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Fiinovation ties up with Deen Dayal Upadhyay Hospital for organizing blood donation camp

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New Delhi, September 29, 2016: In connuaon to its endeavour and unwavering commitment to serve the community, Fiinovaon, a leading reserach based consultancy in CSR, organized its 4th Blood Donaon Camp with Deen Dayal Upadhyay Hospital at Okhla Phase III New Delhi. The camp was organized in line with their objecve of bringing social change and impact. The annual blood donaon drive was also organized to extend support to the increasing blood demand in various hospitals. With the theme, “Blood connects us all”, Fiinovaon focuses on raising awareness for the need of safe blood and blood products.

OnOn this iniave, Mr. Sumitro Chakraborty, Founder and CEO Fiinovaon, said, “It’s a maer of pride and im-mense contentment to contribute towards our society through the noble endeavour of donang blood. As per World Health Organizaon (WHO), India requires approximately 12 million units of blood every year. The blood shortage is one of the leading cause of million of deaths in cases of road accidents,major surgeries, complicated pregnancies, disorder cases like sickle cell anemia, thalassemia and haemophilia. Even though we organize the camp every year on our Foundaon Day, the requirement has been at a all me high looking atat the Chikungunya outbreak. I would like to thank all the Fiinovaon employees, volunteers and Deen Dayal Upadhyay Hospital officials who have become part of this earnest deed”.

An overwhelming response towards this noble iniave was observed as around 146 volunteers from nearby offices such as Leo Burne, Madisson, DHL, Serco, etc. from Okhla Phase III, New Delhi enthusiascally par-cipated in the drive. The success of the campaign can be gauged from the fact that 120 units of blood were donated in just one day.

This is the fourth year when Fiinovaon is organizing the Blood Donaon Camp on its Foundaon Day. The drive comes close on heels with the current Chikungunya outbreak that has gripped the naonal capital. Looking at the success of previous drives, the company is commied to connue with its legacy of servicing the society.

Innovave Financial Advisors Pvt. Ltd. (Fiinovaon) is a research based consulng company operang in mul-ple disciplines of the social development sector with emphasis on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Sustainability programmes.

Fiinovaon started its journey in the year 2009 and has grown phenomenally in every aspect of operaons in the social sector. It has also been successful in bridging the gap between businesses and communies through value based CSR Projects by engaging with various corporaons and credible NGOs in the field of health, environment, educaon and livelihood. Fiinovaon offers CSR consulng services which have helped organizaons pave their path and explore mediums through which corporate funding can be channelized for the upliment of community on societal, economical and ecological aspects.

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