Download - Final book-spread-back

Page 1: Final book-spread-back

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Light painting is a method of creating

photographs using long exposure settings and a

light source to create the illusion of painting

with light. In this piece, several different long

exposure photographs were pieced together to

create one image.

In this piece, geometric construction and

mandala elements played a huge role in the

creative process. The image illustrates two

elements- Earth and Air, in a geometrical-

ly contructed way with the use of different

shapes and color variations

This is a scannogram created with objects which

have a personal connection to me. This was cre-

ated by aranging different objects on a scanner,

and scanning them together as one composition.

These two pieces are exercises from this se-

mester. Both of them demonstrate important

things I learned in class. In the top piece, I

learned that geometric shapes can be built with

only a straight edge and a compas. In the bot-

tom piece, I learned that every hue has a value,

even though the colors are different, they each

have individual values of ligtness and darkness.

This was one of the first projects we did in

class. It’s created entirely with type face or

fonts. This piece is an important one to me be-

cause it gave me an outlet for rough times I

was going through at the time. The black bird

is bitter sweet about the departure of its part-

ner. Creating emotions with typeface was

one of the hardest things I did this semester.