Download - Final Report of the Campus Expectations Task Force William F. Decker The University of Iowa Chair, CETF.

Page 1: Final Report of the Campus Expectations Task Force William F. Decker The University of Iowa Chair, CETF.

Final Report of theCampus Expectations

Task Force

William F. Decker

The University of Iowa

Chair, CETF

Page 2: Final Report of the Campus Expectations Task Force William F. Decker The University of Iowa Chair, CETF.

Online Access to the Report

Page 3: Final Report of the Campus Expectations Task Force William F. Decker The University of Iowa Chair, CETF.

Many Thanks to…

Rick Adrion Lois Brooks Jacqueline Brown Laurie Burns Steve Corbato Mark Ellisman Ray Ford Ron Hutchins

Stuart Kippelman Thomas Knab Jorg Liebeherr Marilyn McMillan Henry Neeman Kevin Thompson Susan Topol

Page 4: Final Report of the Campus Expectations Task Force William F. Decker The University of Iowa Chair, CETF.


Applications Strategy Council Network Planning and Policy Advisory


Page 5: Final Report of the Campus Expectations Task Force William F. Decker The University of Iowa Chair, CETF.


“…principle purpose is to articulate a current set of expectations for what it means to be an Internet2 member campus, in light of the Internet2 community’s goal to promote and enable advanced applications.”

Why are we members of this community? What is it that we are trying to accomplish? Who is expecting what of whom?

Page 6: Final Report of the Campus Expectations Task Force William F. Decker The University of Iowa Chair, CETF.


Expectations on the part of the research and education community Collaboration Access to unique resources Distributed problem solving approaches

Federal agency directions Grand challenge or “big science” problems Growing dependence on interdisciplinary


Page 7: Final Report of the Campus Expectations Task Force William F. Decker The University of Iowa Chair, CETF.

Community, Organization, Member, Expectation, Commitment

A community forms around a set of common/shared interests

The community may form an organization to assist in working toward the shared interests

Members of the community will have expectations for the organization

Members of the community will have expectations for each other

Members make commitments to each other to work toward community goals

Page 8: Final Report of the Campus Expectations Task Force William F. Decker The University of Iowa Chair, CETF.

Recommended Commitments

To innovation in the methods, tools, and collaborative approaches required for the advancement of research and education,

To the shared infrastructure required to enable this innovation, and

To the community contributions required to sustain the innovation and the future and availability of the related infrastructure.

Page 9: Final Report of the Campus Expectations Task Force William F. Decker The University of Iowa Chair, CETF.

Commitment to Innovation

Catalyze and extend the uses of new methods, tools, and collaborative approaches in the advancement of research, education, and service

Stimulate the transformation of the knowledge created by these enterprises into useful outcomes

Engage the campus and with the community in advancing these interests

Page 10: Final Report of the Campus Expectations Task Force William F. Decker The University of Iowa Chair, CETF.

Commitment to Shared Infrastructure

At national, regional, and local levels, seek to provide: An effective physical plant Effective communication, cooperation, and

collaboration between and among infrastructure managers and users

Ongoing quality assessment and quality control as tested by high-stress applications

Page 11: Final Report of the Campus Expectations Task Force William F. Decker The University of Iowa Chair, CETF.

Commitment to Community

Time, talent, and money Resource access and best practices Integration of enabling middleware and

standards A “Golden Rule of Networking”

Page 12: Final Report of the Campus Expectations Task Force William F. Decker The University of Iowa Chair, CETF.

Elevator Speech

“If we are to advance our competitive position as a research university, we must find new and innovative ways to advance the opportunities, productivity, and output associated with our research and educational activities. To do this, we must exploit the technologies and methodologies that are represented by the national and international cyberinfrastructure and the collaborative environment that it supports. Moreover, we must be committed to further evolution of this very cyberinfrastructure. Internet2 is one of the organizations through which we are meeting these challenges.”

Page 13: Final Report of the Campus Expectations Task Force William F. Decker The University of Iowa Chair, CETF.

Evaluating Commitments

Requirements or guidelines? Inclusive, but with “stretch goals” A framework of high level guidelines with a

community-developed and community-supported process for self-assessment

Page 14: Final Report of the Campus Expectations Task Force William F. Decker The University of Iowa Chair, CETF.

Translating Commitments into Practice

Ongoing evolution of best practices Vetting and endorsement of results through

formal review Publication and presentation of instruments,

case studies, lessons learned, and best practices at annual member meetings

A formal track on “Meeting Member Commitments”

Page 15: Final Report of the Campus Expectations Task Force William F. Decker The University of Iowa Chair, CETF.

Recommended Next Steps

Further promulgation of the report--expanded audiences

Possible adoption of the commitments as a condition of membership

Periodic reaffirmation of commitment by all members

Full development of processes for translating commitments into practice

Reassessment and reaffirmation by the Internet2 organization of its own core purposes--alignment with the recommended commitments

Page 16: Final Report of the Campus Expectations Task Force William F. Decker The University of Iowa Chair, CETF.

Questions? Answers?