Download - Find out how a project management app creates effective engagement

Page 1: Find out how a project management app creates effective engagement

Symphonical is a project management app consis-ting of digital sticky notes on a virtual wall that make it easy for users to organize and share their tasks with their team.

It is a featured Google+ Hangout app, that allows users to create notes and move them around, upload files containing tasks, add collaborators, assign responsibilities and set due dates.


Symphonical’s objectives when they began using SocialBro mainly consisted of increasing their following and awareness. They were looking for a Twitter management tool that would enable them to target the right people (those who were looking for an app like theirs) and engage with these people effectively to turn them into users of their tool.

They looked to SocialBro to help them increase the effectiveness of their engagement and reach the maxi-mum audience with their tweets.



Ultimately Symphonical is described as a tool designed to make your day-to-day activities a harmony of rhythm and flow.

Page 2: Find out how a project management app creates effective engagement


Symphonical has a range of campaigns for the different people they want to target. The aim of these campaigns is to promote their tool to entrepre-neurs. They used SocialBro’s “Discover Twitter users” tool to look for users within their database of 100M Twitter users. They used the search and filter options to narrow these down to the desired users, for example they wanted to target entrepreneurs in different countries so they filtered the search results by language. They then used filters such as custom avatar, bios containing a URL, level of Twitter activity and public profiles to find those users who are more likely to be classed as “entrepreneurs”. They could also then search for certain words in users bios e.g. industry names. When users were returned in the search results they could click each one individually to see the user’s bio and decide if they should follow them or perform mass actions for all returned users such as following, adding to a list or adding tags.

Adding tags to users allowed Symphonical to class each group of entrepreneurs by the country they are from (this came in useful for creating a Best Time to Tweet report which we will come back to later).

Symphonical targeted users they thought would be looking to use a tool like theirs. Therefore after following these users, it is likely that a large percent of them will return the follow. They then needed to engage with these people effectively to turn them into users of their tool. Part of engaging with users effectively is making sure you are targeting them with the right content and that they will see the tweets you post.



Symphonical made use of creating lists with these users which enabled them to monitor their interac-tions and tweets. They can then look for ideas on what to include in the content they will tweet about and target them with. They also used SocialBro to detect their “influential friends” who are in the same industry as themselves and would therefore be useful to monitor for the same reason.


Once they had found content to use in their tweets, they then created custom Best Time to Tweet Reports. This is where the tags they created came in useful. Creating a tag for each group of entrepre-neurs they wanted to target with different campaig-ns, enabled them to see when each group had the highest percentage of members online. They then made use of Bufferapp which has been integrated into SocialBro to automatically post the content they had chosen at the optimal times to tweet, therefore expanding their audience and ultimately their reach. Posting Tweets at optimal times not only means they have more chance of gaining users of their tool but also they have more chance of gaining favouri-tes, retweets and replies to their content which expands their reach further.

Page 3: Find out how a project management app creates effective engagement

Since using SocialBro, Symphonical has achieved their aim of increasing their following and aware-ness. They have reported an increase of 15% on the growth rate of their followers who more impor-tantly follow them because they have a genuine interest in their app. They show this by actively retweeting their tweets and visiting their website. Other than this, their specific country targeting efforts worked and they recently went viral on Twitter in Japan! :)
