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  • 8/3/2019 Final Presentationer


  • 8/3/2019 Final Presentationer


    Man has always dreamed of flying.

    The discovery of the kite that could fly

    in the air by the Chinese startedhumans thinking about flying

    In the 1400s Leonardo de Vincidesigned a magnificent flying machine.

  • 8/3/2019 Final Presentationer


    A Dream Come True

    1783 - Joseph and JacquesMontgolfier- the First Hot AirBalloon

  • 8/3/2019 Final Presentationer


    A Dream Come True

  • 8/3/2019 Final Presentationer


    How we did That!

  • 8/3/2019 Final Presentationer


    Basic Principles of flying !

    Lift is a positive force caused by the difference in air pressure underand above a wing. The higher air pressure beneath a wing createslift, and is affected by the shape of the wing. Changing a wing'sangle of attack affects the speed of the air flowing over the wing andthe amount of lift that the wing creates.

    Weight is the force that causes objects to fall downwards. In flight,the force of weight is countered by the forces of lift and thrust.

    Thrust is the force that propels an object forward. An enginespinning a propeller or a jet engine expelling hot air out the tailpipeare examples of thrust. In bats, thrust is created by muscles makingthe wings flap.

    Drag is the resistance of the air to anything moving through it.Different wing shapes greatly affect drag. Air divides smoothlyaround a wing's rounded leading edge, and flows neatly off its

    tapered trailing edge...this is called streamlining.

  • 8/3/2019 Final Presentationer


    Its Flying

    Airplane flight is explained by : Newtons Third Law.

    Bernoullis Law (is a consequence ofNewtons Laws.)

    Conservation of Momentum.

    Coanda Effect.

  • 8/3/2019 Final Presentationer


    Other key features of flight are theengines. They provide the vitalthrust to get planes in the air and

    keep them moving.


  • 8/3/2019 Final Presentationer


    Parts of a Plane

  • 8/3/2019 Final Presentationer


    How does a Pilot Control thePlane?

  • 8/3/2019 Final Presentationer


  • 8/3/2019 Final Presentationer


    General Aviation(100-350 MPH).Most of the early planes were only able to fly atthis speed level. Early engines were not as

    powerful as they are today. However, thisregime is still used today by smaller planes.Examples of this regime are the small cropdusters used by farmers for their fields, two andfour seater passenger planes, and seaplanesthat can land on water.

    Subsonic (350-750 MPH).This category contains most of thecommercial jets that are used today to

    move passengers and cargo. The speed isjust below the speed of sound. Enginestoday are lighter and more powerful andcan travel quickly with large loads ofpeople or goods.

  • 8/3/2019 Final Presentationer


    Supersonic (760-3500 MPH - Mach 1 - Mach5).

    760 MPH is the speed of sound. It is alsocalled MACH 1. These planes can fly up to 5times the speed of sound. Planes in thisregime have specially designed highperformance engines. They are also designedwith lightweight materials to provide less drag.

    The Concorde is an example of this regime offlight.

    Hypersonic (3500-7000 MPH - Mach 5 toMach 10).Rockets travel at speeds 5 to 10 times the

    speed of sound as they go into orbit. Anexample of a hypersonic vehicle is the X-15, which is rocket powered. The spaceshuttle is also an example of this regime.New materials and very powerful engineswere developed to handle this rate of


  • 8/3/2019 Final Presentationer


    Thank You Very Much!

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