Download - Final regional workplan-with notes-oct1

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1st Steering Committee MeetingMinsk, October 1-3, 2013

ENPI East Countries FLEG IIRegional Workplan (RWP)

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Regional Results from FLEG I

• Three Operational Committee Meetings convened (Kiev, Chisinau, Brussels)

• FLEG Program Regional Conferences and Events organized

• International Year of Forests (2011) celebrated by the FLEG Program, which raised awareness of sustainable management, conservation and development of all types of forests.

• Regional Analysis, Studies and Surveys conducted

• FLEG Program Website,

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Context for Regional ActivitiesFLEG-related Issues in the International Calendar

• FOREST EUROPE Ministerial Conference was planned for 2013/14 • New Forest Strategy published by the European Commission, 20 September

2013• Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee-Forests: 4th Resumed meeting

planned for November 2013 in Switzerland• On-going work under FLEGT Action Plan• European Forest Week to be held from 9-13 December 2013 in parallel

with Metsä 2013• 14th World Forestry Congress to be held in September 2015 in Durban.• The FRA 2015 main report will be released by FAO at the World Forestry

Congress in September 2015.• UNFF11 in 2015 : Overall Themes Forests: progress, challenges and the way

forward for the international arrangement on forests• EFI celebrates its 20th anniversary in 2013!• Montréal Process 20th Anniversary in 2015!

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FLEG and Regional Activities in ENPI Countries

• The Air Quality Governance Project in ENPI East Countries (7 countries, 2011-2014,

• The EU-funded Program for the Prevention, Preparedness and Response to Man-made and Natural Disasters in the ENPI East Region/PPRD East) (6 countries and Russia, 2010-2014,

• The CLIMA EAST Program (7 countries, 2012-2016,

• The ENPI-Shared Environmental Information Systems (SEIS) Project (7 countries, 2012-2014,

• The Green Indicators Development Project (EU and OECD, 6 countries, 4 years)

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Objectives and Program Component

PDO 1 – To make progress implementing the 2005 St. Petersburg FLEG Ministerial Declaration in the

participating countries and support the participating countries commit to a time-bound action plan to ensure its implementation and follow-up activities

PDO 2 – To improve knowledge of and support for sustainable forest management and good

forest governance (including the impact of related EU regulations) in the participating countries

Component 1: Regional Program

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Focus of the Regional Component

• Strengthening the policy dialogue between participating countries and institutions regarding the 2005 St. Petersburg Declaration;

• Monitoring the implementation of the St. Petersburg Declaration in the participating countries and identifying areas where implementation needs more focus and support;

• Conducting regional studies and developing publications in the framework of the 2005 St. Petersburg Declaration and providing regional support to the implementation of the FLEG country work plans based on partner government requests;

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Focus of the Regional Component

• Developing a communications strategy to develop and maintain the ENPI FLEG corporate branding and ensure that relevant participants and stakeholders are provided with consistent up to date Program information;

• Contributing to communication activities to promote regional and national activities developed within the framework of 2005 St. Petersburg Declaration;

• Maintaining a high-quality Internet site in English and Russian on state of the art forest sector governance and reform. Country work Programs may also have their own, national and local communication activities;

• Regional coordination of the program through annual meetings of the ENPI FLEG focal points, donors and implementing organizations.

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Linkage with Results Indicators

Activities are linked to key results indicators for the FLEG II Program, including:

– Reforms in forest policy, legislation or other regulations supported;– Government institutions provided with capacity building to improve

management of forest resources;– Credible process toward the implementation of the St. Petersburg

declaration launched;– EU Member States’ forest sector knowledge is made available to

participating countries and knowledge exchange between participating countries and EU Member States is ongoing;

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RWP Implementation

• WB, WWF and IUCN: jointly (with one lead IO) or by individual IO’s efforts

• Keep flexibility of the workplan activities!• Focus on synergies and involvement of EU

Member States! • Following tools to be used:

Analytical activities and surveys Workshops and conferences (incl. side events) Training seminars, study tours and capacity building Targeted expert missions jointly with stakeholders Information support and outreach for the program

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Country Recommendations to the RWP

Armenia:- Wood tracking system- Cross border collaboration with Georgia

Azerbaijan:- The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB)- Youth summer camps and conferences

Belarus:- Analysis of relevant international experience- International experience of Forest Service development- Study tours and exchanges

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Country Recommendations to the RWP

Belarus (cont.):- Publishing relevant experience and developments in ENPI East FLEG countries- Publication of Journal of Belarus’ Experience on Sustainable Forest Use

Georgia: - The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB)

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PDO 1: Examples of Planned Activities

• Monitoring plan for St. Petersburg declaration designed and updated annually– identify areas where implementation needs more focus

and support

• Series of technical workshops in preparation for the 2nd ENA FLEG Ministerial conference

• Regional studies under the framework of the St. Petersburg declaration undertaken and disseminated

• National-level action plans developed and monitored

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PDO 2: Examples of Planned Activities

• Baseline survey based on FLEG Program results indicators and final survey (based on perception surveys of key decision makers and stakeholders)

• Increasing networking and share of information with EU Members States

• Assessment of potential impacts of climate change on forests– provide recommendations to adapt and improve forest

management and reduce degradation– take stock of climate change adaptation strategies in the forest


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PDO 2: Examples of Planned Activities


• Participation in international programs and conferences• Organization of thematic meetings and/or side events on

the FLEG II Program and FLEG issues• Exchanges/workshops within ENPI East Countries on topics

such as – Payments for Environmental Services (PES) – Landscape approach– The Economics of Ecosystems Services and Biodiversity (TEEB) – Other relevant topics

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PDO 2: Examples of Planned Activities

Studies, Conferences, Roundtables

• Round table “Lessons from the EU Timber Regulation and ways to improve its enforcement”

• Conference “International and national practices of assessing the legality of forest use”

• Development of common methodology on “Measuring the True Value of Natural Resources for Community Development” for replication

• Comparative socio-economic study on impact of illegal logging and unsustainable forest use on local communities

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PDO 2: Examples of Planned Activities

Communications activities

• FLEG II Program communications strategy developed and applied

• Stocktaking of existing Information and Communications Technology used across the region and development of appropriate recommendations

• Supporting increase of coverage of FLEG issues in media in ENPI-FLEG participant countries

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Program Website

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FLEG National Focal Points Discussion

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