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  • 8/19/2019 Final Project Amul




    In the year 1946 the first milk union was established. This union was started with 250 liters of 

    milk per day. In the year 1955 AMUL was established. In the year 1!" the union was known


    sele#ted the brand name AMUL in 155.

      The brand name Amul means “AMULYA”. This !"# #$"i%$# &!"' (h$ S)*s+"i(

    !"# “AMULYA” hi,h '$)*s “PRICELESS” A $uality #ontrol e%pert in Anand had

    su&&ested the brand name 'AMUL(. Amul produ#ts ha)e been in use in millions of homes

    sin#e 1!". Amul *utter+ Amul Milk ,owder+ Amul -hee+ Amulspray+ Amul heese+ Amul

    ho#olates+ Amul /hrikhand+ Amul I#e #ream+ utramul+ Amul Milk and Amulya ha)e made

    Amul a leadin& food brand in India. The total sale is s. " billion in 20053. Today Amul is a

    symbol of many thin&s like of the hi&h4$uality produ#ts sold at reasonable pri#es+ of the

    &enesis of a )ast #o4operati)e network+ of the triumph of indi&enous te#hnolo&y+ of the

    marketin& sa))y of a farmers or&ani6ation. And ha)e a pro)en model for dairy de)elopment

    -enerally known as “ANAND PATTERN”3.

      In the early !07s+ the main sour#es of earnin& for the farmers of 8aira distri#t were

    farmin& and sellin& of milk. That time there was hi&h demand for milk in *ombay. The main

    supplier of the milk was P!.s!* #)i"/ .i'i($#+ whi#h was a pri)ately owned #ompany and

    held monopoly o)er the supply of milk at 0!')/ from the 8aira distri#t. This system leads

    to e%ploitation of poor and illiterates7 farmers by the pri)ate traders. The traders used to

     beside the pri#es of milk and the farmers were for#ed to a##ept it without utterin& a sin&le


      9owe)er+ when the e%ploitation be#ame intolerable+ the farmers were frustrated. They

    #olle#ti)ely appealed to S)"#)" V)..)hh)i P)($.+ who was a leadin& a#ti)ist in the

    freedom mo)ement. /ardar ,atel ad)ised the farmers to sell the milk on their own by

    establishin& a #o4operati)e union+ Instead of supplyin& milk to pri)ate traders. /ardar ,atel

    sent the farmers to Sh"i M!")"2i D$s)i in order to &ain his #o4operation and help. /hri :esai

    held a meetin& at S)')"+h)  )illa&e near Anand+ on 4(h  3)*)"/ 1946. 9e ad)ised the

    farmers to form a so#iety for #olle#tion of the milk.


  • 8/19/2019 Final Project Amul


    These )illa&e so#ieties would #olle#t the milk themsel)es and would de#ide the pri#es at

    whi#h they #an sell the milk. The distri#t union was also form to #olle#t the milk from su#h

    )illa&e #o4operati)e so#ieties and to sell them. It was also resol)ed that the -o)ernment

    should be asked to buy milk from the union.

    9owe)er+ the &o)t. did not seem to help farmers by any means. It &a)e the ne&ati)e

    response by turnin& down the demand for the milk. To respond to this a#tion of &o)t.+ the

    farmers of K)i") #is("i,( went on a milk strike. ;or 15 whole days not a sin&le drop of milk 

    was sold to the traders. As a result the *ombay milk s#heme was se)erely affe#ted. The milk 

    #ommissioner of *ombay then )isited Anand to assess the situation. 9a)in& seemed the

    #ondition+ he de#ided to fulfill the farmers demand.

      Thus their #ooperati)e unions were for#ed at the )illa&e and distri#t le)el to #olle#t

    and sell milk on a #ooperati)e basis+ without the inter)ention of -o)ernment. M" V$"h$s$

    K"i$*  showed main interest in establishin& union who was supported by Sh"i

    T"ih%)*#)s P)($. who lead the farmers in formin& the o4operati)e unions at the )illa&e

    le)el. The 8aira distri#t milk produ#ers union was thus established in ANAND  and was

    re&istered formally on 14(h D$,$'$" 1946. /in#e farmers sold all the milk in Anand throu&h

    a #o4operati)e union+ it was #ommonly resol)ed to sell the milk under the brand name


      At the initial sta&e only 57 .i("$s of milk was #olle#ted e)eryday. *ut with the &rowin&

    awareness of the benefits of the #ooperati)eness+ the #olle#tion of milk in#reased. Today Amul

    #olle#t 11 .)+hs .i("$s of milk e)eryday. /in#e milk was a perishable #ommodity it be#omes

    diffi#ult to preser)e milk flora lon&er period. *esides when the milk was to be #olle#ted from

    the far pla#es+ there was a fear of spoilin& of milk. To o)er#ome this problem the union thou&ht

    out to de)elop the #hillin& unit at )arious

  • 8/19/2019 Final Project Amul



    A'. < Asia7s lar&est dairy #o4operati)e was #reated way ba#k in1!" to make the

    milk produ#er self4reliant and #ondu#t milk4 business with pride. Amul has always been the

    trend setter in brin&in& and adaptin& the most modern te#hnolo&y to door steps to rural


    Amul #reated history in followin& areas?


  • 8/19/2019 Final Project Amul


    )= ;irst self moti)ated and autonomous farmers or&ani6ation #omprisin& of more‟

    than 5000000 mar&inal milk produ#ers of 8aira :istri#t.

    = reated :airy #o4operati)es at )illa&e le)el fun#tionin& with milk #olle#tion

    #entres owned by them.

    ,= omputeri6ed milk #olle#tion system with ele#troni# s#ale and #omputeri6ed

    a##ountin& system.

    #= The first and only or&ani6ation in world to &et I/@ 000 standard for its farmers


    $= ;irst to produ#e milk from powder from surplus milk.

    Amul is the li)e e%ample of how #o4operation amon&st the poor mar&inal farmers #an

     pro)ide means for the so#io4e#onomi# de)elopment of the under pri)ile&ed mar&inal farmers


     Amul a #o4operati)e so#iety and its #o4operation has led many different

    awards in its fa)or.

    Ma&saysay award for #ommunity leadership presented in manila+ ,hilippines

    to /hri Tribhu)andas ,atel+ /hri : 8hurody and /hri . 8urien


  • 8/19/2019 Final Project Amul


    A'. i* )"!)#<

    Amul is &oin& pla#es. Literally. After ha)in& established its presen#e in hina+ Mauritius and

    9on& 8on&+ -uER< AMUL@S SECRET O: SUCCESS

      The system su##eeded mainly be#ause it pro)ides an assured market at remunerati)e

     pri#es for produ#ers milk besides a#tin& as a #hannel to market the produ#tion enhan#ement

     pa#ka&e. =hats more+ it does not disturb the a&ro4system of the farmers. It also enables the

    #onsumer an a##ess to hi&h $uality milk and milk produ#ts. ontrary to the traditional

    system+ when the profit of the business was #ornered by the middlemen+ the system ensured

    that the profit &oes to the parti#ipants for their so#io4e#onomi# upliftment and #ommon &ood.


  • 8/19/2019 Final Project Amul


    Lookin& ba#k on the path tra)ersed by Amul+ the followin& features make it a pattern and

    model for emulation elsewhere.

     A'. h)s $$* ).$ (!<

    • ,rodu#e an appropriate blend of the poli#y makers farmers board of 

    mana&ement and the professionals? ea#h &roup appre#iatin& its rotes and


    • *rin& at the #ommand of the rural milk produ#ers the best of the te#hnolo&y

    and harness its fruit for betterment.

    • ,ro)ide a support system to the milk produ#ers without disturbin& their a&ro4

    e#onomi# systems+

    • ,lou&h ba#k the profits+ by prudent use of men+ material and ma#hines+ in the

    rural se#tor for the #ommon &ood and betterment of the member produ#ers and

      The Union looks after poli#y formulation+ pro#essin& and marketin& of milk+

     pro)ision of te#hni#al inputs to enhan#e milk yield of animals+ the artifi#ial insemination

    ser)i#e+ )eterinary #are+ better feeds and the like 4 all throu&h the )illa&e so#ieties. *asi#ally

    the union and #ooperation of people brou&ht Amul into fame i.e. AMUL ANAND MILK 

    UNION LIMITED=+ a name whi#h su&&est THE TASTE O: INDIA.


  • 8/19/2019 Final Project Amul



      :i"s( plant is at ANAND+ whi#h en&a&ed in the manufa#turin& of milk+ butter+ &hee+

    milk powder+ fla)oured milk and buttermilk.


  • 8/19/2019 Final Project Amul


      S$,!*# plant is at MOBAR + whi#h en&a&ed in manufa#turin& #ho#olate+ nutramul+

    Amul -anthia and Amul lite.

    Thi"# plant is at K)*2)"i+ whi#h produ#es #attelfeed.


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    :!"(h plant is at Kh)(")2+ whi#h en&a&ed in produ#in& #heese.

    Today+ ($.%$ #)i"i$s are produ#in& different produ#ts under the brand name Amul. Today

    Amul dairy is *! 1 dairy in Asi) and *!  in the !".#+ whi#h is matter of proud for 


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  • 8/19/2019 Final Project Amul



  • 8/19/2019 Final Project Amul


    It is belie)ed that #onsumers or #ustomers make pur#hase de#ision on the basis of re#eipt of a

    small number of sele#ti)ity #hosen pie#es of information. Thus it will be )ery important to

    understand what G how mush them to e)aluate the &oods G ser)i#es offerin&s.


  • 8/19/2019 Final Project Amul


    All business firms ha)e reali6ed that marketin& is a #ore element of mana&ement philosophy

    G the key to its su##ess lies in fo#usin& more G more on the #ustomers. That is+ it will be the

    #ustomer who will de#ide where the firm is headin&. Thus the #hallen&e before the marketer 

    is to ensure that they should satisfy e)ery #ustomer.

    /atisfa#tion is an important element in the e)aluatin& sta&e. /atisfa#tion refers to the buyers

    state of bein& ade$uately rewarded in a buyin& situation for the sa#rifi#es he has made one

    the #ustomer pur#hase G use the produ#t they may then be#ome either satisfy or dissatisfied.

    The result of satisfa#tion to #ustomer form the pur#hase of the produ#t or ser)i#es is that

    more fa)ourable post4pur#hase attitude+ hi&her pur#hase intention G brand loyalty to be

    e%hibited that the same beha)ior is likely to be e%hibited in a similar pur#hasin& situation.

    The term #onsumer7 is a typi#ally used to refer to someone who re&ularly pur#hase from a

     parti#ular store or #ompany.

    ustomers are people who are happy with the produ#t G ser)i#es G are willin& to #ome ba#k 

    G pay for it a&ain.

    Today the firms aim to &i)e satisfa#tion to the #ustomer throu&h marketin& #on#epts. The

    firm try to help the buyers in the sol)in& the problem then #ompetitors. The marketers must

    see that #onsumers with pur#hasin& power #onstitute a potentials buyers are identified. It is

    essential for the marketer to #arry out the business in su#h a way that they &i)e satisfa#tion to

    #onsumers needed. =hen a firm markets a produ#t or ser)i#e it should aim to en

  • 8/19/2019 Final Project Amul


    #onsumers. ,er#ei)e produ#t G brand G stores. =hat their attitudes are before and after 

     promotional #ampai&ns G how G why they make their #onsumption de#ision.


  • 8/19/2019 Final Project Amul





  • 8/19/2019 Final Project Amul


    1= D$&i*$ (h$ "!.$' )*# i(s !2$,(i%$s

  • 8/19/2019 Final Project Amul


      3 K%perimentation

    A= S"%$/ M$(h!#< -  In this method+ information &athered dire#tly from indi)idual

    respondents+ either throu&h personal inter)iews or throu&h mail $uestionnaires or telephone


    0= Os$"%)(i!* M$(h!#< - The resear#h data are &athered throu&h obser)in& and re#ordin&

    their a#tions in a marketin& situation. This te#hni$ue is hi&hly a##urate. It is rather an

    e%pensi)e te#hni$ue.

     C= EF$"i'$*(). M$(h!#< - This method in)ol)es #arryin& out a small s#ale trial solution

    to a problem+ while at the same time+ attemptin& to #ontrol all fa#tors rele)ant to the problem.

    The main assumption here is that the test #onditions are essentially the same as those that will

     be en#ountered later when #on#lusions deri)ed from the e%periment are applied to a broader 

    marketin& area.

    D= Th$ P)*$. R$s$)",h

  • 8/19/2019 Final Project Amul


    Th$ "$!"( 's( i%$G,!*()i* (h$ &!..!i* i*&!"')(i!*

  • 8/19/2019 Final Project Amul




  • 8/19/2019 Final Project Amul


    • As Amul milk ad)ertisements are mainly done throu&h hoardin&s but on tele)ision the

    ad)ertisement is bein& tele#asted timely and on the proper time or not.


  • 8/19/2019 Final Project Amul



    A esear#h desi&n spe#ifies the methods and pro#edures for #ondu#tin& a parti#ular study. It

    is a map or3 blue print to whi#h the resear#h is to be #ondu#ted. :es#ripti)e resear#h desi&n

    has been #onsidered as a suitable methodolo&y for present study and for data analysis.


    The samplin& desi&n used was on)enien#e samplin&+ whi#h is a non4probability samplin&

    method. The #on)enien#e fa#tors were the a)ailability and approa#hability of the



    All types of outlets that sto#k and sell Amul milk in the markets. The outlets ha)e been

    #lassified into as follows

    on)enien#e stores? All kinds of shops in#ludin& bakeries

    Kateries? all kinds of eatin&

  • 8/19/2019 Final Project Amul


    )ii. *udhapara.

    )iii. -olba6ar.

    i%. Telibandha.

    %. *ramhpuri.

    %i. 8ankali ,ara.

    %ii Lakhe a&ar.

    %iii. /antoshi a&ar.

    %i). ,urani *asti.

    %). /an

  • 8/19/2019 Final Project Amul



    P"i')"/ s!",$s

    The primary data was #olle#ted throu&h $uestionnaires. They were filled usin& the s#heduled

    method of data #olle#tion by the resear#her.

    S$,!*#)"/ s!",$s

    The se#ondary sour#es were used only for #olle#tin& information re&ardin& the sample they

    were howe)er not used for analysis


  • 8/19/2019 Final Project Amul


    1. /amplin& Te#hni$ue ? on probability samplin&

      A non probability samplin& te#hni$ue is  that in whi#h ea#h element in the

     population does not ha)e an e$ual

    #han#e of &ettin& sele#ted3

    2. /ample Unit ? ,eople who buy milk a)ailable

    in retail outlets+ superstores+ et#

    E. /ample si6e ? 100 respondents A&e ran&in&

    *etween 1? yrs to 65 yrs3


    !. Method ? :ire#t inter)iew throu&h $uestionnaire.

    5. :ata analysis method ? -raphi#al method.

    ". Area of sur)ey ? aipur :istri#t.

     C. Timin& of sur)ey ? .00 am to 5.E0 pm.



    • Nuestionnaire was prepared keepin& the ob

  • 8/19/2019 Final Project Amul


    • In order to &et #orre#t information I had to approa#h #onsumers ran&in& from 15 /"s

    (! 65 /"s

    • I )isited as many respondents as I #an and asked them their real likin&s about any

    milk and also &ot an idea.

    • It is really a H$",.$)*  task to understand onsumer *eha)iour+ as the definition

    su&&est+ “Consumer behaviour is a physical activity as well as decision process

    individual engaged in when evaluating, acquiring, using and disposing goods and 


    • In order to #olle#t a##urate information I )isited to B)"#$*; P)"+s; T$'.$;

    S$"s(!"$s )*# B/'*)si'+ ea#h and e)ery $uestion was filled personally by the

    respondents and #he#ked properly.

    • ,eople were not willin& to answer+ when they were #onta#ted between 1.00 pm to

    5.00 pm+ the time when most of the people take rest durin& the s#or#hin& heat.


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  • 8/19/2019 Final Project Amul


    E5F of the respondents are male and "5F of the respondents are female. ;rom the

    abo)e table we #an #on#lude that+ the ma

  • 8/19/2019 Final Project Amul


    @##upation o. of. respondents ,er#enta&e


    *usiness 20 20

    Kmployee 10 10

    9ouse wife "5 "5

    @thers 05 05

    Total 100 100

      S!",$s< P"i')"/ D)()

      T).$ N!< 5


    20F of the respondents are businessmen+ 10F of the respondents are employees+ and

    "5F of the respondents are house wi)es+ 05F of the respondents are others &roup.


    In#ome de#ided the pur#hasin& power of the #ustomer. If the in#ome is hi&h then+ they

    &o for hi&h $uality irrespe#ti)e of pri#e of the produ#t. 9en#e in this resear#h I like to #olle#t

    the data how in#ome is influen#e to pur#hase Amul Milk .


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    Analysis of Monthly In#ome of the espondents

    Monthly in#ome o. of respondents ,er#enta&e F

    *elow 5000 EB EB

    5001410000 E0 E0

    10001415000 21 21

    15001 G abo)e 11 11

    Total 100 100

    S!",$s< P"i')"/ D)()

      T).$ N!< 5


    As per the data EBF of the respondents earn per month below 5000+ E0F of the

    respondents earn 5001 to 10000+ 21F of the respondents earn abo)e 10001 to 15000. 11F of 

    the respondents earn 15000 G abo)e. ;rom the abo)e table we #an #on#lude that ma

  • 8/19/2019 Final Project Amul


      BRAPH NO< 5


    Identifi#ation of )arious fa#tors plays a )ital role in #onsumer beha)ior 

    study. The )arious fa#tors su#h as $uality+ pri#e easy a)ailable et#. is influen#in& lot and

    influen#es positi)ely. The followin& data re)eals how )arious fa#tors are influen#in& to

     buyin& of Amul Milk and Milk produ#ts.


    Analysis of ;a#tors to *uy AMUL Milk 


  • 8/19/2019 Final Project Amul


    ;a#tors o. of espondents ,er#enta&e F

    Nuality EB EB

    *rand ima&e 2B 2B

    ,ri#e 20 20

    Kasy a)ailability 1! 1!

    @thers il il

    Total 100 100

    O S!",$< P"i')"/ D)()

    B")h N! 54



  • 8/19/2019 Final Project Amul


    EBF of respondents buyin& AMUL Milk for its -ood Nuality+ 2BF of respondents use

    for its *and ame+20F of its ,ri#e #onsideration+ 1!F of its easy a)ailability of respondents

     buyin& AMUL Milk G Milk produ#ts.

    R$s!*#$*(s C!*s'(i!* ).i(/<

    onsumption $uality is )aryin& with )arious respondents. /ome of #ustomer they buy

    less $uantity and some them hu&e $uantity depends upon re$uirement and number of people

    in their houses. The data is #olle#ted to know the )arious #onsumption patterns.

    A*)./sis !& C!*s'(i!* !& A%$")$ Mi.+ $" D)/

    onsumption o. of espondents ,er#enta&e F3

    1 Litre C0 C0

    24! Litre 10 10

    More than ! Litres 20 20

    Total 100 100

    S!",$s< P"i')"/ D)()

      T).$ *!< 55


  • 8/19/2019 Final Project Amul


      B")h *!55


    C0F of the respondents are #onsumin& one litre per day. 10F of the respondents are

    #onsumin& two to four litres per day. 20F of the respondents are #onsumin& more than four 

    litres per day.

    ;rom the abo)e table we #an #on#lude that ma

  • 8/19/2019 Final Project Amul


    " Months 05 05

    142 Pears 15 15

    E4! Pears 20 20

    More than ! years "0 "0

    Total 100 100

    S!",$s< P"i')"/ D)()

      T).$ *!< 56


    As per the data &athered+ out of 100 respondents+ 05F of the respondents buyin& sin#e

    last si% months+ 15F of the respondents from one to two years+ 20 F of the respondents from

    three to four years+ "0F of the respondents buyin& AMUL Milk G Milk produ#ts from more

    than four years.

    ;rom the abo)e table we #an #on#lude that ma

  • 8/19/2019 Final Project Amul


      Graph no: 5.6 


    The beha)iour of users after his #ommitment to a produ#t has been #olle#ted with

    respe#t produ#t and terms of satisfa#tion with ratin& s#ale. The followin& are the data

    obtained related to AMUL Milk.


  • 8/19/2019 Final Project Amul


      A*)./sis !& R)(i* (!)"#s AMUL Mi.+ .

    atin&s o. of espondents ,er#enta&e F3

    K%#ellent 25 25

    -ood !B !B

    A)era&e 22 22

    ,oor 05 05

    Total 100 100

    S!",$< P"i')"/ D)()

      T).$ *!< 58


    25F of the respondents rated that AMUL Milk G Milk produ#ts are K%#ellent. !BF of 

    the respondents rated as &ood+ 22F of the respondents rated as A)era&e Nuality. 05F of the

    respondents rated that AMUL Milk G Milk produ#ts are ,oor.

    ;rom the abo)e table we #an #on#lude that ma

  • 8/19/2019 Final Project Amul


      B")h *!58


    onsumers always think while payin& pri#e to the produ#ts su#h as how mu#h we are

     payin& towards produ#ts and how mu#h we are &ettin&. This data is &athered to know what

    )alue they are re#ei)in& from the AMUL Milk.

    Analysis of alue for Money ,aid by the espondents

    esponse o. of espondents ,er#enta&e F3

    Pes " "

     o 0! 0!

    Total 100 100

    S!",$s< P"i')"/ D)()

      T).$ *!< 5?



  • 8/19/2019 Final Project Amul


    "F of the respondents feel that they &et the )alue for money they paid. @nly 0!F of 

    the respondents feel that they are not &ettin& the )alue for money what they paid.

    ;rom the abo)e table we #an #on#lude that ma

  • 8/19/2019 Final Project Amul


    S!",$s< P"i')"/ D)()

      T).$ *!< 59


    CF of the respondents were re#ommended Amul milk and+ 0EF of the respondents

    were not re#ommended Amul milk and produ#ts to others.

      ;rom the abo)e table we #an #on#lude that ma

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    E. In#ome of the people de#ides the pur#hasin& power. The hi&h in#ome prefers to pur#hase

     produ#t with the $uality+ freshness+ thi#kness+ et#. and )i#e )ersa. /o I su&&est Amul to

    #on#entrate also on low in#ome se&ment to #apture market and position themsel)es in the

    minds of the #ustomer with re$uired $uality and $uality milk.!. /in#e Amul is ha)in& loyal #ustomers and therefore should #on#entrate more on this fa#tor 

    throu&h )arious potential pro&rammes su#h as #ampai&n+ premium pa#ks+ offers et#.+ this

    helps to in#rease the loyalty towards the Amul produ#ts.

    5. Milk is ha)in& hi&h demand and it is #onsidered as a )ery essential produ#ts. In present

     pra#ti#e+ pur#hase of milk is throu&h dealers. In this #onne#tion dealers approa#h towards the


    ". ustomer is influential+ hen#e I su&&est Amul to look after the dealers issue with due #are.

    C. =hen produ#t possesses $uality and other important attributes naturally they propa&anda

    about produ#t throu&h word of mouth and )i#e )ersa. Therefore if the $uality and attributes

    are fine tuned a##ordin& to the needs will help the Amul to &et reputation and addition


    B. Introdu#tion of )arious e#onomi# produ#ts lies may help Amul to attra#t the e%istin& and new

    #ustomers and may attra#t all in#ome le)el &roups. 9en#e I su&&est mana&ement to introdu#e

    new produ#t line whi#h #an satisfy the entire &roup.


    ;rom the sur)ey #ondu#ted it is obser)ed that Amul milk has a &ood market share.

    ;rom the study #ondu#ted the followin& #on#lusions #an be drawn. In order the

    dreams #omes into reality and for turnin& liabilities into assets one must ha)e to meet

    the needs of the #ustomers.

    The fa#tors #onsidered by the #ustomer before pur#hasin& milk are freshness+ taste+

    thi#kness and a)ailability.

    ;inally I #on#lude that+ ma

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    dealers and outlets+ promotion pro&rammers+ produ#t lines et#.+ definitely #ompany #an be as

    a monopoly and stron& market leader.

    Amul has also to take #are of its #ompetitors into #onsideration and more importantly its

    #ustomers before makin& any mo)e.


  • 8/19/2019 Final Project Amul



    Marketin& Mana&ement ,hilip 8otler+ The Millennium Kdition+ ,renti#e 9all @f India

    ,ri)ate Limited+ ew :elhi.

    ,eriodi#al? *usiness =orld

    esear#h Methodolo&y? ..8othari + 2nd edition.

    /. Murty and U *ho