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Page 2: Film poster research

The key image is the main character of the Hunger Games.

The logo is at the bottom behind the title of the film it’s a circle on fire with a eagle or something in it.

Deconstruction of a film poster

The title is The Hunger Games

The tag line is The world will be watching.

The date is March 23rd that’s all it says on the poster to do with dates

The website is at the bottom it is

The billing is at the bottom it has the Lionsgate the film company it normally has who directed the film and the actors

The target audience is young adults because it is for an older audience.

Page 3: Film poster research

Katniss Everdeen

This is the main character in The Hunger Games. She is supposed to be 16 so teenagers can relate to this because they can see their selves on the screen. She is also the action hero of the film. She has her hair platted to look younger than she is in real life. Girls like her because she is not a girl that is bothered about nails and stuff and not all girls like that stuff so the girls who don’t like that stuff will watch the film for that reason.

Page 5: Film poster research

The key image is Spider man

The logo is that spider on his chest The title is The

Amazing spider man

There is no tag line on this poster

The date is 07.03.12This is when it was released

There is

The billing has Sony entertainment and the actors on it and legal stuff on it.

Deconstruction of a poster

The target audience is teenagers and nerds because certain teenagers like it and all nerds like it.

The text is in bold so it is noticeable and it is in white so you can see it on the dark blue back ground.

Page 6: Film poster research


Peter Parker is supposed to be a nerdy teenager. He becomes spider man when he is bit by a spider then he becomes man that's a spider then he fights crime. Teenagers like him because he fights crimes girls like spider man because of the romantic bit of it and nerds like him because he is some sort of science thing and nerds like science plus they find it good.

Page 7: Film poster research

The Hunger Games The Amazing Spider-Man

Katniss Everdeen – Katniss is a girl who competes in a fight to the death because she has to and to stop her younger sister fighting.

Peter Parker – Peter is a person who fights crime to protect the citizens of New York.

Peeta Mellark – Peeta is a boy who competes in a fight to the death because he was picked and has no choice he and Katniss join forces to win.

Flash Thompson – Flash is a high school bully who picks on Peter Parker until he becomes Spider-Man