to tackle this quality challenge.

This section will cover the hypotheses that were drawn to account for the reasons of

plateaued FPY and reject or accept their claim.

3.2.1 Complexity of Modules

The way FPY is defined places equal weight on all modules. However, the truth

is that the modules are different in their complexities. This complexity lies in the

number of operations needed to be done in assembling them, number of parts to be

joined together, different kind of connections to be made, different types and numbers

of seals to be made etc. All this lends different number of failure opportunities to

each module. Also the probabilities of occurrences of all these different possibilities,

even on one type of module, are widely different. Consequently, even though we want

each module to be impeccable as far as quality goes, they should not be treated the

same. We might need to have different strategies to have the same level of quality in

each of them.

For example, the modules like Gas Box and Facilities have very few opportunities

for error and consequently have higher FPY numbers and lower QNs per Module

numbers as opposed to other complex modules like 90 Module or UES.

Relating Complexity and Quality

Having said that complexity of modules directly affects quality, it would be a good

idea to make a mathematical model describing this relation. This would help in

understanding how to reduce the number of opportunities to below some threshold

value by improving design, introducing poka-yokes etc. to achieve significant gains

in the quality metrics. Also knowing the number of opportunities for failure for

various modules shall help assign weightage to modules and come up with a better


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(a) FPY trend: 90 Module

(b) FPY trend: UES

Figure 3-5: Historial Trends for FPYs of the two most complex modules: UES and90 Module

representative FPY metric (FPY𝑤𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡𝑒𝑑).

A look at the monthly FPYs of these two modules in the Figure 3-5 for the past

five years clearly tells that the metric has not shown any significant improvement over

the past few years.

However, the team did not go out to find the number of opportunities for failure

for each module given the time it would take, but it certainly is not an intractable

problem. The key takeaway from this knowledge and the previous section on FPY

QNs per modules interplay is to direct specific attention to the complex modules

like UES and 90 Module which have higher than 1.0 QNs per module value. The


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current approach at Applied Materials does not pay any special attention to these

critical modules. Focus can be directed by forming teams that specifically look into

the quality issues of these critical modules. We expect that this dedicated effort shall

work wonders in improving their FPY rather than a generic approach towards all the


3.2.2 Analysis of High FPY Module

Different modules have different ranges of FPYs when considered by module as in

Tables (2.1) and (2.2). This can be attributed to various factors, the primary among

which shall be the complexity of the modules. A hypothesis put forward was that

there could be other factors at play as well and so an analysis was done to understand

what it takes to have a low QN count on a module.

To understand this, the assembly process of a Facilities module was thoroughly

followed up. This module has consistently shown improvements in the FPY numbers

as well as the QNs per module data which is also shown in Figure 3-1 (b).

Delving into the Facilities module, the following reasons were identified for its

sustained improvements:

1. Low Complexity: The module has a low complexity as compared to modules

like 90 module or the End Station.

2. Fixed Workforce: The module has a fixed group of three people who work on

it. This non variability of workforce brings certain positives as well as provides

avenues for errors. The pros and cons for this are as under:

(a) Pros: The experience keeps on building and the employees know the whole

assembly inside out. This fixed workforce also ensures that they take

ownership of issues in the modules assembly and go to lengths to get those


Also, there is a very high probability that the employees develop acumen

on the assembly and develop ingenious ways to do it. But the important


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thing here shall be to keep the Standard Operating Procedure/SOP always

updated with these latest developments so that it is easy for even a new

person to assemble correctly if need be.

(b) Cons: Employees working on the module are so used to it that they

remember every part of the SOP and may tend to not look carefully at it

while assembling. This can be of concern after any SOP revision when any

important improvement can be easily missed and lead to a quality defect.

Another issue that has not been noticed but is quite possible in such a

case is that employees might have a tendency to rectify any quality issue

without logging a QN in the ERP system for it. This is possible since the

same people will be one identifying as well as rectifying the issue. This

should be avoided at all costs and all issues should be logged into the

system so that correct data can be generated and proper mitigation steps

can be taken.

3.3 Experience of Employees

Before going any further, it is made clear that the words "assembler(s)", "employee(s)"

and "worker(s)" have been used interchangeably in the following text. It seems

straightforward that experience of assemblers on the assembly process will dictate

the quality or the number of QNs. This point comes into play here at Applied Mate-

rials because they have a mix of permanent and contractual employees. Contractual

employees work in cycles and are employed only for a maximum permissible dura-

tion, which is twelve months, after which their contract expires and someone else

takes their place. At many times contractual employees whose contract has expired

come back again after being away from the assembly process for some time. All these

varied types of employees may have some effect on quality. It is also possible that

the duration of employment does not have any effect at all. Another hypothesis is

that only the experience on a particular type of assembly counts towards how well an

assembler does in terms of quality.


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Figure 3-6: Relating Experience of Assemblers to # of QNs

To validate this hypothesis UES module was picked. In doing so, an assumption

was made on the basis of discussions with manufacturing engineers it was taken for

granted that assembly experience on a specific type of assembly matters more than

assembly experience in general. Next all assemblers on the UES assembly line are

segregated into two categories, experienced or inexperienced; which is arrived at by

looking if they have worked on it for more than 3 months as well as getting a feedback

from the team leads, who are the leading assemblers on the line in different shifts.

All this leads us to the proportion of inexperienced hours on a tool which is then

plotted against the number of QNs on the tool in Figure 3-6.

The results are very widespread and do not lead us to any clear conclusion. How-

ever, one of the conclusions derived from this study is that QN has nothing to do

with the type of assembler, whether contractual or permanent. A lower threshold

of 3 to 6 months is a necessary but not a sufficient condition for a assembler to be

called experienced and adept at delivering his duties. The learnings are not always

transferable from one particular assembly to another since the level of complexity

is significantly different. In Figure 3-6, the spread of QNs is pretty much the same

everywhere. Common sense dictates that there should have been more QNs when the

number of inexperienced hours is on the higher side. However, a possible explana-


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tion for the inconclusive results observed is the confounding of responses since only

one factor has been considered. The confounding can be because of new employees

starting at different times throughout the year. The inflow of new (generally inexpe-

rienced ) contractual workers and outflow of experienced contractual workers is done

in a phased manner which manifests itself in different levels of worker experience. The

positive thing here is that Applied Materials recognizes this fact and tries to have

minimum variation of assemblers on complex modules. It is however to be noted that

most of the manufacturing engineers seem to be not very happy with this approach

in general since they believe that it hampers productivity and quality.

3.4 MIT Critical Path Project

One of the projects that caught the attention of the MIT team of Anand, Daigle and

Ismail was the work done by a previous MIT team [1, 4] , which worked on reducing

the lead time on the assembly of the UES module. The crux of the project was to

allow for faster assembly of the modules by completely breaking down the assembly

steps and having as many as possible parallel steps in addition to eliminating some

wastes from the then existing assembly process. The project had shown a marked

decrease in the assembly time for the module.

The current team was interested to see if this complete reorganization of the

assembly process had any effect on the quality of the assembly being carried out. To

look into this, the team looked into the QN count before and after implementation of

the project. The 3-7 shows that there was a decrease in the normalized monthly QN

count before and after the implementation of the project. A possible explanation to

this is the higher degree of standardization of the build procedure as a result of the

project that led to reduction of the number of failure opportunities or reduction of

the probabilities of these failure occurrences or both.

The above hypotheses, if trues shows, that working on improvement of procedures

can have a significant impact on quality. Just like a procedure can be optimized to

minimize lead times, it can be optimized to minimize opportunities for failures and


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Figure 3-7: Impact of MIT Critical Path Project on # of QNs

probabilities of these failures on assemblies.

3.5 Shortage of Critical Parts

Any module assembly consists of piece parts or sub-assemblies that are assembled

in the supermarket/SMKT or come directly from outside vendors. The supermarket

is an internal assembly area where sub-assemblies are assembled which will go into

the modules being assembled. Individual parts for the super market assembled sub-

assemblies also come from outside vendors. These parts or sub-assemblies form a very

important part of the assembly process of a module and finally the tool.

The issue of shortages was brought to notice by workers on the shop floor as well

as manufacturing engineers while discussing quality issues with them. Whenever a

module is laid down at the start of the build it needs a number of piece parts or sub-

assemblies to start the assembly process of the modules and progress further. Many

times, one or more of these piece parts, supposed to come from outside vendors, or

sub-assemblies, supposed to come from the internal supermarket, are delayed and


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the assembly process of module is affected. In this situation two possible scenarios

exist; Delay the assembly of the module until the part arrives or start building with

whatever is available and fit in parts as and when they arrive. The later method is

the one mostly employed since the commitment to the customer is of prime concern

and holding on the complete module for a specific part may end up delaying the tool.

In this employed method it becomes necessary to undo some assembly work when the

missing parts arrive.

However, this approach potentially exposes the assembly to the various quality

issues. The main drawback of this method is that the assembly is now built in a way

that does not match with the procedure, which in general is the path of least errors

and is designed to ensure ease of assembly. Building a module and accommodating

sub-assemblies at later points as compared to what the procedure says, exposes the

module to several risks. The primary risk is that of missing or damaging something

because of lack of accessibility or building around missing parts and hence work

completely out of procedure. At the very least, the increased build time increases the

risk of cropping of quality issues and hence QNs due to a greater exposure time of

the parts in assembly process.

This is not a direct visible effect of shortages as a QN is generally attributed to

various reasons other than shortage or delay of parts. However, it is important to

note that in such cases, the root cause of the QN is the shortage and this should be

mentioned in the ERP QN entry going forward. This kind of data is not present now

which makes it difficult to assess the impact of shortages on quality. This suggestion

to attribute QNs to shortage of parts has been made later in this work as well to

account more specifically for the shortage related QNs.

This issue has led to many such defects where assemblies have gone wrong, har-

nessing has been done wrongly, leaks have emerged etc. As a result, focus was drawn

on the reasons for shortage of parts and how it can be improved to have a positive

impact on quality.


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3.5.1 Critical Shorts

Not all parts in a module assembly that are short can lead to QNs. Some parts are

more critical to the quality of the module than others and such modules have been

referred in this work as critical parts, the absence of which, when needed, leads to

a critical short. Applied Materials does not classify parts as critical parts or their

shortages as critical shortages but an effort has been made in this work to understand

which are the critical parts if they exist at all.

To understand such parts, first all the parts that shorted in the period January -

June 2016 were listed. This was done using crossdock information, which is essentially

pulled from the ERP system and details the parts that went directly to the shop floor

rather than a storage location. This is the modus operandi at Applied Materials

whenever a part that has been shorted arrives. Further an assessment of parts in this

list was done, with inputs from quality engineers, to segregate the critical shorts and

thus come up with a measure of how many parts are critically shorted on average.

Independent copies of all shorts were looked into by different manufacturing engineers

to decide which parts they considered as critical. A positive sign from this study was

that all the engineers agree to a great extent as to what shall be considered a critical

short. This confirms the teams hypotheses that something like "Critical Shorts"


3.5.2 Relating Critical Shorts to QNs

Anand, Daigle and Ismail analyzed the ERP data to link shortages to QNs despite

the shortcomings of the data available which shall be further discussed in the ensuing

chapters and sections of this work. Using various ERP screens, information was

collected on the number of shortages, the number of shortage occurrences and the

number of QNs on a tool. This was done to test the hypothesis that the higher

the number of shortage occurrences, the higher the number of QNs logged. Here a

shortage occurrence is defined as the absence of a part number when an assembler

wants it. It does not take into account as to how many pieces of it were needed by


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Figure 3-8: Relating Short Counts to # of QNs

the assembler.

As depicted in Figure 3-8, it is clear that the shorts can be directly related to the

the number of QNs on a tool and therefore every additional short brings down the

quality metric of FPY.

Also, the following analysis was done on the main tool of the assembly line, the

Trident, since it is the biggest contributor to revenue as well as profit for Applied

Materials. This also helps avoid complexity since there are various different types of

tools that are built over the course of time and they are very different from each other

in their complexities.

Another effort was made to present the effect of shortages on QNs in Figure 3-9.

For all of these Trident tools made in the last one year period, groupings of tools are

made on the basis of the number of shorts they experienced which is plotted against

the QNs on the tool. Figure 3-9 shows that there exists a strong correlation between

shortages and QNs.

This further led Anand, Daigle and Ismail to delve into the reasons for material

shortages which is detailed in the following sections.

3.5.3 Part Routes

At Applied Materials, materials are procured in a variety of ways. This is important

to understand before looking into the route which a shorted part followed. Also, it


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Figure 3-9: Relating Shortage Occurrences to # of QNs

gives insight into which routes are critical from a shortage point of view.

The modes of procurement relevant from this work’s point of view are:

1. Purchase Order (PO)

2. Purchase Order of part designed by Varian

3. KC parts, which are 2-bin Kanban parts

4. KB parts, which are large Kanban parts

The first two order types are treated on a part to part basis and the orders are

released through MRP. KC and KB parts are delivered by vendors as per an agreement

with vendors to fulfill demand within 5 days for most of these parts. KC parts are

internal kanban which means that the bins are located in Applied Materials shop

floor. This is different from a KB part where the bins are located with the vendor.


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3.5.4 The 2-bin Kanban System

KC parts run on a 2-bin Kanban system, where the current design in intended to

hold inventory for two weeks of demand. After the depletion of one bin, the vendor

is supposed to fill it within the next five days and in the meanwhile the second bin

shall serve the demand. During these five days, if the the cumulative demand exceeds

the bin size, a shortage is encountered, assuming that one bin was completely full

when the order was released. The bin sizes are not set in stone and are readjusted

every quarter depending on the forecast for the next quarter. Daigle [2] talks in more

detail about the advantages and disadvantages of this system vis a vis other methods

and their suitability to Applied Materials. This 2-bin Kanban system has also been

shown in Figure 3-10. In Figure 3-10 the expected inventory level at all times shall

be 1 single bin.

Anand, Daigle and Ismail have focused on KC parts in their work since these part

shortages are the highest fraction when compared with the total number of KC parts.

Figure 3-11 shows that KC parts shorted on the TRIDENT tools are 39% of the total

KC parts on the tool.

3.5.5 Current Bin Sizing Method for KC Parts

The process of bin sizing for the KC parts starts at the beginning of each quarter

starts with the forecast of the quarter. The bin size for any part is calculated using

the following:

1. Lead Time (T): Time between the placement of an order and delivery of part.

This time is 5 days for most of the KC parts.

2. Weekly Safety Factor (WSF): This is based on the 2-week desired level of supply.

3. Daily Demand Average (𝜇𝑑𝑎𝑦): Average of the daily demands.

4. Daily Demand Standard Deviation (𝜎𝑑𝑎𝑦): Standard Deviation of the daily de-



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Figure 3-10: 2-Bin Kanban System


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Figure 3-11: Shorts of various procurement types

The bin size formula used at Applied Materials currently is shown in Equation


Bin Size = (T×WSF× 𝜇𝑑𝑎𝑦) +1

2𝜎𝑑𝑎𝑦 (3.4)

One of the critical issues with the Equation 3.4 is the fact that the standard devi-

ation for a day has been taken into account. Rather the correct formula should have

standard deviation of the number of days for which it is intended to hold inventory.

Therefor considering a 10 day demand period in a two week time, a factor of√


shall be multiplied to the 𝜎𝑑𝑎𝑦 term in the Equation 3.4. Correcting the above issue

in the Applied Materials formula the new formula is shown in Equation 3.5.

Bin Size = (T×WSF× 𝜇𝑑𝑎𝑦) +


2𝜎𝑑𝑎𝑦 (3.5)

The 12𝜎 term in the Equations 3.4 and 3.5 are supposed to take any variation in

the two week demand. This discussion on sizing of bins at Applied Materials is also

mentioned in the works of Daigle [2] and Ismail [3].


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3.5.6 Gold Squares

Sub-assemblies made in the SMKT area fall either in the build-to-order category or

the build-to-stock category. Gold Squares are fixed number of certain assemblies that

always need to be present on the designated shelves. These gold square items are

build-to-stock and take into account various demand sources like tool assembly de-

mand, sales demand and emergency demands. The gold square number for each part

type on it is determined by the weekly average demand and the standard deviation

for the entire week. Gold Squares form a subset of the KC part types. The number

of squares for any part type is calculated according to the Equation 3.6 at Applied

Materials currently.

# of Items on Gold Squares = 𝜇𝑤𝑒𝑒𝑘𝑙𝑦 + 𝜎𝑤𝑒𝑒𝑘𝑙𝑦 (3.6)

Considering the demand to be normally distributed, which will be shown later

that in reality is not the case, it would be a 84% service level for gold square parts.

Anand, Daigle and Ismail further worked on the demand characterization since it did

not look like demand follows a normal distribution.

Proposed Method of Calculating Bin Sizes

The MIT team of Anand, Daigle and Ismail propose a continue review policy stock

sizing which is shown in the Equation 3.7 [5].

Stock Size = (LT× 𝜇daily demand) + (𝑧 × 𝜎daily demand ×√LT) (3.7)

In Equation 3.7:

∙ LT: Lead time in days

∙ 𝑧: 𝑧 score covering a desired range of demand

However the above formula is based on the assumptions that the demand over a

week is normally distributed. A detailed explanation on the characterization of daily

and the weekly demands has been shown in Appendix A.


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Current Service LevelsService Level

95% 97% 99%

Inventory Cost $ 5,050,730 $ 6,967,099 $ 7,544,401 $ 8,494,405

Shortage Cost $ 1,567,377 $ 535,249 $ 321,149 $ 107,050

Total Cost $ 6,618,107 $ 7,502,348 $ 7,865,551 $ 8,601,455

% Increase - 13% 19% 30%

Table 3.1: KC Parts bin sizing cost analysis at different service levels

Service level

Current Service Levels 95% 97% 99%

Shortage Occurrences 8,375 2,860 1,716 572

Percentage reduction from current 66% 80% 93%

Table 3.2: KC Parts predicted shortage analysis

3.5.7 Inventory Levels Restructuring: Results and Potential


The work by Ismail [3] in modeling the demand follows with the proposed restructur-

ing of the inventory levels and comparing different service levels vis a vis the economic

impact. At the same time forecast is created for the expected annual shorts for dif-

ferent service levels. Table 3.1 shows the current total cost versus the total costs that

would be incurred if all the KC parts are kept at uniform service levels of 95%, 97%

and 99%. Clearly the total costs would increase as compared to the present value but

it shall help mitigate quality issues arising because of shortages. Here the shortage

cost reflects the cost associated with the rework that has to be carried out when a part

arrives late. This rework time was extracted from time cards, which the employees

fill out to give a description of the time spent on a particular day.

Table 3.2 shows the percentage by which the shortages shall be reduced on fol-

lowing different service level strategies for all KC parts.

Tables 3.3 and 3.4 show the cost increase and the shorts prediction for Gold Square

parts at different service levels.

The above Tables 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 and 3.4 are based on the assumption of normality

of demand. These tables can be used by the Applied Materials team to decide on

a strategy to target a service level that makes economic sense for the company. A


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SMKT Lead Time Current Total CostsCost at Service level

95% 97% 99%

6 $ 714,719 $ 1,021,152 $ 1,050,834 $ 1,136,071

5 $ 698,749 $ 858,836 $ 976,111 $ 1,044,244

4 $ 677,393 $ 804,160 $ 818,964 $ 941,964

3 $ 651,088 $ 691,630 $ 709,706 $ 781,045

2 $ 624,033 $ 626,717 $ 638,278 $ 654,769

1 $ 607,767 $ 532,698 $ 468,162 $ 460,631

Table 3.3: Gold Square sizing cost analysis

SMKT Lead Time Current Total ShortsShorts at Service level

95% 97% 99%

6 578 152 91 30

5 493 183 110 37

4 379 228 137 46

3 238 304 183 61

2 94 456 274 91

1 7 913 548 183

Table 3.4: Gold Square sizing predicted shortage analysis

detailed discussion on the characterization of daily and weekly demand has been

shown in Appendix A after which it was decided to assume a normal distribution for

the weekly demands.

SMKT Backlogs Handling

Backlog reduction at SMKT is another important area to focus on since they lead

to sub-assembly shortages while building the modules. The MIT team developed

demand model for characterizing demand has been used to calculate effect of reduc-

ing SMKT total lead time from 6 to 2 days progressively and the expected annual

shortages. Also upfront investment has been projected to reduce these backlogs. The

MIT team proposes to place a special emphasis on the SMKT backlogs since it is a

big source for tool shortages and highly responsible for building around the procedure


The new demand model and inventory levels shall go a long way in reducing piece

part shortages which would ultimately positively impact quality.

However, the shortages of sub-assemblies made at SMKT is an area of serious


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concern. As discussed earlier, it is statistically responsible for causing quality issues

on the modules built on the shop floor. The new inventory strategy as detailed by

Sean shall go a long way in reducing quality issues only if Gold Squares at SMKT are

maintained at desired levels. It is currently a bottleneck and just inventory increase

shall do no good and rather end up increasing the backlogs. The backlog at the SMKT

is a capacity issue and workforce restructuring as well as assembly prioritization needs

to be looked into as well. For these purposes a Value Stream Map (VSM) has been

developed for the current state as well as the ideal state in Daigle’s [2] work. Assembly

prioritization has also been detailed in Daigle’s [2] work which shall help decongest

the SMKT area.

As shown in Table, 3.4 on moving to a total lead time of 2 days Gold Square

shortages shall be around the number 94 per year. This is far less than the current

projected number of around 300-400 per year on the basis of the data gathered by

the team over a duration of 1.5 months during the period June 15th 2016 - July 31st


3.6 Re-Bucketing

The way the Applied Materials FPY program handles the QNs, limits the team in

further reducing the number of QNs in the buckets. In the current system, there are

four buckets one of which is assigned to each QN. This approach was very useful to

the team when they started the program back in 2011. It was mainly because there

were a lot of "low hanging fruits" to be plucked. But for the past few years, this

approach only helps keep a close tab on all QNs and no significant progress is being

achieved anymore.

A different novel approach has been proposed by the team of Anand, Daigle and

Ismail to further attack the quality problems arising on the shop floor.


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The MIT Approach

The team came up with this approach after studying the QNs for the period January

- June 2016. A thorough analysis on all the QNs and problem reports for the period

revealed that there are common failure modes for various quality issues which pervade

across multiple buckets in the current scheme of things. Earlier, these quality issues

with similar causality were landing up in different buckets. In the new approach

suggested by the MIT team, all QNs with a particular failure mode can be treated as

belonging to a category and will need similar solutions. Various common failure modes

were identified on which projects shall be taken to mitigate quality issues. Another

issue that the team came up with was that too many QNs were being dismissed by

saying that they are caused because of "Attention to Detail".

The team went on to suggest categories which would help determine specific pre-

ventive techniques for all QNs in that particular category. Tables 3.5 and 3.6 show

the categories that the team has come up with vis-a-vis the existing four categories.

Ismail’s [3] thesis talks at length about the MIT approach and a project that

the team proposed to reduce the failure opportunities to half on the NCS computer

harness bundle connections. Moreover, the work talks about various potential projects

that can be taken to address various failure modes on the basis of the analysis and

re-bucketing done on the QNs for the period January 2016 - June 2016.

In the current methodology at Applied Materials, the buckets are made in a way

that it makes it easy to divide work among manufacturing or quality engineers. The

MIT team approach categorizes QNs in a more logical way so that similar failure

modes fall in the same bucket and many issues are resolved rather than categorized as

an "attention to detail" problem and the root cause never found. The new approach

shall go a long way in making further advances in reducing the QNs per module

numbers and thereby improving the FPY metric.


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Current Approach Buckets The MIT Team Approach Categories

1. Parts 1. Loose Connections

∙ Swage Fitting

∙ Fastener

∙ Water

∙ Cable/Communications/Electrical

∙ Mechanical

2. Harnessing 2. Swapped Connections

∙ Signal/Electrical

– Lightlink (Optical Fibers)

– Non-light links

∙ Mechanical

– Air

– Vacuum

– Water

3. Connections 3. Debris

∙ Connection debris

∙ Vacuum Surface debris

∙ Cleanliness

4. Vacuum 4. Damaged

∙ O-Rings

∙ Graphite

∙ Surface Finish

∙ Fastener

∙ Ion-Gauge Filament

∙ Electrical/Signal

∙ Over-Tightening

∙ Dropped part

Table 3.5: Re-Bucketing of QNs for the period Jan.-June 2016: Current Method vs.the MIT Method (continued on next page).


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Current Approach Buckets The MIT Team Approach Categories

- 5. Others

∙ Procedure

∙ Wrong Setting

∙ Lines too short

∙ Circuit Failure

∙ Wrong part installed

Table 3.6: Re-Bucketing of QNs for the period Jan.-June 2016: Current Method vs.the MIT Method (continued).

3.7 FPY Metric Benchmarking

It is of special interest to the Applied Materials management to develop a methodol-

ogy and find the maximum possible theoretical FPY value or the minimum possible

QNs per module count. This is of importance since it will help the company going

forward and setting annual goals for quality of its assembly operations. Since the

FPY numbers have stagnated for the past couple of years, as mentioned in the earlier

chapters, the team faces a tough task ahead to decide on the target FPY metric in

the future.

The team looked into various methods to calculate this theoretical FPY value

which shall be achieved without making any significant capital investments. One

of the most promising ways is to compare the Applied Materials functioning with a

similar assembly operation and look for the number of failures to the number of failure

opportunities ratio. This exercise requires two essential data sets. Firstly, the failure

opportunities for each sub assembly and each module needs to be captured which

shall be a time taking but a straight forward process. Secondly, a benchmark level of

quality shall be needed from a similar assembly operation. For example if we know

that a similar assembly operation at some company has achieved and operates at a

3.4 defective parts per million opportunities (DPMO) value we can easily calculate

the target defects per module value for each module once we know the opportunities

for failures for all these modules.


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The two main reasons for which the MIT team did not try to figure out the target

FPY metric are: Firstly, it would have been a time taking process to figure the number

of failure opportunities for each module and would not justify the time frame of this

project. Secondly, proprietary data detailing the level of quality in terms of DPMOs

are not available in the public domain for most of the companies, which is needed to

obtain benchmark values. At the same time, this exercise helps us set targets and

does not tell anything about how to achieve to achieve it. So the MIT team rather

chose to work on how to improve the FPY metric.

3.8 Conclusions

The FPY team needs to take into considerations both the FPY and the QNs/module

metric to gauge their quality performance. Also it was not very clear, from the limited

data available, as to how much of an affect experience has on quality. Shortages have

been shown to be a main reason for quality issues. The main takeaway is the impact of

shortages on quality. Service levels versus cost analysis has been done which shall help

Applied Materials in adjusting their inventory strategy to mitigate shortage issues.

The re-bucketing approach to look into QNs is a completely new method of looking

at the quality issues. Finally a method was explained which can be used to find the

benchmark values for the FPY metric.


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Chapter 4


4.1 Data Collection: Improvements and Suggestions

"We get what we measure" - W. Edwards Deming

The right type of data is very important to understand any phenomena accurately

and make progress along the way. Only in the presence of the right data, causality

can be attributed correctly and conclusively to various observations. Throughout the

course of this study, the team of Anand, Daigle and had access to data from various

sources and most of the analysis, findings and conclusions in this work derive from that

data. However, many a times there were areas where the availability of a better data

set would have been more helpful to carry out certain analyses and make necessary

improvements. In the following sections all such data collection improvements and

suggestions shall be discussed and how they shall serve the organizational goals.

The approach of the team where various hypotheses were laid out and then then

tested is built around data obtained from the ERP package (SAP) at Applied Ma-

terials and other sources which includes tailor made software packages like Rapid

Response, Agile and data collected by manufacturing or quality engineers in excel

sheets etc. During this process, the team was unable to prove or disprove certain

hypotheses because of lack of suitable data. This is the motivation for this section

where various deficiencies in the current data acquisition system shall be highlighted

and improvements suggested to boost the data to bolster the continuous improvement


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quality journey.

4.1.1 Critical Shortages Data

The work done by Anand, Daigle and Ismail attributes shortages of parts as one of

the key reasons for the quality issues arising during the assembly of the modules on

the shop floor. This thesis refers to many shortages as critical shortages; shorts that

critically impact the quality since employees have to get around the part to build

them and in the process work out of procedure and potentially create quality issues

and adversely impact FPY. In this regard, effort was made to associate the QNs with

the number of shortages on a module. One of the issues during this analyses was

the unavailability of data that tells whether a QN happened because of a shortage.

Also not all shortages are critical to quality. So the concept of critical shorts was put

forward by the team.

Assemblers while filling in QNs for any quality issue write the issue they faced as

a text and put it into one of the buckets after which the concerned bucket manager

takes it through. This process has been explained in detail in the Chapter 2.

These QNs when looked at by the team for the period January - June 2016 never

attribute its occurrence to a shortage issue. Even if the root cause of a QN is a

shortage, the reason mentioned in the QN text is the most superficial one; the one

without 5 Why analysis done. This made it difficult for the team to relate QNs to

shortages data.

Therefore the manufacturing engineers or the quality engineers who analyze the

QN should ensure that the shortage reason if found should be included clearly in the

QN. The FPY meeting should also ensure that QNs arising out of shortages be given

special attention. This can further be used to create a metric for the procurement

as well as the SMKT team to incentivize their performance to minimize shortages.

Also a direct provision in the SAP QN logging page or the under development iOMS

quality page should be provided where a QN can be directly attributed to a shortage

issue. iOMS is new system that will integrate the work done in the ERP software

atmosphere as well as outside it. This will also help manufacturing engineers zero out


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critical shortages and pay special attention to them in the future.

A better capture of the critical shorts would be a great initial step as it is still not

conclusively known as to which parts/assemblies be considered critical. Such a data

set would be very helpful in quantifying the expenses made towards issues because of

critical shorts and at the same time pay more attention to these shorts.

It has also been acknowledged by the management that such a data set would be

valuable for adjusting inventory levels and taking steps to reduce QNs.

Relating Shortages, QNs and Corresponding Rework

For all the work that any assembler does during the course of the day he/she files

a time card which are logbooks which tell in detail about the breakup of the times

spent on various activities throughout the shift.

This work hour is segregated into various groups. The rework associated with

shorts are keyed into these time cards. However, it has been noted during the work

by Anand, Daigle and Ismail that reworks associated with material unavailability do

not have a short associated with it in the time card or the ERP on multiple occasions.

At the same time, occurrences keep on cropping where a QN happened because of a

part short which is also discussed also at FPY meetings.

Going forward, it would be very useful to capture every QN associated with a

shortage issue. In the current SAP system or/and the upcoming iOMS system this

provision must be provided as it will help improve the sanctity of the QN data col-

lected and foster the journey of continuous quality improvement.

4.1.2 SMKT Gold Square Shortages Data

The supermarket (SMKT) makes sub-assemblies which are either used in the modules

built on the shop floor at Applied Materials or shipped directly to a customer on

order. Certain sub-assemblies built in the SMKT are categorized as Gold Squares.

They are made on a pull basis. Around 50 sub-assemblies built by SMKT fall under

this category. A pre-determined certain numbers of sub-assemblies for each of the


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items on Gold Squares are desired to be always present. The number of items on

Gold Squares takes into account demand from the three streams, namely tool build

orders (internally assembled tools), global sales orders and emergency orders . The

number of items required for gold square items takes into account the forecast of the

tools which shall be built in the next quarter which is based on the past consumption

history and the market performance. Accordingly each quarter the number of items

on the gold squares are altered.

During the time of the project the Gold Squares system is very poorly followed

and the calculated number of parts for most of the items items is hardly maintained.

This lends to very frequent shortages of Gold Square parts when needed for tool

builds on the shop floor. This is potentially an area of concern as it leads to quality

issues on the build which has been described in detail in this work. At the same time,

there is no data available to tell the number of gold square shorts for a certain period

of time which would have helped in understanding better as to how these shortages

affect the tool build and quality.

This data collection has been started by the team and shall be handed over to

the Applied Materials team to take it forward. Just over a period of around one

and a half months (June 15th 2016 - July 31st 2016) around 50 SMKT Gold Square

shortages were observed. In the short term the Applied Materials team can track

the Gold Square shortages through a shared excel sheet. Another important step

should be to include this in the upcoming iOMS system so that Gold Squares are

given the attention they deserve. Another important reason for the lack of attention

meted out to gold squares is the lack of responsibility. Just like a bucket leader

handles the quality issues of his/her bucket, responsibility should be allocated for

Gold Square shortages. Also, Gold Square inventory and its shortages should be

included in SMKTs performance metric. This thorough attention on Gold Squares

will help capture and analyze frequent shortages, re-size bins, take focused steps for

certain sub-assemblies etc. This shall go a long way in reducing the number of quality

issues as well as material unavailability rework which will help garner gains in FPY.


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4.1.3 Flagging Procedural Changes

Whenever a quality issue is encountered, a QN is noted against it in the ERP system.

This issue, upon analysis, many a times leads to some changes in the SOP to mitigate

any chances of recurrence of the same quality issue. However, it is of utmost impor-

tance that changes in SOP are reflected as soon as possible in the system through

which the assemblers are accessing the document.

During the course of this project it has happened a few times that a SOP change

was made while addressing a quality issue. Further when this assembly step was

carried out the next time, the workmanship issue happened again. The main reason

for this was attributed to time taken to analyze the issue, make changes in the SOP

and then reflect these changes in the system. Also, in the current system even if a

new modification has been made in the SOP there is a very high probability of the

employees missing out on the new change by virtue of being so used to the old SOP

so as to miss it. This makes it imperative that a positive check be introduced at

the change stage in the SOP such that the workman has to acknowledge the newly

changed SOP part before progressing further on the build. This ensures that all

assemblers working on it should not miss any new updates to the SOP. This shall be

a fail-safe approach as compared to the current verbal communication approach to

sensitize people on the shop floor about the QN encountered and the SOP change.

This can alternately be done by flagging or coloring the changed part to draw

attention. Moreover this acknowledgement or flagging or coloring should be discon-

tinued after a certain period of time which shall be enough to imbibe the new change

in all the assemblers. This is important to keep the directed special attention to

new changes and not make it something that becomes more of a habit than actually

paying attention to.

Applied Materials is coming up with a completely new iOMS system which shall be

handling all the SOPs. The new system seamlessly combines all the multiple systems

at present at Applied and provides one platform for all tasks. This is different than

the current system where the assembler works in a different system to access SOPs but


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has to enter into the ERP software to log quality issues. It is hereby suggested that

this suggestion be implemented in the new system so that such errors are eliminated.

4.1.4 ERP (SAP) QN Updates

All QNs are entered in to the ERP(SAP) system at Applied Materials. Anand,

Daigle and Ismail worked extensively to re-bucket the QNs on the basis of their

failure modalities which has been talked at length in the work of Ismail [3]. During

this work, the QNs for the period January 2016 - June 2016 were analyzed and trends

were developed after looking into the details provided for each QN in the ERP system.

One of the major areas for improvement noticed in this exercise is the quality of

the QN. Many of the QNs are unclear because of poor language or minimal details

and it is difficult to decipher any pattern after looking at the text accompanying the

QN. QNs detailing the problem as well the solution well shall be helpful in doing

quality analyses to all; Internal engineers as well as contractors like the MIT team

working on quality projects.

There are two ways proposed to take care of this. Firstly, the training of the

employees needs to be updated to ensure that they log meaningful and detailed QNs,

which contains helpful language as well as keywords. The other is regarding the role

of the FPY team and bucket leaders. These manufacturing or quality engineers look

into each of these QNs and so therefore be responsible for updating the QNs so that

they reflect the details of the problem and the steps taken to mitigate it. This data

set shall help incorporate new failure modes for QNs as described in detail in the

earlier chapter and in the work done by Ismail [3].

4.1.5 Capturing the MIT Rebucketing Approach

The MIT team of Anand, Daigle and Ismail has suggested a paradigm shift in the

bucketing approach followed at Applied Materials which has been talked about in

Chapter 3 as well as in detail in Ismail’s [3] thesis. This approach however demands

that these new buckets based on failure modalities are maintained in the online realm


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so that all people involved in the quality journey have access to view and modify

it. The easiest as well as the quickest thing to go forward as discussed with the

management shall be to have a common excel sheet to start with. The team has

handed over the sheet that it followed to analyze the QNs for the period January

2016 - June 2016. Going forward changes can be made in the ERP system as well as

in the upcoming iOMS system to capture these new categories and also have provision

to modify them easily going forward since they shall be very fluid, depending on their

occurrence frequency with time, as detailed in Ismail’s [3] work. The main benefit

of doing so shall be to come up with actionable information rather than the current

bucketing approach which only leads to group QNs to divide the work among the

bucket leaders. These updates shall help implement the new QN approach and help

move further in the quality journey.

4.2 QN Feedback

Whenever a quality issue in encountered on the shop floor a QN is entered in the

ERP system against it. In the current QN logging system, the person logging a QN

is generally different than the person or the team resolving the QN. Also, the person

who was working on the part, when the quality issue that led to the QN happened

may not necessarily be the same as the person logging the QN. Further, a team works

to find and eliminate the root cause of the QN rather than a single person.

As a natural human tendency, any person writing a QN or the one who encountered

the QN, expects to hear back as to what was done to resolve the issue. This has also

been felt by the team in their interactions with the assemblers. In the current scheme

of things, the loop is not closed properly and people on the floor not always know

what was done with the QN they logged. Also, if the QN leads to a design change or

any other engineering modification it should be communicated to all the concerned

parties through a proper channel besides the current method of verbally disseminating

the information on the shop floor among the assemblers. A system, which may be an

automated email or a personal communication, needs to be established so that the


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person logging the QN gets a feedback on what was done with it. Such a step shall

motivate employees to write informative QNs and thereby develop a feeling of being

involved in the quality journey. This kind of exercise can be included in time based

training exercises for assemblers where all QNs of respective area can be discussed.

All of these shall incentivize people to log quality QNs and in the process improve


4.3 Conclusions

All the above suggested improvements shall act as enablers to improve quality and

help improve the FPY metric. Some of the above can be implemented immediately

whereas others will take some time and will make economical sense to implement

them only in the upcoming iOMS system which shall be active by the end of the

calendar year 2016.

To summarize, all these measures are of critical importance going forward and

serve as a guide book of improvements from the work done by Anand, Daigle and

Ismail. These suggestions once implemented shall be very beneficial to the quality

journey at Applied Materials as well as internal and external teams, in analyzing

quality issues and formulating policies in the right direction.


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Chapter 5

Conclusions, Recommendations and

Future Work

5.1 Conclusions

Quality is a journey and it takes continuous improvements to progress on this path.

The quality journey at Applied Materials through the FPY program has been a

successful one since it has continuously brought forward different types of quality

issues and helped take appropriate steps to tackle them. This work looked into the

reasons responsible for the current plateauing of the FPY metric as well as analyzed

the probable reasons responsible for the same.

The underpinnings of the FPY metric were highlighted and it was put forward

as to how this metric can be deceiving if looked at in isolation. The importance of

looking at both the FPY as well as the QNs per module metric was brought into

notice. Also the mathematical model developed in Chapter 3 develops a relationship

between the two metrics. Moreover, this helped bring forward a target for QNs per

module metric for poor performing modules to improve their FPY metric.

The hypothesis tree helped test various potential reasons for the stagnated FPY

metric. Among the ones tested, complexity of module is determined to be one of the

major reasons for the poor quality performance on these modules. Workers experience

was also tested if it makes an effect on the quality. The results on this test were not


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conclusive but it was clear from observations that the recurrent change of contractor

workforce makes a dent on quality. Also, an important point to be put forward is

that it is not the type of workforce, contractor or permanent, but the experience that

positively or negatively effects quality of the assembly and consequently the FPY


Critical parts shortage was one the key findings of the team and it is one of the

major reasons responsible for FPY stagnation. Every shortage on the shop floor

leads to around 2 hours of rework. This is a direct setback to the assembly. Besides

this, the assembly is now more susceptible to any quality issue since it gets build

out of procedure, is exposed for a longer period of time etc. The two bin Kanban

system for procurement of parts has also been critiqued and its disadvantages brought

forward. Another key point highlighted is the fallacy of the normality assumption

in the calculations for demands. The daily demand is not normally distributed but

rather exponentially distributed as detailed in this work.

Another key highlight of this work is the proposed Re-bucketing approach which

shall prove beneficial over the current approach followed at Applied Materials. The

proposed method focuses on grouping QNs by failure modalities which is a signif-

icant improvement over the current approach and discourages categorizing QNs as

"attention to detail".

Finally during the course of the project various data insufficiencies were found

which hindered the team in making sound conclusions and attributing causalities in

a quantitative way. Various suggestions in this regard are made which shall be very

helpful to the organization in reaching its quality goals.

5.2 Recommendations

One of the first and foremost recommendations is to place an equal, if not more,

emphasis on the QNs per module metric. A holistic picture of quality can only be

painted by using both the metrics namely, FPY and QNs/module.

Another recommendation from looking at the FPYs and QNs per module of various


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modules is to direct special attention to the low performing modules like the UES

and the 90 Module rather than paying equal attention to all the modules. This

includes taking up six-sigma projects directed to these specific modules to bring up

their quality.

Moving onto recommendations arising out the hypotheses tests by the MIT team,

the first one is the placing special emphasis on the complex modules. Again these

are the modules which have higher than 1.0 value of QNs/module. Complexity is

a real cause for more number of quality issues and so complex modules need more

attention. The next important recommendation is in the area of worker experience.

On the most complex of modules like the UES and the 90 Module care should be

taken to have as few inexperienced people as possible. There certainly is an issue with

the constant inflow and outflow of contractor workforce. However, it should be done

in such a way that there is minimum disturbance to the complex modules. Moreover

these changes should be staggered in such a way that the fraction of inexperienced

hours to the total hours on a module does not exceed around one fourth. Critical

shorts is another area where special attention needs to be put. This is the first time

at Applied Materials that an effort has been put forward to understand the effect

of shortages on quality of the build. The current service levels are not good enough

and need to be improved to reduce short occurrences and need to be improved upon.

The MIT team has proposed 99% service levels for all parts including Gold Square

parts to improve quality by reducing shortages and thereby avoiding building around

a part on a tool or building out of procedure. Shortages on Gold Squares is another

critical issue and needs to be paid special attention. One of the foremost things

needed to be done is to have an engineer responsible for maintaining Gold Squares.

Gold Squares maintenance or the SMKT performance in general, with reference to

shortages, should be monitored as if it were any other vendor for Applied Materials.

Also the incentive structure for Gold Squares should be set up to facilitate this.

Bucketing of QNs is another area where this work recommends radical changes.

The current approach does not categorize QNs by failure modes which is the main

addition from the new approach. The Applied Materials team can categorize buckets


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into the new buckets and more as suggested by the MIT team. This approach em-

phasizes on following 5 Whys technique from Six Sigma to attack the root cause of

all quality issues. It also discourages the quality team from blaming the employee for

lack of "attention to detail" but rather eliminate the root cause of the issue.

Finally, various data improvement recommendations are made which shall help

achieve significant gains in the quality journey. Enumerating the data improvement

suggestions in brief we have the following:

1. The procedural changes need to be flagged and acknowledging a new change be

incorporated into the system so that repeat QNs do not occur because of lack

of "attention to detail" to the change.

2. Any QN which has shortage as its root cause shall capture this in the QN detail

when logged in SAP. This needs to be paid attention since it is very easy to

miss reporting this, mainly because the QN will get noted under the guise of

some other cause whereas the root cause for it shall be a shortage issue.

3. SMKT Gold Square shortages should be accounted for and its record duly main-


4. Feedback for actions taken on any QN logged should be available to the people

logging the QN as well as all working in the concerned area.

5. All QNs in the SAP should be updated by the Manufacturing or Quality engi-

neers looking after them so that they detail out the issue as well as the coun-

termeasure taken afterwards to rectify it. This shall help in analyzing as well

as understanding QNs later on.

5.3 Future Work

Applied Materials has the new system iOMS coming up which shall supersede a

multitude of data acquisition methods present now. The development of this system

is in its initial phase. It is therefore imperative that the suggestions towards quality


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data collections be integrated into this new system. This change presents a perfect

opportunity to incorporate all the needed changes to bolster the quality journey.

Following from the MIT team re-bucketing approach, the FPY team needs to

incorporate the new buckets as well as create new ones as and when required. This

approach has also been suggested with various potential projects to hit certain failure

modes and projects in those directions needs to be taken forward by the FPY team.

This shall help eliminate one or more of the new buckets proposed by the team.

The interest of the management in coming up with a scientific method to set

targets for its FPY metric in understandable. In this regard, data collection of number

of failure opportunities can be pursued starting with the complicated modules. This

can then be used to set scientific targets for QNs per module metric for these modules

and continuous improvements can be made to reduce the defects on these modules.


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Appendix A

Discussion on Distributions of


This appendix explains all the work done in the area of characterizing the demand

at Applied Materials and how it is different from the present assumptions. The MIT

team of Anand, Daigle and Ismail found that the daily demand for KC parts at

Applied Materials is not at all normal. Rather it is exponentially distributed. Also,

the MIT team found out that the negative binomial distribution fits for a five day

demand period and this comes out to be pretty close to a normal demand curve. In

interests of the simplicity and ease of understanding for the Applied Materials group

and also ensuring that the work done by the team is of value to them, the MIT

team finally proposes a normal distribution of the weekly demand to go forward with.

All the discussion regarding the exponential daily and the negative binomial weekly

demand has been explained in this appendix.

A.1 Demand Characterization

The demand for any sub-assembly or a piece part comes from three different sources

as described earlier:

1. Applied Global Services (AGS) sales demand


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2. Shop Floor manufacturing demand

3. Emergency customer orders

The demand stream is not normally distributed as detailed by Daigle [2], which

has been the primary assumption of the current method of calculating bin sizes at

Applied Materials. Both the 2-bin Kanban system and the Gold Squares assume a

normal distribution of daily demand. The daily demand distribution turns out to be

close to a geometric distribution. In his work, Ismail [3] fits geometric distributions

to the demand for each part and found the fits to be very close to geometric. This

distribution fits strongly to the daily demands of both the Gold Square parts as well as

the KC parts. Ismail’s [3] work describes the process of plotting the demand forecast

for different part numbers of the KC and Gold Square parts and showing that they are

not at all normally distributed, as assumed in current Applied Material calculations.

A.1.1 Curve Fits

The demand distribution for all parts was done and curve fitting was done to see how

close they are to a geometric distribution for further calculations. Figure A-1 shows

a few example parts where demand was plotted and geometric curves fitted to them.

This process has been further detailed in Ismail’s [3] work.

This is one of the main derivatives from the work done by the MIT team where they

present that the daily demand is not normally but rather geometrically distributed.

The probability mass function and the cumulative distribution function of a geometric

distribution are shown in Figure A-2.

A.1.2 Weekly Demand: Negative Binomial Distribution

As it turns out, sampling from multiple geometric distributions is in fact the same as

sampling from a new negative binomial distribution.

Before going any further, the definition of service level used in this text needs to be

made clear. Service level in this context of inventory represents expected probability


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(a) Part 1 daily demand (b) Part 2 daily demand

(c) Part 3 daily demand

Figure A-1: Example daily demand distributions and curve fits - Three differentrepresntative TRIDENT KC parts. [3]

of not hitting a stock-out, and not losing sales or having the shortage of a part on the

assembly floor when needed. Anand, Daigle and Ismail in their work suggest service

levels vis-a-vis economic expenses for KC parts as well as Gold Square parts. This

has been detailed in Chapter 3.

Theoretically speaking, the weekly demands should follow negative binomial dis-

tribution, which is a cumulative of the geometric distributed daily demands. This

attempt has been shown in Figure A-4, where weekly demands for three representa-

tive parts have been plotted. They follow the negative binomial distribution which

they should have in theory if their daily demands follow geometric distribution.

The probability distribution function and the cumulative distribution function of

the negative binomial distribution function are shown in Figure A-3.

However, it was noticed that the daily demands have an unusually high zero de-

mand bar. A possible explanation for this is that the daily demands are not geomet-

rically distributed. Rather the daily demand is a combination of zero demand days


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(a) Probability mass function

(b) Cumulative distribution function

Figure A-2: Probability mass function and Cumulative distribution function of ageometric distribution.


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(a) Probability distribution function

(b) Cumulative distribution function

Figure A-3: Probability mass function and Cumulative distribution function of ageometric distribution.


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(a) Part 1 weekly demand (b) Part 2 weekly demand

(c) Part 3 weekly demand

Figure A-4: Weekly demands for three representative parts showing negativebinomial distribution [2].

and a geometric distribution. This is hinted by the fact that the zero demand bars in

Figure A-1 are unusually high. As a result, as shown in Figure A-4 the representative

parts weekly demands do not strongly allude to a negative binomial distribution.

However, the calculations for inventory and shortage predictions show that the

weekly demands as negative binomial distributions are not very far from normal

distributions. So for the sake of simplicity and ease of inventory staff at Applied

Materials, a normal distribution has been recommended to them to go forward for

their inventory calculations.


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[1] A. S. Bhadauria. Production lead time reduction in a semiconductor capitalequipment manufacturing plant through optimized testing protocols. Master’sthesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2014.

[2] S. Daigle. Title to be determined, thesis in progress. Master’s thesis, Mas-sachusetts Institute of Technology, 2017.

[3] E. Ismail. Quality improvement at a semiconductor equipment manufacturing fa-cility through error re-categorization and proper inventory management. Master’sthesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2016.

[4] S. Jain. Assembly lead time reduction in a semiconductor capital equipmentplant through improved material kitting. Master’s thesis, Massachusetts Instituteof Technology, 2014.

[5] D. Simchi-Levi, P. Kaminsky, and E. Simchi-Levi. Designing and Managing theSupply Chain. McGraw-Hill, 3 edition, 2007.