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Benemrita Universidad Autnoma de Puebla

The commodification of the Barrio del Artista in the period from 2008 to 2013


Sandra Stephany Baos JimenezEnrique Flores CervantesJose ZegbeJazmn GalvnCsar Fernando Pacheco Rodrguez

ProfessorDiana Karina Mantilla Glvez

Theme area Methods and technics of investigation in social science Economy Art

EntranceThe investigation will take place on the well-known and famous Barrio del artista in the City of Puebla, which is a space for these art makers for free so they can have a place in which they can sell their work. The research will focus on painters. In a four month period, a team of five students from the Benemrita Universidad Autnoma de Puebla will investigate a painter each from the Barrio hoping to obtain implicit information (watching them without making contact) and explicit (with interviews) of the commodification of their work in the five year period mentioned on the title of the investigation.Its important to our investigation the relative boom that this cultural place has had for local, national and foreign tourists due to the improvements in infrastructure, roads and new options to have fun near the Barrio, something that has brought a big wave of security to this place.The development on the investigation will take place between the governmental periods of Mario Marn Torres and Rafael Moreno Valle, this situation means to us the opportunity to make a balance to recognize el which of both periods the Barrio had this rise of popularity as a recreation place.A sell analysis will take place to calculate how remunerable is this sort of job, taking notice of work conditions and the place they do it.

ObjectivesThe principal objective of the work is to recognize the commodification of art during this period, so as the main strategy the painters use to sell.

The general objectives of the project are: Find out the economic stability level on an artists job during the period of 2008 to 2013. Recognize the participation from the government on the Barrio del Artista on this period. Expose the grown of the commodification of art. Determine a top period of sells on el Barrio.

HypothesisBased on the time weve had to watch our artists on the past couple weeks, we believe that the commodification of art on El Barrio del Artista can be considerate as a good business for painters, because we have seen a bin quantity of people (Mexicans and foreign) that come to the place and take the time to watch and buy a paint that they find interesting or beautiful. In the same way, we believe that if the infrastructure conditions around the Barrio keep getting better, within the next five to seven years the aspect of el Barrio del Artista will improve a lot, thus there will be more income so the artists can improve their life quality and keep contributing to the growing of the state economy.

Justification: We had considered that the present research is adequate for our project because it will show the impact of changes in artists trade. This research will not only provide a perspective of their situation but also will help them develop opportunity areas that they find in their panorama. For the arts consumers will help them understand the fluctuation of prices of the products purchased.With the Qualitative method, we are reviewing the influence of personal aspects of the artists from in the development of their working life and vice versa, this review is aimed at finding common ground that can be used as variables to quantify these impacts.We want to observe the importance of Barrio del Artista in the development of Art and artists in the city of Puebla, how it has contributed to the cultural vision of the inhabitants of this city. Thus, we will discover what market is the most interested in buying art, whether national or international.Regarding to the relation that this investigation has with International Relations discipline, we expect finding out how likely is it that an artist of this place has the possibilities to expose his art nationally and internationally to generate a cultural exchange between different regions what would lead to enrichment in the value that is given to their job. The mayor motivation cause to do this research is to know how appreciated the artistic work is in Puebla city because we expect having an established place for cultural diffusion like this Barrio is. We assume that the artists income of this place is benefited for population support.


Artist- Person who exercises a fine art.- Person provided with the virtue and disposition necessary for any of the fine arts. Painter - Person who professes or exercises the art of painting. Artwork- Object or work of great artistic value. Remuneration- In an activity: Produce gain. Increase- Action of growth Sales- Action and effect to sell- Number of things sold. Trade- Negotiation is done by buying and selling goods.

Description of the area

Barrio del Artista is a place located between 6 oriente Avenue and the street 4 oriente in the historic center of the city of Puebla. The atmosphere is quiet and has security (tourist police), old buildings and trees surround the site, the place has cobbled street.

Description of the artists

Emilia Gutirrez: The artist is a young woman between 30 and 35 years old. her height is approximately 1.65 meters, she has brown skin and black hair, she has big brown eyes and little mouth she wears a black blouse with blue jeans and sneakers, it's right hand. She is easy going and friendly. Roberto Snchez: The artist is an old man between 40 and 45 years old, he has a black mustache and grey-haired. He wears polo blue shirts, jeans that are kind of washed out and a black belt. He has big black eyebrows, little eyes and mouth. He looks serious all the time, but is really kind and friendly. He is a little bit chubby, has short arms and big feet. Laura Daz: The artists height is approximately 1.65 meters, has curly hair, long and dyed, she is thin, White, big nose, uses jeans y denim jacket, black sneakers, black blouse and Brown belt. Alberto Gomez: The painter works in Barrio del Artista in Puebla, he seems to have 48 years old, he wore a gray sweater a blue shirt, he use glasses , has black hair. His skin is brown. He seems to be really kind and humble, he smiles constantly and listen to music while he paints. The subject that i saw is a male, with an adult age, between the 60 - 65 years old. His skin is white with a beard and curly hair. He wore glasses and he doesn't look like a typical artist. He works in the Barrio del Artista and I saw him sitting on a chair in front of his easel near of all of his materials of work. He has a few pieces of art made by him (obviously) , that shock me at first sight.

Contextual frameworkThe target of this research is getting to know, through a Timeline, the process of commodification of works in the Barrio del Artista in the period 2008-2013 offering statistical data to generate meaningful information that can be useful to future generations.During the research, we consulted the President of the Association of Barrio del Artista, who provided us some facts that were aid for the development of this investigation, where cooperation and interests in contribution turned in a friendly environment.President Jos Rafael Mndez Gil is an Art professor who locates in the same place offering private lessons for those interested in art. At the beginning of our research, we gave a short introduction telling him who we were and our purpose facilitating the support and trust of the teacher.With regard to the commercialization of the artistic work, we could find the following:In the words of Professor Jos Rafael Mndez Gil:"The accounts are relatives because they depend of the artist and the quality for which is individual.""The key is to not be in a one place only, you touch doors in different places, whether galleries or through social Networks. The Fact of being in the Barrio del Artista do not means selling, it is just prestige.""At Least, for me, it had worked because there is a true number of artists, that differ in ages, some are older, who do not adapt themselves to the system and rather the normal selling, however, they already have buyers that know them and look for their work.The most important thing is having paintings and working, you cannot expect selling something while having an empty studio with no quality work which prices are relative.Prices are totally relatives because one thing is its value and other the price. The value of a painting that you like a lot and you do not want to sell it, you raise its price, but someone with the money comes and buy it."They are relative situations in which the artist becomes a born psychologist that intuitively recognizes the acquisition capabilities of a customer. I cannot call it work because work is struggling, and working at Barrio del Artista not.CONCLUSIONAs such, there are not specific data in statistic terms corresponding to the commercialization of this works, because there are different factors that determine the value of paintings.As professor Jos Rafael Mendez says, artists job is relative and it depends a lot form their way of work and their selling ability.Something that is important to remark is that in recent years, the use of social networking, as what has been said before, has helped so much at selling because this method makes even easier the diffusion of paintings and the recognition of those artists that does not count with a long way in arts world. We can conclude that during the period of 2008 to 2013 it has been a favorable increase in selling thanks to social networking.

Theoretical frameworkWhen we realized the investigation and checked the results, we noticed that it exists a discrepancy between the use value ant the exchange value (Wisniewski, 2014), on this case, from the paintings that the artists collaborating with the investigation do. Being that According to the theory of value, abstract work its the root of the value That form of value is content in the production of merch and in the exterior objectivity that coated the social relations in this form of production (merch) (Fuentes, 2010, 174). In our field of investigation its an undetermined world of emotions in which the artist expresses emotions and ideas, the contradiction comes when the value losses its abstract nature at trying to determine a nominal price to a creators effort. Without a doubt, this is a normal problem among the artists analyzed on this investigation because non of them has a totally objective method to determine the exchange value.Also, we realized that with the circumstances in which the work is done nowadays in the Barrio del Artista, are fit in the category of a semi-informal work, because the access to benefits like social security or home credits arent provided, therefore, the work its done without efficiency due to the lack of a effective method to improve the making due to the type of activity, again, its semi-informal because it isnt done on a illegal way, the artists society its recognized as a moral person, thus, their working rights are at least theoretically protected. Also the artists seek for a continuous capacitation in new techniques.We think that a main factor in the decision of a potential client to buy or not a paint from an artist is the disposal from the creator of the work himself, this means the way he lets the potential client get near to him to ask for information of the technique he used or something more concrete such as asking the price of the paint. We can say this based on or own experience during the last weeks of investigation (the participant sections), when we interact in a more direct way with them and got a positive feedback from some of them, and a negative from others whom werent even accessible enough to let us watch their work. This can be a reflection of some past experience. The artist that were more accessible, gave us a great view of their work, always being kind and let us know that they were interested in getting their art to be recognized, because that means possible sells.When it was time to analyze the artists testimonies we came to the conclusion that the apparent importance of the Barrio de Artista seems to be only on a publicity way for the city because based on their answers, the governmental support for the developing the place as a point of reference in the art of the state has been null and even there has been some kind of reject sometimes. The place not been a main cultural point for the cultural vision that the people from the city and from the ones that come to visit.The most interested market in the merch has ben drawn among national and foreign in the period that we investigated (2008-2013). We also found out that the affluence of people has improve in the mentioned period, and that is seen with good ayes, because it is a new opportunity for selling their job everyday.

Methodological framework

EnriqueI think the best way to begin to know somebody (in research) its observing that person, one will get a lot of data this way but that data will go as far as telling what the person does and not why. You can find their why by reaching out to them via an interview, you can get closer but one must always have backup information on the subject so you can know whether they are telling the truth or not. If you also need context to get the why of what they do the life story you can get to know them well but sometimes its a bit too much. Always remember keep track data of the info in your Field Diary its of great help and always handy. If you still need help from an outsider of the field you can always do a poll, youll get tons of info sadly most of that info will be inaccurate.JazmnThe idea of meeting someone just staring at first seemed strange, but the experience left me is successful because it allowed me to learn a job which I had no idea.From my point of view Barrio del Artista is a really beautiful place where people are not only wanting to paint, some people just like to watch the artists.The simple observation has the disadvantage that it is completely subjective and that is the reason why I found most interesting the activity when I had direct contact with the artist through interviews with which I realized that she really loves her job and the situations that arise in the life of an artist have influence over their artworks.When my colleagues and I conducted the surveys we noticed that a considered number of people do not know much of what means to be an artist, but they appreciate their artworks.I think that all the means like observation, interview, Life history, Field Diary and the survey were very important for the investigationbecause they let us know the opinion of society about the work of the artists as their lives.

JosThis investigation was an incredible experience because Ive learned a lot from people and made some friends that I wasn't expecting to do.In this class I improve my abilities of redaction, as the same that I lost my fear to talk to new people, and learn new forms of make a real investigation of quality.The first step, was to look for a guy, that in the future will be my subject of this work, and find and look some things that will be necessary to complete the points of this essay.I had a great time with the teacher of the institute of plastic arts in barrio del artista, he was so fun and polite, he brings me the correct information and support on my work to improve my job.At that place they are so many people who dedicated to make art, since painters until bohemios. All of them are the greatest artists, they can made everything with their hands and imagination who definitely show passion, perseverance and love for their jobs.I feel very proud to have the opportunity to now these people cause i realized that in my country we have places like this to improved culture, and the taste of art.

The final goal of the project was to know about the buy and sell process of a piece of art and how it works the structure of an artist who works in that zone. After the investigation we can say that it doesnt matter the zone, or the trajectory of the artist, the only thing thats really important is the way of selling, and the ability and quality from an artist to his jobs. Most of them are there because they love to do it, instead of work.

Sandra On my point of view, it was a cool experience in which we could develop ourselves in a different environment. At first, it was maddening because I am not really a patient person who can just stay somewhere and stare at someone waiting for something to happen, but once I did, I could not stop. It is amazing the way you can learn from a person just by observing them doing what they love. Writing everything I was seeing at the moment of my observation helped me to perceive many things that, at the beginning, I thought they were not that important or interesting. It helped me to organize and conceptualized better my ideas.I am from Oaxaca City and there is not a place like this, but I have had the opportunity to see many artists using their hands to create something beautiful. I think Barrio del Artista is a place not only for artists but also for the people who wants to live art and distract themselves.When I talked for the first time with the artist Roberto for the interview, I could really see that he is really a lover of what he can create. He told me he was happy at working there because this way he can talk to the people who visit it and make them fall in love with art just the way he did. This relation between artists and people is very important to improve and spread culture in a society that, nowadays, is busy in things that are more material. Maybe it is not that remunerated being an artist but Roberto said that he has never starved. Therefore, in my point of view I think we have to stop with all those stereotypes that make artists look like they do not have commodities for doing what they do. He also said artists of this place get along really well and support each other in different ways instead of competing for sales or recognition.

CsarThis experience was cool; we got the opportunity to work as a team and get to use each of our individual talents in order to make a god investigation.I enjoyed I enjoyed watching my artist; I had to be very focused because I did not want to miss a single movement hed made, it was a very fun experience.Interviewing him was a tough challenge, I considered myself to be a shy person when it comes to talking fluently to people I dont know, so it was good for me and because I got to beat that fear. Talking to the painter was incredible, he is such a gentle person, so humble and easygoing, he always made sure I didnt have any doubts and let me answer almost everything, also, it really caught my attention the way he sees life, his really optimist, he doesnt think art its a lost cause and has a lot of faith in humanity.I really think that the way he sees life helps him to have many clients and get a nice amount of money for his art.Finally, Im really thankful for this experience, it was very fulfilling because Im a lover of art and I am so glad to see that people that dedicate his life to this great job still can live from it.


Wisniewski, M. (2014, 26 de septiembre). Las contradicciones del capital (segn David Harvey). La Jornada [en lnea]. Disponible en: [2015, 22 de abril]

Fuentes, A. (2010). Contradiccion, antagonismo y agencia. Inquietudes alrededor de Postone . Bajo el Volcan [en lnea]. N 9, p. 174. Disponible en: [2015, 22 de abril]

Annexes:Histories of lifeJazmnEl 27 de febrero de 1981, en la ciudad de Mxico, naci Emilia Gutirrez Alfaro. Con inters por el arte desde muy pequea sus padres Juan Jos Gutirrez quien trabajaba en una empresa y Damaris Alfaro Nez que se dedica a las labores del hogar buscaron que Emilia estuviera siempre en contacto con el arte por lo que a los 10 aos la llevaban a los talleres que imparta su to a solo unas cuadras de su casa en la delegacin Cuauhtmoc.Para el ao de 1996 su familia decidi mudarse a Cuernavaca, debido a que su padre recibi la oferta de ocupar un puesto mejor en la empresa en la que trabajaba, ah termin de estudiar la secundaria y comenz sus estudios de preparatoria. Durante todo ese tiempo continuo asistiendo a cursos de pintura y fue en las vacaciones de verano para pasar a tercero de preparatoria que su familia decidi regresar a la ciudad de Mxico debido a que su padre obtuvo su pensin y fue entonces que admirando el trabajo de su to tomo la decisin de estudiar la licenciatura en artes visuales en la Universidad Autnoma de Mxico (UNAM). En el ao de 1999 presento el examen de admisin en la mencionada universidad para el que se prepar exhaustivamente y como resultado logr ingresar sin ningn inconveniente. A esta edad comenz a ayudar a su to en el taller debido a que se encontraba muy enfermo de las vas respiratorias, ah ayudaba terminando algunas obras, e incluso creando las propias aunque para lo que confiesa que ayudar a su to no fue el nico motivo por el que trabajo ah, si no que quera tambin adquirir mayor experiencia. Por desgracia dos aos despus de que comenzara con su carrera en la universidad, su to falleci, lo cual significo un golpe muy duro para la artista, quien con conteniendo las lgrimas en los ojos describe el evento de la siguiente manera: Me encontraba en la universidad, cuando mi madre me llam para decirme que era urgente que fuera a mi casa, as que le ped a un amigo que me llevara en su auto para que fuera ms rpido, y cuando llegue vi que mi to haba muerto, fue horrible, una de las peores experiencias en mi vida creo, l fue una persona muy importante para m, mi gran inspiracin para ser lo que soy. Todo paso muy rpido y creo que esa es la razn por la que toda la familia no poda creerlo. A pesar de que el estado de nimo de Emilia no era el ms ptimo para continuar con su carrera lo hizo y un ao ms tarde conocera al que sera su esposo. Una amiga organizo una fiesta en su casa por su cumpleaos y ah fue en donde conoc a Daniel y un tiempo despus ya estbamos comprometidosEmilia al terminar la carrera se cas con Daniel quien estudia arquitectura en la misma universidad, posteriormente se mudaron a la ciudad de Puebla de donde l es originario y a la edad de 2 aos qued embarazada de su hija Ruth Jimnez Gutirrez quien actualmente tiene 9 aos y estudia en el centro escolar Nios Hroes de Chapultepec (CENHCH). Tres aos despus de quedar embarazada, por recomendacin de uno de los amigos de su esposo entro a trabajar en el Barrio del Artista en donde actualmente contina y dice sentirse muy a gusto.

EnriqueLaura Daz ha estado trabajando en el Barrio del Artista durante poco ms de 30 aos tanto como pintora, escultora, restauradora y profesora para todas las edades de estudiantes. Desde pequea recibi gran influencia por parte de su padre que fue escultor y catedrtico en el Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes. Desde los tres aos mostr inters al estar en el taller de su casa con su padre, as que l decidi ensearle. A sus 7 aos logr pintar su primer cuadro. En esos aos, en la primaria, conoci a quien tiempo despus se convertira en su esposo (l tambin fue alumno de su padre ms tarde).Madre de tres hijos y abuela pasa la mayora del da en su taller en el barrio de 9 a.m. a 10 p.m. entre semana, los fines de semana solo es medio da ya que tiene que hacerla de Cenicienta. Su hijo menor vive con ella y su esposo mientras estudia su carrera en Artes, s sus tres hijos son artistas, ese apoyo fue una de las razones por las cuales no pudo tener estudios formales y por esto mismo ha perdido ciertas oportunidades laborales como ser la coordinadora de arte en UPAEP. Pero tambin este camino de artista la ha llevado a conocer otras partes del mundo, hace unos 20 aos un cliente extranjero pas y al ver sus obras qued encantado por la tanto le hizo una invitacin a mostrar su trabajo en Andorra, hicieron tres viajes, ella ,su padre y su esposo. Una dcada ms tarde fue invitada a Estados Unidos, las ciudades visitadas fueron Atlanta, Nueva York y Washington. Por todo esto su padre le agradeci ya que uno de sus sueos era visitar Europa, lamentablemente l falleci hace dos aos.La situacin actual, laboralmente hablando, no ha sido muy buena ya que las ventas de los artistas en el Barrio han sufrido un decremento, sin embargo, ella y su familia se mantienen optimistas y trabajando para lograr salir adelante.

SandraEl seor Roberto Snchez naci en la ciudad de Puebla el 26 de junio de 1969. Su padre tena una panadera y en su infancia y parte de su pubertad trabaj en ella apoyndolo en la elaboracin del pan y en ocasiones de pasteles. Fue a la edad de 14 aos cuando tiene su primer encuentro con el arte. Cuenta que lo llevaron a un museo donde haba distintos cuadros, as que comenz a dibujar intentando copiarlos. Su destreza en el arte fue mejorando cada vez ms y se iba apasionando por la pintura. Termin la preparatoria y quera estudiar artes plsticas, pero al principio sus paps no lo apoyaron, ya que queran que estudiara medicina o alguna ingeniera para que ganara bien y no sufriera la falta de comodidades; pero l se neg, ya que su pasin era el arte y no quera dedicarse a algo ms. No tuvo una formacin superior del arte, pero comenz a ir regularmente al Barrio del artista como pupilo de un pintor que ah trabajaba, quien se volvi su mentor.Fue as como el seor Roberto comenz su recorrido en la prctica de las artes plsticas. Cuenta que desde aquel entonces, quera formar parte del Barrio del artista y exponer sus obras ah para que todo el que pasara pudiera enamorarse del arte y el esfuerzo, tanto como lo haca l. En la actualidad lleva trabajando ah aproximadamente unos 25 aos, ha hecho distintas exposiciones en distintos estados de la Repblica mexicana y espera pronto tener la oportunidad de mostrar su arte en otro pas.Roberto dice que aunque en algunas ocasiones ha sido difcil mantenerse econmicamente, el Barrio del Artista le ha trado cosas buenas, como el haber conocido a su esposa; quien una tarde pas por su estudio y l se enamor a primera vista, as que comenz a hacerle pltica y ella sigui pasando por ah a platicar con l; adems de haberle brindado amistades de largos aos que lo han apoyado en su vida personal y en el arte. Afirma que se ha rodeado de las personas correctas y que al final del da es lo que ms importa.

CsarAlberto Gomez naci en la ciudad de Puebla, trabaja en el Barrio del Artista en la ciudad de Puebla desde hace ms de 30 aos. Su pap siempre se dedic a la decoracin de casas y en algn tiempo l le ayud a trabajar, en algn momento supo que a su padre le gustaba la escultura y un poco la pintura, lo que le hace pensar de puede que de ah traiga un poco la herencia del arte, ya que antes de l nadie en su familia se haba desarrollado en dicho mbito. Su primer contacto con el mundo de la pintura fue en la secundaria, lo describe como un despertar, algo maravilloso y grandioso que no conoca, a raiz de ese punto si vida cambi. Estudi la carrera de Ingeniera Qumica y trabaj en la industria un ao, en la pintura nunca recibi educacin universitaria, pero tuvo dos maestros. Uno de sus maestros, que posteriormente sera su suegro le dijo: T te vas a dedicar a la pintura, no te vas a dedicar a tu carrera. El se neg rotundamente, pero al pasar de los aos, esas palabras fueron cierta. Considera que su suegro, que lamentablemente ya no est con nosotros, le dej una gran herenci artstica y fue una gran influencia en sus aos formativos.A pesar de que ser artista a veces ha sido dificil, sobre todo para mantenerse econmicamente, siempre recuerda que en ms de 30 aos viviendo del arte nunca se ha quedado sin comer, por lo que no considera que haya motivo para dejar de hacer lo que ama, siempre con pasin, humildad, optimismo y entrega.JosJose Rafael Mendez Gil es presidente de la asociacion de artes plasticas del barrio del artista, quien tambien es profesor de artes plasticas con una trayectoria de mas de 17 aos, y segun lo que nos cuenta, es una profesion de toda la vida.Jose Rafael nacio en la ciudad de Puebla cerca de las calles aledaas del barrio del artista, hijo de padre y madre amorosos, crecio y recibio educacion hasta la universidad donde estudio la licenciatura de arquitectura, entre los planes del profesor nunca paso por alto la idea de dedicarse al arte, el nos cuenta que en el periodo de su niez estuvo expuesto al arte directamente, siendo que el jugaba a ser artista pues sus intereses eran contrarios a planos y escuadras.El se define como un artista dedicado a la pintura especialmente en la tecnica de acuarela, versatil en diferentes campos pictoricos siempre experimentando y procurando estar a la vanguardia de nuevas practicas pictoricas. La forma de trabajo es versatil y relativo, como el lo aclara, todo depende del artista y su calidad, asi como de tocar puertas, no quedarse en un solo sitio, tocar puertas. Gracias a la calidad y la perseverancia de alcanzar sus metas, a sido acreedor de diferentes reconocimientos que sin duda hacen notar el impalpable trabajo de su profesion y de su capacidad para crear. I. 2002. Mencion honorifica en el museo nacional de la acuarela Mxico.II. 2003. Tercer lugar en el salon de la acuarela Puebla, puebla.III. 2004. Segundo lugar en el salon de la acuarela Puebla, puebla.IV. 2005. Primer lugar en el salon de la acuarela Puebla, puebla.Entre otros lugares por mencionar.A lo que concluye que Trabajo no lo puedo llamar porque el trabajo cuesta, y el radicar en el barrio del artista no lo es. En la actualidad se dedica a impartir clases particulares a aquellas personas interesadas en el arte, en su estudio ubicado en el barrio del artista, abriendo sus puertas al publico en general, asi como a los nuevos retos y oportunidades que se presentan dia a dia.

Reporte de Encuesta:En base a la encuesta realizada estos son los rangos obtenidos asi como el numero de personas las cuales respondieron a estas preguntas, tomando en cuenta que se realizaron veinte encuestas como cifra total.

Respuestas.1.- c a a c a a c a c c a b b b b b a a c aa= 9 b= 5 c= 6

2.- c a a b c c b c b b c a a a a b a a c aa= 9 b= 5 c= 6

3.- c b a b c a a b c b a b b a b b a b a aa= 8 b= 9 c= 3

4.- a a a b a a b b a b b b b b b b b a b ba= 7 b= 13 c=

5.- a a b a a a b b a a a a a b b a b a a aa= 14 b= 6 c=

6.- a b a a a b a b b a b a a b a a b a a ba= 12 b= 8 c=

7.- b c c d a b c b b c c a b c b d c d b ca= 2 b= 7 c= 8 d= 3

8.- b a a a a b c c a b c b b c b a c b c aa= 7 b= 7 c= 6

9.- c a b b b a a a b b a b b a c b a b a aa= 9 b= 9 c= 2

10.- c c c c c b b c b c a b b a c a a c a aa= 6 b= 5 c= 9

11.- a a a a a a b a a a a a a b a a b a a ba= 16 b= 4 c=

12.- a a b a a a b b b a b a a b a a b b b ba= 10 b= 10 c=

13.- a a a a a a b a a b b b a b a a b a b ba= 12 b= 8 c=

14.- b a a a b a b b b a b b b b a b b a b ba= 7 b= 13 c=

15.- 9-5-8-7-7-8-2-9-8-6-2-6-7-3-4-4-5-7-5-60-2 malo3-5 Regular6-8 Bien9-10 Bastante