Download - Finals@ Quiz at Pragati 2014




You should knowQM is Rajanikanth..Mind It!!!!!!No animals were hurt during the making of the Quiz (except for a Panda may be)..

RoundsWhy You Make No Sense-The Written RoundBouncing Questions Pouncing Quizzers IList BanaoBouncing Questions Pouncing Quizzers II

The Written Round

There are five clues.

Each of them talks about a flaw in each video game.

Id each game.

Bonus +5 for getting a full house.

ExampleCan break bricks with his head

dies when touches a turtle


1.Has an arsenal of nine different weapons

uses a crowbar to save the earth

2.Survives a drop from outer space.

Dies when falls 10 feet

3. Genetically improved to be a perfect assassin with inhuman training since birth..

Cant jump.

4. Gets shot in the head.

take some painkillers and keep going

5. Punches an empty police car in the middle of nowhere.

The police knows immediately


1.Has an arsenal of nine different weapons

uses a crowbar to save the earth


2.Survives a drop from outer space.

Dies when falls 10 feet


3. Genetically improved to be a perfect assassin with inhuman training since birth..

Cant jump.


4. Gets shot in the head.

take some painkillers and keep going


5. Punches an empty police car in the middle of nowhere.

The police knows immediately

5. GTA Vice City

Bouncing QuestionsPouncing Quizzers I

Rules.20 Question on Infinite Bounce and Limited Pounce.Infinite Bounce- +10/0Limited Pounce- +15/-108 Pounces

1.X is historically a holiday declared in honour of ______ rights. Although X started in The United States, its observance in the US is notably absent. In America the first Monday in September celebrated as ______ Day".

The picture along side is a Stamp to commemorate X.

What is X?

X- May DayThe blank is Labor

2.TheX theoryexisted from the 1950s to the 1980s. It was promoted at times by theUnited Statesgovernment to explain the spread of communism. US speculated that if one state in a region came under the influence ofcommunism then the surrounding countries will see the fall of the existing government one by one and rise of communism. The US feared if the communist succeeded in taking over the whole of Indochina then local groups would then have the encouragement, material support and momentum to take overBurma,Thailand,Malayaand Indonesia one by one in a linear sequence.


Domino Theory

3.He sat in on countless legendary recordingsHe was Sinatra's right-hand manPlayed with some of the biggest names in rock 'n rollHe was there at CBGB's in '78The Sunset Strip at '81And been on tour since '66And he's still going strong today.......His name is __________ ___________

FITB /Who is He?


4.Which word/expression was the word of the year 2001 according to the American Dialect Society?


5.The description of the book reads as..Instead of fairy godmothers, theres Siri. And rather than big bad wolves, there are creepy dudes on OkCupid.


6.Easy stuffs.Connect(Be Specific)Ram ____ _____Peoples Mandate ____ _____Golden Jubilee ____ _____India Shining ____ _____Indias Safety _____ _____Peoples awareness/opinion ____ _____

LK Advani Rath Yatra

7.David J. Bradley was one of the 12 engineers who worked on the original X PC, developing the computer's ROM BIOS code. He holds seven U.S. Patents. In 1984 he helped manage development of the Personal System 2 Model 30. In 1993 he was manager of architecture in the PC group. But he is more famous for creating a very popular thing.

What was the company X? And what is he famous for creating?

X- IBMHe is famous for creating the crtl+alt+del command


8.Newlands was the first person to devise a periodic table ofelementsarranged in order of their relativeatomic weights. he published in 1865 his 'Law of X', which stated that "any given element will exhibit analogous behaviour to the eighth element following it in the table.Newlands arranged all of the known elements into seven groups, which he likened to theX of music


9.X is a carbonated, sweetened beverage, originally made using the _____ of the sassafras plant as the primary flavour. X, popularized in North America, comes in two forms: alcoholic and soft drink. In 1876, pharmacist Charles Hires first introduced a commercial version at the Philadelphia Centennial Exhibition. Hires was a teetotaller who wanted to call the beverage ____ tea". However, his desire to market the product to Pennsylvania coal miners caused him to call his product X instead. By 1893, X was sold as a bottled soft drink to the public. Especially during Prohibition, non-alcoholic versions proved to be commercially successful.

Id this well-known American drink.

Root Beer

10.X was the fifth choice for the role. The relatively unknown actor was not even on the director's radar who wanted to cast Raaj Kumar. Raaj Kumar declined because he disliked the smell of the dirctor's preferred brand of hair oil. Dharmendra was then offered the role but had no dates to give. Dev Anand was approached but dropped because he wanted sing his own songs. Rajesh Khanna was asked but didn't want to play against his romantic hero type. The director was in despair when Pran, suggested he check out the actor X.

ID X and the Movie???

X-Amitabh BachchanZanjeer

11.X is a fictional city in the Ambrose Bierce short story "An Inhabitant of X" (1891). In Bierce's story, the ancient and mysterious city is barely described, and is viewed only in hindsight (after its destruction) by a character who once lived there.The city was later used more extensively in Robert W. Chambers' book of horror short stories published in 1895 entitled The King in Yellow.Along the shore the cloud waves break, The twin suns sink behind the lake, The shadows lengthen In X.

Strange is the night where black stars rise,And strange moons circle through the skies, But stranger still is Lost X.

Songs that the Hyades shall sing, Where flap the tatters of the King, Must die unheard in Dim X.

Song of my soul, my voice is dead, Die thou, unsung, as tears unshed Shall dry and die in Lost X.

"Cassilda's Song" in The King in Yellow Act 1, Scene 26.Id X and tell me what Pop-Culture reference does this have?

X- Carcosa. Carcosa is reference from True Detective.

12. ID X (the brand)X

X Plus

Sandhi Sudha

13.X: A Personal Voyage is a thirteen-part television series written by Y, Ann Druyan, and Steven Soter, with Y as presenter. It covers a wide range of scientific subjects, including the origin of life and a perspective of our place in the universe.The series was first broadcast by the Public Broadcasting Service in 1980, and was the most widely watched series in the history of American public television. As of 2009, it was still the most widely watched PBS series in the world. A book was also published to accompany the series.The New York Times described it as "a watershed moment for science-themed television programming".X: A Spacetime Odyssey is a 2014 American science documentary television series. The show is a follow-up to the 1980 television series X: A Personal Voyage.The show is presented by astrophysicist Z, who was inspired by Y as a young college student. Among the executive producers are Seth MacFarlane, and Ann Druyan, Ys widow and a co-creator of the original series.As a science communicator, Z regularly appears on television, radio, and various other media outlets. Hes an internet sensation and has also appeared in TBBT. He is also known for a major change in how we now see the solar system.Id X, Y and Z.

X- COSMOSY- Carl SeganZ- Neil deGrasse Tyson

14.The phrase which comes directly from needing to literally know the complex network ofpulleys and ropesthat controlled a ships sails. Being able to tie the proper knot and pull the correct rope to open or close a sail wasimportant know-howfor any sailor.The phrase today means becoming familiar with something which needs to be done.

The phrase please???

Learn the ropes

15.This is the very first model of a famous automobile giant. The model is P1 and was found in a shed in Austria. The founder of the company said to have made this model in 1898.Id the company.


16.The word X comes from theSanskritword for womb and so implies gestation or pregnancy - life.

The rings of dancers in X revolve in cycles, as time inHinduismis cyclical. As the cycle of time revolves, from birth, to life, to death and again to rebirth, the only thing that is constant is the Goddess, that one unmoving symbol in the midst of all of this unending and infinite movement. The dance symbolizes that God, represented in feminine form in this case.

ID X???


17.The X are a genus, Oxyuranus, of large, fast-moving and highly venomous Australasian snakes of the elapid family. The Xs are considered some of the most deadly known snakes.The name, X, was coined by anthropologist Donald Thomson after the word used by the Wik-Mungkan Aboriginal people of central Cape York Peninsula, Queensland, Australia. Another source says the name comes from X which in Cantonese Chinese literally means 'top class', or 'big shot as it is the deadliest snake on the planet.

What is the name of this snake?


18. Connect

Computer Programming Language

19.This is an exert from HT Brunch written by Rajiv Makhni.A new phrase has been born: X! The act of being X will be felt heavily by a company that rejects a person and then goes to pay a kings ransom to the same rejectee.

What is X or who is being talked about?

X - ActonedBrian Acton co-founder of WhatsApp.

20.ThePhiladelphia Museum of Artis among the largestart museumsin the United States.It has collections of more than 227,000 objects that include "world-class holdings of European and American paintings, prints, drawings, and decorative arts". Other than that it is also famous for something other than the art objects, which is outside the building, due to a role it played to a project in 1976.Since then it has been synonymous with the 1976 project and its sequels. (Aerial View on the next slide if all teams agree)

Why is the Museum famous?

Rocky Steps

List Banao..

Rules-The following list has 13 entries exhaustive list+3 for every correct entryTotal +40 for full house(13*3=39 + 1 bonus)

List OfAll The UEFA Champions League Runners Up(since its inception in 1992-93).

Here It goes..AC MilanBarcelonaAjax AmsterdamJuventusBayern MunichValenciaBayer LevekuersonAS MonacoArsenalLiverpoolChelsea Manchester UnitedBorussia Dortmund

Bouncing QuestionsPouncing Quizzers II

Rules-20 Questions on Infinite Bounce and Limited PounceInfinite Bounce- +10/0Limited Pounce- +15/-108 Pounces


Connect them to the year 2014.

All of them have sang songs that are being used by various parties in the 2104 Lok Shabha elections.

Billy Joels we didnt start the fire is borrowed by Samajwadi Party.Sukhvinder Singh has sung of BJP.Shaan for Congress.Kailash Kher for AAP.

2.Given is a video of the entrance of CM Punk. Now he shouts out a catchphrase which is the catchphrase of a famous comic book/cartoon character.The character and the catchphrase

ThingIts Clobberin Time

3.Connect these to an infamous character. (two more makes this list exhaustive)


The list is the names of episodes of season 1.

ApritifAmuse-BouchePotageufCoquillesEntreSorbetFromageTrou NormandBuffet FroidRtiRelevsSavoureux

4The wordXis usually translated by Aboriginal Australians today as "devil" or "evil spirit. is a large mythicalcreaturefromAboriginal mythology, said to lurk inswamps, billabongs, creeks, riverbeds, andwaterholes. However, the X appears to have formed part of traditional Aboriginal beliefs and stories throughout Australia, although its name varied according to tribal nomenclature.

We however also know X as a 3 toed hominid with its habitat in Africa.


X in an illustration in 1890


5.Id the two songs from the minimalist posters.

6.Incomputer science, theX problemis ananti-patternthat occurs when a programmer has to read and understand a program whoseinheritance graphis so long and complicated that the programmer has to keep flipping between many different class definitions in order to follow the control flow of the program. It often happens inobject-oriented programming. The term X comes from comparing the up and down bouncing attention of the programmer.

ID X..

Yo-Yo Problems

7.Id all the famous musicians.



Elvis PresleyJimi HendrixKissMichael Jackson

8.According toHindu mythology,Apasmrawas a dwarf who represented ignorance and epilepsy. In order to preserve knowledge in the world, Apasmra could not be killed; to do so would throw out the balance of knowledge and ignorance, as to kill Apasmra would mean attaining knowledge without effort, dedication and hard work. Consequently this would lead to the devaluing of knowledge in all forms. So Lord Shiva subdued Apasmra.

Where do we see Apasmara today/How did Lord Shiva subdue Apasmara??

Pic on the next slide.

Under the Foot of Nataraj

9.Id the person speaking and tell me on what event/incident?

Orsen Welles apologies for the his live broadcast of the H.G. Wells classic novel War of the Worlds.

10.Jan Rose Kasmir (born in 1950)was a former massage therapist and is currently working on her autobiography. She is famous to have appeared in a photograph which has been described by the Smithsonian Magazine as "a gauzy juxtaposition of armed force and flower child innocence".

Which photograph?

Photograph next slide if all teams agree

Flower Power

11.The X, as well as its equivalent, the tarboosh, is a felt hat of two types: either in the shape of a truncated cone made of red felt, or a short cylinder made of kilim fabric, both usually with a tassel attached to the top. The tarboosh is of ancient Greek origin and the modern X, which is similar, owes much of its development and popularity to the Ottoman era.The X was developed to fashionable heights by Andalusian Moors in the city of X in Morocco, by the 17th century. Thereby giving it its name.

Id X.


12.The TV show X, adapted from the BBC show hosted by Anne Robinson, was introduced by the channel in 2002 to keep up the TRP ratings of the show that X had replaced. In spite of the initial high, the show failed. Many say that it was the rude behavior of the Host and the abuses that the host hurled at the contestants were not accepted by the audience and hence the premature demise of the show without telecasting 13 episodes of the show X which had already been shot.ID X?

Kamzor Kadi Kaun

13.Italian composer Salvatore Sciarrino composed an hour-long operatic drama called Perseo e X in 2000 which tells the story of X. In Greek mythology, X is the daughter of Cepheus, an Aethiopian king, and Cassiopeia. When Cassiopeia's hubris leads her to boast that X is more beautiful than the Nereids, Poseidon, influenced by Hades sends a sea monster, Cetus, to ravage Aethiopia as divine punishment. X is stripped and chained naked to a rock as a sacrifice to sate the monster, but is saved from death by Perseus.X is represented in the northern sky by the constellation X, which contains the galaxy X.



14.X is acounterculture erasoulsong written byNorman WhitfieldandBarrett Strong in 1969 as a protest of a certain US action. The re-recorded/ most famous version of X by Edwin Starr rose to No.1 in Billboard Hot 100 Charts in 1970. X is one of the most popular protest songs ever.

X is also featured in the movies like Rush Hour and Agent Cody Banks 2. In theSeinfeldepisodeThe Marine Biologist, Jerry convinces Elaine that a novelby Leo Tolstoy was originally called _______________, the first line of the song X.


War!What is It Good For?

15.X Party, is held at the Playboy Mansion on the first Saturday in August every year. The Party invites Athletes, A List-Celebs, RockStars. A private theme party takes place in the mansion all night long.

The party shares its name with an English play>


Midsummers Night Dream

16.The pics in the next slide shows the grips of a changeup that closely resembles aforkball and split-finger fastball.Ian Kennedy, Randy TomlinandJoe Nelson, ric Gagn, Roy Oswalt have been known to have thrown the changeup pitch.

ID the changeup?

Vulcan Changeup

17.The Mars Symbol () is a depiction of a circle with an arrow emerging from it, pointing at an angle to the upper right. In old manuscripts, it is usually interpreted as the shield and spear from the war God Mars/ Ares. The symbol has Unicode entry U+2642. One of its use is as an ancient chemistry sign for iron. This iron sign is used to symbolize the strength of iron used in this automobile company, as Sweden for its quality iron.

What is the Automobile company whose logo has been described above?

18. Connect

Stadium of Light


Who is covering the John Lennon song. Stand By Me and on what event?

Shane Watson at the opening ceremony of the IPL 2014

20.Donga(1985) Saamri (1985) and Kasam Paida Karne Wale Ki(1984) all have a certain sequence which is inspired/ripped from something iconic in the west. Which iconic thing am I talking about?

Michael Jacksons Thriller Music Video