Download - Fight for Faith Project Summary


Prepared for:

Prepared by: Charles Roach | Fight for Faith, Inc.

June 14, 2011

Fight for Faith, Inc. 185 Horseshoe Circle Athens, GA 30605 T 706-207-7416 [email protected]

Table of Contents

Executive Summary 1

Core Mission Statement 1

Assumptions 1

Augmented Purpose 1

Verbal Promotion 2

Goals of Project 2

Milestones 2

Sustainability & Volatility 3

Foundational Scriptures for Project 4

Implications from Web Application 5

Frequently Asked Questions 6

How does meditation on scripture battle against unbelief or increase our faith? 6

What does it mean to fight? 7

Why is it necessary to fight for faith? 7

What or who do we fight against? 7

How do we fight? 7

Why should we fight if it’s up to the Holy Spirit for revelation to increase faith? 7

Why do we fight for faith instead of fight for love, hope, kindness, etc? 7

Can this site hurt relational accountability, Christian fellowship, or grieve the Holy Spirit in any way? 8

Team 9

Board of Directors 9

Board of Advisors 9

Leadership Team 9

Staff 9

Event Volunteers 9

Web Application Wireframes 10 i

What is a WireFrame? 10

Home Page 11

Prepare for the FIght (Search Page) 12

Scripture Results Page 13

Scripture Meditation Pages 16

Read, Write, Speak, Sing, Memorize, Study, Connect, Go 16

Fight Now (Step 1) 17

Fight Now (Step 2) 18

My Account - User Information 19

My Account - Most Helpful Verses 20

My Account - Ebenezer Stones 21

My Account - Prayer Log 22

Schedule 23

Development Budget 24

Overview Start-up Costs for Fight for Faith Project 24

Pro Forma 25

5 Year Anticipated Budget 25

Leadership 26

Board of Directors Involvement and Biographies 26

Jacob Copetillo - Director of Visual Modes and Cadence 26

Charles Roach - Visionary Architect, Door Holder 27

Matt Wetmiller - Director of Relationships and Accountability 28

Contact Information 29

Donations and/or Pledges 29

Newsletters and Involvement 29

Board of Directors Contact 29 ii

Executive Summary

Core Mission StatementThe core mission of Fight for Faith is to glorify the one true God by enjoying Him with all our heart, soul, mind, and


AssumptionsAssumption #1: To glorify and enjoy God, we must first believe that we all fall short of His glory because of our hostility

towards Him, yet because of the love of God, He became a man, Jesus, and took our punishment on Himself, so that

we, through faith in this fact, can be with Him in paradise forever (See Romans 3:23-24, John 3:16, Romans 8, &

Romans 10:9). In this hope we are saved (See Romans 8:24).

Assumption #2: The Bible is the inerrant Word of God and within the Bible, powerful and faith-giving truth is revealed

concerning these things (See 2 Timothy 3:16).

Assumption #3: While living in this world, we are still subject to evil desires, pain, difficult circumstances, and injustice.

The Bible is our “sword” that helps combat or fight for faith in Jesus where we can say, “Who shall separate us from the

love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or danger, or sword? ... No, in all

these things we are more than conquerors through him [Jesus] who loved us.” (Romans 8:35, 37)

Augmented PurposeTo encourage people’s faith in Jesus, Fight for Faith will build a website to help recommend scripture according to

people’s needs. Users will interact with the Bible from both personal and communal standpoints. Each interaction is

secure and private. The data generated by these interactions will drive the Fight for Faith recommendation engine and

facilitate action steps for increased involvement in new or existing Christian organizations. 1

Verbal PromotionPrimary: “Fight for Faith is a way to recommend Bible verses according to people’s needs.”

Secondary: “You can interact with the Bible in multiple ways (reading, memorizing, studying, song writing, connecting

with relevant organizations, etc.) with free membership on the website. Based on these interactions and your most

trusted community connections, the website is able to credibly recommend truthful scripture to help increase your faith.”

Tertiary: “For example, if you find out you have cancer, go to, input the issue your struggling with,

and based on crowd-sourcing, Fight for Faith will recommend scripture you can interact with and act upon.”

Goals of Project• Encourage people’s faith using the Bible.

• Provide an online platform for many to be both involved with and heavily influenced by the word of God on the internet,

so that Christ (Word of God) will be on the throne of hearts.

• Provide a communally driven yet personalized platform to cultivate faith based on the user’s current needs (see 1

Chronicles 16:11-12)

• In faith trying times, provide a solution to help remind users of God’s sovereignty and love...

When shadows fall on us, we will not fear. We will remember. When darkness falls

on us, we will not fear. We will remember. When all seems lost, when we’re full or

we’re tossed, we’ll remember the cost; we rest in the shadow of the cross.

“Shadows” by David Crowder

Milestones• Obtain credible and relevant endorsements and supporters

• Obtain approvals and permissions from publishing companies and/or foundations controlling the rights to the 25

English Bible Translations for use on

• Conduct research to:

• Design the application for maximum visual and functional effectiveness across a diverse population

• Engage the user audience in providing appropriate data for the relevance recommendation engine

• Balance scripture search results between declaratory scriptures (God is good, etc) and imperative scriptures (Do

this, Do that, etc) . Please see the FAQ section for more information on this topic

• Raise $83,900 for the project’s development cost as well as $33,620 for 2011 Operations. This totals approximately

$120,000 to get the website operational. Total amount needed is $630,000 for sustainability. See marketing plan,

budget and pro forma for details. 2

Sustainability & Volatility

**For in depth analysis of sustainability & volatility, please contact Charles Roach ([email protected]) to request a

copy of the FIght for Faith Integrated Marketing Plan. The following topics are covered in this report.

Growth & Repeat Website Use

Revenue Streams

Optimal Use of Resources

Competition & Pre-product Development 3

Foundational Scriptures for Project The following scriptures are only a few of the foundations for the Fight for Faith project.

• “So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.” - Romans 10:17

• “And without faith it is impossible to please him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and

that he rewards those who seek him.” - Hebrews 11:6

• “For in it [the gospel] the righteousness of God is revealed from faith for faith, as it is written, ‘The righteous shall live by

faith.’” - Romans 1:17

• “For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of

spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.” - Hebrews 4:12

• “Fight the good fight of faith...” - 1 Timothy 6:12a

• “I have stored up your word in my heart, so that I might not sin against you.” - Psalms 119:11

• “You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures

forevermore.” - Psalm 16:11

• “The sum of your word is truth, and every one of your righteous rules endures forever.” - Psalm 119:160

• “Think over what I say, for the Lord will give you understanding in everything.” 2 Timothy 2:7

• “I will say of the Lord, ‘He is my refuge and my fortress; my God, in Him I will trust.’” - Psalm 91:2

The following scriptures are from the perspective of those working on the Fight for Faith project.

• “But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called Today, so that none of you may be hardened by sin's

deceitfulness.” - Hebrews 3:13

• “Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to

their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.” - Ephesians 4:29 4

Implications from Web Application• Encouragement for those who are on their computer much of the day (Hebrews 3:13, 1 Thessalonians 5:11)

• Many who work on and/or are dependent on computers will have an effective, wholesome, and worthwhile tool to

combat against temptations that come while facing a computer screen many hours a day (boredom, monotony,

frustration, laziness, hopelessness, loneliness, pornography, etc.)

• Increased intimacy with the Almighty and knowledge of the Truth

• See Psalm 46:10

• Custom scripture meditation layouts for each user will help personalize time in the Word

• Word search, explication, definition, and research tools will also help the user dive deeper into the truth of the Word

• Increased faith

• Previous and current meditations

• Prayer requests tracking

• “Ebenezer Stones” journal tracking

• God’s promise that we will find Him when we search for Him in His Word (Matthew 7:7-8)

• Renewed minds of users who dwell on the truth (See Romans 12:2)

• Study or training tool for discipleship relationships, accountability relationships, students in middle school, high school,

college and seminary

• Pastoral Information

• The Administrative Panel can track non-personal data based on types of scripture meditations. It will also

categorize the data based on frequency of use and user relevance. This information can be given to pastors of

larger congregations to help understand where their congregations are struggling and where they could use

encouragement as a whole

• Data mining and data mapping to better distribute resource and counseling attention

• United Effort for Encouragement within the body of Christ at large

• Because we “do not struggle against flesh and blood” (Ephesians 6:12), we can analyze, using the data gathered

from this system, where the enemy is making the most use of his efforts at specific times and combat accordingly

in accountability relationships 5

Frequently Asked Questions

How does meditation on scripture battle against unbelief or increase our

faith?For the sake of accurate communication, we’re going to define meditation as extended thought, contemplation,

reflection, and dwelling on the truth of God, namely Christ revealed in the Bible. Right meditation should let the truth of

God saturate our minds and hearts, therefore changing our desires or conforming our minds to the mind of Christ (Phil

2:5). There are many ways to meditate on scripture: reading, writing, speaking, singing, being still, studying, memorizing,

moving into action, etc. We call these “facets of meditation” and they can work together to bring increased faith.

Reading/Writing: “...but these [signs from Jesus] are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of

God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.” John 20:31 emphasis added. See also Dt 6:9, Prv 3:3, Heb

8:10, Jn 5:47, Rom 16:26, 2 Tim 3:15, Ex 31:18, Jos 1:8, 1 Cor 4:6, 2 Cor 3:3, Rev 1:3.

Reading/Speaking: “So faith comes from hearing, and hearing from the Word of Christ.” Romans 10:17

Singing/Songwriting/Making Music: “Sing to him a new song; play skillfully on the strings, with loud shouts.“ Psalm

33:3. See also Ex 15:1, Ps 27:6, Ps 67:4, Ps 100:2, Ps 119:54, Ps 147:7, Eph 5:19, Col 3:16, Jas 5:13.

Being Still: “Be still, and know that I am God.” Psalm 46:10. “Therefore put away all filthiness and rampant wickedness

and receive with meekness the implanted word, which is able to save your souls.” James 1:21

Studying: “By faith we understand that the universe was created by the word of God, so that what is seen was not

made out of things that are visible.” Hebrews 11:3. See also Luke 24:45, Prv 3:5 and ***especially Ecclesiastes


Memorizing: “I have stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you.” Psalm 119:11

Moving into Action: “But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.” James 1:22. “So also

faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.... I will show you my faith by my works.” James 2:17-18 emphasis

added. 6

What does it mean to fight?Fighting for faith is not willing ourselves to believe the Words of God, but softening or humbling our hearts for God to give

us revelation of truth (see Ephesians 1:15-21 ). We must believe and treasure this truth for salvation and for sanctification

(Ephesians 1:13, Romans 8).

Why is it necessary to fight for faith?We must fight because our flesh “wages war” against the things of the Spirit (see 1 Peter 2:11 and Romans 8:1-11).

What or who do we fight against?Fight against unbelief, or to put it positively, fight for faith. We do not fight against “flesh and blood” (see Ephesians 6:12).

How do we fight?To fight against faithlessness, we must first be given revelation to believe (Romans 1:16), to see the pleasures at His right

hand in the gospel of Jesus Christ (Psalm 16:11), for in this hope we were saved (Romans 8:22-24). God has given us

the whole Bible in which to know Him. Each verse is as deep as the Bible is long, so we can be secure in knowing there

is enough of Him to satisfy our longing souls. However, our flesh is against the things of the Spirit (See Romans 8:1-11),

so we are prone to forgetfulness and to wander away from truth. Fighting for faith is consistently, repeatedly, and

increasingly turning from evil (or repenting from evil) and opening our hearts to let His truth penetrate to the deepest


Why should we fight if it’s up to the Holy Spirit for revelation to increase

faith?The main issue is that God has made the Holy Spirit to glorify Himself in us (Colossians 1:27). We still fight, but only

because of the grace of God, so the fighting can never be credited us, yet never without our involvement. Revelation

spurs us to fight against our flesh. After beholding the beauty and glory of God, even in the smallest of amounts while still

in the flesh, this new “sight” is a change in desire, or a change in heart, against the things of the flesh. We fight because

we treasure the gift of God. We fight because fighting is a reaction to revelation. All who truly believe fight. (See 1 Timothy

6:12). Yet, since our hearts are still the battlefields for this great convincing, Paul answers the question by simply saying,

“...But by the grace of God I am what I am, and his grace toward me was not in vain. On the contrary, I worked harder

than any of them, though it was not I, but the grace of God that is with me.” 1 Corinthians 15:9-10.

Why do we fight for faith instead of fight for love, hope, kindness, etc?Faith fuels love, hope, kindness, etc. “The righteous will walk by faith.” (Romans 1:17). Until heaven, faith is our spiritual

eyes to see truth on this earth and to live a life that’s pleasing to God (2 Corinthians 5:7). When our lives are caught up

with Jesus when we die or He comes (whichever happens first), we won’t need faith anymore because we will see fully. In

1 Corinthians 13:13 it’s written, “...but the greatest of these [faith, hope, and love] is love.” This verse explains the fruits of 7

faith, which are inevitable if faith is genuine. Pursue love, but do so first with a true revelation of who God is - this faith will

make loving pure, perfect, and restful and will give God the glory instead of yourself.

Can this site hurt relational accountability, Christian fellowship, or grieve

the Holy Spirit in any way?We have done our best to make this application a scripture organizational tool, rather than an artificial intelligent

counselor. In no way is this application’s purpose to replace counsel, teaching, encouragement, and accountability from

other believers. Rather, its purpose is to help point counsel in the direction of truth specifically from the Word of God,

which the Spirit has revealed to us. Because this computer application is software and not a person with a soul, there is

always potential for error in interpretation of scripture, etc. That’s why using this tool should always be in conjunction with

and not a replacement for Christian relationship. Furthermore, there is also the potential to depend slightly on this

application to “think” or “seek” God for us. This is NOT the goal. Much of, if not all, the victory in fighting for faith is in the

seeking or fighting itself. This application is only a tool for seeking God in His Word and for spiritual training. For more

reflection on seeking the Lord, please see Psalm 9:10, Isaiah 55:6, Jeremiah 29:13, Daniel 9:3, Hosea 10:12, Matthew

6:33, Luke 11:9, and Hebrews 11:6.

The application’s purpose is centered around guiding and equipping the user to seek out relevant scripture himself or

herself, not to control the user’s experience with the Word through virtual (internet-based) reality. Because the Word of

God is living and active (Hebrews 4:12), He is powerful to speak within any scripture guide, even one only accessible on

a computer. The Word of God is not confined to the virtual world of the internet and computers, so the actual fight for

faith or seeking God for revelation in His Word is done in real life. 8


Board of DirectorsCharles Roach President & Board Chairman

Jacob Copetillo Treasurer & Board Member

Matt Wetmiller Secretary & Board Member

Board of Advisors7 unpaid positions to serve two-year terms voted in by majority of Board of Directors. Terms are renewable.

Leadership TeamMax 200 unpaid positions to serve one-year terms. Leadership will spearhead feedback for website and other Fight for

Faith developments. More information to come.

StaffPlease see timeline on next page for staff additions over the next 5 years.

Charles Roach Visionary Architect, Door Holder. This position will oversee and manage all staff, direction of organization, and business development.

Future Staff Year 0 Director of Relationships & Accountability. This position will manage relationships within the organization, between other organizations, and volunteers.

Future Staff Year 2 IT Manager.

Future Staff Year 1 Web Application Developer.

Future Staff Year 1 Interactive Designer.

Future Staff Year 1 Client Relations.

Future Staff Year 2 Client Relations.

Future Staff Year 3 Client Relations.

Future Staff Year 3 Office Manager.

Event VolunteersFuture Volunteers Year 3 After 2 years of fine tuning and building a solid user base, Fight for Faith will start to fund

promotions at events across the country. Event volunteers will be needed to help coordinate in each city. 9

Web Application BluePrint

Website Page Flow 10

Home Page


Step 2

“Emotion Qualifier”

Step 1

“Emotions List”



Read Write

Speak Sing Memorize

Study Connect Go

General Meditation

My Account Info

Most Meditated


Ebenezer Stones

(Private Journal)

Prayer Tracking


Create Free Account

Home PageThe Home Page will display a short explanation about the purpose of the application and two major entry points to the

site: 1) Search Circumstance, which helps the user pinpoint feelings and directs the user to relevant scripture given their

current emotions, and 2) Login, which allows current members to access personal information and meditations. 11

Home Page BetaThis page will allow visitors to populate the relevance engine while in web development. 12

Choose Emotions (Step 1)This is the landing page after typing in your circumstance from the Home Page. The Fight for Faith algorithm based on

mathematical equations, language logic, and a credible user base will display a list of emotions relevant to the

circumstance. The user will fine tune the choices (multiple choices are possible). 13

Emotion Qualifier (Step 2)Dependent on the choices from Step 1 (previous page), the user will adjust sliders to qualify how prevalent each emotion

is being felt concerning their circumstance. 14

Scripture Results PageThis page will show the scripture results to the search page and application’s recommendations from the “Fight Now”

section. 15

Scripture Meditation PagesRead, Write, Speak, Sing, Memorize, Study, Connect, Go

This page is the landing meditation area after the user chooses a scripture on the results page. Each user can choose

and customize their meditation layout for personalized time in the Word. Meditations can be divided into facets: read,

write, say, sing, memorize, study, and go. An in-depth explanation of each facet is explained in the FAQ section. The

“Was This Helpful?” scale will be one source of how the application recommends relevant scripture in the “Fight Now”

search results. Each meditation will also be logged for future review. Scripture context, word search, support scripture,

dictionaries, and original language thesauruses will also be available on this page. 16

Read Intentional Reading Plans and Methodology Write Writing Scripture in Unlimited Text Boxes

Speak Intentionally Verbalizing Scripture Sing Web Application to Write Songs 17

Memorize Disappearing Words Web Application Study Under Approval Review by

Connect Page Under Development Go Page Under Development 18

My Account - User InformationUser specific information will not be shared of sold. The purpose of having locational data is to provide administrative

feedback for geographical effectiveness. User data will also be backed up or exported from this location. 19

My Account - Most Helpful Verses / Verse HistoryThese verses are the ones which the user has meditated on the most or rated as most relevant in certain fights for faith.

Nomenclature in this section is pending research to make sure other Bible verses not included in this section aren’t

looked at as less important, because “All scripture is God-breathed and is useful...” (2 Timothy 3:16, emphasis added). 20

My Account - Faith Library (Online Journal)The concept of an “Ebenezer Stone” is taken from two chapters in the Old Testament, Joshua 4 and 1 Samuel 7. An

Ebenezer Stone is translated as a “stone of help” and is often used to help remind people of the great works of God. This

section of will be setup like a private blog or journal where users can write down for future

remembrance of how God has moved in their lives. In faith trying times, this section will help remind the user of God’s

faithfulness from the past and help convince that He can be trusted now and always. Each entry will have the option to

be made publicly visible, if desired, so other users can benefit as well. 21

My Account - My PrayersThe prayer log will help to organize the user’s prayer list. It will display those that are current and past prayers that were

answered. Each prayer will have a title and an area to write notes/details. Research in this area is also pending for greater

effectiveness. 22


Date Task

January 2010 - Vision and Direction Completed

- Wireframes Completed- Initial Investment Made

February 2010 - Board of Directors finalized

- Project Summary completed- Website Development Line Item and Quote Completed

- Incorporation Filed- Pro Forma and Budget Written and Adopted

- Non-profit 501(c)(3) Status Filed- Bylaws Written and Adopted

March - August 2010 - Logo and Identity Finished

- Research & Development

August - September 2010 - Research Revenue Sources

October - November 2010 - National Marketing Plan

December - August 2011 - Fund Raising- Build Board of Advisors & Leadership Team

July 2011 - Website Development- Start Building Preliminary Church/Parachurch Relationships

5 Year Timeline Please See Marketing Plan for 5 year timeline 23

Development Budget

Overview Start-up Costs for Fight for Faith Project**See Detailed Budget, Wireframes, and Exhibits for more details

Description Hours Unit Price Cost

Development Costs

Technical Production and Development 654 $100.00 $65,400.00

Fundraising Expense $0.00

Marketing Expense $12,600.00

General Office Expense $4,900.00

Other $1,000.00

SubtotalSubtotalSubtotal $83,900.00

2011 Operation Costs

Technical Production and Development $0.00

Fundraising Expense $6,650.00

Marketing Expense $5,500.00

General Office Expense $18,470.00

Other $3,000.00

SubtotalSubtotalSubtotal $33,620.00

Total Cost*Total Cost*Total Cost* $117,520.00

*Total Cost does not represent total amount being raised. Anticipated revenue from future will bring Fight for Faith to a

self-sustainable revenue model. However, to reach this point, a much higher amount needs to be raised to cover

expenses in the first 3.5 years. Please see Marketing Plan for Total Amount Needed. 24

Pro Forma

5 Year Anticipated BudgetPlease see following page for Pro Forma 25


Board of Directors Involvement and Biographies

Jacob Copetillo - Director of Visual Modes and Cadence

! Charles Roach first introduced me to the concept of Fight for Faith while in his home in Athens, GA. We spoke

about the idea for several hours, and as days turned to weeks, our initial conversation quickly turned into dreaming and

collaborating different aspects of what Fight For Faith could really become.  After much discussion, prayer and planning, I

knew I was meant to be a part of the endeavor and came on as Director of Visual Modes and Cadence. 

This position with Fight For Faith is two fold. First, I serve as a critical eye for the visual aesthetics of everything

we do for the project. I direct the decisions we make regarding the aesthetic of our website, creative marketing as well as

the visual development of the project's components. Secondly, I serve as a pace keeper for the project, making sure that

things are on track and that we are steady in production and vision. 

My desire in working with Fight For Faith is to see men and women, youth and the elderly, strive toward a clear

understanding of the character of Christ, living with a boldness that can only come from a heart that has experienced the

presence of God. I believe that Fight For Faith, if launched under the Spirit of the Lord, has the potential to equip and

network believers in ways most cannot even imagine.  

Before Fight For Faith, I attended school at the University of Georgia and graduated with a BFA in Painting and

Drawing. Since then, I have worked as a Private Studio Artist in Athens, GA and as a Visual Arts Instructor for Prince

Avenue Christian School. Here at Prince Avenue, I have established a full curriculum for a total of nine classes, and I

teach eight of them.  As a Private Studio Artist, I have worked as a Muralist, Draftsman, Sculptor and Designer for several

companies. I say all of this to speak boastfully in the work of God over my life and the works He is doing with Fight for

Faith, even now. I am excited to see what this project will become, and I cannot wait to see it all down the road as all of

this comes into fruition. 

Outside of this project, I enjoy making all the art I can, playing ultimate frisbee, watching the sun come up as I

hook a big trout in the river, and an ice cold coke! I am also a sunday school teacher at Watkinsville First Baptist Church,

and I am pursuing a Masters in Fine Arts at Virginia Commonwealth University School of the Arts. 26

Charles Roach - Visionary Architect, Door Holder

When the Ark of the Covenant containing the Glory of God was carried back to Jerusalem under King David’s

management, four men, Berechiah, Elkanah, Obed-Edom and Jehiah, were given the role of gate-keepers, or door

holders. They were in positions of service, preparing the literal way for God's glory to return to His people (1 Chronicles

15:23-24). Likewise, through the Fight for Faith vision, this is my desire: to push back any obstacle and hold wide any

door that would allow people not only to see, but also to taste for themselves the goodness and glory of God (Psalm


I believe that returning to what God has written long ago, quieting our hearts and trusting in Him in a restful way,

we will not only position ourselves to experience the pleasures at His right hand, but also become empowered to pro-

duce lives holy and pleasing to God.  This is fighting the good fight of faith in Christ as our superior pleasure (See Isaiah

30:15, Psalm 16:11, 1 Timothy 6).

My daily involvement with Fight for Faith includes quieting my heart to walk humbly with Him, prayerfully listen-

ing to the Lord’s voice for discernment and direction, and handling administrative tasks such as financial planning, fund-

raising, accounting, writing project summaries, and managing operations. I also direct technical processes such as web-

site application development, information architecture, graphic design, user interface functionality, and solution analysis. 

Before this project’s conception, I’ve directed or managed the maturation of multiple ideas into operational

status. Unison UGA, in the fall of 2004, was formed to spark Christian unity around Athens, GA. After a year of planning,

the organization hosted 3000 students in attendance on closed streets of downtown Athens, GA as well as the preach-

ing leadership of Louie Giglio (Director of Passion Conferences), Jared Herd, and Mark Richt (Head Football Coach for

the Georgia Bulldogs). After graduating from UGA with a BA in Real Estate, I worked on the front lines of a real estate

development company as the Acquisitions Coordinator reporting visionary analysis directly to the CEO. Afterwards, I led

the development of two start-up companies, ( and Chip Chuck Design


Outside of the project, I enjoy ultimate frisbee and mountain biking (especially with Jacob and Matt), traveling to

the mountains to ski, and spending time with close friends and family. Other activities include involvement with Watkins-

ville First Baptist Church and pursuing an MBA at the University of Georgia Terry College of Business. 27

Matt Wetmiller - Director of Relationships and Accountability

My role as a board member for Fight for Faith is to give insight, wisdom, and encouragement to all involved so

that the vision can be an effective and lasting gift for the Church. Specifically, I pray about decisions and ideas that come

up, hold Charles and Jacob accountable, and help to guide the vision so that the Church can understand it as a whole.

The Lord has my heart in a place of seeking Him to become a more passionate follower of Christ. Like David's

passion from Psalm 27, I have been desiring to know God deeper and have been looking, from time to time, for creative

ways to study His Word. Through Fight for Faith, I believe that I, as well as other people, will become closer to the

Lord by memorizing His Word through many creative and Spirit-filled ways.

I live in Athens, GA, but my time is mostly spent working as a manager for Great Estates Landscaping in Madi-

son, GA. Away from work, I enjoy mountain biking, frisbee, trout fishing, hunting, and like Jacob, always enjoy an ice cold

coke. I’m also a middle school boys small group leader at Watkinsville First Baptist Church and in 2006, I graduated from

UGA with a BS in Landscape and Grounds Management. 28

Contact Information

Donations and/or PledgesFight for Faith, Inc. is a non-profit 501(c)(3) company operating out of Athens, GA. Donations are tax-deductible using the

EIN 27-2075485. To track current progress of donations received, development costs, and yearly expenses, please see

Please make checks out to “Fight for Faith” and mail to the following address:

Fight for Faith

185 Horseshoe Circle

Athens, GA 30605

Newsletters and InvolvementPlease visit and click on the newsletter link for more information. Add your e-mail address and

check the area of service you want to hear more about.

Board of Directors ContactTo contact one or more of the Board of Directors for Fight for Faith, Inc., please see the following:

Charles Roach Jacob Copetillo Matt Wetmiller

Visionary Architect, Door Holder Director of Visual Modes and Cadence Director of Relationships

Board President Board Treasurer and Accountability

706-207-7416 [email protected] [email protected]

[email protected] 29