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Copyright © 2013 Digital Innovation, Inc. All Rights Reserved

Digital Innovation Users Conference 2013

Pivot Tables

Kansas City, MO October 2-4

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Revision 2011.03.09

The DI Report Writer Software, Collector Software products, NTRACS Registry Software and related materials, including but not limited to this document, and other written material provided by Digital Innovation, Inc. (collectively “Software Products”) constitute confidential and proprietary information of Digital Innovation, Inc. It is the responsibility of the user to comply with all applicable copyright laws. The Software Products are to be maintained in confidence and not to be disclosed, duplicated, or otherwise reproduced, directly or indirectly, whole or in part, or any materials relating thereto, except as specifically authorized by Digital Innovation, Inc. No portions of this manual may be reproduced, duplicated, or disclosed without the expressed written approval of Digital Innovation, Inc. Reasonable steps are to be taken to insure that no unauthorized persons have access to the Software Products and that all authorized persons having access to the Software Products refrain from any such disclosure, duplication, or reproduction except as authorized by Digital Innovation, Inc.

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2013 DI Users Conference Pivot Tables

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Overview ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 1 

Course Objectives ................................................................................................................................................................................. 1 

Prerequisites ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 1 

Exporting Data to Excel ......................................................................................................................................................................... 1 

Creating a Pivot Table .............................................................................................................................................................................. 2 

Editing the Pivot Table ............................................................................................................................................................................. 5 

Specifying Row and Column Values .............................................................................................................................................. 5 

Adding Pivot Tables ............................................................................................................................................................................. 5 

Adding a Graph for the Pivot Tables .............................................................................................................................................. 8 

Using a Pivot Table ................................................................................................................................................................................. 11 

Assess Over Triage/Under Triage Percentages ....................................................................................................................... 11 

Practice Exercises .................................................................................................................................................................................... 14 

Exercise Hints ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 15 

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Pivot Tables


This session demonstrates how to use DI Report Writer tools with Microsoft Excel®. Instructions are provided on how to create and export a Data Table Report to Excel and how to create Pivot Tables in Excel for statistical analysis. Those statistics will then be put into a graph.

Course Objectives

Demonstrate the process to export data from the DI Report Writer into Microsoft Excel

Apply native Excel functions to:

o Create Pivot Tables

o Create Graphs/Charts


DI Report Writer Concepts (Report Writer Module 1)

Exporting Data to Excel

This training document describes the steps to export data from a user-defined data table report to MS® Excel, and the techniques used to graph the data once it is imported. Other DI Report Writer objects use similar data export methods, and, if opened in Excel would then utilize the same graphing techniques as described within this document.

The goal of this class is to develop Pivot Tables for statistical analysis. Often, numeric fields need to be divided into ranges to accommodate the analysis. Coded Variables are the RW tools used to create the ranges. To help assess Over/Under Triage the following fields need to be added to the AWESOME report:

Trauma Team Activation Level (TTA)

A Coded Variable for ISS <=15 and >15 (Created in Coded Variable Concepts class)

Year of arrival

Month of arrival

These additions have already been created and saved in a report called AWESOME_OVER_UNDER

1. Select the AWESOME report to Edit. (AWESOME is a core report built in the Data Table Concepts class.)

2. Select <Save As> and change the name to AWESOME_OVER_UNDER. (Using Save As and changing the name of an RW Object will retain the old object and create a new object.)

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3. Select <Add>

4. Select Field and find the TTA field and add _AS_TEXT (Many registries

call the field Admit Status)

5. Select <+>

6. Select Coded Variable for ISS Over/Under

7. Select <+> and complete the User Report Data Table Editor for Patient Arrival Month as text

8. Select <+> and complete the User Report Data Table Editor for Patient Arrival Year

9. Save and Use AWESOME_OVER_UNDER (Because AWESOME is used the Excel options under the General tab were already selected)

Creating a Pivot Table

A Pivot Table is an Excel tool used to create a Statistical Chart to analyze the data from a detailed spreadsheet (Data Table report output)

1. Make sure the report you want to use is set up to go to Excel (CSV, Include Column Headings, and Launch Excel are selected within the General tab)

2. Run the data table containing the fields you want to analyze – AWESOME_OVER_UNDER

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3. Save the Spreadsheet as an Excel Workbook

4. Auto adjust the Columns (Instructions are in the Export to Excel class)

Steps 3 and 4 should be done to every Data Table output sent to Excel (these are not specific to Pivot Table)

5. Highlight the entire sheet by clicking on the box to the left of

Column A and directly above Row 1.

6. Select PivotTable button under the Insert tab. (Older versions of Excel has Pivot table under Data)

7. Select OK on the Create PivotTable window.

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Within a Spreadsheet, the term Row refers to the numbers going down the pages and Column refers to the letters going across the page. To compare Activation Level with ISS Eval, one of the fields should be dragged to Row Label and the other should be dragged to Column Labels. Typically, choosing the field with the greater number of choices as the Row Label and the field with the lesser number of choices as the Column Label is more aesthetically pleasing. Activation Level has 4 choices and ISS Eval has 3, therefore Activation Level will be used as the Row Label.

8. Drag the Act Level to Row Label. (In older versions the field can be dragged to Drop Row Fields Here)

9. Drag ISS Eval to Column Labels (In older versions the field can be dragged to Drop Column Fields Here)

10. Drag Act Level to Values Data Items. (In older versions the field can be dragged to Drop Data Items Here.)

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Editing the Pivot Table

Specifying Row and Column Values

There are dropdown arrows for both the Row Labels and Column Labels. The dropdown arrows can be used to select/remove any value you want to include/exclude. There are no values for (blank) so these can be removed.

1. Click the Row Labels

2. Uncheck (blank)

3. Click the Column Labels

4. Uncheck (blank)

Adding Pivot Tables

Multiple Pivot Tables can be put into the same spreadsheet. This can be used to compare a third criteria or split the results of the first pivot table. The year of arrival can be added to the pivot table as a report filter and then a separate pivot table can be created to show the individual years.

1. Drag Year of Arrival to Report Filter

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2. Click and drag to highlight the entire pivot table

3. Right click and Copy (the pivot table should look like the pic to the right after the copy)

4. Right click on a cell under the current pivot table and Paste (The example uses cell A12)

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5. Now the Report Filter Year of Arrival can be changed for each of the separate pivot tables

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Adding a Graph for the Pivot Tables

Graphs can be created for each of the pivot tables.

1. Select any cell within the pivot table you wish to graph.

2. Select PivotChart under PivotTable Tools.

3. Select graph type. This pivot table will be displayed in a Column or Bar Chart.

The Graph can be moved by clicking and dragging beside the appropriate pivot table.

The Graph can be resized by clicking and dragging from any corner of the graph.

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The graph type can be changed by selecting Change Chart Type. Trial and error is an excellent method to use to find the best display in the space available and the data provided.

This bar graph is fancy, but hard to read.

Some may like this is better. The activation levels look like they are easier to read.

The Bar Design can be changed...

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Maybe to (Baltimore) Raven’s Purple…

Or perhaps to a black background.

Labels can be added under the Layout tab.

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Using a Pivot Table

Assess Over Triage/Under Triage Percentages

Percentages present well using a Pie Chart. A pivot table with only one axis works best using a pie chart. Creating separate pivot tables for full activation and partial activation will enable the use of pie charts.

1. From the Original Worksheet highlight the entire sheet by clicking on the box to the left of Column A and directly above Row 1.

2. Select PivotTable button under the Insert tab. (Older versions of Excel has Pivot table under Data.)

3. Select OK on the Create PivotTable window.

4. Drag ISS Eval to Row Label.

5. Drag Act Level to Report Filter.

6. Drag Act Level to Values.

7. Change the Act Level from All to Full.

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8. Select any cell within the pivot table.

9. Select PivotChart within PivotTable Tools tab.

10. Select a Pie Chart.

The pie chart can be formatted with many of the same options as the previous chart/graph. One of the new options is the ability to add percentage labels to the chart.

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11. Select Data Labels/More Data Label Options… from the Layout tab

12. Select Percentage(Category Name could also be selected and then the Legend could be removed

Above is without Category Name. Bottom is with Category Name and no Legend

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Practice Exercises

For each example, use the skills learned in this workshop to send data to Excel and create a Pivot Table. Hints are provided in the answer section in the form of screen shots.

Exercise 1:

ISS Ranges Pivot Table and Pie Chart for Full Activations for 2011

Exercise 2:

ISS Ranges Pivot Table and Pie Chart for Full Activations for 2011 -2012

Exercise 3:

Monthly Breakdown of Activation Level

Exercise 4:

Monthly Breakdown of Activation Level for only ISS >15

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Exercise Hints

Exercise 1:

ISS Ranges Pivot Table and Pie Chart for Full Activations for 2011

Exercise 2:

ISS Ranges Pivot Table and Pie Chart for Full Activations for 2012

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Combine the output for Exercises 1 & 2

Exercise 3:

Monthly Breakdown of Activation Level

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Exercise 4:

Monthly Breakdown of Activation Level for only ISS >15