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    Part II

    A Personal Finance Manager

    A Personal Finance Manager is an accounting application like Quicken or Microsoft Money that allows you to maintain Bank, Cash, Credit Cards and

    Investment accounts. You record all your deposits and expenses and the system generate many helpful reports that allow you to monitor your financial


    An accounting application comprises of many modules, each performing certain specific tasks. Thus a Personal Finance Manager is a module which

    handles Cash, Bank, Credit Cards and other financial transactions. An Inventory module records movement of inventory items. An Accounts

    Receivable module records Customer transactions, and an Accounts Payable module records supplier transactions. These modules need to talk to

    each other. For example when a customer buys some goods, the Financial Accounting module needs to reflect the monetary value of the purchase and the

    Inventory module needs to be updated with the physical movement of the items.

    Traditionally accounting applications have been developed around the client server model. The modules share a central database and are connected to

    each other with some sort of a network protocol.

    The Internet brings some very exciting possibilit ies to the traditional way of designing applications. The various modules of an accounting application

    need no longer be connected with wire. Using ASP .NET and Web Services we can design applications which can send and receive data using Internet

    and HTTP.

    In this Project, I want to show you how to build a Web Enabled Personal Finance Manager using ASP .NET web forms (we will extend this to

    incorporate Web Services later in this book). Its design is steeped in the double entry system of accounting. You can easily extend the concepts

    developed in this chapter to build other accounting modules. In fact each new module is actually a new Web Form which will be very similar to the one

    that we design here.

    Chapter 14

    The Design of the Personal Finance Manager

    The Personal Finance Manager is based on the double entry system of accounting. I will explain the relevant theory as I go along. You need to create an

    MS SQL Server database called ASPNET and install various database objects in it. Appendix A outlines the steps required to accomplish this.

    Five tables are created after executing the provided file create.sql. These are the groups, masters, tr_header, transactions and the tblSelection tables. There

    are three triggers associated with the transactions table. Two stored procedures are also created. I shall now give you an overview of the theory on which

    this application is based.


    There are four basic groups and two types in financial accounting. The groups are Assets, Liabilities, Income and Expenses and the two types are Debits

    and Credits. Each group is either of type Debit or type Credit. Assets and Expenses are Debit types and Income and Liabilities are Credit Types. The

    following table outlines the relationship between Types and Groups:

    Table 14-1 Relationship between Types and Groups


    Group Debit Credit

    Asset x

    Liability x

    Income x

    Expense x

    is that you can prepare a Balance Sheet and a Profit and Loss statement (or a cash flow statement).

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    * A Trial Balance is a report which shows all debit accounts on one side and all credit accounts on the other. The sum of all credit

    balances should always match the sum of all debit balances. The Trial Balance is the basis of preparing the Profit and Loss account and the

    Balance Sheet.

    * Subtracting all Expenses from Income derives a Profit or Loss figure.

    Thus: Profit or (Loss) = Income Expense

    * The Balance Sheet is a report, which shows Assets plus inventory on one side and Liabilities + Profit or Loss (as derived above) on the

    other. These two sides should tally.

    The Groups Table

    I have provided some predefined Groups that you can use in defining your Chart of Accounts (Appendix B). Each Master Account in your Chart of

    Accounts will specify a group to which it belongs. When you want to prepare a report like Balance Sheet or Profit and Loss, you would do a summation

    based on Groups. Thus if you want to find out the total expenditure, you would write a query as follows:

    Select sum (closing) from masters where code_category = 700.

    Here 700 is the code_category (Group) for expenditure accounts.

    You can use the Groups table as it is and we will not be doing anything further to it in this project. Here is the definition of the Groups Table:

    Table 14-2 The Groups Table

    Column Type Length Description

    id char 3 G (group) or R (reserved group)

    code_display char 30 Descriptive Name

    code_value integer Primary Value

    code_category integer Parent Group

    type char 1 A,L, I, E

    A master account must be created for each Income, Expense, Asset and Liability account that you want to use. This is called the Chart of Accounts.

    The masters table holds this information. Each master account must be associated with a group from the Groups table. You specify the Group in the

    code_category field of the masters table.

    Each account has a closing field. This field holds the closing balance of that account at any given time. This field is automatically updated by triggers

    on the transactions table. You use this field for displaying the closing balances in the Trial Balance, Profit & Loss, and the Balance Sheet. Here is the

    definition of the Masters table:

    Table 14-3 The Masters Table

    Column Type Length Descript ion

    code_value integer Ident ity Primary value

    code_display char 30 Descriptive Name

    code_category integer Group

    type char 1 A, L, I, E

    closing money Closing Balance

    opening money Opening Balance

    The Transactions Header Table

    The tr_header table records the header information for the transactions. This is information like date, narration, document number etc. The primary key

    of the tr_header is the document number (doc_no). Here is the definition of the tr_header table:


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    Id char 3 Voucher type (Bank, Sales, Purchases)

    Date datetime Voucher Date

    doc_no int Primary Key

    narr varchar 150 Narration

    ref varchar 15 Reference

    The Transactions Table

    This transaction information will be stored in the transactions table. There will be a debit and a credit transaction entry for each deposit or withdrawal.

    The primary key of the transactions table is the document number and the serial number (doc_no + sn). Here is the description of the transactions table:

    Table 14-5: The Transactions Table

    Column Type Description

    doc_no Integer Primary Key

    sr_no money Primary Key

    code_value Integer First Masters a/c debited or credited

    dr_amount money Debit Amountcr_amount money Credit Account

    posted_to Integer Second Masters a/c debited or credited

    The tr_header and the transactions tables are related on the doc_no field in each table. There exists a one to many relationship between the two tables.

    Chapter 15

    Chart of Accounts

    In this Chapter I will build a Web Form which will be responsible for maintaining the Masters table. The maintenance functionality will involve

    procedures to list, add, modify and delete master records.

    Inserting and Updating Master Records

    In Chapter 4, I introduced the p_masters stored procedure and showed how it was called from a DataGrid or a DataList. This procedure is responsible for

    both creating and updating a Master record. The parameters to this stored procedure correspond to all the fields of the Masters table. In other words all the

    fields are passed into this procedure.

    The code_value is the primary key of the Masters table. If a null code_value is passed to the procedure, it builds an insert statement with the passed

    parameters. Otherwise it uses the code_value to perform an update on the masters record with the same code_value.

    Here is the complete listing of p_masters:

    Listing 1: Stored Procedure p_masters

    If Exists (Select * From sysobjects Where id = object_id(p_masters) And sysstat & 0xf = 4)

    DROP PROCEDURE p_masters


    CREATE PROCEDURE p_masters

    @code_value integer = null,

    @code_display varchar(30),

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    @code_category integer = NULL ,

    @type char(1)= NULL,

    @opening money = 0 ,

    @closing money =0,

    @group_name varchar(30) = NULL



    This procedures creates or updates a new master record. If a null code_value is passed, a record is inserted else the record isupdated.

    Example call execute p_masters 1,Cash a/c ,604, A,0,0 */

    DECLARE @flag integer

    DECLARE @oldType as char(1)

    DECLARE @grCode_value integer

    DECLARE @grType as char(1)

    IF isnull(@code_value,0) = 0



    IF Datalength(@group_name) > 1


    Get Group Details

    SELECT @grtype = type ,

    @grCode_value = code_value

    FROM Groups

    WHERE code_display = rtrim(@group_name)




    SELECT @grtype = type ,

    @grCode_value = code_value

    FROM Groups

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    WHERE code_value = @code_category


    INSERT INTO masters(code_category,code_display,type,opening,closing)

    VALUES(@grCode_value ,@code_display,@grtype,isnull(@opening,0),isnull(@closing,0))

    IF @@ERROR != 0


    GOTO doerror






    UPDATE masters

    SET code_category = @code_category,

    code_display = @code_display,

    type = @type, dont allow update of type

    opening =@opening,

    closing =@closing

    WHERE code_value =@code_value

    IF @@ERROR != 0


    GOTO doerror



    SELECT 0

    GOTO doreturn


    RETURN 100


    RETURN 0

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    The Masters Web Form

    The Masters Web Form is the form that adds, updates and deletes rows to the Masters table. In Chapter 4, I built the Masters form, step by step and our

    last step ended on Masters2.aspx. I build a procedure call string, which could be executed to call the procedure p_masters. I did not do an actual

    procedure call but just wrote out the procedure call string to the screen. This form did not have any addition or deletion capabilities. I will now enhancethis form so that I can add, delete and update Masters records. Here is what the form looks like:

    ***Insert Figure 15-1 (15-01.tif)

    Figure 15-1.

    Masters Web Form

    This is what it looks like in Add mode:

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    ***Insert Figure 15-2 (15-02.tif)

    Figure 15-2.

    Masters Web Form in Add Mode

    ***Insert Figure 15-3 (15-03.tif)

    Figure 15-3.

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    Masters Web Form in Edit Mode

    I have discussed most of this script in Chapter 4 when I discussed Masters2.aspx. I will only discuss the additions to this form here.

    Update Logic

    The Sub Grid1_update handles the Update logic. This function is fired when the grid is in the edit mode. In Chapter4, I discussed building the SQL

    string that gets applied to the database.

    Listing 2: Grid1_update

    Sub Grid1_Update(sender As Object, e As DataGridCommandEventArgs)

    Dim sql As string

    Dim code_display As String

    Dim code_category As String

    Dim type As String

    Dim opening As String

    Dim closing As String

    Dim myTextBox As TextBox

    This is the key value: Retrieved from the DataKey, since its a read only field

    Dim code_value As string = Grid1.DataKeys.Item(E.Item.ItemIndex).ToString

    myTextBox = E.Item.FindControl(edit_name)

    code_display = mytextbox.text

    myTextBox = E.Item.FindControl(edit_group)

    code_category = mytextbox.text

    myTextBox = E.Item.FindControl(edit_type)

    type = mytextbox.text

    myTextBox = E.Item.FindControl(edit_opening)

    opening = mytextbox.text

    myTextBox = E.Item.FindControl(edit_closing)

    closing = mytextbox.text

    Now execute stored procedure

    sql = Execute p_masters + code_value + , + code_display + ,

    sql = sql + code_category + , + type + , + opening + , + closing


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    End Sub

    This SQL string is passed on to the function RunSQL that does the actual work of executing the SQL statement. Note that I extract the primary key

    (code_value) and pass it on to the procedure. The existence of a valid code_value tells the procedure to issue an Update statement. If you pass it a null

    code_value, it will issue an insert statement.

    Adding Records

    Three textboxes and one button have been added to the form. These controls reside on a Panel with id AddPanel. In the aspx form, I have added HTML

    comments to show where the section begins and ends.

    Listing 3: Insert Logic is the Form

    Add a New Account:




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    Opening Value:

    A button (id = AddShow) displays with a caption Add Account on the Web Form. Clicking on this button fires the add_show sub. This sub simply sets

    the visible property of the panel to true. Once the panel is visible, all the controls on the panel also become visible. At this point all the textboxes are

    ready for accepting user input. The insert logic is handled by the function add_click. It builds a SQL string by extracting the text properties of various

    textboxes. Here is the Sub:

    Listing 4: The add_click sub

    Sub add_click(Source As Object, E As EventArgs)

    Dim sql As string

    If acode_display.text = or acode_category.SelectedItem.Text = Then

    Response.Write(Incomplete information)

    Exit Sub

    End If

    SQL = Execute p_masters @code_value=NULL, @code_display = +

    acode_display.text + , @group_name =

    SQL = SQL + acode_category.SelectedItem.Text + , @type = NULL ,

    @opening = + aopening.text + , @closing = 0



    reset values

    acode_display.text =

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    aopening.text =

    AddPanel.visible = false


    End Sub

    Note that we are passing a NULL code_value to the procedure. This fires an insert statement. This SQL query string is passed on to the function RunSQL

    which does the actual work of executing the SQL statement.

    Delete Mode

    The delete mode is activated when the user clicks on the delete link. I simply build a delete statement and pass it on to the function RunSQL that applies

    the query against the database.

    Listing 5: Sub Grid1_delete

    Sub Grid1_delete(sender As Object, e As DataGridCommandEventArgs)

    Dim code_value As string = Grid1.DataKeys.Item(E.Item.ItemIndex).ToString

    Dim sql As string

    sql = Delete from masters where code_value = + cstr(code_value)


    End Sub

    This is a generic function, which executes a SQL Action statement against the database. The SQL query statement is passed to it as a parameter. The

    Grid1_update Sub, the Add_click Sub and the Grid1_delete Sub call this function to Update, Add or Delete a record. This function opens a connection,

    executes the query using ExecuteNonQuery and finally closes the connection. It catches ADOExceptions and other Exceptions and writes them out to the

    screen in red.

    Listing 6: Sub RunSQL

    Sub RunSql(sql as string)

    Catch Control Validator errors

    If Not page.isvalid Then

    Response.Write(Stored Procedure did not execute)


    Exit Sub

    End If


    Dim mycommand2 As New ADOCommand(sql,myConnection)




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    turn off editing

    Grid1.EditItemIndex = -1

    Message.Text = Record Updated

    Catch ex As ADOException

    SQL error

    Dim errItem As ADOError

    Dim errString As String

    For Each errItem In ex.Errors

    errString += ex.Message +


    Message.Text = SQL Error.Details follow:

    & errString

    Message.Style(color) = red

    catch myException as Exception

    Response.Write(Exception: + myException.ToString())

    Message.Style(color) = red

    End try



    End Sub

    Here is the complete code listing:

    Listing 7: Masters3.aspx

    Sub Grid1_Update(sender As Object, e As DataGridCommandEventArgs)

    Dim sql As string

    Dim code_display As String

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    Dim code_category As String

    Dim type As String

    Dim opening As String

    Dim closing As String

    Dim myTextBox As TextBox

    This is the key value: Retrieved from the DataKey, since its a read only field

    Dim code_value as string = Grid1.DataKeys.Item(E.Item.ItemIndex).ToString

    myTextBox = E.Item.FindControl(edit_name)

    code_display = mytextbox.text

    myTextBox = E.Item.FindControl(edit_group)

    code_category = mytextbox.text

    myTextBox = E.Item.FindControl(edit_type)

    type = mytextbox.text

    myTextBox = E.Item.FindControl(edit_opening)

    opening = mytextbox.text

    myTextBox = E.Item.FindControl(edit_closing)

    closing = mytextbox.text

    Now execute stored procedure

    sql = Execute p_masters + code_value + , + code_display + ,

    sql = sql + code_category + , + type + , + opening + , + closing


    End Sub

    Sub add_click(Source As Object, E As EventArgs)

    Dim sql As string

    If acode_display.text = or acode_category.SelectedItem.Text = Then

    Response.Write(Incomplete information)

    Exit Sub

    End If

    SQL = Execute p_masters @code_value=NULL, @code_display = + acode_display.text + , @group_name =

    SQL = SQL + acode_category.SelectedItem.Text + , @type = NULL ,@opening = + aopening.text + , @closing = 0

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    reset values

    acode_display.text =

    aopening.text =

    AddPanel.visible = false


    End Sub

    Sub add_show(Source As Object, E As EventArgs)

    AddPanel.visible = true

    End Sub

    Sub Grid1_delete(sender As Object, e As DataGridCommandEventArgs)

    Dim code_value As string = Grid1.DataKeys.Item(E.Item.ItemIndex).ToString

    Dim sql As string

    sql = Delete from masters where code_value = + cstr(code_value)


    End Sub



    Chart of Accounts

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    Add a New Account:

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    Opening Value:

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    Listing 8: Masters3.vb (code behind)

    Option Strict Off

    Imports System

    Imports System.Collections

    Imports System.Text

    Imports System.Data

    Imports System.Data.ADO

    Imports System.Web.UI

    Imports System.Web.UI.WebControls

    Public Class BaseClass

    Inherits System.Web.UI.Page

    Protected Grid1 as DataGrid

    Protected Message as label

    Protected acode_category as dropdownlist

    Protected AddPanel as Panel

    Dim myConnection As ADOConnection

    Dim myCommand As ADODataSetCommand

    Dim ds As New DataSet

    Dim ConnStr As String

    Dim SQL As String

    Sub Page_Load(Source As Object, E As EventArgs)

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    ConnStr = Provider=SQLOLEDB; Data Source=(local); Initial Catalog=ASPNET;User ID=sa;

    myConnection = New ADOConnection(ConnStr)

    If NOT (isPostBack)


    End If

    End Sub

    Sub ReBind()


    SQL = select m.*, g.code_display as category

    SQL = SQL + from masters m, groups g

    SQL = SQL + where m.code_category = g.code_value

    myCommand = New ADODataSetCommand(SQL, myConnection)

    use FillDataSet method of DataSetCommand to populate dataset

    myCommand.FillDataSet(ds, masters)

    Binding a Grid



    SQL = Select * from groups order by code_display

    myCommand = New ADODataSetCommand(SQL, myConnection)

    myCommand.FillDataSet(ds, groups)

    populate drop down list




    End Sub

    Sub Grid1_Edit(Sender As Object, E As DataGridCommandEventArgs)

    Grid1.EditItemIndex = E.Item.ItemIndex


    End Sub

    Sub Grid1_Cancel(Sender As Object, E As DataGridCommandEventArgs)

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    Grid1.EditItemIndex = -1


    End Sub

    Sub hidePanel()

    If AddPanel.visible = true Then

    AddPanel.visible = false

    End If

    End Sub

    Sub RunSql(sql as string)

    Catch Control Validator errors

    If NOT page.isvalid Then

    Response.Write(Stored Procedure did not execute)


    Exit Sub

    End If


    sql = Execute p_test + vkey

    Dim mycommand2 As New ADOCommand(sql,myConnection)




    turn off editing

    Grid1.EditItemIndex = -1

    Message.Text = Record Updated

    Catch ex As ADOException

    SQL error

    Dim errItem As ADOError

    Dim errString As String

    For Each errItem In ex.Errors

    errString += ex.Message +

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    Message.Text = SQL Error.Details follow:

    & errString

    Message.Style(color) = red

    catch myException as Exception

    Response.Write(Exception: + myException.ToString())

    Message.Style(color) = red

    End try



    End Sub

    End Class

    Chapter 16


    The Personal Finance manger maintains Cash, Bank or Credit Card transactions. Each transaction will always have two effects, a debit entry and a credit

    entry. Debits and Credits are applied according to some basic accounting rules. A detailed discussion of these rules is beyond the scope of this book.

    However I shall outline the rules which are relevant to creating transaction entries in the Personal Finance Manger.

    The Personal Finance Manager deals with two basic transactions deposits and withdrawals. The rules for these are summarized below:

    Table 16-1 Rules for Deposits and Withdrawals

    Transaction Debit Credit

    Deposit Bank/Cash or Credit Card Income (e.g. Salary, Interest)

    Withdrawal Expense (e.g. Rent, Utilities) Bank/Cash or Credit Card

    Inserting and Updating Transactions

    Like the masters table, I have a procedure which inserts or updates a transactions entry in the tr_header and transactions table. This is the procedure

    p_trans, the listing of which is as follows:

    Listing 1: Stored Procedure p_trans

    IF Exists (SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE id = object_id(p_trans) AND sysstat & 0xf = 4)

    DROP PROCEDURE p_trans



    @date datetime ,

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    @ref varchar(30) = NULL,

    @dr_amount money = 0,

    @cr_amount money =0,

    @posted_to integer,

    @id char(3),

    @doc_no integer = NULL,

    @narr varchar(150) = NULL


    DECLARE @ll_doc integer

    DECLARE @ret integer

    DECLARE @code_value integer

    Get the selected cash/bank account: The user makes a selection from selection.aspx

    and tblselection is updated withe the code_value

    SELECT @code_value = selection FROM tblSelection


    call with a null doc_no to insert, a valid doc_no to update

    example : exec p_trans @date=01/01/2001, @ref=test, @code_value = 1, @dr_amount = 10, @cr_amount=0, @posted_to = Salesa/c


    IF isnull(@doc_no,0) = 0



    SafeGuard: Check if tranaction with same ref# exists. If so dont insert

    SELECT @ret = count(*) from tr_header where ref = @ref

    IF @ret > 0


    raiserror (53000, 1,16)

    GOTO doerror


    SELECT @ll_doc = isnull(max(doc_no),0)+1 from tr_header

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    IF @@ERROR != 0


    GOTO doerror






    SELECT @ll_doc = @doc_no

    DELETE from transactions where doc_no = @doc_no

    IF @@ERROR != 0


    GOTO doerror


    DELETE from tr_header where doc_no = @doc_no

    IF @@ERROR != 0


    GOTO doerror




    INSERT INTO tr_header ( id, date,ref, doc_no ,narr) VALUES

    (@id, isnull(@date,getdate()),@ref, @ll_doc, @narr)

    IF @@ERROR != 0


    GOTO doerror


    INSERT INTO transactions (doc_no, dr_amount, cr_amount, code_value, sr_no,posted_to ) VALUES

    (@ll_doc, isnull(@dr_amount,0), ISNULL(@cr_amount,0), @code_value, 1 ,@posted_to)

    IF @@ERROR != 0

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    GOTO doerror


    INSERT INTO transactions (doc_no, dr_amount, cr_amount, code_value, sr_no, posted_to ) VALUES

    (@ll_doc, ISNULL(@cr_amount,0), ISNULL(@dr_amount,0), @posted_to, 2 ,@code_value)

    IF @@ERROR != 0


    GOTO doerror




    SELECT 0

    GOTO doreturn




    RETURN 0

    SELECT -100


    This procedure gets called from a DataGrid whenever a new transaction is added or an existing transaction modified. To add (insert ) a new record, you

    will pass a Null document value. In this case the procedure selects the maximum doc_no, increments it by one and stores it in the variable @ll_doc. A

    tr_header record is created with the passed parameters and with doc_no = @ll_doc. To modify (update) an existing transaction, you pass the doc_no of

    the transaction to be modified to the procedure. In this case the procedure stores the passed document number to the variable @ll_doc. It then deletes the

    transactions with this doc_no as they will again be recreated with the passed parameters. You might wonder why we have to delete and then re insert the

    records instead of using an update statement. The reason for this process is that there are triggers associated with this table, which update the closing

    balance field in the Masters table. If you modify the account of the transaction (say you want to change a posted account from Rent to Utilities), you have

    to reinstate Rent account closing balance to its state prior to the transaction as well update the closing balance of the Utilities account to reflect thistransaction. This is simple to accomplish if you delete and reinsert the transaction. The delete trigger on transactions table reinstates the Rent account to

    its original value and the insert trigger on transactions updates the closing balance figure of the Utilities account. The procedure then creates (inserts) two

    equal and opposite transactions .The doc_no field for both transactions is the number stored in the variable @ll_doc. The two Master accounts affected

    are specified by the @code_value parameter and the @posted_to parameter. The first transaction is given a sn = 1, the second 2 (thus creating the unique

    key fields). The dr_amount and the cr_amount in the first transaction is switched and made the cr_amount and the dr_amount in the second transaction. In

    this way this procedure creates an equal debit and credit transaction.

    Updating the closing balance field in the Masters table

    I have an insert, update, and delete trigger on the transaction table. Each time a record is added deleted or updated, these triggers update the closing

    balance field of the appropriate account. The advantage of this technique is that we have the closing balances ready at any point of time and our reports

    can be compiled very quickly. If I did not follow this technique, each time I have to display a report, I would have to sum the debits and credits in the

    transactions table. In a large database, where I have to add hundreds of rows, my session would time out and such an application would be impossible

    to implement. The triggers are as follows:

    Listing 2: Insert trigger on table transactions Insert_mstr

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    If Exists (SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE id = object_id(N[dbo].[insert_mstr]) AND OBJECTPROPERTY(id, NIsTrigger) = 1)

    DROP TRIGGER [dbo].[insert_mstr]


    CREATE TRIGGER insert_mstr ON transactions for insert as

    DECLARE @sql varchar(200)

    DECLARE @mtype char(1)

    DECLARE @amount money

    SELECT @mtype = masters.type

    FROM masters, inserted

    WHERE (masters.code_value = inserted.code_value)

    SELECT *

    INTO #temp

    FROM inserted

    If @mtype = A or @mtype = E


    SELECT @amount = ISNULL(#temp.dr_amount,0) ISNULL(#temp.cr_amount,0)

    FROM #temp




    SELECT @amount = ISNULL(#temp.cr_amount,0) ISNULL(#temp.dr_amount,0)

    FROM #temp



    SET closing = closing + @amount

    FROM masters, #temp WHERE (masters.code_value = #temp.code_value)


    Listing 3: The Update Trigger on table Transactions Update_mstr

    If Exists (SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE id = object_id(N[dbo].[update_mstr]) AND OBJECTPROPERTY(id, NIsTrigger) = 1)

    DROP TRIGGER [dbo].[update_mstr]

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    CREATE TRIGGER update_mstr ON transactions for update as

    DECLARE @sql varchar(200)

    DECLARE @mtype char(1)

    DECLARE @amount money

    SELECT @mtype = masters.type

    FROM masters, inserted

    WHERE (masters.code_value = inserted.code_value)

    SELECT *

    INTO #temp

    FROM inserted

    SELECT *

    INTO #t2

    FROM deleted

    If @mtype = A or @mtype = E


    SELECT @amount = ISNULL(#temp.dr_amount,0) ISNULL(#temp.cr_amount,0) ISNULL(#t2.dr_amount,0) +ISNULL(#t2.cr_amount ,0)

    FROM #temp, #t2

    WHERE #temp.code_value = #t2.code_value




    SELECT @amount = ISNULL(#temp.cr_amount,0) ISNULL(#temp.dr_amount,0) ISNULL(#t2.cr_amount,0) +ISNULL(#t2.dr_amount ,0)

    FROM #temp, #t2

    WHERE #temp.code_value = #t2.code_value


    UPDATE Masters

    SET Closing = Closing + @amount

    FROM masters, #temp WHERE (masters.code_value = #temp.code_value)

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    Listing 4: The delete trigger on table Transactions delete_mstr

    If Exists (SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE id = object_id(N[dbo].[delete_mstr]) AND OBJECTPROPERTY(id, NIsTrigger) = 1)

    DROP TRIGGER [dbo].[delete_mstr]


    CREATE TRIGGER delete_mstr ON transactions for delete as

    DECLARE @sql varchar(200)

    DECLARE @mtype char(1)

    DECLARE @mmonth char(3)

    DECLARE @amount money

    DECLARE @mstr_amount money

    SELECT @mtype = masters.type

    FROM masters, deleted

    WHERE (masters.code_value = deleted.code_value)

    SELECT *

    INTO #temp

    FROM deleted

    If @mtype = A or @mtype = E


    SELECT @amount = ISNULL(#temp.dr_amount,0) + ISNULL(#temp.cr_amount,0)

    FROM #temp




    SELECT @amount = ISNULL(#temp.cr_amount,0) ISNULL(#temp.dr_amount,0)

    FROM #temp


    UPDATE Masters

    SET Closing = abs(Closing) abs(@amount)

    FROM masters, #temp WHERE (masters.code_value = #temp.code_value)

  • 8/9/2019 Finance Manager Application



    Discussion on the triggers

    MS SQL Server maintains a inserted and a deleted table which is used with triggers. An inserted table is a SQL Server table, which holds the

    inserted values in case of an insert statement or the updated values in case of an Update statement. A deleted table is an MS SQL Server table that

    holds the Original values in case of an Update statement or the deleted value in case of a Delete statement. These tables have the same fields as thetable it references, which in this case is the transactions table. We can join the inserted or deleted table with the any other table. This is the process that

    the trigger follows on an Insert, Update and Delete.

    * Each of these triggers looks at the type (i.e. A, L, I, E).

    * If the Masters type is a debit type (i.e. A or E) the formula for the closing balance is:

    Closing balance = dr_amount-cr_amount

    * If the type is credit and the formula for the closing balance is:

    Closing balance = cr_amount dr_amount

    Action Trigger Formula for updating Masters closing balance

    Insert insert_mstr For A, E: closing + inserted.dr_amount -


    For I, L:closing + inserted.cr_amount -


    Update update_mstr A, E:closing + ( inserted.dr_amount -

    inserted.cr_amount) - (deleted.dr_amount deleted.cr_amount)

    I,L :closing + ( inserted.cr_amount -

    inserted.dr_amount) - (deleted.cr_amount deleted.dr_amount)

    Delete delete_mstr For A, E: closing + deleted.dr_amount -


    For I, L : closing + deleted.cr_amount -


    Transaction Maintenance

    Transaction maintenance involves adding, modifying and deleting transactions. This implementation comprises of two Web Forms, one Code-Behind

    form and one Stored Procedure. These are:

    1. The Selection Web Form (selection.aspx)

    2. The Transactions Web Form (transactions.aspx) and the Code-Behind form (transactions.vb)

    3. Stored Procedure (p_trans)

  • 8/9/2019 Finance Manager Application


    The Selection Form

    The Selection form is a simple form which displays a DropDownList of all the Bank/Cash or Credit Card master accounts defined in the system. The user

    chooses the appropriate financial account that he wants to work with and clicks on a submit button. This takes him to the Transactions web form where

    the actual processing takes place.

    This is what the selection form looks like:

    ***Insert Figure 16-1 (16-01.tif)

    Figure 16-1.

    The Selection Form.

    Listing 5: The Selection form

    Dim myConnection As ADOConnection

    Dim myCommand As ADODataSetCommand

    Dim ds As New DataSet

    Dim ConnStr As String

    Dim SQL As String

  • 8/9/2019 Finance Manager Application


    Sub Page_Load (Source As Object, E As EventArgs)

    ConnStr = Provider=SQLOLEDB; Data Source=(local); Initial Catalog=ASPNET;User ID=sa;

    myConnection = New ADOConnection(ConnStr)

    IF NOT (isPostBack)


    End If

    End Sub

    Sub SubmitBtn_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)

    End Sub

    Sub ReBind()


    SQL = Select * from masters where code_category in (604,605) order by code_display

    myCommand = New ADODataSetCommand(SQL, myConnection)

    use FillDataSet method of DataSetCommand to populate dataset

    myCommand.FillDataSet(ds, Masters)



    End Sub

    Financial Account Selection

    Select Cash or Bank Account:

    The Selection Form presents a DropDownList of all the Cash, Bank or Credit Card accounts defined in the system (i.e. Master accounts with

    code_category of 604 or 605). This form posts to the Transactions form and in the page_load event of this form, the passed code_value is extracted.

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    The Transaction Form

    The transactions web form is simi lar to the Masters web form. It allows users to add and modify records. The Add functionality is provided by text

    boxes, residing on a panel which is made visible when the Add Button is clicked. A DataGrid implements the modify functionality.

    This is what the form looks like:

    ***Insert Figure 16-2 (16-02.tif)

    Figure 16-2.

    The Transactions Form.

    This is what it looks like in Add mode:

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    ***Insert Figure 16-3 (16-03.tif)

    Figure 16-3.

    The Transactions Form in Add mode.

    Lets see how the code works:

    Page_load Event

    The page load event creates a new connection to the database. It then extracts the code_value passed to it from the Selection Form and stores it into thevariable code. This is the primary key of the masters record selected by the user. It then calls the UpdateSelection function with this value.

    Listing 6: Transactions.aspx Page_load Event

    Sub Page_Load(Source As Object, E As EventArgs)

    ConnStr = Provider=SQLOLEDB; Data Source=(local); Initial Catalog=ASPNET;User ID=sa;

    myConnection = New ADOConnection(ConnStr)

    IF NOT (isPostBack)

    Dim code As string, display as string

    code = Request.Form(Selection)

    title.text = code

    IF code = Then


    End If

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    End If

    End Sub

    The Update Selection Function

    The TblSelections table contains a single column called selection. The code_value of the account selected by the user is stored here. This value will

    later be used in the function ReBind to bind the DataGrid. Here is the script of the function:

    Listing 7: Sub UpdateSelection

    Sub UpdateSelection(vselection)

    sql = delete from tblSelection

    sql = sql + insert into tblSelection(selection)

    sql = sql + values( + vselection + )


    End Sub

    The Rebind Function

    The rebind function binds the DataGrid to a SQL query, first at the Page_load and then whenever the Data Changes and the Grid needs to be refreshed.

    This is the script of the function:

    Listing 8: Sub ReBind

    Sub ReBind()

    Dont get cash or bank transactions as we are making a cash/bank book here

    code_category 604 = cash, 605 = bank


    SQL = select m.code_value,m.code_display,t.*, h.* ,

    sql = sql + (select code_display from masters where code_value = t.posted_to) as posted_display

    sql = sql + from tr_header h,transactions t, masters m

    sql = sql + where t.doc_no = h.doc_no

    sql = sql + and m.code_value = t.code_value

    sql = sql + and m.code_category in (604,605)

    sql = sql + and m.code_value = (select selection from tblSelection)

    myCommand = New ADODataSetCommand(SQL, myConnection)

    use FillDataSet method of DataSetCommand to populate dataset

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    myCommand.FillDataSet(ds, transactions)

    Binding a Grid



    populate account(add mode) selection drop down list

    SQL = Select * from masters

    myCommand = New ADODataSetCommand(SQL, myConnection)

    myCommand.FillDataSet(ds, masters)



    addshow.visible = true


    End Sub

    Notice how the code_value is extracted from the TblSelection table in the last line of the query:

    sql = sql + and m.code_value = (select selection from tblSelection).

    The UpdateSelection function had previously inserted the selected code_value in the table TblSelection. This function populates an

    ADODataSetCommand with the SQL query and the FilldataSet method of the DataSetCommand populates the transactions table of the DataSet with

    the rows existing in the DataSetCommand. The DataGrid Grid1 is then bound to the default view of the transactions table of the dataset. The addshow

    button is made visible. Clicking on this button in turn makes the Panel visible and the user can then add a transaction.

    The Add Mode

    When the addshow button is clicked, the add_show sub is fired. This sub simply sets the visible property of the Panel AddPanel to visible. This in

    turn makes all the controls residing on this panel visible.

    Listing 9: Sub add_show

    Sub add_show(Source As Object, E As EventArgs)

    AddPanel.visible = true

    End Sub

    The input controls for the Insert mode have been marked in transactions.aspx within HTML comments blocks Insert Logic Starts and Insert Logic

    ends. Each control has an associated id property, which will be used later to refer to the control. There is a required field validator attached to the Date

    and ref. The ref needs to be a unique field. The stored procedure p_trans, which gets called when a transaction needs to be added to the database,checks if this field is unique. If not, the procedure will not do anything and return an error condition. The add_click button is fired when the user clicks on

    the submitDetails_button. This Sub builds a SQL execute query and passes it on to the RunSql function, which in turn executes it. Here is the script for

    the add_click button:

    Listing 10: Sub add_click

    Sub add_click(Source As Object, E As EventArgs)

    Dim sql As string

  • 8/9/2019 Finance Manager Application


    sql = Execute p_trans @date = + adate.text + ,@ref= + aref.text + , @dr_amount =

    sql = sql + adr_amount.text + ,@cr_amount = + acr_amount.text + , @posted_to = + aposted_display.SelectedItem.value + ,

    sql = sql + @id = RPT, @doc_no = NULL + , @narr= + anarr.text +




    End Sub

    The hidePanel function simply hides the panel (by setting its visible property to 0) and sets the values of all the textboxes to .

    The Update Mode

    The DataGrid goes into an edit mode when the edit link is clicked. The user makes the appropriate changes and clicks on the OK link. This fires

    off the Grid1_update function. The Primary Key value and other text boxes values are extracted and a SQL procedure call string is built. This string is

    passed onto the RunSQL function, which makes the actual procedure call.

    Listing 11: Sub Grid1_Update

    Sub Grid1_Update(sender As Object, e As DataGridCommandEventArgs)

    Dim sql As string

    Dim vdate As String

    Dim ref As String

    Dim code_value As String

    Dim dr_amt As String

    Dim cr_amt As String

    Dim posted_display As String

    Dim id As String

    Dim narr As String

    Dim myTextBox As TextBox

    This is the key value: Retrieved from the DataKey, since its a read only field

    Dim doc_no as string = Grid1.DataKeys.Item(E.Item.ItemIndex).ToString

    myTextBox = E.Item.FindControl(edit_date)

    vdate = left(trim(mytextbox.text), 10)

    myTextBox = E.Item.FindControl(edit_ref)

    ref = trim(mytextbox.text)

    myTextBox = E.Item.FindControl(edit_dr_amt)

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    dr_amt = trim(mytextbox.text)

    myTextBox = E.Item.FindControl(edit_cr_amt)

    cr_amt = trim(mytextbox.text)

    myTextBox = E.Item.FindControl(edit_posted_display)

    posted_display= trim(mytextbox.text)

    myTextBox = E.Item.FindControl(edit_narr)

    narr = trim(mytextbox.text)

    Now execute stored procedure

    response.write(vdate+ ref + dr_amt + cr_amt + posted_display + narr)

    sql = Execute p_trans @date = + vdate + ,@ref= + ref + , @dr_amount =

    sql = sql + dr_amt + ,@cr_amount = + cr_amt + , @posted_to = + posted_display + ,

    sql = sql + @id = RPT, @doc_no = + doc_no + , @narr= + narr+



    End Sub

    Function RunSql

    This is a generic function, which executes a SQL Action statement against the database. This is the same function that we discussed in relation to the

    Masters Web Form and the code is exactly the same.

    The Delete Mode

    I have specified a ButtonColumn with the CommandName = Delete with the following tags: . In the DataGrid Tag, I have specified the OnDeleteCommand to fire the Grid1_delete function. This function gets

    fired each time the user clicks on the delete hyperlink. The Grid1_delete function sends a SQL delete query to the RunSql function, which deletes all

    tr_header and tranactions records with the clicked doc_no.

    Sub Grid1_delete(sender As Object, e As DataGridCommandEventArgs)

    Dim doc_no As string = Grid1.DataKeys.Item(E.Item.ItemIndex).ToString

    Dim sql As string

    sql = Delete from transactions where doc_no = + cstr(doc_no)

    sql = sql + Delete from tr_header where doc_no = + cstr(doc_no)



    End Sub

    Here is the complete code listing:

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    Listing 13: transactions.aspx

    Sub Grid1_Update(sender As Object, e As DataGridCommandEventArgs)

    Dim sql As string

    Dim vdate As String

    Dim ref As String

    Dim code_value As String

    Dim dr_amt As String

    Dim cr_amt As String

    Dim posted_display As String

    Dim id As String

    Dim narr As String

    Dim myTextBox As TextBox

    This is the key value: Retrieved from the DataKey, since its a read only field

    Dim doc_no as string = Grid1.DataKeys.Item(E.Item.ItemIndex).ToString

    myTextBox = E.Item.FindControl(edit_date)

    vdate = left(trim(mytextbox.text), 10)

    myTextBox = E.Item.FindControl(edit_ref)

    ref = trim(mytextbox.text)

    myTextBox = E.Item.FindControl(edit_dr_amt)

    dr_amt = trim(mytextbox.text)

    myTextBox = E.Item.FindControl(edit_cr_amt)

    cr_amt = trim(mytextbox.text)

    myTextBox = E.Item.FindControl(edit_posted_display)

    posted_display= trim(mytextbox.text)

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    myTextBox = E.Item.FindControl(edit_narr)

    narr = trim(mytextbox.text)

    Now execute stored procedure

    response.write(vdate+ ref + dr_amt + cr_amt + posted_display + narr)

    sql = Execute p_trans @date = + vdate + ,@ref= + ref + , @dr_amount =

    sql = sql + dr_amt + ,@cr_amount = + cr_amt + , @posted_to = + posted_display + ,

    sql = sql + @id = RPT, @doc_no = + doc_no + , @narr= + narr+



    End Sub

    Sub add_click(Source As Object, E As EventArgs)

    Dim sql As string

    sql = Execute p_trans @date = + adate.text + ,@ref= + aref.text + , @dr_amount =

    sql = sql + adr_amount.text + ,@cr_amount = + acr_amount.text + , @posted_to = + aposted_display.SelectedItem.value + ,

    sql = sql + @id = RPT, @doc_no = NULL + , @narr= + anarr.text +




    End Sub

    Sub add_show(Source As Object, E As EventArgs)

    AddPanel.visible = true

    End Sub

    Sub Grid1_delete(sender As Object, e As DataGridCommandEventArgs)

    Dim doc_no As string = Grid1.DataKeys.Item(E.Item.ItemIndex).ToString

    Dim sql As string

    sql = Delete from transactions where doc_no = + cstr(doc_no)

    sql = sql + Delete from tr_header where doc_no = + cstr(doc_no)



    End Sub

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    Transactions for Account #




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  • 8/9/2019 Finance Manager Application


    Add a New Transaction:

    Date (Required):


  • 8/9/2019 Finance Manager Application


    Reference (Required/ must be unique):


    Account Posted To:


    Deposit Amount:

    Payment Amount:

  • 8/9/2019 Finance Manager Application


    Listing 14: Transactions.vb (code behind)

    Option Strict Off

    Imports System

    Imports System.Collections

    Imports System.Text

    Imports System.Data

    Imports System.Data.ADO

    Imports System.Web.UI

    Imports System.Web.UI.WebControls

    Public Class BaseClass

    Inherits System.Web.UI.Page

    Protected Grid1 as DataGrid

    Protected Message as label, title as label

    Protected aposted_display as dropdownlist, selection as dropdownlist

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    Protected AddPanel as Panel

    Protected adate as TextBox, aref as TextBox, adr_amount as TextBox

    Protected acr_amount as TextBox , anarr as TextBox

    Protected addshow as button

    Dim myConnection As ADOConnection

    Dim myCommand As ADODataSetCommand

    Dim ds As New DataSet

    Dim ConnStr As String

    Dim SQL As String

    Sub Page_Load(Source As Object, E As EventArgs)

    ConnStr = Provider=SQLOLEDB; Data Source=(local); Initial Catalog=ASPNET;User ID=sa;

    myConnection = New ADOConnection(ConnStr)

    If NOT (isPostBack)

    Dim code As string, display as string

    code = Request.Form(Selection)

    title.text = code

    If code = Then


    End If



    End If

    End Sub

    Sub ReBind()

    Dont get cash or bank transactions as we are making a cash/bank book here

    code_category 604 = cash, 605 = bank


    SQL = select m.code_value,m.code_display,t.*, h.* ,

    sql = sql + (select code_display from masters where code_value = t.posted_to) as posted_display

    sql = sql + from tr_header h,transactions t, masters m

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    sql = sql + where t.doc_no = h.doc_no

    sql = sql + and m.code_value = t.code_value

    sql = sql + and m.code_category in (604,605)

    sql = sql + and m.code_value = (select selection from tblSelection)

    myCommand = New ADODataSetCommand(SQL, myConnection)

    use FillDataSet method of DataSetCommand to populate dataset

    myCommand.FillDataSet(ds, transactions)

    Binding a Grid



    populate account(add mode) selection drop down list

    SQL = Select * from masters

    myCommand = New ADODataSetCommand(SQL, myConnection)

    myCommand.FillDataSet(ds, masters)



    addshow.visible = true


    End Sub

    Sub Grid1_Edit(Sender As Object, E As DataGridCommandEventArgs)

    Grid1.EditItemIndex = E.Item.ItemIndex


    End Sub

    Sub Grid1_Cancel(Sender As Object, E As DataGridCommandEventArgs)

    Grid1.EditItemIndex = -1


    End Sub

    Sub RunSql(vsql as string)

    Catch Control Validator errors

    If NOT page.isvalid Then

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    Response.Write(Stored Procedure did not execute)


    Exit Sub

    End If


    sql = Execute p_test + vkey

    Dim mycommand2 As New ADOCommand(vsql,myConnection)




    turn off editing

    Grid1.EditItemIndex = -1

    Catch ex As ADOException

    SQL error

    Dim errItem As ADOError

    Dim errString As String

    For Each errItem In ex.Errors

    errString += ex.Message +


    Message.Style(color) = red

    Response.Write(DataBase Error : + errString)

    catch myException as Exception

    Response.Write(Exception: + myException.ToString())

    Message.Style(color) = red


    message.text = vsql

    End try

    End Sub

    Sub hidePanel()

    If AddPanel.visible = true Then

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    AddPanel.visible = false

    reset values

    adate.text =

    aref.text =

    adr_amount.text =

    acr_amount.text =

    anarr.text =

    End If

    End Sub

    Sub UpdateSelection(vselection)

    sql = delete from tblSelection

    sql = sql + insert into tblSelection(selection)

    sql = sql + values( + vselection + )


    End Sub

    End Class

    Chapter 17


    The Trial Balance

    The Trial Balance is the main accounting report and is the bases of all other Financial reports like the Balance Sheet, the Profit and loss and the Cash

    Flow statement. This report presents the closing balance of all master accounts in a tabular layout with all debit accounts on one side and all credit

    accounts on the other. The Acid test that all our transactions are correct is that the Trial Balances debits and credits should match.

    This is what the Trial Balance Web Form looks like:

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    ***Insert Figure 17-1 (17-01.tif)

    Figure 17-1.

    The Trial Balance.

    The Trial Balance Web Form comprises of two DataGrids. The first gets the detail rows of the trial balance and is bound to the following query:

    SELECT code_display, closing,

    dr_amount = CASE type

    WHEN A THEN closing

    WHEN E THEN closing

    ELSE 0


    cr_amount = CASE type

    WHEN I THEN closing

    WHEN L THEN closing

    ELSE 0


    FROM Masters

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    I need to show debits and credits in two separate columns, hence using a case statement I segregate the debits and credits. Remember that Assets and

    Expenses are of type debit and Liabilities and Income are of type credit. The second grid displays the Grand Total of all debits and credits. This is

    bound to the following SQL query:

    SELECT Total as nothing,

    (Select sum(closing) From masters where type in(A,'E)) as dr_total ,

    (Select sum(closing) From masters where type in(I,'L)) as cr_total

    Here is the complete code listing:

    Listing 1: TrialBalance.aspx

    Dim myConnection As ADOConnection

    Dim myCommand As ADODataSetCommand

    Dim ds As New DataSet

    Dim ConnStr As String

    Dim SQL As String

    Sub Page_Load(Source As Object, E As EventArgs)

    ConnStr = Provider=SQLOLEDB; Data Source=(local); Initial Catalog=ASPNET;User ID=sa;

    myConnection = New ADOConnection(ConnStr)

    If NOT (isPostBack)


    End If

    End Sub

    Sub ReBind()


    sql = SELECT code_display, closing,

    sql = sql + dr_amount = CASE type WHEN A THEN closing WHEN E THEN closing ELSE 0 END,

    sql = sql + cr_amount = CASE type WHEN I THEN closing WHEN L THEN closing ELSE 0 END

    sql = sql + From Masters

    myCommand = New ADODataSetCommand(SQL, myConnection)

  • 8/9/2019 Finance Manager Application


    use FillDataSet method of DataSetCommand to populate dataset

    myCommand.FillDataSet(ds, Masters)

    Binding a Grid




    sql = SELECT Total as nothing ,

    sql = sql + (Select sum(closing) From masters where type in(A,'E)) as dr_total ,

    sql = sql + (Select sum(closing) From masters where type in(I,'L)) as cr_total

    myCommand = New ADODataSetCommand(SQL, myConnection)

    myCommand.FillDataSet(ds, totals)

    Binding a Grid



    End Sub

    Trial Balance



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  • 8/9/2019 Finance Manager Application


    BorderWidth=1px BorderStyle=Solid BorderColor=Tan

    CellPadding=2 CellSpacing=0

    Font-Name=Verdana Font-Size=8pt>

  • 8/9/2019 Finance Manager Application


    In this Project, I took a traditional client server application and revamped it for the web. Applications that work off the web offer significant advantages

    over their client server brethren. Our Accounting product is totally wireless. You dont need to lay out network cables to connect it to the database. We

    will soon incorporate web services in our application. We can then harness the full power of web as well as that of a client -server product.

    I like keeping my Web Forms very thin, and do most of the processing work at the backend. You will note that I have relegated most of the script

    processing to stored procedures and triggers. Indeed such an application as described here would not be possible without harnessing the power of the
