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Page 1: FILE The Penteoosta.l October 21, 1962

FILE coPy The Penteoosta.l

October 21, 1962 TEN CENTS

Nor oy .. ,eHT. "OR 0'1' PO'o'>"I;II, 01,1. OV MY SPIRIT SAlT" TH!: LORD

October 31 is Reformation Day

Page 2: FILE The Penteoosta.l October 21, 1962

I{ " ! {'.I!:'<: II E. II 'TY

\ .. tht, trl't"~ dOll tlH'ir hrilliallt r()h('~ ill OctlJher till'" ~('l'Tll I II say 10 nil'. "(Ill'l'rfuJ color;; are not iqr )'0\\111

only; old agl', toO, Gill il{, 1)(':1II1iful.·· Only (;0<1 can make a trl'\.' and Ki\'c il :-O\lch t:ieg'anl

ganll{'llI .. : :t1Id o l ll\' C;(!d can "ave a life from ! and' it beautiful. - E:lch -.(':\SO!1, r think. h:ls ils OWIl

particular heauty. ~pring: ha .. ih hrig-hl gr<:l'tl rn:shlll's~: slIlllTller ils H'rdan{ rulne,,,: autumn its regal spkmior. \\'ho nl.11 .. ay which i .. tin: 10\ {·1it'.' .. t ~ Tht: young or l11;d­rlk-ag(·c\ Ch ri :-.tian m'e!! !lot W;j,,\t' pit)' 011 the aged . for Ih" t'\'t'f-ripc'lling years hring lli('lr OWII spec ial bks ... ing." The :lg'('d Chrj"tiall fa!) "it'\\' life ill its fuller pCfspecti\T. J It' i" relca .. ec\ frOIl1 the e:lf('S (lj Ihis life to contcmplate tilt:' glor i('s of Iht' life 10 CO!11t'. lie has lil11e to explore the deplh :1Tld worth of thl' S;l\· iour· s 10\,e .

I,ih.'s a\ltullln can he the most colorful ycar s of all. Joy , ]>e:l("(,. long"suffNing, g()()<IIl(,.~s, gentlencss ... all the fruits of the Sp irit ripen in thi s time of h:ln·cs l. [.N

thost \\·ho wi,,11 to :»Iay yO\1tI~ and to he 011 this c;\f! h fore\'er 11:1\'(' their dl'~il"(:: for lIle there hn~ ("ome n grande!" goal: I choose the hll"s~cd pri\"ilcgc of cnjoying tlw precioll~ ~\I!bt· t years \\"11<'11 Cod draws m:ar with Ili~

g-raeilllls hrush alld tints Ihe so111 with goldcn hues. I pray that :IS hl":\\"('1l COlll t ·'; e1o"l"r Illy "oul "ha ll calch a reflec­tion of Ihe glory of that edt!">tial city and sh ine incrl':I !"> ingl.v ill SIlIlS('t he:ll!t\'. - }dHS. GAR!'E" S":II.ES


r prayed for faith and thought that some day faith would come dowlI :llld str ike llIe like lightning. But faith did lIot seem to cOllle. One day 1 rC:ld in the ten th chapter of Romans, "F':lith cometh by hearing. and he:lr­illg hy the \\'onl of God ." r had closed my Bible, and prayed for f:lith. I IIOW opclled my Bible and began to ;,tl1(l),. and f:dth has hcen growing e\'cr sll1ce.

- 1) \\"1(; 11 ,. L. to.loo\)\'


O n P cbble lleach, Cali fornia, the \\'a\'e5 dash lipan tbe ~toll('S with a ceaseless roar. Thcy toss and grind the stones togethcr, alld hurl them against the rugged cliffs. Day ,lIlei nighl, the wcaring dow II of the stones con~

tillues unabated. Touri sts from o\·el" the world gather the hcalllifu! round. poli:-ht'd "tones for OI"!l:lIl1Cll ts on mante ls.

Near ! )ebblc Heach is 1I towering cliff which breaks the force of the da;,hing wa\"(;s. 1 II the quiet covc, shel~

We be lieve Ih. Hibl. to he Ihe in spi.ed :lnd on ly infaillbl . :lnd aUlho"I~li,·e \\'o rd 01 God. WE BELIEVE that Ihere is one God, " •• ""lIy .~,, ' .n t 'n ,hr •• p.r.o,,.: God the Father, God Ihe &I n, and Go.J Ih. 11 ... 1)" (;ho, (. \\ E HELlE\ E In II,,: d.lly 01 ou r I.<>.d Jesus (o.i,l. ;n H i. 1;'1(1n t.i.lh. on Ih . ~onkh Me. in II, ~ mit~clc s . on II; . ',euio". amI a ton u' K 'k~th. 'n II i. bo..!tly re.u'Helio n, ,n lIis a se~"sion to Ihe righl ham\ 01 the Falhe r, and in Hi , p~rsona l lulure . eturn to Ih is ."rth in po ...... and !!Ilory 10 .ule o \"~r Ihe nations. WE B ELIEVE Ih~1 th . only means 01 b~m ~ clean •• d irom it" " t hroourh rcp.n,antt ~nd iaith ;11 tbe


Day by Day in Your Bible

Read It Through in '62 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

October 21-Beg in Matthew 18

October 27-Fini~h Mark 14


H:red by the cliff, is an abundanCe of ;,lOlles. The;,e arc unsought, ullwanted. They ha\'e cscaped the turmoil and allritiOll of thc waves . . \s a a'slllt they are rough, an­gular, (b'oid of beauty.

Billows of sorrow and trouble polish ,Hld rdinc tilt' soul. They gi"e to \IS the opportu nity 10 provc the gCIl ­

uillellC"s oi the .t-;;\\·iOllr\ {"o11lfortillg". Ilt"aiillg lI"ords. -Cosprl II crald

\\ ' c arc looking unto ./CSIIS, not at Hilll. Therc is a 1I"0rld of diffcn:nce. I,'. H . .\I('yt·r ;,ays ;,oIlH.:thing 10 tht' effect that if we call not sec I lim WC' call look ill the direct ion where we kllOw llim to he. :\lcx:\lIder \\'hyte puts it: '"lI e dot's 1I0t say, 'Scc': lie says only ·I .ook'··

T he snake-bittcn Israelite, fa r to the rear in thc mul ­titude. may not ha\'e bee n ahle to make out clearly thc outline of the serpcnt, but he looked that way. \\·h at matters most is not how clearly we perce ive Jesus, hul the uttcr dcpcm\cncc of our look.

- \ ' ANCE l fA\ ·S E R. ill /)oy by !Jlly


The Co!dell !'!m'c1" flit s away to the Il awaii;ul 1,,­lands io]" the winter and IC'a\'('" its young to grow ~trong'

cnough to follow . \Vlwll their wings arc developed . I he.~c

young ri se into the ~ky alld set their course O,'cr the Pacific. For t\\'o thousand miles they fly across the trackless sea, sOllle tillles through storm;,. yet unerringly to those tiny isbncls.

Ilow can you explain the flight of those birds ? Surdy God has provided for Ihell1 something akin to ou r radio l>eams. And T firmly bel ieve God has made the sa me prov ision for 1lis ch ildren. \\·hcl1 ou r li,·es :lfe in har­mony with Il is will. we have '"insight. "' an instinct ive sense of the right direction, :lnd wc 11lo\·e steadily ahcad \\"i lhollt fcar.

- CHARLES I. . . \ Ll.E!' ill /lea/lll9 lI· onf.,­( Fleming 1-1. Rcvell Company )

prtcious t.lood 01 ehri, l . WE BELlE\'E that rc)(t".rat;o"' 10)" ,h. l!el .. :o..l'i", , ~ at. ""luld)" css."tial lor IICrso nal sa ll·atio l). \\'E HEt.HX E th" t Ihe rode,npti,·. wo.k of Chri st o n the n'h. pto"idc$ h.alinR oi Ihe hum:", body in an ....... Ie hdicv ing puyer. WE lIELlE\ ' E Ihat the h"l'ti ~'" ui the Holy Spirit. "ccording to '\Cb 2:~. i., ):i,""n to I,din'er< ... hl> a,k ior " WE HELlE\ ' ~: ;n the uncli f,.ing ItO\\cr of the lIol y Spiril by .... ho'e ",. dwdling the Chri.t ian i ,; """bl"d 10 I,,'. a holy lile. WE BEl.IEVE i" Ihe r e.un...,t;o!! o i beth Ihe saved and Ihe lo, t. the ont 10 .,·.rla.ting Iii. and Ihe other 10 cHrlailinK d~mnaLio".


Page 3: FILE The Penteoosta.l October 21, 1962

The Fenteoosta.l


DCTOBER 21 , 1962 NUMBER 2528

BUT \\'£811, E.uC"uti"t Directcr


Lloyd Christiansen, Editorial Assilt(ltlt

Leslie W. Smith, Layout Elfi tor

Norman Pearsall, Art COtl.w/tatlt Car! G. Conner, Circula/ion ilfunugtr

EDITORIAL POLICY BOARD Bu! Webb (Chairman), R. J. DHlLstrom, E. \V. Belhany, G. R. CarillOn. N. D. Davidson, D. H. McLaua:hHn, Ke rmit Reneau, R. H. W ead, ..... A. Wil lOn.

article. The Baptism with the

Holy Spirit - Hardy IV. Stl'iubery 4 "Courting" the Spirit _ R. C. Crmui'rgJrllm 5 Luther at Leipzig - Brucl' S. Will iams 6 To PTA or not to PTA - Miriam jllcksOIl 8 2,OOOth STL Vehicle Goes 10 Formosa 17 Twentieth-century Acts of the

Holy Ghost - S'O/I/I')' .1[. HorlOu 18 Pearl Harbor Attack Leader Now a

Christian Evangelist 24

feature. HOllle Missions - Ruth Ly(lU, fdilor 10 Revivaltime News - P. W. Colbl/ugh, Editor 12 Your Questions - E. S. Williams 13 Foreign Missions - R. T. Brock, Editor 14 Sunday's Lesson - 1. B. Bishop 16 Evangelistic Events - Burtou IV. Pierce 21


Thol. F. Zimmerman (Gtu. Supt.). B.n W ebb, Gayle F. Lew;.,' C. W. H. Scott, H. S. Bush, J. P. Hogan. Bartlett Peleuon, M. B. Netu l, R. J . Dugsuom , E. W. Betbany. G. R. CaTiJOn, N. D. DavidJOn, D. H. MeLaua:hlin , Kermit Renuu, R. H. \'iead , ..... A. Wilson.

THE P ENTECOSTAL EVANGEL i . 'he off;.;;"r voice of 'he A ... mbli .. of God ill Ih. l..'.s .• ~. Publi shed " •• ldy b}' the t:".".r I'ul,li ,hi ng 1101,1'. (J . . o. II ~".II. Cen<r"l ) . ) . 10M; [loonv,tI. A"."ue. Sp.inl<l,er,I, Mi.",,,,i. L·.S.,\ .. Addr .. _ in .h~ U.s. and U.S. _ .. Iono: S,n~ \e .uhocnpt1"" $1.50 • le.'r: $4.;; 'wo ye,,,, $7.00 Ihre. J·U'". Speci,,1 ,n"odu~,o.y "lie< $\.00 10. )J ... ·.ek.. lIundle .. te (mi"i",,,,n 01 lour .ub· ",,"vt ion •. all mail~d 10 Ih ••• ",c. "ddr ... ) 65<- for lJ w •••• • S!.!! lor a ~'''. on e •• h .ut,,,,,,plOon. C .... dJ .. n .dd ....... : S.n~le .ub",,,pt ion $.1.00 .3 ye.u, $5.75 '''"0 r~'''; VI.5O ,hr~e '."rI. Rundle nit (""n,mum 01 1o", ."b"'''I"ion •. all ",.iled ;0 Ih ... m. 3ddr ... l 78<: fo, IJ .... ks • • l.7S lor a y'M. ott ... 01> .ub'nip'ion. F" .. ~I. n I.nd. (e,..'p' Canada and PU.~S <<.oun"i"- ): S;n~l. subocrip lion «.2S a yu" $S.25 ,~O y., .. : SI2.2; ,hro. Ie"'". Bondi •• al. (m;n imum 01 four ."),>lio,, • . .,It m"ned to Ih •• ,,,,e addr ... ) 91c lot IJ .... k.; $.1.50 for a ye,.. orr •. w~. ,uhocriplion. - I'C A5-t.:. S. nle. apply 10 all coun tri •• ;n Ih. Potla! Union of 11,. A",ericas and !;p,in. S •• your Po .. ", .. ,~r lor a h .. "f ,h ••• I'ri,,,ed in Ih. l·.S.,\. See<>nd·d., .. POOI"ll. I,,,id . t ;;prin~lidd ,

[ Relu.... paid d,.culatlon In September )

n',MS copl .. wNkly

OCTOBER 21, 1962


Luther and the Bible

:\ ever ha~ the truth of Psalm 11\).130 ("'The entrance of til) words givcth ligh!"') been dClllon ... trateci more clearly or forcibly than during the Reformation. It was the shining of the written \\ronl of God imo the hearts of mankind, more than anything ebe, that led Europe out of the Dark Ages. Forfm'rly the Scripture ... were buried beneath the twisted traditions of men and the emply rilUal of a dccadent church. The cOlllmon people had no acce ...... \0 the Hook of God for it was written in languages they did not understand

Theil came translations into their tollgue~, and Ihe im'cntion of the printing press. As a result, the comlllon people wcre able to posscss and read the truth that sets men free .. h long as we hold to Ihis Book we shall have spiritual liberty.

As a young lllan.\iartin Luther had never s('cn a Bihle. It was while attending uni\'ersity and bro\\"~ing in the lihrary hi.~ eyes iell lipan the sacred \'olutlle for the first time. Ill' recognized in it fragments used in church worship and was thrilled a:. he turned the pages. Ilere was the \'ery \\'ord oi God--complete. I lis eyes lingered particulady on the moving stor} of ] lanl1:lh auc! Samuel. Yet the church was gi\'ing" no more prominellcc to this hlesscd Book than to the ordinary writings of lI1ell.

Lmher entered a monastery and there, by studying the Bible, he endeavored to find a cure for his restless spiri t. Olle day God spoke to him in Paul"s words to the Homans, ''The just shall li"e by faith." J Ie saw it was nOt by church ritual. nor by works of penance, or charity, bill hy simple faith in th(' atoning wo rk of Christ that men arc saved. From that time fo rward he was a Illall of the Book. He preached it ; he wrote abollt it: he defended it 111

debates; he transla ted it from dead languages into the tongue of the German peasants and made it a li\'ing Rook.

"The lloly Scriptures," said Luther, "arc the \\'ord of God, and they are, as it were, if'ttered (w ritten letter hy lener) e"en as Christ, the eternal \Nord, is wrapped up in humanity. And as Christ was treated here all earth, so also the written \\'ord of God. It is a worm and no hook when compared with other hooks. I t is not honored, studied. read. meditated upon, memorizeci. and lIsed as other books, the books of men. Tt Illay consider itself fortunate if it finds a place under the desk.

;'Others tear it. crucify it, scourge it, torture it, until in accordancc with their own interpretations they make it comply with their heresies, thcir wantonlless, that in the end they might destroy it. kill it, and bur)' it, so that 11 might be cast alit of the world and fort; .... tten. Tn its room si ts the harlot with the golden cup, decrees and greasy edicts, and other trash. NC\'erthelcss it must remain, it must appca r again in spite of <l.l! cautiousness and resistanct' .

;;Therefore it is a good sign if allY olle hc endowed with thi s precious gift, the gift of love toward. and delight in, God's Word; if he gladly reads it, and values it as a great and precious gift. Ililll will God also honor hy bestowing upon him th e seal of a call ed and chosen saint, and placing him into the circle of apostles and saints who do not teach, as th e cu rsed world teaches , that Christ is a worm and 110 man, a reproach of men and despised of the people, but who confess with S1. Peter that H e is Christ the Son of tbe li\·ing God, and that the Sc ri ptu res arc written by the H oly Ghost."



Page 4: FILE The Penteoosta.l October 21, 1962

The Baptism With the Holy Spirit Must this

. experience

always be accompanied by

speaking in other tongues?

B\' HARDY \\' . STE I:\13E.RG


tism in the Holy Spi rit is the correct one, why doesn't everyonc accept it ?" This q\1c~tio!1 is asked hy mallY who arc not fully persuaded that this positioll is right.

A thoughtfnl appraisal will 50011 show that in almost every area of life there arc people who do not accept demonstrated truth. Some let others do their thinking for them. Others find it difficult to be ohjective because

The author is Editor of I'll/pit, Ih\: !\sscmblics of God magazine for ministers, and serves as National Secretary of the Denomiml­lion's Education Department.


of prejudice". [n ~O!1l(: in,>wllccs, people llIay llc,'er han' had the occa"iOTl to consider the facts.

For those who howe heen wondering if the baptism in the Iioly Spirit is an experiencc subscql1ent to regenera­tion. ancl if speaking in tongm's i" the initial phy"ical e\·idencc of thc bapti.~1ll in the ! 10ly Spirit. hl.'re af(' a fcw Bihlical facts to consider.

The e.'\periellcc of helievers in the Early Church in­dicates that regeneration and the hapti.,m in the Spirit nrc twO different experiellces. \\'hen Philip wcnt to Samaria (.\cts 8:5-1 7 ), he preached Christ to the peo­ple. As a result. many people helien~d and were baptized . \\'c arc .'>afe in assuming that the Samari tan s werc born again, fo r Philip would hardly have carelessly baptized nnh:!ie\'ers, Following this. Peler and J ohn wcre sent from Jerusalem \0 Samaria. They prayed for the he­lievers. and they rece\'ied still another experience-sub­~eql1ent to their COIlYcrsiOIl.

,\fter Paul had heen blinded 011 the Damascus Road (:\ct s 9) , he acknowledged the Lordship of Ch rist. When . \nanias was sent to the home in which l'aul \Va .'> staying, he referred to the former persecutor of th e Church as "Brother Saul. " 111 spite of these two indications that Pa\11 had been born again, Anan ia" pra.ved that Saul l11igbt be filled with the Ii oly Spirit-an experience suh­sequent to hi s COll\'CrsiOll.

\\ 'hell Palll came to Epheslls. he found a group of disciples of John the Bapti st (Acts 19). After Paul learned that they knew nothing of the 110ly Spi rit. hc told them a110llt Ch ri st (\'erse 4). "When th ey he:1.rd this, they were haptized in the name of the Lord J CS\I.,"

( verse 5), It was after water baptism had becn admill ­i~tered that Paul laid hands on them, and the 11 01), Spirit came on them. H ere again we mllst either admit that Paul baptized ullregenerated people, or that there was an experience which they had after they professed faith in Chri,;t and were baptized in water.

There are two other scr ipture.'> that should be con· sidered in this regard. [n 1 Corinthians 12:13, Paul sa id. "For by one spirit are we an baptized into one body." John the Baptist said, "I-Ie that cometh after mc is mightier than I, whose shoes J am not worthy to bear: he shal1 haptizc yOIl with thc Holy Ghost and with firc" (;\Tatthew 3 :11 ) . These verscs indicate two experiences --one in which we arc baptized into the hody of Christ and another ill which Christ baptizes us In the Iioly Spirit.

The second proposit ion concerning the bapt ism in the Holy Spirit is that the Biblical record indicates that be· lievers spoke with other tongues when they were baptized ill the Spirit. There arc two types of scripture to COI1-~ider here-those whcre the phenome non is IJII'ntiOlu'd and tho.'>e where it i.'> implird.

In every caiie where the detail.'> arc givcll of pcop/t.: bcing filled wilh the Spirit, speaking in tongues always is mentioned. On the Day of Pentecost (Acts 2). ';they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and hegan to speak with other longues. as the Spirit gave them utterance." There was a twofold reaction to this miracle. Those who understood the speaking in tongues (Act.'> 2:6, 7 ) were amazed ilnd mar\'eled. Others (Acts 2:13 ) . who eyidently did not understand the different languages, mocked.


Page 5: FILE The Penteoosta.l October 21, 1962

teaching:; and arg\led n:ry ... kiHiuHy against them, Lutht"f himscli th cll took 1111 the d('!Jalt, which \\"a~ dlat Eck wanted, The two strong OPPOI1('nts faced each other at I.eipzig-the skillful Eck the hold 1.t1ther, The dehatl' la"tcd sc\'cral days,

Eck went into the dellate \"ith the a\"owed purj>().;(' of leading I.tllher, in hi::. spiril of hold defiance. to make ,.,tatemetlh which in the l','l'''' of Ihe pcople would mark him a heretic, The chl1rch already had condC1tlned him a .. a heretic hut the p{'ople had .., too(\ hy him, I.uther, ior all his diiference'i on doctrine, still ('OIhi<ierl'd him.;eli a trut' follower of the d1\1rcll,

They dehatcd the authoflly of the pope, r .ulher did 1I0t deny the pope to he ~l1prl'11l(', hm he insisted that the pope could err, heing hllll1;")ll, and til;")t one',., sah'ation dill 110\ depend upon sllb!11is~ioll to the pope, This struck at the heart of Catholic doctrine, E\en so, many people \\'er(­gbd to 'iCC Luther take thi" "tand. Hut Eck then mari/.' hi, master stroke, \\'ltho\\1 a rguing whether 011e could he ,.;an'r! \\"it hout :>l1hrnitting to the pOpe, Eek poin tecl out that! .l1tiler was agreeing \\'i lh John Ilus \\'ho had been comlenHled a~

a heretic and bmlled at the stake!

Thi" had a shocking cifcct 011 the people. fo r thl'Y od'd had considered JlllS :1. heretic, I.uther then \\'a" forced to

maintain hi s stand as advocating "heresy" or ehe yield to tlw chmch and rell OUllce hi s doctrine, Luther did 110\ yield! li e helieved he wa s right according to the Bible, But frol11 thi .. timc for\\'ard Luther kncw, and all kne\\", that he could no longer contend th:u he wa,., a faithinl disciple oi the d1l1rch, for he was upholding what the church cond{'11l11('d as heresy,

The pope ordered I.\lther expelled from the church ii he did not retract hi::; \"iews in :.ixtr day s , :\t a trial ill the ('it)' of \\'onns, presided o\'er by Eillperor Charles \', I.llther was a"ked to take hack his \\'rjtiJlg~, I lis dramatic rcfu .. al is one oi the great episodes of history. !-It.: was hal1i..,lwd al1(l cond{:n1l1ed hy hath the emp(:l"or and the pope,

r .uthcr iound ~afety at \\'artburg Castle, There with the help of Philip .:\lelanctholl and others he tran~lated the Bible from Latin and Creek Illto the language of th e German people. Thi s became the foundation for hi:> teaching ami preaching, S0011 he had many follO\\'t'r~, ;\ew chmche~ w(:re formed, The Reformation 11I0\'cment had taken roo\.

Thank God for the .. tand l,utlH"r was enabled, hy Cod',., grace, to take at l.eipzig. I Ie ~aw that he Illll:>t turn away from the church to a complete dependence upon the Scrip­tures for the knowledge of sah'atioll , 13ecausc oi thi s we b;Jve freedom of th{' imli" idual conscience today . ~~

I.O\T"G ,\:>: 1) TRlJSTI:>:C;

\Vhen a man pUb the great question to a maid, and a,.,b her to marry him, he docs Ilot h,1\'e to offer her a blueprint of the future, \\'ith all the details filled in, lie may han: plans: they both know that ther are far from infallible, He is asking her to tr ust herself to hill!; to make a personal commitment to himself, on the ba~is of what she knows of his character and his personality ,\n<l there is the founda­tion of the whole transactiOIl, .\11<1 in that \\'ay, too. we haw to rest ottr souls in God,

- :\ . .:\!ORGA:\ [)ER!l'\~I, in Till' ,lIatlll'e Christiall (F leming" J I, l~e,·eJ1 Company)

OCTOBER 21. 1962

Th .. briHinnt 1~.Ich ... r tot W'He"llI'rt~ ""ih .. d hi~ ninNy, h~'e Iht'se, 10 Ih ... church door,

In the d~b"le at Leipzig, Luther . I()<)d firm for Ih .. IrUlh :hough Ih ~y br~nded him <I. herelic.

Sentence WA S pronounced on Luther by both .. m_ peror ,1nd p<>pe followinl( hil trial at W OTms,

Luther with Mt:!unClhnn (left) a nd oth..,r5 tra"slal~d Ihe Scriplur .. s into Ihe German langUPie.


Page 6: FILE The Penteoosta.l October 21, 1962


YOl"IH, .... 1'111'1\1 I:\"(; 1'0\\-' TII,\T 1 .. \'iT

shirt and 1l1l1 "1ing wearily 011 how fa ... , Ihi ~ Illorning's washing' turncd into tomorrow'" ironing. The kitdwTl door ~lall1s. Tommy· ... flying' ftel and ex· cited yells :\111101111(' the ellcl of an­other school dar-nnd a fn.·sh as:-.al1it 011 th{' cookie jar.

VOII hrl1:-.h hack hi" ornery cowlick and kiss h is \\"arm-from-ntllllil1g checks. L'nscrambling the wadded p;LJX'fS in hi .. ~\\'<:;lIy liult' £i ... \ i" :11'0 I);lrt of the welcome-home n'n'mony. 11 it the jackpot Ihi" lil1]('! Thrcr pa­per,.,! lin\\' does the alphallcI e\er sur\'ive TOlllmy's murderous printing. you wonder. :\n01h{'r notice to send moncy for the W('('k/y /<r(lc/rr. So soon? And what's thi" one? ;'Thc rcgul:\r meeting' of the PT.\ will he he ld on Wednesday at 2 1'.\1. in tlu: ... ('hool gym", "

YOli don't bother to read 011, PT.\ doesn't irnere ... t you, You Wl'nt onct:. years ngo, when yom ~:tlly ... tnrted to school, You didn't \Inder;,t:tnd what was going Oil, So many reporb-all of thcllI dull to you, a novice, An ob"iol1s wa~te of t ime, ,\her all. \'011

reason, there's only so Illuch ti1l1~ in a clay for raising a fam ily nlld per­forming Ihe odd johs n'qllired of a modem housewife (twcllty-two ~kil\cd johs at the latest ofiicial count), Then, too. yOll do ha\'e rom Sunday ;,chool


:lnd church oh1igatioll~. PT,\ _"el'llh relati\'('ly IInimportant

I.., thi ... a familiar pictllre: '1'011 han' carefully alltl lll(:tho<\icaily planned your children· ... homeJifc to inc\II<i(' all the phy ... ical. mental. ami ... ocial ad­\'antage .. , '1'011 ha\'e .. ollght the Ill' ... t for Ihem ... pirilUally. hoth hy exa1l1pk ami pre("l·pt. 1~l1t what h;I\'c yOIl dOli('

i1l that ;III-important third area of your child' .. life. school? Has it oc­curred 10 yO\l that your child spcmb roughly one third of hi .. day i1l th(' hands of the ~dlOOI ... y:-,tl'lIl:- Smely not. or )'ou would not he content to

To PTA ornot

To PTA - that is the question

By :\IIRI.\:-'I j.\( \, so:\'

I(':\I-e that ;hl)(:ct (If hi-. lift: IIn('oH'I'ed \\'hat do(-':-, your child I(-'arn. and

why? \\'hat i.., hi ... t('ach('r like? \\'hat art' the aim~ of th(-' ... chool admini ... -tration ~ Critici-.m i ... hurled at our ~o.:hoo l ... from ('\'l'ry c1ifl·ctiun. Is it m('l' it('ci ? Do you know ~ If no\. hOIl" C,Hl \'OU find out?

Your loc:l1 PT.\ i.., you!" he~t i11-formation-receil'inl-:" c{'1l\er. for it is there that hoth parellts and tcacher.s come together with thl' lI"elfare of chilcifl'n ;\ ... their ultimate ohject il'(~, It i .. at PT.\ that you really Ket to kllOw your child'.., tt:acher. You finel OU\



\-1. B·2: C·3: I)-~: E-.'I: F-6: (,-7; II-X: J-11: J·IO: K-II: 1.-11: ),1-13:

:'\·I~: 0·15, p.J(); Q-17: R-UL ~-IIJ: T-20. l'-ll, \'-22, \\·23. '-l~. Y2.': Z-26.


11)-15 11)-8-1·11·11 1.l-25 .!.1-15-ltH 2-5 20-.'1-1-20 7-J5-5-20·g 6·J5-IH-20-i'\ J5-Hi-20·R 15-21-20 15-6 I3-2~ U-l.i-21-2()-S: 9- 2u IIJ-R- ]·J2· 12 1~·15-2u

JR-5-20-11-IH-1~ 11-1~-20-15 ].)-5 22-J5,9-~. 2-21-20 1J-2rl J<}-I"\-I-12-12

1-.1-J-IS-JJ·16-12-9-19-~ 2tHI-I-lO 2.I-8-9-J-!l 9 16-12-S-J-I')-5.

(7 lit' 1II1'$$(IIIt' is $OU1CI!:illll (;"d ,rmd ,,10o lit lIis /I'",,{. J 1111 "WI /",,~. II/, yo"l' all,r.,·,·1'"III !s,'iuI155.IJ.)


Page 7: FILE The Penteoosta.l October 21, 1962

:lhout your child's progres ... :lnd IInder­... Iand his prohletlls. Furtbermof(·. whcn you begin to realize that \\,hcfl·a ... JOI/

arc primarily thinking in terms of your own Sally, the tl'arht'r i ... obliged to think in terms of thc welfare of the entire group. then you C:\1I he tolerant. I1I1<ier!o.tanding, :lnd ('\'cn h<:lp­fill.

Loc:ll parent-teacher unit officer:-. prcp:lre progrnnh that arc of :-.pecial and current intere"t to parent .... It .... :\t PT.\ that we find out marc ahout the aims of our school s~·:-.telll. \\ 'c di"Co\"Cr other things too: \\'hat h:'I\'e PTA units in othe r section ... of the cou ntry donc to impro\'e local edllc:l­tion? Are there conditions in the C011l­

munity that contribute to ju\'enile de­linquency? Is there a need for a local program for recreation? Do traffic laws f,n'or Ihe school child? If SQ,

a rc the)' strict ly enforced? What do you know ahout the school luncil pro­gr:l.m? (Did you know that it was the PTAcr's who caTllpaigned for hot school hmches in the ('arly 19(X),s?) What :lre the prospects or need for special suhjects heing taught in your schools?

We certainly can't disagree with the objccti\'es of the PTA. which :lre printed on the hack of c\'cry mem­hersh ip c:lf(I;

I. Promote the welfare of children and youth ill hOl11e. school. church. and community .

2. R:lise the standards of homc lifc. 3. Sccnre adequate Jaws for th e carc

and protection of children and youth. .J.. Bring into closer relation the

home :lnd the school , that il..1.rcnts and leachers may co-operate intelligcntly in the training of the child.

5, Develop hetween educators and Ih e general public such united efforts as will secure for e\'cry child the hig hest advantages in physical. mental, soc ial, and spiritual education.

Christians should he PTA-minded for SC\'cral reasons.

First , PT /I provides opport/wit·j! to be 011 illfll/ellte for God. In this trou­hied world, the importance of a strong Christi:lil influence in all phases of life is becoming increasingly obvious. We, as Pentecostal people, ha\'e oftcn I1nexplainahly t:lkcn a back seat in sccular and conl1lHlnity aff:lirs (PTA included) and by so doing havc passed up a good opportunity to cxert a desirable influence. \Vc nced not he Ihe strong-leader type who Cllts a wide swath before him, but our quiet

OCTOBER 21. 1962

l1lfiUCIICI..' call al ... n he \"t'ry dil'ctin' I neither ca .. (', \\·c' 111II"t show lIItl'fl'~1 in th6e worthwhill' thing-so fur nh­viously wc canllot 1Ilfiucllce for COli or for good ill ah ... entia.

Seeo/ul. rharae/a and stlritlltll ({II/­ratiO/I fa"'" an IIItrhlJic rart of PT. I .,'ork. E\'cry IIllit hao; a ch:lracter and .. piritllal l'duc:ltion chairman. To tht' uninitiatcc!. this Illeans that after thl' pre ... idem ha .. call('{\ the mecting" to

order, 11(' or .. Ill' (:>.Iolll'; ani" i" a thing of tIll' pa:-.t) a:;ks the charaC'ter ami .. piritual education chairman 10

gi\'c a dc\"otio1l:l1 talk. :>'Io"t PT.\ president .. agree that this is one of the harde ... t ch:lirmanships to fill. Ln­doubtedl),. it is due \0 the fact that many p('opl<: fecI shy about "pcaking on rcligiom matter .. in puhlic. Hut for many parCllts. tIl(' only contact thc), ha\'c with n:lii~on is through the PT \

YOIIf local PT. \ would undouhtcrlly welcome your hdp. Join. Become in­formed. :-'Iake it plain you would h(..· intere"led in taking a chairmanship. YOll !\lay he ahlc to sen'e in a ca­pacity such as clw.r:lcter and spiritu:l1 education chairnmll wherc YOIl could he of tangihle help through your cle­\'0Iioll<11 talks. Of CO\1rse, special <!t.­nominational issuc ... IllII:.t he a\'oided for PT.·\ is based on a lion-sectarian policy. Hut peoplc arc not ncces;,;arily sa.ved or helped through ci(..·ep the­olog ical lecture . .,. and since there i .. a wealth of spiritual trllth that call hI..' presentcd. this can he a real oppor­tunity to help other~.

Third, ~,'l' 01.'l' it to our rhiltirl'II 10 participate in PT.I aetit'itil's. Teach('r ... are quick to notice which pa.renh arc interested ill their ch ildrcn's school. It is only natural thai they will takc :l.1l intere:-.t in :l child whose parents are so ol)\'iously interc"lcd as to at­tcnd PTA. :\nd for a fringe benefit. wh:lt is morc rewarding" than thc hap­py glow 011 Sally's face whell "h(..· eagerly .!:iCall!) the rcgi'>tratiol1 list and finds that her folks came too.

Fourth. PT. I affords all apport/m­il.\' to 1,·illll'SS. A n "1'111 a Christian" badge nced not he displayed like :l politic:l! candidate's hOlton. Action .. speak. The highest praisc one PTA mcmbcr can give another is "She's ,,0 easy to work with. ! love to he 011 a committee with her. for she takc:; her half of thc load." Once earned. a reput:ltioll of thi~ sort can gi\e liS

confidencc and a right to speak wheH (Coll/ililfed 011 payl' nil/e/c/',, )


Up/ Up/ .\ mount,lIn chmbt'r made 11I~ way up

a IXlrtlcularly hazardou .... Iop(", All alonR till' way were !licht...; and piton .. ldt by t'ar/ivr cbm1x-r~. S<Xltl. with a minlillum of dfort, he ,,\(x)(1 hi(!lwf than ,lilY ol!1tr h:ld cver stood For 1ll0llll'nts the chm\)t'r wa..:. carril"d away b>' the ex­hilal ation o f thc t'xperil'ocl' TIl('n ht' n·a!iz\·d '" am hUt' bt'c:IlI\l' others Idt Iwlp ... for illl.."" So. Tl·achlll~ "'ttll hi/.:Ill'r. hl' dW\·l' a pin. and anothl'r. and :\Ilothl"f Some climbt·r comint: aftl·r. ..trl·ng:th 'i..'\·ed by his drort. would RO on to cn-n hi'-!,hl"r Ill'h.:hb.

Till .. !';tory has an l';l~r to find mor'll for 01(' alumni of our Hlhk collt·Rt·s: Young pl'ople COllllllg up bl'lllIld arc dc· p(·ndinR on yOll \\'otkin'-!, from the strl'll\.:th of your pO'-ltion .. a ... pastors ,md kadl'I~. you can drivc new pins and c;\rVl" nl'\\· Illdll~ not to m,lkl' thl.'ir way l';J .. i(·r. but til make tiKlf climb hidll·r: Encour:l\.:c your con'-!,rl'~allon to join you <1"; you "upport the "'tll'Il'-!,thul1ng and (·xpan .. io!l of our Bibll.' corteges t/lrou'-!,h n'Rular giving.




Page 8: FILE The Penteoosta.l October 21, 1962

Thtl Fiul A,.embly of C od 'n Covina, Cnl lf. , is the "molher church" for the new Ch~n"r Ouk A .. .,mbly. lnnl : P Rs , or Judlle 8. Lindsey.

Thi. build'"K i. the pre.ent m eelin g place for the Charter Oak Anembly of God congregation. Inse t : Pano. Eddie Hulth '~.

--'I , ,

• "" " G~,;""d:,;,;;.,,,. on April R win II happy occasion for the C harlet Oak

Anembly as well IU for membe" of Ihe " mol her church." Those takinlt pari in Ibtl It . o und· breaking service a.e (left \0 right) R. E. Sislilt . ani"an! pauor of Forst A •• ~mbly , CovI na ; PUlor Judge B. Lind. ey, Finl A"(lmbly : OOlITict Supnlnlendent L. E. H alvorson; Eddie Hulthes, pa, _ lor of th~ Charlel ' Oak Aue mbly; nnd Presbyter J ohn Tinsman.

Thi, IS Ihe prollO'.m new Charter Oak Assembly which i. bein lt fi­n!lnced by Ihe Fint Auembly of God, Covina, Calif.

California Pastor Boosts Neighboring Assembly By T. C. Cl';\j\,'1 XCI IA;\I, S"",·..,/lII'/I("'UI ,,! 111 .. SOHIlrall (lIIifor!lw Ih,trill

"LET'S JlOltlW\\ $60.(0) ox OI· 1t 0\\;':

church prop<'rty to finance the build ­ing of the Charter Oak :\!.:'cmbly of God." proposed Pa:.tor J udge B. I.iml ­:-oey, addre ... :.il1g the church board o f the Fir:.t .\ ... :-ot:mhlv o f Cod of Co\·ina. Cal if. •

The men looked at him ill wondcr . Fir :-o t A ssemhly ihdf was right now confronted with the prohlclll of pro­viding additional facilitie:. adequate for a growing congregation; and the hoard had slLggested building a new auditorium !>eating 1.200. Th<,y could th en increase till.' Sunday '>Chool fa­cilities from the prese11l 800 capacity to a maximl1111 capaci t)" of 1.500 by remodeling the old auditorium and making other acldition~. Snch a plan.


coming from a hoard that \\"a~ willing to carry it through .... hould th rill any pastor.

Pastor Lindsey, howen'r. had a <lif­icrent \·ision ... Brethren . the work at present is far more than my assistant and I can possihly administer. \\'h)" increa :-oe thi s load? T suggest that we se rve as mother church to the small assembly s truggling to get start ed ill the Charter Oak conl!l1un il y.

"If we will gi\'e them help now. they can ill lime aSSUTlle the fl1l1 fi ­nancial load. \\ 'e c:ln then reim'c:-ot Ollr money in a.nother neighhoring com­munity. Should the Lord larry. we will be able to assist in the eSlablh,h­ing of several churches in thi s area."

This :.tartling \Va" madc

more than a yea r ago. Pastor Limbey was able to con\·i llce the 1)Q..1rd of tIlt' wisdom of the plan. "I would rather help e:.tahli ... h three churches with a n attendance of 250 to 300 each. tha I! to be the pastor of the comhined total ill O\lr present church." he a:.sured thel11 . T he resnlt was the grol1nd­breaking for the Chart<'r Oak Assem­bly of God church, .\pril 8, 1962.

Pastor Edward Ilug-hes and hi., small congrcg:ltioll , assisted by tIlt: mother church. are mak ing dec idl·d progress in their huilding prog ram. \\'hen completed. this church will ha\'t· a seating capacity of 299 and Sunday school facilities for .100. 1 t is localt.:d three mil es from the mother chmch in the thridng Charter O ak com nlllnity.


Page 9: FILE The Penteoosta.l October 21, 1962

\\()rd and ,h!"ir kl'l"ll r~'~ll(llb(' til :111 indt:ltillll to ]1r:!.,· which \\ould ('albt· mall\" of our "1'~tahli~ht'II" Chri ... ti:l!b and churcht· ... til hl1) ... 11 wllh ,..hanH'.

Home Missions from a

New Viewpoint

\ly hean got· ... 11111 "i,h a ne\\' "en...,,' oi gratitucll' til Ilnr home mi~ ... i(\f1arit,,,, "hn :In' l'1tllll'l'rillg" 111 a ioft'ign at nHhlJlwl"e in our OW11 hnl1wiand. TIl('...,l' "iir ... t \!lH-rican ...... to whom tlH.'Y 111in-

l ... tel", an' almo ... , a foq.:oth·l1 pt·oplt·. a..., tar a..., 111;111\ Chri ... lLan ... arl' ("110'

cerm·d, \Iay \It· "pray ancl gin' that th('~l' ma~ lin:" 111 the koowh.'dg-t· IIi

the lme of Cnd ;'11111 Ill' "tt irl'e froll! the chains oi tr;lI!ll;un and "u)ll'r ... u­lion that hal"(' ... 0 111:111\' oi them ,'n­...,!:n·t,d,

Bv P:\l'Ll:'\E ::\L\ STR I E.':'i

\\'E WERE lWI,"jl\ G TJ!ROL'G ll HEt\l TI­

ill] pines 0 11 Highway 60 when we approached a narrow road with its marker pointing the way 10 om des­tination. Tnrning frOIll the good high­way onto a gra\'c1 road, we tran:l cd along for ahout fifteen ll11IeS oycr hill s. around mountains. and through valleys, with the road becoming worse with e:tch mile. Suddenly, we entered a valley that was like dropping into :Inother world .

All around us we sa\\" str:lIlgc-look­ing houses that rese mbl ed haystack:;. Each had only one door awl then.: were no windo\\' s or chimlleys. \\ 'om­t;lI wearing colorful "squaw" drc:;"c" that swept the ground were walking along the road or ncar their wickiup" ( homes) . !\Tall)' of them were carry ­ing their bahie!;, who we re :;trapped in crad1eboarcl,.;, all their hack:;.

\Ve we re elltering one of the sett le­ments on the Fort Apache 111<1i:1Il I~es­

en"alion in Arizona, our destination. The Bert Parkers, our hO!11e lnis"ioll­a ries who had pionee red the Indian . \ssemhly :It Cihecue, were going to take a llHlch-needed rest after eight long and hard years. We had been invited to sen'e a s snpply pastors fo r them while they were a\\'ay.

I had seen many sights as a mis­:.ionary-e\'angelist that had cau,,;ed 111e to know [ \\,;)5 on "foreign "oil" \\'hell [ min istered in South :1.!ld Central ,\ll1erica. But, in these prese nt sur­roundings, the sights r witnes!'ied made it difficult fo r ;11e to realize I was ,.;til! in the "good ole U,S .A ." Cuuld it be possible that such :1 place exi,,;ted so nca r to ou r 1110der n civilization ?

OCTOBER 21. 19 62

. \ncl for only s1.1('h a ,.;hon tin1t: had the truth of Cod's W ord-with powcr to sa\'e and to dc)i\'cr them from sin ~heen pre;'1clH.::cl ,ullong them? Could it he possible that we. in our com­fortable homes. have :.0 111uch a11(\ they . ou r neighhors . ha\'(' so little? .\~ we minister among them, we 11o,ice their eagerness and hl1ng<:r for (;0(\ ' "

\s I ... it hert· writing. I rl'ali,t, thi ... place i ... only OIH.· of the many ",al· It'y,; of foreign atll1(bplwn'"' in our 0\\ 11 coun try . [ cannot n'ach thl'111 all for \ am only 0111.'. I 10\\ ('\t·r. what ! can do I OUg-hl 10 elo a11(\. hy th,· grace of Cod . I \\ill do: for \ am "111Y hrother' ... k('('pe r ."· [ am "dehlllr to hoth \he learned and lhe unlt-arm'd." \\'hat ahout you ~

• • \'/llc: Sisl,'r .II(/slri,'.\- MI'i ,·d u S/'OI"I

term {IS U mis.I·IIJIWI"Y-,'1'llI1yclrsl 11/



No loneliness is so keen as loneliness in <'l crowd: no privation so painful as that endured amidst plenty. One of our home mi ssionaries ( they so often find themselves in such circumstances) re, sponded to the special Christmas check we always try to send by saying. "It's so ni ce to be remem­bered I just thank the Lord for my many friends who arc so loyal and kind." Thei r over, flowing gratitude makes us wish we could do morc. Thc National I lome M issions Department is pre­paring now to make up the annual gifl checks. If enough of you send a gift. perhaps we can do marc. In the past it has been nip'and-tuck to make our limited fund go around for all our 335 home missionaries. Send your offering to Chris/ ­mas Fund for Home Missionaries, 1445 Boonville. Springfield, Mo. Do it now. for the checks must be processed ca rly!


Page 10: FILE The Penteoosta.l October 21, 1962


Scientist Saved After Prayer at Last Year's World Prayermeeting A. Edgar Kroll

By IIARRY :'11. KROLl .Is Told to Wildoll (01/'1I1I.'I1i


Praycfl1l(,Cfing' 27.3-12 rcquc~lS for prayer for unsaved 10n'd On('s wert !Jent to the Rl"l,lt'alliml' office as a result of the theme. "and thy bOllse,"

:\Iany lI11tIStla\ ,lI1Swcrs to prayer ha\'e been reported since. Among the.!;c is this thri!ling ~ tory of a young man at Lincoln Universit y, i'cll11syh'ania. reassuring tiS th .. t God docs allswer prayer today and that lie saves the sinner far from Ilim.

Ju!>( before las\ ycar'~ l)rayc r !l1ccl~

ing Barry ;-'1. Kroll wa,> s:l\'cd. Li s­tening to Rl.'i1it·'aftimr he hcnrd the :1.I11101l1lCCnlcnt of the I'raycnneeting and sell t a rcquest to pray for thc ~:llvatiOI1 of his father. a resea rch sci­entist. Barry tells of his cxpenellce below.

• • • Qur family situati (Hl before any of

115 lVas "born again" wa s nOt ex treme­ly unhappy. \\'e were just :In "aver~

agc Ame riC:ln family." \Ve thought that \\'c were getting' the best that life had to offe r.

Then on Angnst 31. 1961, God broke into onr family by graciously ~:l\'ing my soul. I found Christ so real and \'ery dear to my heart that I naturally wanted to share it with Illy family.~ly mother and ~ister were open to my expe rience, but they seemed to doubt that it was for them.

Il owever, there was one big Slll!n ~

hting block to Ill)' witlle!;sing. That

was Illy highly intellectual. scientific­ally minded father to whom every­thing had to he pro\-ed. 111 addition. thue were things in his life he could not give up.

T praise God that I \\',b sa\·et! h(-,~

fore Thanksgil·ing 1961: for over the radio r heard the announcement of 1\('~'i,'altiJ/l("s Thanksgi\'ing Prayer­meeting. I felt God leading me to send Illy father's name to he pbced on the pr:tyer list. At the s:tll1(, tiJlle I interceded with se\'e ral of my friend:'> 011 hehalf of 111)' father.

God's fir~t answer to prayer came in Jannary when God baptized me with 1 li s Holy Sp irit. enabling 111('

to witness with greater power. Two weeks later my !; ister was sa\'ed and also filled with the Spir it. making twO Spirit-filled intercesso rs in the fam ily. God was moving hy ] lis Spirit. The best aTlswer to all the prayers came 111 i'o,lay when my father accepted Christ as his Saviou r :tlld recei'·cd the 1 foly Spirit in Pentecostal fullness.

Here I shall let my fa ther gi\'e his o wn testimony of whai the I.orc! has done. For although it l11eans I11llch to me, it is certainly most preciolls to him.

• • • j\lr. A Edgar Krol l. Barrv's fa­

ther, said: ,,' was a sJ..:rplir.l After spending

about eight yea rs in \'arious colleges. I was well grounded in science ami

._------------------------------------------------------------, MY PRAYER REQUEST

Xame of persoll for whom prayer IS requestcd ..

State III which he lives

o I wam to encourage a more inform:l!ion.

praycr grOUt) in my church to participate.

o End05cd i~ a special offerinG for /(1",'inlllim(: $

.\ly name





11l;l\h('l1latic~. iJllt I did 110t know a word of Scripture. 1 n fact. some of the things I heard ahout Christianity [ found e:-;tremclr hard to belie\'e. J\ly greate~t ~tu!l1hling hlocks \\"Cre the 'miracle:-.': hecause, like mall)' who ... Iudy natural phcnolllel1:t, I rejccted the "upernatural.

.. \ s a youth I remember going to chl1l'ch on Christmas and Easter, 1m! ) ne,'cr attended Suuday school. And whell I left home for college. I ju:>t ne\'cr attended chmch at all.

"\)ming my college years I played an illstruTllenl in a 'jazz' orchestra and was im·olved in drinking. smok ing. and gambling.

"After getting married . scttling down. a1l(1 working as a research sci­('Iltist for a large chemical company. I hegan to think ahOllt metaphysical things. 1 hegan to wondc r ahout the answers to questions like: \Vhal i ~ man? \\"hat is he born for? After death. what? I read hooks on phi­lo~ophy, psyc11010gy. psychiatry-jlbt ahout c\'crything except the BilJlc~

and of course did not get any sa ti s­factory answcrs.

"\\'hen Illy SOli was ahout fi\'e years old we decided he should be attend~

ing Sunday school. ;\Iy wife stayed ill the nursery with am baby da\lgh ~ ter, and I took our hoy 011 to his class. As 1 did not wan t to drive se\'eral miles hack ;"Ind forth, I de­cided to stay and aw.:nd the men's Bihle class. \ Vhat I hea rd ill this class abOllt Jeslls and Christianity made me think. The more I learned about the Hihle, the more! was con\'inced that ! would have to commit intellectual suicide to helie,·(' its leachings.

"By this time! was a well-seasoned drinker. :,\' ot a drunkard~bllt I drank e\·ery day. and I was a cha in smoker. I con tinued to go to Sumby school and became a church membe r.

"In recent years I ha\'e heen a Sun­day school teacher and an officer ill the church. I considered myself a Christian, hu \ I was not completely happy. Something was missing! 1 was ~ till searching for something satisfy­Ing.

"In April of this yea r my child ren took me to a Saturday night prayer aIKI praise meeting at the Upper Oc­torara Preshyterian Chllrch. Parkes­hurg, I'a. Three Saturday even ings later, when the altar call was given. I ga\'t~ my life to Ch rist.

"\\'hile still on \1lV knees with my

Page 11: FILE The Penteoosta.l October 21, 1962

hands lifted to God ill prai ... ('. 1 Ix.'gan ... peaking in an unknf)wn language J ~eceivcd thc hapti~m in the J loly =-'pir­H.

". \itcr thi~ gloriou~ exp<'rienc(' 111\'

:'>on told me that Ill' had writtcn t~ R(Tio:aitimr. n'(lu(-':'>tillg' pra\'er for Ill"

~ah·ation. I know now th;t throllg:il mterces .. ory prayer I \\'a-; led to the mecting at Parke~hurg.

"The H oly Spirit i~ 1I0W guiding and dirffting my life. I ha\'e no IIl'­~ire to drink or sllloke, There i~ joy III c\'crything I do :1I1d all Il1V fear~.

anxietics. and frl1~tratiOIl~ h:;\'e left me. I am truly horn again and would n~t go back to my olel lifc for any­thl11g in thi s world, Christ i" the :In­:;\\'cr to all our problems."

• • • In sUIl1!l1ing I1p the reformation that

took place after t\. Edgar Kroll re­ce ived Chri"t. Harry Kr011 says:

"\\'hen Chri::.t came into our homc . He ruined us! Ruined liS fo r the world, that is. Truly 'old things ha\"e p."lssed away: hehold. all things are become new' (2 Corinthians 5: 17 ). Families without ChriM do not han,: the slightest idea of how glorious life can be with 1lim,

"I lirmly bcli,,·c i" familv ,alva· tion. I know it is God's will: for He s.."l id, 'and thy house ' (Acts 16:31), I know J [c can do it in evc ry home no matter how good or bad the s itm­lion may seem 10 be. Thank God for a group of consecraied, Spir it-filled beli eve rs who lift ed lip Illy father and Ollr family to God in prayer during the 1961 Thanksgi\·ill({ Prayermcct­ing."

This witness to answered pra \'er ful­fills our theme for thi s year's'\\'orld Prayermeeting-" .. ,hut prayer was made .. . and his cha ins fell off," \ntat a n encouragel11ent th is !'Itorv i" to pray this year t '

If you ha\"e needs of anv k ind there is dcli\'erancc for you' in Ih~ Lord, Send your p rayer request:; 011

the coupon (p<"lge 12) and the requC!'lls will be incl uded for prayer in the /?e'"v'it'a/timr \\'orld P rayermccting. :-';o\"embcr 18, at San Bernardino Ca lif. ~;

Answered by Ernest S. IVilhams

, .-. YOUR QUESTIONS o If'''.\' s"olfltl Ihl' I/S/' oj 101'111'1'0 /If CU1ldtlllJl(,(/ ,,'hl'lI Iii" nih/I' dots 1/01 SO.\· IIIIylhilly (11'01(1 tobacco.

The Bihle i~ a hook oi pri1lclple ... _ It does IIOt mention opium or other nar­cotics by name, bllt 110lle of \I~ wOllld think it right to use the:-;e drugs.

\\'hile Ihe Bihle cloes not mcntion tobacco hy name. it doc~ a<i1lloni:-h. " liS dcanse Ollr .. ch'('s from al1 filthiness I defilemcnt I {If the flesh and spirit. perfecting holincss in the fear of God" (2 Cor inthians i:l). Thc lI~e of tobacco is certainl) a defiling hahit: mcdical doctors warn of it.-; harmful effect on the hllln:1I1 ho<h'. The to­hacco hahit al<;o en<;la\"e,.;' tho~l' who usc it. God wallis hi~ people to he frec. not hOllnd hy tobacco. "If the Son therefore ~hall make vou frcc. n' ~hall he free indeed" ( .I 01u; R:36). '

o Is il .,'rO'IY for a ChrisljOIl sixly-fi7.'l' ),('ars ohl 10 0((('1'1 Social Srcuril\' I'o\,Jl/l'lIls? '

One who ;" eligihle for Social Sc­curity henefits has heen earning thclll through the ded\l("tions tak CIi Oll t of his W;!gcs Mcr a per iod of years. T hcy a rc. therefore, his as l1Iuch as if he had been laying aside simila r 1110nies in a bank dming those years. hoping to ha\"e the bendits whell he hCCal11l' sixty-five ,

\) Jesus said, ""em/ell alld ('(JrIIJ shall pass a',,'oy, .. " (J/(lII/lI"t.1 2 ... :35). 'i ,·hill' Ecclesiasles 1:4 says, "blfl Ihe carlh abidelli forN,rr." Can yOll (".I'­

plai" Illis (Olllralliclio'L'"

Various scriptures speak of the end of the earth (e.g" Hebrews 1:10-12). Peter tells liS when and how this will happen (2 Peter 3 :7·10). III Ecclc:.i~ astes 1 :4- the writer makcs a compari­son between the lifc of llIall and the con tinuance of the eart h . lie says that one genc ration passes a way, another

geTH.'ralinn COIll6. hut tht' carth Ii\(' ... Oil

I) II I' 1111'- " b('ol /,wylll Ih"t (ljtl'r Ih,

ChurclI is call.'~"1 11,,'iI\', /11,'11 ,,-ill "1 1111,,1>/,· 10 bl(\' or HI! ull/I'ss Ihl'\' lim'l lite mark of 1111' bl'a.'" II',' an' ,,'Ult­

til'rtll.ll if this is In, I'

Ii we l1a\'(' a correct tlll(lt-r~talHhl1g­oi the Bible. what yOIl han' h('('11

taught i~ right. ,\11 left Oil the l'anh will b(' required to wke thc mark of thc hl'a"t (:-\llIichri~t). Set· Re\"l,'lation 13:1(). Ii. This indicates that hoth 1l!I:'>in('~,.; and lahor \\"ill be ;.,uhjt·ct t'n, un'ly to the will of tht' hCa~t or tn the gOY('rnmelit \\-hich he will head

I) II sllHl/b/rs 11/1' ",hOI I se(' IIIl"mhrr.f of Ihr churl'/), I1Ic/1fliiJl.f/ thr ... -ifl' (Inti dOllghtrrs of 1111' milllsla, drt'.fS('t/ (llifl

lIIatl,' II/, ill Sill'/) cOllformi/.\' 10 lli/,

'i.'orld. Ol/yht llil're 1101 10 hI' II /(if­fl'rellcr.'

\\-e arc sorry there I!'I not 1ll(ln'

~eparation from worl(lIiI16.~ ill SOIllt'

places. If yO\l arc grie\'ecl at this COil ditioll Ill)' recolllmendation is that \'011

live conscicntiomly before titc ) .(;rd I 'ele r was able to walk 011 the watl'r a<; long a<; he kept hi~ eycs on J{,-~II~ \\'hell Peter took his l've .. from llim to sec other things. he 'begall to :'>ink \ scripture which helps mc is the

words of .Ie!\Il"; to Pelcr, "\\ ·hat i~

that to litee? follow tholl 111('" (John 2122)

\\'c arc adllloni~hed hy I'aul, "Ik lIot conformed to thi:. world ... " (Ro· mans 12:2). Let II~ li\'e to the glon of God. .

If )'U'I hll1',· u £1';'111",1 /"uf,lrm Ilr 1/111'

,/110'$1/1'11 a"olll Ih,' ni/·lr. \'01/ a~r im.jud 10

;,'r i le Iu "\'Ofl' QII"Sli'~lls:" {II,. f'o/Iaos /al 1:7~I!Hld. \445 /;0(111.'111,. ,In'., SpYillldirid. .III', flrOII11"1 Irll/mllls ~'II/ IlIIn,','r (illra III 0,;£ 1',,/11"''' or by ,I pl'lsollflllcll," (1/ -,"OU

s,'lId II .f1,1I/11',·d .fdj.udJrI'ssrd 1'1111'101"')'


Page 12: FILE The Penteoosta.l October 21, 1962

'f'l<. uka. Li IH'ria COUll' willI tn(· (!II :( .... JMTd·lhl·

l.i~ht tOUT ttl oUtlll'rtl I.iix:ria (lUT SJln·d-tlll'-I.ij./hl \·olhll:.lj./1I1 I ~ I'M,kd II ilh it much ,l(,,~pd lit­('Tatun' a the .1,I:'l(ill/o( 'I'rill,l(~ c.m (-;trry (;ospd". tract~, lIihlt· 'lUdy hnoldl·"'. nnl 'Ilul It'l·d SUlld,lY ,dlo<11 (Illartcrh~'~, Hihks of all ,i1l'~. ~('\\' T{"taml'llt" "mghook,. ;tltd tht· ('vcr Iln-<ll·d dktioll,lry for til'\\' lih:ratfS. \\\. !ran' at 7 1\. ~r. tn ;.i\'oi,1 Ihc IraHif .lIul In lakt: "dl';mlOlg(' of the montirl$!' f(lohl(·~~.

-\ Ihermo, of cold \\;I\('r a1l<1 ~'J\lli'

iruil ,hould lidc U\ I)\,er u11Iil our r('\IIm in midaftcrnunn.

"Ve :trc not j./oill,l( Ltr only to K rOllwcaka. ~I yaaka . and Karloh·. Of cour~e, 11(' folltll\ a di r t road which has till' u'Uitl rlU;l11Ii l), of rocks, ,l:'ull i e~, ImUlchr" j./()"1b. ,het·p, COli". and dlirk(·n'. Btion' Ill' rt'ach our ,lc,tinalion, -I.~ mi[(" ,I\\ay, 11'1' hCC01111' 111'aT}' fr011l Ihe mll'US(' ht:at aud bl' il(itl hazc.

\\ ' I1('n we arril'C al Kronwcaka. III' eheek Ihe accounts of Ollr col­porteur. li e hOi' hi" ,mall I;lhk illtracliv{']y arr;\1ll(ed II ilh a di,· play of hook.. Sinn' he ren'i\'l'~ it len IlCr ("cuI c()llulli~, iou for hi~

, •• 1('". he ha, hi\ .!rrounh in j./o(MI onkr \\'1' ,hUll him tl1<: I1\'\\ ,up­plics 11't: I>a l'e in thl" SllCcd-Ihe­i.i,l(ht \'olkSllal(l'U aml Ihe col­]MJrteur replt: ni~h(', Iii" ~ I oek of lillTillUre anti Bihl.",

Bu,inc" j, over. bllt wt: ,10 nol kan'. The collM.rh IIf I(in, 11~ the [,,1.,,1 111'11',. If .. OIllI'{1ne 1I(·t:d, I11clli­r;ll attcntion. II C' fl'a cit for Ihe fir'l



lui kil 111 tIlt' ~Io\l compartl11('111 ami miniql'f tn tlw I,hpiral net'd, Ihat an' pTl',elllt:t!. Th,·t1, after I,r"~'~r and a worll of {'m'OUTaj.(e­IIwnl I" th(' f;lithful {'\tri,lian IIho I' m.lklllg lite prilltt:.1 "'ord :I\,,,i[­ahll' 10 hi, olin 1>('''1'11 \\( I,al'c in .1 cloll,l t)f '[lhl

:\I'xt ~Io]) :\y""k. .. I \t;rt· Ill'

rl'ptal Ollf trau,aclion II itll ~J r,. Jmll". a f.lirell .\I(·tho<li,1 ~ch'M,1

Il'arhl'r II h" likt· I" (Il _m;d! ,h'm",

'\1 Karll,ke \\1' rC]ltitt til{' filII·

lil1(' II ith the lial;olla! ]~I'lor II h" ,er\'l~\ a, our di~lrjhlllinll al.:\·lIt.

I~tturnin,l:' home. lIilh til(' trol'i. Gt! .. un ht:atilll( dOlln II\l'rci[\'"ly, WI' ~t()P along till' \\;1)' 10 lean' t rill'h at honl('~ II hl'n~ II (' WI' peo­pit: re,ling in til(' ,hark II) avoid Ihe illt"Ii';ly of I.illt ria' lIoomlay lI .. ilt.

\\'hl'n III' ("ome I') a markl'l. lit: ,t"1t til huy fr uil and l'I),:elahk, inr ol1r rldaYI·d !twa!. \\'l' are ti rt:d ;1Ilt! 11utllo;ry, bUI 11'(' ;Ir(' happy. \\ ' e hal' I' [eft Ihe 1(0,\,\·1 II hen' !It'upll' lin' and ill tltt: haml, oi Chri~tiLlII colportt:l1rs \I ho can ,up­]>lIrt Ihe printed \\'0('([ \lilh ]lC r ~

,on,IJ te.'limoni('s of hml Chri,1 lIi11 \r;lt1 ~form ,\ pa,l:'an's h\'art

Thilllk G<M[ fur the Specd-the-1,;Io;h l v(,hiele: IIMI Ita" made il PIJ,~ihk for u s to !1l;lkc Ihi~ ex­cursion loday ! T omorrow we R:O \<) Ihe Fi restolle Ruhhl'r Planta­\lOll II here we hal'e .. ight call1p~

II;ti\inp, for a I1(,W ~\l pply (,f go~-

111'1 literalurc and Biblcs.-Xon ml jo!lWltfOIt

Kolw, Japan 11,,\\ I Ihauk (uMl ior Ill\' C \',

of Ih, Ea,tl'rn lJiqrirt who ,;tl'­riiif' ,J ami pr'I},I·,1 tf) prOl·;,ll· it

Spt'('([-t!w,!.i.r.:1tt ~t,ltion IIi1C,,1I for Ihe l'I',lI1gdi7ali"n IIi J<lI';m! TIll' J,IP;W\""-m:ule TnY:IIM.·\ i, illt'it! for our II(lrk. II ha~ JU~~ hl'ln Ik-1i\l'r~<l ami IIi!! provide Ir,IIl'lltlrla tion fl,r Inany who'ollll'r\lj'I' 1I'01l11! nol he ah[e to attend ,ull go"pc1 'l·r\'icI'~. \ho il II ill prol'i,1o,; tral1~' I)l'lrtalion fn r Ihe orJlhalh in ( ;'MI', Lol'l' Children',; HOIII(' aur[ II ill carr~' Ihl' many ,u]lplie, l1teckd to maintilin our Mpitanaj:!e in Kon.,.

Ilnr,'l1rr Rl'rrx

• A Jap"nese-made Speed-the­Lillht sta tion wagon tran.porh R

tent to Ihe S;le of R new evan· geli~lic campaign.

Bible Ichool ~tuden\s 111 Et S~lv.dor distribute gospe ls nnd trACts made available Ihrough

Spe"d_the_Lij;ht ministries.

F('loka, Lihe ria

\\'1' rl'Ccntly ikll lIith Ch'lrlic 1·1 inson nl our S ]lCC(Hhe- Light plane ill10 Palipo country for Ihret' rlay, of cvange!i~tic sCf\·ir e~. It Iloulll have tal.:clI liS HI ho\lr~ of fa't walking 10 reach Ollr desti ­nation ovcrland bUI il look only eighl Illin\lte~ hy Speed'lite-l.ighl plane!

Flyill1.: owr Ihick undergrowth. Ililh clu'\('r~ of liny l'illage~ dUI­lil1g Ihe jung!c \'aslncss. i~ all in­'pirinf:: hut challcnging , igitt. 11 0\\ vast i~ our harv('~t fi eld in 5011lh­('Tn Liheria! [I could ncvtr 1M.' rcached wilhoul our STL pJane, for Ihcre arc few road, 1ca{ling 1<) Ihe intcr ior villages.

Descl'mlillJ.: 10llard Ihe rna" of green jnngle rapidly comin/o: to­ward u,. wc didn'l scc Ihc small air slrip IIl1lil wc were dircctly over it. It had becn laboriou'[y carvcd 0111 of the jun~dcs ami i, j u,t long enough 10 aI'COJ11mOdatl' ou r Ce,~na. \\'e came to a halt ~o I1car the Ire6 at the fitT end 01 Ihe ~Iri]) that we iI~kcd the Paramount Chief to have Ihe hush Clil 10 cx lend Ihe ,I r ip. This I\ 'a~ done the next day. a new wi\nc,~ to the welcome of Ihc "airbOfllt:" mi"~ionary.

Our Speed-theLieht pl .ne in Liberia n'ake. it pouible 10 ('van&elize interior villages,

Pali])() 1~ a primitive Iribe_ :\~ wc sllrn'yeci Ihe crowd Ihat ~lIr­rQtl1Hkd the plane, we nOliced Ihat clOlhes werc al a premium,


Page 13: FILE The Penteoosta.l October 21, 1962

Someone g,l\t: a ,i~l1al tu till" women, and evcry woman took uff her colorful head ti(' anrl liL"(\ it around her naked hody. The men were ks~,1.

After the national- <JanC('" Ill\" rima\ danec of w.;icOnlC and pre-3ellled us \1 ilh giib of nativc i ruits, r iu", and a chickl·n. III' sctt led down in a nati,'c hOth" tbal had been vacated for U'. Lalcf. lIe sta r ted our ~eT\·ice~.

FrOnl the beginning of the fir, t ~t; r vice wc fclt the 11/l\lers of tvil. Our work i~ ne\1 11\ Ihi" Irih,·. EI'en though large crolld~ attelHlcd our services and li"~'ncd to tile \Vonl, evcry ~tn'icc II;b a hattie wit h cvi l fo rces.

For the time being wc \lill ha\"l: 10 leave the glowing rep,or ts to someone else, This is ~o\\ing tim!.: in Pa1ipo. Pray wilh us that God wil l scnd an abundant han-cst.

\ Ve Il ill conti1ll1e to \"i,il Palipo in our STL Ces~na u11lil anOlller indi!.:ellOus chl1rch is hrought i1l1O heing.- Ralph /-loillllldsIl'o r lli

"chool, and nillc y0111l~ p,'ol,le 1,,1· I1llt<:cred as teachcr.'.

!Iavin!.: (lilT SI)C('d-IIl<:-I.ighl H­

hic1c 10 drivc to Ih ... mis, ion iicld also madc il 1)(},,,ih1c for II' I" particip .. 1h: in Ihe national Sunday ,chool cOtln'ntion of Ihe .\Il·xico _\"'('111hli~·~. \\'<: were aho ;1111.: If) knd our etlcollrag('m~llt at tl1<" Lighl for Ihe Lo,t victor), rail) 111 .\Icxico City which climaxed 'O'cral months of aggrc~,ive lit l"ralure ,aturalion an!1 personal ("l"a11j:!"clj,m camp.aip:lh In .\\cxico', rapi lal city.

);ow \\C arc to EI Sall'ador i,try in thaI li\l)c COU11lTY.-

ag"m Oil Ollr way 10 rcncw our min dcnsely l)Qpulat('d .-Irtllllf l.il1(/:·(/1I

Manila. PhilippilH'S .\Iueh of the work II'C do would

he impossib1.: if II I' did not hal'c Spced-thc-I.lght equipmcnt.

Our Spccd-thc-Light l1uhlic ad· drcss systcm is not only u,dul l'ath Sunday morning a~ r leach 1IIy largc Sunday school c1as~, hut helps rcach hl1lldrcd~ of pcople who would not oth('rwj,e Il('ar till' gospcl.

S peed·lhe· Light rad io equipment make. it po,.i ble 10 b rolldcIL. t the "Bible School of the Air" in the P hilipp ine •.

San Salvador, EI Salvador Our Speed-the-Light tn lck wilh

il s 80-foot camper was loadcd to capacity. It lI"as still dark WllCI1 W I! left Pacific Grovc, Calif. Desti­na tion . Sall S;,h'ador, EI Salvador. and anOlher lerm of scr\" icc In Ccntral Amcrica.

Crossing the Rio Gr;mdc 10 Cuidad Jua rcz, we stopped for fo ur scrvices in Ollr .\[ exican :\ 5-semhl),. \ Ve cmphasized the !lced for contact ing Ileople who arc pres­{' Il tly hcyond the reach of the church. As a n·suh . six homes were op<:ncd for br;mch Sunday

On the Speed-llw-1.ig-hIIYPcllrit­cr, ~tencils are cut \\"I11Cl1 are \0

he run on thc STI. mimcograph machine. These are thc 1c~som for Ollr fi\"e correspondence courscs.

Each Sl1nd;l)" morning from i to 7 :30 we broadcasl thc "Sunday School of the Air." Spccd-thc-1.ight has l'TOl'id<.'<.! much of the C<luiprne11l wc usc for Ihe broad­casl: an A111ptX recorder and spcaker, turntable, and microphone and choi r boo111.

Our Volkswagcn microhus helps I\> sprcad the gospel through-

out the Philipllillc~. It take> u~ to aud from the officc. to and frOlll thc radio qudio, 10 thc post office 10 11ick up our large volume of mail and scnd Ollt !.:ospe\ litcraturc, and 10 the 1>rintcrs.

This i~ why say that milch of the \\'ork wc do would be ;111-\)Qssible ii it Ilcre nOt for Spced­the-1.ight !-/I: t1mrl/t l/ rCom/Xf

BOlil sa, Upper Volta Specd-Ihe-Light made it pos,i·

b1c for four .\Io"i ministcrs to accompany me rcccm lr 10 vilb~~s

---=- / / ,

In''end of walking hours in the trop ica l sun. the superinte nde nt o f Upp er Votta cIln accompany the missionary in the Speed-the-Light ca r to minister in lhe Villa R""

OCT08ER 21. 1962

whcre thc ~O'I..:I I]1c"a~e is beillJ{ illtror.ll1ccd.

We drove ill OUf STL J~cnatl1t 10 Totl~l'Te \1 here Phil1ip.e S;I\\'a­dag-o i, pa,tor. \ 111an and ~C"cral childrcn \lCfe "al'cd at the c1",\' of Ihc morning scn-ice. The chang(' in lhi~ man has been rcm;lrkahk. Hc IIOW \lcars a happy s1lli1.: ami has inl'ited I11C to 11reach In hi, home village which is some di,­lance from Tougere.

Our IIt:.:t stop was Yaolall;o. It was market day, so we had a brge crowd. Evcn Ihe chid at· tended the scn 'iccs and encour­agNI his pcoplc to accept the go,­pcl. .\l al1Y villagcrs rcsponded to thc inl'l t;,l iol1 and acceptcd Chri~t ;" their Saviour. The rcSllI"IriSe at YaolaJ{o has been so Cllcoura~in/-: thaI II'C ha\"c scnt Job Sall"adago, a"islan! pastor at Bouba, to mll1-i"ler in Yaolago. \Ve 11 <l I'C hccn ahle 10 arran!.:c lIi lh the chid and ~ovcrnmCnt offici,lIs fo r a build­ing ,ite. A pastor 's housc i ~ nO\I h!.:ing erected. Vllt il the p..1rsonaj.:C is compklcd , Pastor Joh is lil"inJ{ al Ihc chief's housc.

\ \' ithout our Speed-thc.l.i!!:llt (-"r, wc \\ould not have heen able 10 01)l1i tl u: work m Yao l a~(J, \\,ith OUf Rcnau lt. IIC \\"i ll 1Jc abk If) rt"\urn pcriodically to Yaolago a lld cnc()ura~e the dCI'clopnlcnt of another illdij.:<'II01I; church.- f olw I'Nk





Page 14: FILE The Penteoosta.l October 21, 1962

.'0"'" R'Y'O'~" '"' WO.O 0' '.U'.


Sunday School f.CSJOII Jar Octobcr 28, 1%2

EI'!!ESIA:\'S 5:1-8,15-18: 2 Tr:.rOT!!Y 2:22-26

In observance of Temperance Sunday WC' depart frOIll our series of Old T{,!.!:I1I1cn! \c<.;<.;Ol1S nlld consider a lesson taken from Paul's epistle to the Ephesians.

The fir~l three chapters of the epistle give liS a gloriolls revelation of the Christian's 7<'l'altlz- what he possesses in Christ , his posilion in Christ. nnd its tremendous pos­sihilit ies.

The last three chapters describe the Christian's 'walk in the light of the dignity and wonder of hi s spiritual wcnlth, his divine e:llling, :lnd his cxalted position. As used by Pnul, the word "\\':llk" relates hoth to the Chris­tian's personal progress :Ind to his hehavior and conduct in relationship to others. The word occurs eight times in the book and three times in our lesson text.


"13c yc therefore followers of God, as dear children; and walk in love, as Ch ri st also hath loved IlS, ami hath given himself for I1S" (Ephesians'; ;1. 2). Love is the very essence of God's charactcr. "Cod is love'" \\'c arc Cod's childrcn and ought to bear :l family likcness to ou r heavenly rather.





j AWAY. 'COR. 9.'~2~7=q:

~l1t ;;

"1\(' imitalOr~ of Gtxf' i" thl: more literal tr;\!l~1ation an<\ is so «>Ihlt·red in TIle .\'C1l' T('s/al1lc"t ill ,llodenl 1:'lIylisfl, Hakclc}' I' asiOI/. And, indeed, childrcn clo i1\1i­tate their parents. But the child of God C:lT1 only iTllitate his hea\'cnly Father by \·irtue of the indwelling Spirit of God; we actually work Ol1t in experience the love God Himself works out in us, (Set' Philippians 2 :12, 1.1. )

Walking in thc love of God means we will "let all hitterness. and wrath, and anger, and clamor, and evil speaking, he put away, .. ;" and will be "kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another" (Ephe­sians 4 ;31, 32).

"As Christ also hath loved us. and ginn himself for us'" is thc j:k,ttern of our love. I Ie 10\'ed liS whe" we were yet in our sins and did not lo\'c 111111. His lo\'c was completely selfless and sacrificial. I t is thus that we arc to 100'e others. I mpossihlc? Yes, if we ourselves try to produce such 10\'c, But it is perfectly attainable ii we cease from self-effort and allow Christ I-iim­self to he our source of love!


Ephesians 4: 17 reminds us 10 walk "110t as other Gcntiles j the heathen and they that know flat God j walk." Paul further says: "For yc wcre sometimes dark­ness, but no\\' arc )'e light ill the Lord; walk as children of light" (Ephesians 5:8). In the intcrvening verses he describes the conduct of those who walk in darkness. The works of darkness- fornication, uncleanness, covet­eousness, fi lthiness, foolish talking, and jesting- arc to haY(:: no place in "children of figln."

"Cod is light, and in him is no darkness "t ,,11" (I Johll I :5). As lIis childrcn, wc ought resolutely 10

avoid thcse things which put out the Chri.~tiall's light.

t\ VVALK IN \VISllO:'\

«\Valk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wisc" (Ephe­sians 5: 15 ) . CirclllI/speclfy means "exactly, accurately, carefully," Paul presents a contrast between the wisdom of thosc who live as God intended them to li\'e and thc fol1y of those who live without God or eternity's valllcs in view. Those who walk "as wisc" will:

l. l?e(/eell1 the TililC. (Or, as the AmpliJil'd f,.'(>1.,'

Testa.mellt puts it, "making the most of the time- buying up cach opportunity.") The wise will i1l\'est their limc in the light of eterni ty. How precious tillle is when wc realize that in the few years o f our earthly pilgrimage we arc set tling our cternal destiny and our eternal reward I

Z Be Filled 'i"ith fh(' Spirit. The verb tran slated "be filled" significs continuous action. Here Paul does not refe r to the init ial infi lling of the Spirit bllt to a con­slant state. Only as we keep 011 being iilled with thc J 10ly Spirit do we find it possihle to lil 'c ovcrcomilll;. joyous, fruit-bearing, useful liyes.

The sllccceding yerses deal with Oll r rclatiollships to

others. As wc keep filled with the Spiri t. we shall bc able to obey all these import am exhortations. In \· iew of the appalling e\·il of our times-in view of the fact God offers llS Himself, H is Spirit in fullness-shall we IlOt allow 1-lim 10 have ahsohrtc sway as sO\'crcign oy('r our Ji\'cs?

- 1. Bashford BIshop


Page 15: FILE The Penteoosta.l October 21, 1962

N o . oon.,. wa. ,t de<iic,ned , , t han it was p ut to work , ' ,


011 :\Jay 23 Speed- th e- Li ~h t pll n.:ha:.ed ib 2.()())th n .:hi ­dc, It wa s a F ord Falcon CI11 b \\ 'agon hought with money from the Pcninsular Flori da J)i ~tric t C.A .'s for their

missionary, James J. ,\nd rews. J r, The car arri n:'d in Formosa in JlIly ready to join the fl cct of 1.999 other whi­c1es . inclllding 390 other stat ion wagons. 507 ca rs . .122 hicycles, 1 i2 motorcycles , 14 1 tr11ck~ . and o;co re" of jeeps , hoats. t railers, hll "e~ . airplanes. and other itellls.

AT R IGHT: The 2,OOOth Speed,the,Light vehide, with Mi" sionllrY James Andrews in the driver's sent, p auses before a heathen temple. BELOW: Jome~ Vigna joins Chinese C.A:s in dedication of the 2,OOOth Sptled-the-Light vehicle, They ploee On the vehide 0 cloth repre.tlnting th" Peninsular Florida C,A:$. In a diurict C, A, convention la . t Th~nkSi: iving at Lakeland. Fla" the youth laid their hands on Ihi! cloth and prayed in an act of dedication as they raised money for the vehicle, Thus tho.e who gove join with those who re<;eive in dedicalina the vehide to Chriot's service in Formo.II,

OCTOBER 21. 1962

Hrot!ll't' \1\(ln:\\~ i~ ill !:Ol'lllo:-.a illr !11~ iit'~t \erm ;I ...

a 1111~~I011aT\. The SOIl of !lli~ ... iollat'y part'\l1~, Ill' hi11l;.t,Jj \\':1~ horn in China. lit' will h .. , doing genera! ('\'al1 -

geli~ti{' work. a~~istl'd h\' Hihk ~('ho()l :-.tlldt'llh 111 and arOllnd Taipei, ! !e~;lYs: "Thanks to the ym11lg- donor ... iot' their \-i:-.ion. O ur \t' hick l't'prt':-.t'tH:-. a 10\ {If hamhll rg-­I:r~ and milk :-.hal.:6 tha t Wt're :";1criiict'd so t!tat we ('oulll h,\\'c w!tcels under tho .\lay Cod hlc~s thl' C,,\ '~"


Page 16: FILE The Penteoosta.l October 21, 1962

Tod;l.y thol\ ~;'\.lIds of CA.·s "ud thei !"

friends havc given to Speed -the-Light ill response to the challenge, }'O(

Sp('cd the Lif/h l.1 Their sac rifici ;'\.1

offcrings wil l make pos~ ible the ac­celeration of our missionary program around the world .

the eh al -l'ndollhtcdly you read about 1cnge of Speed -tile - Light III b!'t

week's E1.'CIl1fJl'I. I.asl week's i\.llpera ­ti\·c. j'Ol' Sp{'{'d the Uyhl. becomes this week':; searching qtlc:;tion: II"U'E \ '01' parti cipated i1l the 1962

Dollar Day offering? ff not, u!,e the coupon below.







(ITY .............. . . ..... STATE





of the Holy Ghost 111· ST\:\IY\, \1. IHWT():\

T1!I<EE YE.\RS 0 1 ("();\"T!;\"I OI'S IlE­

\i\al filitd thc .\/\l~a Street 111i ...... io11 n ig-h l afler nig-h t with me11. \\·Olllt"l1. :\Ild young peopk \\ ho Wt"rt.: hl1n)!;ry for God. \1:111)" mini"tu· ... frolll prac­tlc0.lI)" all (knOll1inalio1ls C;lIllt' 10 see \\·hat Cod \\"as doing. But no 011e man en'r dom ina ted {he seem." .. \ e()T1~ciotb­

Ill"~~ that thi~ \\"a:-. the J ioly :';piri t' ~

ft'\ 1\';11 ptrtlll:ated till: n:ry atl11o:-.pilere. Three clmn:Il('" ill the an:a h;ld a

real ilIon.; ill their 0\\'11 c()llg r q..:-:lt i {)ll~

hut defi1litely n:j .... cted Iht' fll lJ-go ... p<:l J1le~S:lge and th .... j'el l1l'eOslal experi­ence. ;\:; far ;b this \\"riter knows. not (l IlC of these churchl's has l'\-er had a genuinc mO\'e of the 11 0ly :';pi rit from lklt (by to thi:-.. They ha\"e gro\\"n in 1I1lmhers ami prtstigt·. hut :dl three arc lI"o rldly, lllockrni stic, liher:l1. 011C of them now a(h'ertise~ smok ing- roonb in it s hascment.

:\ o tlling stopped tin: mon: of Cod at :\Z11 .~ ;1 Stre("t, ho \\"en' r The ahar.~ wcre always filled \lany were :;0.\"(.:<1 :lIlcl healed. ~Tany rccei\'cd thl' hap­tism in the 1101), Spirit lI"ithOl1l cn:r having secn anyone rCCt·i\·c. :\ot \lIllil lat c in 190H dic\ the crowds hegin In diminish.

The multitudes who came to .\zus.a Strect did not stay long. The power Ihcy recei\'ccl scnt them out. From the \"l'ry heginning: people hegan gathering hack in thcir home communities. ~Iy gralldfather. Elmer K. Fisher. ldt thc Azusa Street ).Iissioll in 1908 to start a new work ill an Ilpst0.irs hall 0.1 327.0 SOll th Spring Street . This was soon filled with ahOtlt 350 people. By 1908 hundreds of :-itorcfronts. l\pstair~ hall..., and gospel tents became lIew ccnters for the spread of thc full gos­pel of salvation. divine he0.ling. Ihe

l)aptisl1l ill the ! loly Spirit. and the sccond coming of Chri~t.

In 19()() my fa ther . Ilarry \ lorton. heard about the AZll~a Street rCI·il·a! as he pas ... l:d a ~tJ"(:!'t meC" ting ill Oak­land. Calif. ! Ie 1\'.1:; 0 11 hi~ \\'ilY home h ) \\"il1nipeg. Canada. \\ 'he1l 11(; r each(;d \\'illilipeg hi~ fir~t (\(.'"il"(: was to filld ~OllleOlle who could tel! him n10n..­alil)ut tlli~ expe rit·l1ce. SO()I1 he fOlilld a h0111e where sOl1leon(- had brought !ht" good IlCI\"S ,lIlel had .~ta rkd cot­tag-e met' tlllgs. Ther ..... 1l1y father re­ceil"("(\ a lllighl)' lJapt i"lll . ;Illd he 11l"­C l11lC anothcr lillk in the chain thaI was :.;prl'adlllg th{' m(-ssagc ill l'\Try direction

.\/\lS<l S treet \\'as 1Iot the o illy place that ~a\\" Pt.'ntl'co:-. tal rc\"i\'al in this period . 110 1' was il th e fir",- God mo\'\.;d III many places all on'r the world. heginning ;lhol)\ th e lurn of the cen­tury. Bul . \/lbOl S treet wa::; the first to

hecome the C('IH('I" of world-wide re­\'1\":11.

The .\zl1sa Street \fission \\"a s soon ill C(ll1 tact \\"ith hclie\'ers all ovc r the world. \\ 'ork(;f S and cncou1";\gcll1elll fl~)wed frOfli It in all directions. 1..:1l­Cj uestionably. the eight to tell million Pent ecostal believers a1\ o\"er the world ha\"e recci\'ed a herit:lge thaI comes ill part from the little grou]) of helie\'ers Ihat fir s t gathered Oll B Oll­

nie Brae Street and tl1ell in :\zlI~a Street. They made AZU:-ia Street a Je­rusalem from which \\"a\'e~ of glory t'l1ci rclcd Ihe g-I ohe

• • • (Th i~ i~ the l<l,t of .1 ~efie,; of thrn'

articles. n:llrinted from T'-<IIII. the monthl y magazine for 1I)(:n. Pr~\"iou, articles 011 the .\7usa Stfl"et I<e\"i\"al appeared in the Octoher 7 :lIU\ I~ i"lle; "f the 1:1"IrH!/rl . )


Page 17: FILE The Penteoosta.l October 21, 1962

PTA (Coli /m ittel froll1 f'rlfle Hillf )

a word of tC'>Iimon)" i, 11('l't\cd .. \n undependahle 1I'0rker or an tlIl\lil1ing di:,;hwa~her will nOI he all effect in' witness,

F ifth, '("ill!l'ssiIlY 'lOt unly /Il'llrfil .. Jl'/Imv PT,-I /JII'!I1bl'/'s. hltt il i.,' IIlso (I tOlli( to OJ//" 01,'/1 spirituo! lii'l·J. Ilow mall)' of lh. particularly th c htls), mothers, ha\·e a chance 10 witness? Often om small circle of church fricnds and our own familic:. occupy all our time. Each word of wi mess­illt{ strengtllells our ,-;p irilual fiber. This is 1101 mea1ll to encourage waging a little campaign to get in a "!O<lded" remark at every opportunity, This mcthod of attack is not wise 111 :'1I1)' situalion. 1311t the ('hallces to \\"itll(' :;;_~ will be there.

Si nce e\'cry issue ha,.; ih llcgali,·c s ide, there are thing'S w('11 worth rc­Illcmberi 11g.

1. Xot en: r)' PT.\ I1nit 1" alike. Somc will he \l1llch hctter all(\ morc cffcclil'e th;l\l Olh('r~. If vom jnca l \1nit is 1101 Ihe dficiC'lll. Illhl;\1ldlll!-:"

nrg-:lIli7:l.tiOIl you <\mi others fet:! it ... hol1ld he, 111(' district :mc1 ~t;!te of­iicl'rs oi the I'T \ are alw:lY" \,-illing ami ahle to \t>m\ a hand whl'l1 help j... r('qtl('~t('(1.

2. In PT.\, :b ill allY organil.:ttion, thC'r(' i" a c1ang{'r oi IIt'coming" 100 in­\-olH'd ill too mnn\" proj(,{""h, In Iht, detriment of hon1(' and dlllrdl lii(' This C:111 apply equally to the 1''1'.\ a~ it call to Iht' dedicated llIiui"'ll"r who may b/:C0111(' too husy for tht, good of hi~ family <\ml his OWl! ... pir-itl1:11 life. ;\ \l"ord to Ilw wi ... {, i ...... uf fici('IlL

J. I It our z('al to cOllle ill ('Ollt:lCI with others to I\-ltll('~'" for th(' Lord, Wt' llHht n:m('m!Jt'r to kt'ep ou r cl()~t·_~t

fricnc!...,hips with pcople who arc Irlll) born-again Chri~lians, This will help keep the proper perspecli"e and avoid conflict of ill\cre"h.

To I'T .. \ or not to PT, \, TI1:\I'" strictly up to you, Hut rt.:11l('mh('r. " \0

I'T.\·' oflcr~ Christian parclIIs :\11 (,'<;­

cel\t:nt opportunity to do ~olllcthi\lg

for the Lord .. \1 the ~ame lilllC tilt')

will he contributing 10 Iht' \\"drarl' of Iheir child1"('\l and of the CO\11-!lH!111\ \'.

j)urin).: tilt· l';l ... t .. h ,I \.If \,,1 Ul1tl't;Tl'd to ht., a J.":r;uk nl(,tllt"r ii' I

iir't grad, f"r the I'T \ anti a,'<:q'\(' tlll' pn .. itinll "1 c!1.linll:lI1, ~ty llray,-r during tIll' \Tar lI;l', ··I.\Jnl. hl'l!, III t(J I ... · a 'Iill'It"" f"r Tht:t.· ill :\ll\" \\;\~ Thou r;u,.;t II ... ,' tnl ~l;nl~- tina', [ Ilowi<-rl'd Ii Illy Iii,· \I;h ;\\,1" to) I~';\r

irUlt i"r III\" 1 "rd.

Tht:ll llt \\-"hll",d;IY Ih..: I'T \ r!l.lirl1\;\lI "In ;\11 tit.· gr;,d,· motl1t'f ... oi "l1r ,t"h,~,1 l;Ullt' hI 1" ~t.·l' \lI,' \,

II, 1:llk,·tl, th..: "'l1ln'r~aliol\ tUfl1l',l In our p);Ul 01 f";l<lin~ Ihe Ilihk thrnlll-:h Ihi, ),;1f. ~O"II ~II ... \Ia' Il·11 11I~ Ill\' ,i l1\"r (J\\n ~Jlililllal 11I',·tl-. "he qi,l ... 11 ... II;h un'Uf,' ()f l1('f ,;II \;lliul\ and II j,l1l'd ,Iu: c()uld \';110\1

ior ~ur..: that ,Ill' lI;h _;l\·cd. l'raiw the Lord. by Ih ... helj) of Hi~ ble~sed Holy Spirit dea1in~ Ililh her heaT!. ... he wa ... ah1c to acCt.:])t Ihe Lord )"'11' Chri~t a~ ll<:r p< .. r,oll.1! ";i\'iolll" 111\"1",· in my lilin).: foom.

11ad it 11<.t h .. ,·,-Il i. ,r 111Y p;u'lit"i),;H1011 in ~("h'M,1 ;I(ti,ili.· ... 11Il'n'r IUluld 11;1\,· 111\"1 thi, fri~1It1. [a11l glad I 1.)11111'

lI·l',·n·d to "'f\"<" ill IIIl' I'T \



Ha\'c you c,'er con~idcred the dedication of the worker who embarks on a Sunday schoo l earcer? No pay, terrifying resposibility, anel an unending vista of !lew things 10 learn. nCII" methods. new materiab. new problems! You want 10 rnake the hest possible lise of Ihese workers, naturally. H elp Ihem reach the fullest realization of their talent:; by providing them wilh the know-how, inspiration. and informat ion contained every month in the Sunday School COllll!;elor. HlI)' a big enough lmndle for all!



Page 18: FILE The Penteoosta.l October 21, 1962

~~~;::N the earl y bird -


II y,11 ill no,,", II ~"m Ii-I "1 /0:111 .. ult oipli"", ,.\(11" till ~ )'011 \\ill II(' ,1"lulo: " ~n,lt i.nor jor "Ut

1:;,/11,1.-1 ,1.lil .• n,1 j"T y .ur iril·nd~

t",,_ \\" "ill Ioq.'111 Ill. ~ift ~\I".cr ip li"l1 \Ijlh (h,- nlri,tn];(~ j~,u("

lh- mol, rill)..: larly ~,," \\111 i>rm'idl' your ilitwl. IIit11 III"~ n,lI';L j"III:_'

irn' of diM)..:,·

Sl'.:n,d (hri,tnM' j.:iit r:,II' no\\' HI diu:l



Ode to The P entecos tal Evangel


took time OUI \0 read thee through When heBlth wal At ,Is bell;

Thy page, hastily were . kimmed , And yilol Inllh, were miued.

The depih l of ,oul nperienu with An Olyer-present God

Were ,.carcely pe nLlra ted \,L1 I Ilink beneall. the rod !

When illness came 10 press me down. And keep me 10 my bed.

1 r('IId Ihy fl;lowlna !NIle. lill Indifference had lied,

And. while Ihe weary houn crept by On .ilimt, p lun_rll cked leel.

In peace, I meditated on Thy meUliitU .0 sweell


I wrOte down 011 my Iholl there{ln, And filed them Ill! IIWlly

Until I could Imd Ule for them Upon 0 brilthtcr doy.

And H ellven senmed much awee ter thon [t ever did. before:

I wondered why I'd been content T o ao through life .0 poor!

Oh. ho ly. ble.t Evonl!.el, thou. Anointed by the Lord;

Lead u. into t he Deeper LIfo!. And be the Spiri!' •• word

T o drive home vitlll truth . therein. Enlur&illil. on the .11 01 ....

And let ,,"ught el$ ... forever. b .. Thy purpo.e or thine Ilim!

For how clln we e'er melllur .. up To 1111 we hope to be

Unten Ilr>Ointed Io tcrlllure Should prov .. to be the k"y

To daily. close communion with OUT blessed Lord nnd KinK.

Impi rina UI. Ihrou&hout the woo:k. Hil praile. e'er to l in ll.?


Peal"1 Hal"bol" Attack

Lcadet" Now a

Christian Evangel is t

until !>hc pnsoners kindness.

<lgam with

m:alt'd 11ll.> J <lpalle~e Chri ... tian lo\'e and

Ftlchida \\'a~ amazed. Imtead oj alrocities. he found a story of Chri ... -tian lovc. lit· cO\lld not \Illclcr ... {;lwl how 11argaret could he kind to Iht' Japanese prisoncrs when she kne\\· Iht' J apancse had killed her parcnb. J [e could not t111dcr~taJl(I how the mis­sionaries· praycrs cOllld posloihly ha\'c changed ).Iargaret's life. "\\"hat did they pray i''' he wondered.

As he rctllrned to T okyo after meet­ing the lielltcnant, Fuchida mel a Gid­con preacher. Timothy Pie:-; lch, who gave him a printed tract to read. The tract told of Jacoh DeShazer. an American hombardier who hated the,",e ~ince the Dt't:t.'mher i raid 011 Pearl llarbo r.

DeShazer, who flew i1l the Doolittle squadron, was forced to parachute ill ­to Japanesc territory, and was taken prisoner. The Japnnesc tortured him and stan'cd him. ! I i~ hatred grew until olle da)' a pr ison guard gave him a Bible to read. The tract said that DeShazer's life was changed whcn he rcad of Christ's lo\·c. and that he promised God he would return to ja­pan after the war 10 sen·c as a mis­sionary.

After reading the tract. Fuchida de­cided if the American cOllld find God by reading the Bihle. maybe It(' too could kllOw who God is by readi ng" tIll' IJible.

He purchased a Bible ami hegan 10

read it e\'cry day. "\\'hen I read Luke 23." Fl1chida

said. "my mind immcdiately flashed hack to :'.Iargnrel Co\'e1\·s parents. Then 1 under::.lood wh:\I 111(>y had probably prayed before their execlI­tion. " In Luke 23 he read of the crucifixion of Christ, who prayed. "Fathel". forgive them. for the)' know tlot what the)" do."

·'N01.v r lI11dcl"stood, for 1 met Je­sus that day. H e cnmc into my heart. and now He li\'es III lIle." Fuchida said.

"From that time on,'· he said. "1

dnlicakd Illy liic to !-.l·r\"ing God." FlIchida cliscon·red. as have thou­

,ands of others all O\'('r tht' world. that ··if any man 1,c in Chri"l. ht· i~ a nl·\\· crt'aturc: old thing: ... nn' pa~"'l'{1 away; h('hold. all Ihing,.; are h{'collle 11(.'\\··

(Z Corinthian,.; .:; : 17) Each of us may b<.' "in Chri~t" ii

we will permi t Chri ... t to he in lh.

\\-ill you let Ihe Lord jesus come into your life: Il l' will transfo rm it frOIll ; life of sill to Ihe life of a Chri ... tian.


~Ii~,>i()nar}' \'irRil F. Smi th IIrote Ir0111 Sao Paulo. Bra?il. to r eque~l praye r for his wtfe who was hOl>pitali?ed after a hip fracture. 5'i5t('r ~milh had hecn suffering greatly for twenty days, he sa id. and W;h

totallv hd[lk~~. She rccci\-cd ~e\"eral

hlood transfu",ioll~ and injection,>. Please pray for her rcco\'ery from thi~ injury alld from Parkill~OI1\ dise;l'''.


15TH .\XXL"".\J. PFX.\ CO:\,\,EX TION-Oct 30-Xo\·. 1 at .\ngellls tempk, Los .\nge1es, Ca li f. For informatiol1 II rite. Earl \\". Dorrance. 3419 Glclldalc Rlnl.. l.~'" .\nRd~~. Calif.

:\IISSIOX:\I<Y COX\·EXTlO~ Oct. 28 at Fir~t .\,<;cmbly of God, SpartanlnlrR . s. C. D. I.. Jolley. mi~~i')nary to Ghana. main ,>peaker.-hy I.. :\1. Hadler, l)'l~tor.

TR[-STATE RAl.l.Y-Xo\,. II. 12. at Go"pei Tabcrnacle. Sioux F"ll~. S. Dak. Thoma~ F. Zimmerman. gllest spea ker. Servin's on Sunday at i :45 p.m.: ~loHday at 2:30 and '1:45 p.I11. Dinner at 5 Jl.Ill . \V~\C ami :\\ F services at 6 :30 p.m.-by AHdre\\· S. Tellber, pastor.

DEDICAT10\l of ncl\' Tahoma A.sem­hly of God, !llaplc V;dley \\'asll.. Oct. 21 at J p.l11. District Supcrilltenucnl l~. J. Carlson. ~llt'aktr.~br GJcn D. CoIl' . pa~tor

STUDY PAUL'S LETTERS "A feast of good things prepared by a veteran and wnter.

teacher "






Page 19: FILE The Penteoosta.l October 21, 1962


\13 .



D,C. Fla.

III. Ind. 101.'::1



~laS5. ,\Iiell

/IIi"". /l liss.

~ r o,

Ncbr. N. Y.

N.C. Ohio




T~nn ,




Fajcttc \ lon tgomef"l' Phenix Cit)" Fillmore F'ont:ma Hanford "o1tvill~ Oro,ille San Fr.1!leisro Santa Rosa Clifton 1)('I1\'CI

\Vashington Apopka Tallahassce Tampa Carlill,ilk Plainfield Ccdar Ibpids Ft. /llaciison Anthony EI Dorado Ellsworth Emporia Ilutehinson }ewell Paob Pratt Ilornbeek \Vest /l iouroe Taunton Detroit F'ennville OilCitr I'lrmolltl, "I'loy Long Prairic COhUllbus Jackson Boli"ar /llorchonsc Hassett Baj' Shore, L. I. Ncw York H.ochcstcr Ahoskie Ikthel Lor:zin Commanchc Tulsa T ulsa \Vc1cctb \Velcetb ,\ Iedlord Sutherlin \\leston New Kensington Slatc College \Vindsor 1\ladiwn Daingerfield Ft. \Vorth Ilighlands Ifouston Jacksboro Port Lavaca \Vaeo Ral'en \\'arwiek i\lap1c Vallc)' i\bple Valle)' Fond dll LIe Kallkallna /lladison Hiee Lake llangalore

\ SS I·: \IBl.Y

·\'G Cal",\" Girard MG First


Oct.21·2S Oct. 22:\,o\". 4 Oct. 24",,0>", 4 Oct . 23-28 Oct 16·28

Erllest Olin" Bobh\" jJd..50n Gr.l11t [)a111c! DOIIIl1'3'1l~' II J Keener

Templo La IIcTlnosa Oct 21·No\ 4 D. Bann. Sr First Ocl, 16·15 T OIllIll\" & DarlCIIC Bc-a,d First Oel, 28:-':0," II Rlllh Jachon Belhel Tcmple Orl .28- Quenlin Frh,·;m!. h rst On 28· '-'0'· I! \Ia" ill Sdulli<1t First Oct. B-No\'. 4 JCTf"\'& \I rs, Roherts Firlt O ct. 1'-:\'01" 4 \I u$ica\ l.ehl.1Ch Ful1 Gospel Tah Oct. 21· Nol" 4 llatticllJmlllOlld A/ G Oct 2880" I! Cha~. L Cooper New Light Oct. 21- Tom \I chor Glad Tidill~1 Oct 21' ;\'0\'. 4 Rohcrt 1\0l{crs Fi r$t Oct. 2}.Nov. 4 ;\'onllall & [-:,'el\'11 H.I'" A/G Oct. 16·28 Cox·firown Tealll I'm! Oct. 23·28 Bob & Pat I,udwi!: Cal\";If' Fitst Oct . 21·28 -\ J Chand01ll1et A/G Oct 23.'\'01', 4 Franl \brlin A/G Oct 17.'\'01' 4 R. H \Iorrison I\l G Oct. 14·18 John Freudl First Oct. ZINo,' -+ Ste\,e & Pat H. e~ro~t First Oct. 24--- Charles Clahtree AlG Oct, 18·25 C. -\1 . SlIlItle)' A/C OCI. 21·No,' 4 W ard & ~rr$. Pop.cio) A / C Oct 21-No>". 2 CharlC$ Senechal A/ G Oct, 17·28 ,\ C&\Ir<;,Cabw;1\ rirl! Oct. 6-2 1 jeff & Ren;1 Gibbs Firu I'ellt. CII. Oct. 28·Nov -+ John .\ . Stal1iujls Brightmoor Tah. Oct. H ·18 Nei l E\kc1in A/ G Oct 21·No\" 4 Glenna Ihard A/ G Ch Oct, 22·1\'0>" 2 Floyd Petrlleci First Oct. H·No\". 4 Bob & Jeri Winford AlG Oct. 16-28 l{a~' C. Es):cli ll A/ G Oct. 21·28 Dick & ;\',lI1ey /ll essner Fint Oct, Zl ·No\". -+ J. :\' Graham South$ide Oct. 21-Nov. 4 A. I. Chamlonllct Al e Oct 14- Jimmie Rohertson A/ G Oct 21- Samuel V . Calk A/G Oct. 28- C. lIl Smitley A/ G Ocl 16·No'·. 4 C llas. B, (J;lck ) Pele rs Glad Tidings T ab. Oct. 28- \Valson Argue Glad Tidillgs Oct. H-No\". 4 Charles K Cralll Fmt Oct. 2\·No,'. -4 I\rthllr Bri,lol A/ C Oct. 21-No,' . -4 101111ny& 1111$. Ganison Broadway Oct. 1 i·Nov. 18 Sunshine Part)' First Ocl.22- Al D~vi$ n~w5011 Oct. 22-No\", 4 Bill)' n . Guthrie \Vest Tulsa Ocl. H~ Eddie \\'ilsoll AIG OCI. 14·28 lIarold I. B~):er

• l\ / G Oct 14·Z8 )'.lrs. Marie Baler Bcthel Ocr, 16·28 Fuchsia T. Parnsh A/G Oct. H·No>" -+ Garfield J. Unruh A/ G Oct 23- T hc ,\ll1 sic-a1 C,ant~ '[l,c Gospel T~b Oct. 16-28 C al\in Mclton AlG OCI.17-28 Pent. Lighlhouse Oct, 2}·No\" 4 Firsl Del, H.No,·. 'i First Oct. 21 ·No\·. 4 Ri"crsid~ Oct. 28·No .... 4 First Oct. H ·No>". 4 Greens B~roll Oct. 21·28 Fir~1 Oct. 23·No\'. -+ First Oct. H·Nov. 4 Eighleenlh 8< Pinc Oct. H·No>". 4 MG Oct. 23-No,·. 4 AlC Ocl, 28-No\" II Tahollla Oct. 21.2) Ta hOllla Oct, 26·28

Bu sse Team Andrew & i\lrs. Basel! Ernie Eslehll Dwight 8< /llrs. Edw:I(ds George I b)"t1= Mile \\ ' right Family SIJII ~!c1'herson B. R. /llinloll Joel & lIlrs. 1'31111er \\' arrcn Lilzman DOli LogJII Peiffer-Hardell TC:lII' Dale Carp·enter Glenn llorst

I' \ST()K

I F Robinettc I' L ' i\OIl Fmor\' \ndrCln '- F Carl~n \hon T odd Fllnquc COll7JleS V [ nri~g('rs

Ghas. It, Shn~~ C"a~. G. \\ nton \\111 0 V,cLerr /1'. \"slell V r Gre", \l c:\rt"l11 JoIlJ) J)"k Iloffer Fr. Stuffkbccm P J) Crccl Robert Sandiorl Clenll Bllrnside hed Golt""ld \\ F RI$lIer Rohert [) Box \ nthon"lleni~a,

C n Atehi~on I J Iiollis Russell R e~roat

Gkll Jenkins Roherl! HOI d Glen /\ hlf I1.HlIld \1 0$5 Fred D. W all R. B~rgstrolll Bond ]' 110\\ IIIJII V .L. Barker J:rck 110llc,cut lohll \\'a1asb)' Louie I r C ala" .1\ j;lI11n KlIIg 11, Youngblood J F. Pa!lo ll C. C. Wiegalld T er/ah G. Peny George F. Rohde EllgCIlC Benlalll;n \ I.lIie E. Da\'id \1 C:Hlson Lester Jarrell V)r1l'elliber Keith S",;lh / \ V. ThollIesoll C laude BOle \\' . II. Kenneme r C. E . Sherrod C E. Sherrod L. D. Kranse n, 1.. Nultellller Fr:lllk Dc RO'50 Asa 1\1 :lltill Leo St:lTller Robert Shipp Jay Alford Robert SlIlith Elbert \\, ilkll1wn Jim ~lorri s SUllllllelS

D. \V, CJlcotc [Janie! ,\I osier Sam OToole \V. \\" SlIIilh L. Ilowe Glen D . Colc Glen D Cole

A IG Ocl. 23·No ... -+ Arthur & Anna Berg \\'m. L. \\'illiams A/ G Oct, 16-2S Raymond & 1Ilrs, Leonard \\'altcrl'. T)"wn A/ G Oct. H-No,'. -+ Bill 8< VCTlla /llcl'herson G. / /l1:llld,go Gospel T ab. Oct. 23·No,·. 10 Low'ell LUlI(l\trolll I'arly )'. ' ark Carter Ale Oct, 28-- DOlllle!-I !ol1er T c;1I11

• Children's Rcvival

Announcement; should reach Ihe Department o f Elall~ellsm 30 days in ad"",cc, due to the bet that 1 11 £ PEN1ECOST AL EVANGEL ,; made up 25 da)"s before the dlle which apPeJll UpOIl it.

OCTOSER 2 1. 196 2

Classmed Ads Th" "lulII" .. ,,!i~,~.! • a ' .. "a h' nur

r~:"k.-. .\11 ~,!, ~r~ carefully '<·'~r"ed I,d"r~ d,'

'~I''''''''~ hUI \,.,hlie3Ii,,11 01 a,l. ,1,,(, ",>1 lI(c.,.r>a"I~· illdi.,.al~ ~lIdorsCIII~II' 01 'hr a.h~rl"tr'

N \T~:S .1;" ~ ".".<1 n.;"illlum charge $~.W Hr· "'r~ ,ul ",illll'lI all ad. 'HII<' I"r c"n'l,kl t i"I", mall,," a",' "'''1')' htwk ... \d.lrc" .\dHrt"HlIr \1;111 ~1I~r. TilE 1'f','TE("{)ST,\L n'A\'GH, 1445 li(><>hVilk "·cnu(. :'-Ilri,,/{hd,!. )I'~.wun


I-:TFNX .. \TI01\.\I,l.Y h.XOWX SI'F.C1 ALI STS Wr;," f.or ithl,tuttd pric( Ii,1 Norri, Hook· !,illdru. l;r<,~n"·,,,,d .. \I,",; •• ippi


\[\:\,\(;ER OF F\II'LO\EF ('.\FET FRI, \ al .\",·,u\,h.,. .. j {;,~I h~a<l(llIanr" Write 10 J'cr ."nnel { Iffi,'~. 1+15 U,-,,,".-.11~. SplII,/{li~I']. ~Ii,.o.,,,, /:i"'''1I: .. ~pt'II~II(,(, <l1l~lifi<·.1!i"n,. lI"d rrint1l.,. .. '


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l'IA1\O 'IT :\I:',G Wl: ICKLY l.E,\R1\ED "",'lIh home .IIIdr COllrH. Iliplon,a . italllcd, . \\·rll. .\m<'rion ~,hool of Tun;n; . Cdroy. Cahiorlli~


nINI !;T~ I:\ S GIFT Sl'HS(,R[ PT10~S 10 Th .. I' ellle~o' la l E,'anJlfi al ,pc(;al rau, First 011.· )r~r Juh'",;pt;"" $.?50; each ad,lilinllal o1l~'ycat .,uh.('r il'liol1 $..',25. I' ri«. slillh tly h;~h~r 011 lorei lf" .'dtlr .. 1'.... .·\llr~('li\T Jlift can\ and ",alrhi".!! (lI\"d0p" for ud, $ubscril'tH>Ii ordered Thc 1'(IIICCOSlal £vnllRel, ]445 lIo"n\"itlc I\Y <'O"<", Sl'rillllfie\(I, .\Ii ,,,;,,, ri .


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HOW TO I\IN YOn< F/I.\tII.Y TO ("lOllS"!, by E"ang~l i'l DOli {;"'UIl, (1ovr''',,1e. lIrili,), {·ol"n,hia .. \ ",(s~a~c u,.d of l;od to ".", 1II0r. Ihall Ihrc~ Ihou'~IIt1 "<""$ in mn( yUH. Free. ;';ew hooklct. HOLD AS A LfO~. S~I"t Olle dollar, Onla Iro",: 1I0~ 2, lllainc, \\" .1.h;n l/lo,,-


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IIle dolbu. Free !arl:e .:<Ilo r ca la lol!. W"u diaN to ([-(OWN DII'O!<TE!<S, lI o~ 17SE, 5,ou>< Ci l,. 2, lo,,"a.

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Ct; I"]'.\RS! Hit; D1SCOC1\TS 1<. t:hristian.! Famous make •. Siandard or d~c1ric. ",,·c·day homc trial. Ea. ,. Icrtll . Trade-inl. Free calalGI! I\ '",e (;\,;1'1'.\1< \\'Ullt.D. Deparllllelli PV, 2003 We" Chica go ,\veil"', Chicago 22, l11illo;,.


OUTRE,\CII ISSl' E of The l'( nl (Co"al EV.>I1 · J:d. sp~c ially pr~Jlarcd for <loor·lo·door diSlribulioll . Only $2.50 pcr hUlldred copiu, 1"'"'1>3i,t allY ""here,,, U.S .. \hllnllun, ortle r 100 .,.opie~. Term" c~.h Order frolll The l'(nl~<lal E,·allge!. 144, lloollvitlc. SprinKficld • .\Ii .. ouri. .hk for OUl· reach hu,c N"UIlIv<:r ZSZJ.

2 1

Page 20: FILE The Penteoosta.l October 21, 1962



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POCKET SIZE COMMUNION SET. "The Pocket Sudbury." Specially de ­signed slender model. The four crystal Communion glasses are placed conveni­ently near the front edge, thus permit _ ting access when in usc at a sick bed. Four crystal glasses, a cleanable fros led­crystal flagon fitted with an air-tight Bakelite cap. a polished metal wafer con· tainer with a spun metal serving plate for cover, arc all tucked into a specially de­signcd metal-framed leatherette fabric­covered case, slender in design. casy car­rying in a coat pocket.

8 EV 5SZ4 $7.50

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17 EV 7171 $1.00

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17 EV 7170 $1.00


Page 21: FILE The Penteoosta.l October 21, 1962

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Size 5 1/ 2 " 81 / 8 " 11 / 4 inches with mops

This large-size edition of the Scofield Ref ­erence Bible is identical I>age fo r pa){c with the :-"l il1 io ll t ype Biblc §. Roth type fa((.·~ a re extrc1l1ely readable. Choice is a maHer of personal preference.

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l E V 252




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but that the world throuch himl ( i00i1 1. . ... '. midlt be 'saved. ..--Jtiod.

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Page 22: FILE The Penteoosta.l October 21, 1962

M itsUQ Fuchida

\VIIII. E /,<!,\;-<\' WERE BTILL EATI"'\.

breakfast on December 7, 19-t 1, Com­mander !\ l itstiO F\1chic1a fired Ol1e "black dragon" into the clear blue sky from the window of his bomber high over the Pacific.

T his was the signal for the devas­tating attack on Pearl I !a rbor which brought Japan and the U .5.A. into armed conflict. Fuchida was the com­manding officer who led the 360 planes in that sneak ass:lult.

Today Fuchida is :l born-again Christian, I [e turned down the highest military job in the Japan A ir Force to organize a five-member evangelistic a ssoc iation in Japan,

Now 59 years old, he lo\'es to tell others of his conversion to Christ. I fe often participates ill evangelistic ef­forts o f the Pocket Test:.\Il1el1t League in various lands.

When \Vorld \Var I I was over. Fuchida was the only aile of the 70


.... , ...

"I believe that God laid J I i:; hand 011 me and protected my life for some strange rcason.'· he ~aid. "Rut T did 110t know why.

"At that time I waS a Buddhist and Sh intoist, and did not know who (~od is. S ince there are more than eight million gods ill Shintoi sm. I was constantly searching to under:;tand who God is, and why I Ie spared my life."

Bitterness swel!cd in Fuchida's hea n \\·hen the ,\mericaTls would punish .I apanese for alleged war crimes.

On the li st of prisoners returning to Japan after the war he noticed the name of an old friend, Lieutenant Shohe; Kancgasaki. who was impris­oned in a hospital in Utah along with about twellty other badly injured Japa ­Ilese prisoners.

Fuchida Illet the lieutenant's boat when he arrived in japan and asked ho\\" he had been treated by the Ameri­cans while a prtsoner. I fe expected to hear tales of torture and agony.

Pearl Harbor Attack Leader Now a Christian Evangelist

The amazing experie nce of a Japan cse waf hero who learned 10 lov c hi s ene llli es.

office rs who led the attack 0 11 Pearl I larbor still li\' ing, AI! the others were killed. At least six tinles during COI11-

bat he faced ce rtain death. bnt always escaped miraculously.

Fuchida was in I firoshil11a the day before the atom ic bomh leveled the ci ty. killing thousands. Fortunately. he was summoncd to the Japanese mili ­tary headquarters in Tokyo for a con­ference the day bcjor(' the bomb was dropped.

\\' hen the J apanese wa rlords ill Tokyo heard about the A-bombings, Fuchida and eleven Olher japanese military leaders flew to II iroshima to inspect the damage. They wcre there for two weeks, knowing nothing of the danger from the deadly radioac­tiye fallout blanketing the area. All of the t\\"el\"e military leaders except FuchicJa died because of radiation sick­ness. Fuchida suffered no effect what­eve r from the radiation!

J !lstead. rtlchida was lold the :;to!")" of an eighteen-year-old girl named \Iarga ret Covell who had been an angel oi mercy while the lieutenant was in the hospital.

:\Iarga ret was the daughter of m Is­

sionary parents ill Japan. \\ 'hen the war began. the Co\"el1s fled to the Philippine Islands, taking refuge III

.\Ianila, and lalcr in the Illountains of Luzon.

\\'hen Ihe Japanese imaded the Philippines. the Cm'ells were captured hecall s(' they hac! with thelll a small radio recein::r ; Ihe japanese soldier~ mercilessly shot the Jllissionary couple as spIes.

When .\Jargaret first learned of her parenls' dealh. her heart was fil1cd \\"ith hate for the Japanese. Lncr she learned that before he r parents died. they prayed for nearly thirty minutes. .\Iargaret's attitude gradnally changcd

(COlltillll('d on pay(, f"'l'lIty )