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  Office of the Controller of Examinations

Semester End Examinations Schedule (Srin! Semester " #$%&'


Bachelor of Computer Engineering


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     S    e    m    e    s    t    e    r

8-Feb-16 ! !

1"-Feb-16 Ob#ect Oriente$ Software Engineering ! Filter Design ! !

11-Feb-16 '! '! '!

1(-Feb-16 Operating S)stem ! Control S)stem ! *pplie$ Operating S)stem !

1+-Feb-16 Data Communication ! Computer Organi,ation ! Data Communication !

1-Feb-16 Data Structure an$ *lgorithm Signal an$ S)stem !

1.-Feb-16 Electronic Circuits ! Electronic Circuits ! Signal S)stem an$ %rocessing !

16-Feb-16 *pplie$ /echanics'*pplie$/echanics ' *pplie$ /echanics'*pplie$/echanics 0eb echnolog)

12-Feb-16 Electrical Engineering /aterials Electrical Engineering /aterials !

18-Feb-16 %robabilt) an$ Statistics ! %robabilt) an$ Statistics ! Computer 3etwor4 !

15-Feb-16 nstrumentation ! nstrumentation ! EC an$ nstrumentation' nstrumentation *r

("-Feb-16 Ob#ect Oriente$ %rogramming in C Ob#ect Oriente$ %rogramming in C Ob#ect Oriente$ %rogramming in C O

(1-Feb-16 Simulation an$ /o$eling ! *nalog Communication ! %rinciples of Communication !

((-Feb-16 /icroprocessors ! /icroprocessors ! %rogramming in 7*!* !

(+-Feb-16 %rogramming in C %rogramming in C %rogramming in C

(-Feb-16 heor) of Computation ! Engineering Economics ! Electronic Circuits

(.-Feb-16 hermal Science hermal Science %roblem Soling echni9ue

(6-Feb-16 '! '! Electronics Deice

(2-Feb-16 3umerical /etho$s ! 3umerical /etho$s ! 3umerical /etho$s !

(8-Feb-16 %rogramming echnolog) ! Electromagnetic Fiel$ an$ 0aes nformation S)stem !

(5-Feb-16 n$ustrial Electronics an$ Dries !

1-/ar-16 /icroprocessor S)stem an$ nterfacing ! /icroprocessor S)stem an$ nterfacing ! %robabilt) an$ :ueuing heor)

(-/ar-16 Chemistr) Chemistr) Software Engineering Fun$amental !

+-/ar-16 &ogic Circuit'Computer *rchitecture '! &ogic Circuit '!

-/ar-16 Embe$$e$ S)stem ! Embe$$e$ S)stem ! Organi,ation an$ /anagement !

.-/ar-16 ' ' '

6-/ar-16 Commuunication echni9ue Commuunication echni9ue Commuunication echni9ue

2-/ar-16 Computer ;raphics ! Computer ;raphics ! Computer ;raphics !

8-/ar-16 Basic Electrical Engineering Basic Electrical Engineering Basic Electrical Engineering

5-/ar-16 3etwor4 heor) 3etwor4 heor) 3etwor4 heor)

1"-/ar-16 %h)sics %h)sics %h)sics

11-/ar-16 !


1> *ll the Examination starts from 1(?"" noon? he $uration of Examinations shall be of + hours?(> f the examination of particular sub#ect or course cannot be hel$ $ue to unaoi$able con$itions@ the examination of the particular $ate shall be hel$ on the next $a

+> For the practical exams@ concerne$ college shall arrange on its own conenience?

> Colleges are re9uire$ to submit electie'speciali,ation course's exam sche$ule to the examination office atleast ten $a)s ahea$ of the examination $ate

Bachelor of Electronic an$ CommunicationEngineering

Bachelor of Engineering in nformationechnolog)

Database /anagement S)stem'DatabseS)stems

Database /anagement S)stem'DatabseS)stems


ntelligent S)stem'Aigh En$ Computer*rchitecture

Engineering /athematics 'Engineering/athematics-!

Engineering /athematics 'Engineering/athematics-!

Engineering /athematics 'Engineering/athematics-!


Data Structure an$ *lgorithm'Data an$File Structure



/icroprocessor an$ *ssembl) &anguage%rogramming


Electronics Deice Circuits ' ElectronicDeice'ntegrate$ Digital Electronics

Electronics Deice'ntegrate$ DigitalElectronics

/athematical Foun$ation of ComputerScience


&ogic Circuit'Computer Organi,ation an$*rchitecture


Engineering /athematics 'Engineering/athematics

Engineering /athematics 'Engineering/athematics

Engineering /athematics 'Engineering/athematics



Ob#ect Oriente$ Design an$ /o$elingthrough /&


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Bachelor of Electrical an$ Electronic Engineering


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    e    m    e    s    t    e    r

! *$ance Electrical /achine !

! %ower S)stem *nal)sis !'!

'! '!

! Control S)stem !


Signal an$ S)stem !

! Electronic Circuits'%ower Electronics !'!

*pplie$ /echanics'*pplie$/echanics

! Electrical Engineering /aterials

! %robabilt) an$ Statistics !'!

! nstrumentation !

Ob#ect Oriente$ %rogramming in C

! !

/icroprocessors !

%rogramming in C

! !

hermal Science

! Electronic Deices

! 3umerical /etho$s !

Electromagnetic Fiel$ an$ 0aes

ransmission an$ Distribution S)stem !

Switch ;ear an$ %rotection'A)$ropower !


'! &ogic Circuits

! Organi,ation an$ /anagement !

' '

'! Commuunication echni9ue

! %ower %lant E9uipment !

! Basic Electrical Engineering

! 3etwor4 heor)

%h)sics '

! Electrical /achines !

er@ the prior notice about it shall be gien?

Engineering /athematics 'Engineering/athematics-!

Communication S)stem'%ower S)stem%rotection

<esearch /etho$olog)' Buil$ingElectrical S)stem an$ llumination

Engineering /athematics 'Engineering/athematics

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  Oice o the )ontroller o Examinations

Semester End Examinations Schedule (Srin! Semester " #$%&'


Bachelor of Ciil Engineering Bachelor of Ciil Engineering for Diploma Aol$ers Bachelor of Ciil an$ <ural


     S    e    m    e    s    t    e    r


     S    e    m    e    s    t    e    r


1"-Feb-16 Foun$ation Engineering ! Foun$ation Engineering ! Foun$ation Engineering

11-Feb-16 Engineering /athematics ' Engineering /athematics

1(-Feb-16 Structural *nal)sis ! Structural *nal)sis ! Structural *nal)sis

1+-Feb-16 0ater Suppl) Engineering ! 0ater Suppl) Engineering ! Crop %ro$uction an$ /anage

1-Feb-16 %rofessional %ractice %rofessional %ractice

1.-Feb-16 '! '!

16-Feb-16 *pplie$ /echanics '*pplie$ /echanics Statics> *pplie$ /echanics

12-Feb-16 Engineering ;eolog) '! Engineering ;eolog) ! Engineering ;eolog)18-Feb-16 %robabilt) an$ Statistics !'! %robabilt) an$ Statistics ! %robabilt) an$ Statistics

15-Feb-16 Design of Steel limit state> an$ imber Structure ! !

("-Feb-16 Ob#ect Oriente$ %rogramming in C 0ater <esources Engineering ! 0ater <esources Engineerin

(1-Feb-16 Basic Electronics Engineering '! Basic Electronics Engineering ! Basic Electronics Engineeri

((-Feb-16 Soil /echanics ! Soil /echanics ! Soil /echanics

(+-Feb-16 %rogramming in C %rogramming in C %rogramming in C

(-Feb-16 Concrete echnolog) an$ /asonr) Structure ! Engineering Economics ! Engineering Economics

(.-Feb-16 hermal Science Basic of Computer an$ %rogramming hermal Science

(6-Feb-16 Engineering A)$rolog) ! Engineering A)$rolog) ! Engineering A)$rolog)

(2-Feb-16 3umerical /etho$s ! 3umerical /etho$s ! 3umerical /etho$s

(8-Feb-16 Sanitar) Engineering ! Sanitar) Engineering ! Farm /achine an$ E9uipm

(5-Feb-16 Ciil Engineering /aterials Basic Engineering Chemistr)

1-/ar-16 Buil$ing echnolong) ! /echanical echnolong) ! Buil$ing echnolong)

(-/ar-16 Chemistr) Chemistr) Chemistr)

+-/ar-16 Sure)ing ! Bio Engineering Sure)ing

-/ar-16 Structural *nal)sis !'! Structural *nal)sis ! Structural *nal)sis

.-/ar-16 ' '!

6-/ar-16 Communication echni9ue ' Communication echni9ue Communication echni9ue'<enewa

2-/ar-16 *pplie$ /echanics

8-/ar-16 Basic Electrical Engineering Basic Electrical Engineering Basic Electrical Engineerin

5-/ar-16 A)$raulics ! A)$raulics ! A)$raulics

1"-/ar-16 %h)sics ' %h)sics %h)sics11-/ar-16 Sure)ing ! Sure)ing ! Sure)ing

1(-/ar-16 Strength of /aterial '! Strength of /aterial ! Strength of /aterial

1+-/ar-16 Design of <CC Structure ! Design of <CC Structure

1-/ar-16 ransportation Engineering ! Engineering /aterial

1.-/ar-16 Estimating an$ !aluation ! Estimating an$ !aluation

16-/ar-16 Construction %ro#ect /anagement Construction %ro#ect /anage

12-/ar-16 Basic Engineering %h)sics <ural Sociolog)

18-/ar-16 ransportation Engineering ! ransportation Engineerin

15-/ar-16 Concrete echnolong) ! Electrical /achines an$ %ower

("-/ar-16 Soil 0ater Conseration Engin

(1-/ar-16 <ural nfrastructures

((-/ar-16 0ater Suppl) an$ Sanitation Eng

(+-/ar-16 hermal Energ) Conersion S

(-/ar-16 %ost Aaresting Engineerin



1> *ll the Examination starts from 1(?"" noon? he $uration of Examinations shall be of + hours?


+> For the practical exams concerne$ college shall arrange on its own conenience

Engineering /athematics 'Basic Engineering/athematics

Flui$ /echanics'0ater <esource Engineering'rrigation Engineering

Flui$ /echanics'0ater <esource Engineering'rrigation Engineering

Flui$ /echanics'0ater <esource E'rrigation Engineering

*pplie$ /echanics '*pplie$ /eStatics>

Design of Steel an$ imber Structure 'Design ofSteel limit state> an$ imber Structure

Design of Steel an$ imber Structuof Steel limit state> an$ imber S

;roun$water Deelopment an$ echnolog)

Engineering /athematics 'Engineering/athematics

Engineering /athematics 'Engineering/athematics

Engineering /athematics 'Eng/athematics

*pplie$ /echanics '*pplie$ /echanicsD)namics>

*pplie$ /echanics '*pplie$ /D)namics>

f the examination of particular sub#ect or course cannot be hel$ $ue to unaoi$able con$itions@ the examination of the particular $ate shall be hel$ on the next $shall be gien?

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Bachelor of *rchitecture


     S    e    m    e    s    t    e    r

Statics an$ D)namics'Structure !'!


Structure !

Aistor) of 0estern *rchitecture


Settlement %lanning !Buil$ing Science

Aistor) of 3epalese *rchitecture !

Buil$ing /aterials

&an$scape *rchitecture !


%rogramming in C

Aistor) of /o$ern *rchitecture !

Buil$ing Serices !

Buil$ing Construction !


Buil$ing Science !

ntro$uction to *rchitecture

Aistor) of Eastern *rchitecture !

Structure !

Communication echni9ue

Buil$ing Construction 'Buil$ingConstruction

f examination? Aoweer@ the prior notice about it

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Semester End Exa

*ate ++A ++A+I +)IS

.-Feb-16 Financial /anagement ! <is4 an$ nsurance /anagmnet ! Data Base /anagmnet s)stem

6-Feb-16 nternational Business ! nternational Finance ! 0eb echnolog) !

2-Feb-16 English English English

8-Feb-16 Data *nal)sis /o$eling ! Data *nal)sis /o$eling ! Data *nal)sis /o$eling

5-Feb-16 Operation /anagement ! ! Operation /anagement !

1"-Feb-16 Business /athematics Business /athematics /athematics

11-Feb-16 Fun$amental of Organi,ational Behaiour !

1(-Feb-16 %rinciple of /anagement %rinciple of /anagement %rinciple of /anagement

1+-Feb-16 Auman <esource /anagement ! Auman <esource /anagement ! !isual programing &anguage

1-Feb-16 Business Communication Business Communication Operating s)stem !

1.-Feb-16 %rinciple of /ar4eting ! Finance ! Finance

16-Feb-16 3epalese Business Enironment ! 3epalese Business Enironment !

12-Feb-16 /acroeconomics ntro$uctor) /acroeconomics ntro$uctor) /acroeconomics

18-Feb-16 %rogramming &anguage';eneral ps)colog)

15-Feb-16 Business Communication ! Business <esearch /etho$ ! 3umerical /etho$s

("-Feb-16 Finance ! Finance ! Digital s)stems

(1-Feb-16 ntro$uctor) /icroeconomics ntro$uctor) microeconomics ntro$uctor) microeconomics

((-Feb-16 Business Statistics Business Statistics Business Statistics

(+-Feb-16 Business law ! %rinciple of nsurance Computer ;raphics !

(-Feb-16 Financial *ccounting Financial *ccounting Financial *ccounting

(.-Feb-16 Essentials of Finance Basics of /anagerial *ccounting ! /anagement *ccounting !

(6-Feb-16 Financial *ccounting Financial *ccounting S)stem *nal)sis an$ Design

(2-Feb-16 Entrepreneurship ! Serice /ar4eting ! Ob#ect Oriente$ &anguage 7aa>

(8-Feb-16 Organisation an$ <elations ! Organisation <elations

(5-Feb-16 Sociolog) Fun$amentals of Sociolog) Fun$amental of Sociolog)

1-/ar-16 %rinciple of /ar4eting ! &ife Aealth nsurance ! %rinciple of /ar4eting

(-/ar-16 Business /athematics Business /athematics /athematics

+-/ar-16 /anagement nformation S)stem ! Cre$it <is4 /anagement ! 3etwor4 Data Communication

-/ar-16 Fun$amental of &ogic ! Essentials of Finance !

.-/ar-16 English English English

6-/ar-16 Computer application'


1> *ll the Examination starts from 1(?"" noon? he $uration of Examinations shall be of + hours?

(> f the examination of particular sub#ect or course cannot be hel$ $ue to unaoi$able con$itions@ the examination of the particular $ate shall

+> For the practical exams@ concerne$ college shall arrange on its own conenience?

> Colleges are re9uire$ to submit electie'speciali,ation course's exam sche$ule to the examination office atleast ten $a)s ahea$ of the exam

%ropert)@ &iabilit) %ecuniar) lossinsurance

Fun$amental of OrganisationBehaiour 

Fun$amental of Organi,ationalBehaiour 

nternet echnolog) 0eb%rogramming>

%rogramming &anguage';eneral ps)colog)

%rogramming &anguage';eneral ps)colog)

Computer *rchitecture /icroprocessor 

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Po-hara Uni.ersit/

  Oice o the )ontroller o Examinations

  Semester End Examinations Schedule (Srin! Sem

Exam *ate


)ourse Title

     S   e   m   e   s    t   e   r

)ourse Title

     S   e   m   e   s    t   e   r

)ourse Title

     S   e   m   e   s    t   e   r

)ourse Title

     S   e   m   e   s    t   e   r

&01e20%3 %atholog) an$ First *i$ Biochemistr) ;eneral> %h)sical Chemistr)

301e20%3 *pplie$ Epi$emiolog) ! ! ! /etabolism !

401e20%3 <esearch /etho$olog) ! ! ! !

501e20%3 oxicolog) an$ Entomolog) Biochemistr) Organic Chemistr)

601e20%3 ! ! ;eneral %atholog) ! /olecular Biolog) !

%$01e20%3 Famil) Aealth ! ! ! /icrobial Biochemistr) !

%%01e20%3 *natom) an$ %h)siolog) Aistolog) ;eneral> norganic chemistr) E

%#01e20%3 ! ! C)topatholog) ! Auman Biolog) ! En

%701e20%3 *pplie$ Chil$ Aealth ! ! Aistopatholog) ! %lant Biochemistr) ! En

%801e20%3 Basic Epi$emiolog) ;eneral C)tolog) %h)sics En

%&01e20%3 Foo$ an$ 3utrition ! ! ! Bioinformatics !

%301e20%3 ! ! Aematolog) ! Biostatistics !

%401e20%3 %ublic Aealth Biomolecules

%501e20%3 ! ! ! !

%601e20%3 Communit) Diagnosis ! ! Biochemistr)-! Clinical> !

#$01e20%3 echnical English Biostatistics 3atural%ro$uct Chemistr)

#%01e20%3 Basic Epi$emiolog) ! /etabolism !

##01e20%3 ! ! ! norganic Chemistr) En

#701e20%3 *natom) an$ %h)siolog) *nal)tical Biochemistr)

#801e20%3 /icrobiolog) ! So

#& 1 2 %3 F $ $ 3 t iti ! ! Ai t th l ! %h i l Ch i t

+achelor o Pu2lic Health(+PH'

+achelor o PharmaceuticalScience (+:Pharm'

+achelor o Science in,edical ;a2orator/

Technolo!/ (+:Sc: ,;T'

+achelor o Science in +io0chemistr/ (+:Sc:+iochemistr/'


%harmaceutics %h)sical%harmac)>


%harmaceutics ! Dosageforms an$ Formulations>

/icrobiolog) Bacteriolog)>


%harmaceutics ! n$ustrial%harmac)>


Biotechnolog) an$Bio$iersit)

*natom) an$ %h)siolog)

/e$ical Sociolog) an$*nthropolog)

%harmaceutics !Biopharmaceutics *>


%harmaceutics Aospital%harmac)>



Bio-Statistics an$ Computer*pplication

Enironmental an$Occupational Aealth

%harmaceutical /icrobiolog) ;eneral>

%harmacolog) herapeutics>

%harmaceutical Chemistr) ;eneral Chemistr)>

mmunolog) Fun$amentals ofmmunolog)>

Aealth an$ Disease;eneral Clinical


*pplie$ Enironmental an$Occupational Aealth

%harmaceutical Chemistr) !:ualit) *ssurance of Drugs>


%harmacognos) /e$icinalBotan)>

*nal)tical Chemistr)nstrumentation>


*pplie$ Aealth %romotionan$ E$ucation

%harmacognos) 3atural%ro$ucts Chemistr)>

 Biochemistr) Clinical>

:uantum Chemistr) an$;roup heor)


%harmacognos) ! Aimala)anCru$e Drugs>

Fun$amentals ofBiochemistr)


;eneral Chemistr) Fun$amental an$

*nal)tical echni9ue>

 %harmaceutical Chemistr) !;eneral Chemical <reaction>

/olecular Cell Biolog);enetic Engineering>

%rimar) health Care in 3epal

/e$icinal Chemistr) 3aturalDrug>

/icrobiolog) !%arasitolog)>

Communication S4illechnical English>

/e$ical &aborator)Science Fun$amentalsof /e$ical &aborator)


ntro$uction to Sociolog)an$ *nthropolog)

%harmaceutics Dosageforms an$ Formulations>


%harmacolog) En

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  Office of the Controller of Examinations

BSc N!rsin" Pro"ram31-Jan-16 Biochemistr)


2-Feb-16/i$wifer) >

3-Feb-16 %harmacolog)


5-Feb-16/i$wifer) >


%rincipal an$ %ractice of 3ursing >


8-Feb-16/i$wifer) >


*natom) %h)siolog)


 3ursing Concept heories


/e$ical Sociolog)


 3utrition an$ Dietetics


Communit) Aealth 3ursing >


%s)chiatric 3ursing >


/icrobiolog) an$ mmunolog)


Basic Epi$emiolog)


Chil$ Aealth 3ursing >


%rincipal an$ %ractice of 3ursing >


*$ult 3ursing >



Communit) Aealth 3ursing >


*$ult 3ursing >



h i l li h

  Semester En# Examinations Sche#!le $S%rin" Semester &'()*+

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  Office of the Controller of Examinations

Exam *ate


+achelor o *e.eloment Studies (+*EVS')ourse Title Semester

&01e20%3 Basic Statistics

301e20%3 Conflicts ransformation for Deelopment !

401e20%3 Deelopment Financing !

501e20%3 ntro$uction to ;en$er Stu$ies

601e20%3 Demographic echni9ues !

%$01e20%3 %ro#ect /anagement !

%%01e20%3 /icro Economics

%#01e20%3 ntro$uction to Social %s)cholog) !

%701e20%3 %oert) an$ Auman Deelopment !%801e20%3 Sociolog) an$ Social *nthropolog)

%&01e20%3 Enironment an$ Deelopment !

%301e20%3  3epali

%401e20%3 English

%501e20%3 Basic <esearch /etho$s in Social Sciences !

%601e20%3 ntro$uction to Social 0or4 !

#$01e20%3 ntro$uction to %opulation of 3epal

#%01e20%3 *pplie$ Statistics !

##01e20%3 Fun$amentals of Auman ;eograph)

#701e20%3 ntro$uction to Deelopment Stu$ies #801e20%3 Auman Ecolog) an$ Deelopment !

#&01e20%3 ;en$er /ainsteriming in Deelopment

#301e20%3 ntro$uction to %opulation Stu$ies

#401e20%3 Deelopment Economics !

#501e20%3 /acro Economics

#601e20%3 *pplie$ /athematics

%0,ar0%3 ourism an$ Deelopment !

#0,ar0%3 Decentrali,ation an$ ;oernance S)stem

70,ar0%3 English

80,ar0%3 /igration an$ rbani,ation &0,ar0%3

30,ar0%3 Auman <ights an$ Social 7ustice






*ll the Examination starts from 1(?"" noon time? he $uration ofExaminations shall be of + hours?

f the examination of particular sub#ect or course cannot be hel$ $ue tounaoi$able con$itions@ the examination of the particular $ate shall behel$ on the next $a) after the last $ate of examination? Aoweer@ the priornotice about it shall be gien?

For the practical exams@ concerne$ college shall arrange on its ownconenience?