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An AdvertsingPlan ByRyan Best

Muve is an appaggregating choreography videosand their tutorials.Dancing is art. And no one is born a da vinci.


MISSION STATEMENT Muve wantsto provide a canvas for you to create a masterpiece.

By providing a superior platformthat allows all to express themselves through movement.

Statement of IntentThe idea for Muve came from the friendship I have with my room-mate. He’s heavily invested into dance culture. He’s knowledgeable of the most popular choreographers and dance crews. He attends local lessons of his favorite crews whenever he can. He immediately shows me the latest choreography from his favorite dancers as soon as it’s posted on YouTube.

He’s been a part of the on campus dance performance for the past two years and shoots creative videos for it in his spare time. He cre-ates his own choreography for fun and can’t help but challenge me to dance battles whenever his “jam” comes on. The videos he shows me are works of art and one can’t help but think, “I wish I could do that”. Well, Muve will help you start.

The basic premise of the practical applications came from the no brainer that people are addicted to their smart phones and apps have become the accessible and comfortable extension of the us-ability of hand held web enabled devices. There’s an app for every-thing and dancing should be no exception. So I decided that my idea would take the form of an app.

The aggregating component of Muve came from the fact that my roommate was able to keep up with various choreographers so I thought why not put them all in one place; in your hand. The final component is the tutorial aspect which simply stems from me being a visual learner; I need to see someone do before I can do it and Muve will provide that.

Competitive AnalysisTrance Dance App


-create and share minute long video clips

-give (finite) number of hearts to videos each day

-direct recording from inside the app for no outside noice

-been active since 2013 and pret-ty notable

My Differentiation

-Focus on tutorial teaching aspect of the app

-locator function for local studios and choreo classes



-Video sharing website

-1 billion unique visitors each month

-Over 6 billion hours of video are watched each month on YouTube

-100 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute

My Differentiation

-A space designed uniquely for dance culture

-No other video genres to com-pete with



-Video sharing website

-100 million users

-No advertisements

-More dedicated community

My Differentiation

-A space designed uniquely for dance culture

-No other video genres to com-pete with



-video talent competition app

-everyone competes and every-one votes whether dancing or singing

-backed by Ellen DeGeneres

My Differentiation

-focus on dancing and dancing only

-video sharing for fun and notori-ety not for the sake of competi-tion

The Dance App


-5 full dance lessons from nota-ble dance choreographers and/or performers

-brings “LA dance scene to you”by making dance classes acces-sible and affordable via mobile platform

-choreographers include contes-tants from So You Think You Can Dance and America’s Best Dance Crew

My Differentiation

-locator function and social aspect

-users can post, share and like videos

My Dance App


-mobile dance hub for commerce, communication, and connections

-Receive important notifications from your studio and events

-stay up to date in the News and Trends section

-watch videos and choreography on Dancentric TV

-shop the Marketplace for the lat-est styles at the lowest prices

My Differentiation

- users can post, share and like videos

-focus on dance videos and cul-ture

Learn Hip Hop Dance


-large video library of popular dance moves

- instruction from a national-ly-known hip hop dancer

- Each dance comes with a video guide and text instructions

- Learn basic dance terminology

My Differentiation

-social aspect

-any tutorial videos specific to actual choreo videos

Bboy Step by Step


- follow the instructor as if you were in an actual dance class all for $2

- understand how to get over your fear of breakdance ‘flips and tricks’

-choreographer/instructor is 2x B-Boy World Champion, Je-romeskee

-learn music terminology from a professional drummer

My Differentiation

-free-social aspect-not specific focus on break danc-ing

Competitive Analysis

SWOT Strenghts Weakneses-Spreading notoriety of studios, chore-ographers and enthusiasts

-Focus on teaching choreography

-Focus on connecting enthusiasts with local studios

-Locater function -Accessibility

-No strong relationship dance culture icons or mainstays

-Lack of strong consumer base

-Necessary to burn through marketing budget

-Initial launch will leave Muve cash strapped for a time

-Cost of maintenance

Opportunities Threats-Partner/sponsor with popular chore-ographers

-Partner/sponsor with local studios

-Partner with dance shows such as So You Think You Can Dance

-Few quality dance apps currently in the market

-A skill lack resources to pursue

-Direct competitor Trance Dance App

-Concept easy enough to copy

-Dance tutorials are already posted onYouTube

-YouTube already has desired target audience

-Competition from local studios or even notable choreographers

ad spiralPioneeringMuve will be entering the market for the first time and potential con-sumers will need to be taught how to use the app. Ad message will detail how easy and intuitive the app is to use. Dance culture custom is to upload videos to YouTube and some choreography videos will have tutorial video posted quickly after. The need present is a sense of community and Muve needs to show it can fill it; a secondary need is a dedicated space for dancers and studios to gain notoriety. In this phase, Muve will have to develop a new custom for dance culture and demonstrate that the app is the community that choreographers and dance enthusiasts want to be a part of. Muve will have to show that posting videos on YouTube is okay but that the app is specifically de-signed for the dance community and that it’s a better option. Muve will show it is different, in the regard that it focuses on teaching others how to dance.


When Muve enters the market it will almost immediately enter the competitive phase of the ad spiral as there’s already an established competitor in the Trance dance app. In this stage Muve will have to demonstrate how it differentiates from Trance. Marketing efforts will center on Muve’s specialization on its tutorial function and its locater functionality. Muve’s brand image as co creators in the user’s master-piece will have to be emphasized as well.


At the mature stage Muve will be an established brand. Marketing ef-forts will focus on retaining current customers as it’s more expensive to pursue new consumers than to maintain current ones. Messaging will focus on the excellent customer service that Muve has and will contin-ue to provide. The mature phase is also the phase where any glitches should be fixed, and consumers will be notified at every step in order to prove how responsive and attentive Muve is as a brand.


At this stage Muve will have to reinvent itself. And the conduit through which it shall do so it utilizing motion tracking technology used in gam-ing consoles such as the Wii and Xbox’s Kinect to allow users to follow along to choreography in real time and receive correction in real time. A great tactic would be out of home advertising encouraging anyone walking by to learn a short routine of their choice.

4 P’sPriceThe app itself will be free to download. Revenue will be generated through in app advertising. To build a credible app, it will take any-where from $150,000 to $250,000; though truly clean and smooth running apps can run upwards to $500,000.

PromotionPromotion vehicles for Muve necessitate a visual element. One cannot hear or read dancing to fully appreciate it. Youtube is used by choreog-raphers to post their content; since my target market is already there I’ll make sure to spend marketing dollars there. Promotion for Muve will feature heavy event components. Dance competitions like World of Dance and Vibe are prime candidates to advertise the app. I’d also like to look into sponsorships of notable dance crews andchoreographers. Sponsorships cost money so before I’d get to that stage of marketing, I’d employ PR tactics. Getting in front of dance cul-tures is a must. Muve will engage with these influencers socially, such as continually commenting on their Twitter pages.

ProductMuve will be the app that choreographers and dancers alike turn to for inspiration and validation. The app’s bread and butter are its ag-gregate function. It will be YouTube for dance culture. Choreographers and dance enthusiasts will upload their choreography and will then be encouraged to upload a tutorial for it. The app will also feature a loca-tion function allowing dancers to find upcoming dance competitions, studios and local choreography classes. Muve will also include stand-alone lessons detailing basics for dance styles too difficult to pick up easily such as break dancing or tap dancing. Muve’s location feature will also suggest local studios to go and learn personally.

PlaceMuve will be an app debuting in iOS first as typically it’s easier to build an app for the Apple App Store than for Android. After Muve is es-tablished it will then debut upon the Android Marketplace, then the Windows Marketplce.

5 c’sCompany

I mean, so far the company is just me. And as I’m inexperienced a whole lot of things could go wrong.


I’ll depend on an app creation and development team. Since I can’t build an app I’ll be completely dependent on their expertise and that they’ll meet deadlines.


Currently, dance choreographers and enthusiasts are content with the relationship they share with YouTube. Choreography is posted on You-Tube and fans comment on it. Old habits die hard and there’s no guar-antee that both choreographers want to take the extra step of adding their choreography to another platform, and there’s no guarantee that fans will want to go to another platform to find it.


Currently YouTube is the platform of choice for choreographer-fan/en-thusiast interaction; it also doesn’t help that YouTube is the big kid on the block. Should the wish to go head to head with me it’d be an uphill battle. Trance is also another major competitor; it’s an app that allows users to watch, share and record videos. I’ll differentiate myself but it’s a given they’ll react by adding the features they don’t currently posses or by changing their marketing message to defend their position.


We’re coming out a recession so economically; the country has more money to spend. But it’s almost impossible to predict where the eco-nomic state will be in a few years. Socially, dance is respected and ad-mired, and I personally don’t see something happening that makes the masses dislike dancing as a whole.


Google Images

Consumer ProfileConumerMy consumer is males aged 18-24. They don’t make a lot of money as they’re anywhere from just entering college to leaving it; but they will always justify spending money on the weekends if means they can have a memorable adventure with friends. They’re your typical try ev-erything “at least once” kind of people. They have a passion for music best recognized when their favorite song comes on; they can’t help but sway back and forth to the beat. They haven’t danced profession-ally before but may have joined their scholastic dance troupe.

My target has always been known to have rhythm and greatly enjoyed school dances as it gave them the opportunity to try out new dance moves to different songs. In fact, due to their extrovert nature my tar-get was most likely at the center of a circle at some point during the night due to their own skill but more importantly because it allowed them to be the center of attention. They’ve seen America’s Best Dance Crew and was really impressed but never made the connection that one day they could get to that level. The extent of their forage into dance culture was looking up dance crews that featured on the show and watching a few more clips of other dance routines. After a few sea-sons they got preoccupied with life and never went back to it.

Vals CategoryMy target fits into the Experiencer category. They are typically young, full of energy and looking to live life to the fullest. They’re willing to put themselves out there as long as there’s a payoff. That willingness leads to intrinsic motivation; they’ll push themselves to be the best they can be especially if people will recognize their efforts.

They’re looking for that “experience of a lifetime”, story they’d be able to look back on with pride; a go to story they would love to share in social gatherings. My target appreciates complicated visuals that appeal to their sense of aesthetics. My target is physically active and sees spontaneity as positive trait.

Consumer ProfileMenAccording to Gfk Mri, men aged 18-24 are more likely to attend col-lege. They’ll end up in a sales or office position which makes since as immediately after college such positions are filled with individuals who have little work experience. Gentlemen in this age range make any-where from 20-60k a year, as not everyone goes to college (ie some start working right out of high school). men aged 18-24 usually watch Adult Swim and the Comedy Central.

They love to laugh and don’t mind if the humor wouldn’t be appropri-ate if children were in the room. Interestingly enough they subscribe to sports magazines just as often as they’ll subscribe to magazines focused on video games and consoles. And not surprisingly, music is a big part of their lives as they spend time reading magazines focused on music (ie Rolling Stones) as well as using websites like Spotify, Pan-dora and Itunes.

Dance StudiosAnother important “consumer” to consider is dance studios as they will have a vested interest in using the app as it could potentially bring them customers already familiar or at least interested in dance culture. Dance Studios will typically cover their operating costs with for profit lessons and by selling merchandise. Currently, they face competition by health clubs and gyms offering dance instruction as an alternative to a standard exercise regimen.

It is forecasted that by 2015 the industry would have earned 2.4 billion in revenue. The industry has no leader though well known names like Arthur Murray International and Fred Astaire Dance Studios tend to at-tract and produce serious and competitive dancers. Running a studio is expensive as it has high overhead costs and only has profit margins (ac-cording to 2014 numbers) of 8.3%. Finally, demand for dance studios are primarily driven by changes in disposable income and the amount of available leisure time.

Consumer ProfileDancers & ChoreographersAnother interest group would be dancers and choreographers. Typical-ly, many years of experience and classes are needed before they enter the industry professionally. A recent trend is that some dancers and choreographers aren’t professionally trained; in fact they’ll self teach then join a dance crew which covers costs by traveling around to per-form and entering in competitions.

Regardless, dancers need to get hired and choreographers need repu-tation in order for them to either get hired or for them to earn money due to people signing up for their choreo classes. Either situation can benefit from an app that would allow them to showcase their skills to the public at large. The position is extremely competitive, especially professionally. In 2014 the standard industry wage was $16.87 an hour according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Through 2024 the number of jobs is expected to grow 5%. Now is a crucial time to grow one’s reputation.

“Nobody cares if you can’t dance well. Just get up and dance. Great dancers are great because of their passion.”

-Martha Graham

Product Match Person-Cool-Bold-Sleek-Discovery-New-Convenient-Passion-Blue and Black-Dance Culture-Hype-Energy-Freedom-Expression-Clean-Artistry-Social


-Passionate-Expressive-Idealistic-Creative-Curious-Risk-taker-Adventurous-Dedicated-High Work Ethic-Young-High Energy-Proud-Work Well In Teams-People Persons-Affable-Discipline


Assessment: Any ads will have to be high energy focusing on actual choreography; more modern dance with splashes of hip hop to show-case the human body as a form of expression. The visual style will be bright with bold solid colors to highlight that the community is pas-sionate and wish to be center stage; they want to stand out. The music will have to call to mind a feeling of expansion and/or flying through something vast. Any dancers will have to be shown amongst friends having a good time to show that dancing is a social activity. The app will have a locator function so a quick shot of friends finding a studio on the app would serve their curiosity and discovery needs.




going to school

full time student-free time-stressed-in need of release-Fear of missing out

has car -trips to downtown-mobility-visits family on weekend

not going to school

living at home


not working

-no responsibility-lots of free time-still chill with highschool friends-Tv/video games/social media all day-feeling of falling behind

-9-5 job-living with parents-college in a few years-no loans-disposable income-free time-looking for passion

weekend-adventures-procrastinate homework-listening to music-on social media-wake up late-party

weekday-library-gym-class-catching up with friends



No school not working

-actively job searching-worried-insecure-parents more hands on


-future wedding plans-disposable income-buy things for partner

no car-trapped on campus-tag along with some-onewho has a car-grateful to get off campus

“we’ll see closerto graduation”

Shows-Family Guy-America’s Best Dance Crew-So You Think You Can Dance-Archer-American Dad

Stores-American Apparel-Gap-Holister-Amazon-Urban Outfitters

Brands-J. Crew-Hanes-Jack Threads-New Era-Vans


I received 61 participants for my survey. A third of respondents were most interested inHip Hop and Contemporary dance respectively. In future advertisements, any dance styles should be one of the two men-tioned above since the majority of respondents expressed interest in them. Over 90% of respondents have not danced in a professional ca-pacity which means the app needs to be accessible and give off the ap-pearance that anyone could pick it up and start dancing. Respondents were complete newcomers to dance culture as almost 60% reported they had looked up dance videos and/or watched America’s Best Dance Crew. This indicates an interest in dancing which is a necessity in my potential target market.

Which Style of dance most interests you?

Have you ever danced professionally?

If given the opportunity to learn specific dance moves from a tuto-rial, would you take it?

Have you ever used YouTube to look up dance teams?

Have you ever watched Ameri-ca’s Best Dance Crew?

Have you ever been to a dance perfor-mance (professional or amateur)?

Have you ever heard of Trance Dance App?

I like the challenge of doing something I have never done be-fore.

Which Social Media Network do you log onto MOST frequently?


Which type of print media do you MOST enjoy?

In your spare time, what type of leisure activity do you MOST often part in?

Who do you usual-ly spend your time with?

I like a lot of predictability in my life.

Would you be willing to download a free app that taught you dance

For what reason do you typically buyproducts/download apps?

How old are you?

What is your ethnicity?

How many houra per week do you USUALLY work at yourjob (abnd/or school; keep in mind units=hours)?

CalendarJanuary:Wellness Theme

NewspaperTarget lifestyle newspapers.Place ads in schools that have renown performing arts programs.

MagazineTarget Health and Fitness Magazines.

TVLate fringe cable

RadioUrban/Rhythmic Contemporary in LA3-7pm daypart

OnlineAdwords campaign with keywords “Dance app”, “learn choreography”, “how to dance”

Banner ads on dance themed websites like danc-espirit, dancemagazine,

SocialTwitter: January is the month of new beginnings and wellness. For Twitter we’lluse #dancewell for people to showcase how dancing helps them stay fit.

Facebook: Muve is just launching so posts

will detail how Muve is used.

Instagram: Post pictures of Zumba like dance class-es to show how dancingpromotes health and fitness.

OOHFlash mob at a downtown food court.

Community OutreachThe 18 th is Martin Luther King Jr. Day. For outreach we can sponsor a performance detailing the tri-umph of the Civil Rights Movement for all the King Center memorial attendees.

PublicityNew choreography showcase from Keoni and Mari. As well as question andanswer session about their creative process.

Press release1. Who knew Dr. King had such great moves?2. Keoni and Mari turn up the heat. This time we’re in the kitchen.3. New year, new dance, new you!

February: Black History/Em-powerment ThemeNewspaperTarget lifestyle newspapers.

Place ads in schools that have renown performing arts programs.

MagazineTarget Health and Fitness Magazines.

TVLate fringe cable

RadioUrban/Rhythmic Contemporary in LA3-7pm daypart

OnlineAdwords campaign with keywords “Dance app”, “learn choreography”, “how to dance”

Banner ads on dance themed websites like danc-espirit, dancemagazine,

SocialTwitter: Use the #dancehistory to promote content of African American choreographers and dancers.

Facebook: In line with Black History Month, the so-cial media challenge of this

month will be to create choreography that’s inspired by either famous black choreographers or notable African American’s in America’s history. The best choreo will be voted on and featured for on all social media accounts for the nextmonth.

Instagram: Photos of famous African American cho-reographers/dancers and their routines will be post-ed.

OOHTelevised dance battle in honor of the competing Superbowl teams.

Community OutreachPartner with the NAACP to raise awareness for Black History Month.

PublicityHold a community class to teach choreography from famous African Americanchoreographers in history.

Press release1. Muve and the NAACP double the awareness!2. Famous African American choreographers of the past are brought to life!3. Muve over [insert losing SuperBowl team name] the new champs are here!

CalendarMarch: Women’s History Month ThemeNewspaperTarget lifestyle newspapers.Place ads in schools that have renown performing arts programs.

MagazineTarget Health and Fitness Magazines.

TVLate fringe cable

RadioUrban/Rhythmic Contemporary in Los Angeles3-7pm daypart

OnlineAdwords campaign with keywords “Dance app”, “learn choreography”, “how to dance”

Banner ads on websites: dancespirit, dancemaga-zine,

SocialTwitter: Use #danceon to feature content of current women who have changeddance culture.

Facebook: Each week the Facebook ac

count will feature a prominent womanchoreographer/dancer.

Instagram: Post images of women choreographers/dancers backstage before aperformance.

OOHThe 4 th is hug a GI day. Therefore, send dance teams to bases in order to entertain the troops.

Community OutreachFundraising drive for Women for Women; all pro-ceeds go directly to them.

PublicityIn honor of women’s month Mina Myoung will be teaching classes celebratingwoman empowerment.

Press release1. Women for Women teaches Muve a few moves.2. Mina Myoung Muves to the beat of her own drum!3. GI’s Muve for a day.

April:Earth Month Theme

NewspaperTarget lifestyle newspapers.Place ads in schools that have renown performing arts programs.

MagazineTarget Health and Fitness Magazines.

TVLate fringe cable

RadioUrban/Rhythmic Contemporary in Los Angeles3-7pm daypart

OnlineAdwords campaign with keywords “Dance app”, “learn choreography”, “how to dance”

Banner ads on websites: dancespirit, dancemaga-zine,

SocialTwitter: Use #naturemuvesme so the community will post images or short sayingson the influence of nature in their choreography.

Facebook: Hold a contest of the best (short) choreography routine utilizing/honoring na-ture. The best routine will be voted upon and the

winner will be featured on the company Facebook and Twitter page for the rest of the month.

Instagram: Post images of earth and a short blurb on how it inspires you to dance.

OOH11 th is barbershop quartet day. Therefore, we’ll partner with a quartet to create a unique perfor-mance.

Community OutreachPartner with Greenpeace to raise money and aware-ness for sustainable living.

PublicityIan Eastwood to teach choreography to a small class. Only those who’vedownloaded the app will be entered to win a spot.

Press release1. Ian Muves us from East to West.2. Greenpeace Muves to educate on sustainable liv-ing.3. Quartet Muves. We have them; we hope you do too.

CalendarMay: Floral ThemeNewspaperTarget lifestyle newspapers.Place ads in schools that have renown performing arts programs.

MagazineTarget Health and Fitness Magazines.

TVLate fringe cable

RadioUrban/Rhythmic Contemporary in LA3-7pm daypart

OnlineAdwords campaign with keywords “Dance app”, “learn choreography”, “how to dance”

Banner ads on websites: dancespirit, dancemaga-zine,

SocialTwitter: Use #flowerflourish to encourage people to share pictures or videos ofthem finishing a power move in their respective fields of dance.

Facebook: Promote the association with Random Acts of Flowers to make sure

enough volunteers help with passing out flowers in hospitals.

Instagram: Post photos themed with flowers.

OOHPass out flowers with the app logo spray painted on the petals.

Community OutreachPartner with Random Acts of Flowers to distribute flowers to hospitals.

PublicitySponsor a music video for Tricia Miranda. And have a sweepstakes surround itwhere app downloaders are given the chance to be back up dancers in it.

Press release1. Flowers are Muved this May. Will you get one?2. Tricia Miranda and the case of the missing backup dancers.3. Random Acts of Flowers Muve even more flowers to hospitals this year.

June: Summer Fun ThemeNewspaperTarget lifestyle newspapers.Place ads in schools that have renown performing arts programs.

MagazineTarget Health and Fitness Magazines.

TVLate fringe cable

RadioUrban/Rhythmic Contemporary in LA3-7pm daypart

OnlineAdwords campaign with keywords “Dance app”, “learn choreography”, “how to dance”

Banner ads on websites: dancespirit, dancemaga-zine,

SocialTwitter: Use #summerlovin to encourage people to post images or videos of theirplans for the summer.

Facebook: Promote the park event with Wildabeast Adams by showcasing his

past work.

Instagram: Post pictures of Ice Cream Soda to raise awareness for the 20 th . As well as pictures of the Trevor Project.

OOHThe 20 th is Ice Cream Soda Day. We send out a truck into a downtown areawrapped with the app logo and hand out ice cream sodas.

Community OutreachPartner with the Trevor Project to raise awareness and fundraise for at risk LGBTyouth.

PublicityPark choreography with William “Wildabeast” Ad-ams.

Press release1. The Trevor Project showcases some sweet Muves!2. A Wildabeast set loose in an unsuspecting park!3. Ice Cream Soda on Ice Cream Soda Day? Chill, Muve has got you covered.

CalendarJuly: Independence/Patriot ThemeNewspaperTarget lifestyle newspapers.Place ads in schools that have renown performing arts programs.

MagazineTarget Health and Fitness Magazines.

TVLate fringe cable

RadioUrban/Rhythmic Contemporary in LA3-7pm daypart

OnlineAdwords campaign with keywords “Dance app”, “learn choreography”, “how to dance”

Banner ads on dance themed websites like danc-espirit, dancemagazine,

SocialTwitter: Use #dance4independence to celebrate the freedom of expression thatdancing give. Use #veteransmuve to thank veterans in our life.

Facebook: Encourage fans to post pictures of the veterans in their life.

Instagram: Post pictures of freedom in America.

OOHFireworks using Muve’s primary colors

Community OutreachPartner with to raise money for veter-ans as they’ve fought for ourfreedom.


New choreography from Lando Wilkins in honor of veterans.

Press release1. Veterans show the world how they Muve2. Lando shoots first. New choreo for July!3. Muve lights up the night sky with more than just fireworks

August: Back to School Theme

NewspaperTarget lifestyle newspapers.Place ads in schools that have renown performing arts programs.

MagazineTarget Health and Fitness Magazines.

TVLate fringe cable

RadioUrban/Rhythmic Contemporary in LA3-7pm daypart

OnlineAdwords campaign with keywords “Dance app”, “learn choreography”, “how to dance”

Banner ads on dance themed websites like danc-espirit, dancemagazine,

SocialTwitter: Use #schoolmuves to show how you get ready for school.

Facebook: Feature EOS on the page and engage with fans about students andeducation.

Instagram: Post pictures of your ready for school gear and routines.

OOHGive out free backpacks filled with basic school equipment.

Community OutreachIn honor of kids going back to school we’ll partner with Equal OpportunitySchool, a non profit that helps students get into AP classes.

PublicityNew choreography showcase from Antoine Troupe at a school assembly.

Press release1. Antoine Troupe schools us2. EOS Muves students into AP classes, opening a path for their future.3. New school year, new dances, new muves.

CalendarSeptember: Hispanic Heritage MonthNewspaperTarget lifestyle newspapers.Place ads in schools that have renown performing arts programs.

MagazineTarget Health and Fitness Magazines.

TVLate fringe cable

RadioUrban/Rhythmic Contemporary in LA3-7pm daypart

OnlineAdwords campaign with keywords “Dance app”, “learn choreography”, “how to dance”

Banner ads on dance themed websites like danc-espirit, dancemagazine,

SocialTwitter: Use #hispanicheritage to honor the contri-butions that Hispanic culturehas made to America.

Facebook: Feature Hispanic Access Foundation in order to facilitate a conversation about Hispanic cul-ture and equality.

Instagram: Post pictures of dances originating from Latin/Hispanic countries.

OOHSalsa/Tango flash mob at a downtown food court.

Community OutreachPartner with the Hispanic Access Foundation to pro-mote civic engagement andequality for Hispanic residents.

PublicityNew choreography showcase from Jose Hollywood Ramos in honor of HispanicHeritage Month.

Press release1. Hispanic Heritage is American Heritage2. Jose Hollywood shows Muves worthy of Holly-wood.3. Hispanic Access Foundation makes Muves in equality for Hispanic Americans.

October: Halloween Fright ThemeNewspaperTarget lifestyle newspapers.Place ads in schools that have renown performing arts programs.

MagazineTarget Health and Fitness Magazines.

TVLate fringe cable

RadioUrban/Rhythmic Contemporary in LA3-7pm daypart

OnlineAdwords campaign with keywords “Dance app”, “learn choreography”, “how to dance”

Banner ads on dance themed websites like danc-espirit, dancemagazine,

SocialTwitter: Use #thrillernight to draw attention to things that scare you.

Facebook: Ask fans to post content about breast can-cer survivors as well as

content honoring women who lost their life to breast cancer.

Instagram: Post pictures of things that scare you.

OOHThriller flash mob at a downtown area; At the end, the dancers will pass out candyin honor of Halloween.

Community OutreachHost an event for the nation breast cancer organiza-tion in order to raise money.

PublicityDebbie Reynolds Dance Studio in conjunction with Muve will host classesteaching goers the choreography to Michael Jack-son’s Thriller.

Press release1. Michael Jackson Muves through Debbie Reyn-olds Dance Studio thisHalloween2. In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month Muve hosts a dance showcase3. Scared this Halloween? Then don’t just stand there! Muve!

CalendarNovember: Giving Thanks Theme

NewspaperTarget lifestyle newspapers.Place ads in schools that have renown performing arts programs.

MagazineTarget Health and Fitness Magazines.

TVLate fringe cable

RadioUrban/Rhythmic Contemporary in LA3-7pm daypart

OnlineAdwords campaign with keywords “Dance app”, “learn choreography”, “how to dance”

Banner ads on dance themed websites like danc-espirit, dancemagazine,

SocialTwitter: Use #givethanks to post what makes you thankful. Use #thankful4vets to encourage fans to post about the sacrifice of veterans.

Facebook: Lead discussion of the state of our veter-ans in America. Encouragefans to post about veterans they know and how they’ve served.Instagram: Post pictures of whatever makes you thankful about dancing.

OOHDress up as turkeys and do the turkey dance in malls.

Community OutreachIn honor of Veteran’s Day, Muve will partner with Veterans of Foreign Wars toraise money and awareness for returning Veterans and whatever problems theymay face.

PublicityGive away free cooked turkeys close to Thanksgiving Day.

Press release1. Muve like a turkey! You’ll be glad you did.2. This one’s for the veterans! Your service Muves us.3. Turkeys! Muving from our hands to yours.

December: Winter Celebration ThemeNewspaperTarget lifestyle newspapers.Place ads in schools that have renown performing arts programs.

MagazineTarget Health and Fitness Magazines.

TVLate fringe cable

RadioUrban/Rhythmic Contemporary in LA3-7pm daypart

OnlineAdwords campaign with keywords “Dance app”, “learn choreography”, “how to dance”

Banner ads on dance themed websites like danc-espirit, dancemagazine,

SocialTwitter: Use #wintercelebrations to post about all winter celebrations, likeKwanza, not just Christmas.

Facebook: Start a conversation about orphans in America in order to tie it into thepartnership with Orphans Lifeline.

Instagram: Post pictures of anything winter themed.

OOHSnow fight at the park; food and hot chocolate will be provided.

Community OutreachPartner with Orphans Lifeline Organization to give presents to orphans thisChristmas.

PublicityDress up as Santa Claus and give out gifts on the street.

Press release1. Santa shows off a new set of Muves.2. Orphans Lifeline Organization Muves to put a smile on every child’s face this Christmas.3. Year in review. How much have you Muved?


JanuaryTotal: $2,600,848

The January to April time period of Muve’s media plan is centered around a limited release in Los Angeles. Los Angeles is an ideal city to launch a lifestyle app as it’s an active city al-ways looking for the next big thing. All newspapers are located on colleges that are either renown for their performing arts program and/or at the least have a robust performing/fine arts selection of academic degrees. Newspapers are cheap and geo specific to my target market. Each college has tens of thousands of students and according to each media kit a large percentage of students read their school newspaper. The mix of magazines I’ve cho-sen are a mix of entertainment, school and male specific publications. With such a mix I’m reaching tens of thousands of consumers who are targeted holistically from the selection of publications listed. With respect to radio I chose stations under genres Urban Contemporary and any related facets such as Rythmic and Top 40. According to the RAB adults aged 18-24 make up the largest listening audience for these genres. The television channels chosen cater specifically to my target demographic. Men aged 18-24, according to SRDS, primarily enjoy watching comedic shows best exemplified by Cartoon Network’s Adult Swim. For the sake of Muve’s industry I’ve also included dance specific shows to draw consumers who already have an interest in dancing. I’ve also allocated budget for online advertising. This will allow me to hyper target according to interest, in this way I’ll be able to advertise to consumers whom I know are heavily interested in all things dance related. It’s also a very cost effective way to reach a large number of people.

JanuaryNewspapersCity: Los Angeles

Pasadena City College CourierWeekly PublicationFull Page Cost: $750Frequency: 3xTotal: $9000

New University (UC Irvine)Weekly PublicationFull Page Cost: $644Frequency: 10xTotal: $25,760 The Daily Trojan (USC)Daily Publication Full Page Cost: $2820Frequency: 3x a day from Monday to FridayTotal: $169,200

The Sundial (Cal State Northridge) Monthly PublicationFull Page Cost: $760Frequency: 1x11x17 Insert Cost: $750Frequency: 1xTotal: $6040 The Los Angeles Loyolan (Loyola Marymount)Weekly PublicationCenter Spread Cost: $1500Frequency: 1xTotal: $6000 The Clause (Azusa Pacific)Weekly PublicationFull Page Cost: $576Frequency: 1xTotal: $2304

Newspaper Total: $79,352

MagazinesCity: Los Angeles

UCLA MagazineOne Publication a Quarter Full Page Cost: $5580Frequency: 4xTotal: $22,320 The HollyWood ReporterWeekly Publication4 Color Page Cost: $25,840Frequency: 3xTotal: $310,080

Entertainment WeeklyWeekly PublicationBRC Insert Cost: $66,800Frequency: 1xTotal: $267,200

Odyssey MagazineMonthly publicationFull Page Cost: $800Frequency: 3xTotal: $2400

Magazine Total: $602,000

Jan.RadioCity: Los Angeles

KPWR Power 106 Rhythmic contemporary hit radioCost (for a 3-7pm spot): $1197Frequency: 3x a day, Monday – SaturdayTotal Cost: $86,184

KRRL Real 92.3Urban contemporaryCost (for a 3-7pm spot): $1197Frequency: 3x a day Monday – SaturdayTotal Cost: $86,184

KJLH 102.3Urban adult contemporaryCost (for a 3-7pm spot): $1197Frequency: 3x a day,Monday – SaturdayTotal Cost: $86,184

KDAY 93.5 KDAYClassic hip hopCost (for a 3-7pm spot): $1197Frequency: 3x a day,Monday – SaturdayTotal Cost: $86,184

Radio Total: $344,736

TelevisionCity: Los Angeles

Archer (FX)Cost for a spot: $2392Frequency: 3x a night, 5 days a weekTotal Cost: $143,520 American Dad (TBS)Cost for a spot: $2392Frequency: 3x a night, 5 days a weekTotal Cost: $143,520

Family Guy (FOX)Cost for a spot: $3004Frequency: 3x a night, 5 days a weekTotal Cost: $180,240

America’s Got Talent (NBC)Cost for a spot: $9204Frequency: 3x a night, 5 days a weekTotal Cost: $552,240

So You Think You Can Dance (FOX)Cost for a spot: $9204Frequency: 3x a night, 5 days a weekTotal Cost: $552,240

Television Total: $1,571,760


YoutubeCost for ad: $50Frequency: Tuesday-SaturdayTotal views: 8000Total Cost: $1000 FacebookCost for ad: $100Frequency: Tuesday-SaturdayTotal reached: 136kTotal Cost: $2000

Online Total: $3000

FebruaryTotal: $2,600,848

The January to April time period of Muve’s media plan is centered around a limited release in Los Angeles. Los Angeles is an ideal city to launch a lifestyle app as it’s an active city al-ways looking for the next big thing. All newspapers are located on colleges that are either renown for their performing arts program and/or at the least have a robust performing/fine arts selection of academic degrees. Newspapers are cheap and geo specific to my target market. Each college has tens of thousands of students and according to each media kit a large percentage of students read their school newspaper. The mix of magazines I’ve cho-sen are a mix of entertainment, school and male specific publications. With such a mix I’m reaching tens of thousands of consumers who are targeted holistically from the selection of publications listed. With respect to radio I chose stations under genres Urban Contemporary and any related facets such as Rythmic and Top 40. According to the RAB adults aged 18-24 make up the largest listening audience for these genres. The television channels chosen cater specifically to my target demographic. Men aged 18-24, according to SRDS, primarily enjoy watching comedic shows best exemplified by Cartoon Network’s Adult Swim. For the sake of Muve’s industry I’ve also included dance specific shows to draw consumers who already have an interest in dancing. I’ve also allocated budget for online advertising. This will allow me to hyper target according to interest, in this way I’ll be able to advertise to consumers whom I know are heavily interested in all things dance related. It’s also a very cost effective way to reach a large number of people.

Feb.NewspapersCity: Los Angeles

Pasadena City College CourierWeekly PublicationFull Page Cost: $750Frequency: 3xTotal: $9000

New University (UC Irvine)Weekly PublicationFull Page Cost: $644Frequency: 10xTotal: $25,760 The Daily Trojan (USC)Daily Publication Full Page Cost: $2820Frequency: 3x a day from Monday to FridayTotal: $169,200

The Sundial (Cal State Northridge) Monthly PublicationFull Page Cost: $760Frequency: 1x11x17 Insert Cost: $750Frequency: 1xTotal: $6040 The Los Angeles Loyolan (Loyola Marymount)Weekly PublicationCenter Spread Cost: $1500Frequency: 1xTotal: $6000 The Clause (Azusa Pacific)Weekly PublicationFull Page Cost: $576Frequency: 1xTotal: $2304

Newspaper Total: $79,352

MagazinesCity: Los Angeles

UCLA MagazineOne Publication a Quarter Full Page Cost: $5580Frequency: 4xTotal: $22,320 The HollyWood ReporterWeekly Publication4 Color Page Cost: $25,840Frequency: 3xTotal: $310,080

Entertainment WeeklyWeekly PublicationBRC Insert Cost: $66,800Frequency: 1xTotal: $267,200

Odyssey MagazineMonthly publicationFull Page Cost: $800Frequency: 3xTotal: $2400

Magazine Total: $602,000

Feb.RadioCity: Los Angeles

KPWR Power 106 Rhythmic contemporary hit radioCost (for a 3-7pm spot): $1197Frequency: 3x a day, Monday – SaturdayTotal Cost: $86,184

KRRL Real 92.3Urban contemporaryCost (for a 3-7pm spot): $1197Frequency: 3x a day Monday – SaturdayTotal Cost: $86,184

RadioCity: Los Angeles

KJLH 102.3Urban adult contemporaryCost (for a 3-7pm spot): $1197Frequency: 3x a day,Monday – SaturdayTotal Cost: $86,184

KDAY 93.5 KDAYClassic hip hopCost (for a 3-7pm spot): $1197Frequency: 3x a day,Monday – SaturdayTotal Cost: $86,184

Radio Total: $344,736

TelevisionCity: Los Angeles

Archer (FX)Cost for a spot: $2392Frequency: 3x a night, 5 days a weekTotal Cost: $143,520 American Dad (TBS)Cost for a spot: $2392Frequency: 3x a night, 5 days a weekTotal Cost: $143,520

Family Guy (FOX)Cost for a spot: $3004Frequency: 3x a night, 5 days a weekTotal Cost: $180,240

RadioCity: Los Angeles

America’s Got Talent (NBC)Cost for a spot: $9204Frequency: 3x a night, 5 days a weekTotal Cost: $552,240

So You Think You Can Dance (FOX)Cost for a spot: $9204Frequency: 3x a night, 5 days a weekTotal Cost: $552,240

Television Total: $1,571,760


YoutubeCost for ad: $50Frequency: Tuesday-SaturdayTotal views: 8000Total Cost: $1000 FacebookCost for ad: $100Frequency: Tuesday-SaturdayTotal reached: 136kTotal Cost: $2000

Online Total: $3000

MarchTotal: $2,600,848

The January to April time period of Muve’s media plan is centered around a limited release in Los Angeles. Los Angeles is an ideal city to launch a lifestyle app as it’s an active city al-ways looking for the next big thing. All newspapers are located on colleges that are either renown for their performing arts program and/or at the least have a robust performing/fine arts selection of academic degrees. Newspapers are cheap and geo specific to my target market. Each college has tens of thousands of students and according to each media kit a large percentage of students read their school newspaper. The mix of magazines I’ve cho-sen are a mix of entertainment, school and male specific publications. With such a mix I’m reaching tens of thousands of consumers who are targeted holistically from the selection of publications listed. With respect to radio I chose stations under genres Urban Contemporary and any related facets such as Rythmic and Top 40. According to the RAB adults aged 18-24 make up the largest listening audience for these genres. The television channels chosen cater specifically to my target demographic. Men aged 18-24, according to SRDS, primarily enjoy watching comedic shows best exemplified by Cartoon Network’s Adult Swim. For the sake of Muve’s industry I’ve also included dance specific shows to draw consumers who already have an interest in dancing. I’ve also allocated budget for online advertising. This will allow me to hyper target according to interest, in this way I’ll be able to advertise to consumers whom I know are heavily interested in all things dance related. It’s also a very cost effective way to reach a large number of people.

mar.NewspapersCity: Los Angeles

Pasadena City College CourierWeekly PublicationFull Page Cost: $750Frequency: 3xTotal: $9000

New University (UC Irvine)Weekly PublicationFull Page Cost: $644Frequency: 10xTotal: $25,760 The Daily Trojan (USC)Daily Publication Full Page Cost: $2820Frequency: 3x a day from Monday to FridayTotal: $169,200

The Sundial (Cal State Northridge) Monthly PublicationFull Page Cost: $760Frequency: 1x11x17 Insert Cost: $750Frequency: 1xTotal: $6040 The Los Angeles Loyolan (Loyola Marymount)Weekly PublicationCenter Spread Cost: $1500Frequency: 1xTotal: $6000 The Clause (Azusa Pacific)Weekly PublicationFull Page Cost: $576Frequency: 1xTotal: $2304

Newspaper Total: $79,352

MagazinesCity: Los Angeles

UCLA MagazineOne Publication a Quarter Full Page Cost: $5580Frequency: 4xTotal: $22,320 The HollyWood ReporterWeekly Publication4 Color Page Cost: $25,840Frequency: 3xTotal: $310,080

Entertainment WeeklyWeekly PublicationBRC Insert Cost: $66,800Frequency: 1xTotal: $267,200

Odyssey MagazineMonthly publicationFull Page Cost: $800Frequency: 3xTotal: $2400

Magazine Total: $602,000

mar.RadioCity: Los Angeles

KPWR Power 106 Rhythmic contemporary hit radioCost (for a 3-7pm spot): $1197Frequency: 3x a day, Monday – SaturdayTotal Cost: $86,184

KRRL Real 92.3Urban contemporaryCost (for a 3-7pm spot): $1197Frequency: 3x a day Monday – SaturdayTotal Cost: $86,184

RadioCity: Los Angeles

KJLH 102.3Urban adult contemporaryCost (for a 3-7pm spot): $1197Frequency: 3x a day,Monday – SaturdayTotal Cost: $86,184

KDAY 93.5 KDAYClassic hip hopCost (for a 3-7pm spot): $1197Frequency: 3x a day,Monday – SaturdayTotal Cost: $86,184

Radio Total: $344,736

TelevisionCity: Los Angeles

Archer (FX)Cost for a spot: $2392Frequency: 3x a night, 5 days a weekTotal Cost: $143,520 American Dad (TBS)Cost for a spot: $2392Frequency: 3x a night, 5 days a weekTotal Cost: $143,520

Family Guy (FOX)Cost for a spot: $3004Frequency: 3x a night, 5 days a weekTotal Cost: $180,240

RadioCity: Los Angeles

America’s Got Talent (NBC)Cost for a spot: $9204Frequency: 3x a night, 5 days a weekTotal Cost: $552,240

So You Think You Can Dance (FOX)Cost for a spot: $9204Frequency: 3x a night, 5 days a weekTotal Cost: $552,240

Television Total: $1,571,760


YoutubeCost for ad: $50Frequency: Tuesday-SaturdayTotal views: 8000Total Cost: $1000 FacebookCost for ad: $100Frequency: Tuesday-SaturdayTotal reached: 136kTotal Cost: $2000

Online Total: $3000

AprilTotal: $2,600,848

The January to April time period of Muve’s media plan is centered around a limited release in Los Angeles. Los Angeles is an ideal city to launch a lifestyle app as it’s an active city al-ways looking for the next big thing. All newspapers are located on colleges that are either renown for their performing arts program and/or at the least have a robust performing/fine arts selection of academic degrees. Newspapers are cheap and geo specific to my target market. Each college has tens of thousands of students and according to each media kit a large percentage of students read their school newspaper. The mix of magazines I’ve cho-sen are a mix of entertainment, school and male specific publications. With such a mix I’m reaching tens of thousands of consumers who are targeted holistically from the selection of publications listed. With respect to radio I chose stations under genres Urban Contemporary and any related facets such as Rythmic and Top 40. According to the RAB adults aged 18-24 make up the largest listening audience for these genres. The television channels chosen cater specifically to my target demographic. Men aged 18-24, according to SRDS, primarily enjoy watching comedic shows best exemplified by Cartoon Network’s Adult Swim. For the sake of Muve’s industry I’ve also included dance specific shows to draw consumers who already have an interest in dancing. I’ve also allocated budget for online advertising. This will allow me to hyper target according to interest, in this way I’ll be able to advertise to consumers whom I know are heavily interested in all things dance related. It’s also a very cost effective way to reach a large number of people.

apr.NewspapersCity: Los Angeles

Pasadena City College CourierWeekly PublicationFull Page Cost: $750Frequency: 3xTotal: $9000

New University (UC Irvine)Weekly PublicationFull Page Cost: $644Frequency: 10xTotal: $25,760 The Daily Trojan (USC)Daily Publication Full Page Cost: $2820Frequency: 3x a day from Monday to FridayTotal: $169,200

The Sundial (Cal State Northridge) Monthly PublicationFull Page Cost: $760Frequency: 1x11x17 Insert Cost: $750Frequency: 1xTotal: $6040 The Los Angeles Loyolan (Loyola Marymount)Weekly PublicationCenter Spread Cost: $1500Frequency: 1xTotal: $6000 The Clause (Azusa Pacific)Weekly PublicationFull Page Cost: $576Frequency: 1xTotal: $2304

Newspaper Total: $79,352

MagazinesCity: Los Angeles

UCLA MagazineOne Publication a Quarter Full Page Cost: $5580Frequency: 4xTotal: $22,320 The HollyWood ReporterWeekly Publication4 Color Page Cost: $25,840Frequency: 3xTotal: $310,080

Entertainment WeeklyWeekly PublicationBRC Insert Cost: $66,800Frequency: 1xTotal: $267,200

Odyssey MagazineMonthly publicationFull Page Cost: $800Frequency: 3xTotal: $2400

Magazine Total: $602,000

apr.RadioCity: Los Angeles

KPWR Power 106 Rhythmic contemporary hit radioCost (for a 3-7pm spot): $1197Frequency: 3x a day, Monday – SaturdayTotal Cost: $86,184

KRRL Real 92.3Urban contemporaryCost (for a 3-7pm spot): $1197Frequency: 3x a day Monday – SaturdayTotal Cost: $86,184

KJLH 102.3Urban adult contemporaryCost (for a 3-7pm spot): $1197Frequency: 3x a day,Monday – SaturdayTotal Cost: $86,184

KDAY 93.5 KDAYClassic hip hopCost (for a 3-7pm spot): $1197Frequency: 3x a day,Monday – SaturdayTotal Cost: $86,184

Radio Total: $344,736

TelevisionCity: Los Angeles

Archer (FX)Cost for a spot: $2392Frequency: 3x a night, 5 days a weekTotal Cost: $143,520 American Dad (TBS)Cost for a spot: $2392Frequency: 3x a night, 5 days a weekTotal Cost: $143,520

Family Guy (FOX)Cost for a spot: $3004Frequency: 3x a night, 5 days a weekTotal Cost: $180,240

America’s Got Talent (NBC)Cost for a spot: $9204Frequency: 3x a night, 5 days a weekTotal Cost: $552,240

So You Think You Can Dance (FOX)Cost for a spot: $9204Frequency: 3x a night, 5 days a weekTotal Cost: $552,240

Television Total: $1,571,760


YoutubeCost for ad: $50Frequency: Tuesday-SaturdayTotal views: 8000Total Cost: $1000 FacebookCost for ad: $100Frequency: Tuesday-SaturdayTotal reached: 136kTotal Cost: $2000

Online Total: $3000

mayTotal: $5,640,917.92

The May to August time period of Muve’s media plan sees a release in New York City. Los Angeles is an ideal city to launch a lifestyle app as it’s an active city always looking for the next big thing. And New York is much the same way; it’s a breeding ground for breakout stars and Muve as an app that deals in merit would serve the city well. The New York stage of Muve’s plan doesn’t override the Los Angeles part, it merely adds on to it. All newspapers are located on colleges that are either renown for their performing arts program and/or at the least have a robust performing/fine arts selection of academic degrees. Newspapers are cheap and geo specific to my target market. Each college has tens of thousands of students and according to each media kit a large percentage of students read their school newspaper. The mix of magazines I’ve chosen are a mix of entertainment, school and male specific pub-lications. With such a mix I’m reaching tens of thousands of consumers who are targeted ho-listically from the selection of publications listed. With respect to radio I chose stations under genres Urban Contemporary and any related facets such as Rythmic and Top 40. According to the RAB adults aged 18-24 make up the largest listening audience for these genres. The television channels chosen cater specifically to my target demographic. Men aged 18-24, ac-cording to SRDS, primarily enjoy watching comedic shows best exemplified by Cartoon Net-work’s Adult Swim. For the sake of Muve’s industry I’ve also included dance specific shows to draw consumers who already have an interest in dancing. Muve’s online budget has been increased to accommodate the additional city.

mayNewspapersCity: Los Angeles

Pasadena City College CourierWeekly PublicationFull Page Cost: $750Frequency: 3xTotal: $9000

New University (UC Irvine)Weekly PublicationFull Page Cost: $644Frequency: 10xTotal: $25,760 The Daily Trojan (USC)Daily Publication Full Page Cost: $2820Frequency: 3x a day from Monday to FridayTotal: $169,200

The Sundial (Cal State Northridge) Monthly PublicationFull Page Cost: $760Frequency: 1x11x17 Insert Cost: $750Frequency: 1xTotal: $6040 The Los Angeles Loyolan (Loyola Marymount)Weekly PublicationCenter Spread Cost: $1500Frequency: 1xTotal: $6000 The Clause (Azusa Pacific)Weekly PublicationFull Page Cost: $576Frequency: 1xTotal: $2304

MagazinesCity: New York

Pipe Dream (Binghamton U)Bi Weekly PublicationCenter Spread Cost: $1200Frequency: 3x an issue(for a total of 6x a week)Total: $28,000

Spectator (Columbia University)Weekly PublicationFull Page Cost: $2164Frequency:1xTotal Cost: $8656

Cornell Sun (Cornell University)Weekly PublicationFull Page Cost: $982.88Frequency: 1xTotal Cost: $3931.52

Washington Square News (New York University)Weekly PublicationFull Page Cost: $983.6Frequency: 1xTotal Cost: $3,934.4

The Daily Orange (Syracuse University)Daily PublicationFull Page Cost: $605Frequency: 1x a day from Monday-FridayTotal Cost: $12,100

Newspaper Total: $135,973.9

mayMagazinesCity: Los Angeles

UCLA MagazineOne Publication a Quarter Full Page Cost: $5580Frequency: 4xTotal: $22,320 The HollyWood ReporterWeekly Publication4 Color Page Cost: $25,840Frequency: 3xTotal: $310,080 Entertainment WeeklyWeekly PublicationBRC Insert Cost: $66,800Frequency: 1xTotal: $267,200

Odyssey MagazineMonthly publicationFull Page Cost: $800Frequency: 3xTotal: $2400

City: New York

The Brooklyn RailMonthly PublicationFull Page Cost: $1400Frequency: 3xTotal Cost: $4200 Next MagazineWeekly PublicationFull Page Cost: $2078Frequency: 13xTotal Cost: $108,056

The New York MagazineWeekly PublicationFull Page Cost: $83,760Frequency: 5xTotal Cost: $1,675,200 The New YorkerWeekly PublicationBRC Insert Cost: $88,458Frequency: 1xTotal Cost: $353,832

Magazine Total: $2,141,288

Google Images

mayRadioCity: Los Angeles

KPWR Power 106 Rhythmic contemporary hit radioCost (for a 3-7pm spot): $1197Frequency: 3x a day, Monday – SaturdayTotal Cost: $86,184

KRRL Real 92.3Urban contemporaryCost (for a 3-7pm spot): $1197Frequency: 3x a day Monday – SaturdayTotal Cost: $86,184

KJLH 102.3Urban adult contemporaryCost (for a 3-7pm spot): $1197Frequency: 3x a day,Monday – SaturdayTotal Cost: $86,184

KDAY 93.5 KDAYClassic hip hopCost (for a 3-7pm spot): $1197Frequency: 3x a day,Monday – SaturdayTotal Cost: $86,184

City: New York

103.5- RhythmicCost (for a 3-7pm spot): $936Frequency: 3x a day,Monday – SaturdayTotal Cost: $56,160

105.1-UrbanCost (for a 3-7pm spot): $936Frequency: 3x a day, Monday – SaturdayTotal Cost: $56,160

106.7- Adult ContemporaryCost (for a 3-7pm spot): $936Frequency: 3x a day, Monday – SaturdayTotal Cost: $56,160

95.5- Adult ContemporaryCost (for a 3-7pm spot): $936Frequency: 3x a day, Monday – SaturdayTotal Cost: $56,160

97.1- Rhythmic ContemporaryCost (for a 3-7pm spot): $936Frequency: 3x a day, Monday – SaturdayTotal Cost: $56,160Radio Total: $625,536

Radio Total: $625,536

mayTelevisionCity: Los Angeles

Archer (FX)Cost for a spot: $2392Frequency: 3x a night, 5 days a weekTotal Cost: $143,520 American Dad (TBS)Cost for a spot: $2392Frequency: 3x a night, 5 days a weekTotal Cost: $143,520

Family Guy (FOX)Cost for a spot: $3004Frequency: 3x a night, 5 days a weekTotal Cost: $180,240

RadioCity: Los Angeles

America’s Got Talent (NBC)Cost for a spot: $9204Frequency: 3x a night, 5 days a weekTotal Cost: $552,240

So You Think You Can Dance (FOX)Cost for a spot: $9204Frequency: 3x a night, 5 days a weekTotal Cost: $552,240

Radioles: Los AngelesCity: New York

Archer (FX)Cost for a spot: $2050Frequency: 3x a night, 5 days a weekTotal Cost: $123,000 American Dad (TBS)Cost for a spot: $2050Frequency: 3x a night, 5 days a weekTotal Cost: $123,000:

Family Guy (FOX)Cost for a spot: $3008Frequency: 3x a night, 5 days a weekTotal Cost: $180,480

RadioCity: Los Angeles

America’s Got Talent (NBC)Cost for a spot: $6099Frequency: 3x a night, 5 days a weekTotal Cost: $365,940

So You Think You Can Dance (FOX)Cost for a spot: $6099Frequency: 3x a night, 5 days a weekTotal Cost: $365,940

Television Total: $2,730,120


YoutubeCost for ad: $100Frequency: Tuesday-SaturdayTotal views: 14kTotal Cost: $2000 FacebookCost for ad: $300Frequency: Tuesday-SaturdayTotal reached: 880kTotal Cost: $6000

Online Total: $8000

juneTotal: $5,640,917.92

The May to August time period of Muve’s media plan sees a release in New York City. Los Angeles is an ideal city to launch a lifestyle app as it’s an active city always looking for the next big thing. And New York is much the same way; it’s a breeding ground for breakout stars and Muve as an app that deals in merit would serve the city well. The New York stage of Muve’s plan doesn’t override the Los Angeles part, it merely adds on to it. All newspapers are located on colleges that are either renown for their performing arts program and/or at the least have a robust performing/fine arts selection of academic degrees. Newspapers are cheap and geo specific to my target market. Each college has tens of thousands of students and according to each media kit a large percentage of students read their school newspaper. The mix of magazines I’ve chosen are a mix of entertainment, school and male specific pub-lications. With such a mix I’m reaching tens of thousands of consumers who are targeted ho-listically from the selection of publications listed. With respect to radio I chose stations under genres Urban Contemporary and any related facets such as Rythmic and Top 40. According to the RAB adults aged 18-24 make up the largest listening audience for these genres. The television channels chosen cater specifically to my target demographic. Men aged 18-24, ac-cording to SRDS, primarily enjoy watching comedic shows best exemplified by Cartoon Net-work’s Adult Swim. For the sake of Muve’s industry I’ve also included dance specific shows to draw consumers who already have an interest in dancing. Muve’s online budget has been increased to accommodate the additional city.

juneNewspapersCity: Los Angeles

Pasadena City College CourierWeekly PublicationFull Page Cost: $750Frequency: 3xTotal: $9000

New University (UC Irvine)Weekly PublicationFull Page Cost: $644Frequency: 10xTotal: $25,760 The Daily Trojan (USC)Daily Publication Full Page Cost: $2820Frequency: 3x a day from Monday to FridayTotal: $169,200

The Sundial (Cal State Northridge) Monthly PublicationFull Page Cost: $760Frequency: 1x11x17 Insert Cost: $750Frequency: 1xTotal: $6040 The Los Angeles Loyolan (Loyola Marymount)Weekly PublicationCenter Spread Cost: $1500Frequency: 1xTotal: $6000 The Clause (Azusa Pacific)Weekly PublicationFull Page Cost: $576Frequency: 1xTotal: $2304

MagazinesCity: New York

Pipe Dream (Binghamton U)Bi Weekly PublicationCenter Spread Cost: $1200Frequency: 3x an issue(for a total of 6x a week)Total: $28,000

Spectator (Columbia University)Weekly PublicationFull Page Cost: $2164Frequency:1xTotal Cost: $8656

Cornell Sun (Cornell University)Weekly PublicationFull Page Cost: $982.88Frequency: 1xTotal Cost: $3931.52

Washington Square News (New York University)Weekly PublicationFull Page Cost: $983.6Frequency: 1xTotal Cost: $3,934.4

The Daily Orange (Syracuse University)Daily PublicationFull Page Cost: $605Frequency: 1x a day from Monday-FridayTotal Cost: $12,100

Newspaper Total: $135,973.9

juneMagazinesCity: Los Angeles

UCLA MagazineOne Publication a Quarter Full Page Cost: $5580Frequency: 4xTotal: $22,320 The HollyWood ReporterWeekly Publication4 Color Page Cost: $25,840Frequency: 3xTotal: $310,080 Entertainment WeeklyWeekly PublicationBRC Insert Cost: $66,800Frequency: 1xTotal: $267,200

Odyssey MagazineMonthly publicationFull Page Cost: $800Frequency: 3xTotal: $2400

City: New York

The Brooklyn RailMonthly PublicationFull Page Cost: $1400Frequency: 3xTotal Cost: $4200 Next MagazineWeekly PublicationFull Page Cost: $2078Frequency: 13xTotal Cost: $108,056

The New York MagazineWeekly PublicationFull Page Cost: $83,760Frequency: 5xTotal Cost: $1,675,200 The New YorkerWeekly PublicationBRC Insert Cost: $88,458Frequency: 1xTotal Cost: $353,832

Magazine Total: $2,141,288

Google Images

juneRadioCity: Los Angeles

KPWR Power 106 Rhythmic contemporary hit radioCost (for a 3-7pm spot): $1197Frequency: 3x a day, Monday – SaturdayTotal Cost: $86,184

KRRL Real 92.3Urban contemporaryCost (for a 3-7pm spot): $1197Frequency: 3x a day Monday – SaturdayTotal Cost: $86,184

RadioCity: Los Angeles

KJLH 102.3Urban adult contemporaryCost (for a 3-7pm spot): $1197Frequency: 3x a day,Monday – SaturdayTotal Cost: $86,184

KDAY 93.5 KDAYClassic hip hopCost (for a 3-7pm spot): $1197Frequency: 3x a day,Monday – SaturdayTotal Cost: $86,184

City: New York

103.5- RhythmicCost (for a 3-7pm spot): $936Frequency: 3x a day,Monday – SaturdayTotal Cost: $56,160

105.1-UrbanCost (for a 3-7pm spot): $936Frequency: 3x a day, Monday – SaturdayTotal Cost: $56,160

106.7- Adult ContemporaryCost (for a 3-7pm spot): $936Frequency: 3x a day, Monday – SaturdayTotal Cost: $56,160

95.5- Adult ContemporaryCost (for a 3-7pm spot): $936Frequency: 3x a day, Monday – SaturdayTotal Cost: $56,160

97.1- Rhythmic ContemporaryCost (for a 3-7pm spot): $936Frequency: 3x a day, Monday – SaturdayTotal Cost: $56,160Radio Total: $625,536

Radio Total: $625,536

juneTelevisionCity: Los Angeles

Archer (FX)Cost for a spot: $2392Frequency: 3x a night, 5 days a weekTotal Cost: $143,520 American Dad (TBS)Cost for a spot: $2392Frequency: 3x a night, 5 days a weekTotal Cost: $143,520

Family Guy (FOX)Cost for a spot: $3004Frequency: 3x a night, 5 days a weekTotal Cost: $180,240

RadioCity: Los Angeles

America’s Got Talent (NBC)Cost for a spot: $9204Frequency: 3x a night, 5 days a weekTotal Cost: $552,240

So You Think You Can Dance (FOX)Cost for a spot: $9204Frequency: 3x a night, 5 days a weekTotal Cost: $552,240

City: New York

Archer (FX)Cost for a spot: $2050Frequency: 3x a night, 5 days a weekTotal Cost: $123,000 American Dad (TBS)Cost for a spot: $2050Frequency: 3x a night, 5 days a weekTotal Cost: $123,000:

Family Guy (FOX)Cost for a spot: $3008Frequency: 3x a night, 5 days a weekTotal Cost: $180,480

America’s Got Talent (NBC)Cost for a spot: $6099Frequency: 3x a night, 5 days a weekTotal Cost: $365,940

So You Think You Can Dance (FOX)Cost for a spot: $6099Frequency: 3x a night, 5 days a weekTotal Cost: $365,940

Television Total: $2,730,120


YoutubeCost for ad: $100Frequency: Tuesday-SaturdayTotal views: 14kTotal Cost: $2000 FacebookCost for ad: $300Frequency: Tuesday-SaturdayTotal reached: 880kTotal Cost: $6000

Online Total: $8000

julyTotal: $5,640,917.92

The May to August time period of Muve’s media plan sees a release in New York City. Los Angeles is an ideal city to launch a lifestyle app as it’s an active city always looking for the next big thing. And New York is much the same way; it’s a breeding ground for breakout stars and Muve as an app that deals in merit would serve the city well. The New York stage of Muve’s plan doesn’t override the Los Angeles part, it merely adds on to it. All newspapers are located on colleges that are either renown for their performing arts program and/or at the least have a robust performing/fine arts selection of academic degrees. Newspapers are cheap and geo specific to my target market. Each college has tens of thousands of students and according to each media kit a large percentage of students read their school newspaper. The mix of magazines I’ve chosen are a mix of entertainment, school and male specific pub-lications. With such a mix I’m reaching tens of thousands of consumers who are targeted ho-listically from the selection of publications listed. With respect to radio I chose stations under genres Urban Contemporary and any related facets such as Rythmic and Top 40. According to the RAB adults aged 18-24 make up the largest listening audience for these genres. The television channels chosen cater specifically to my target demographic. Men aged 18-24, ac-cording to SRDS, primarily enjoy watching comedic shows best exemplified by Cartoon Net-work’s Adult Swim. For the sake of Muve’s industry I’ve also included dance specific shows to draw consumers who already have an interest in dancing. Muve’s online budget has been increased to accommodate the additional city.

julyNewspapersCity: Los Angeles

Pasadena City College CourierWeekly PublicationFull Page Cost: $750Frequency: 3xTotal: $9000

New University (UC Irvine)Weekly PublicationFull Page Cost: $644Frequency: 10xTotal: $25,760 The Daily Trojan (USC)Daily Publication Full Page Cost: $2820Frequency: 3x a day from Monday to FridayTotal: $169,200

The Sundial (Cal State Northridge) Monthly PublicationFull Page Cost: $760Frequency: 1x11x17 Insert Cost: $750Frequency: 1xTotal: $6040 The Los Angeles Loyolan (Loyola Marymount)Weekly PublicationCenter Spread Cost: $1500Frequency: 1xTotal: $6000 The Clause (Azusa Pacific)Weekly PublicationFull Page Cost: $576Frequency: 1xTotal: $2304

MagazinesCity: New York

Pipe Dream (Binghamton U)Bi Weekly PublicationCenter Spread Cost: $1200Frequency: 3x an issue(for a total of 6x a week)Total: $28,000

Spectator (Columbia University)Weekly PublicationFull Page Cost: $2164Frequency:1xTotal Cost: $8656

Cornell Sun (Cornell University)Weekly PublicationFull Page Cost: $982.88Frequency: 1xTotal Cost: $3931.52

Washington Square News (New York University)Weekly PublicationFull Page Cost: $983.6Frequency: 1xTotal Cost: $3,934.4

The Daily Orange (Syracuse University)Daily PublicationFull Page Cost: $605Frequency: 1x a day from Monday-FridayTotal Cost: $12,100

Newspaper Total: $135,973.9

julyMagazinesCity: Los Angeles

UCLA MagazineOne Publication a Quarter Full Page Cost: $5580Frequency: 4xTotal: $22,320 The HollyWood ReporterWeekly Publication4 Color Page Cost: $25,840Frequency: 3xTotal: $310,080 Entertainment WeeklyWeekly PublicationBRC Insert Cost: $66,800Frequency: 1xTotal: $267,200

Odyssey MagazineMonthly publicationFull Page Cost: $800Frequency: 3xTotal: $2400

MagazinesCity: New York

The Brooklyn RailMonthly PublicationFull Page Cost: $1400Frequency: 3xTotal Cost: $4200 Next MagazineWeekly PublicationFull Page Cost: $2078Frequency: 13xTotal Cost: $108,056

The New York MagazineWeekly PublicationFull Page Cost: $83,760Frequency: 5xTotal Cost: $1,675,200 The New YorkerWeekly PublicationBRC Insert Cost: $88,458Frequency: 1xTotal Cost: $353,832

Magazine Total: $2,141,288

“Every day brings a chance for you to draw in a breath, kick off your shoes, and dance.”

-Oprah Winfrey

julyRadioCity: Los Angeles

KPWR Power 106 Rhythmic contemporary hit radioCost (for a 3-7pm spot): $1197Frequency: 3x a day, Monday – SaturdayTotal Cost: $86,184

KRRL Real 92.3Urban contemporaryCost (for a 3-7pm spot): $1197Frequency: 3x a day Monday – SaturdayTotal Cost: $86,184

KJLH 102.3Urban adult contemporaryCost (for a 3-7pm spot): $1197Frequency: 3x a day,Monday – SaturdayTotal Cost: $86,184

KDAY 93.5 KDAYClassic hip hopCost (for a 3-7pm spot): $1197Frequency: 3x a day,Monday – SaturdayTotal Cost: $86,184

City: New York

103.5- RhythmicCost (for a 3-7pm spot): $936Frequency: 3x a day,Monday – SaturdayTotal Cost: $56,160

105.1-UrbanCost (for a 3-7pm spot): $936Frequency: 3x a day, Monday – SaturdayTotal Cost: $56,160

106.7- Adult ContemporaryCost (for a 3-7pm spot): $936Frequency: 3x a day, Monday – SaturdayTotal Cost: $56,160

95.5- Adult ContemporaryCost (for a 3-7pm spot): $936Frequency: 3x a day, Monday – SaturdayTotal Cost: $56,160

97.1- Rhythmic ContemporaryCost (for a 3-7pm spot): $936Frequency: 3x a day, Monday – SaturdayTotal Cost: $56,160Radio Total: $625,536

Radio Total: $625,536

julyTelevisionCity: Los Angeles

Archer (FX)Cost for a spot: $2392Frequency: 3x a night, 5 days a weekTotal Cost: $143,520 American Dad (TBS)Cost for a spot: $2392Frequency: 3x a night, 5 days a weekTotal Cost: $143,520

Family Guy (FOX)Cost for a spot: $3004Frequency: 3x a night, 5 days a weekTotal Cost: $180,240

America’s Got Talent (NBC)Cost for a spot: $9204Frequency: 3x a night, 5 days a weekTotal Cost: $552,240

So You Think You Can Dance (FOX)Cost for a spot: $9204Frequency: 3x a night, 5 days a weekTotal Cost: $552,240

City: New York

Archer (FX)Cost for a spot: $2050Frequency: 3x a night, 5 days a weekTotal Cost: $123,000 American Dad (TBS)Cost for a spot: $2050Frequency: 3x a night, 5 days a weekTotal Cost: $123,000:

Family Guy (FOX)Cost for a spot: $3008Frequency: 3x a night, 5 days a weekTotal Cost: $180,480

America’s Got Talent (NBC)Cost for a spot: $6099Frequency: 3x a night, 5 days a weekTotal Cost: $365,940

So You Think You Can Dance (FOX)Cost for a spot: $6099Frequency: 3x a night, 5 days a weekTotal Cost: $365,940

Television Total: $2,730,120


YoutubeCost for ad: $100Frequency: Tuesday-SaturdayTotal views: 14kTotal Cost: $2000 FacebookCost for ad: $300Frequency: Tuesday-SaturdayTotal reached: 880kTotal Cost: $6000

Online Total: $8000

augustTotal: $5,640,917.92

The May to August time period of Muve’s media plan sees a release in New York City. Los Angeles is an ideal city to launch a lifestyle app as it’s an active city always looking for the next big thing. And New York is much the same way; it’s a breeding ground for breakout stars and Muve as an app that deals in merit would serve the city well. The New York stage of Muve’s plan doesn’t override the Los Angeles part, it merely adds on to it. All newspapers are located on colleges that are either renown for their performing arts program and/or at the least have a robust performing/fine arts selection of academic degrees. Newspapers are cheap and geo specific to my target market. Each college has tens of thousands of students and according to each media kit a large percentage of students read their school newspaper. The mix of magazines I’ve chosen are a mix of entertainment, school and male specific pub-lications. With such a mix I’m reaching tens of thousands of consumers who are targeted ho-listically from the selection of publications listed. With respect to radio I chose stations under genres Urban Contemporary and any related facets such as Rythmic and Top 40. According to the RAB adults aged 18-24 make up the largest listening audience for these genres. The television channels chosen cater specifically to my target demographic. Men aged 18-24, ac-cording to SRDS, primarily enjoy watching comedic shows best exemplified by Cartoon Net-work’s Adult Swim. For the sake of Muve’s industry I’ve also included dance specific shows to draw consumers who already have an interest in dancing. Muve’s online budget has been increased to accommodate the additional city.

aug.NewspapersCity: Los Angeles

Pasadena City College CourierWeekly PublicationFull Page Cost: $750Frequency: 3xTotal: $9000

New University (UC Irvine)Weekly PublicationFull Page Cost: $644Frequency: 10xTotal: $25,760 The Daily Trojan (USC)Daily Publication Full Page Cost: $2820Frequency: 3x a day from Monday to FridayTotal: $169,200

The Sundial (Cal State Northridge) Monthly PublicationFull Page Cost: $760Frequency: 1x11x17 Insert Cost: $750Frequency: 1xTotal: $6040 The Los Angeles Loyolan (Loyola Marymount)Weekly PublicationCenter Spread Cost: $1500Frequency: 1xTotal: $6000 The Clause (Azusa Pacific)Weekly PublicationFull Page Cost: $576Frequency: 1xTotal: $2304

MagazinesCity: New York

Pipe Dream (Binghamton U)Bi Weekly PublicationCenter Spread Cost: $1200Frequency: 3x an issue(for a total of 6x a week)Total: $28,000

Spectator (Columbia University)Weekly PublicationFull Page Cost: $2164Frequency:1xTotal Cost: $8656

Cornell Sun (Cornell University)Weekly PublicationFull Page Cost: $982.88Frequency: 1xTotal Cost: $3931.52

Washington Square News (New York University)Weekly PublicationFull Page Cost: $983.6Frequency: 1xTotal Cost: $3,934.4

The Daily Orange (Syracuse University)Daily PublicationFull Page Cost: $605Frequency: 1x a day from Monday-FridayTotal Cost: $12,100

Newspaper Total: $135,973.9

aug.MagazinesCity: Los Angeles

UCLA MagazineOne Publication a Quarter Full Page Cost: $5580Frequency: 4xTotal: $22,320 The HollyWood ReporterWeekly Publication4 Color Page Cost: $25,840Frequency: 3xTotal: $310,080 Entertainment WeeklyWeekly PublicationBRC Insert Cost: $66,800Frequency: 1xTotal: $267,200

Odyssey MagazineMonthly publicationFull Page Cost: $800Frequency: 3xTotal: $2400

MagazinesCity: New York

The Brooklyn RailMonthly PublicationFull Page Cost: $1400Frequency: 3xTotal Cost: $4200 Next MagazineWeekly PublicationFull Page Cost: $2078Frequency: 13xTotal Cost: $108,056

The New York MagazineWeekly PublicationFull Page Cost: $83,760Frequency: 5xTotal Cost: $1,675,200 The New YorkerWeekly PublicationBRC Insert Cost: $88,458Frequency: 1xTotal Cost: $353,832

Magazine Total: $2,141,288

Google Images

aug.RadioCity: Los Angeles

KPWR Power 106 Rhythmic contemporary hit radioCost (for a 3-7pm spot): $1197Frequency: 3x a day, Monday – SaturdayTotal Cost: $86,184

KRRL Real 92.3Urban contemporaryCost (for a 3-7pm spot): $1197Frequency: 3x a day Monday – SaturdayTotal Cost: $86,184

KJLH 102.3Urban adult contemporaryCost (for a 3-7pm spot): $1197Frequency: 3x a day,Monday – SaturdayTotal Cost: $86,184

KDAY 93.5 KDAYClassic hip hopCost (for a 3-7pm spot): $1197Frequency: 3x a day,Monday – SaturdayTotal Cost: $86,184

City: New York

103.5- RhythmicCost (for a 3-7pm spot): $936Frequency: 3x a day,Monday – SaturdayTotal Cost: $56,160

105.1-UrbanCost (for a 3-7pm spot): $936Frequency: 3x a day, Monday – SaturdayTotal Cost: $56,160

106.7- Adult ContemporaryCost (for a 3-7pm spot): $936Frequency: 3x a day, Monday – SaturdayTotal Cost: $56,160

95.5- Adult ContemporaryCost (for a 3-7pm spot): $936Frequency: 3x a day, Monday – SaturdayTotal Cost: $56,160

97.1- Rhythmic ContemporaryCost (for a 3-7pm spot): $936Frequency: 3x a day, Monday – SaturdayTotal Cost: $56,160Radio Total: $625,536

Radio Total: $625,536

aug.TelevisionCity: Los Angeles

Archer (FX)Cost for a spot: $2392Frequency: 3x a night, 5 days a weekTotal Cost: $143,520 American Dad (TBS)Cost for a spot: $2392Frequency: 3x a night, 5 days a weekTotal Cost: $143,520

Family Guy (FOX)Cost for a spot: $3004Frequency: 3x a night, 5 days a weekTotal Cost: $180,240

America’s Got Talent (NBC)Cost for a spot: $9204Frequency: 3x a night, 5 days a weekTotal Cost: $552,240

So You Think You Can Dance (FOX)Cost for a spot: $9204Frequency: 3x a night, 5 days a weekTotal Cost: $552,240

City: New York

Archer (FX)Cost for a spot: $2050Frequency: 3x a night, 5 days a weekTotal Cost: $123,000 American Dad (TBS)Cost for a spot: $2050Frequency: 3x a night, 5 days a weekTotal Cost: $123,000:

Family Guy (FOX)Cost for a spot: $3008Frequency: 3x a night, 5 days a weekTotal Cost: $180,480

America’s Got Talent (NBC)Cost for a spot: $6099Frequency: 3x a night, 5 days a weekTotal Cost: $365,940

So You Think You Can Dance (FOX)Cost for a spot: $6099Frequency: 3x a night, 5 days a weekTotal Cost: $365,940

Television Total: $2,730,120


YoutubeCost for ad: $100Frequency: Tuesday-SaturdayTotal views: 14kTotal Cost: $2000 FacebookCost for ad: $300Frequency: Tuesday-SaturdayTotal reached: 880kTotal Cost: $6000

Online Total: $8000

septemberTotal: $7,855,905.92

The September to December time period of Muve’s media plan sees a release in Chicago. The Chicago release, much like the New York release simply adds on to the media plan. Chi-cago is an exciting place to launch as it’s renown for harboring and producing dancing tal-ent especially; a perfect fit for Muve. All newspapers are located on colleges that are either renown for their performing arts program and/or at the least have a robust performing/fine arts selection of academic degrees. Newspapers are cheap and geo specific to my target market. Each college has tens of thousands of students and according to each media kit a large percentage of students read their school newspaper. The mix of magazines I’ve chosen are a mix of entertainment, school, male specific and travel publications. With such a mix I’m reaching tens of thousands of consumers who are targeted holistically from the selection of publications listed. With respect to radio I chose stations under genres Urban Contemporary and any related facets such as Rythmic and Top 40. According to the RAB adults aged 18-24 make up the largest listening audience for these genres. The television channels chosen cater specifically to my target demographic. Men aged 18-24, according to SRDS, primarily enjoy watching comedic shows best exemplified by Cartoon Network’s Adult Swim. For the sake of Muve’s industry I’ve also included dance specific shows to draw consumers who already have an interest in dancing. Muve’s online budget has been increased to exponentially as the plan media plan will attempt to reach the greatest number of people possible across all three cities.

sep.NewspapersCity: Los Angeles

Pasadena City College CourierWeekly PublicationFull Page Cost: $750Frequency: 3xTotal: $9000

New University (UC Irvine)Weekly PublicationFull Page Cost: $644Frequency: 10xTotal: $25,760 The Daily Trojan (USC)Daily Publication Full Page Cost: $2820Frequency: 3x a day from Monday to FridayTotal: $169,200

The Sundial (Cal State Northridge) Monthly PublicationFull Page Cost: $760Frequency: 1x11x17 Insert Cost: $750Frequency: 1xTotal: $6040 The Los Angeles Loyolan (Loyola Marymount)Weekly PublicationCenter Spread Cost: $1500Frequency: 1xTotal: $6000 The Clause (Azusa Pacific)Weekly PublicationFull Page Cost: $576Frequency: 1xTotal: $2304

MagazinesCity: New York

Pipe Dream (Binghamton U)Bi Weekly PublicationCenter Spread Cost: $1200Frequency: 3x an issue(for a total of 6x a week)Total: $28,000

Spectator (Columbia University)Weekly PublicationFull Page Cost: $2164Frequency:1xTotal Cost: $8656

Cornell Sun (Cornell University)Weekly PublicationFull Page Cost: $982.88Frequency: 1xTotal Cost: $3931.52

Washington Square News (New York University)Weekly PublicationFull Page Cost: $983.6Frequency: 1xTotal Cost: $3,934.4

The Daily Orange (Syracuse University)Daily PublicationFull Page Cost: $605Frequency: 1x a day from Monday-FridayTotal Cost: $12,100

sep.NewspapersCity: Chicago

The DePaulia (DePaul University)Weekly PublicationFull Page Cost: $800Frequency: 2xTotal Cost: $6400

UIC News (University of Illinois)Weekly PublicationFull Page Cost: $1130Frequency: 3xTotal Cost: $13,560

The Loyola Phoenix (Loyola University)Weekly PublicationFull Page Cost: $1120Frequency: 1xTotal Cost: $4,480

The Columbia Chronicle (Columbia University)Weekly PublicationFull Page Cost: $750Frequency:1xTotal Cost: $3000

The Observer (Notre Dame University)Daily PublicationFull Page Cost: $1090Frequency: 1x a publicationTotal Cost: $21,800

Newspaper Total: $185,213.92

Google Images

sep.MagazinesCity: Los Angeles

UCLA MagazineOne Publication a Quarter Full Page Cost: $5580Frequency: 4xTotal: $22,320 The HollyWood ReporterWeekly Publication4 Color Page Cost: $25,840Frequency: 3xTotal: $310,080 Entertainment WeeklyWeekly PublicationBRC Insert Cost: $66,800Frequency: 1xTotal: $267,200

Odyssey MagazineMonthly publicationFull Page Cost: $800Frequency: 3xTotal: $2400

City: New York

The Brooklyn RailMonthly PublicationFull Page Cost: $1400Frequency: 3xTotal Cost: $4200 Next MagazineWeekly PublicationFull Page Cost: $2078Frequency: 13xTotal Cost: $108,056

The New York MagazineWeekly PublicationFull Page Cost: $83,760Frequency: 5xTotal Cost: $1,675,200 The New YorkerWeekly PublicationBRC Insert Cost: $88,458Frequency: 1xTotal Cost: $353,832

City: Chicago

Living BluesPublished every two monthsFull Page Cost: $1597Frequency: 6xTotal Cost: $38,328

Chicago MagazineMonthly PublicationFull Page Cost: $17kFrequency: 4xTotal Cost: $816,000

This Week In ChicagoWeekly PublicationFull Page Cost: $795Frequency: 52xTotal Cost: $165,360

SplashWeekly PublicationFull Page Cost: $12,340Frequency: 12xTotal Cost: $592,320

Chicago Suburban Family MagazineBi Monthly PublicationFull Page Cost: $1295Frequency: 6xTotal Cost: $15,540

Magazine Total: $3,176,516

sep.RadioCity: Los Angeles

KPWR Power 106 Rhythmic contemporary hit radioCost (for a 3-7pm spot): $1197Frequency: 3x a day, Monday – SaturdayTotal Cost: $86,184

KRRL Real 92.3Urban contemporaryCost (for a 3-7pm spot): $1197Frequency: 3x a day Monday – SaturdayTotal Cost: $86,184

KJLH 102.3Urban adult contemporaryCost (for a 3-7pm spot): $1197Frequency: 3x a day,Monday – SaturdayTotal Cost: $86,184

KDAY 93.5 KDAYClassic hip hopCost (for a 3-7pm spot): $1197Frequency: 3x a day,Monday – SaturdayTotal Cost: $86,184

City: New York

103.5- RhythmicCost (for a 3-7pm spot): $936Frequency: 3x a day,Monday – SaturdayTotal Cost: $56,160

105.1-UrbanCost (for a 3-7pm spot): $936Frequency: 3x a day, Monday – SaturdayTotal Cost: $56,160

106.7- Adult ContemporaryCost (for a 3-7pm spot): $936Frequency: 3x a day, Monday – SaturdayTotal Cost: $56,160

95.5- Adult ContemporaryCost (for a 3-7pm spot): $936Frequency: 3x a day, Monday – SaturdayTotal Cost: $56,160

97.1- Rhythmic ContemporaryCost (for a 3-7pm spot): $936Frequency: 3x a day, Monday – SaturdayTotal Cost: $56,160Radio Total: $625,536

sep.RadioCity: Chicago

103.5- Contemporary hitsCost (for a 3-7pm spot): $674Frequency: 3x a day, Monday – SaturdayTotal Cost: $40,440

96.3-Top 40Cost (for a 3-7pm spot): $674Frequency: 3x a day, Monday – SaturdayTotal Cost: $40,440

101.9-Adult Top 40Cost (for a 3-7pm spot): $674Frequency: 3x a day, Monday – SaturdayTotal Cost: $40,440

107.5-Urban ContemporaryCost (for a 3-7pm spot): $674Frequency: 3x a day, Monday – SaturdayTotal Cost: $40,440

103.3-Urban ContemporaryCost (for a 3-7pm spot): $674Frequency: 3x a day, Monday – SaturdayTotal Cost: $40,440

Radio Total: $827,736

Google Images

sep.TelevisionCity: Los Angeles

Archer (FX)Cost for a spot: $2392Frequency: 3x a night, 5 days a weekTotal Cost: $143,520 American Dad (TBS)Cost for a spot: $2392Frequency: 3x a night, 5 days a weekTotal Cost: $143,520

Family Guy (FOX)Cost for a spot: $3004Frequency: 3x a night, 5 days a weekTotal Cost: $180,240

America’s Got Talent (NBC)Cost for a spot: $9204Frequency: 3x a night, 5 days a weekTotal Cost: $552,240

So You Think You Can Dance (FOX)Cost for a spot: $9204Frequency: 3x a night, 5 days a weekTotal Cost: $552,240

City: New York

Archer (FX)Cost for a spot: $2050Frequency: 3x a night, 5 days a weekTotal Cost: $123,000 American Dad (TBS)Cost for a spot: $2050Frequency: 3x a night, 5 days a weekTotal Cost: $123,000:

Family Guy (FOX)Cost for a spot: $3008Frequency: 3x a night, 5 days a weekTotal Cost: $180,480

America’s Got Talent (NBC)Cost for a spot: $6099Frequency: 3x a night, 5 days a weekTotal Cost: $365,940

So You Think You Can Dance (FOX)Cost for a spot: $6099Frequency: 3x a night, 5 days a weekTotal Cost: $365,940

Television Total: $2,730,120

sep.TelevisionCity: Chicago

Archer (FX)Cost for a spot: $895Frequency: 6x a night, 5 days a weekTotal Cost: $107,400 American Dad (TBS)Cost for a spot: $895Frequency: 6x a night, 5 days a weekTotal Cost: $107,400

Family Guy (FOX)Cost for a spot: $1078Frequency: 6x a night, 5 days a weekTotal Cost: $129.360

RadioCity: Los Angeles

America’s Got Talent (NBC)Cost for a spot: $2409Frequency: 6x a night, 5 days a weekTotal Cost: $289,080

So You Think You Can Dance (FOX)Cost for a spot: $2409Frequency: 6x a night, 5 days a weekTotal Cost: $289,080

Television Total: $3,652,440


YoutubeCost for ad: $200Frequency: Tuesday-SaturdayTotal views: 20kTotal Cost: $4000 FacebookCost for ad: $500Frequency: Tuesday-SaturdayTotal reached: 1.08 millionTotal Cost: $10k

Online Total: $14,000

octoberTotal: $7,855,905.92

The September to December time period of Muve’s media plan sees a release in Chicago. The Chicago release, much like the New York release simply adds on to the media plan. Chi-cago is an exciting place to launch as it’s renown for harboring and producing dancing tal-ent especially; a perfect fit for Muve. All newspapers are located on colleges that are either renown for their performing arts program and/or at the least have a robust performing/fine arts selection of academic degrees. Newspapers are cheap and geo specific to my target market. Each college has tens of thousands of students and according to each media kit a large percentage of students read their school newspaper. The mix of magazines I’ve chosen are a mix of entertainment, school, male specific and travel publications. With such a mix I’m reaching tens of thousands of consumers who are targeted holistically from the selection of publications listed. With respect to radio I chose stations under genres Urban Contemporary and any related facets such as Rythmic and Top 40. According to the RAB adults aged 18-24 make up the largest listening audience for these genres. The television channels chosen cater specifically to my target demographic. Men aged 18-24, according to SRDS, primarily enjoy watching comedic shows best exemplified by Cartoon Network’s Adult Swim. For the sake of Muve’s industry I’ve also included dance specific shows to draw consumers who already have an interest in dancing. Muve’s online budget has been increased to exponentially as the plan media plan will attempt to reach the greatest number of people possible across all three cities.

Google Images

oct.NewspapersCity: Los Angeles

Pasadena City College CourierWeekly PublicationFull Page Cost: $750Frequency: 3xTotal: $9000

New University (UC Irvine)Weekly PublicationFull Page Cost: $644Frequency: 10xTotal: $25,760 The Daily Trojan (USC)Daily Publication Full Page Cost: $2820Frequency: 3x a day from Monday to FridayTotal: $169,200

RadioCity: Los Angeles

The Sundial (Cal State Northridge) Monthly PublicationFull Page Cost: $760Frequency: 1x11x17 Insert Cost: $750Frequency: 1xTotal: $6040 The Los Angeles Loyolan (Loyola Marymount)Weekly PublicationCenter Spread Cost: $1500Frequency: 1xTotal: $6000 The Clause (Azusa Pacific)Weekly PublicationFull Page Cost: $576Frequency: 1xTotal: $2304

RadioCity: New York

Pipe Dream (Binghamton U)Bi Weekly PublicationCenter Spread Cost: $1200Frequency: 3x an issue(for a total of 6x a week)Total: $28,000

Spectator (Columbia University)Weekly PublicationFull Page Cost: $2164Frequency:1xTotal Cost: $8656

Cornell Sun (Cornell University)Weekly PublicationFull Page Cost: $982.88Frequency: 1xTotal Cost: $3931.52

Washington Square News (New York University)Weekly PublicationFull Page Cost: $983.6Frequency: 1xTotal Cost: $3,934.4

The Daily Orange (Syracuse University)Daily PublicationFull Page Cost: $605Frequency: 1x a day from Monday-FridayTotal Cost: $12,100

oct.NewspapersCity: Chicago

The DePaulia (DePaul University)Weekly PublicationFull Page Cost: $800Frequency: 2xTotal Cost: $6400

UIC News (University of Illinois)Weekly PublicationFull Page Cost: $1130Frequency: 3xTotal Cost: $13,560

The Loyola Phoenix (Loyola University)Weekly PublicationFull Page Cost: $1120Frequency: 1xTotal Cost: $4,480

The Columbia Chronicle (Columbia University)Weekly PublicationFull Page Cost: $750Frequency:1xTotal Cost: $3000

The Observer (Notre Dame University)Daily PublicationFull Page Cost: $1090Frequency: 1x a publicationTotal Cost: $21,800

Newspaper Total: $185,213.92

“The world may be running out of water, but it isn’t running low on music. Let the danc-ing flow!”

-Jarod Kintz

oct.MagazinesCity: Los Angeles

UCLA MagazineOne Publication a Quarter Full Page Cost: $5580Frequency: 4xTotal: $22,320 The HollyWood ReporterWeekly Publication4 Color Page Cost: $25,840Frequency: 3xTotal: $310,080 Entertainment WeeklyWeekly PublicationBRC Insert Cost: $66,800Frequency: 1xTotal: $267,200

Odyssey MagazineMonthly publicationFull Page Cost: $800Frequency: 3xTotal: $2400

City: New York

The Brooklyn RailMonthly PublicationFull Page Cost: $1400Frequency: 3xTotal Cost: $4200 Next MagazineWeekly PublicationFull Page Cost: $2078Frequency: 13xTotal Cost: $108,056

The New York MagazineWeekly PublicationFull Page Cost: $83,760Frequency: 5xTotal Cost: $1,675,200 The New YorkerWeekly PublicationBRC Insert Cost: $88,458Frequency: 1xTotal Cost: $353,832

City: Chicago

Living BluesPublished every two monthsFull Page Cost: $1597Frequency: 6xTotal Cost: $38,328

Chicago MagazineMonthly PublicationFull Page Cost: $17kFrequency: 4xTotal Cost: $816,000

This Week In ChicagoWeekly PublicationFull Page Cost: $795Frequency: 52xTotal Cost: $165,360

SplashWeekly PublicationFull Page Cost: $12,340Frequency: 12xTotal Cost: $592,320

Chicago Suburban Family MagazineBi Monthly PublicationFull Page Cost: $1295Frequency: 6xTotal Cost: $15,540

Magazine Total: $3,176,516

oct.RadioCity: Los Angeles

KPWR Power 106 Rhythmic contemporary hit radioCost (for a 3-7pm spot): $1197Frequency: 3x a day, Monday – SaturdayTotal Cost: $86,184

KRRL Real 92.3Urban contemporaryCost (for a 3-7pm spot): $1197Frequency: 3x a day Monday – SaturdayTotal Cost: $86,184

KJLH 102.3Urban adult contemporaryCost (for a 3-7pm spot): $1197Frequency: 3x a day,Monday – SaturdayTotal Cost: $86,184

KDAY 93.5 KDAYClassic hip hopCost (for a 3-7pm spot): $1197Frequency: 3x a day,Monday – SaturdayTotal Cost: $86,184

RadioCity: New York

103.5- RhythmicCost (for a 3-7pm spot): $936Frequency: 3x a day,Monday – SaturdayTotal Cost: $56,160

105.1-UrbanCost (for a 3-7pm spot): $936Frequency: 3x a day, Monday – SaturdayTotal Cost: $56,160

106.7- Adult ContemporaryCost (for a 3-7pm spot): $936Frequency: 3x a day, Monday – SaturdayTotal Cost: $56,160

95.5- Adult ContemporaryCost (for a 3-7pm spot): $936Frequency: 3x a day, Monday – SaturdayTotal Cost: $56,160

97.1- Rhythmic ContemporaryCost (for a 3-7pm spot): $936Frequency: 3x a day, Monday – SaturdayTotal Cost: $56,160Radio Total: $625,536

oct.RadioCity: Chicago

103.5- Contemporary hitsCost (for a 3-7pm spot): $674Frequency: 3x a day, Monday – SaturdayTotal Cost: $40,440

96.3-Top 40Cost (for a 3-7pm spot): $674Frequency: 3x a day, Monday – SaturdayTotal Cost: $40,440

101.9-Adult Top 40Cost (for a 3-7pm spot): $674Frequency: 3x a day, Monday – SaturdayTotal Cost: $40,440

107.5-Urban ContemporaryCost (for a 3-7pm spot): $674Frequency: 3x a day, Monday – SaturdayTotal Cost: $40,440

103.3-Urban ContemporaryCost (for a 3-7pm spot): $674Frequency: 3x a day, Monday – SaturdayTotal Cost: $40,44

Radio Total: $827,736

Google Images

oct.TelevisionCity: Los Angeles

Archer (FX)Cost for a spot: $2392Frequency: 3x a night, 5 days a weekTotal Cost: $143,520 American Dad (TBS)Cost for a spot: $2392Frequency: 3x a night, 5 days a weekTotal Cost: $143,520

Family Guy (FOX)Cost for a spot: $3004Frequency: 3x a night, 5 days a weekTotal Cost: $180,240

America’s Got Talent (NBC)Cost for a spot: $9204Frequency: 3x a night, 5 days a weekTotal Cost: $552,240

So You Think You Can Dance (FOX)Cost for a spot: $9204Frequency: 3x a night, 5 days a weekTotal Cost: $552,240

City: New York

Archer (FX)Cost for a spot: $2050Frequency: 3x a night, 5 days a weekTotal Cost: $123,000 American Dad (TBS)Cost for a spot: $2050Frequency: 3x a night, 5 days a weekTotal Cost: $123,000:

Family Guy (FOX)Cost for a spot: $3008Frequency: 3x a night, 5 days a weekTotal Cost: $180,480

America’s Got Talent (NBC)Cost for a spot: $6099Frequency: 3x a night, 5 days a weekTotal Cost: $365,940

So You Think You Can Dance (FOX)Cost for a spot: $6099Frequency: 3x a night, 5 days a weekTotal Cost: $365,940

Television Total: $2,730,120

oct.TelevisionCity: Chicago

Archer (FX)Cost for a spot: $895Frequency: 6x a night, 5 days a weekTotal Cost: $107,400 American Dad (TBS)Cost for a spot: $895Frequency: 6x a night, 5 days a weekTotal Cost: $107,400

Family Guy (FOX)Cost for a spot: $1078Frequency: 6x a night, 5 days a weekTotal Cost: $129.360

America’s Got Talent (NBC)Cost for a spot: $2409Frequency: 6x a night, 5 days a weekTotal Cost: $289,080

So You Think You Can Dance (FOX)Cost for a spot: $2409Frequency: 6x a night, 5 days a weekTotal Cost: $289,080

Television Total: $3,652,440


YoutubeCost for ad: $200Frequency: Tuesday-SaturdayTotal views: 20kTotal Cost: $4000 FacebookCost for ad: $500Frequency: Tuesday-SaturdayTotal reached: 1.08 millionTotal Cost: $10k

Online Total: $14,000

novemberTotal: $7,855,905.92

The September to December time period of Muve’s media plan sees a release in Chicago. The Chicago release, much like the New York release simply adds on to the media plan. Chi-cago is an exciting place to launch as it’s renown for harboring and producing dancing tal-ent especially; a perfect fit for Muve. All newspapers are located on colleges that are either renown for their performing arts program and/or at the least have a robust performing/fine arts selection of academic degrees. Newspapers are cheap and geo specific to my target market. Each college has tens of thousands of students and according to each media kit a large percentage of students read their school newspaper. The mix of magazines I’ve chosen are a mix of entertainment, school, male specific and travel publications. With such a mix I’m reaching tens of thousands of consumers who are targeted holistically from the selection of publications listed. With respect to radio I chose stations under genres Urban Contemporary and any related facets such as Rythmic and Top 40. According to the RAB adults aged 18-24 make up the largest listening audience for these genres. The television channels chosen cater specifically to my target demographic. Men aged 18-24, according to SRDS, primarily enjoy watching comedic shows best exemplified by Cartoon Network’s Adult Swim. For the sake of Muve’s industry I’ve also included dance specific shows to draw consumers who already have an interest in dancing. Muve’s online budget has been increased to exponentially as the plan media plan will attempt to reach the greatest number of people possible across all three cities.

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nov.NewspapersCity: Los Angeles

Pasadena City College CourierWeekly PublicationFull Page Cost: $750Frequency: 3xTotal: $9000

New University (UC Irvine)Weekly PublicationFull Page Cost: $644Frequency: 10xTotal: $25,760 The Daily Trojan (USC)Daily Publication Full Page Cost: $2820Frequency: 3x a day from Monday to FridayTotal: $169,200

The Sundial (Cal State Northridge) Monthly PublicationFull Page Cost: $760Frequency: 1x11x17 Insert Cost: $750Frequency: 1xTotal: $6040 The Los Angeles Loyolan (Loyola Marymount)Weekly PublicationCenter Spread Cost: $1500Frequency: 1xTotal: $6000 The Clause (Azusa Pacific)Weekly PublicationFull Page Cost: $576Frequency: 1xTotal: $2304

MagazinesCity: New York

Pipe Dream (Binghamton U)Bi Weekly PublicationCenter Spread Cost: $1200Frequency: 3x an issue(for a total of 6x a week)Total: $28,000

Spectator (Columbia University)Weekly PublicationFull Page Cost: $2164Frequency:1xTotal Cost: $8656

Cornell Sun (Cornell University)Weekly PublicationFull Page Cost: $982.88Frequency: 1xTotal Cost: $3931.52

Washington Square News (New York University)Weekly PublicationFull Page Cost: $983.6Frequency: 1xTotal Cost: $3,934.4

The Daily Orange (Syracuse University)Daily PublicationFull Page Cost: $605Frequency: 1x a day from Monday-FridayTotal Cost: $12,100

nov.NewspapersCity: Chicago

The DePaulia (DePaul University)Weekly PublicationFull Page Cost: $800Frequency: 2xTotal Cost: $6400

UIC News (University of Illinois)Weekly PublicationFull Page Cost: $1130Frequency: 3xTotal Cost: $13,560

The Loyola Phoenix (Loyola University)Weekly PublicationFull Page Cost: $1120Frequency: 1xTotal Cost: $4,480

The Columbia Chronicle (Columbia University)Weekly PublicationFull Page Cost: $750Frequency:1xTotal Cost: $3000

The Observer (Notre Dame University)Daily PublicationFull Page Cost: $1090Frequency: 1x a publicationTotal Cost: $21,800

Newspaper Total: $185,213.92

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nov.MagazinesCity: Los Angeles

UCLA MagazineOne Publication a Quarter Full Page Cost: $5580Frequency: 4xTotal: $22,320 The HollyWood ReporterWeekly Publication4 Color Page Cost: $25,840Frequency: 3xTotal: $310,080 Entertainment WeeklyWeekly PublicationBRC Insert Cost: $66,800Frequency: 1xTotal: $267,200

Odyssey MagazineMonthly publicationFull Page Cost: $800Frequency: 3xTotal: $2400

City: New York

The Brooklyn RailMonthly PublicationFull Page Cost: $1400Frequency: 3xTotal Cost: $4200 Next MagazineWeekly PublicationFull Page Cost: $2078Frequency: 13xTotal Cost: $108,056

The New York MagazineWeekly PublicationFull Page Cost: $83,760Frequency: 5xTotal Cost: $1,675,200 The New YorkerWeekly PublicationBRC Insert Cost: $88,458Frequency: 1xTotal Cost: $353,832

City: Chicago

Living BluesPublished every two monthsFull Page Cost: $1597Frequency: 6xTotal Cost: $38,328

Chicago MagazineMonthly PublicationFull Page Cost: $17kFrequency: 4xTotal Cost: $816,000

This Week In ChicagoWeekly PublicationFull Page Cost: $795Frequency: 52xTotal Cost: $165,360

SplashWeekly PublicationFull Page Cost: $12,340Frequency: 12xTotal Cost: $592,320

Chicago Suburban Family MagazineBi Monthly PublicationFull Page Cost: $1295Frequency: 6xTotal Cost: $15,540

Magazine Total: $3,176,516

nov.RadioCity: Los Angeles

KPWR Power 106 Rhythmic contemporary hit radioCost (for a 3-7pm spot): $1197Frequency: 3x a day, Monday – SaturdayTotal Cost: $86,184

KRRL Real 92.3Urban contemporaryCost (for a 3-7pm spot): $1197Frequency: 3x a day Monday – SaturdayTotal Cost: $86,184

KJLH 102.3Urban adult contemporaryCost (for a 3-7pm spot): $1197Frequency: 3x a day,Monday – SaturdayTotal Cost: $86,184

KDAY 93.5 KDAYClassic hip hopCost (for a 3-7pm spot): $1197Frequency: 3x a day,Monday – SaturdayTotal Cost: $86,184

City: New York

103.5- RhythmicCost (for a 3-7pm spot): $936Frequency: 3x a day,Monday – SaturdayTotal Cost: $56,160

105.1-UrbanCost (for a 3-7pm spot): $936Frequency: 3x a day, Monday – SaturdayTotal Cost: $56,160

106.7- Adult ContemporaryCost (for a 3-7pm spot): $936Frequency: 3x a day, Monday – SaturdayTotal Cost: $56,160

95.5- Adult ContemporaryCost (for a 3-7pm spot): $936Frequency: 3x a day, Monday – SaturdayTotal Cost: $56,160

97.1- Rhythmic ContemporaryCost (for a 3-7pm spot): $936Frequency: 3x a day, Monday – SaturdayTotal Cost: $56,160Radio Total: $625,536

nov.RadioCity: Chicago

103.5- Contemporary hitsCost (for a 3-7pm spot): $674Frequency: 3x a day, Monday – SaturdayTotal Cost: $40,440

96.3-Top 40Cost (for a 3-7pm spot): $674Frequency: 3x a day, Monday – SaturdayTotal Cost: $40,440

101.9-Adult Top 40Cost (for a 3-7pm spot): $674Frequency: 3x a day, Monday – SaturdayTotal Cost: $40,440

107.5-Urban ContemporaryCost (for a 3-7pm spot): $674Frequency: 3x a day, Monday – SaturdayTotal Cost: $40,440

103.3-Urban ContemporaryCost (for a 3-7pm spot): $674Frequency: 3x a day, Monday – SaturdayTotal Cost: $40,440

Radio Total: $827,736

“I do not try to dance better than anyone else. I only try to to dance better than my-self.”

-Mikhail Baryshnikov

nov.TelevisionCity: Los Angeles

Archer (FX)Cost for a spot: $2392Frequency: 3x a night, 5 days a weekTotal Cost: $143,520 American Dad (TBS)Cost for a spot: $2392Frequency: 3x a night, 5 days a weekTotal Cost: $143,520

Family Guy (FOX)Cost for a spot: $3004Frequency: 3x a night, 5 days a weekTotal Cost: $180,240

RadioCity: Los Angeles

America’s Got Talent (NBC)Cost for a spot: $9204Frequency: 3x a night, 5 days a weekTotal Cost: $552,240

So You Think You Can Dance (FOX)Cost for a spot: $9204Frequency: 3x a night, 5 days a weekTotal Cost: $552,240

City: New York

Archer (FX)Cost for a spot: $2050Frequency: 3x a night, 5 days a weekTotal Cost: $123,000 American Dad (TBS)Cost for a spot: $2050Frequency: 3x a night, 5 days a weekTotal Cost: $123,000:

Family Guy (FOX)Cost for a spot: $3008Frequency: 3x a night, 5 days a weekTotal Cost: $180,480

America’s Got Talent (NBC)Cost for a spot: $6099Frequency: 3x a night, 5 days a weekTotal Cost: $365,940

So You Think You Can Dance (FOX)Cost for a spot: $6099Frequency: 3x a night, 5 days a weekTotal Cost: $365,940

Television Total: $2,730,120

nov.TelevisionCity: Chicago

Archer (FX)Cost for a spot: $895Frequency: 6x a night, 5 days a weekTotal Cost: $107,400 American Dad (TBS)Cost for a spot: $895Frequency: 6x a night, 5 days a weekTotal Cost: $107,400

Family Guy (FOX)Cost for a spot: $1078Frequency: 6x a night, 5 days a weekTotal Cost: $129.360

America’s Got Talent (NBC)Cost for a spot: $2409Frequency: 6x a night, 5 days a weekTotal Cost: $289,080

So You Think You Can Dance (FOX)Cost for a spot: $2409Frequency: 6x a night, 5 days a weekTotal Cost: $289,080

Television Total: $3,652,440


YoutubeCost for ad: $200Frequency: Tuesday-SaturdayTotal views: 20kTotal Cost: $4000 FacebookCost for ad: $500Frequency: Tuesday-SaturdayTotal reached: 1.08 millionTotal Cost: $10k

Online Total: $14,000

decemberTotal: $7,855,905.92

The September to December time period of Muve’s media plan sees a release in Chicago. The Chicago release, much like the New York release simply adds on to the media plan. Chi-cago is an exciting place to launch as it’s renown for harboring and producing dancing tal-ent especially; a perfect fit for Muve. All newspapers are located on colleges that are either renown for their performing arts program and/or at the least have a robust performing/fine arts selection of academic degrees. Newspapers are cheap and geo specific to my target market. Each college has tens of thousands of students and according to each media kit a large percentage of students read their school newspaper. The mix of magazines I’ve chosen are a mix of entertainment, school, male specific and travel publications. With such a mix I’m reaching tens of thousands of consumers who are targeted holistically from the selection of publications listed. With respect to radio I chose stations under genres Urban Contemporary and any related facets such as Rythmic and Top 40. According to the RAB adults aged 18-24 make up the largest listening audience for these genres. The television channels chosen cater specifically to my target demographic. Men aged 18-24, according to SRDS, primarily enjoy watching comedic shows best exemplified by Cartoon Network’s Adult Swim. For the sake of Muve’s industry I’ve also included dance specific shows to draw consumers who already have an interest in dancing. Muve’s online budget has been increased to exponentially as the plan media plan will attempt to reach the greatest number of people possible across all three cities.

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dec.NewspapersCity: Los Angeles

Pasadena City College CourierWeekly PublicationFull Page Cost: $750Frequency: 3xTotal: $9000

New University (UC Irvine)Weekly PublicationFull Page Cost: $644Frequency: 10xTotal: $25,760 The Daily Trojan (USC)Daily Publication Full Page Cost: $2820Frequency: 3x a day from Monday to FridayTotal: $169,200

The Sundial (Cal State Northridge) Monthly PublicationFull Page Cost: $760Frequency: 1x11x17 Insert Cost: $750Frequency: 1xTotal: $6040 The Los Angeles Loyolan (Loyola Marymount)Weekly PublicationCenter Spread Cost: $1500Frequency: 1xTotal: $6000 The Clause (Azusa Pacific)Weekly PublicationFull Page Cost: $576Frequency: 1xTotal: $2304

MagazinesCity: New York

Pipe Dream (Binghamton U)Bi Weekly PublicationCenter Spread Cost: $1200Frequency: 3x an issue(for a total of 6x a week)Total: $28,000

Spectator (Columbia University)Weekly PublicationFull Page Cost: $2164Frequency:1xTotal Cost: $8656

Cornell Sun (Cornell University)Weekly PublicationFull Page Cost: $982.88Frequency: 1xTotal Cost: $3931.52

Washington Square News (New York University)Weekly PublicationFull Page Cost: $983.6Frequency: 1xTotal Cost: $3,934.4

The Daily Orange (Syracuse University)Daily PublicationFull Page Cost: $605Frequency: 1x a day from Monday-FridayTotal Cost: $12,100

dec.NewspapersCity: Chicago

The DePaulia (DePaul University)Weekly PublicationFull Page Cost: $800Frequency: 2xTotal Cost: $6400

UIC News (University of Illinois)Weekly PublicationFull Page Cost: $1130Frequency: 3xTotal Cost: $13,560

The Loyola Phoenix (Loyola University)Weekly PublicationFull Page Cost: $1120Frequency: 1xTotal Cost: $4,480

The Columbia Chronicle (Columbia University)Weekly PublicationFull Page Cost: $750Frequency:1xTotal Cost: $3000

The Observer (Notre Dame University)Daily PublicationFull Page Cost: $1090Frequency: 1x a publicationTotal Cost: $21,800

Newspaper Total: $185,213.92

Google Images

dec.MagazinesCity: Los Angeles

UCLA MagazineOne Publication a Quarter Full Page Cost: $5580Frequency: 4xTotal: $22,320 The HollyWood ReporterWeekly Publication4 Color Page Cost: $25,840Frequency: 3xTotal: $310,080 Entertainment WeeklyWeekly PublicationBRC Insert Cost: $66,800Frequency: 1xTotal: $267,200

Odyssey MagazineMonthly publicationFull Page Cost: $800Frequency: 3xTotal: $2400

City: New York

The Brooklyn RailMonthly PublicationFull Page Cost: $1400Frequency: 3xTotal Cost: $4200 Next MagazineWeekly PublicationFull Page Cost: $2078Frequency: 13xTotal Cost: $108,056

The New York MagazineWeekly PublicationFull Page Cost: $83,760Frequency: 5xTotal Cost: $1,675,200 The New YorkerWeekly PublicationBRC Insert Cost: $88,458Frequency: 1xTotal Cost: $353,832

City: Chicago

Living BluesPublished every two monthsFull Page Cost: $1597Frequency: 6xTotal Cost: $38,328

Chicago MagazineMonthly PublicationFull Page Cost: $17kFrequency: 4xTotal Cost: $816,000

This Week In ChicagoWeekly PublicationFull Page Cost: $795Frequency: 52xTotal Cost: $165,360

SplashWeekly PublicationFull Page Cost: $12,340Frequency: 12xTotal Cost: $592,320

Chicago Suburban Family MagazineBi Monthly PublicationFull Page Cost: $1295Frequency: 6xTotal Cost: $15,540

Magazine Total: $3,176,516

dec.RadioCity: Los Angeles

KPWR Power 106 Rhythmic contemporary hit radioCost (for a 3-7pm spot): $1197Frequency: 3x a day, Monday – SaturdayTotal Cost: $86,184

KRRL Real 92.3Urban contemporaryCost (for a 3-7pm spot): $1197Frequency: 3x a day Monday – SaturdayTotal Cost: $86,184

KJLH 102.3Urban adult contemporaryCost (for a 3-7pm spot): $1197Frequency: 3x a day,Monday – SaturdayTotal Cost: $86,184

KDAY 93.5 KDAYClassic hip hopCost (for a 3-7pm spot): $1197Frequency: 3x a day,Monday – SaturdayTotal Cost: $86,184

City: New York

103.5- RhythmicCost (for a 3-7pm spot): $936Frequency: 3x a day,Monday – SaturdayTotal Cost: $56,160

105.1-UrbanCost (for a 3-7pm spot): $936Frequency: 3x a day, Monday – SaturdayTotal Cost: $56,160

106.7- Adult ContemporaryCost (for a 3-7pm spot): $936Frequency: 3x a day, Monday – SaturdayTotal Cost: $56,160

95.5- Adult ContemporaryCost (for a 3-7pm spot): $936Frequency: 3x a day, Monday – SaturdayTotal Cost: $56,160

97.1- Rhythmic ContemporaryCost (for a 3-7pm spot): $936Frequency: 3x a day, Monday – SaturdayTotal Cost: $56,160Radio Total: $625,536

dec.RadioCity: Chicago

103.5- Contemporary hitsCost (for a 3-7pm spot): $674Frequency: 3x a day, Monday – SaturdayTotal Cost: $40,440

96.3-Top 40Cost (for a 3-7pm spot): $674Frequency: 3x a day, Monday – SaturdayTotal Cost: $40,440

101.9-Adult Top 40Cost (for a 3-7pm spot): $674Frequency: 3x a day, Monday – SaturdayTotal Cost: $40,440

107.5-Urban ContemporaryCost (for a 3-7pm spot): $674Frequency: 3x a day, Monday – SaturdayTotal Cost: $40,440

103.3-Urban ContemporaryCost (for a 3-7pm spot): $674Frequency: 3x a day, Monday – SaturdayTotal Cost: $40,440

Radio Total: $827,736

Google Images

dec.TelevisionCity: Los Angeles

Archer (FX)Cost for a spot: $2392Frequency: 3x a night, 5 days a weekTotal Cost: $143,520 American Dad (TBS)Cost for a spot: $2392Frequency: 3x a night, 5 days a weekTotal Cost: $143,520

Family Guy (FOX)Cost for a spot: $3004Frequency: 3x a night, 5 days a weekTotal Cost: $180,240

America’s Got Talent (NBC)Cost for a spot: $9204Frequency: 3x a night, 5 days a weekTotal Cost: $552,240

So You Think You Can Dance (FOX)Cost for a spot: $9204Frequency: 3x a night, 5 days a weekTotal Cost: $552,240

City: New York

Archer (FX)Cost for a spot: $2050Frequency: 3x a night, 5 days a weekTotal Cost: $123,000 American Dad (TBS)Cost for a spot: $2050Frequency: 3x a night, 5 days a weekTotal Cost: $123,000:

Family Guy (FOX)Cost for a spot: $3008Frequency: 3x a night, 5 days a weekTotal Cost: $180,480

America’s Got Talent (NBC)Cost for a spot: $6099Frequency: 3x a night, 5 days a weekTotal Cost: $365,940

So You Think You Can Dance (FOX)Cost for a spot: $6099Frequency: 3x a night, 5 days a weekTotal Cost: $365,940

Television Total: $2,730,120

dec.TelevisionCity: Chicago

Archer (FX)Cost for a spot: $895Frequency: 6x a night, 5 days a weekTotal Cost: $107,400 American Dad (TBS)Cost for a spot: $895Frequency: 6x a night, 5 days a weekTotal Cost: $107,400

Family Guy (FOX)Cost for a spot: $1078Frequency: 6x a night, 5 days a weekTotal Cost: $129.360

America’s Got Talent (NBC)Cost for a spot: $2409Frequency: 6x a night, 5 days a weekTotal Cost: $289,080

So You Think You Can Dance (FOX)Cost for a spot: $2409Frequency: 6x a night, 5 days a weekTotal Cost: $289,080

Television Total: $3,652,440


YoutubeCost for ad: $200Frequency: Tuesday-SaturdayTotal views: 20kTotal Cost: $4000 FacebookCost for ad: $500Frequency: Tuesday-SaturdayTotal reached: 1.08 millionTotal Cost: $10k

Online Total: $14,000

mediaplanTotal: $64,390,687.36

1 m budgetI’d invest fully in my newspaper budget as it is both cost effective and an excellent opportunity to reach my target market, especially since the newspapers are geo-specific to regions of my age demo-graphic. I’d invest in few cheap magazines for the sake of visuals. Muve is an app that needs visuals, in addition magazines with their high grade paper and aesthetics evoke a sense of affluence. I’d in-vest in my radio budget only because it’s less expensive than televi-sion and i’d be able to reach my target market in more places.

From the standpoint of creative I’d also be able to have radio spots that are unique leading to a higher chance a listener would contin-ue to listen and not hange the dial. With a million dollar budget I’d cut nearly all television spots. It’s too expensive to justify the huge bite of my budget it’d take up, however cheap cities like Chicago could warrant very sparse ads only becasue Muve is a product that must be seen and heard in order to be comprehended and hope-fuly convinced. My online budget would remain in tact as by far it’s the cheapest and it still allows me to reach a significant number of people. Facebook especially allows me to target consumers who are specifically intersted in dance culture.

100k budget the big ideaLooking through Muve’ calendar the single reocurring idea is the concept of a themed flash mob. As an industry dance is something that cannot be described or heard but it must be seen and felt. The best way to showcase what Muve is about is to actually show them. Reocurring choreographed flash mobs around the city featuring all dancing styles would not only garner publicity but it would also instill in viewers a desire to be more. Dance has the ability to move (no pun intended) it’s viewrs just like any artform, so giving it to the people in such a direct manner would be recieved well.

And since the calendar includes a flash mob every few months, each month would entail a theme the mob would adhere to. For example, January is fitness month so havin the dancers dress in 80s workout clothes would be a welcome tongue in cheek that’d evoke a warm nostalgia in all it’s viewers.

Less is more. And my budget for 100k would reflect that. I’d keep my newspaper budget because it’s cost effective and any readers would be in my target market. I’d keep a magazine per city for the sake of aesthetics. Newspapers are cheap but they wouldn’t be able to pin down the look Muve would desire to portray due to newspa-per’s limited creative flexibility and for that reason I’d keep maga-zines. I’d cut radio even though it’s cheap because while people still listen to the radio my target market isn’t active enough on that me-dium to justify the tens of thousands I would spend for a few 30 sec-ond spots that they would most liekly turn the channel to avoid.

I’d eliminate all television spots as it’s too expensive even though video is an essential part of Muve’s advertising makeup. To that end I’d put even more money into online advertising as it’s cost effective and it would allow me to hyper target my market. I’d also be able to track, in real time, the effectiveness of the campgain. It’s a smarter buy all around.

Creatives +OOH +Ad pieces +Website +Renderings

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ryan bestHello!

My name is Ryan Best and I’m the poor smuck who labored for months completing this ad plan you just finished! As I’m writing this, I am a senior get-ting ready to graduate from Pepperdine University. These past four years have been awesome! From winning house cup freshman year, to spending my sophomore year in Buenos Aires, to becoming a Resident Advisor my junior year to having my sec-ond internship by my senior year it’s been a wild ride.

Muve as an idea, regardless of what happens with it, is a concept that speaks to us all. To be unen-

cumbered and express ourselves in the rawest way possible is a basic longing all humanity experineces at some point in their life. That’s why, even though it was tough, completing this plan was really fun. From research, to strategy and cre-ative the skill set attained from courses here at Pepperdine will serve me well in the real world and for that I’m immensely grateful. Currently I’m looking for em-ployment in the Los Angeles-Culver City area and to that effect, should an op-portunity pass your way you feel I’d be a good fit for please reach out to me!

[email protected]

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