Download - Final 22 Towns Details

  • 7/27/2019 Final 22 Towns Details


    Comparative Profile of National Urban Observatory Pilot Study of 22 Towns(Phase II):Table- C

    No Indicator Detail/Town Name Unit 13-Bhatinda 14-Govindgarh 15-Asansol 16-Siliguri 17-Kunakulam 18-Trissur

    Population No. 217389 55416 486304 690608 51585 317474

    Area Sq.Kms. 75.95 32 127.12 41.9 34.18 101.42

    1 Tenure types

    Owned % 66.6 71.49 50.5 82.5 97.5

    Rented % 32.45 26.53 49.5 15 2.5

    Sub-letting % 0.95 1.98 2.5

    HH per dwellling Unit No. 1.4 1.24HH Size No. 5.2 5.47 5.4 5.05 3.89

    Dwellling size 6.2

    Supply of housing - private % 2496 99.6

    Supply of housing - public % 1143 0.4

    Housing under compliance %

    Private % 85.37 60

    Public %

    Average construction cost public/private Rs./ 5370 550 550

    Floor area per person 22.63 9.3 9.41

    Permanent structure % 56.1 67 37.5

    Housing in compliance %

    Land development multiplier Ratio 1.5 3

    Infrastructure expenditure Ratio 46

    No.of houses per 000 HH No. 347.4 817

    Public land No. 1.41 100 0.08

    Private land No. 0.56

    2 Evictions

    3 Housing price-to-income ratio Ratio 5.24

    4 Land price-to-income ratio Ratio

    5 Mortgage and non-mortgage %

    Mortgage to credit ratio (%) % 100 100

    6 Access to water % 89.5 58 84.57

    Water allocation for domestic use % 96.17 68 74.23 74.4

    Domestic connections (No.) No. 19957 1300 1901

    Metered domestic connections % 2528 23000

    Per-capita demand lpcd 180 135 75Per-capital supply lpcd 83 135 150 82.39 126

    Losses mld 25 7.5 6.1

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    Duration of Water suply (Hrs) Hrs. 6 3 24

    7 Households connctions No.

    8 Under five mortality (per 1000 pop.) No.Hospitals( No. of hos.per 000 pop.) No. 0.22 0.09 0.012 0.006 0.194 0.069

    Dispendsaries (No. of dis 000 pop) No. 0.32 0.36 0.43 0.057

    Beds (No. Of beds 000 pop.) No. 2.93 2.29 4.18 2 13.2 6.6

    Diseases (patitents per lakh pop.)

    Respiratory No. 111 55 761.5

    Water born No. 2187 27 3742.1

    Contagious No. 876 18 63.2

    No.of Doctors in clinic/000 pop. No. 0.51 0.543 0.2

    No.of Doctors 000 pop. No. 1.03 0.48 0.75 0.61 2.11 1.506

    No.of Clinic 000 pop. No. 0.11 0.117

    No.of Nurses 000 pop. No. 0.95 1.53 1.02 1.97

    Vital statistics (per 000 Pop.Sex Ratio) Ratio

    Education - Primary schools No. 29.9 43.4 17.22 31

    Teacher - student ratio Ratio 01:28.7 01:47.8 1:50 0.028 0.151

    Class room - student ratio Ratio 01:30.5 1:53 0.026 0.022

    Male - female student ratio Ratio 1.5:1 1:02 1.02 0.942

    Colleges(per lakh pop.) No. 7.82 1.23 0.85 2.2Total electricity supply MKWH 47 120.5 30 120 25.298 247.251

    Total consumption MKWH 27 95.88 13.7 77.53 21.161

    Line losses % 50 35 9.5

    Per capita consumption KWH 28.22 164.86 410

    Electric domestic consumption KWH 79.35 68 70.55 78.35 77.02 71

    Electric charges Rs/unit 0.93-6.10 0.93-6.10 3.82

    Telephone connections(% to total HH) % 63.95 98.98 52.65 54.25 71.2 38.9

    Access to telephone(per 000pop.) No. 122.97 192.34 105 108 143.45 779.4

    Public telephone(per 000pop.) No. 1.55 4.2 2 2

    Telephone efficiency rate % 13 13 0.8 9.9 29.9 11.38

    Mobile connection No. 4500 7100 2210 13000

    Access to Postal service(PO/000 Pop.) No. 0,05 0.03 0.06 0.04 135

    STD / ISD per 000 pop. No. 698

    Birth rate per 000 pop. No. 27.44 29.99 20.87 20.6 97.54 69.2

    Death rate per 000 pop. No. 5.1 4.5 15.75 7 10.3 15.14

    Infant mortality rate per 000 pop) No. 35 37 51 4.57

    9 Crime rates

    Per 000 pop. No. 1.78 1.15

    Theft No. 0.21 0.48 0.13 0.7 0.91 0.72

    Robbery No. 0.036 0.008 0.02 0.155 0.113

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    Murder No. 0.07 0.09 0.04 0.04

    Crime against Women No. 0.03 0.12 0.08 0.17 0.717 0.176

    10 Poor Households(BPL to total Pop.)Slum HH (%) % 41.57 36.54 0.29

    Slum populajtgion (% to total pop,) % 79.02 36.3 0.23

    Slum area Ha. 133.6 89.2 214.93 307 0.08 4.34

    % of slum on public land % 1.41 100 0.04

    % of slum on private land % 0.56

    Slum population per 000 Pop. No.

    % of slum area to town area % 1.75 1.7 7.33 0.002 0.34

    Houseless HHs (% to total HHs) % 18.3 0.64

    Houseless Pop. (% to tatal Pop.) %

    Population below poverty line (% to total pop.) % 35 26.9 43.5

    HH below poverty line (% to total HH) % 5.6 1.78 40.68 27.2 43.5

    Slum area covered Ha. 133.6 89.2 214.93 307 4.34

    Squatters(No. of units/pockets) No. 122 50

    Slum population No. 48923 10920 357362 170709 148 2307

    11 Female-male gaps (female/1ooo male) Ratio

    12 Urban population growth % 31.69 85.47 29.13 (--)9.35 20

    13 Water consumption MLD

    Per day per person lit.

    Per capital supply lit.

    Per capital demand lit.

    14 Price of water (Rs. per Killo Liter) Rs.

    Metered dommestic connections No. 100

    15 Air pollution(% of SO2,NO2,SPM in air) %

    16 Wastewater treated Per capital per annum tonnes

    17 Solid waste disposal %

    Solid waste generated(per person/annuam) tonnes 105 25 180 300 1 5.5

    Sold waste collection rate (tonnes per day) tonnes 95 21 150 300 7.5 4

    Regular sold waste collection tonnes 85 100 72

    Disposal method open/dump % 100 100 95.5 100

    Access to sewerage % 41.07 65.72 4.3 23

    Access to low cost sanitary facility % 2.2 15

    Availability of public toilet % 0.05 0.14 12.1 0.05 0.31

    Drainage; lenth KM 414.11 300 1.15

    Open drains KM 67.47 413.11 300 40.25

    Covered drains KM 4.23 1 10.06

    18 Travel time Hrs.

    Road length KM 255.7 105 80.61 650 138.7 582

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    Road density(Km length/ Ratio 0.63 14.8 5.74

    Road intenstiy (Km.length/lakh population) Ratio 16.5 131.8 230 183.2

    Transport expenditure (monthly) Rs. 604 472 542On Public transport Rs. 24 700 509

    On private vehicle Rs. 213 130

    Road safety(Accedents/1000 pop.) No.

    Fatal (Accedents/1000 pop.) No. 0.17 0.46 0.06 0.01 0.31 0.167

    Non-fatal(Accedents/1000 pop.) No. 0.17 0.37 0.06 0.11 3.78 3.01

    19 Transport modes

    Automobile ownership %

    Passenger vehicles %

    Bus: Public/Private % 0.04 0.25

    Taxis/Maxi caps % 0.03

    Autorickshaw % 0.28 1.04

    Vikram %

    Non-commercial vehicles (Pvt. Owner) %

    Cars/Jeeps % 1.37 3.72

    Scooters % 19.77 17.45

    Modal split (%) %

    Cars & Vikrams % 25.7 20.28 3.6

    Two wheelers % 28.5 17.23 11.3

    Bus/Mini buses % 9.8 1.33

    Trains/Trams %

    Bicycles % 23.2 23.81 2.2

    Medium vehicles / light % 5.3 4.34 11.5

    Heavy vehicles % 4.6 7.62 48.8

    Walking % 15 22.6

    Others % 2.9 10.39

    Buses on road % 100 97Average trip distance per bus Km. 10 44

    20 Informal employment

    Work force participation rate % 31.79 32.9 30 66 34.49

    Sectoral distribution of main workers

    Primary % 5.53 1.21 16 0.8

    Secondary % 2.33 0.58 50.6 16.5

    Tertiary % 93 33.4 82.7

    21 City Product (Town's GDP ) Rs.

    22 Unemployment No.

    Regular No. 540 175

    Daily wager No. 634 1500

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    Total No. 2348 1675

    23 Local Government Revenue and Expenditures

    Local Government per capita income Rs. 120.4 619 595Local Government per capita expenditure Rs. 191.48 618 466 601.4

    Debt service charge ratio Ratio

    Local Govt. employees No. 1174 104

    Local Govt. employees per 000 Pop. No. 3.56 2.03

    Personnel experienced ratio % 15.5

    Contracted revenue expenses ratio Ratio

    MC receipt (in lakhs) Rs. 585.6 1129.64 307

    MC expenditure (in lakhs) Rs. 931.16 1081.84 240

    Revenue less expenditure (in lakhs) Rs. (-) 345.56 47.8

    Resource mobilisation(in lakhs) Rs. 478.7 410.7

    24 Land Use (in %) 0.63

    Residential % 41.75 29.12 21.64 43.7 10.04 77.22

    Commercial % 3.86 4.49 0.6 3.6 17.94

    Industrial % 29.34 48.24 4.54 5.4 35.06

    Transport % 13.42 11.01 6.96 21.9 21.19

    Open space PSP % 1.72 1.18 3.29 10.9 22.68

    Govt. land %

    Conservation/Heritage %

    Mixed use %

    Vacant/unclassified % 58.36

    Public utility % 2.37 0.29

    Govt./Semi Govt. offices % 7.51 5.67 3.6

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    Comparative Profile of National Urban Observatory Pilot Study of 22 Towns(Phase II):Table- D

    No Indicator Detail/Town Name Unit 19-Roorkee 20-Ramnagar 21-Ghaziabad 22-Meerut

    Population No. 97064 47099 1056227 1090305

    Area Sq.Kms. 8.11 2.46

    1 Tenure types

    Owned % 53.85 54.39

    Rented % 46.15 45.61

    Sub-letting %

    HH per dwellling Unit No.HH Size No. 4.15

    Dwellling size

    Supply of housing - private %

    Supply of housing - public %

    Housing under compliance %

    Private %

    Public %

    Average construction cost public/private Rs./

    Floor area per person structure %

    Housing in compliance %

    Land development multiplier Ratio

    Infrastructure expenditure Ratio

    No.of houses per 000 HH No.

    Public land No.

    Private land No.

    2 Evictions

    3 Housing price-to-income ratio Ratio

    4 Land price-to-income ratio Ratio

    5 Mortgage and non-mortgage %

    Mortgage to credit ratio (%) %

    6 Access to water % 100 100

    Water allocation for domestic use % 84.9 40.72

    Domestic connections (No.) No. 23011 252882

    Metered domestic connections % 9670 2271

    Per-capita demand lpcd 180 180

    Per-capital supply lpcd 193.6 90 52 53.75

    Losses mld 5.5 5

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    Duration of Water suply (Hrs) Hrs. 7 4 14 14

    7 Households connctions No.

    8 Under five mortality (per 1000 pop.) RatioHospitals( No. of hos.per 000 pop.) No. 0.03 0.042 0.24 0.24

    Dispendsaries (No. of dis 000 pop) No. 0.865 0.509 0.627 0.91

    Beds (No. Of beds 000 pop.) No. 2.245 1.868 13.06

    Diseases (patitents per lakh pop.)

    Respiratory No. 0.08 0.03

    Water born No. 0.04 0.05

    Contagious No. 0.03 0.02

    No.of Doctors in clinic/000 pop. No. 1.5 0.52

    No.of Doctors 000 pop. No. 1.72 0.21 4.429 3.95

    No.of Clinic 000 pop. No.

    No.of Nurses 000 pop. No. 0.6 0.19 6.91 7.07

    Vital statistics (per 000 Pop.Sex Ratio) Ratio

    Education - Primary schools No. 120 39 97 99

    Teacher - student ratio Ratio 0.33 0.05 72.35 38.76

    Class room - student ratio Ratio 0.01 139.58 61.32

    Male - female student ratio Ratio 1.09 1.21 1.07

    Colleges(per lakh pop.) No. 3.09 2.12 0.28 0.25

    Total electricity supply MKWH 76.66 32.71 13278.3 12657

    Total consumption MKWH 59.62 23.58 12754.2 11961.7

    Line losses % 22.23 27.9 32 32

    Per capita consumption KWH

    Electric domestic consumption KWH 77.9 83 45.47 50.63

    Electric charges Rs/unit 2.58 2.58 2.4 2.4

    Telephone connections(% to total HH) % 74.3 51.9 71.81 69.95

    Access to telephone(per 000pop.) No. 121.7 82.67 342.15 302.54

    Public telephone(per 000pop.) No. 2.2 2.16 26.92 29.25Telephone efficiency rate % 11 10 32 20

    Mobile connection No. 540 547

    Access to Postal service(PO/000 Pop.) No. 0.14 0.02

    STD / ISD per 000 pop. No. 28.17

    Birth rate per 000 pop. No. 13.2 23.7 21.98 22.4

    Death rate per 000 pop. No. 4.8 8.6 7.39 8.05

    Infant mortality rate per 000 pop) No. 33.1 66.1 0.5

    9 Crime rates

    Per 000 pop. No.

    Theft No. 0.32 0.19 0.011 0.027

    Robbery No. 0.2 0.11 0.064 0.054

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    Murder No. 0.04 0.13 0.024 0.022

    Crime against Women No. 0.02 0.04 0.024 0.014

    10 Poor Households(BPL to total Pop.)Slum HH (%) % 12.37 10.23

    Slum populajtgion (% to total pop,) % 38 14.57 14.63

    Slum area Ha.

    % of slum on public land %

    % of slum on private land %

    Slum population per 000 Pop. No. 146.39

    % of slum area to town area %

    Houseless HHs (% to total HHs) %

    Houseless Pop. (% to tatal Pop.) % 22.94

    Population below poverty line (% to total pop.) % 9.86

    HH below poverty line (% to total HH) % 23.28 4.61

    Slum area covered Ha.

    Squatters(No. of units/pockets) No.

    Slum population No. 153958 159620

    11 Female-male gaps (female/1ooo male) Ratio 910

    12 Urban population growth % 25.97 20.93 161.46 144.64

    13 Water consumption MLD

    Per day per person lit.

    Per capital supply lit. 193.6 90

    Per capital demand lit. 180 180

    14 Price of water (Rs. per Killo Liter) Rs.

    Metered dommestic connections No.

    15 Air pollution(% of SO2,NO2,SPM in air) %

    16 Wastewater treated Per capital per annum tonnes

    17 Solid waste disposal %

    Solid waste generated(per person/annuam) tonnes 53 13.63 167 130Sold waste collection rate (tonnes per day) tonnes 62.3 44.01 150 125

    Regular sold waste collection tonnes

    Disposal method open/dump % 94 100 100 100

    Access to sewerage %

    Access to low cost sanitary facility %

    Availability of public toilet % 0.22 0.19

    Drainage; lenth KM

    Open drains KM 43 39.1

    Covered drains KM 17.4 6.5

    18 Travel time Hrs.

    Road length KM 145.8 35.724 1221 1132

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    Road density(Km length/ Ratio 17.97 14.521

    Road intenstiy (Km.length/lakh population) Ratio 150.2 75.84

    Transport expenditure (monthly) Rs.On Public transport Rs.

    On private vehicle Rs.

    Road safety(Accedents/1000 pop.) No.

    Fatal (Accedents/1000 pop.) No. 0.067 0.0403

    Non-fatal(Accedents/1000 pop.) No. 0.188 0.0935

    19 Transport modes

    Automobile ownership %

    Passenger vehicles %

    Bus: Public/Private % 1.7 6.43 0.285 0.241

    Taxis/Maxi caps % 1.6 10.72 3.8 2.8

    Autorickshaw % 0.63 4.8 3.38

    Vikram % 0.1 0.34

    Non-commercial vehicles (Pvt. Owner) %

    Cars/Jeeps % 19.5 70.08 21.3 17.59

    Scooters % 52 39.68

    Modal split (%) %

    Cars & Vikrams % 19 14.29

    Two wheelers % 218.3 89.17 52

    Bus/Mini buses %

    Trains/Trams %

    Bicycles % 47.1 29.33

    Medium vehicles / light % 85.6 68.02

    Heavy vehicles % 0.38 0.358

    Walking %

    Others %

    Buses on road % 0.285 0.241Average trip distance per bus Km.

    20 Informal employment

    Work force participation rate % 25.71 27.13

    Sectoral distribution of main workers 88011 59100

    Primary % 7.49 9.4

    Secondary % 20.1 24.5

    Tertiary % 72.41 66.1

    21 City Product (Town's GDP ) Rs.

    22 Unemployment No.

    Regular No. 115

    Daily wager No. 10

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    Total No.

    23 Local Government Revenue and Expenditures

    Local Government per capita income Rs. 111.75Local Government per capita expenditure Rs. 137.75

    Debt service charge ratio Ratio

    Local Govt. employees No. 125

    Local Govt. employees per 000 Pop. No.

    Personnel experienced ratio %

    Contracted revenue expenses ratio Ratio

    MC receipt (in lakhs) Rs.

    MC expenditure (in lakhs) Rs.

    Revenue less expenditure (in lakhs) Rs.

    Resource mobilisation(in lakhs) Rs.

    24 Land Use (in %)

    Residential % 50.9 59.14 51.31

    Commercial % 0.028 4.01 6.13

    Industrial % 0.017 6.98 7.52

    Transport % 13.39

    Open space PSP % 7.66 2.09 3.9

    Govt. land %

    Conservation/Heritage %

    Mixed use %

    Vacant/unclassified %

    Public utility %

    Govt./Semi Govt. offices % 15.71 15.21

  • 7/27/2019 Final 22 Towns Details


    Chapter-13Comparative Profile of Urban Indicators of N U O Pilot Study of 22 Towns(Phase II):Table- A

    No Indicator Detail/Town Name Unit 1-Gulbarga 2-Tumkur 3-Moradabad 4-Bulandsehar 5-Ongole 6-Karimnagar

    Population No. 428000 248590 641240 176256 153891 215782

    Area Sq.Kms. 44.13 49.72 93 49 25 28

    1 Tenure types

    Owned % 72.4 56 83.72 76.28 74 70

    Rented % 26.5 42 11.78 18.13 26 30Sub-letting % 1.1 2 4.5 5.59

    HH per dwellling Unit No. 1.13 1.06 1.11 1.01

    HH Size No. 5.3 4.87 6.06 5.82 2 to 8 2 to 8

    Dwellling size 6.6 5.18 6.61 5.85 2 to 8 2 to 8

    Supply of housing - private % 8230 1792 227 40 22

    Supply of housing - public % 5761 149 38 18 11

    Housing under compliance % 25 29

    Private % 62 29097.9 7534.25

    Public % 95 72744.75 24109.6

    Average construction cost public/private Rs./ 4500 4500 450-500 450-500

    Floor area per person 8.3 5 5.5

    Permanent structure % 65.4 82 91.5 95

    Housing in compliance % 40 35 25 29

    Land development multiplier Ratio 2.25 5.3 4 3.8 5.95 5

    Infrastructure expenditure Ratio 157 160

    No.of houses per 000 HH No. 883 940 462 606

    Public land No. 60.98 11.87 95 70

    Private land No. 17.5 10.92 58 33

    2 Evictions

    3 Housing price-to-income ratio Ratio 58:1 9:7 9:0

    4 Land price-to-income ratio Ratio 14:0 1:68 1:70

    5 Mortgage and non-mortgage %

    Mortgage to credit ratio (%) % 100 100 61 60

    6 Access to water % 80 75 85 75

    Water allocation for domestic use % 98 96 96 89 80 75

    Domestic connections (No.) No. 22809 17500 34961 10700 11869 14150

    Metered domestic connections % 10

    Per-capita demand lpcd 135 100 160 135 140 135

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    Per-capital supply lpcd 65 66 138 79 78 105

    Losses mld 17 15 1.8 1.4 5-10% 16

    Duration of Water suply (Hrs) Hrs. 2 (Alternative) 3-4 per day 16 8

    7 Households connctions No. 32

    8 Under five mortality(per 1000 Pop.) No. 69 63

    Hospitals( No. of hos.per 000 pop.) No. 0.17 0.01 0.03 0.03 0.02

    Dispendsaries (No. of dis 000 pop) No. 0.95 0.48 0.03 0.04

    Beds (No. Of beds 000 pop.) No. 1.1 5.6 1.78 1.87 1.88 1.64

    Diseases (patitents per lakh pop.)

    Respiratory No. 209.91 966.2 0.06 0.08

    Water born No. 202.32 633.73 0.03 0.03

    Contagious No. 82.96 774.44 0.11No.of Doctors in clinic/000 pop. No.

    No.of Doctors 000 pop. No. 0.5 0.12 0.32 0.24

    No.of Clinic 000 pop. No. 0.05 0.05

    No.of Nurses 000 pop. No. 0.41 0.49

    Vital statistics (per 000 Pop.Sex Ratio) Ratio 924

    Education - Primary schools No. 29 23 509 692 41 28

    Teacher - student ratio Ratio 1:45 1:39 1:38 1:38

    Class room - student ratio Ratio 1:36 1:45 1:34 1:50

    Male - female student ratio Ratio 1:10 1:11 10:11 10:9

    Colleges(per lakh pop.) No. 18 38 0.94 1.13

    Total electricity supply MKWH 358.47 460.42 234.94 75 74

    Total consumption MKWH 107.77 9.74 265.42 88.14 60 64

    Line losses % 48.8 14.8 42.25 12.49 15 14

    Per capita consumption KWH 252 39 413.92 1067.4

    Electric domestic consumption KWH 77 71.32 63.77 80 81

    Electric charges Rs/unit 1.85 1.85 2.56 2.56 2.99 2.99

    Telephone connections(% to total HH) %/ total 38648 23727 33.13 99.02Access to telephone(per 000pop.) No. 90 95.4 55.22 170.26 25 34

    Public telephone(per 000pop.) No. 3.1 1.3 1.49 7.15 1 9

    Telephone efficiency rate % 9.6 9.9 13.7 1.5

    Mobile connection No. 3250 2750 9500 5500

    Access to Postal service(PO/000 Pop.) No. 0.007 0.04 0.04 0.05 N.A N.A

    STD / ISD per 000 pop. No. 3.1 1.3 0.1 0.12

    Birth rate per 000 pop. No. 20.1 32.5 15 15.01 38.15 19.8

    Death rate per 000 pop. No. 5 12 4.74 5.65 6.61 4.95

    Infant mortality rate per 000 pop) No. 69 10 11.92

    9 Crime rates

    Per 000 pop. No.

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    Theft No. 0.62 0.43 0.7 0.65 0.57

    Robbery No. 0.62 0.04 0.03

    Murder No. 0.03 0.05 0.09

    Crime against Women No. 0.14 0.3 0.37 0.5 0.4

    10 Poor Households(BPL to total Pop.)

    Slum HH (%) % 25 12 13.9 30.5 40.78 22.15

    Slum populajtgion (% to total pop,) % 23.2 15.1 13.9 30.52 40.07 20.39

    Slum area Ha. 78.48 52.79 7.9 4.1 159.5 100

    % of slum on public land % 60.98 40.92 41 35

    % of slum on private land % 17.5 11.87 60 65

    Slum population per 000 Pop. No. 231 151 40.07 20.39

    % of slum area to town area % 1.8 1.1 6.36 10Houseless HHs (% to total HHs) % 11.7 6.4 1.9 0.56 14.23 11.55

    Houseless Pop. (% to tatal Pop.) % 13 6.4 1.9 0.56 11.7 12.65

    Population below poverty line (% to total pop.) % 48.2 13.2 36.32 14.39

    HH below poverty line (% to total HH) % 45 1.47 2.5 34.23 14

    Slum area covered Ha. 78.48 52.79 160 100

    Squatters(No. of units/pockets) No. 58 33

    Slum population No. 48614 3759 61650 42226

    11 Female-male gaps (female/1ooo male) Ratio 922 924

    12 Urban population growth % 40.74 74.44 49.39 38.56 17.25 48.2

    13 Water consumption MLD

    Per day per person lit.

    Per capital supply lit. 65 66

    Per capital demand lit. 135 100

    14 Price of water (Rs. per Killo Liter) Rs.

    Metered dommestic connections No.

    15 Air pollution(% of SO2,NO2,SPM in air) %

    16 Wastewater treated Per capital per annum tonnes 70 10017 Solid waste disposal %

    Solid waste generated(per person/annuam) tonnes 170 80 0.17 0.07 80 120

    Sold waste collection rate (tonnes per day) tonnes 90 60 75 96

    Regular sold waste collection tonnes 52 77 98 91

    Disposal method open/dump % 100 100 100 100 100 100

    Access to sewerage % 60

    Access to low cost sanitary facility %

    Availability of public toilet % 0.13 0.33 0.03 0.08 0.2 0.25

    Drainage; lenth per 1000 pop. KM 1.78 0.32 90 221

    Open drains per 1000 pop. KM 24.5 12 15 12

    Covered drains KM 53.5 4 7.5 20.9

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    18 Travel time Hrs.

    Road length KM 620 309 320.23 228.36 157 246

    Road density(Km length/ Ratio 14.1 6.2 3.44 4.66

    Road intenstiy (Km.length/lakh population) Ratio 145 159 49.33 129.56

    Transport expenditure (monthly) Rs.

    On Public transport Rs. 761 500

    On private vehicle Rs. 675 462

    Road safety(Accedents/1000 pop.) No.

    Fatal (Accedents/1000 pop.) No. 0.04 0.12 0.62

    Non-fatal(Accedents/1000 pop.) No. 0.35 0.11 1.14

    19 Transport modes

    Automobile ownership % 134 175Passenger vehicles % 0.7

    Bus: Public/Private % 4.3 1.89 5.08 0.87 0.81

    Taxis/Maxi caps % 0.34 4.01 1.2 0.93

    Autorickshaw % 7.8 1.5 0.11 4.44 2.71

    Vikram % 0.7 0.58

    Non-commercial vehicles (Pvt. Owner) % 0.17 0.14

    Cars/Jeeps % 6.1 20.59 11.34 2.78 2.55

    Scooters % 92.8 183.78 286.14 80.78 83.42

    Modal split (%) %

    Cars & Vikrams %

    Two wheelers % 85.57 86.88 8.84 9.005

    Bus/Mini buses % 0.88 1.54

    Trains/Trams % 0.24

    Bicycles %

    Medium vehicles / light % 0.16 1.22 2.04 1.94

    Heavy vehicles % 3.11 6.89 22 2.78

    Walking %Others %

    Buses on road % 8.7 8.1

    Average trip distance per bus Km.

    20 Informal employment

    Work force participation rate % 26.5 35.3 26.9 25.97 63 65

    Sectoral distribution of main workers

    Primary % 3.1 6.8 3.82 6.73 40 50

    Secondary % 1.9 5.8 37.12 28.19 16 8

    Tertiary % 95 87.4 29.06 65.08 7 7

    21 City Product (Town's GDP ) Rs.

    22 Unemployment No.

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    Regular No. 2412 1920

    Daily wager No. 432 343

    Total No. 2844 2263

    23 Local Government Revenue and Expenditures

    Local Government per capita income Rs. 676 384 313.79 461.22 909.81 1318

    Local Government per capita expenditure Rs. 627 340 292.6 264.68 661.9 1057

    Debt service charge ratio Ratio 13:44

    Local Govt. employees No.

    Local Govt. employees per 000 Pop. No. 4.44 12.84 4 2

    Personnel experienced ratio % 54.45 81.07 35 29

    Contracted revenue expenses ratio Ratio

    MC receipt (in lakhs) Rs. 2894.45 954.1 1399.16 2639.05MC expenditure (in lakhs) Rs. 2684.81 846.4 1018.61 2115.47

    Revenue less expenditure (in lakhs) Rs. 209.64 107.7 380.55 523.38

    Resource mobilisation(in lakhs) Rs. 397.65

    24 Land Use (in %)

    Residential % 37.65 52.6 60.1 49.52 22.9 16.78

    Commercial % 3.14 2.5 2.65 2.62 1.8 1.26

    Industrial % 8.34 9.8 4.96 10.2 1.67 0.88

    Transport % 18.51 9.4 16.29 2.89 4.6 8.42

    Open space PSP % 11.04 5.9 7.26 10.39

    Govt. land % 6.5

    Conservation/Heritage %

    Mixed use %

    Vacant/unclassified % 12.11 0.94 2.89 10.69 36.31

    Public utility % 0.21 0.2 11.58 15.58 0.53 0.82

    Govt./Semi Govt. offices % 9.1 3.48 1.7

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    Comparative Profile of National Urban Observatory Pilot Study of 22 Towns(Phase II):Table- B

    No Indicator Detail/Town Name Unit 7-BIDAR 8-DAVANGERE 9-HOUSUR 10-TIRUPUR 11-Dharamvaram 12-Madanpalle

    Population No. 173678 363780 84314 351501 103400 97964

    Area Sq.Kms. 47.05 68.8 12.71 27.2 40.46 14.2

    1 Tenure types

    Owned % 60 65 88.32 90.15

    Rented % 30 30 9.5 8.75

    Sub-letting % 5 2.18 11.1

    HH per dwellling Unit No. 1.29 1.17

    HH Size No. 7.19 4.19 4.37 4.86

    Dwellling size 5.65 5.7

    Supply of housing - private % 16922 15725

    Supply of housing - public % 182 39 1303 1461

    Housing under compliance %

    Private %

    Public %

    Average construction cost public/private Rs./ 3500 3250

    Floor area per person 7.05 9.31Permanent structure % 22.7 30 50

    Housing in compliance %

    Land development multiplier Ratio 33.3 33.3

    Infrastructure expenditure Ratio 250 250

    No.of houses per 000 HH No. 934 775 1000

    Public land No. 12.94 70.57 23.5

    Private land No. 87.06 30.24 11.94

    2 Evictions

    3 Housing price-to-income ratio Ratio

    4 Land price-to-income ratio Ratio 1:50 2:60

    5 Mortgage and non-mortgage %

    Mortgage to credit ratio (%) % 75 75

    6 Access to water % 65 75 65 43.06

    Water allocation for domestic use % 100 50 8084 39515

    Domestic connections (No.) No. 7355 16100 8084 39515 6614 7400

    Metered domestic connections % 168 651 0.08 1

    Per-capita demand lpcd 140 140

    Per-capital supply lpcd 72 81 39.5 1o3

    Losses mld 3

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    Duration of Water suply (Hrs) Hrs. 3 3

    7 Households connctions No. 7355 16100 8084 39515

    8 Under five mortality (per 1000 pop.) Ratio 0.05 0.55

    Hospitals( No. of hos.per 000 pop.) No. 0.034 13.05 14.14 0.01 0.01

    Dispendsaries (No. of dis 000 pop) No. 3.2 0.01 0.01

    Beds (No. Of beds 000 pop.) No. 3.7 12 8.46 12.74 0.36 1.02

    Diseases (patitents per lakh pop.)

    Respiratory No. 4 2.6 19.95 267

    Water born No. 2 0.5 0.83 796 508

    Contagious No. 3 12.38 15

    No.of Doctors in clinic/000 pop. No. 1.42 6.23 0.28 0.16

    No.of Doctors 000 pop. No. 1.42 6.23 0.41 1.29No.of Clinic 000 pop. No. 1.42 6.23 0.28 0.16

    No.of Nurses 000 pop. No. 0.16 1.65

    Vital statistics (per 000 Pop.Sex Ratio) Ratio 909 939

    Education - Primary schools No. 23 18 34 29 32.4 19.39

    Teacher - student ratio Ratio 32.6 8.34 01:40.6 01:45.9

    Class room - student ratio Ratio

    Male - female student ratio Ratio 1:08 1:06

    Colleges(per lakh pop.) No. 37 43 6 58 102

    Total electricity supply MKWH 168 10.42 10.5

    Total consumption MKWH 409 87.04 50631 53141 16.55 37.59

    Line losses % 38.4 18.52 9.5 9.99

    Per capita consumption KWH 161.62 383.66

    Electric domestic consumption KWH 177.3 38392 17861 95.6 100

    Electric charges Rs/unit 2.23 2.33 2.75 2.75 3.67

    Telephone connections(% to total HH) % 5200 1990 18520 24.39 56.34

    Access to telephone(per 000pop.) No. 52.87 19.9 144 55.82 98.8

    Public telephone(per 000pop.) No. 1.47 1.8 326 208 1.36 2.5Telephone efficiency rate % 7.85 13.1 4 9 9.7

    Mobile connection No. 1400 66027 15760 810

    Access to Postal service(PO/000 Pop.) No. 0.82 0.04 0.03 0.04 0.05

    STD / ISD per 000 pop. No.

    Birth rate per 000 pop. No. 21 46.68 1.86 18.65 35.47

    Death rate per 000 pop. No. 4.4 3.66 0.5 5.76 6.3

    Infant mortality rate per 000 pop) No. 56 44 0.05 0.55 30 21

    9 Crime rates

    Per 000 pop. No.

    Theft No. 1.1 1.28 9.96 7.37 0.21 0.63

    Robbery No. 0.13 0 0.36 0.51

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    Murder No. 0.12 0.003 0.24 0.36 0.05 0.04

    Crime against Women No. 0.8 0.7 0.02 0.12

    10 Poor Households(BPL to total Pop.)

    Slum HH (%) % 32.76 22.94

    Slum populajtgion (% to total pop,) % 18 12 44.81 28.17

    Slum area Ha. 15 88 100.81 35.44

    % of slum on public land % 100 70 66.31

    % of slum on private land % 30 33.69

    Slum population per 000 Pop. No.

    % of slum area to town area % 88.48 360 2.49 2.5

    Houseless HHs (% to total HHs) % 0.02

    Houseless Pop. (% to tatal Pop.) %Population below poverty line (% to total pop.) % 5.5 55.15 16.08

    HH below poverty line (% to total HH) % 35 30.5 32.28 36 55.15 16.08

    Slum area covered Ha. 100.81 35.44

    Squatters(No. of units/pockets) No.

    Slum population No. 46336 27592

    11 Female-male gaps (female/1ooo male) Ratio 890 914

    12 Urban population growth % 28.54 26.65 102 49.41 30.95 32.71

    13 Water consumption MLD 100

    Per day per person lit.

    Per capital supply lit.

    Per capital demand lit.

    14 Price of water (Rs. per Killo Liter) Rs.

    Metered dommestic connections No.

    15 Air pollution(% of SO2,NO2,SPM in air) %

    16 Wastewater treated Per capital per annum tonnes

    17 Solid waste disposal %

    Solid waste generated(per person/annuam) tonnes 24 154 55 290 50 50Sold waste collection rate (tonnes per day) tonnes 24 138 50 270 50 50

    Regular sold waste collection tonnes 90 90 100 100

    Disposal method open/dump % 100 100 100 50 100 100

    Access to sewerage % 33750

    Access to low cost sanitary facility % 25.78

    Availability of public toilet % 0.046 0.02 25 34 0.01

    Drainage; lenth KM 150 0.52 12.63

    Open drains KM 12 132 392 21 179.29

    Covered drains KM 30

    18 Travel time Hrs.

    Road length KM 301.64 488 77.29 229.89 161.42

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    Road density(Km length/ Ratio 3.99

    Road intenstiy (Km.length/lakh population) Ratio 156.72

    Transport expenditure (monthly) Rs.

    On Public transport Rs. 7

    On private vehicle Rs. 3

    Road safety(Accedents/1000 pop.) No.

    Fatal (Accedents/1000 pop.) No. 0.76 0.09 1.78 3.13 0.03

    Non-fatal(Accedents/1000 pop.) No. 0.66 1.15 20.4 13.51 0.17

    19 Transport modes

    Automobile ownership %

    Passenger vehicles % 0.225

    Bus: Public/Private % 1.28 135 0.77Taxis/Maxi caps % 0.36 0.78

    Autorickshaw % 0.92 0.58

    Vikram % 6.54

    Non-commercial vehicles (Pvt. Owner) % 6005

    Cars/Jeeps % 5.32 5.5 0.05

    Scooters % 58.25

    Modal split (%) %

    Cars & Vikrams % 12.5

    Two wheelers % 103.53 111.24 55

    Bus/Mini buses % 0.17 12.5

    Trains/Trams %

    Bicycles % 12.5

    Medium vehicles / light % 67.5

    Heavy vehicles % 6.31 2.38 12

    Walking % 7.5

    Others % 17.48

    Buses on road % 96.34Average trip distance per bus Km. 320

    20 Informal employment

    Work force participation rate % 34.4 37.81 45.66 38.21 31.99

    Sectoral distribution of main workers

    Primary % 2.91 0.19 9.79 9.37

    Secondary % 52.32 1.54 60.48 22.91

    Tertiary % 44.76 98.27 29.73 67.72

    21 City Product (Town's GDP ) Rs.

    22 Unemployment No.

    Regular No. 300 223

    Daily wager No. 74 72

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    Total No. 374 295

    23 Local Government Revenue and Expenditures

    Local Government per capita income Rs. 270 364 632.46 384.35 348.52 712

    Local Government per capita expenditure Rs. 240 359 693.03 471.78 345.17 670

    Debt service charge ratio Ratio 5.46 4.97

    Local Govt. employees No.

    Local Govt. employees per 000 Pop. No.

    Personnel experienced ratio % 58.56 33.17

    Contracted revenue expenses ratio Ratio

    MC receipt (in lakhs) Rs. 469 1325 533 13 360.37 697.19

    MC expenditure (in lakhs) Rs. 418 1306 584 16 355.5 656.2

    Revenue less expenditure (in lakhs) Rs. 51 9 -51 -3 4.87 40.99Resource mobilisation(in lakhs) Rs. 0.27 248.56 445.72

    24 Land Use (in %)

    Residential % 40.93 41.63 79.67 28.4 24.42

    Commercial % 2.13 4.77 9.32 2.5 1.6

    Industrial % 5.58 9.03 0.89 2.4 2.8

    Transport % 18.82 26.2 6.97 8 7.31

    Open space PSP % 6.68 7.85 2.8 6.67

    Govt. land % 32.24 18.85

    Conservation/Heritage % 3.82

    Mixed use %

    Vacant/unclassified % 14.48 10.89 7.5 4.62

    Public utility % 11.2 3.16 0.47

    Govt./Semi Govt. offices %

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    Comparative Profile of Urban Indicators of 22 Towns of NUO Pilot Study (Phase II) :Table- A

    No Indicator Detail/Town Name Unit 1-Gulbarga 2-Tumkur 3-Moradabad 4-Bulandsehar 5-Ongole

    Population No. 428000 248590 641240 176256 153891

    Area Sq.Kms. 44.13 49.72 93 49 25

    1 Tenure types

    Owned % 72.4 56 83.72 76.28 74

    Rented % 26.5 42 11.78 18.13 26Sub-letting % 1.1 2 4.5 5.59

    HH per dwellling Unit No. 1.13 1.06 1.11 1.01

    HH Size No. 5.3 4.87 6.06 5.82 5

    Dwellling size 6.6 5.18 6.61 5.85 5

    Supply of housing - private %/No* 8230* 1792* 227* 40

    Supply of housing - public % 5761 149 38 18

    Housing under compliance % 25

    Private % 62 29097.9 7534.25

    Public % 95 72744.75 24109.6Average construction cost public/private Rs./ 4500 4500 4500-5000

    Floor area per person 8.3 5 5.5

    Permanent structure % 65.4 82 91.5 95

    Housing in compliance % 40 35 25

    Land development multiplier Ratio 2.25 5.3 4 3.8 5.95

    Infrastructure expenditure Ratio 157

    No.of houses per 000 HH No. 883 940 462

    Public land No. 60.98 11.87 95

    Private land No. 17.5 10.92 582 Evictions

    3 Housing price-to-income ratio % 97

    4 Land price-to-income ratio Ratio 1:68

    5 Mortgage and non-mortgage %

    Mortgage to credit ratio (%) % 100 100 61

    6 Access to water % 80 75 85

    Water allocation for domestic use % 98 96 96 89 80

    Domestic connections (No.) No. 22809 17500 34961 10700 11869

    Metered domestic connections %Per-capita demand lpcd 135 100 160 135 140

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    Per-capital supply lpcd 65 66 138 79 78

    Losses % 17 15 18 14 10

    Duration of Water suply (Hrs) Hrs. 2 (Alternative) 3-4 per day 16 8

    7 Households connctions No. 32

    8 Under five mortality(per 1000 Pop.) No. 69 63

    Hospitals( No. of hos.per 000 pop.) No. 0.17 0.01 0.03 0.03

    Dispendsaries (No. of dis 000 pop) No. 0.95 0.48 0.03

    Beds (No. Of beds 000 pop.) No. 1.1 5.6 1.78 1.87 1.88

    Diseases (patitents per lakh pop.)

    Respiratory No. 209.91 966.2

    Water born No. 202.32 633.73

    Contagious No. 82.96 774.44No.of Doctors in clinic/000 pop. No.

    No.of Doctors 000 pop. No. 0.5 0.12 0.32

    No.of Clinic 000 pop. No. 0.05

    No.of Nurses 000 pop. No. 0.41

    Vital statistics (per 000 Pop.Sex Ratio) Ratio 922 923 885 894

    Education - Primary schools No. 29 23 509 692 41

    Teacher - student ratio Ratio 1:45 1:39 1:38

    Class room - student ratio Ratio 1:36 1:45 1:34

    Male - female student ratio Ratio 1:10 1:11 1:11

    Colleges(per lakh pop.) No. 0.94 1.13

    Total electricity supply MKWH 358.47 460.42 234.94 75

    Total consumption MKWH 107.77 9.74 265.42 88.14 60

    Line losses % 14.8 12.49 15

    Per capita consumption KWH 252 413.92

    Electric domestic consumption KWH 77 71.32 63.77 80

    Electric charges Rs/unit 1.85 1.85 2.56 2.56 2.99

    Telephone connections(% to total HH) %/ total* 38648* 23727* 33.13

    Access to telephone(per 000pop.) No. 90 95.4 55.22 170.26 25

    Public telephone(per 000pop.) No. 3.1 1.3 1.49 7.15 1

    Telephone efficiency rate % 9.6 9.9 13.7 1.5

    Mobile connection No. 3250 2750 9500 5500

    Access to Postal service(PO/000 Pop.) No. 0.04 0.04 0.05

    STD / ISD per 000 pop. No. 3.1 1.3 0.1

    Birth rate per 000 pop. No. 20.1 32.5 15 15.01 38.15

    Death rate per 000 pop. No. 5 12 4.74 5.65 6.61

    Infant mortality rate per 000 pop) No.

    9 Crime rates

    Per 000 pop. No.

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    Theft No. 0.62 0.43 0.7 0.65

    Robbery No. 0.62 0.04 0.03

    Murder No. 0.03 0.05 0.09

    Crime against Women No. 0.14 0.3 0.37 0.5

    10 Poor Households(BPL to total Pop.)

    Slum HH (%) % 25 12 13.9 30.5

    Slum populajtgion (% to total pop,) % 23.2 15.1 13.9 30.52

    Slum area %/ Ha* 78.48* 52.79* 7.9 4.1 159.5*

    % of slum on public land % 60.98 40.92 41

    % of slum on private land % 17.5 11.87 60

    Slum population per 000 Pop. No. 231 151

    % of slum area to town area % 1.8 1.1 6.36Houseless HHs (% to total HHs) % 11.7 6.4 1.9 0.56 14.23

    Houseless Pop. (% to tatal Pop.) % 13 6.4 1.9 0.56 11.7

    Population below poverty line (% to total pop.) % 48.2 13.2 36.32

    HH below poverty line (% to total HH) % 45 1.47 2.5 34.23

    Slum area covered Ha. 78.48 52.79 160

    Squatters(No. of units/pockets) No. 58

    Slum population No. 48614 3759 61650

    11 Female-male gaps (female/1ooo male) Ratio 922 924

    12 Urban population growth % 40.74 74.44 49.39 38.56 17.25

    13 Water consumption MLD

    Per day per person lit.

    Per capital supply lit. 65 66

    Per capital demand lit. 135 100

    14 Price of water (Rs. per Killo Liter) Rs.

    Metered dommestic connections No.

    15 Air pollution(% of SO2,NO2,SPM in air) %

    16 Wastewater treated Per capital per annum lit. 70 100

    17 Solid waste disposal %

    Solid waste generated(per person/annuam) tonnes 0.17 0.07

    Sold waste collection rate (tonnes per day) % 53 75 94

    Regular sold waste collection tonnes

    Disposal method open/dump % 100 100 100 100 100

    Access to sewerage % 60

    Access to low cost sanitary facility %

    Availability of public toilet % 0.13 0.33 0.03 0.08 0.2

    Drainage; lenth per 1000 pop. KM 1.78 0.32 90Open drains per 1000 pop. KM 24.5 12 15

    Covered drains KM 53.5 4 7.5

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    18 Travel time Hrs.

    Road length KM 620 309 320.23 228.36 157

    Road density(Km length/ Km. 14.1 6.2 3.44 4.66

    Road intenstiy (Km.length/lakh population) Km. 145 159 49.33 129.56

    Transport expenditure (monthly) Rs.

    On Public transport per person Rs. 761 500

    On private vehicle per person Rs. 675 462

    Road safety(Accedents/1000 pop.) No.

    Fatal (Accedents/1000 pop.) No. 0.04 0.12 0.62

    Non-fatal(Accedents/1000 pop.) No. 0.35 0.11 1.14

    19 Transport modes

    Automobile ownership %Passenger vehicles %

    Bus: Public/Private % 4.3 1.89 5.08 0.87

    Taxis/Maxi caps % 0.34 4.01 1.2

    Autorickshaw % 7.8 1.5 0.11 4.44

    Vikram % 0.7

    Non-commercial vehicles (Pvt. Owner) % 0.17

    Cars/Jeeps % 6.1 20.59 11.34 2.78

    Scooters %

    Modal split (%) %

    Two wheelers % 85.57 86.88 8.84

    Bus/Mini buses % 0.88 1.54

    Trains/Trams % 0.24

    Bicycles %

    Medium vehicles / light % 0.16 1.22 2.04

    Heavy vehicles % 3.11 6.89

    Walking %

    Others %

    Buses on road % 8.7

    Average trip distance per bus Km.

    20 Informal employment

    Work force participation rate % 26.5 35.3 26.9 25.97 37

    Sectoral distribution of main workers

    Primary % 3.1 6.8 3.82 6.73 40

    Secondary % 1.9 5.8 37.12 28.19 16

    Tertiary % 95 87.4 59.06 65.08 44

    21 City Product (Town's GDP ) Rs.22 Unemployment No.

    Regular No. 2412 1920

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    Daily wager No. 432 343

    Total No. 2844 2263

    23 Local Government Revenue and Expenditures

    Local Government per capita income Rs. 676 384 313.79 461.22 909.81

    Local Government per capita expenditure Rs. 627 340 292.6 264.68 661.9

    Debt service charge ratio Ratio

    Local Govt. employees No.

    Local Govt. employees per 000 Pop. No. 4.44 4

    Personnel experienced ratio % 54.45 81.07 35

    Contracted revenue expenses ratio Ratio

    MC receipt (in lakhs) Rs. 2894.45 954.1 1399.16

    MC expenditure (in lakhs) Rs. 2684.81 846.4 1018.61Revenue less expenditure (in lakhs) Rs. 209.64 107.7 380.55

    Resource mobilisation(in lakhs) Rs. 397.65

    24 Land Use (in %)

    Residential % 37.65 52.6 60.1 49.52 22.9

    Commercial % 3.14 2.5 2.65 2.62 1.8

    Industrial % 8.34 9.8 4.96 10.2 1.67

    Transport % 18.51 9.4 16.29 2.89 15.55

    Open space PSP % 11.04 5.9 7.26

    Govt. land % 6.5

    Conservation/Heritage %

    Mixed use %

    Vacant/unclassified/Agriculture % 12.11 0.94 2.89 50.25

    Public utility % 0.21 0.2 11.58 15.58 7.79

    Govt./Semi Govt. offices % 9.1 3.48 1.7

  • 7/27/2019 Final 22 Towns Details


    Comparative Profile of Urban Indicators of 22 Towns of NUO Pilot Study (Phase II) :Table- B

    No Indicator Detail/Town Name Unit 7-BIDAR 8-DAVANGERE 9-HOUSUR 10-TIRUPUR 11-Dharamvaram

    Population No. 173678 363780 84314 351501 103400

    Area Sq.Kms. 47.05 68.8 12.71 27.2 40.46

    1 Tenure types

    Owned % 60 65 88.32

    Rented % 30 30 9.5

    Sub-letting % 5 2.18

    HH per dwellling Unit No. 1.29

    HH Size No. 7.19 4.19 4.37

    Dwellling size 5.65

    Supply of housing - private %/No* 16922

    Supply of housing - public % 182 39 1303

    Housing under compliance %

    Private %

    Public %

    Average construction cost public/private Rs./ 3500

    Floor area per person

    Permanent structure % 22.7 30

    Housing in compliance %

    Land development multiplier Ratio 33.3

    Infrastructure expenditure Ratio 250

    No.of houses per 000 HH No. 934 775

    Public land %./Ha* 12.94 70.57*

    Private land %./Ha* 87.06 30.24*

    2 Evictions

    3 Housing price-to-income ratio %

    4 Land price-to-income ratio Ratio 1:50 1:60

    5 Mortgage and non-mortgage %

    Mortgage to credit ratio (%) % 75

    6 Access to water % 65 75 65

    Water allocation for domestic use % 50

    Domestic connections (No.) No. 7355 16100 8084 39515 6614

    Metered domestic connections %/No* 168* 651* 0.08

    Per-capita demand lpcd 140

    Per-capital supply lpcd 72 81 40

    Losses %

  • 7/27/2019 Final 22 Towns Details


    Duration of Water suply (Hrs) Hrs. 3

    7 Households connctions No. 7355 16100 8084 39515

    8 Under five mortality(per 1000 Pop.) No. 0.05 0.55

    Hospitals( No. of hos.per 000 pop.) No. 0.034 0.01

    Dispendsaries (No. of dis 000 pop) No. 3.2 0.01

    Beds (No. Of beds 000 pop.) No. 3.7 12 8.46 12.74 0.36

    Diseases (patitents per lakh pop.)

    Respiratory No. 4 3 20

    Water born No. 2 796

    Contagious No. 3 12.38

    No.of Doctors in clinic/000 pop. No. 1.42 6.23 0.28

    No.of Doctors 000 pop. No. 1.42 6.23 0.41No.of Clinic 000 pop. No. 1.42 6.23 0.28

    No.of Nurses 000 pop. No. 0.16

    Vital statistics (per 000 Pop.Sex Ratio) Ratio 957 938 890 914 958

    Education - Primary schools No. 23 18 34 29 32.4

    Teacher - student ratio Ratio 1:33

    Class room - student ratio Ratio

    Male - female student ratio Ratio 1:08

    Colleges(per lakh pop.) No. 37 43 6 58

    Total electricity supply MKWH 10.42

    Total consumption MKWH

    Line losses % 18.52 9.5

    Per capita consumption KWH 161.62

    Electric domestic consumption KWH 177.3 38392 17861 95.6

    Electric charges Rs/unit 2.23 2.33 2.75 2.75

    Telephone connections(% to total HH) %/ total* 5200* 1990* 18520* 24.39

    Access to telephone(per 000pop.) No. 52.87 19.9 144 55.82

    Public telephone(per 000pop.) No. 1.47 1.8 1.36

    Telephone efficiency rate % 7.85 13.1 4 9

    Mobile connection No. 1400 66027 15760

    Access to Postal service(PO/000 Pop.) No. 0.82 0.04 0.03 0.04

    STD / ISD per 000 pop. No.

    Birth rate per 000 pop. No. 21 46.68 18.65

    Death rate per 000 pop. No. 4.4 3.66 0.5 5.76

    Infant mortality rate per 000 pop) No. 0.05 0.55

    9 Crime rates

    Per 000 pop. No.Theft No. 1.1 1.28 9.96 7.37 0.21

    Robbery No. 0.13 0 0.36 0.51

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    Murder No. 0.12 0.003 0.24 0.36 0.05

    Crime against Women No. 0.8 0.7 0.02

    10 Poor Households(BPL to total Pop.)

    Slum HH (%) % 32.76

    Slum populajtgion (% to total pop,) % 18 12 44.81

    Slum area %/ Ha* 15 88* 100.81*

    % of slum on public land % 100 70

    % of slum on private land % 30

    Slum population per 000 Pop. No.

    % of slum area to town area % 2.49

    Houseless HHs (% to total HHs) % 0.02

    Houseless Pop. (% to tatal Pop.) %Population below poverty line (% to total pop.) %

    HH below poverty line (% to total HH) % 35 30.5 32.28 36 55.15

    Slum area covered Ha. 100.81

    Squatters(No. of units/pockets) No.

    Slum population No. 46336

    11 Female-male gaps (female/1ooo male) Ratio 890 914

    12 Urban population growth % 28.54 26.65 102 49.41 30.95

    13 Water consumption MLD 100

    Per day per person lit.

    Per capital supply lit.

    Per capital demand lit.

    14 Price of water (Rs. per Killo Liter) Rs.

    Metered dommestic connections No.

    15 Air pollution(% of SO2,NO2,SPM in air) %

    16 Wastewater treated Per capital per annum lit.

    17 Solid waste disposal %

    Solid waste generated(per person/annuam) tonnes 24 154 55 290 50

    Sold waste collection rate (tonnes per day) % 100 90 90 93 100

    Regular sold waste collection tonnes 90 90 100

    Disposal method open/dump % 100 100 100 100 100

    Access to sewerage %

    Access to low cost sanitary facility %

    Availability of public toilet % 0.046 0.02 25 34

    Drainage; lenth per 1000 pop. KM 150 0.52

    Open drains per 1000 pop. KM 12 132 392 21

    Covered drains KM 3018 Travel time Hrs.

    Road length KM 301.64 488 77.29 229.89 161.42

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    Road density(Km length/ Km. 3.99

    Road intenstiy (Km.length/lakh population) Km. 156.72

    Transport expenditure (monthly) Rs.

    On Public transport per person Rs. 7

    On private vehicle per person Rs. 3

    Road safety(Accedents/1000 pop.) No.

    Fatal (Accedents/1000 pop.) No. 0.76 0.09 1.78 3.13 0.03

    Non-fatal(Accedents/1000 pop.) No. 0.66 1.15 20.4 13.51 0.17

    19 Transport modes

    Automobile ownership %

    Passenger vehicles % 0.225

    Bus: Public/Private % 1.28 135 0.77Taxis/Maxi caps % 0.36 0.78

    Autorickshaw % 0.92 0.58

    Vikram % 6.54

    Non-commercial vehicles (Pvt. Owner) % 6005

    Cars/Jeeps % 5.32 5.5 0.05

    Scooters % 58.25

    Modal split (%) %

    Two wheelers % 103.53 111.24 55

    Bus/Mini buses % 0.17 12.5

    Trains/Trams %

    Bicycles % 12.5

    Medium vehicles / light % 67.5

    Heavy vehicles % 6.31 2.38 12

    Walking % 7.5

    Others % 17.48

    Buses on road % 96.34

    Average trip distance per bus Km.

    20 Informal employment

    Work force participation rate % 34.4 37.81 45.66 38.21

    Sectoral distribution of main workers

    Primary % 2.91 0.19 9.79

    Secondary % 52.32 1.54 60.48

    Tertiary % 44.76 98.27 29.73

    21 City Product (Town's GDP ) Rs.

    22 Unemployment No.

    Regular No. 300Daily wager No. 74

    Total No. 374

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    23 Local Government Revenue and Expenditures

    Local Government per capita income Rs. 270 364 632.46 384.35 348.52

    Local Government per capita expenditure Rs. 240 359 693.03 471.78 345.17

    Debt service charge ratio Ratio 5.46 4.97

    Local Govt. employees No.

    Local Govt. employees per 000 Pop. No.

    Personnel experienced ratio % 58.56

    Contracted revenue expenses ratio Ratio

    MC receipt (in lakhs) Rs. 469 1325 533 13 360.37

    MC expenditure (in lakhs) Rs. 418 1306 584 16 355.5

    Revenue less expenditure (in lakhs) Rs. 51 9 -51 -3 4.87

    Resource mobilisation(in lakhs) Rs. 0.27 248.56

    24 Land Use (in %)

    Residential % 40.93 41.63 79.67 28.4

    Commercial % 2.13 4.77 9.32 2.5

    Industrial % 5.58 9.03 0.89 2.4

    Transport % 18.82 26.2 6.97 8

    Open space PSP % 6.68 7.85 2.8

    Govt. land % 32.24

    Conservation/Heritage % 3.82

    Mixed use %

    Vacant/unclassified/ Agriculture % 14.48 10.89 48.56

    Public utility % 11.2 3.16

    Govt./Semi Govt. offices %

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    Comparative Profile of Urban Indicators of 22 Towns of NUO Pilot Study (Phase II) :Table- C

    No Indicator Detail/Town Name Unit 13-Bhatinda 14-Govindgarh 15-Asansol 16-Siliguri 17-Kunakulam

    Population No. 217389 55416 486304 690608 51585

    Area Sq.Kms. 75.95 32 127.12 41.9 34.18

    1 Tenure types

    Owned % 66.6 71.49 50.5 82.5 97.5

    Rented % 32.45 26.53 49.5 15 2.5

    Sub-letting % 0.95 1.98 2.5

    HH per dwellling Unit No. 1.4 1.24

    HH Size No. 5.2 5.47 5.4 5.05 3.89

    Dwellling size 6.2

    Supply of housing - private %/No* 2496 99.6

    Supply of housing - public % 1143 0.4

    Housing under compliance %

    Private % 85.37 60

    Public %

    Average construction cost public/private Rs./ 5370 5500

    Floor area per person 9.3 9.41

    Permanent structure % 56.1 67 37.5

    Housing in compliance %

    Land development multiplier Ratio 1.5 3

    Infrastructure expenditure Ratio 46

    No.of houses per 000 HH No. 817

    Public land No. 100

    Private land No.

    2 Evictions

    3 Housing price-to-income ratio % 5.24:1

    4 Land price-to-income ratio Ratio

    5 Mortgage and non-mortgage %

    Mortgage to credit ratio (%) % 100 100

    6 Access to water % 89.5 58 84.57

    Water allocation for domestic use % 96.17 68 74.23 74.4

    Domestic connections (No.) No. 19957 1300 1901

    Metered domestic connections %/ No* 2528*

    Per-capita demand lpcd 180 135

    Per-capital supply lpcd 83 135 150 82

    Losses % 25 8

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    Duration of Water suply (Hrs) Hrs. 6 3

    7 Households connctions No.

    8 Under five mortality(per 1000 Pop.) No.

    Hospitals( No. of hos.per 000 pop.) No. 0.22 0.09 0.012 0.006 0.194

    Dispendsaries (No. of dis 000 pop) No. 0.32 0.36 0.43

    Beds (No. Of beds 000 pop.) No. 2.93 2.29 4.18 2 13.2

    Diseases (patitents per lakh pop.)

    Respiratory No. 111 55 761.5

    Water born No. 2187 27 3742

    Contagious No. 876 18 63.2

    No.of Doctors in clinic/000 pop. No. 0.51 0.543

    No.of Doctors 000 pop. No. 1.03 0.48 0.75 0.61 2.11

    No.of Clinic 000 pop. No. 0.11

    No.of Nurses 000 pop. No. 0.95 1.53 1.02

    Vital statistics (per 000 Pop.Sex Ratio) Ratio 852 783 896 882 1114

    Education - Primary schools No. 29.9 43.4 17.22 31

    Teacher - student ratio Ratio 1:50 1:36

    Class room - student ratio Ratio 1:53 1:38

    Male - female student ratio Ratio 1.5:1

    Colleges(per lakh pop.) No. 7.82 1.23 0.85

    Total electricity supply MKWH 47 120.5 30 120 25.298Total consumption MKWH 27 95.88 13.7 77.53 21.161

    Line losses % 9.5

    Per capita consumption KWH 28.22 164.86

    Electric domestic consumption KWH 79.35 68 70.55 78.35 77.02

    Electric charges Rs/unit 0.93-6.10 0.93-6.10 3.82

    Telephone connections(% to total HH) %/ total*

    Access to telephone(per 000pop.) No. 122.97 192.34 105 108 143.45

    Public telephone(per 000pop.) No. 1.55 4.2 2 2

    Telephone efficiency rate % 13 13 0.8 9.9 29.9

    Mobile connection No. 4500 7100 2210

    Access to Postal service(PO/000 Pop.) No. 0,05 0.03 0.06 0.04

    STD / ISD per 000 pop. No.

    Birth rate per 000 pop. No. 27.44 29.99 20.87 20.6 97.54

    Death rate per 000 pop. No. 5.1 4.5 15.75 7 10.3

    Infant mortality rate per 000 pop) No. 4.57

    9 Crime rates

    Per 000 pop. No. 1.78Theft No. 0.21 0.48 0.13 0.7 0.91

    Robbery No. 0.036 0.008 0.02 0.155

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    Murder No. 0.07 0.09 0.04 0.04

    Crime against Women No. 0.03 0.12 0.08 0.17 0.717

    10 Poor Households(BPL to total Pop.)

    Slum HH (%) % 41.57 36.54

    Slum populajtgion (% to total pop,) % 36.3 0.23

    Slum area %/ Ha* 133.6* 89.2* 214.93* 307*

    % of slum on public land % 100

    % of slum on private land % 0.56

    Slum population per 000 Pop. No.

    % of slum area to town area % 1.75 1.7 7.33 0.002

    Houseless HHs (% to total HHs) % 0.64

    Houseless Pop. (% to tatal Pop.) %

    Population below poverty line (% to total pop.) % 35 26.9 43.5

    HH below poverty line (% to total HH) % 5.6 1.78 40.68 27.2 43.5

    Slum area covered Ha. 133.6 89.2 214.93 307

    Squatters(No. of units/pockets) No. 122 50

    Slum population No. 48923 10920 357362 170709 148

    11 Female-male gaps (female/1ooo male) Ratio

    12 Urban population growth % 31.69 85.47 29.13 (--)9.35

    13 Water consumption MLD

    Per day per person lit.Per capital supply lit.

    Per capital demand lit.

    14 Price of water (Rs. per Killo Liter) Rs.

    Metered dommestic connections No.

    15 Air pollution(% of SO2,NO2,SPM in air) %

    16 Wastewater treated Per capital per annum lit.

    17 Solid waste disposal %

    Solid waste generated(per person/annuam) tonnes

    Sold waste collection rate (tonnes per day) %

    Regular sold waste collection tonnes 85 100

    Disposal method open/dump % 100 100 95.5 100

    Access to sewerage % 41.07 65.72 4.3 23

    Access to low cost sanitary facility % 2.2 15

    Availability of public toilet % 0.05 0.14 12.1 0.05 0.31

    Drainage; lenth per 1000 pop. KM 414.11 300

    Open drains per 1000 pop. KM 67.47 413.11 300 40.25

    Covered drains KM 4.23 1 10.0618 Travel time Hrs.

    Road length KM 255.7 105 80.61 650 138.7

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    Road density(Km length/ Km. 0.63 14.8

    Road intenstiy (Km.length/lakh population) Km. 16.5 131.8 230

    Transport expenditure (monthly) Rs. 604 472

    On Public transport per person Rs. 24 700

    On private vehicle per person Rs. 213

    Road safety(Accedents/1000 pop.) No.

    Fatal (Accedents/1000 pop.) No. 0.17 0.46 0.06 0.01 0.31

    Non-fatal(Accedents/1000 pop.) No. 0.17 0.37 0.06 0.11 3.78

    19 Transport modes

    Automobile ownership %

    Passenger vehicles %

    Bus: Public/Private % 0.04 0.25

    Taxis/Maxi caps % 0.03

    Autorickshaw % 0.28 1.04

    Vikram %

    Non-commercial vehicles (Pvt. Owner) %

    Cars/Jeeps % 1.37 3.72

    Scooters % 19.77 17.45

    Modal split (%) %

    Two wheelers % 28.5 17.23 11.3

    Bus/Mini buses % 9.8 1.33Trains/Trams %

    Bicycles % 23.2 23.81 2.2

    Medium vehicles / light % 5.3 4.34 11.5

    Heavy vehicles % 4.6 7.62 48.8

    Walking % 15 22.6

    Others % 2.9 10.39

    Buses on road % 100 97

    Average trip distance per bus Km. 10 44

    20 Informal employment

    Work force participation rate % 31.79 32.9 30 34.49

    Sectoral distribution of main workers

    Primary % 5.53 1.21 16 0.8

    Secondary % 2.33 0.58 50.6 16.5

    Tertiary % 93 98.21 33.4 82.7

    21 City Product (Town's GDP ) Rs.

    22 Unemployment No.

    Regular No. 540 175Daily wager No. 634 1500

    Total No. 2348 1675

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    23 Local Government Revenue and Expenditures

    Local Government per capita income Rs. 120.4 619 595

    Local Government per capita expenditure Rs. 191.48 618 466

    Debt service charge ratio Ratio

    Local Govt. employees No. 1174 104

    Local Govt. employees per 000 Pop. No. 3.56 2.03

    Personnel experienced ratio % 15.5

    Contracted revenue expenses ratio Ratio

    MC receipt (in lakhs) Rs. 585.6 1129.64 307

    MC expenditure (in lakhs) Rs. 1081.84 240

    Revenue less expenditure (in lakhs) Rs. 47.8

    Resource mobilisation(in lakhs) Rs. 478.7 410.7

    24 Land Use (in %)

    Residential % 41.75 29.12 21.64 43.7

    Commercial % 3.86 4.49 0.6 3.6

    Industrial % 29.34 48.24 4.54 5.4

    Transport % 13.42 11.01 6.96 21.9

    Open space PSP % 1.72 1.18 3.29 10.9

    Govt. land %

    Conservation/Heritage %

    Mixed use %Vacant/unclassified/Agriculture %

    Public utility % 2.37 0.29

    Govt./Semi Govt. offices % 7.51 5.67 3.6

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    Comparative Profile of Urban Indicators of 22 Towns of NUO Pilot Study (Phase II) :Table- D

    No Indicator Detail/Town Name Unit 19-Roorkee 20-Ramnagar 21-Ghaziabad 22-Meerut

    Population No. 97064 47099 1056227 1090305

    Area Sq.Kms. 8.11 2.46

    1 Tenure types

    Owned % 53.85 54.39

    Rented % 46.15 45.61

    Sub-letting %

    HH per dwellling Unit No.

    HH Size No. 4.15Dwellling size

    Supply of housing - private %/No*

    Supply of housing - public %

    Housing under compliance %

    Private %

    Public %

    Average construction cost public/private Rs./

    Floor area per person

    Permanent structure %Housing in compliance %

    Land development multiplier Ratio

    Infrastructure expenditure Ratio

    No.of houses per 000 HH No.

    Public land No.

    Private land No.

    2 Evictions

    3 Housing price-to-income ratio %

    4 Land price-to-income ratio Ratio

    5 Mortgage and non-mortgage %

    Mortgage to credit ratio (%) %

    6 Access to water % 100 100

    Water allocation for domestic use % 84.9 40.72

    Domestic connections (No.) No. 23011 252882

    Metered domestic connections %/No* 9670* 2271*

    Per-capita demand lpcd 180 180

    Per-capital supply lpcd 90 52 53.75

    Losses % 5

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    Duration of Water suply (Hrs) Hrs. 7 4 14 14

    7 Households connctions No.

    8 Under five mortality(per 1000 Pop.) No.

    Hospitals( No. of hos.per 000 pop.) No. 0.03 0.042 0.24 0.24

    Dispendsaries (No. of dis 000 pop) No. 0.865 0.509 0.627 0.91

    Beds (No. Of beds 000 pop.) No. 2.245 1.868 13.06

    Diseases (patitents per lakh pop.)

    Respiratory No.

    Water born No.

    Contagious No.

    No.of Doctors in clinic/000 pop. No. 1.5 0.52

    No.of Doctors 000 pop. No. 1.72 0.21 4.429 3.95

    No.of Clinic 000 pop. No.

    No.of Nurses 000 pop. No. 0.6 0.19 6.91 7.07

    Vital statistics (per 000 Pop.Sex Ratio) Ratio 893 910 817 810

    Education - Primary schools No. 120 39 97 99

    Teacher - student ratio Ratio 1:20 1:38

    Class room - student ratio Ratio

    Male - female student ratio Ratio 1.09 1.21 1.07

    Colleges(per lakh pop.) No. 3.09 2.12 0.28 0.25

    Total electricity supply MKWH 76.66 32.71 13278.3 12657Total consumption MKWH 59.62 23.58 12754.2 11961

    Line losses % 22.23 27.9 32 32

    Per capita consumption KWH

    Electric domestic consumption KWH 77.9 83 45.47 50.63

    Electric charges Rs/unit 2.58 2.58 2.4 2.4

    Telephone connections(% to total HH) %/ total* 74.3 51.9 71.81 69.95

    Access to telephone(per 000pop.) No. 121.7 82.67 342.15 302.54

    Public telephone(per 000pop.) No. 2.2 2.16 26.92 29.25

    Telephone efficiency rate % 11 10 32 20

    Mobile connection No.

    Access to Postal service(PO/000 Pop.) No. 0.14 0.02

    STD / ISD per 000 pop. No. 28.17

    Birth rate per 000 pop. No. 13.2 23.7 21.98 22.4

    Death rate per 000 pop. No. 4.8 8.6 7.39 8.05

    Infant mortality rate per 000 pop) No. 0.5

    9 Crime rates

    Per 000 pop. No.Theft No. 0.32 0.19 0.011 0.027

    Robbery No. 0.2 0.11 0.064 0.054

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    Murder No. 0.04 0.13 0.024 0.022

    Crime against Women No. 0.02 0.04 0.024 0.014

    10 Poor Households(BPL to total Pop.)

    Slum HH (%) % 12.37 10.23

    Slum populajtgion (% to total pop,) % 38 14.57 14.63

    Slum area %/ Ha*

    % of slum on public land %

    % of slum on private land %

    Slum population per 000 Pop. No. 146.39

    % of slum area to town area %

    Houseless HHs (% to total HHs) %

    Houseless Pop. (% to tatal Pop.) % 22.94

    Population below poverty line (% to total pop.) % 9.86

    HH below poverty line (% to total HH) % 23.28 4.61

    Slum area covered Ha.

    Squatters(No. of units/pockets) No.

    Slum population No. 153958 159620

    11 Female-male gaps (female/1ooo male) Ratio 910

    12 Urban population growth % 25.97 20.93 161.46 144.64

    13 Water consumption MLD

    Per day per person lit.Per capital supply lit. 193.6 90

    Per capital demand lit. 180 180

    14 Price of water (Rs. per Killo Liter) Rs.

    Metered dommestic connections No.

    15 Air pollution(% of SO2,NO2,SPM in air) %

    16 Wastewater treated Per capital per annum lit.

    17 Solid waste disposal %

    Solid waste generated(per person/annuam) tonnes

    Sold waste collection rate (tonnes per day) %

    Regular sold waste collection tonnes

    Disposal method open/dump % 94 100 100 100

    Access to sewerage %

    Access to low cost sanitary facility %

    Availability of public toilet % 0.22 0.19

    Drainage; lenth per 1000 pop. KM

    Open drains per 1000 pop. KM 43 39.1

    Covered drains KM 17.4 6.518 Travel time Hrs.

    Road length KM 145.8 35.724 1221 1132

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    Road density(Km length/ Km. 17.97 14.521

    Road intenstiy (Km.length/lakh population) Km. 150.2 75.84

    Transport expenditure (monthly) Rs.

    On Public transport per person Rs.On private vehicle per person Rs.

    Road safety(Accedents/1000 pop.) No.

    Fatal (Accedents/1000 pop.) No. 0.067 0.0403

    Non-fatal(Accedents/1000 pop.) No. 0.188 0.0935

    19 Transport modes

    Automobile ownership %

    Passenger vehicles %

    Bus: Public/Private % 1.7 6.43 0.285 0.241

    Taxis/Maxi caps % 1.6 10.72 3.8 2.8

    Autorickshaw % 0.63 4.8 3.38

    Vikram % 0.1 0.34

    Non-commercial vehicles (Pvt. Owner) %

    Cars/Jeeps % 19.5 70.08 21.3 17.59

    Scooters % 52 39.68

    Modal split (%) %

    Two wheelers % 218.3 89.17 52

    Bus/Mini buses %Trains/Trams %

    Bicycles % 47.1 29.33

    Medium vehicles / light % 85.6 68.02

    Heavy vehicles % 0.38 0.358

    Walking %

    Others %

    Buses on road % 0.285 0.241

    Average trip distance per bus Km.

    20 Informal employment

    Work force participation rate % 25.71 27.13

    Sectoral distribution of main workers No. 88011 59100

    Primary % 7.49 9.4

    Secondary % 20.1 24.5

    Tertiary % 72.41 66.1

    21 City Product (Town's GDP ) Rs.

    22 Unemployment No.

    Regular No.Daily wager No.

    Total No.

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    23 Local Government Revenue and Expenditures

    Local Government per capita income Rs. 111.75

    Local Government per capita expenditure Rs. 137.75

    Debt service charge ratio RatioLocal Govt. employees No. 125

    Local Govt. employees per 000 Pop. No.

    Personnel experienced ratio %

    Contracted revenue expenses ratio Ratio

    MC receipt (in lakhs) Rs.

    MC expenditure (in lakhs) Rs.

    Revenue less expenditure (in lakhs) Rs.

    Resource mobilisation(in lakhs) Rs.

    24 Land Use (in %)

    Residential % 50.9 16.7 59.14 51.31

    Commercial % 2.9 3.3 4.01 6.13

    Industrial % 1.8 0.8 6.98 7.52

    Transport % 13.4 25.8

    Open space/ PSP % 7.6 12.7 3.71 3.9

    Govt. land %

    Conservation/Heritage %

    Mixed use %Vacant/unclassified/Agriculture/Forest % 9.5 33.3 8.34 12.05

    Public utility % 11.7 7.4

    Govt./Semi Govt. offices % 15.71 15.21

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