Download - Final Group Report 2

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University of Santo Tomas

Faculty of Engineering

1st sem AY 2015-2016

Experiment No. 1

Vector Forces: Graphical an !nalytical "ethos

Section: 2-16

Group No.: 5

#eaer: Jurado, Dominik Red

"em$ers: Kimizuka, Syo

  Lao, Rob rettri!k 

  Lobos, "ei# Da$id  Jo$en, %enesis &i'ue#

%nstructor: &s( Jay-Anne A#e)o

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%. &$'ectives

1. *o be ab#e to !#ear#y understand +or!es as $e!tors, in arti!u#ar(

(. *o determine te resu#tant o+ se$era# !on!urrent +or!es usin' di++erent metods,name#y by 'rai!a#, ana#yti!a#, and e.erimenta# /usin' te +or!e tab#e metods(

%%. )iscussion of *elate +hysics ,onceptne o+ to measurab#e 3uantities, $e!tor 3uantity ossesses bot ma'nitude and

dire!tion( Some are $e#o!ity and ei't( 4en !omarin' to $e!tors o+ te same

tye and er+ormin' oerations, !omarison +or bot te dire!tion and ma'nitude must be takeninto !onsideration( + to or more +or!es a!t instantaneous#y on a !on!urrent oint, !on!urrent

+or!es are +ormed( Addin' tese $e!tor +or!es ou#d resu#t in a resu#tant( *e resu#tant $e!tor is

te !ombination o+ to or more sin'#e $e!tors, i! means tat its e++e!t is te same as tat o+ 

te sum o+ te se$era# +or!es( n te oter and, te e3ui#ibrant is te same as te resu#tant on#ytat its dire!tion is oosite tat o+ te resu#tant(

%%%. Set-up

&ateria#s sed7• 8or!e *ab#e

• 9 ei't an'ers

• Set o+ masses

• Strin'

• Ru#er 

• :rotra!tor 

%V. )ata an *esults

;.erimenta# &etod /8or!e *ab#e

Force "agnitue )irection

81 0(6<= " 60° " o+ ;

82 0(<9< " Due ;

;3ui#ibrant ;1 0(>629 " 90° S o+ 4

Resu#tant R 1 0(>629 " 90° " o+ ;

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Force "agnitue )irection

81 0(6<= " 60° " o+ ;

82 0(<9< " Due ;

8< 0(5<? " Due S;

;3ui#ibrant ;1 1(05>9 " 10° S o+ 4Resu#tant R 1 1(05>9 " 10° " o+ ;

%rai!a# &etod

:ara##e#o'ram &etod :o#y'on &etod

&a'nitude Dire!tion &a'nitude Dire!tion

;3ui#ibrant ;1 0(>629 " 90° S o+ 4

Resu#tant R 1 0(>629 " 90° " o+ ;

;3ui#ibrant R 2 1(05>9 " 10S o+ 4

Resu#tant R 2 1(05>9 " 10° " o+ ;

Ana#yti!a# &etod /@omonent &etodForce "agnitue )irection

81 0(6<= " 60° " o+ ;

82 0(<9< " Due ;

8< 0(5<? " Due S;

;3ui#ibrant ;2 1(055>9 " 10° S o+ 4

Resu#tant R 2 1(055>9 " 10° " o+ ;

Data 'i$en7

m1  65 ', 60° " o+ ;

m2  <5 ', due ;m<  55 ', due S;

8ormu#as and @on$ersions sed7

1000 ' 1 k'a2+b



  B tan-1

|∑F  y

∑F  x

|1 !m 10 '

4 m', ere m is in ki#o'ram and ' ?(> mCs 2

:er!enta'e ;rror | Rexperimental− Rgraphical


m1  65 '

m1 65 ' .


1000 g   0(065


m2  <5 '

m2  <5 ' .1kg

1000 g   0(0<5


81  m1'

  /0(065 k'/?(> mCs2

  0(6<= "82  m2'

  /0(0<5 k'/?(> mCs2

  0(<9< "

8< m<'

  /0(055 k'/?(> mCs2

m1  65 ' .1cm

10 g   6(5 !m

m2  <5 ' .1cm

10 g   <(5 !m

m<  55 ' .1cm

10 g   5(5 !m

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m<  55 '

m< 55 ' .1kg

1000 g   0(055


Ana#yti!a# &etod /@omonent &etod

R .  0(6<= " /!os 60° 0(<9< "

  0(6615 "

R y  0(6<= " /sin 60° 0 "

  0(551= "

R 1 √ 0.66152+0.5517


  0(>61< "

Ana#yti!a# &etod /@omonent &etod

R .  0(6<= " /!os 60° 0(<9< " 0(5<? " /!os


  1(0926 "

R y  0(6<= " /sin 60° 0 " E-0(5<? " / sin 95°F


R 2  √ 1.04262


  1(055>9 "


B tan-1 |∑F  y

∑F  x|

  tan-1 |0.5517 N 0.6615 N | ≈ 90°

B tan-1 |∑F  y

∑F  x|

  tan-1 |0.1705 N 1.0426 N | ≈ 10°

:er!enta'e ;rror | Rexperimental− Rgraphical

 Rgraphical |×100

  |0.8624  N −0.8624  N 

0.8624  N    |×100  0 G

:er!enta'e ;rror | Rexperimental− Rgraphical


  |1.0584 N −1.0584 N 

1.0584 N    |×100  0 G

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8i'ure 1( ;.erimenta# &etod o+ 81 and 82

8i'ure 2( ;.erimenta# &etod o+ 81, 82 and ;1

8i'ure <( ;.erimenta# &etod o+ 81, 82 and 8<

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8i'ure 9( ;.erimenta# &etod o+ 81, 82, 8< and ;2

%rai!a# &etod

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R  1   =  8  . 8   c  m  


0.637 N

0.343 N

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V. !nalysis of *esults

*rou'out te e.eriment some data ere 'atered( *ese data ere treated by

usin' !ertain +ormu#as and !on$ersions( n te e.erimenta# metod, te ei't o+ te +or!es,

i! as 'i$en by te instru!tors, ere used by !on$ertin' tem into ki#o'rams( *e !on$ertedei'ts ere used in a +ormu#a to a!3uire te ma'nitude o+ te +or!es( *e !on$erted ei'ts,

on anoter note, ere a#so treated by s!a#in' tem in te +or!e tab#e so as to 'et te e3ui#ibrantHs

ei't and dire!tion( 8irst, te e3ui#ibrantHs ei't as !on$erted to ki#o'ram so as to 'et tema'nitude( Se!ond, te resu#tin' e3ui#ibrantHs dire!tion as re$ersed to 'et te resu#tantHs


n te 'rai!a# metod, @artesian #anes ere dran to #ot te data( n te +irst

 #ane, ara##e#o'ram metod as used( *rou' tis, te resu#tantHs ma'nitude and dire!tion asobtained by measurin' te dia'ona# o+ te ara##e#o'ram and usin' a +ormu#a, and measurin' te

an'#e it rese!t to te n te oter and, o#y'on metod as used on te se!ond

 #ane sin!e tere ere tree $e!tors( A+ter te $e!tors ere #otted, a #ine !onne!tin' te startin'

 oint and te #ast oint as dran( *e dis#a!ement as measured and a +ormu#a as used to'et te ma'nitude( *en te an'#e as measured, a'ain, it rese!t to te *e

e3ui#ibrants o+ bot #anes as a!ie$ed by re$ersin' te dire!tion o+ bot te resu#tants(Last#y, in te ana#yti!a# metod, te !omonent metod as used( y 'ettin' te

. and y !omonents o+ te +or!es, te resu#tantHs ma'nitude and dire!tion ere +ound by usin'


V%. +ro$lems

1. Explain ho the force ta$le can $e use to emonstrate the aition of vectors

using the principle of e/uili$rium.

4it te !orre!t an'#es and ei'ts o+ te +or!es, te e3ui#ibrantHs an'#e and

ei't !an ba#an!e te ei'ts o+ te oter +or!es i+ adIusted !are+u##y( t Iust sos te

 rin!i#e o+ e3ui#ibrium be!ause i+ te $e!tors are tou!ed, it i## sti## return to itsori'ina# state, 'i$en tat te an'#es and ei'ts are te same a## trou'out(

(. %n the experimental metho0 ho o you no if the system is in e/uili$rium2

+ te $e!tors o+ te +or!es are #a!ed in te +or!e tab#e it te e3ui#ibrant, terin' on to o+ te +or!e tab#e sou#d be susended and ri't in te midd#e o+ te +or!e


3. 4hat is e/uili$rant force2 *esultant force2

An e3ui#ibrant +or!e is a sin'#e +or!e i! !an!e#s te e++e!t o+ te resu#tant o+ asystem o+ +or!es or i! brin's te system and te body in e3ui#ibrium( n te oter 

and, te resu#tant +or!e is a sin'#e +or!e i! !an rodu!e te same e++e!t on te body

as it is rodu!ed by a## te oter +or!es a!tin' to'eter(

5. ,ompare the resultants o$taine using the three methos. )i any metho give

you a resultant significantly from the other to2

*e on#y resu#tant i! di++ered +rom te oters is te one !a#!u#ated usin' teana#yti!a# metod sin!e a di++erent aroa! !on!ernin' a +ormu#a as used on it

!omared to te oter to i! as obtained usin' te +or!e tab#e and 'raed it a

'rain' aer(


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V%%. ,onclusion

ur 'rou !on!#uded tat a!!ura!y and !orre!t !omutation o+ data is te key to better understand $e!tor +or!es( n te 1st metod, i! is te e.erimenta# metod, a!!urate

 #a!in' as re3uired in ba#an!in' te $e!tor +or!es and a#so te !orre!t use o+ data +or te !orre!t

 #a!in' o+ said +or!es( n te 'rai!a# metod, a!!urate measurements, bot in distan!e anddire!tion, ere needed in order to !orre!t#y 'ra te $e!tors( Last#y, !orre!t !omutation o+ data

as desired so as to 'ain te most a!!urate ansers usin' te ana#yti!a# metod(

V%%%. *ecommenation 6optional7

%8. *eference

1( "ASA o++i!ia# retrie$ed +rom tts7CC('r!(nasa('o$CCk-


2( :o#yte!ni! ub retrie$ed +rom tt7CC(o#yte!ni!ub(!omCdi++eren!e-beteen-
