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Page 1: Film maga research

Film magazine researchThere are different film magazines such as Empire, Sight & Sound, Total

Film, FilmMaker and Premiere. Film magazine intent to an audience is to

write reviews on the film and then for the reader to read into it and to

market the film and to differentiate platforms. The contents they feature

are reviews, news on upcoming films, features on big new releases,

reviews of DVDs, games, the culture surround film, industry news

Page 2: Film maga research

The types of films that Empire features are

mainly action films as well as thriller, Empire

tends to focus more on Hollywood Blockbusters.

They are typically laid out with the title ‘Empire’

on the top in big, red font, it is the biggest text of

the magazine. They usually have the main

image as the main character of the film and

have text either surrounding it or on top of it.

They are action packed and have a lot going on

then being a simple magazine. Their focus is to

write reviews on films for the reader. The

demographic audience is B,C males, aged 18-

24 and upper class. The price of one magazine

is £3.99.

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The types of films that Sight & Sound feature are

mainly drama films, it targets a wide range of

audiences, focusing on films across all genres. The

main image is usually a close up of the main actors

face. These are two different layouts of Sight &

Sound magazine covers, the titles are positioned

differently. The ones on the left gave the title on the

top part of the magazine, the ones on the right are

on the top left and take two lines. These covers are

more simple and dull, the colours are dull and there

isn’t much colour. The title of the film ranges, some

are bigger than the text for Sight & Sound. On the

Sight & Sound website it says that the subscription

is essential for anyone serious about film, and

shows that it is targeted to readers who wish to gain

an insightful review on films. One magazine cost is

£3.95, this shows that it is targeted to aim middle

class workers.

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The types of film that Total Film feature tend to

be Hollywood Blockbusters, and are mainly

action films. The title is on the top and is in big,

bold, white font, the main image is mainly in

front of text. The main image tends to be long to

mid shot of the main actor. The colours are

different on each cover but tend to focus on

different shades of one colour. They are action

packed magazine and have a lot going on, they

have images of other films on their cover as well

which is different to other film magazines I have

analysed. The price of one magazine is £3.99.

The demographic ranges from 15-35 Young

professionals/students, or graduates with

significant disposable income and time rich.

Page 5: Film maga research

After researching film magazines, our film will feature on Sight & Sound. We

chose Sight & Sound because most of the films they feature are drama, so it fits

our genre well, compared to the other magazine I have researched as well, as

they are more action.