Download - First Arheoinvest Congress - Programme and Abstracts

  • Iai, 10th - 11th june, 2011

  • FIRST ARHEOINVEST CONGRESS Interdisciplinary Research in Archaeology

    June 10th-11th, 2011 Iai, Romania

    Programme and Abstracts

    Editors: Vasile Cotiug, tefan Caliniuc, Florica Mu

    Organizing Institutions Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iai

    ARHEOINVEST Platform Faculty of History

  • This publication was financially supported by IDEI GRANT NO. 2116/2008 Copyediting: Vasile Cotiug, tefan Caliniuc Cover design: tefan Caliniuc

    The English translations were revised by: tefan Caliniuc Christopher Lawson Florica Mu

    Editura Universitii Alexandru Ioan Cuza din Iai 700109, Str. Pinului nr. 1A

    Descrierea CIP a Bibliotecii Naionale a Romniei FIRST ARHEOINVEST CONGRESS. INTERDISCIPLINARY

    RESEARCH IN ARCHEOLOGY (1; 2011; Iai) First Arheoinvest Congress. Interdisciplinary Research in Archeology: Programme and Abstacts: Iai, 10-11 iunie 2011 / ed.: Vasile Cotiug, tefan Caliniuc, Florica Mu. - Iai: Editura Universitii "Al. I. Cuza", 2011

    ISBN 978-973-640-661-4

    I. Cotiug, Vasile (ed.) II. Caliniuc, tefan (ed.) III. Mu, Florica (ed.)


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    Organising committee: Congress President of honour: Professor PhD Vasile IAN, Rector of the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iai Congress President: Professor PhD Victor SPINEI, corresponding member of the Romanian Academy Secretary: Assistant Professor PhD Vasile COTIUG

    Scientific committee: Professor PhD Nicolae Ursulescu Professor PhD Attila Lszl Professor PhD Gheorghe Popa Professor PhD Alexandru Stancu Professor PhD Ion Sandu Professor PhD Gheorghe Romanescu Professor PhD Octavian Bounegru Professor PhD Lucreiu Brliba Associate Professor PhD Luminia Bejenaru Associate Professor PhD Nicolae Buzgar Associate Professor PhD Cristian Secu Associate Professor PhD Dan Lesenciuc Associate Professor PhD Daniel Condurachi Assistant Professor PhD Marius Alexianu Assistant Professor PhD Vasile Cotiug Assistant Professor PhD Lucian Gorgan Assistant Professor PhD Neculai Bolohan PhD Felix-Adrian Tencariu PhD Florica Mu

    Organising team: tefan Caliniuc, Ana-Petronela Creu, Radu Balaur, Silviu Gania,

    Vlad Rumega, Felix-Adrian Tencariu, Cristian Stoleriu, Viorica Vasilache, Andrei Victor Sandu, Andrei Asndulesei, Tudor Mandache, Sebastian Drob, Cristi Nicu, Diana Andreea Stan, Raluca-Andrada Buca, Balog Erika Christina, Ionela Ctlina Moraru, Odochiciuc Ana, Andreea Mihaela Pru, Raluca-Florina Palade, Diana Oprea, Tiberiu-Theodor Placint, Andrei Mocanu, Claudiu Andrei, Tudor Marcu, Vasile-Vlad Nad.

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    Interdisciplinary Research in Archeology IAI



    JUNE 2011



    Vineri, 10 iunie 2011 8.30 10.00 Primirea invitailor - Corpul H (Casa Catargi) 10.00 12.30 Ceremonia de deschidere - Sala Senatului Universitii

    10.00 10.10 Mesajul Rectorului Universitii Alexandru Ioan Cuza din Iai, Prof. dr. Vasile IAN, Preedinte de onoare al Congresului

    10.10 10.20 Cuvnt de salut din partea Preedintelui Congresului, Prof. dr. Victor SPINEI, membru corespondent al Academiei Romne

    10.20 10.30 Mesaj din partea participanilor, dr. Olivier WELLER, CNRS-Universits Paris 1 Panthon-Sorbonne et Paris 10-Nanterre

    10.30 11.00 Prof. dr. Michael VICKERS (University of Oxford, Jesus College),

    Cercetrile arheologice anglo-georgiene de la Pichvnari (Georgia) 11.00 11.30 Prof. dr. Attila LSZL (Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza din Iai),

    ntre tiinele umaniste i tiinele naturii. Arheologia: domeniu interdisciplinar

    11.30 12.00 Lector dr. Marius ALEXIANU (Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza din Iai), Modelul saturat n etnoarheologie

    12.00 12.30 Lansare de carte: Archaeology and Anthropology of Salt. A diachronic approach. Proceedings of the International Colloquium, 1-5 October 2008, Al. I. Cuza University (Iai, Romania), edited by Marius Alexianu, Olivier Weller, Roxana-Gabriela Curc, BAR 2198, Oxford, 2011 prezint Prof. dr. Stelian DUMISTRCEL

    13.00 14.30 Pauz de mas restaurantul Hotelului Gaudeamus 15.00 18.30 Desfurarea lucrrilor pe seciuni 18.30 19.00 Deschiderea sesiunii de postere Corpul H (Casa Catargi) 20.00 Cocktail oferit de Platforma ARHEOINVEST

    Smbt, 11 iunie 2011

    09.00 13.30 Desfurarea lucrrilor pe seciuni 14.00 15.30 Pauz de mas restaurantul Hotelului Gaudeamus 16.00 19.00 Vizitarea mnstirilor din Iai Golia, Trei Ierarhi, Galata, Frumoasa, Cetuie; prezentare: dr. Sorin Iftimie 20.00 Cocktail oferit de DAAD ALUMNI CLUB IAI


    Interdisciplinary Research in Archeology IAI



    JUNE 2011


    VINERI, 10 IUNIE 2011


    Moderatori: Gheorghe ROMANESCU, Neculai BOLOHAN

    Secretari: Cristi STOLERIU, Sebastian DROB

    Sala H1 (Casa Catargi)

    15.00 15.15 Dorel MICLE, Liviu MARUIA, Adrian CNTAR, Leonard DOROGOSTAISKY, Andrei STAVIL, Cristian FLOCA, Tehnici de identificare a structurilor arheologice circulare cu ajutorul imaginilor satelitare i a fotografiilor aeriene. Studiu de caz: fortificaii circulare inedite din jud. Timi

    15.15 15.30 Gheorghe ROMANESCU, Utilizarea tehnicilor GIS i a instrumentarului topografic n monitorizarea proceselor geomorfologice care afecteaz siturile arheologice

    15.30 15.45 Ctlin BEM, Andrei ASNDULESEI, Carmen BEM, Bogdan VENEDICT, Cristi NICU, Vasile COTIUG, Ctlin NICOLAE, Eugen PARASCHIV, Identitate n diversitate. Fotogrammetrie, scanare laser 3D i analize magnetometrice n tell-uri Gumelnia din Muntenia (Romnia)

    15.45 16.00 Vasile BUDUI, Bogdan Petru NICULIC, Comunitatea Komariv de la Adncata. Evaluarea condiiilor de habitat

    16.00 16.15 Robin BRIGAND, Olivier WELLER, Dinamica habitatului n perioada preistoric trzie din Moldova (Romnia). Rezultate recente i perspective

    16.15 16.30 Octavian BOUNEGRU, Gheorghe ROMANESCU, Cercetri interdisciplinare n teritoriul Histriei

    16.30 16.45 Pauz de cafea 16.45 17.00 Clin UTEU, Tomografia electric a solului. Aplicaii ale metodei n situri

    arheologice din Romnia 17.00 17.15 Liviu MARUIA, Dorel MICLE, Petru HORAK, Oana BORLEA, Lavinia BOLCU,

    Analiza arealelor de vizibilitate ale fortificaiilor din Dealurile Lipovei, NE Banatului, Romnia

    17.15 17.30 Neculai BOLOHAN, Andrei ASNDULESEI, Felix-Adrian TENCARIU, Silviu GANIA, Cristi NICU, Vlad RUMEGA, De la lopat la tiinele non-invazive. Investigarea unui sit din epoca bronzului din vestul Moldovei

    17.30 17.45 Ion NICULI, Vasile COTIUG, Aurel ZANOCI, Andrei ASNDULESEI, Gheorghe ROMANESCU, Felix-Adrian TENCARIU, Bogdan VENEDICT, tefan CALINIUC, Radu BALAUR, Cristi NICU, Prospeciuni magnetometrice n cetatea traco-getic de la Saharna, raionul Rezina, Republica Moldova

    17.45 18.15 Discuii


    Interdisciplinary Research in Archeology IAI



    JUNE 2011



    Moderatori: Ion SANDU, Nicolae BUZGAR

    Secretar: Viorica VASILACHE

    Sala H2 (Casa Catargi)

    15.00 15.15 Dumitru BOGHIAN, Gheorghe FRUNZ, Cornel SUCIU, Sorin IGNTESCU, Analize traseologice pe un eantion de unelte litice cucuteniene din aezarea de la Feteti-La Schit (com. Adncata, jud. Suceava)

    15.15 15.30 Diana-Mriuca VORNICU, Analiza traseologic a unui lot de unelte de piatr cioplit din aezarea precucutenian de la Isaiia

    15.30 15.45 Nicolae BUZGAR, Vasile DIACONU, Ionu Andrei APOPEI, Studiul Raman a dou artefacte de piatr de la sfritul epocii bronzului din judeul Neam (Romnia)

    15.45 16.00 Mihai GRAMATICU, Dumitru BOGHIAN, Traian Lucian SEVERIN, Silviu Gabriel STROE, Sorin IGNTESCU, Analize ceramografice comparative asupra unui lot de ceramic pictat i ceramica Cucuteni C din situl de la Feteti-La Schit, com. Adncata, jud. Suceava

    16.00 16.15: Vasile COTIUG, Nicolae URSULESCU, Viorica VASILACHE, Ion SANDU, Concentrarea zonal atipic a carbonatului de calciu n bulk-urile de ceramic preistoric cu structuri interne gresoase rezultate din fabricare

    16.15 16.30: Florica MU, Irina URSACHI, Valentin NICA, Petronel POSTOLACHE, Vasile COTIUG, Alexandru STANCU, Abordarea multidimensional a ceramicii Cucuteni prin utilizarea combinat a unor tehnici analitice diferite

    16.30 16.45 Pauz de cafea 16.45 17.00 Virgil MIHILESCU-BRLIBA, Stela CHEPTEA, Ion SANDU, Viorica VASILACHE,

    Autentificarea a dou brri antice utiliznd metoda SEM-EDX 17.00 17.15 Doina Maria CREANG, Cristina CAROTE, Lucreia MIU, Maria GIURGINC,

    Studiu preliminar asupra unor piei arheologice din secolul XVIII descoperite la Botoani

    17.15 17.30 Philippe GUILLOT, Laurent THERESE, Cristina MUJA, Vlad Vintila ZIRRA, Adrian IONI, Radu BJENARU, Utilizarea analizei elementale non-distructive 2D XRF n investigarea artefactelor arheologice din Romnia

    17.30 17.45 Ciprian-Ctlin LAZANU, Anca POPESCU, Bogdan CONSTANTINESCU, Ctlina CHIOJDEANU, Analize compoziionale prin metoda fluorescenei de raze X asupra unor piese de bronz din patrimoniul Muzeului Judeean tefan cel Mare Vaslui

    17.45 18.00 Rodica-Mariana ION, Sanda-Maria DONCEA, Mihaela-Lucia ION, Analiza FTIR (DRIFT) a unor cerneluri de tipar din secolele XIX i XX

    18.00 18.30 Discuii Postere Daniela DOMNIORU, Mirela PRAISLER, Nicolae BUZGAR, Vasile COTIUG, Tehnici chemometrice proiectate pentru identificarea ceramicii de Cucuteni prin Spectroscopie Raman Daniela-Afrodita BOLDEA, Marta QUARANTA, Rocco MAZZEO, Mirela PRAISLER, Combinarea imagisticii multi-spectrale i a fluorescenei de raze X portabile pentru o caracterizare non-invaziv a ceramicii decorative de Cucuteni - studii preliminare de autenticitate


    Interdisciplinary Research in Archeology IAI



    JUNE 2011

    PROGRAM 10

    SMBT, 11 IUNIE 2011


    Moderatori: Dan LESENCIUC, Daniel CONDOACHI

    Secretar: Tudor MANDACHE

    Sala H2 (Casa Catargi)

    09.00 09.15 Constantin PREOTEASA, Exploatarea resurselor naturale i impactul asupra mediului n cadrul complexului cultural Precucuteni-Cucuteni-Tripolie

    09.15 09.30 Otis CRANDELL, Florentina MARI, Proveniena artefactelor de piatr din regiunea Banatului, Romnia

    09.30 09.45 Dan LESENCIUC, Daniel CONDORACHI, George BODI, Procese geomorfologice i influene antropice cu impact asupra sitului arheologic de la Hoiseti, jud. Iai

    09.45 10.00 Constantin HAIT, Analiza micromorfologic a succesiunilor antropice din aezrile de tip tell din Muntenia

    10.00 10.15 Elena DELEANU, Dan CRMID, Utilizarea GIS-ului n analiza unor aezri ale culturii Cucuteni de la est de Carpai

    10.15 10.30 Aurel ZANOCI, Mihail B, Rspndirea siturilor traco-getice n bazinul Nistrului Mijlociu

    10.30 10.45 Pauz de cafea 10.45 11.00 Timotei URSU, URTIM 2009 o procedur original de analizare a imaginilor

    satelitare n cercetarea arheologic 11.00 11.15 Lucian AMON, Topografia n sprijinul arheologiei la Romula 11.15 11.30 Ana-Maria BUIL, Cercetri arheologice subacvatice n siturile de la Mazotos

    (Cipru), Styra i Modi (Grecia). Metode i conservare 11.30 12.00 Discuii Postere Mihai GLIGOR, Marius BREAZU, Tudor BORAN, Spaiu funerar i practici mortuare n aezarea preistoric de la Alba-Iulia - Lumea Nou. Analiz geospaial Mihai BRNZIL, Dumitru BULGARIU, Ion SANDU, Efectele factorilor geologico-antropici asupra lucrrilor de patrimoniu din Municipiul Iai - Rpa Galben


    Interdisciplinary Research in Archeology IAI



    JUNE 2011

    PROGRAM 11


    Moderatori: Marius ALEXIANU, Vasile COTIUG

    Secretar: Felix-Adrian TENCARIU

    Sala H1 (Casa Catargi)

    09.00 09.15 Felix-Adrian TENCARIU, Etnoarheologia i arheologia experimental n domeniul ceramicii preistorice: concepte, posibiliti, limite

    09.15 09.30 Andrei COROBCEAN, Cultur arheologic i grup etnic: controverse teoretice privind interpretarea etnic n arheologie

    09.30 09.45 Marius ALEXIANU, Olivier WELLER, Robin BRIGAND, Vasile COTIUG, Roxana-Gabriela CURC, Privire ctre trecut: investigaii etnoarheologice la izvoarele de ap srat din Subcarpaii Moldovei

    09.45 10.00 Vicu MERLAN, Zone cu sare din judeele Iai i Vaslui. Observaii etnoarheologice

    10.00 10.15 Marius ALEXIANU, Vasile COTIUG, Roxana-Gabriela CURC, Viorica VASILACHE, Anchet etnografic la ultimul productor de sare prin lixiviere din Mexic. Noi parametrii

    10.15 10.30 Dan BUZEA, Exploatarea srii folosind troace de lemn. Un experiment arheologic desfurat la Beclean - Bile Figa (jud. Bistria-Nsud) n 2010

    10.30 10.45 Pauz de cafea 10.45 11.00 Andrei NICIC, Sergiu MATVEEV, Arheologia experimental n Republica

    Moldova: realizri i perspective 11.00 11.15 Ovidiu COTOI, Ceramica pictat cucutenian. Experiment arheologic la

    Cucuteni (jud. Iai), iulie-august 2007 11.15 11.30 Paula MAZRE, tefan LIPOT, Alin CDAN, Studiu experimental privind

    utilizarea structurilor din fibre perisabile la confecionarea ceramicii neolitice i eneolitice

    11.30 11.45 Carmen MARIAN, Textile realizate prin mpletire: arheologie i etnografie 11.45 12.00 Loredana NI-BLESCU, Mircea ANGHELINU, Monica MRGRIT, Piatra i

    uneltele din piatr la unele comuniti de vntori-culegtori actuale 12.00 12.15 Marius Gheorghe BARBU, Confecionarea uneltelor din piatr cioplit.

    Arheologie experimental 12.15 12.30 Ctlin LAZAR, Sebastian STAN, Katia MOLDOVEANU, Theodor IGNAT,

    Observaii privind arhitectura culturii Gumelnia pe baza unui studiu de arheologie experimental

    12.30 12.45 Carmen ROGOBETE, Dezvoltarea tehnicilor tradiionale de construcie a caselor: anticul Orgame i Jurilovca modern

    12.45 13.30 Discuii Postere Vasile-Vlad NAD, Raluca-Florina PALADE, Tiberiu-Theodor PLCINT, Diana-Andreea STAN, Claudiu-Mihai ANDREI, Radu HOZU, Vasile-Andrei COJOCARIU, Marius NIGA, Vasilica Sndula, Tudor MARCU, Arheologie experimental la Cucuteni: tranarea i gtirea unei oi utiliznd unelte de piatr eneolitice


    Interdisciplinary Research in Archeology IAI



    JUNE 2011

    PROGRAM 12


    Moderatori: Luminia BEJENARU, Corneliu BELDIMAN

    Secretar: Simina STANC Sala B378 (Corp B)

    09.00 09.15 Luminia BEJENARU, Anca NEAGU, Simina STANC, Biomarkeri i

    biondicatori n arheologia mediului preistoric 09.15 09.30 Corneliu BELDIMAN, Diana-Maria SZTANCS, Uz eficient i abuz fatal n

    preistorie. Vrfuri de sgeat din os mezolitce descoperite n regiunea Porilor de Fier, Romnia

    09.30 09.45 Romeo CAVALERIU, Simina STANC, Luminia BEJENARU, Analiza unui eantion arheozoologic din aezarea Cucuteni B de la Srata Monteoru

    09.45 10.00 Diana-Maria Sztancs, Corneliu Beldiman, Noi date asupra podoabelor de os din neolitic i eneolitic n Transilvania

    10.00 10.15 Florentina Carmen OLENIUC, Dumitru BOGHIAN, Sorin IGNTESCU, Prelucrarea materiei dure de origine animal n nivelul Cucuteni B al sitului Fetesti - La Schit (judeul Suceava)

    10.15 10.30 Ctlin LAZAR, Adrian BLESCU, Gabriel VASILE, Date bioarheologice privind unele complexe funerare din necropola de la Sultana - Malu Rou, jud. Clrai

    10.30 10.45 Pauz de cafea 10.45 11.00 Georgeta Maria EL SUSI, Cercetri arheozoologice recente n aezri ale

    culturii Monteoru din estul Romniei 11.00 11.15 Valentin DUMITRACU, Fauna din situl medieval Nufru (judeul

    Constanta). Rezultate preliminare 11.15 11.30 Mihaela DANU, Studiul microfosilelor non-polinice identificate n

    sedimente prelevate din apropierea drumului pavat (roman/merovingian) Via Mansuerisca (estul Belgiei)

    11.30 11.45 Vasilica-Monica GROZA, Georgeta MIU, Angela SIMALCSIK, Date privind structura demografic i longevitatea populaiei medievale a Iaului (cimitirul Curii domneti, sec. al XVII-lea)

    11.45 12.00 Cristina MUJA, Laurent THERESE, Anca DINISCHIOTU, Philippe GUILLOT, nrcarea la populaia medieval de la Feldioar (jud. Braov, Romnia)

    12.00 12.15 Angela SIMALCSIK, Vasilica-Monica GROZA, Georgeta MIU, Robert-Daniel SIMALCSIK, Osteografia populaiei din situl arheologic Brila - str. Rosetti nr. 2 (secolele XIV-XVIII)

    12.15 12.45 Discuii POSTERE Simina STANC, Mariana POPOVICI, Luminia BEJENARU, Rolul economic al suinelor (porc domestic i mistre) n aezrile preistorice de pe teritoriul Romniei Andrei TEFAN, Lucian GORGAN, Radu DRUIC, Luminia BEJENARU, Modelarea temporal a degradrii AND-ului n resturile osteologice


    Interdisciplinary Research in Archeology IAI



    JUNE 2011



    Friday, 10th June 2011 8.30 10.00 Registration at Secretariat (Building H Casa Catargi) 10.00 12.30 Opening Ceremony the University Senate Hall

    10.00 10.10 Welcoming speech by Professor PhD Vasile IAN, Rector of the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iai, Honorary President of the Congress

    10.10 10.20 Keynote address by Professor PhD Victor SPINEI, corresponding member of the Romanian Academy, President of the Congress

    10.20 10.30 Address by PhD Olivier WELLER, CNRS-Universits Paris 1 Panthon-Sorbonne et Paris 10 Nanterre, guest of the Congress

    10.30 11.00 Professor PhD Michael VICKERS (University of Oxford, Jesus College),

    The Anglo-Georgian excavations at Pichvnari (Georgia) 11.00 11.30 Professor PhD Attila LSZL (Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iai),

    Between humanities and natural sciences. Archaeology: an interdisciplinary domain

    11.30 12.00 Assistant Professor PhD Marius ALEXIANU (Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iai), The saturated model in Ethnoarchaeology

    12.00 12.30 Book launch: Archaeology and Anthropology of Salt. A diachronic approach. Proceedings of the International Colloquium, 1-5 October 2008, Al. I. Cuza University (Iai, Romania), edited by Marius Alexianu, Olivier Weller, Roxana-Gabriela Curc, BAR 2198, Oxford, 2011 presented by Professor PhD Stelian DUMISTRCEL

    13.00 14.30 Lunch - Gaudeamus restaurant 15.00 18.30 Congress - Parallel sessions 18.30 19.00 Poster presentation - Building H (Casa Catargi) 20.00 Cocktail offered by the ARHEOINVEST Platform

    Saturday, 11th June 2011

    09.00 13.30 Congress - Parallel sessions 14.00 15.30 Lunch - Gaudeamus restaurant 16.00 19.00 Visit to the monasteries of Iai - Golia, Trei Ierarhi, Galata,

    Frumoasa, Cetuia. Guide: PhD Sorin Iftimie 20.00 Cocktail offered by DAAD ALUMNI CLUB IAI


    Interdisciplinary Research in Archeology IAI



    JUNE 2011


    FRIDAY, 10TH JUNE 2011


    Chairpersons: Gheorghe ROMANESCU, Neculai BOLOHAN

    Secretaries: Cristian STOLERIU, Sebastian DROB

    H1 Hall (Casa Catargi)

    15.00 15.15 Dorel MICLE, Liviu MARUIA, Adrian CNTAR, Leonard DOROGOSTAISKY, Andrei STAVIL, Cristian FLOCA, Identification techniques of circular archaeological structures using satellite images and aerial photographs. Case study: novel circular fortifications in Timi county

    15.15 15.30 Gheorghe ROMANESCU, Use of GIS techniques and topographic instruments to monitor the geomorphologic processes affecting archaeological sites

    15.30 15.45 Ctlin BEM, Andrei ASNDULESEI, Carmen BEM, Bogdan VENEDICT, Cristi NICU, Vasile COTIUG, Ctlin NICOLAE, Eugen PARASCHIV, Identity in diversity. Photogrammetry, 3D laser scanning and magnetometric analysis on Gumelnia tells of Muntenia (Romania)

    15.45 16.00 Vasile BUDUI, Bogdan Petru NICULIC, The Komariv community from Adncata. The evaluation of the habitation conditions

    16.00 16.15 Robin BRIGAND, Olivier WELLER, Settlement dynamics during later prehistory in Moldavia (Romania). Last results and perspectives

    16.15 16.30 Octavian BOUNEGRU, Gheorghe ROMANESCU, Interdisciplinary research in territory of Histria

    16.30 16.45 Coffee break 16.45 17.00 Clin UTEU, Electrical resistivity tomography. Methodological case studies in

    archaeological sites from Romania 17.00 17.15 Liviu MARUIA, Dorel MICLE, Petru HORAK, Oana BORLEA, Lavinia BOLCU,

    Analysis of the viewsheds of the medieval fortifications from the Lipova Hills, N-E Banat, Romania

    17.15 17.30 Neculai BOLOHAN, Andrei ASNDULESEI, Felix-Adrian TENCARIU, Silviu GANIA, Cristi NICU, Vlad RUMEGA, From Shovel to non-invasive sciences. Investigating a Bronze Age site in Western Moldavia

    17.30 17.45 Ion NICULI, Vasile COTIUG, Aurel ZANOCI, Andrei ASNDULESEI, Gheorghe ROMANESCU, Felix-Adrian TENCARIU, Bogdan VENEDICT, tefan CALINIUC, Radu BALAUR, Cristi NICU, Magnetometric prospections in the Thraco-Getae fortress from Saharna Mare, Rezina district, Republic of Moldova

    17.45 18.15 Discussions


    Interdisciplinary Research in Archeology IAI



    JUNE 2011



    Chairpersons: Ion SANDU, Nicolae BUZGAR

    Secretary: Viorica VASILACHE

    H2 Hall (Casa Catargi)

    15.00 15.15 Dumitru BOGHIAN, Gheorghe FRUNZ, Cornel SUCIU, Sorin IGNTESCU, Traceological analysis on a number of cucutenian lithic tools of the Feteti - La Schit site (Adncata commune, Suceava county)

    15.15 15.30 Diana-Mriuca VORNICU, The use-wear analysis of some knapped stone tools from the pre-cucutenian settlement of Isaiia

    15.30 15.45 Nicolae BUZGAR, Vasile DIACONU, Ionu Andrei APOPEI, Raman Study on two Late Bronze Age stone artefacts from Neam county (Romania)

    15.45 16.00 Mihai GRAMATICU, Dumitru BOGHIAN, Traian Lucian SEVERIN, Silviu Gabriel STROE, Sorin IGNTESCU, Ceramographic comparative analysis of a series of painted and Cucuteni C pottery from the Feteti - La Schit site, Adncata commune, Suceava county

    16.00 16.15: Vasile COTIUG, Nicolae URSULESCU, Viorica VASILACHE, Ion SANDU, Atypical zonal concentration of calcium carbonate deposits in bulks of prehistoric ceramic materials with gresous internal structures caused by the manufacturing process

    16.15 16.30: Florica MU, Irina URSACHI, Valentin NICA, Petronel POSTOLACHE, Vasile COTIUG, Alexandru STANCU, A multivariate approach of pottery from the Cucuteni culture using different analytical techniques

    16.30 16.45 Coffee break 16.45 17.00 Virgil MIHILESCU-BRLIBA, Stela CHEPTEA, Ion SANDU, Viorica VASILACHE,

    The authentication of two ancient bracelets using the SEM-EDX method 17.00 17.15 Doina Maria CREANG, Cristina CAROTE, Lucreia MIU, Maria GIURGINC,

    Preliminary study of 18th century leather from the Botoani archaeological site 17.15 17.30 Philippe GUILLOT, Laurent THERESE, Cristina MUJA, Vlad Vintila ZIRRA, Adrian

    IONI, Radu BJENARU, The use of 2D XRF non destructive elemental analysis in the study of archaeological artefacts

    17.30 17.45 Ciprian-Ctlin LAZANU, Anca POPESCU, Bogdan CONSTANTINESCU, Ctlina CHIOJDEANU, Compositional analysis using the X-ray fluorescence method of some bronze pieces from the tefan cel Mare" Vaslui county Museum

    17.45 18.00 Rodica-Mariana ION, Sanda-Maria DONCEA, Mihaela-Lucia ION, FTIR (DRIFT) analysis of some printing inks from the 19th and 20th centuries

    18.00 18.30 Discussions Posters Daniela DOMNIORU, Mirela PRAISLER, Nicolae BUZGAR, Vasile COTIUG, Chemometric software designed for the identification of Cucuteni ceramics by Raman spectroscopy Daniela-Afrodita BOLDEA, Marta QUARANTA, Rocco MAZZEO, Mirela PRAISLER, Combining multi-spectral imaging and portable X-ray fluorescence for a non-invasive characterization of Cucuteni decorative ceramics. Implications for authentication studies


    Interdisciplinary Research in Archeology IAI



    JUNE 2011


    SATURDAY, 11TH JUNE 2011


    Chairpersons: Dan LESENCIUC, Daniel CONDOACHI

    Secretary: Tudor MANDACHE

    H2 Hall (Casa Catargi)

    09.00 09.15 Constantin PREOTEASA, The exploitation of natural resources and their impact on the environment in the Pre-Cucuteni-Cucuteni-Tripolye cultural complex

    09.15 09.30 Otis CRANDELL, Florentina MARIS, Provenance of Neolithic stone artefacts from the Banat region, Romania

    09.30 09.45 Dan LESENCIUC, Daniel CONDORACHI, George BODI, Geomorphological processes and human activities with impact on the achaeological site from Hoiseti, Iai county

    09.45 10.00 Constantin HAIT, Micromorphological analysis of the anthropic sequences from tell type settlements in Muntenia

    10.00 10.15 Elena DELEANU, Dan CRMID, Using GIS in the analysis of Cucuteni settlements culture, in the Eastern Carpathians

    10.15 10.30 Aurel ZANOCI, Mihail B, The spread of Thraco-Getae sites in the Middle Dniester basin

    10.30 10.45 Coffee break 10.45 11.00 Timotei URSU, URTIM 2009 - an original procedure to analyze satellite images

    in archaeological research 11.00 11.15 Lucian AMON, Topography in support of archaeology at Romula 11.15 11.30 Ana-Maria BUIL, Underwater archaeology research in Mazotos (Cyprus),

    Styra and Modi (Greece). Prospection and conservation methods 11.30 12.00 Discussions Posters Mihai GLIGOR, Marius BREAZU, Tudor BORAN, Funerary space and mortuary practices in the Alba-Iulia - Lumea Noua site. A geospatial analysis Mihai BRNZIL, Dumitru BULGARIU, Ion SANDU, The effects of geologic and anthropogenic factors on patrimony works from Iai Rpa Galben


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    Chairpersons: Marius ALEXIANU, Vasile COTIUG

    Secretary: Felix-Adrian TENCARIU

    H1 Hall (Casa Catargi)

    09.00 09.15 Felix-Adrian TENCARIU, Ethnoarchaeology and experimental archaeology within the field of prehistoric pottery: concepts, possibilities, limits

    09.15 09.30 Andrei COROBCEAN, Archaeological culture and ethnic group: theoretical controversies of ethnic interpretation in archaeology

    09.30 09.45 Marius ALEXIANU, Olivier WELLER, Robin BRIGAND, Vasile COTIUG, Roxana-Gabriela CURC, Revisiting the past: ethnoarchaeological investigations at the moldavian sub-carpathian salt springs

    09.45 10.00 Vicu MERLAN, Salt resources in the Central Moldavian Plateau. Ethnoarchaeological data

    10.00 10.15 Marius ALEXIANU, Vasile COTIUG, Roxana-Gabriela CURC, Viorica VASILACHE, Ethnographic survey at the last saltmaker by lixiviation in Mexico. New parameters

    10.15 10.30 Dan BUZEA, The exploitation of rock salt with the use of the wooden troughs. An archaeological experiment conducted at Beclean - Bile Figa (Bistria-Nsud county) in 2010

    10.30 10.45 Coffee break 10.45 11.00 Andrei NICIC, Sergiu MATVEEV, Experimental archaeology in the Republic of

    Moldova: accomplishments and perspectives 11.00 11.15 Ovidiu COTOI, Cucutenian painted pottery. An archaeological experiment at

    Cucuteni (Iai county), July - August 2007 11.15 11.30 Paula MAZRE, tefan LIPOT, Alin CDAN, Experimental study on the use of

    perishable fabrics in the manufacturing of Neolithic and Eneolithic pottery 11.30 11.45 Carmen MARIAN, Needle looped textiles Archaeology and Ethnography 11.45 12.00 Loredana NI-BLESCU, Mircea ANGHELINU, Monica MRGRIT, Stones

    and lithic tools of few present-day hunter-gatherers communities 12.00 12.15 Marius Gheorghe BARBU, Carved stone tool manufacturing. Experimental

    archaeology 12.15 12.30 Ctlin LAZAR, Sebastian STAN, Katia MOLDOVEANU, Theodor IGNAT,

    Observations on the architecture of the Gumelnia culture based on an experimental archaeology study

    12.30 12.45 Carmen ROGOBETE, Development of traditional house-building techniques: ancient Orgame and modern Jurilovca

    12.45 13.00 Discussions Posters Vasile-Vlad NAD, Raluca-Florina PALADE, Tiberiu-Theodor PLCINT, Diana-Andreea STAN, Claudiu-Mihai ANDREI, Radu HOZU, Vasile-Andrei COJOCARIU, Marius NIGA, Vasilica Sndula, Tudor MARCU, Experimental archaeology at Cucuteni: the cutting and cooking of a sheep using eneolithic stone tools


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    Chairpersons: Luminia BEJENARU, Corneliu BELDIMAN

    Secretar: Simina STANC B 378 Hall (Building B)

    09.00 09.15 Luminia BEJENARU, Anca NEAGU, Simina STANC, Biomarkers and

    bioindicators in the environmental archaeology of prehistory 09.15 09.30 Corneliu BELDIMAN, Diana-Maria SZTANCS, Proficient use and fatal abuse in

    Prehistory. Mesolithic bone arrow heads discovered in the region of Iron Gates, Romania

    09.30 09.45 Romeo CAVALERIU, Simina STANC, Luminia BEJENARU, Analysis of an archaeozoological assemblage discovered in the Cucuteni B settlement from Srata Monteoru (Buzu county)

    09.45 10.00 Diana-Maria Sztancs, Corneliu Beldiman, New data about Neolithic and Eneolithic osseus adornments from Transylvania

    10.00 10.15 Florentina Carmen OLENIUC, Dumitru BOGHIAN, Sorin IGNTESCU, Processing animal raw material in the Cucuteni B phase level of the Feteti - La Schit (Suceava county) archaeological site

    10.15 10.30 Ctlin LAZAR, Adrian BLESCU, Gabriel VASILE, Bioarchaeological data on some funerary complexes from the Sultana - Malu Rou necropolis (Clrai county)

    10.30 10.45 Coffee break 10.45 11.00 Georgeta Maria EL SUSI, Recent archaeozoological research in Monteoru

    culture sites from eastern Romania 11.00 11.15 Valentin DUMITRACU, Animal bones from the medieval site of Nufru

    (Constana county). Preliminary results 11.15 11.30 Mihaela DANU, A study of non-pollen palynomorphs identified in sediments

    collected near to paved road (roman/merovingian) Via Mansuerisca (East Belgium)

    11.30 11.45 Vasilica-Monica GROZA, Georgeta MIU, Angela SIMALCSIK, Data on the demographic structure and the longevity of the medieval population of Iai (the cemetery of the princely court, 17th century)

    11.45 12.00 Cristina MUJA, Laurent THERESE, Anca DINISCHIOTU, Philippe GUILLOT, Weaning Patterns in Medieval Population from Feldioara (Braov county, Romania)

    12.00 12.15 Angela SIMALCSIK, Vasilica-Monica GROZA, Georgeta MIU, Robert-Daniel SIMALCSIK, Osteobiography of the people from Brila - str. Rosetti nr. 2 archaeological site (14th-18th centuries)

    12.15 12.45 Discussions POSTERS Simina STANC, Mariana POPOVICI, Luminia BEJENARU, The economic role of swine (domestic pig and wild boar) in the prehistoric settlements of the territory of Romania Andrei TEFAN, Lucian GORGAN, Radu DRUIC, Luminia BEJENARU, Temporal modeling of DNA degradation in bone remains


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    Dorel MICLE1, Liviu MRUIA1, Adrian CNTAR1, Leonard DOROGOSTAISKY2, Andrei STAVIL1, Cristian FLOCA1

    1West University of Timioara, Faculty of Letters, History and Theology, History Department 2Alcatel-Lucent Romania, Timioara

    Keywords: remote sensing, satellite images, aerial photography, archaeological site, aerial photo


    Satellite remote sensing represents the acquisition of information from a distance, in the

    form of conventional photographic images (in analogic format) or as raster images (in digital format) based on the interaction between objects found on the Earths surface and the sensors of electromagnetic radiation (radiated by the Sun). The detection of electromagnetic radiation is done photographically (photographs) or electronically (spectral imagery).

    Remote sensing in archaeology is still based, in most cases, on aerial techniques of low altitude prospection, on visible wavelengths and on those closer to infrared. The information is gathered in a digital format that can be amplified, rectified and reclassified using a large array of algorithms and specialized software. Archaeologists tend to increasingly choose remote sensing as a technique of exploration of sites with a minimal disjointing from the surrounding geographical context. These procedures allow for new methods of 3D cartography of prehistoric and historical sites to be developed, as opposed to the traditional 2D approach.

    Standard black and white aerial photography is usually employed for the purpose of archaeological exploration and site analysis better than images acquired by the infrared scanner, by radar or by colour photography. However, the real benefit of experimentation through remote sensing techniques lies in the use of different instruments and in comparing and correlating the results.

    Remote sensing can be an identification technique, since the computer can be programmed to search for distinctive signatures or for the energy emitted by a site or for known features in areas where such research was not employed. Such signatures are useful for the recognition of features or patterns. Features such as: elevation, distance from water sources, distance between sites or settlements, transportation corridors and routes can be used to predict the locations of potential archaeological sites. The study is based both on the analysis of satellite images and on the analysis of air photographs, in the perimeter of the Timi County, using as case study the circular fortifications identified through this method, belonging to several historical eras, that have not been previously published. Our study presents the methods and techniques for processing the images acquired, and the subsequent field identification and survey using the total station. The features of these circular archaeological sites are emphasized, their fortification system, and other geomorphologic markers that can be useful for a non-invasive archaeological analysis, as part of a more complex study of landscape archaeology.


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    Fig. 1. Corneti - circular fortifications.


    Gheorghe ROMANESCU

    Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iai, Faculty of Geography and Geology, ARHEOINVEST Platform

    Key words: GIS, topographic instruments, ravine, Cucuteni village.

    Even though the active geomorphological processes taking place in Romania are closely

    monitored by specific institutions, the equipment used is, unfortunately, often inadequate, and this leads to substandard results. The most intense processes are furrowing and landfalls. These often occur in areas with an argillaceous substrate and on surfaces lacking forest vegetation. In this category we can include the Moldavian Plateau and the Transylvanian Depression.

    By using the GIS techniques and modern topographic instruments, many of the answers expected from dynamic geomorphology will be accurate, and the data bank will be much


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    improved. For the morphologic analysis and the dynamic of versant geomorphologic processes, a wide array of modern methods and techniques was used, but they were not always rigorous. In most of the studies, rudimentary and dated methods were used, which were based on wood or metal markers. In order to accurately monitor the current geomorphologic processes, we need to make use of satellite imagery analysis, aerial photographs, electronic equipment, etc.

    Among the most accurate topographic instruments used to monitor these processes, we mention the following: the Leica 3D Scanner and the Leica Total Station. They were successfully tested by monitoring the ravine from Cucuteni (Iai county). Three years of geomorphological processes measurement allowed for the elaboration of models for tracking the ravines advancement, on for predicting further developments. The elaborated maps constitute the basis for the accurate interpretation of processes that are being increasingly observed.

    Fig. 1. Map elaborated according to the data obtained from the 3D scan

    of the Biceni-Cucuteni ravine, 2010.



    Ctlin BEM1, Andrei ASNDULESEI2, Carmen BEM3, Bogdan VENEDICT2, Cristi NICU2, Vasile COTIUG2, Ctlin NICOLAE1, Eugen PARASCHIV1

    1 National History Museum of Romania, Bucharest

    2 Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iai, Department of Science, ARHEOINVEST Platform 3Institute for Cultural Memory, Bucharest

    Key words: Chalcolithic, Gumelnia tell, aerophotogrammetrry, 3D laser scanning, magnetometry,

    internal structure, delimitation ditches.

    We first needed to sketch out a model of unintrusive investigation of Gumelnia tells.

    Archaeology, on its own, with its destructive character, inherently affects the tells, during the carrying out of the investigation, as well as after the diggings. This generally takes place from natural causes and, more commonly in Romania, from anthropic causes.


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    After more than 100 years of archaeological studies, it is still difficult to properly characterize the complexity of the GumelniaKaranovo VI phenomenon. The study concentrated on tells man-made knolls created by a long and successive habitation of the same location. They are considered the most important habitations of the Gumelnia communities, for more than five hundred years (ca. 4550-3900 BC).

    Without a coherent strategy for investigating this phenomenon, the studies, carried out according to strict deadlines, were directed especially to the discovery of burnt habitation remains very rich in their archaeological inventory. The internal structure, the landscape, the immediate link of the tell with its geomorphological bases were often unquantified. Consequently, our study was also based on a characterization of these elements.

    In the beginning, we stressed some different aspects of the comparison between different tells. The pluristratified stations from Stoeneti - Mgura Tangru, Bucani-Pod and Udupu are differentiated by their location, foundation, dimensions, actual landscape, type of previous study, and also by the grade of contemporary anthropic degradation. Thus, the Stoeneti tell is located on an extension of the terrace of the Clnitea brook. Those from Bucani and Udupu developed on low spits from the narrow meadow of Neajlov and from the large meadow of Teleorman. The tell from Stoeneti dominates the meadow from its height of eleven metres, while the tell from Bucani is, at first sight, of not more than 2.8 m in height from the actual level of the meadow. The Udupu tell has a maximum height of 3.7 m, and its surfaces are in direct proportion to these values. The tell from Stoeneti was studied in the 1930s and at the end of the 1950s. The Bucani tell has been systematically investigated since 1998. The tell from Udupu has not been studied so far. The tell from Stoeneti is relatively isolated from the actual settlement. Only seasonal sheepfolds neighbour it. The Bucani tell is close to the actual village, while the one from Udupu is far from any actual anthropic intervention. Their degree of conservation is directly linked to the impact of contemporary anthropic factors.

    A conjugated analysis of aero-photometrical data (Fig. 1-2), 3D scanning (Fig. 4) and magnetometry (removing, when possible, the perturbations created by the daily variations of the Earths magnetic field and the background noise produced by the existence of some massive geological formations) (Fig. 3), proved that the three tells which are so different today have a similar internal structure. All of them have at least one bounding ditch at the basis of the actual hill, to their exterior (including the small tell adjoining the base of the larger Stoeneti tell). The maximum stratigraphic amplitude is between 3.2 and 4.5 m. The effective habitation area concentrates on the surface, and is rectangularly delimited by the ditch(es) of some palisade(s), and is superposed by the first-level curves of the raised-relief topographic maps.

    In the tell from Bucani Pod (Fig. 5), archaeological investigations confirmed the magnetometric maps obtained in three different sessions. The stratigraphy of the tell from Bucani-Pod includes three important moments of Gumelnia habitation. They are separated by alluvial sediments or by periods of abandonment marked by important pluvial activity. There are two categories of boundary delimitation works: 1. wide ditches, dug on a quasi-circular contour and left opened, with the excavated sediments deposited along one of the sides, creating a structure which might be described as a dam. They each belong to the Gumelnia A1 (N3) level, around 4400 BC and to the Gumelnia B1 (N1) level, around 3900 BC; 2 narrow and deep ditches, dug on a generally rectangular contour. They are the foundation of some fences, filled shortly after the digging, and, from a stratigraphic point of view, belonging to the Gumelnia B1 (N1) level, or from around 3900 BC. As most of them were dug in anthropic sediments and were covered shortly after that, their identification on the magnetometric maps is quite difficult. They are often mistaken fo the effective remains of the habitation burnt dwellings, fireplaces, ovens, etc. It is noteworthy that the same way of boundary delimitation at least the one using exterior


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    ditches also appeared at the dawn of the Gumelnia civilization (around 4500-4400 BC) and at its end (around 3900 BC).

    We also have to stress the fact that in the case of the large tell from Stoeneti - Mgura Tangru, the exterior ditch was dug at the base of the terrace on which the first inhabitants settled, on a level which is around 6 m lower than the place where the first buildings were raised. Obviously, any defensive scenario is out of the question at this moment.

    We should also mention the fact that all the ditches were dug before the stratigraphic development of the tells. In the case of the ditches acting as foundations for palisades or fences, the space enclosed by the resulting perimeter was subsequently occupied by constructions totally (as it appears to have happened at Udupu) or partially (as it is the case of the tell from Bucani). This may well have been one of the causes for the proliferation of Gumelnia tells. Since most of them were small in size, it would appear that the settlements initial limits forbade horizontal expansion and development. Over time, this caused repeated and extensive swarmings of some parts of the communities, which will found new settlements where the same pattern was applied and manifested itself.

    Fig. 1. Stoeneti - Mgura Tangru. Air photo. Fig. 2. Stoeneti - Mgura Tangru. Aerial photo with

    change of the RGB for make the anomalies more visible.

    Fig. 3. Magnetometric map of the Udupu tell.

    Fig. 4. Udupu tell. Elements of the 3D laser scanning.


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    Fig. 5. Bucani - Pod tell. The reconstruction of the separation ditches or the tracks and foundation ditches for the palisades (the red, blue and green parts were researched during the archaeological dig, while the dark grey parts correspond to the magnetometric information; the red contours show the position of the

    buildings at the upper level).


    Vasile BUDUI1, Bogdan-Petru NICULIC2

    1 tefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Faculty of History and Geography 2 Bukovina Museum, Suceava

    Keywords: Adncata, tumulus necropolis, Komariv culture, habitation conditions, GIS.

    In the period from 2000 to 2005, systematic archaeological excavations were carried out

    in the tumular necropolis from Adncata (Suceava county). Since we were dealing with the only Komariv necropolis from Romania which has been thoroughly investigated, a special attention was paid to an interdisciplinary approach that sought to identify the landscape features with potential for human habitation. To this end, we proceeded with the geographical analysis of the region, using the following sources: topographical maps and layouts, orthophotomaps and field work.

    To acquire the sites features, we made use the ArcGIS 9.2 geographical information system, which allowed us to analyse the spatial distribution of the geomorphometric parameters


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    (altitude, slope, aspect) and to compile the solar radiation factor, as well as to create a series of topographical profiles of the Adncata site. The investigated region has the general appearance of a plateau, slightly fragmented by a hydrographic network composed of one or two Horton-Strahler ranges, which enhanced the habitation potential by flanking the settlement with two confluent creeks, Porcul and Grigoreti. The pedological investigations revealed that the forest once spread across the entire field, and also brought forth the soil profiles forest morphology, that is, the presence of the Bt horizon (clay illuviation). The quasi-horizontal surface with a slight southern exposure, as well as with easy access to water, food and wood resources, favoured habitation of the area.


    Robin BRIGAND1, Olivier WELLER2

    1 Laboratoire Chrono-Environnement, UMR 6249, Besanon

    2 CNRS-Universits Paris 1 Panthon-Sorbonne et Paris 10-Nanterre, Laboratoire Archologies et Sciences de l'Antiquit Protohistoire europenne, UMR 7041, Paris

    Keywords: Moldavia, natural resources, salt, settlement pattern, Neolithic, Chalcolithic.

    The paper aims to extend a collective research initiated by the French-Romanian projects

    dedicated to investigating the impact of salt springs in Moldavia (Romania) on the Neolithic and Eneolithic settlement patterns, land use and landscape perception during the Late Prehistory. The main objective of these successive programs, dealing with archaeology, ethnology, paleoenvironmental reconstruction and geomatics, was to examine how and why salt resources were controlled and structured in the Eastern Carpathians piedmont, more specifically in its central part (Neam county).

    This presentation plans to expand the issues addressed by the previous research, in terms of spatial dimensions and thematic scope. The first goal was to explore, with reference to the natural resources and the available archaeological databases on settlement patterns, the Romanian north-eastern territories organization and their dynamics.

    Taking into consideration the subsequent results compiled for Neam County, a similar spatial analysis methodology was used on a regional scale. For each county, an exhaustive archaeological database was built using most recent previous published repertories. The main goal was to obtain, for each prehistoric settlement, different qualitative indicators regarding the precision of the topographic mapping, the nature of settlement and its chronological framework, as well as of the quality and dating of the archaeological material. The second goal was to focus on natural indicators and their relative attractiveness in order to define their relation with the economic development by chronological periods. In order to understand the settlement patterns, population density and diachronic evolution, the obvious objective was to create a model of the evolution pattern of the areas where traces of human occupation and activity are to be found. Aiming to characterize the evolution of the human influence and of the modes of the territorial conquest, we used methods of spatial analysis and spatial information processing, in a Geographic Information System, more specifically the kernel density estimation and viewshed analysis. The final goal was to evaluate how the territories were constituted and to compare their human dynamics.


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    Octavian BOUNEGRU1, Gheorghe ROMANESCU2

    1 Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iai, Faculty of History, ARHEOINVEST Platform 2 Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iai, Faculty of Geography and Geology, ARHEOINVEST Platform

    Keywords: Histria, hinterland, Greco-Roman time, resources.

    In 2007, the research project The Captation Area of the Resources of the Histrian

    Territory in Greco-Roman Time. An ecochronological Approach from the spatial Perspective of the Histrian Territory, part of the Exploratory Research Projects Program - 2007-2010, was accepted for financing. From an integrative perspective and with methods specific for the interdisciplinary study, the project approaches the Chorothesy, the famous inscription discovered at Histria in 1914. In this exceptionally significant epigraphic document, M. Laberius Maximus, the governor of Moesia, established the boundaries of the Histrian territory on October 25, 100 A.D.

    The new analysis of this epigraphic document aims at a holistic approach of the issues concerning the spatial organization of the Histrian territory in the Greco-Roman period, as well as the exploitation of the resources in that area.

    The main objectives of the project were: - to identify the natural resources in the Histrian territory in the Greek and Roman

    period; - to determine the size of the natural catchment area and to highlight the dynamics of

    the natural resources exploitation in the Histrian territory from the Greek to the Roman period; - to ascertain the role played by the Histrian natural resources in the implementation of

    the human habitat; - to accomplish a habitation typology with regard to the functionality of the main

    categories of settlements on the Histrian territory, from a diachronic perspective. The research has allowed for the identification of 84 ancient settlements, sanctuaries,

    necropoleis, fortified settlements, farms, and aqueducts on the Histrian territory from the Greek, Hellenistic, Roman, and Roman-Byzantine periods, as well as the vestiges of the ancient Histrian harbour. The following types of resource exploitation sites were identified, registered, and charted: stone quarries, copper and iron mines, traces of iron and clay exploitations, and a few Roman aqueducts that supplied water to the town. The surveys and systematic archaeological research have confirmed the fact that during the Hellenistic and Roman periods the territory of the town chora stretched in the west and south as far as the Calabeus River in Chorothesy, and in north to the Danube Delta.

    The establishment of the visibility limits of the boundaries of this territory is of particular importance for the debate on the Histrian territory. To the north and west, these limits largely included the real boundaries of the Histrian territory, which explains to a great extent the direct control Histria had over the resources of the area and confirms the biunivocal relation existing in a Greek colony between the town and its hinterland.


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    Clin UTEU

    1 Decembrie 1918 University of Alba-Iulia, Iuliu Paul Systemic Archaeology Institute

    Keywords: archaeogeophysics, Electrical Soil Resistivity Tomography, stratigraphy, method,


    Geophysical investigation is increasingly becoming one of the most desired steps to be included in the strategies of the Romanian archaeological projects, either for systematic or salvage archaeology. If the equipment, from a technological point of view, has already been standardised as a consequence of its widespread international use, with refinements only going into improving the quality of the collected data, we cannot say the same when it comes to the field and laboratory methodology. In this respect, we can state that improvements could be made, particularly in regard to the manner in which ERT is integrated into complex archaeological projects. We consider our approach valuable since it is meant to ensure the improvement of the effective quality of the provided ERT services, while also aiming at amending the relationship between ERT specialists and archaeologists, when it comes to establishing a strategy and interpreting and using the data. The soil resistivity method was one of the first geophysical methods to be applied with success in archaeological investigations, since 1946. Although relatively simple, this method has known in recent years many variations and improvements in its usability for archaeological purposes, especially as a result of advancements in technology and software. Of the several available methods, the electrical soil resistivity tomography - ERT (also known as electrical profiling) stands out, and we hereby present few projects that helped us to establish a more adequate methodology for ERT use in archaeological applications. The main presented aspect concerns the usage of a combined method for an optimum characterization of detected anomalies. The addition of a magnetometrical profile with the same coordinates as the ERT survey, and the use of topographical corrections are discussed in relation to the interpretation of the data. To illustrate these aspects, several archaeological projects that were carried out over the past years will be presented (e.g. Sultana - Malu Rou, Apaa - the medieval citadel, Alba Iulia Str. Decebal nr. 8, Drobeta Turnu Severin - Severin medieval citadel, the tumulus burials from Okland, etc.). The paper will also showcase an illustrative project, namely a study on the defensive system of the fortified settlement from Teleac, Alba county. It includes a presentation of the main phases of the survey, as well as of the overall preparation of the project, of the recording strategy, the creation of a report and result dissemination. An attempt to corelate the results with the stratigraphy from the 1980s campaigns will also be presented. Finally, a discussion will be held on the topic of standardized recording of a geophysical survey, with references to well-known European heritage institutions such as English Heritage and the Institute for Field Archaeologists. Several suggestions towards establishing and applying a standard in Romanian practice will be advanced.


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    Fig. 1. Electrical Resistance Tomography - ERT survey at the Medieval citadel of Apaa-Cetate.



    Liviu MRUIA1, Dorel MICLE1, Petru HORAK1, Oana BORLEA1, Lavinia BOLCU1

    1West University of Timioara, Faculty of Letters, History and Theology, History Department

    Keywords: GIS, visibility area, viewsheds, medieval fortress, historical geography, landscape


    From a geographical point of view, the Lipova Hills are a morphostructural part of the

    greater unit of the Western Hills. They constitute clearly individualized geomorphological units through their deposit structure, their location at the base of mountainous areas and through their altitude.

    From an administrative point of view, this geographical unit is currently part of the following counties: Timi, Arad and Hunedoara. The area has been only slightly explored from an archaeological point of view; thus, between 2006 and 2010 numerous field surveys were carried out as to identify and map new archaeological sites, producing 265 analytic records for diverse archaeological complexes, nine of which are medieval fortifications that constitute the topic of the present study.


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    As a whole, our work aimed at identifying, researching, interpreting and integrating

    some terrain realities into the generic context of historical geography, as a base component of the cultural landscape. The use of modern interdisciplinary investigation methods and techniques gives substance to the validity of such an approach. This type of investigation of geographical micro-units offers complex information that can constitutre the base of detailed, targeted investigations for the future.

    The present study attempted, above all, to detect the original landscape inhabited by the respective communities, before it was altered during the modern and contemporary ages.

    Fig. 1. Aerial map of intervisibility areas of the medieval fortifications.

    All the sites identified through systematic archaeological field research were afterwards

    georeferenced, mapped and GIS-processed. Different geomorphographic factors were analysed, among them the viewsheds (areas of visibility) of these fortifications.

    This type of analysis (intervisibility) renders a visualization which highlights the areas that are invisible from one or more observation points. These observation positions can be detailes such as pointed objects (points), linear objects (lines) or area objects (polygons). A thematic coverage was produced, whose Z values represent the visibility (often coloured green) or invisibility (often coloured red) and also observation points (often colored blue) and the image is then rendered. The observation points can be set at a specified elevation, and the array of values for the surface can be modified with custom values, for example the height of the trees. The ArcGIS package also contains the HNTRLAND procedure to determine the area dominated by one or more vantage points, and the VIEWSHED procedure for determining the cells visible from one or more points.

    The results are very interesting, particularly when we discuss the issue of fortification system or when we attempt to determine the area of authority for a fortified point (cf. the dispute on centre and periphery).


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    Neculai BOLOHAN1, Andrei ASNDULESEI2, Felix-Adrian TENCARIU2,

    Silviu GANIA2, Cristi NICU2, Vlad RUMEGA1

    1 Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iai, Faculty of History, ARHEOINVEST Platform 2Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iai, Department of Science, ARHEOINVEST Platform

    Keywords: Early/Middle Bronze Age, settlements, multidisciplinary approach.

    The Early and Middle Bronze Age in the area located east of the Carpathians was

    investigated mainly by pottery found in a cluster of settlements and funerary findings. Coherent ideas about life, relationships of these communities and the landscape are less rather inconsistent, as is clear from the material published until recently.

    This contribution is setted on my observations from the field and on the contribution of a young and training team from the Arheoinvest Platform. I have paid particular attention to previous research on the type and structure of these kind of discoveries dating from the beginning of the Middle Bronze Age in the area of study and I tried to revaluate my own researches on the archaeological site of Silitea, Romni commune, Neam county. To expand and diversify the observations, in 2008 I turned to non-invasive investigations techniques in Archaeology (mapping, geomagnetic researches, and radiocarbon analyses).

    On this occasion, I will attempt a brief review, which will illustrate the current archaeological research avatars, a rocky path from the archaeological shovel up to the multidisciplinary approach.


    Ion NICULI1, Vasile COTIUG2, Aurel ZANOCI1, Andrei ASNDULESEI3, Gheorghe ROMANESCU4, Felix-Adrian TENCARIU3, Bogdan VENEDICT3,

    tefan CALINIUC2, Radu BALAUR3, Cristi NICU3

    1 State University of Moldova, Chiinu 2 Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iai, Faculty of History, ARHEOINVEST Platform

    3 Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iai, Department of Science, ARHEOINVEST Platform 4 Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iai, Faculty of Geography and Geology, ARHEOINVEST Platform

    Keywords: Saharna Mare, Thraco-Getae, fortress, magnetometric prospections.

    The rocky hill from Saharna Mare, situated at 1 km south-west of the current Saharna

    village, constitutes the high terrace of the Dniesters right bank, with lofty and steep flanks on its northern, eastern and south-eastern sides. With a surface area of ca. 12 ha, the hill has witnessed human habitation since the end of the 2nd millennium BC.

    A semi-oval stronghold measuring 60x64 m and dated to the 10th-8th century BC, has been archaeologically attested at this location. The fortifications southern boundary is marked by the interfluves steep hillslope, while the eastern, northern and western ones by a man-made defensive work composed of a palisade (a wall of two rows of timber, with the gap between them filled with clay and rocks) and a ditch adjoining to the front.


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    Towards the 8th-6th century BC, the inhabited area from Saharna Mare witnessed a considerable widening when it expanded to the central and north-eastern parts of the promontory, forcing the erection of a newer, more complex and sturdy fortification system, that was again rebuild during the 5th-4th century.

    The defensive system was composed of a wall stretching for ca. 385 m and with a width of ca. 5,6 m, that was built from a wooden case with a core (emplecton) made from a mixture of dirt, sand, gravel and rocks. To the exterior of the south-western side, a ditch, 15 m wide at the top and 6 m at the bottom, was dug parallel to the wall. The defensive potential of the fortress was augmented by three bastion positioned in front of the defensive line, in the central area and on the flanks.

    During the 2010 campaign, following the partnership signed with the ARHEOINVEST Research Platform from the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iai, the entire area in question was magnetometrically surveyed, as to trace the path of the fortification works that were archaeologically attested and to identify new archaeological complexes. The resulting magnetometric map highlights the paths of the archaeologically identified fortifications, as well as the existence of other magnetometric anomalies which may represent other various archaeological complexes.

    Fig. 1. Saharna Mare - magnetic field map.


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    Constantin PREOTEASA

    History and Archaeology Musem of Piatra-Neam

    Keywords: Pre-Cucuteni-Cucuteni-Tripolye cultural complex, anthropic impact, natural resources,


    The present study focuses on the exploitation of natural resources (wood, salt, rocks and metals) by the human communities of the Pre-Cucuteni-Cucuteni-Tripolye cultural complex, while also taking into account the impact of this activity on the environment. Our approach considers the temporary settlements and the extraction points of different raw materials such as salt, clay and flint, built near these sources with the purpose of assuring a more efficient exploitation. We reviewed the different estimates made by specialists accompanied by our observations on the total amount of wood necessary for building, but also for fuel and, implicitly, on the size of the harvested area, for several settlements with a well-known or an approximate number of habitation complexes. At the same time, we emphasized the estimates about the total amount of salt necessary for the human communities from settlements which had demographic estimations, and for their effectives of domestic animals (with conventional average estimates). The study advances several estimates on the size of the harvested areas, the amount of wood necessary for construction and on the salt requirements of some Pre-Cucuteni-Cucuteni-Tripolye communities from settlements with known numbers of dwellings and inhabitants.


    Otis CRANDELL1, Florentina MARI2, 3

    1 Babe-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of Biology and Geology 2 Banat Museum, Timioara

    3 "1 Decembrie 1918" University of Alba-Iulia

    Keywords: Romania, Banat, raw materials, lithic artefacts, Neolithic.

    The objective of the study was to determine the origin of several knapped lithic artefacts

    at six Late Neolithic sites near Timioara (Romania). To help determine possible sources of the raw materials which were used to produce the artefacts, the artefacts were compared to geological samples of known origin. Rock samples were collected from sources in Cara-Severin and Mehedini counties. In addition to these samples, the artefacts were also compared to rock samples in the Lithotheque of Babes-Bolyai University which came from other locations in Romania. All of the knapped lithic tools (approximately 400) were analysed macroscopically. Some were also thin sectioned for microscopic analysis.

    The artefacts or the materials used to produce them appear to have come from a variety of sources. The nearest are at least 80 to 100 km away. Some of them appear be over 500 km away. This presentation will look at the artefacts found at the sites and compare them to the


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    sources where they likely came from. Finally, we will consider the cultural implications of these discoveries.

    Acknowledgements: This study was financially supported by CNCSIS-UEFISCSU, PNII-IDEI project Nr. 2241/2008 (Romanian Ministry of Education and Research).

    Fig. 1. Overview maps. a: Neolithic sites where the artefacts were found; b: nearest raw materials sources; c: sources of high quality materials further away; d: examples of artefacts.


    Dan LESENCIUC1, Daniel CONDORACHI1, George BODI2

    1 Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iai, Faculty of Geography and Geology, ARHEOINVEST Platform 2 Institute of Archaeology of Iai

    Keywords: archaeological site, Hoiseti, Cucuteni culture, floodplain, river erosion, meandering.

    The Hoiseti archaeological site is located on a concave bank of a meander loop in the

    Bahlui floodplain. From a geomorphological point of view, floodplains are characterized by processes of river erosion, associated with depositing ones. In our case, the modelling agent is the Bahlui River, which displays in the investigated area a riverbed channel that is much meandered and in which processes of bank and in-depth erosion are present. Particularly the bank erosion induces a strong dynamic that triggers frequent horizontal movements. Therefore, these meanders are continuously adjusting to, and influenced by, the banks slope, the riverbeds sediments, the quantity of solid and liquid discharge, the rivers catchment area, land use and


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    other human activities. Alongside the meanders horizontal movement, a noticeable process is the appearance of microrelief landforms, such as islets and abandoned meanders.

    The strong meandering process in the Hoiseti area is evidenced by the presence of gooseneck meanders, evolving into self-captured meanders via strangulation. This was caused by the strong erosion of the two opposing curvatures of a loop, until its base is cut-off as a result of the loops downstream migration. As the Bahlui River evolved as part of a normal hydrographical network, at least until the middle of the 20th century when the first hydrotechnical work took place, the meandering process was quite strong, resulting in a shrinkage of the archaeological sites area. After the regularization of the rivers discharge, the lateral erosion of the concave banks was strongly diminished, resulting in significantly reduced rates of meander migration.


    Constantin HAIT

    National Museum of Romanian History, National Centere for Pluridisciplinary Researches, Bucharest

    Keywords: micromorphology, sedimentary fabric, zone of activity, anthropic activities.

    Micromorphological research involves different scales of observation, from the

    macroscopic analysis in the field, to the stereomicroscope and polarized light microscopy. Microscopic analysis is performed on thin sections of sediment and soil samples taken in

    their undisturbed and actual orientation, and previously impregnated with synthetic resin. The study is basically an observation of all sedimentary features (texture, structure,

    porosity, colour, nature of constituents, homogeneity, and degree of compaction) as to identify and rank the diagnosis features which can be attributed to the main anthropogenic, sedimentary and soil forming processes. They correspond to the interaction of the three main categories of processes that create sedimentary deposits in the archaeological context: accumulation, transformation and redistribution.

    Sedimentary strata from tell type settlements in Muntenia are characterized by a fine and complex stratigraphy and an excellent degree of conservation of mineral and organic constituents and other sedimentary features.

    The analysis of such anthropogenic deposits from the composition of the studied archaeological structures or from areas located outside, allows the interpretation of sedimentary fabrics (considered as the total organisation of the units) in terms of human activities and associated environmental conditions, as the influence of their action since the accumulation until present.

    The main types of identified sedimentary units are: - units of construction attributed to different materials prepared for the construction or

    fitting out of anthropogenic structures; - accumulation units formed in the interior of dwelling structures, in waste or transit

    areas; - units of transformation under the influence of anthropogenic or natural agents; - natural units formed under the action of physical-chemical and pedological agents. The interpretation of these sedimentary units in the micro-stratigraphic context enables

    both the understanding of human activity and the main stages in the sites evolution.


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    Elena DELEANU, Dan CRMID

    Mihai Bcescu Technical College of Flticeni

    Keywords: GIS, Cucuteni culture, salt exploitation, Thyssen polygons.

    Geographic Information System (GIS) has become a tool with multiple uses in archaeology, GIS equipment and software being capable of delivering complex geographical information. Thus, mapping information can be used in visualizing, managing and analyzing data obtained from archaeological investigations of a particular site or of a wider area. At the same time, it presents the opportunity to augment the geographical info or other various data we have on a settlement or a grave field.

    Our analysis was based on this technology, and was individually applied to some Cucutenian settlements whose exact locations (GPS coordinates) are known from previous archaeological investigations. Likewise, data from previous interdisciplinary research of the paleo-ecosystem (palynological and archaeozoological investigations), and from research which inferred the sites functions (exploitation of renewable raw materials, tool production, etc.) was used.

    We analyzed the settlements from Preuteti-Halt, Preuteti-Cetate, Hbeti, all belonging to the A phase of the Cucuteni culture, in regard to the exploitation of salt during the Neolithic. The analysis can generate, detail or complete geographical interpretations of a site, in terms of 3D mapping, topographical reality, surface orientation in relation to the Sun, hypsometric map, etc. The generated maps are then processed according to a complex site-catchment algorithm, focusing on the sites subsistence area (5 km radius-wide in the case of agricultural settlements) and the adjoining ecosystem (reconstructed from paleobotanical and archaeozoological data, soil analysis, presence of raw materials near the site, etc.).

    We then further attempt to determine the settlements boundaries, to this point arbitrarily fixed by archaeologists, by taking into account the size and the importance of the archaeological discoveries, and by dividing the area according to the Thyssen polygons model. This information is then correlated with the available archaeological data, as to allow a social interpretation of the settlement in question, that is, to determine the area of control and influence of a main central settlement over the rest from inside the polygon.


    Aurel ZANOCI, Mihail B

    State University of Moldova, Chiinu

    Keywords: fortifications, civil settlements, spatial arrangement, the Thraco-Getae.

    In the 6th - 3rd centuries BC, the area east of the Carpathians was inhabited for the most

    part by Thraco-Getae communities. Their traces are attested by several archaeological sites, particularly by civilian settlements (over 400 in number) and fortifications (about 113). In terms of topography, we notice that the settlements were not scattered, but concentrated in clusters


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    comprised of several fortifications and many open settlements. Currently, ten such clusters were identified in the above-mentioned territory. They are usually concentrated in river basins (Dniester, Prut, Rut, etc.) or at the border between the steppe and the forest-steppe.

    One such case is to be found in the Middle Dniester basin, where 27 fortifications and about 54 civil settlements were mapped (Map 1). At this moment, this seems to be the largest concentration of sites not only in the Dniester basin, but also throughout the whole area inhabited by the Thraco-Getae. The monuments are located along the banks of Dniester, both on its right and left sides, in the area between the localities of Vertiujeni (47 59' 36" North, 28 32' 24" East) in the Floreti District, and ipova (47 36' 18" North, 28 58' 46" East) in the Rezina District. If on the left bank the sites are concentrated close to the river, on the right side they are spread over a distance of up to 18 km west of the river.

    Map 1. Spreading of Thraco-Gatae sites in the Middle Dniester basin.


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    Concerning this cluster, our attention is drawn to the manner in which the fortifications were positioned. They are arranged in three defensive lines. Thus, the first one, composed of four bulwarked facilities (Racov, Caterinovca, Stroieti and Ofatini), is located on the left bank of the river and close to the water. The second is on the right bank, also near the water, and consists of ten fortifications (Vertiujeni, Japca, Curatura, Rezina, Saharna-Revichin, Saharna Mic, Saharna Mare, Saharna-La an, Saharna-Hulboaca and Buciuca). After mapping, it became apparent that the fortifications which constitute this line of defence were placed on elevated positions dominating the long, narrow lowlands which connected the riverbed with the lands to the west. The third line of defense, consisting of 13 fortifications (Cunicea, Alcedar, Glinjeni-La an, ahnui, Mateui, etc.), was situated at a distance of several kilometres from the Dniester. Most fortresses are found in the basins of the Ciorna River or of other brooks, all right-bank tributaries of the Dniester.

    Open settlements are located around the fortifications, at a distance of about 0,1 to 1,5 km from the fortified centres. We can also observe a preference for establishing civilian settlements near water sources (the Dniester, Ciorna, Coglnic, etc. rivers).

    Among the clusters of the Middle Dniester region, some smaller nests consisting of one to three fortifications (e.g. Saharna Mare, Saharna Mic, Saharna-La an) and several other civilian settlements, are observed.

    As a result of archaeological investigations conducted in a series of fortifications, it was determined that they were permanently inhabited, as attested by the remains of dwellings, ancillary buildings, sewage pits and a fairly rich and diverse archaeological inventory. At the same time, the fortresses could serve as a refuge for communities living in nearby civil settlements. This is attested, for example, at Saharna-La an, where there was a permanently inhabited small stronghold (17560 m) with a larger adjoining enclosure (307254 m) that is practically devoid of traces of habitation. Nonetheless, three open settlements were identified in the fortress environ, and, in case of necessity, the population could take refuge in the large accommodation.

    Thus, it can be inferred that the small nests represented the living space of a tribal community, and that the clusters of sites, which spreads over an area of about 600 km, can be attributed to a major Thraco-Getae polity from the Middle Dniester region.


    Timotei URSU

    Salamandra Communication, New York

    Keywords: Google Earth Pro, Dacian Sanctuaries, URTIM 2009, satellite image.

    Regular satellite-images provided by dedicated software such as Google Earth Pro are analysed using an original technique that permits pertinent results even from images with low quality. The usefulness of the procedure, which produces quality data to be used in archaeological work, was exemplified, for example, by its employment in the investigation of several archaeological sites from Romania, specifically of the Dacian sanctuaries from the Ortie Mountains, in the Southern Carpathians. An explanation of the technique follows. In batches of satellite images, with a focus range between 8 to 30 m from the soil, an intensive colour oversaturation was performed. Then, using the filters for night and day (UV and IR), the computer screen becomes a special sensor


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    which can reveal more than the limited data offered by the satellites sensors that capture information in the form of visible radiation (i.e. the spectrum of visible light reflected by Earths surface). The URTIM 2009 method produces new images on the basis of UV electromagnetic radiation (with a wavelength shorter than that of visible light) and IR radiation (with a wavelength of 0.7-300 micrometres). These wavelengths from the spectrum of sunlight, reflected by de Earths surface, will reveal traces of past human activities (structures, roads, diggings, pits) that are buried at a depth between 0.50 - 2.50 m, while at the same time ignoring some surface structures. The effect is due to the differences present in the texture of the soil, and due to the fact that all ground structures and features (soil, rocks, bottom of lakes, etc.) have distinct temperatures which will be registered as a different colour-radiation. URTIM 2009 can not differentiate between old and recent human traces, but it can offer archaeologists a useful image of the underground reality, in quadrilaterals areas (ranging from 5 x 2.7 m to 40 x 22 m). Basically, the URTIM 2009 method uses image visualisation software, translating the results to other programs for the best resolution and clarity of the pictures.

    Fig. 1. The old sanctuary made of calcar from Sarmizegetusa.


    Lucian AMON

    University of Craiova, Faculty of Social Sciences

    Keywords: Romula, fortification, topographic plan, Ghi Mnstiriceanu.

    Romula (Reca - Dobrosloveni village, Olt County) was an important urban centre of the Roman province of Dacia. According to some researchers it was the capital of Dacia Malvensis. A controversial issue concerns the location of the two Roman camps, reported and outlined at the end of the 17th century by L.F. Marsigli as existing in the eastern part of the town, but which have not yet been archaeologically identified (Fig. 1/a). Since an archaeological investigation is currently very difficult to be carried, due to the fact that area was almost entirely superposed by modern constructions, the use of a little-known topographic plan turns out to be, at the moment, the only method applicable. We are referring to the plan of the Reca estate, developed by cadastral engineer Mnstiriceanu Ghi in 1840 (Fig. 1/b). On its basis we put


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    forward an original location in the south-eastern part of the village for one of the fortifications, in an area which has not been sufficiently researched from archaeological point of view. The Roman camp seems to be of a rectangular, almost square, shape, with its sides measuring 161.40 x 144.30 m, and is located at a distance of about 407 m from the so-called city centres fortress. This fortification was the only one identified and investigated by archaeological excavations. Further investigations are needed in order to confirm this hypothesis.



    Fig. 1. The location of the fortifications from Romula in Marsiglis layout (a) and the topographical survey made by G. Mnstiriceanu (b).